Scrubs for facial skin at home - the best recipes. Video recipe from coffee grounds at home. Benefits of exfoliating with a scrub

With the advent of spring, every woman wants to look good. In order for the skin to have a fresh and healthy look, women resort to various cleansing procedures. Among the many facial skin care products, a separate place is given to scrubs - cosmetic creams containing solid particles (crushed plant seeds, salt, sugar, refined sand, etc.), which are used to cleanse the skin of dead cells. The procedure for applying scrubs is called peeling. You can often find the use of the concept of "peeling" as a synonym for pontius "scrub". Stylesalon's Marketing and Sociological Research Institute has selected the top 10 peeling scrubs in greatest demand from September 20, 2013 to March 20, 2014. The following criteria helped determine the winners: customer reviews, number of sales, product views on the site and the number of mentions of the product in social networks.

10th place: Oxygen Botanicals Deep Pore Cleanser pH 3.8 - a preparation based on extracts of medicinal plants intended for deep cleaning since. By loosening the top layer of the skin, the product increases its ability to absorb nutrients. In the piggy bank useful properties also has an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition includes extracts of echinacea, centella asiatica, meadowsweet, lactic and salicylic acids, vitamin E, jaboncillo oil, lecithin and liposomes.

9th place: Christina Fluoroxygen+C Clarifying Scrub - a facial scrub that has an effective cleansing effect, which is achieved thanks to such natural ingredients like soapwort officinalis, salicylic acid and soap tree. The product exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores and effectively removes makeup residue. In addition to the above ingredients, the active components of the drug include: glycerin, polyethylene, sodium hydroxide, as well as ascorbic and citrus acids. Scrub must be applied to wet skin, gently massaged for two minutes with your fingers, and then rinsed with water.

8th place: Aquatonale - facial peeling based on glycolic acid, which performs the functions of updating the horny ball of the epidermis and restoring skin elasticity. The antioxidant effect that the drug has slows down the aging process, tones and gives the face a healthy color. It is necessary to apply on clean skin, without affecting the sensitive area around the eyes. Wash off after five minutes warm water, and then the skin is rubbed with a mild lotion that restores the pH level.

7th place: SeSDERMA Mandelac Scrub - a mandelic acid based facial scrub created specifically for combination, oily and problem skin. Perfectly tones, cleanses pores, removes dead skin cells and evens out the microrelief. Has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug includes the following active ingredients: extracts of chamomile and aloe barbadensis, mandelic acid, plant extracts, chlorhexidine digluconate and polyethylene granules. It is applied to damp skin with massage movements, after which it is intensively massaged and thoroughly washed off with warm water.

6th place: Demax - a product for sensitive skin, presented by the manufacturer as a low-percentage acid surface-epidermal peeling. Having a gel structure, the drug has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. Perfectly copes with keratinized cells and evens out the skin, while not causing irritation. Peeling Demax consists of the following components: ginseng extract, papaya, chamomile and aloe, malic, lactic, glycolic and tartaric acids, trace elements, vitamins, water and gelling agent. The product is applied with gentle massage movements on cleansed skin.

5th place: Kart Papaya Peeling is a high-quality product for professional use, the main component of which is papaya. Peeling is suitable for absolutely all skin types. The main plus of this product is exclusively natural ingredients in the composition: crushed pulp of peach, lemon, grapes, papaya, apricot, apple, grapes, cucumber, tomato and cabbage. It will make dry and withered skin more hydrated and healthy, promotes rapid healing acne. The preparation is suitable both for the skin of the face and for the area around the eyes, back, décolleté, as well as for dry joints and knees.

4th place: SVR LYSALPHA - concentrated peeling designed for oily skin with a tendency to acne. Its main tasks are to prevent and reduce the consequences acne. Delicately caring for the skin, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect. Light gel texture allows you to use SVR LYSALPHA peeling even for sensitive skin. The composition includes glycerin, PCA zinc, Gluconolactone 14% and tephrosia purpurea. The product must be applied to areas of the skin where there is inflammation, except for the area around the eyes, nose and lips.

