Oriental secrets: self-care recipes from Arab beauties. Turmeric, rose water, kefir and other beauty secrets of Arab women

Beauty secrets Arab women

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the Arab countries hide their faces and bodies from prying eyes, real legends are made up of their fabulous beauty. These discreet and mysterious women with luxurious dark hair, velvet skin and bottomless eyes carefully keep their beauty secrets, passing them on from generation to generation.

Like this modest women can you look so luxurious? What secret knowledge do they have? Despite all the mystery, we still learned some recipes for the beauty of Arab women.

Hair care

The secret of thick and shiny hair Arab beauties - in careful care using only natural ingredients. Before washing their hair, oriental beauties treat their scalp with kefir or sour milk. Dairy products quickly restore the structure of the hair, making it smooth and shiny. Do you want to try? Then you have to cook kefir yourself - no industrial analogue useful properties does not carry in itself.

Hair dyes

Arab women do not recognize modern dyes: like a hundred years ago, oriental beauties prefer natural henna. Fortunately, the leaves of lavsonia (it is from them that henna is prepared) grow in abundance in Eastern countries. And if you add basma to henna (one more natural dye) - the hair color will become rich black. By the way, colorless henna Perfect as a strengthening hair mask.

Black eyes

Eyes are the only "weapon" available to an Arab woman, because the beauty hides all other parts of the body under national clothes- abaya. The famous oriental arrows of the girl are drawn with the help of antimony. In addition to its decorative properties, antimony perfectly strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes and makes the hair color brighter. Today, antimony is produced by many cosmetic brands both in the form of an eyeliner and in a natural powder.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

In the East, thick, almost fused eyebrows and infinitely long fluffy eyelashes are considered the standard of beauty. Therefore, since childhood, all Arab girls have been actively using natural usma oil to stimulate the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, which can wake up even “sleeping” bulbs. We tested the product on ourselves: after a month of application, the eyelashes become longer and the eyebrows thicker.

Facial care

To cleanse the skin of the face, oriental beauties use natural tonic - rose water. It can also replace micellar water. The tool has a calming effect, relieves inflammation and redness of the skin.

While European girls strive for a golden tan at any time of the year, Eastern beauties, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin. For this they use natural bleachcitric acid. Do you want fresh and radiant

skin - wipe your face with lemon juice. And another beauty trick from Oriental beauties: The soft side of the lemon peel can be a great scrub.

As you probably already guessed, Arab girls also prefer natural face masks. The most popular ingredient in homemade masks is turmeric. Making such a mask yourself is easy and simple: mix 2 tbsp. flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tbsp. rose water and the same amount of milk. Apply the resulting slurry on the face, hold for 20 minutes and rinse warm water.

Body care

What is oriental culture without a hammam! Wet baths (they are also Turkish baths) are very healthy, and therefore oriental beauties do not deny themselves the pleasure of taking a steam bath in the hammam. Thanks to this, all excess is removed from the body through the pores. mud and skin becomes smooth and velvety. In addition, oriental beauties always take natural body scrubs with them to the bath.

The most popular recipe is coffee grounds scrub. You can use pure coffee grounds or mix it with shower gel. You will see, already after the first procedure your skin will become soft and perfectly smooth.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

- masks, scrubs and compresses from natural products, which are available to Russian women. Detailed Recipes miraculous remedies are time-tested, and the result is appreciated by millions of men!

Arabic recipes for facial beauty

Clay and Turmeric Mask: 2 tbsp clay (can be purchased at any cosmetics store or pharmacy) + 1/4 tsp. turmeric. Mix clay and turmeric, adding no more than 1 tbsp to the mixture. water and a couple of drops lavender oil. The mixture should be thick so that it does not drip off the face during application. The mask is kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes, washed off first with warm enough, and then with cool water.

Apricot milk mask: mash two apricots without skin, and mix the resulting slurry with 2 tbsp. sour milk. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes. Washes off with warm water. This good recipe for normal/combination skin.

Persimmon and cottage cheese: 1 tbsp cottage cheese + 1 tbsp. fatty yogurt, mix and add persimmon pulp. Add enough persimmons so that after mixing you get a dense, thick mixture. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes. Sensitive skin especially happy with this mask!

To cleanse the face: 1 tsp turmeric + 1 tsp liquid honey. The duration of the mask is about 15 minutes.

Mask of tangerines: chop the tangerine peel and mix it with 1 tsp. fat sour cream and 1 yolk. Keep 15 or 20 minutes. You can also make a compress from tangerine juice. To do this, you need gauze or a wide medical bandage, which should be soaked in juice. Putting on the face, leave the mask for 20-30 minutes.

All masks are applied with light movements, without rubbing into the skin of the face, and also avoiding areas around the eyes.

Arab secrets of a beautiful body

Rice coffee scrub: coffee grains and rice cereal are ground (a coffee grinder is suitable for this) in equal quantities - half a glass of each product. The resulting granules of the future scrub are "refueled" with kefir. You can also pamper your face with this scrub.

