Grunge style in clothes for children. Male images in grunge style

Grunge style is a truly daring rebellion against traditional beauty and glamour! The grunge ideology is based on different ideas, including the supremacy of the spiritual over the material, and the attitude to fashionable clothes as something not too serious. Therefore, the history of grunge style is the story of how the protest against fashion turned into fashion.

People are subject to many rules and conventions. If you go to the university or to the office, then be sure to wear a strict dress or business attire, and if you go to a club, then in a bright and shiny one. Now it seems natural to us, but in any case, this opinion is based on conventions and restrictions.

Violation of stylish etiquette is perceived as a provocation and a challenge to society. A person who violates the rules of style clearly demonstrates his indifference to the norms of society and the opinions of others. Although in reality there are almost no people who are indifferent to the opinions of others.

In reality, the grunge style is intended to show not indifference to the opinions of others, but only indifference to norms and rules. The followers of this style are still guided by pride and selfishness, they simply consider themselves above the average people, and therefore have the right to violate the generally accepted standards of style and beauty.

In addition, followers of the grunge style love to attract attention and shock the public.

History of grunge style

At the end of the 20th century, the authority of France in matters of fashion was shaken, a new style was born - grunge (grunge - unpleasant, repulsive, untidy). Conscious neglect of your wardrobe has become mainstream. And if initially they laughed at the Americans and their manners in Europe, then they began to take them seriously.

Especially when a lot of young people dressed in jeans, began to drink cola and chew gum. Young people wanted to look independent and free. She was tired of the bright masquerade of colors and disco. People wanted to stand out from the crowd by singing along to their inspiration - Kurt Cobain and imitating him.

It was the founder of the Nirvana group that made a great contribution to the promotion of the grunge style to the masses. And he did it unconsciously. It seemed that Kurt Cobain went on stage in whatever first came to hand. Looking at the leader of Nirvana, many other people began to promote the grunge style.

The grunge style came to the world of real fashion in the early 1990s thanks to the collection of an American designer. The brand was very interested in the clothing style of today's youth and the marginalized sections of society.

Fashion brands did not immediately believe in the promise of this ragged style. For a while, no serious designer took on grunge looks, but when people began to shop second-hand to create such looks, many designers rethought the meaning of grunge.

Holes, scuffs, scratched shoes, oversized shirts are the hallmarks of the grunge style, which now completely does not leave fashion. Probably the most popular element of the grunge style was scuffs, cuts and holes on jeans. For many years, ripped jeans can be seen in the collections of the cold and warm seasons.

Grunge style today

Now we can say with confidence that the original meaning of the grunge style has long been lost. Fighters with rules and standards could not defeat fashion. There is nothing surprising in this, any reasonable person knows that it is impossible to defeat the fashion and beauty industry, it will always adapt to the desires of people and create such clothes and accessories that will be in demand.

The most striking example of the futility of fighting the system is Ernesto Che Guevara, he fought the capitalists all his life and was killed. After his death, enterprising capitalists made an image out of him, which they began to print on T-shirts and other products in order to sell to other dreamers and earn real money from their unrealistic dreams.

Now worn out at first glance outfits, as if from a grandmother's chest, are made of quality materials, cost a lot of money and may not be affordable for most consumers.

Grunge has become part of fashion and its elements can be seen in the collections of many brands. Even such fashion houses as Chanel, Givenchy, Saint Laurent use elements of this style in their looks.

Therefore, today you can choose a dress and other grunge-style outfits that are suitable even for the red carpet. Therefore, we can say that the ideology of style has completely disappeared. Modern grunge is combined with luxury and perfectly coexists with those ideas that it was originally supposed to fight against.

Basic rules and grunge style elements

1. The main idea of ​​the style is convenience, relaxation, ease of movement. People should judge you by your deeds, not by your looks.

2. The effect of worn or faded, aged things. At the same time, dresses, skirts, jeans should only look worn out, but be new! If you just took the old thing, now it's not grunge!

3. Frayed jeans. Ripped jeans are not only related to the grunge style, but also to the punk subculture. Although modern ones, for all their beggarly appearance, are sewn from high-quality fabrics with expensive fittings.