3rd place: Premium peeling with AHA 8% - a high-quality facial skin product that allows you to carry out a professional procedure at home. containing fruit acids the drug perfectly copes with flaky areas, rosacea, age spots, keratinized cells and small scars. Regular use helps to improve blood circulation and the disappearance of stagnant spots. The skin becomes younger and smoother, and the face acquires a healthy complexion. The composition of the drug includes the following components: brine, natural citrus oils, lily of the valley extract, as well as malic, citric, pyrolidoncarboxylic and lactic acids. Apply to the skin thin layer after cleansing and toning. After 5-10 minutes, the product should be washed off with water.

2nd place: Holy Land Lactolan Peeling Cream - an enzymatic peeling cream suitable for all skin types, excluding skin prone to inflammation. The tool reduces peeling, makes the surface of the epidermis more even, and also removes horny cells and open comedones. As a result, the skin will be moisturized, fresh, and the circles under the eyes will become much lighter. Peeling cream is applied in a thin layer, which is covered with a wet compress for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the compress must be removed, the remnants of the drug removed with soft massage movements and washed off with water, after which a reducing cream should be applied to the skin. The composition of the product includes active ingredients represented by kaolin, whey and an extract obtained from the fermentation of cheese.

1st place: Gigi Peeling regular - peeling, ideal for regular use. It has effective cleansing properties and perfectly restores tone. Suitable for all skin types, including even the most sensitive and couperose. Designed for home use peeling cream provides exfoliation, smoothing and moisturizing. After regular use, the skin becomes even, supple and smooth. Gigi Peeling regular contains ingredients such as stearic acid, paraffin, triethanolamine, kaolin and water. The drug is applied to the skin of the eyelids, face and neck with a thin layer. When the product dries a little, moisten the fingers with warm water and massage the skin with gentle movements, after which the remnants of the peeling cream must be washed off.

Layers of the epidermis die regularly - this process is called keratinization of cells. The skin needs a constant supply of oxygen, so it needs to be periodically cleansed of those very dead skin cells that clog pores. Scrubs will come to the rescue. Scrubs are characterized by exfoliating and cleansing qualities, in addition, with massaging movements, the scrub improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the complexion. Scrubbing is necessary to get rid of not only dead cells, but also accumulated residues of cosmetics and other impurities that can accumulate in the pores for years. It is important to note that people with rosacea (close capillaries to the surface of the skin) should avoid this procedure.

In cosmetic stores today there is a really wide range of cleansing scrubs, but they all have differences, for example, some are good for dry skin, but undesirable for owners of oily skin, and vice versa. Some scrubs are able to adjust the work sebaceous glands, lighten age spots, draw out toxins from pores, eliminate black spots, heal inflammation, smooth out emerging wrinkles. To help you choose the best scrub for you, we've created a rating that includes products that have enjoyed a positive reputation for several years in a row.

TOP 10 best facial scrubs

10 Black Pearl Bio-Program

Complex of care oils
Country Russia
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.1

"Black Pearl Bio-Program" has become a confirmation that in the budget segment you can also find a good cleansing scrub. On the cream tube, the manufacturer gave statistics in numbers. So, according to 80 women who participated in consumer testing, after using the scrub, the tone of the face evened out and became fresher - by 74%; the pores were cleansed and began to breathe - by 78%; skin smoothness increased by 79%.

The tool has a thick consistency interspersed with the smallest, like sand, abrasive particles - these are bio-granules of jojoba, known as a natural stimulator of collagen production, which, in turn, enriches cells with nutrients that help fight the aging process. The composition also included a whole complex of vitamins that have anti-aging and antioxidant effects, and also have the ability to even out skin tone, brightening age spots: vitamins A and E, C and B5.

9 Vitex Black Clean polishing scrub mask with activated bamboo charcoal

Country: Belarus
Average price: 105 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.2

A polishing scrub mask from the famous Belarusian company Vitex is the most popular on the Russian market, budget, and most importantly effective remedy to deal with imperfections. In its composition, the scrub contains bamboo charcoal, which is famous for its absorbent properties, the charcoal literally draws out toxins. The scrubbing particles of the product are quite small, they act delicately, without bringing any discomfort during application.