Olive oil favored by women in many countries. Arab beauties are no exception. According to their rules, oil should be applied to the body, lightly massaging especially dry or rough areas. Give the skin time to absorb the oil - about 10-15 minutes. After - take a traditional bath.

Rose bath: 500 g of olive oil pour 400 g of rose petals. Do this in a container with a lid, as the mixture must be infused for a week before direct use! The finished infusion is filtered and added to the water with each bath, 3 tbsp.

To cleanse and fight cellulite: ground coffee (you can take the thick remaining in the coffee pot, but it is more efficient to use coffee without heat treatment) + sea ​​salt+ cinnamon + turmeric + olive oil (1 tbsp is enough).

Arab beauties saw especially valuable properties persimmons , so this product is often present in their recipes for youth and body health.

For example, popular decoction of persimmon leaves: 1 tsp dried persimmon leaves are brewed with 2 liters of boiling water. 10 minutes - the broth is ready! Add honey to taste and enjoy, drinking one cup in small sips. And for the body, you should use this infusion of dried leaves: for 1 liter of boiling water - 1 cup of leaves, leave for 5-10 minutes. The finished infusion is added to the bath, which is taken from 20 to 30 minutes. The main thing is that after taking a bath, do not rinse with plain water, but immediately pat your skin dry with a towel.

Arabic hair beauty

Against oily sheen: 1 tbsp mustard in 2 liters of warm water. Rinse your hair with the solution after washing.

Henna mask: colorless henna + fat-free cottage cheese + 1 egg. The amount of henna and cottage cheese used depends on the length of the hair, however, a pack of cottage cheese, weighing about 150 g, should be added to a 250 g package of henna. Keep this mask for an hour, wrapping your head with a film / shower cap and covering with a towel.

The mask is washed off for a long time, but we endure for the sake of the result! For washing, use plain warm water, without using shampoo.

Against dull color: 1/2 cup olive oil + 2 tbsp. squeezed lemon juice + 1 cup liquid honey. Stir, insist overnight. The mask is applied to still unwashed hair and kept for a couple of hours under a film and a towel. After traditionally wash your hair. The procedure is suitable for dry hair.

Our article contains the most little-known, secret oriental recipes. One has only to add that in the pursuit of oriental beauty, do not forget about the elementary use of essential oils! A couple of drops of oil should be added to the hair balm - this will give natural nourishment to weakened, lifeless hair.

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not weaken: we learned all the most important things about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one beauty product for Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its position. Girls use it pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a means for the face and body. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma - the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

amla extract


Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla is especially good for the scalp, perhaps Oriental beauties have such Thick hair not only because of genetics, but also because of proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful facial tonic with a mesmerizing scent. Formerly women used it as a basic care, but today this remedy can replace micellar water for you. Besides, pink water has a calming effect, relieves redness and inflammation. And another secret oriental beauty It is best to keep rose water in the refrigerator to further refresh the skin.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the bride's wedding preparation ritual. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means that you can easily make an Indian bride's mask at home yourself! To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Here is the beauty secret Oriental women in facial care.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it yourself. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for dyeing hair (however, colorless henna is suitable as a strengthening mask) or making a tattoo, but henna is just perfect for eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin bleaching agent that is also very refreshing. We most often strive for a tan, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their faces with lemon juice. Yes, life is unfair! By the way, there is another common beauty trick of Oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe your face with it.

Mustard seed oil

The history of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012 in India and the Middle East, food was cooked with this oil, but then it was banned in food products due to the high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is a completely different matter! For centuries, girls have rubbed in mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a “braid to the waist”, then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Natural Wax Halawa

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in Eastern countries. It consists of a mixture natural oils, paraffin and beeswax and smells like sandalwood. This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into the nails to make them strong and shiny, and can even be used as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed a very, very long time ago that it is possible to fight with sweat in this way. What's most interesting natural wax begins to gain popularity in other countries, displacing our usual products.


It is difficult to imagine Eastern culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to take a steam bath once again. Thanks to this, all the excess “dirt” leaves the body through the pores, sorry for the frankness, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bath, so there is no question of any cellulite!

natural perfumery

Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumes based on essential oils, with pronounced oriental spicy aromas does not give up its position. Jasmine, Musk, Vanilla, Rose, sandalwood- well, how else to charm an oriental prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumery is created on oil based without the use of alcohol, so it is very resistant.

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not weaken: wise oriental women learned all the most important things about self-care a thousand years ago! Of course, they go various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one beauty product for Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its position. Girls use it in its pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a face and body product. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma: the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

amla extract

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask. Amla is especially good for the scalp, perhaps Oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care! If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful facial tonic with a mesmerizing scent. Women used to use it as their main care, but today this remedy can replace micellar water for you. In addition, rose water has a calming effect, reduces redness and inflammation. And another secret of oriental beauty - it is best to keep rose water in the refrigerator to refresh the skin even more.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the bride's wedding preparation ritual. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means that it’s easy to make an Indian bride’s mask at home yourself! To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Here is such a beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it in your own experience. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa. Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for hair dye (however, colorless henna is suitable as a firming mask) or tattoos, but henna is just perfect for eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin bleaching agent that is also very refreshing. We most often strive for a tan, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their faces with lemon juice. Yes, life is unfair! By the way, there is another common beauty trick of Oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe your face with it.