4. Pulled sweaters, wrinkled shirts, baggy sweaters.

5. Vest with a classic stripe.

6. Flannel shirts can be called the basis of grunge style for both women and men. They can be worn in different ways - buttoned, unbuttoned and even tied around the waist.

A plaid shirt with a vest or tank top, a leather skirt and ripped tights is a look inspired by the rebellious grunge look.

7. Backpack

8. Minor defects in clothing and accessories. These can be pellets, puffs, frayed edges, or a dropped rivet. The main thing do not forget, these defects must be created artificially!

9. A hat resembling a gnome's hat.

10. Large volume. Wear things as if from someone else's shoulder, but do not forget the rule - the volume at the top should be balanced at the bottom. A real grunge princess of the early 1990s would wear a long skirt, possibly spooled, and heavy boots borrowed from the military style.

11. Boots and other footwear in grunge style. Shoes should be voluminous, heavy massive boots, such as Camelot or Dr. Martens. The famous Chuck Taylor sneakers from Converse, as well as military-style boots, will fit into the grunge style.

12. Buy clothes in dark colors and muted shades. Bright and cheerful colors do not fit well with the grunge style. The following colors are popular among fans of this style - black, gray, dark green, brown, blue and white. The representative of grunge will not put on things of acid and neon colors!

Grunge hairstyles and makeup

Many girls use dry shampoo to keep their hair from looking shiny. Make a light pile. Hairstyle should not look like you just left the hairdresser. Unwashed and tangled hair looks like this thanks to varnishes and gels.

The classic grunge hairstyle is a ponytail or just loose hair.

Grunge makeup- this is a dark eyeliner, bright mascara and lipstick (preferably a plum shade) or vice versa - makeup close to natural. To achieve the best effect, focus on the eyes.

The grunge style has failed to some extent, because its spiritual and intellectual meaning has long been lost. Modern grunge has become one of the cogs, but even now it is useful. This style teaches people not to be afraid of judgment for a simple blue dress and other such things.

grunge(grunge) - American slang for something untidy, repulsive, dirty, for example, grunge work - menial work.

grunge style- this is an example of how the protest against fashion has become one of the brightest fashion trends, which has not lost its relevance for more than a dozen years. Constantly transforming, in each new time period, grunge goes through its new life stage, consonant with the modern context.

Grunge is from the USA. This is a style that was given life by the youth subculture that emerged in the 1990s. The younger generation loves to rebel. Sometimes, as a result of such protests, new forms, images, ideas are born. Bold grunge style ridiculed the love of luxury, pathos, bourgeoisness and sang the culture or rather the anti-culture of street teenagers.

But first there was music that appeared in American Seattle. The founders of the musical direction were American alternative rock bands, many of which began to demonstrate a new musical style as early as the 1980s. Grunge music was characterized by a "dirty" guitar sound, the term grunge was addressed specifically to the style of the game, with an abundance of specific musical effects, contrasting dynamics of alternating loud and soft sounds, gloomy texts on the theme of alienation, loneliness and apathy.

Outstanding representatives of music in grunge style were American rock bands such as Melvins, Soundgarden, Malfunkshun, Skin Yard, Dinosaur, Green River, Mudhoney, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Nirvana”, and many others. The soloist of “Nirvana” (“Nirvana”) Kurt Cobain in the early 1990s became, according to journalists and music critics, not just a musician, but “the voice of a generation”.

Compared to other areas of rock music in the 1980s, the grunge aesthetic was emphatically democratic, rejecting the ostentatious stylistic orgy of the decade. The musicians appeared in public in ordinary clothes, often wrinkled and worn, they avoided stage theatrics, demonstrating their focus on their own life-musical worldview.

Both the musicians themselves and their followers wore cheap second-hand clothes, especially flannel shirts, ripped jeans, oversized items, stretched sweaters and T-shirts.

grunge musicians did not set themselves the task of becoming the creators of a special fashion. A certain appearance was an organic part of their existence. Music journalist Charles R. Cross said of the legendary Kurt Cobain, "He was too lazy to use shampoo," emphasizing that a certain look was not a fashion, but a lifestyle.