The tool is declared as a scrub mask, it should be used as follows: apply the scrub on the face, leave for 3-4 minutes and only then, with massaging movements, scrub. Based on the reviews, the effect is noticeable after the first application: the number of black dots decreases, the pores narrow, the tone of the face evens out. There is no oily sheen on the skin for a few more days, but at the same time, the feeling of dryness and tightness is completely absent.

8 Pure Line Raspberry and lingonberry

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 70 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.3

One of the best budget cleansers that is ideal for sensitive and delicate skin. The main active ingredients are raspberries and lingonberries, which soothe, help prevent redness, tone, improve the tone of the epidermis. Fine scrubbing granules very delicately remove dead cells, clean pores. The creamy consistency prevents peeling and dryness, and also makes the skin look even, healthy.

Despite the budgetary cost, the scrub, like all Chistaya Liniya products, keeps its brand. The product has been dermatologically tested to confirm its safety and effectiveness. The manufacturer claims that the scrub consists of 58% of natural ingredients. The reviews focus on the softness of the skin after the scrubbing procedure, which, by the way, is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a week.

7 Garnier Fruit Charge

Best for everyday use
Country: France
Average price: 355 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Lovers of constant skin care and citrus fruits will definitely like this cleansing! This is the best scrub that you can use every day when washing your face. No redness or discomfort the product does not leave, on the contrary, it energizes and gives a feeling of freshness. A special reason for discussing the scrub from Garnier on the Internet was its aroma, which remains on the skin for some time, because extracts of grapefruit, eucalyptus and pomegranate got into the composition.

One of the components was salicylic acid, which is the best antibacterial agent for pores. Also pleased with the presence of vitamin C, which is very useful for the body, both when taken orally and externally. Those who have tried the scrub write in reviews that as a result of regular use, matting, a decrease in the number of black dots, and a change in the dull color of the epidermis to a healthier one can be noted.

6 Holika Holika Pig-nose clear black head cleansing sugar scrub

original design
Country: South Korea
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The design of the Pig-nose scrub from the popular cosmetic brand Holika Holika quickly won the hearts of women with its cuteness. Under the cap with a seemingly frivolous, slightly direct design, there is a tool that, in as soon as possible get rid of clogged pores. Despite its delicate texture, the scrub deeply cleanses and eliminates dead skin cells, without causing any irritation or damaging the skin.

The composition includes useful natural components: clay, which has an anti-inflammatory, cleansing and regenerating effect; aloe vera, moisturizing and soothing the skin, recognized as a natural antibiotic; lemon, which has whitening properties and slows down the aging process. Application on a regular basis will help to achieve a good result in the form of smoothness, elasticity, radiance and freshness of the skin. It is recommended to apply on damp skin.

5 Natura Kamchatka volcanic active detox

Natural Ingredients
Country Russia
Average price: 145 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The composition of the scrub is as natural as possible, each component has its own special purpose: volcanic soil extract enriches with microelements and minerals; bamboo salt exfoliates dead skin cells and mattifies; kaolin improves blood circulation, eliminates redness, brightens and accelerates tissue regeneration; vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals; thermal water moisturizes for a long time.

The scrub is thick in consistency, the scrub particles are quite large. After two weeks of its regular use (1-2 applications per week), the skin relief will even out, traces of inflammation will completely disappear. But the manufacturer claims that even after the first application, you will feel how the pores breathe and notice changes in the complexion. The reviews note that the scrub is more aimed at preventing the appearance of comedones, at “polishing” the skin and matting it, rather than at fighting black dots.

4 Kora triple action. Polishing

Review leader
Country Russia
Average price: 410 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Polishing scrub from Kora collects many positive feedback on the Internet, and this popular recognition is due to its a wide range effects: antioxidant protection, useful in the post-acne period; nutrition that improves skin elasticity; chemical and mechanical peeling exfoliating and getting rid of blackheads. The presence of lactic and succinic acids in the composition makes the product an excellent protection against early skin aging.

Tubes of 100 ml will last for a long time, as the manufacturer recommends that owners of oily skin use a scrub no more than four times a month, and dry skin - only 2 times. A mass of medium density with small, non-scratching particles of silicon dioxide and jojoba will rid the upper layers of the epidermis of dead cells, make the skin smooth and even out its microrelief. After deep cleansing, the skin will be soothed by ingredients such as allantoin, chamomile, lemon balm and calendula.