Mustard seed oil

The history of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012 in India and the Middle East, food was cooked with this oil, but then it was banned in food products due to the high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is a completely different matter! For centuries, girls have rubbed in mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a "braid to the waist", then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Natural Wax Halawa

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in Eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood. This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into the nails to make them strong and shiny, and can even be used as a deodorant! Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed a very, very long time ago that it is possible to fight with sweat in this way. What is most interesting, natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, replacing the products we are used to.


It is difficult to imagine Eastern culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East. Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to take a steam bath once again. Thanks to this, all excess “dirt” leaves the body through the pores, sorry for the frankness, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bath, so there is no question of any cellulite!

natural perfumery

Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumes based on essential oils, with pronounced oriental spicy aromas, do not give up their positions. Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - well, how else can you charm an oriental prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumes are oil-based, without the use of alcohol, so they are very long-lasting.

Oriental women are the standard of beauty and sexuality. Residents of megacities look with admiration at luxurious curls And expressive eyes. It's time to reveal the secrets of the beauty of Arab women.

Eastern ladies carefully monitor their body and face. They devote a lot of time water procedures and various masks. The beauty of Arab women to a greater extent lies in the fact that they prefer to use natural products for body, face and hair care.

How does an Arab beauty take care of her body?

Hammam - required attribute in any Arab home. Wet baths are considered a source beautiful body. Due to such procedures, it is possible to clean as much as possible skin covering and remove toxins from the body.

The secrets of the beauty of Arab women still lie in the regular use natural scrubs. Most often applied coffee grounds- it gives the skin a pleasant aroma, cleanses the pores and removes dead cells of the epidermis. modern lady can mix ground grains with the usual shower gel, the result will become noticeable after 2-3 procedures.

Before leaving the bath arab girl be sure to use an oil-based perfume composition. For its preparation, esters of vanilla, musk, rose, sandalwood and jasmine are used. A few drops in the neck and on the wrists allow you to get a sexy scent that men love so much. However, no chemicals strong odors alcohol.

Beauty secrets of Arab women: hair care

Hairstyle is the pride of any oriental lady. Care for curls only with natural cosmetics. Before washing their hair, girls apply kefir or spoiled milk. It is these products that give curls silkiness and shine. The mask must be prepared from natural cow's milk. The product is simply placed in a warm place until completely soured.

As a strengthening hair mask, transparent henna is used, it is prepared from the leaves of lavsonia. The plant sprouts in every oriental house. Arab beauty secrets do not hide any complex actions. Every woman can use these tips to give her hair a healthy look.

Eyebrows and eyes

The main beauty of Arab women lies in the eyes. It is this part of the face that is in full view of everyone. Arrows are drawn with antimony. Modern cosmetic companies offer this component in the form of a pencil and comfortable eyeliners. If you regularly use this particular product, you can strengthen the cilia and make them more saturated in color.

Usma oil has been used by Eastern girls since childhood. This product increases hair growth. At regular use you can achieve incredibly thick cilia, which are typical for ladies living in eastern countries.

These Arab beauty secrets are increasingly used by residents of megacities. Many argue that the result is visible only with the regular use of these funds.

Beauty secrets of Arab women and facial skin

Cosmetic companies offer a wide variety of facial creams to modern ladies. Received particular popularity. Many more could see rose water, which is necessary to relieve redness and inflammation. This is a natural tonic that is always on the dressing table. oriental girl. The beauty of Arab women lies in the use of such natural remedies.

These ladies also actively use citric acid to give the skin a healthy glow and remove dark spots. age spots. If you wipe the skin with a slice of lemon every other day, the result will be noticeable in a week.

Many beauties of the East use special mask for the face, so that the skin is soft and velvety. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • 2 tablespoons of rose water;
  • 4 teaspoons of milk.

All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied to clean face, lasts 18-20 minutes. The mixture is washed off with warm water.

5 products that Arab women always use as cosmetics

Oriental beauties ignore any chemistry. Their cosmetics consist only of natural products:

  1. Olive oil- serves as an excellent moisturizer. With its help, curls and skin are reanimated. If regularly lubricated olive oil elbows, hands and heels, then the man will endlessly touch them.
  2. Pink water- it is added to the bathroom before bathing and used to refresh the face after a night.
  3. Henna colorless- strengthens hair natural color rich and attractive. The beauty secrets of Arab women lie in the fact that they never use synthetic dyes for curls.
  4. mustard seeds- they are actively used for application to the hair. After such masks, the curls become thick and begin to shimmer.
  5. Helba- a cleansing organism will be blown, if consumed internally. Masks for the face and hair are made from cereals. Another tincture of helba allows you to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth and gives the skin elasticity.

The main beauty secrets of Arab women are the use of natural products for body, face and hair care.