The new musical direction was becoming more and more widespread, becoming massive. The Nirvana group literally blew up the youth audience with their album Nevermind, released in 1991, and grunge music became the property of a multi-million audience, and Kurt Cobain, a kind of style icon. The texts of his songs about the hopelessness of provincial life, human stupidity, the cruelty of the surrounding world served as life mottos for young people.

As a musical direction, grunge did not last long, in 1994 Kurt Cobain passed away, after which one of the musicians canceled their performances, someone changed their creative style. By the end of the 1990s, grunge music faded away, but the fashion it gave birth to remained eternal.

Admirers of the new style appeared outside the United States. grunge style appealed to young people all over the world. In many ways, the rebellious style had points of contact with the paraphernalia of hippies and punks. Grunge adherents wore long hair, stretched sweaters, ripped jeans, second-hand clothes, rough boots, army shoes, or orthopedic slippers from the German company Birkenstocks, long baggy skirts, torn tights, black leather motorcycle jackets, sheepskin coats, earflaps, famous as well as Russian caps, small knitted caps, sport style corduroy jackets, fingerless gloves, etc.

To this were added - careless haircuts, with the effect of tangled, unwashed hair, torn dresses and shirts, faded T-shirts, wrinkled trousers, loose cut, large metal jewelry, jackets made of wrinkled, cracked skin, or coarse fabrics of "gloomy" colors. All clothes had to look washed and worn. The style was soon noticed by the fashion industry and began to make its way onto the pages of glossy magazines, touted as "marginal chic". On the catwalks appeared the image of a beggar or a tramp in strange, as if accidentally assembled, worn clothes with a defiantly sloppy hairstyle.

American designer Marc Jacobs, who in the early 1990s pioneered grunge in high fashion, he was very fond of visiting New York nightclubs, where he enthusiastically studied the style of modern youth and various marginal characters. During the day, he could watch for hours what passers-by were wearing and discussed his observations with interest with friends. After the death of the legendary American fashion designer Perry Ellis in 1988, Marc Jacobs was invited to take the place of creative director of the Perry Ellis women's line.

Jacobs is famous for his collection of women's clothing. in grunge style, made by him for Perry Ellis in 1992 and became a real fashion explosion. After that, the designer was asked to leave the Perry Ellis company and since 1993 he began to produce clothes under the Marc Jacobs brand.

The infamous 1992 collection consisted of orphanage-like flowered sundresses paired with heavy boots, stretchy shapeless sweaters with holes, baggy plaid jackets, flannel shirts, and a host of intricate patterns assembled into bizarre sets that didn't match between yourself in the usual sense. It all looked like it was bought in a second-hand store. Fashion critics commented on what they saw as: "The style of homeless people from Harlem who dressed up for a trip to Manhattan."

Such reviews for the fashion designer sounded like a compliment. Thanks to his protest against high fashion stereotypes, Marc Jacobs has become one of the leading designers in the US and Europe. Fashion magazines were filled with "marginal chic" headlines and photos of models wearing in grunge style, which showed off torn tights and worn-out clothes. Jacobs won by taking pride of place as one of the world's most influential designers.

Later, many designers began to experiment with grunge. Of course, the fashion runways greatly transformed the ideas of the musical rebels of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Style lives, develops, changes and remains in demand.

The main signs grunge style are too big or too small, cropped sweaters, torn and expertly washed jeans, jagged edges, raw seams and hemlines, asymmetry and deformation of the details of clothing, knitwear with loose loops, mixing seemingly incompatible fabrics, such as jeans and lace, or chiffon, organza and coarse knitwear. There were many fans of the grunge style among world celebrities. grunge- this is an unusual way of wearing things, for example, a small romantic flowered dress is worn with a denim jacket and bulky boots, or “cossacks. The layering technique is typical for grunge - a skirt worn over trousers, and several thin jumpers, one on top of the other, a T-shirt, jumper and jacket of different lengths, peeking out from under each other. A black sheath dress can be combined with a shapeless coarse-knit cardigan and heavy shoes. A rough jacket and combat boots can be worn with a light dress or chiffon skirt, and a shabby men's T-shirt with a puffy skirt.