3 L "Oreal Sugar. Cleansing

Optimal for combination skin
A country: France (produced in Germany)
Average price: 480 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

This scrub can be called the best for combination skin, as it will help both dry skin (restore moisture) and oily (regulate the sebaceous glands). For the cleansing effect of the scrub, the answer is kiwi seeds in the composition and 3 types of sugar: white, yellow and brown. The feeling of toning and freshness will be given by extracts of lemongrass and mint. As a result, you will get clean, soft and velvety skin. Also, with regular use, you can notice the alignment of the tone.

It is thanks to its warming texture that the scrub perfectly copes with the task of exfoliating dead skin particles and narrowing the pores. It is recommended to use the mass on dry skin. In the reviews, women are advised to try using a scrub for chapped, flaky lips, noting that the product after the first application gives them softness and richness.

2 Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Scrub Foam

Intense acne treatment. Gets rid of oily sheen
Country: South Korea
Average price: 810 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Korean cosmetologists have created a scrub foam based on volcanic clay from Jeju Island, a rare product. The tool will clean even the most clogged pores and solve the problem of acne. Most of the blackheads will be eliminated after 2-3 applications. In addition, the scrub has antibacterial and detoxifying properties. After washing off the product, there is no film left on the face, the skin literally creaks from cleanliness.

The scrub will be a godsend for owners of oily skin, as the scrub intensively removes excess sebum, but because of this, its use is undesirable for women with dry and flaky skin. Despite not the most budget price, a 150 ml tube will be a reasonable purchase, as it will last for the whole year, and this is exactly the shelf life of the product after opening, in addition, the consumption of the scrub foam is very economical. The manufacturer does not recommend using the product more than twice a week.

1 Dermalogica Blackhead Clearing Pore Control Scrub

Better Efficiency
Country: USA
Average price: 1800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Dermalogica is perfect for high-quality cleansing of pores and powerful removal of dead cells at the first application. Due to the content of bentonite clay in the composition, the effect of absorption of sebum is achieved, and at the same time, the reduction of oily sheen. Also included are other useful components: extracts tea tree, menthol and meadowsweet. In addition to its direct purpose - scrubbing, the mass can also be used as a mask (hold on the face for 5-10 minutes).

With regular use, the effect of cell regeneration is achieved, but at the same time without a feeling of dryness, tightness and other unpleasant manifestations. In addition, the tool gives a feeling of freshness, comfort, cleanliness of the face. A nice bonus from using in reviews is the clarification of small age spots, as well as the overall acquisition of the skin of a radiant, healthy, fresher appearance.

Each representative of the fair sex dreams of having a healthy and beautiful skin. Unfortunately, often external factors, as well as stress and the environment, lead to negative consequences. Our body needs constant and careful care. To look perfect, as well as feel your best, apply different kinds scrubs. About which one is better to choose and how to use the tool correctly, we will tell in our article.

What it is

The scrub is cosmetic product which contains solid particles. It is thanks to them that exfoliation occurs. dead cells skin. At the same time, blood circulation improves, and the skin is enriched with oxygen and vitamins, becomes elastic and elastic.

Such an exfoliating mask has been known since ancient time. Basically, its components were honey, crushed deer antlers, narcissus bulbs, and purified sand. Ancient Roman cosmetology made it possible to give beauty to the skin of women, as well as effectively prolong youth. Cleopatra also used olive oil scrubs regularly for fear of losing her beauty.

Now such funds can be bought in almost every store. Notable Manufacturers offer quality products at different prices. At the same time, if you want to save money or do not trust store funds, you can make a scrub yourself. This will save you money, time, and in some cases even nerves. The recipes are quite simple, and the effect of them can be obtained even at home.

Of course, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of a cleanser. Choose it strictly according to your skin type. For creating cosmetic product use only fresh products, so as not to harm your health.

What is it needed for

Now you can find a wide variety of scrubs. Accordingly, their impact can be very different. This cream helps to effectively cleanse the pores, is an active exfoliating agent. With the help of this cosmetic product, you can remove the keratinized layer of the skin, achieve deep cleansing. In this case, it is imperative to use moisturizing lotions and creams after the procedure. This will help you achieve the best effect. Periodic cleansing of the dermis will be an obstacle to the growth of bacteria.

This cream is a good remedy and against cellulite. Regular use of a special scrub, coupled with physical activity help achieve best result, improve skin tone. You will be able to get rid of orange peel, make the skin taut and supple.

This cream is also useful for acne, helps fight ingrown hairs, and is a prevention of varicose veins. Thus, positive properties this remedy will affect the entire body. You will feel cheerful and energetic. Excellent skin condition will provide you with self-confidence, good mood and only positive emotions.

Composition and additional ingredients

As for the composition of the scrub, there are no single ingredients. You can choose for yourself the option that you like. Yes, raspberries are a great choice. This ingredient will help not only to effectively clean the pollution, but also give you a charge of vivacity and a positive mood.

If you have dry skin, you can use a scrub with linseed oil. This ingredient is rich in vitamins that will give beauty to the dermis, help prevent premature aging, eliminate itching, redness, wrinkles.

A remedy with cocoa beans will help to bring the skin in order in the shortest possible time. It is this element that actively nourishes the epidermis, tones it. You can improve the condition of your body at any time. You can make your own mask. To do this, you need to mix cocoa powder and sugar. Add olive oil to the bowl. Now you should apply a thick layer of the consistency to the skin and massage for two minutes. After that, hold the product on the body for another five minutes and you can wash everything off with hot water.

Scrub with apricot kernels allows you to cleanse the skin and gently care for it. There are excellent options, which include pomegranate. It actively exfoliates dead skin cells, making the skin soft and velvety. Cleansing cream with ginger will help improve metabolism, blood circulation, saturate the dermis with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, such a tool actively fights cellulite and stretch marks.

The semolina scrub is quite soft and gentle. Together with sesame oil, it helps to actively fight against wrinkles and skin aging. To give the body elasticity, you can add essential oils to the product. Another excellent remedy for cleansing and healing the skin is a scrub with river sand. This tool will help improve blood circulation throughout the body.


There are many types of this tool. The cleansing scrub gel helps to actively renew body cells. At the same time, you will feel an exfoliating, toning effect. With the right application, not only the appearance will improve, but also your well-being. You can choose the model that matches the desired effect: moisturizing cream, modeling, lifting, foaming, draining options and many others. There is a hard and dry version of the scrub, which you will need to mix yourself with additional ingredients.

Always apply the mass carefully, while gently massaging the skin. For these purposes, a mitten or glove is suitable. After the end of each procedure, a moisturizer or oil should be applied. So you can fix the effect.

How to choose

If you decide to cleanse the skin of your body, then you should approach this procedure with all responsibility. You should first choose the cream that will have for you best effect without harm to health. Accordingly, the most gentle will be a facial scrub. For the body, you can choose options with larger abrasive particles so that old cells are actively exfoliated. The rougher the skin, the harder the scrub can be, respectively, the more abrasive particles will be.

The most delicate masks are for the chest. At the same time, their components must be selected very carefully. Abrasive particles must be very small. You can even make this option at home. Basically, the composition of such funds includes honey, berries, olive oil. Carefully choose a scrub for sensitive skin. After the procedure, do not forget to moisturize it special cream or oil.

For those who dream of having tightened skin, there is a special scrub for the elasticity of the abdomen. This mask should be applied to dry, cleansed skin, which is then wrapped with a special film to achieve a greater effect. This option is great for the hips, buttocks. After a certain time, the consistency is washed off. Such a tool actively removes dead cells, cares for the skin and tightens it. Most Popular yeast masks, with the addition of honey, mustard powder and others.

Every woman knows how difficult it is sometimes to recover from childbirth. However, you should not despair. There is a pretty strong scrub against stretch marks. For example, a cream using different ingredients: sugar, salt, cinnamon, ground coffee, red pepper. Delicate options should be selected for the bikini area. The skin in this area is very sensitive. It should be moisturized after each such procedure.

There are special cleansers for the skin of the elbows. It is these areas of the hands that should be given Special attention. good mask will help remove keratinized skin, saturate it with vitamins. At the same time, do not forget to regularly care for your body.