A similar trend in fashion can be classified as "anti-glamor". Demonstrative contempt for one's appearance, deliberate laxity - all this is notorious grunge style.

grunge style

The term grunge, literally translated from English, means dirt. Initially, he appeared in alternative rock in the mid-eighties of the last century. In music, he is distinguished by a “dirty” guitar sound, an abundance of distortion, contrasting dynamics, and gloomy lyrics. Moreover, the ostentatious "dirt" was also manifested in the aesthetics of grunge. The appearance of the musicians was emphasized "democratic" and "artless", they went out to the public in simple, often wrinkled or worn clothes, avoided stage costumes, theatricality.

Following the example of idols, their fans began to dress up in "unpleasant, disgusting" clothes. Some socially active girls and boys used this method to express their own protest against the foundations of modern society. With all their appearance demonstrating contempt for generally accepted rules and norms, young people expressed themselves with the help of shabby, faded, torn clothes. From a distance, a person dressed in such rags can be mistaken for a poor man, a vagabond who put on cast-offs given by others. But this is not so: grunge is distinguished by a very high quality of clothing.

If grungers used to wear really worn old things, today you can increasingly find artful stylization.

This style is still the prerogative of youth. But by Western standards, youth includes people as young as 30 and sometimes even older. Therefore, this seemingly careless clothing is suitable for everyone who wants to distinguish themselves, stand out from the patterns and stamps of the fashion industry, protest against the consumer society imposed by dress codes. If a person wants to show his inner world through clothes, then this trend in fashion is exactly what he needs. Shakira, Johnny Depp, the Olsen sisters, Taylor Momsen and many other representatives of the world of stars could not ignore this daring style of clothing.

Cara Delevingne is a famous fan of grunge and rock styles.

Kristen Stewart also decided to bring a little casualness to her everyday outfit

Jeans, sweaters and jackets are considered the most typical wardrobe items for this trend. All this should be worn, torn, with holes, but not from moths, but in the form of loose loops. This list would be incomplete without faded print t-shirts and faded shirts. Moreover, holes and arrows should be everywhere: on tights, T-shirts, sweaters.

And in grunge there should be a lot of protruding threads and any other manifestations of negligence. It is important to consider the main rule: although all clothes have a "beggarly" look, they must be of high quality. Usually these are outfits of youth brands, but there are also second-hand finds or items from the collections of fashion designers. And by no means is it a waste. So, if grunge-style boots are chosen, then they must be made of genuine leather, deliberately brutal, comfortable, although in appearance they will seem massive and terribly uncomfortable.

“Terrible on the face, kind inside” 🙂

These boots are very comfortable and can be worn for years.

Soldier-type berets with thick soles, loose boots, shoes scattered in different directions with untied laces - you won’t look without tears! But in fact, it is very easy to walk in them even for the longest distances, it is comfortable for the feet and it is not hot even in the tropics. Whatever you say, it gives its quality!

This style does not oblige its supporters to dress from head to toe in grunge-themed things. It can be perfectly combined with other styles of clothing, such as vintage outfits, military or casual clothing. When building an image, it is important to remember that grunge outfits oppose glamorous and luxurious clothes, so mixing such fundamentally different things is absolutely wrong.

Another distinctive feature of this fashion trend is the layering of clothing. In it, you can wear a turtleneck over a T-shirt and vice versa, and on top you can also fit a shirt, sweater and even a scarf. In this way, you can build a grunge classic look. Will complement it shabby grunge jeans and worn sneakers or sneakers. A multi-layered skirt, a dress with a complex baggy cut will allow you to embody a more sophisticated version, declaring your challenge to the general dullness and sameness.

Like any protest direction, grunge cannot obey clear laws. Its main rule is the absence of any restrictions. Therefore, within the style there is a clear inclination towards eclecticism. Since people who choose grunge despise any fashion trends, they are allowed to mix incongruous. At the same time, they feel and look just fine.