If you think that only women can use the scrub, then you are mistaken. This cleanser is not alien to the representatives of the stronger sex. You can also make your own male scrub at home. It will prevent clogging of pores, the formation of inflammation.

Application rules

Any cosmetic product should be used according to certain rules so as not to harm your body and get the desired effect. How often to do this is usually written in recipes. By the way, you should strictly follow the recipe of the remedy. Sensitive skin should be treated with caution. For example, for intimate hygiene you can only do gentle masks.

Scrubbing should not be used if you have any inflamed areas, wounds, abrasions, cracks. With epilation, you should also be careful. It is not recommended to conduct a cleansing session before tanning, as well as after shugaring. In this case, peeling will not be effective and may cause discomfort or other adverse effects.

It is advisable to use cleansers no more than twice a week. If the skin is dry - no more than once a week. Follow all the rules and your skin will be clean and healthy.


It is worth noting that any cosmetic products may have contraindications. In order not to harm your health, you should carefully study the mask recipe, as well as the ingredients that make up the composition. The scrub is essentially aggressive on the skin, compared to other cosmetics. After all, the abrasive particles that make up the composition can harm delicate skin, have a negative effect on wounds and cracks.

Thus, the scrub should not be used for those people who:

  • Quite sensitive and thin skin. In this case, you can inadvertently harm the dermis. Of course, this does not mean that the scrub is completely contraindicated for you. You just need to find the options that are right for you. Among such cleansing creams, you need to look for models with a mild effect. For example, an oatmeal mask.
  • You should definitely not use a cosmetic product that causes or may cause you an allergy. Therefore, before using, be sure to read which components are included in the cream. If you are not sure what effect the scrub will have on the skin, it is better to initially apply a little product to inside wrist. If after a few minutes, when you wash off the cream, there is no redness or other reactions, then this remedy is right for you.
  • You should not use a scrub or should be used with extreme caution if the capillaries are very close to the surface of the skin. This can also lead to negative consequences.
  • But when you definitely shouldn’t use a scrub, it’s in the presence of wounds and cracks. Needless to say, what can the effect of the cream on open lesions lead to?
  • If you are experiencing replenishment, then it is better to postpone the use of a cleansing mask. First, you should completely recover, and only then you can apply the scrub. However, if there is an urgent need to use a cosmetic product, then you should avoid the site of inflammation.

Recipes at home

You can create an excellent cleanser at home. There are various recipes. For example:


This scrub is made with chocolate. It perfectly tightens the skin, fills it with vitality and health. Chocolate can be melted in a water bath, add a few tablespoons of natural coffee. Hold this mass on a specific area of ​​​​the body, and then rinse with water. You can also make a coconut scrub.


To make this option, you need lemon and honey. The ingredients should be dissolved until a mushy state. Scrubbing should be done after taking a hot shower or bath. You can also make strawberry, raspberry, citrus, grapefruit, orange and ginger versions. They will also effectively affect the dermis, improving its condition.


This option involves the use of any variety of rice, ground in a coffee grinder. For a liquid base, you can use honey, egg, fruit, milk, yogurt, etc. Such a scrub self made will help to enrich the skin with vitamins, will have a tonic, softening and moisturizing effect.


An effective scrub can also be created from grapes. It is usually mixed with sugar. However, you can take a shower gel, mix with olive oil, crushed grape seeds. Such a tool will help cleanse and narrow enlarged pores, maintain skin tone. The scrub is applied with massaging movements, and then washed off.

It should be noted that almost any scrub can be created at home. So, sea buckthorn and mint will be excellent for cleansing the skin. Strawberries and chicory will make the epidermis firm and elastic. You can choose the option that suits you. Remember that all ingredients must be fresh. Then you can count on the desired effect.

Professional firms

If you do not want to spend time at home making peeling, then you should study professional companies that produce quality cosmetics. Among these are Elancyl, Lakshmi, Spivak. These companies produce high-quality products for cleansing and healing the skin.

Great option will be Thai, Belarusian, Korean cream, as well as Arabic masks. They are distinguished by their efficiency, reliability, active action. Choose your ideal brand and use the cream periodically to cleanse your body.

Products made from ordinary products thanks to folk recipes are not only safe for the skin, but also significantly save the budget. And the most pleasant thing is that sometimes they are more effective than expensive "shop" scrubs.