By the way, the main criterion for choosing such clothes is its quality and convenience. Grunge fans will never put their comfort below the beauty of the outfit. They never strain in choosing clothes for today. A distinctive feature of the grunge image is relaxation. Both shoes and accessories in this style should defiantly indicate that its supporter is relaxing and would not care about outsiders' opinions. He is alien to any sequins and rhinestones, as well as other attributes of glamour.

Do not confuse the grunge style with. The only thing that unites them is protest and a choice in favor of comfort. They use clothes to communicate their principles and beliefs to the world. differ in that they allow real cheapness and wretchedness. But grunge clothes, although bought in a second-hand store, are always of high quality, and not cheap or eco-friendly.

Examples of modern grunge outfits

To match this style, you need to search the Internet for photos of the most popular grungers, which primarily include Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain, William Duvall and other rock idols. Then you need to pick up a stylish wardrobe, either in the most expensive boutique selling grunge clothes, or in a second-hand store.

Clothes that look cheap in muted dark shades should be of very high quality, which means that they are initially expensive. If the jeans are not too dead, you can rip them without remorse. And the worn and faded look will only add color to them. This is an important attribute of this style. But ripped jeans from a glamor store will look fake, so it's best to add credibility to them by tearing them yourself. Another symbol of grunge is T-shirts with the names of bands: PAW, Pearl Jam, Nirvana. You will have to dress in layers. Clothing in several layers is also a demonstration of the desire for one's own comfort and a disregard for the opinions of others. You can wear a large shirt, for example, a flannel shirt, a sweater over a long-sleeved T-shirt, and so on. Each item of the image should seem to stand out from it, not combined with other outfits.

Grunge girls are not afraid of arrows on pantyhose 🙂

To create the perfect look, you can go to a second-hand or vintage clothing store

This style often combines seemingly incongruous things.

Pay attention to the clothes of girls - they are absolutely not cheap

From shoes you can choose army boots. Grangers wear them even in summer, sometimes replacing them with sneakers. Perfectly worn to the limit Converse sneakers. Such an artifact can be picked up in a second-hand shop or at a flea market.

You can also take the risk of putting stockings in holes. Of course, there will be no heat from them, but it is in leaky stockings that any girl becomes an icon of this style, listening to grunge music. They can be worn with a black dress and old boots. You also need to remember that grungers never wear flashy hats. But hats suit them, however, they avoid bright colors, and even more so - neon and pink. So, it remains to complement the outfit with a knitted hat, if you like it. Otherwise, you can take a faded old bandana and tie it around your head, neck, or wherever.

And the last condition - grungers do not allow themselves too many flashy decorations. A beautiful leather bracelet is perfect. Pierced ears can be worn with simple-looking, non-shiny earrings. And since grungers don't dress to impress, tunnel earrings can also be worn.

Since girls often become supporters of grunge, they will definitely need cosmetics. To make grunge-style makeup, just smear red lipstick on your lips - and the image will be complete. Some grunge aficionados like to wear bright red or maroon shades of lipstick. You can make bold eyeliner around the eyes, and the color of the eyeliner and mascara should definitely be black. After that, the shadows and eyeliner should be lightly smeared with your finger, creating the effect of flowing cosmetics. The view should turn out as if the girl had been at a rock band concert all night, jumping around the stage, rushing into the crowd of informal fans. Although, in principle, many supporters of grunge do not apply makeup at all, in extreme cases they stick to dark tones.

Grunge girls either don't wear makeup at all, or choose dark tones in makeup.

The image is carefully thought out, although it seems careless in appearance


Of course, in creating an image you can’t do without grunge hairstyles. To create it, firstly, the girl must grow long hair. After that, they need to be given a lifeless and dirty look. No need to look for any intricate hairstyle options. Most grungers wear their long hair simply loose, tangled, slightly greasy. But that doesn't mean grungers don't actually care too much about their body hygiene. They simply skillfully create an image that matches the word grunge.