The difference between scrub and peeling and its effect on the skin of the face

Many people think that scrub and peeling are the same procedure. Actually it's two independent way for skin care. They have the same effect on the skin of the face: they carry out deep cleaning, penetrating into the inner layers of the epidermis. They differ in that the first has a mechanical effect, and the second - a chemical one. If solid particles (apricot kernels, coffee grounds, salt) act as the basis for the scrub, then peeling is prepared on the basis of fruit acids (citric, malic, grape juice). It also contains abrasive particles, but so small that they do not give any exfoliating effect.

The action of peeling is aimed at rejuvenation and reduction of pigmentation on the face. But due to the fact that fruit acids are used in its composition, the product can cause allergies and irritation. Strongly not recommended for use by women with sensitive skin. For the rest, it is enough to use it once a month, and scrub - 2-3 times a week. Both procedures must be carried out regularly to deeply cleanse the skin of blackheads and clean off roughness.

Contraindications for use

Compared to other cleansers natural scrub gives amazing results. But abrasive particles can injure the skin. Before preparing a facial scrub at home, study all the contraindications.

  • Thin and sensitive skin. You should give preference to recipes that have a gentle cleansing effect. A simple composition of oatmeal and kefir gently acts without irritating the top layer of the epidermis. The gentle way of scrubbing is always more pleasant for the skin of the face than the hard way.
  • Couperose. If there is a translucent capillary mesh on the face, it is better to refuse cleansing procedures.
  • Inflammation and acne. Unhealed wounds and scars on the face are another reason to refuse to use a scrub. Heal acne and wait until all open wounds on the face have healed before performing cleansing procedures.
  • Skin diseases. With dermatitis, the use of any facial scrubs is contraindicated. These diseases include acne, vitaligo, rosacea, papillomas and others.

To ensure that the use of the scrub does not lead to an undesirable result, test for allergic reaction. Make it a must. Finished product apply on the wrist and wash off no later than 20 minutes. Observe the area being tested for the next 24 hours. If during this time irritation appears on it, stop using the product.

Carry out cleansing procedures using a scrub no more than three times a week. Daily care using a scrub is very harmful. If you have dry facial skin, reduce the frequency of use of the product to one. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, the abuse of scrub can lead to thinning of the skin and premature aging. Apply with gentle movements so as not to harm the skin.

Cooking Ingredients

The main component of the product is solid particles that have an exfoliating effect.

  • Coffee. For scrub it is used in ground form. It can be replaced with coffee grounds remaining after the preparation of the drink. The product has a beneficial effect on withered skin: it evens out the complexion and restores a healthy glow to it.
  • Eggshell. Natural source of calcium and hyaluronic acid needed to maintain youthful skin. An effective scrub can be prepared from eggshells, which helps to eliminate fine wrinkles and age spots.
  • Pine and walnuts. They have a strong nourishing effect, therefore they are part of scrubs for dry skin. The tool evens out the complexion, eliminating redness. ground shell walnut has a gentle cleansing effect.
  • Cereals. Scrub with oatmeal is especially recommended for oily skin: it regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and gives the face a matte finish. The product also has a beneficial effect on aging facial skin: it helps restore elasticity and smooth wrinkles.
  • Edible and sea salt. Food - removes impurities that accumulate in the pores, prevents the appearance of black spots on the face. And the sea - helps to smooth the structure of the skin of the face. Scrub salt should not be coarse: it will damage the skin and cause redness. For combination skin, it is recommended to use the product every week.
  • Sugar. Acts as an ingredient in an exfoliating facial scrub at home. It restores softness and velvety to the skin by removing dead cells. With constant use of the product, the complexion becomes uniform, and the skin becomes smooth. For homemade scrub brown and white sugar are suitable, the main thing is that it should be fine. Compliance with this condition is especially important for those who have delicate skin.
  • Soda. Widely used in home cosmetics for oily skin. Greasy shine, enlarged and polluted pores - all this is eliminated regular use soda scrub. With its cleansing effect, the product is not inferior to expensive cosmetics.
  • Seeds of grapes. They are used in ground form and have a beneficial effect on aging skin. IN grape seeds contains oil that has a smoothing effect on the upper layer of the epidermis.