No hairstyle is also a hairstyle 🙂

So, in grunge style:

  • hair should grow and style in the way they want;
  • no need to cut your long hair. Confirmation of the conformity of this approach to hair can be found at a concert of any rock band;
  • you can dye your hair. Some grungers like to bleach them. Often they dye their hair in the craziest colors or become completely scorched blondes. And when their hair grows back, grungers are in no hurry to tint their roots. Hair dyed in this way is a hallmark of grunge supporters;
  • you can try to paint with Kool Aid, which will save money;
  • you need to be prepared for aggression and misunderstanding on the part of onlookers regarding the appearance and condition of the hair. But style is style!

Grunge girls like to dye their hair in incomprehensible and bright colors, often mixing the colors themselves.

But in addition to strict conditions regarding such hairstyles, they appeared in fashion. It's more of an imitation of grunge than it is. This type of haircuts and styling goes well with any kind of activity. Confessing any lifestyle, you can easily adapt a grunge hairstyle for an evening outfit, or you can make it a casual or business version. The peculiarity of this styling is the constant care of her, the need to maintain it within the bounds of decency, so as not to turn from a dude into a too sloppy girl.

To make a stylized hairstyle, grunge hair:

  • must reach at least to the shoulder;
  • a similar hairstyle can be used to highlight the features of your face as desired. Styling must be modeled in such a way as to visually mask or correct the nuances of the lines and shape of the face, while highlighting the advantages;
  • the image of a woman with a grunge hairstyle should turn out to be disheveled. You can stop on a low collected tail; "pike tail", a highly collected tail, twisted into a tourniquet;
  • in imitation of a grunge hairstyle, you can stop at a fashionable, neat haircut, preferably a natural hair color with a wavy structure;
  • for short hair (up to the shoulder), not tight pigtails such as a spikelet, a “waterfall”, a French braid are suitable. Part of the strands, at the discretion of the client, can be slightly pulled out of the weave, giving the hairstyle a slightly disheveled look;
  • grunge-style bob for any length and texture of hair should be careless, with randomly curly strands. Even the shortest hair can be combed and sprinkled with varnish. It’s good if the hairdresser makes the base of the hairstyle asymmetrical;
  • hairstyle in this style needs a specific refinement. Hair sticking out anyhow, you can not style at all;
  • the classic version of the grunge hairstyle is loose, slightly tangled hair, as well as a careless, loosely gathered ponytail with broken strands.

As you can see, no "dirt" - only style. And image, as they say, is everything!


The very word "grunge" in translation from English means "unpleasant", "nasty". This style was invented by rock musicians from the city of Seattle, it was widely spread among urban youth in the 90s. The essence of grunge is the combination of the incongruous. Teenagers, young girls and boys began to wear dark clothes in indistinct colors, giving the impression of old and worn.

It is interesting that a girl from a wealthy family, dressed up, for example, in a light dress, a worn khaki jacket and heavy lace-up boots, looked like a beggar. The purpose of this style is to cause rejection, shock, shock others. Grunge was created as a kind of subculture designed to challenge established cultural norms.

Grunge is the opposite of classic and glamorous style.

Do you want to dress up in grunge style? Today it is very fashionable, stylish and speaks of good taste. Brash and outrageous grunge style becomes the hottest trend autumn 2013.

We have selected some simple stylist tips to follow the grunge style:

1. The main rule that you must remember: things should by no means be cheap, but only seem so! In fact, each item must be of high quality, the effect of wear is given to it artificially.

2. Clothes that look like they were bought many years ago, and now, due to old age and washing, have a worn, faded look, are perfect. Choose sweaters and sweaters with extended sleeves, T-shirts and shirts should have faded prints and inscriptions, jeans should have scuffs and holes.

3. Feel free to combine things in your costume that look unusual and even somewhat wild together. A light dress with heavy combat boots, a wide light skirt and trousers underneath, a leather miniskirt and a camouflage sweatshirt... If you add modern accessories to this (except for the "glamorous" sequins and rhinestones), you will look really stylish .

4. When choosing colors, choose dark ones. Black, brown, gray, dark blue, brown ... True, a combination of black and white or black and red is allowed - for example, a faded checkered shirt.

5. Try on a stretched T-shirt that you can wear on top of a) ripped denim overalls; b) a flannel shirt, c) a T-shirt. Get a few of these t-shirts, add faded and holey jeans in different colors and different lengths to them, and you will have a whole wardrobe in grunge style.

6. Coarse knit sweaters, stretched and with dropped loops, must be present. And don't forget the torn black tights that look so impressive with a floral print dress.

7. As shoes, choose berets, work boots, sneakers and high lace-up rough boots.

8. Don't forget about accessories - a lot of wooden, leather and bone bracelets, braided "baubles", lace necklaces.

9. Very important for creating the image of a mop of tangled hair. Agree, dressed up in a flaw, it’s silly to do styling! It is fashionable to leave the natural hair color or dye it in some scandalous color.

10. Finally, makeup and manicure. Bright red or burgundy lips and nails, a pale face - that's it! It's a mix of punk and hippie.

Let's repeat the main rule once again: all clothes, despite their nightmarish appearance, are bought in expensive boutiques, sometimes even made by famous designers.

If you like grunge but don't dare to dress like this from head to toe, choose an alternative. You can add one or two grunge items to your military, vintage or casual look.

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"Wishing to be someone else is the loss of oneself."

Kurt Cobain

Rebellion and protest, the desire to destroy stereotypes and break the usual foundations, the denial of norms and rules - the grunge subculture arose in opposition to everything verified and correct, in defiance of conformism. Representatives of the musical movement grunge, which arose in the 90s of last year in Seattle (USA), showed complete indifference to the opinions of others, and emphasized it, including through the manner of dressing. Decades later, grunge in clothing continues to be associated with protest - but today it is more of a protest against the dominance of glamor in the fashion world.

Grunge originally emerged as a musical direction, its main representatives - the underground bands Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in chains, Soundgarden preached a special style of worldview and behavior - bold and at the same time depressing, aggressive and reckless. Kurt Cobain, the frontman of Nirvana and the main ideologist of marginal chic, can undoubtedly be called the founder of the grunge style in clothes - his checkered flannel shirts and ripped jeans, stretched sweaters and worn sneakers have become the most iconic items of the grunge wardrobe.

Cobain's talent and charisma brought him worldwide fame, the army of fans of his music copied his marginal style, making him a street fashion trend. Freedom of expression, freedom from conventions - this is the grunge style in clothes.
The bridge from streetwear to haute couture for grunge was laid by Marc Jacobs, a master of provocation and unorthodox aesthetics. His 1993 collection was a bombshell - models dressed, according to some critics, as orphans or homeless people from Brooklyn; clothes, as if from someone else's shoulder; accessories, as if purchased in a second-hand store, left no one indifferent. Despite conflicting reviews, it was with this collection that the real era of grunge in fashion began, which lasted almost a decade.

Grunge today is a rebellion against glamour.

Today, the grunge style in clothing has ceased to be a hallmark of a certain subculture - rather, it is chosen by those who want to express themselves and stand out from the crowd, who are tired of the excessive sweetness of glamor. It would be more correct to call this trend neo-grunge: carelessness and worn clothes are no longer real, but skillfully created by designers, fabrics are expensive and of high quality. Its characteristic features can be considered:

Iconic grunge wardrobe items:

Sequins, rhinestones, floral patterns, animal prints, stilettos, bright cheerful colors are strictly unacceptable. It is worth noting that all items are easily combined with each other, creating the necessary layering.

Hair and makeup

However, the image will not be complete without a certain make-up and grunge hairstyle: classic styling and make-up will be out of place here.

Grunge hairstyles are, first of all, straight loose hair with no visible styling marks, as well as a sloppy bun or ponytail. Designers use dry shampoos and matte powders to create the illusion of unkempt hair on grunge-styled models. Grunge makeup is either its complete absence (which, however, can be masterfully imitated), emphasizing the paleness of the skin, or deliberately careless black smokey eyes, or dark (purple, wine, burgundy or even black) lipstick as the only accent on the face .

Marginal chic: a few rebellious looks

Combining basic grunge-style clothing with the right accessories, you can create many non-trivial sets:

Grunge is definitely not for everyone - it takes a certain amount of courage to challenge stereotypes. Forget at least for a while about fashion laws and do not be afraid to show individuality, because the main thing in grunge clothes is the person who wears it.