In addition to abrasive particles, the homemade facial scrub includes gel and cream products. They prevent injury to the skin. Scrubbing with this tool is a pleasure.

  • Sour cream and yogurt. They make the scrub less aggressive and leave a feeling of softness on the face after the procedure. Due to the moisturizing properties of the products, the product can be used more often than usual.
  • Fruit puree. Contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that favorably affect the skin of the face. The most commonly used banana or apple puree.
  • Shower gel. Makes the cleaning agent too soapy, which reduces the effect of its application to a minimum. A scrub based on a washing gel is similar to a “purchased one”, but this is where its pluses end.
  • Olive oil . Normalizes the level of moisture and gives softness. An oil-based scrub will appeal to women with delicate facial skin.

Easy and effective homemade scrub recipes

To prepare a cleanser home remedy no big effort required. Consider the most popular recipes for face scrubs at home. Recipes can be seen in the photo and in the video, where everything can be considered in detail.

Salt for blackheads and acne

The tool effectively fights all manifestations of problematic facial skin: blackheads, acne and greasy shine. It contains crushed sea salt and egg white. Salt provides deep cleansing and frees pores from impurities. Protein removes excess subcutaneous fat and has a tightening and drying effect. For dry skin, this remedy is contraindicated: it will cause peeling and lead to irritation.

  1. Grind sea salt.
  2. Separate the protein from the yolk.
  3. Add a teaspoon of ground salt and stir.

Coffee with yogurt

Scrub for oily skin is prepared using natural yogurt, which has a nourishing property and eliminates greasy shine. For dry skin, sour cream (15-20% fat) is used. Coffee scrub with sour cream has a rejuvenating effect: it gives the skin elasticity and reduces the number of wrinkles on the face to zero. Such a facial scrub mask at home is capable of a short time eliminate peeling and itching, return to the face fresh look. If you are lactose intolerant, mix coffee with regular gel or milk cleanser.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt with coffee in the amount of one teaspoon.
  2. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

The prepared product can be used as a scrub mask. As a result, the face will acquire a healthy color and a slight radiance.

Fruity with oatmeal

To prepare such a facial scrub at home, use any available fruits.

Iron, potassium and a rich set of vitamins A, C, K are found in an apple. They supply the skin with oxygen and improve its protective function. Banana pulp fights impurities that accumulate in the pores. It is used in nourishing scrubs that are recommended for the dry type. Honey actively restores withered skin, restoring its healthy color, elasticity and gives it a slight glow. Choline, potassium and calcium contained in the cream nourish and replenish the level of collagen and elastin in the epidermis. Vitamins A and B normalize skin metabolism and prevent acne.

  1. Grate a quarter of a peeled apple.
  2. Mash a third of a small banana with a fork to make a puree.
  3. In fruit porridge, add a teaspoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of low-fat and the same amount of oatmeal.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Soda with salt and lemon juice

Baking soda and sea salt exfoliate. Honey smoothes and saturates the skin with useful microelements, increases its elasticity. Lemon juice gives her freshness and has a matting property. A high content of vitamin C can cause irritation, be sure to check the composition for an allergic reaction. Soda facial scrub at home is recommended for problem skin.

  1. Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Pour into the mixture lemon juice in the amount of one tablespoon and the same amount of honey. Stir.
  3. Gently apply a soda-salt scrub. With strong rubbing of the mixture into the skin, irritation and redness may occur.

Oatmeal with olive oil

The exfoliating function is taken over by sugar and cereals: they remove the dead layer of the skin, even out the structure and complexion. And olive oil saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, which are responsible for hydration and elasticity. This cleanser is recommended for all skin types.

  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to learn a tablespoon of flour.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar.
  3. Heat up half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  4. Pour in warm oil into the mixture.

Before applying any scrub on the face, steam the skin. Spread the product all over the face with light massaging movements. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes and lips. After rinsing, apply a nourishing cream to your face.

Perform cleansing procedures with a homemade facial scrub regularly, and the result will not be long in coming. You can experiment by creating unique recipes and adding any products to the composition. Choose wisely the ingredients that have a beneficial effect on your skin type.