How to cleanse the body of dead cells. Cleansing the body of dead and diseased cells. Peeling for dry skin

Our skin

Human skin, like other organs, is also active. In one minute, up to 30 - 40 thousand cells are updated on the surface of the skin. It seems to us that this is a simple shell of the body - but it changes every minute. Therefore, it is said that the skin is a reflection of the state of health, by analogy with the fact that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

After dying, a certain amount of cells is removed from the surface of the skin in a natural way - from rubbing against clothes, when performing hygiene procedures - taking a shower, bathing. But most of the cells remaining on the skin clog the pores, form a scaly dry layer.

Benefits of dry brushing exfoliation

This massage is the easiest way to exfoliate and has several advantages:

  • Effectively cleanses the skin. This exfoliation method cleanses the surface of the skin from bacteria, a layer of dead cells, and unclogs pores. The skin becomes clean and shiny. This method allows you to prevent acne - a disease caused by dead cells and bacteria that clog pores.
  • Enhances blood circulation. Exfoliation with a brush expands the capillaries, resulting in increased blood flow and, accordingly, oxygen and nutrients to the lower layers of the skin. In addition to fighting cellulite, exfoliation helps relieve stress and tension.
  • Increases the effectiveness of cosmetics. The layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin prevents the active ingredients of cosmetics from penetrating into its lower layers. After exfoliation, the skin is cleansed and the effectiveness of cosmetics is greatly increased.

How to choose the right body brush

Exfoliation of the skin requires, in fact, an inexpensive tool - a brush. It must have certain characteristics:

  • The brush should be made only of natural bristles, as it will have to be used daily.
  • The handle must be long. This will allow you to reach with a brush to rather hard-to-reach places - between the shoulders, to the middle of the back.
  • A brush with a removable handle will be very convenient for cleansing the abdomen and the arm area.

How to properly use an exfoliating brush

  • Brush exfoliation is best done just before bathing or showering.
  • You should start with the toes, massaging movements along the feet.
  • Gradually rising up, the area of ​​​​the feet, calves is cleared. Next, you should rise to the knees and thighs, cleaning them.
  • Then the skin of the buttocks and thighs is cleansed in a circular motion.
  • After attaching a long handle to the brush, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the back.
  • Next, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the abdomen and chest. Be careful with the neckline - there is very sensitive skin.
  • Starting from the fingers, with long strokes, the brush moves up towards the shoulders. So you can clean the skin of the hands and forearms.
  • The neck and face should not be brushed with such a brush. These areas require gentler exfoliation techniques due to their high sensitivity.
  • After the end of the exfoliation procedure with a brush, it is necessary to wash off the remaining skin cells by taking a shower or bath.
  • Then you should apply a moisturizer or lotion to cleansed skin. Cosmetics will be absorbed into cleansed skin much more efficiently.

It is necessary to follow a few simple rules during the exfoliation procedure:

  • The movements of the brush should be directed from the bottom up: rising from the soles of the feet to the chest and shoulders.
  • The most sensitive areas of the skin should be cleansed with gentle, gentle movements of the brush.
  • Do not use a brush to cleanse particularly sensitive areas - the neck, face, around the nipples and on the inner thighs.
  • You should also avoid brushing areas where the upper skin is damaged, that is, be attentive to cuts, scars, rashes or areas of irritation.

Skin exfoliation with a brush is an easy, inexpensive way to cleanse the skin and has many benefits. Skin will be more beautiful, smoother and softer with just a few minutes a day of exfoliating with a brush.

Cleansing the body and health Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Cleansing the body of dead and diseased cells

For this purpose, fasting is best suited. You can use other health remedies, but the effectiveness of fasting in this regard has no equal.

Hunger periods range from 2 to 3-4 weeks. The thing is that in the first two weeks the body loses weight most quickly. After the acidotic crisis has passed, the body loses very little in weight - 100 ... 300 grams per day. Therefore, fasting for two weeks, we lose the most weight.

As for the destruction of dead and diseased cells, the most intense processes in the body are played out after 2 weeks of fasting and continue for the next 2 weeks (this is true for a person who has a body weight of 70 to 90 kg before starvation).

After weight loss has slowed down, you need to exit on fresh food and stick to this diet for 2-4 weeks. Similar courses of hunger should be repeated at least twice a year. Preferably in spring and autumn on the equinoxes.

In view of the fact that fasting is interrupted and a pyogenic infection has become more active, I advise you to clean your mouth every morning in this way. Rub the stale crust of bread with garlic and chew until it turns into a liquid, which you spit out. Do this 2-3 more times during 1-2 weeks of recovery. Then brush your teeth with toothpaste and start eating.

In general, it is recommended to use garlic during restorative nutrition, which helps to destroy the activated infection, enhances the digestive capacity of the body. There is only one warning in this regard - do not overexcite the vital principle "Bile" with the burning taste of garlic.

For more information on how to run a fast, see my book The Fasting Handbook.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Cell damage factors

All cells have a so-called. ideal microclimate - conditions under which the probability of their death is minimal, and the lifetime is maximum. This microclimate determines the temperature, pressure, frequency of electromagnetic and ionizing waves, etc. All body cells are located in a liquid extracellular matrix. The chemical composition of the extracellular matrix in which a certain cell or several cells are located, microecology, must also be ideal. Changes in the microclimate and microecology lead to cell vulnerability. The greater this change, the more cells are damaged. With an excessive change in microecology, all cells die, as, for example, with burns, frostbite, exposure to chemical agents.

Any effect on the body that disrupts the normal microclimate and microecology of cells is called a damaging factor. The number of dead cells is directly proportional to the strength and duration of exposure to the damaging factor.

Accumulation Factors of Dead Cells

Cells are constantly being created and killed, so there is a certain normal amount of dead cells in any tissue. Their excess body seeks to utilize. The less dead cells, the better the condition of the tissue. It is far from always feasible to maintain the required number of normal cells by creating new ones; in addition, this only makes it possible to support the functioning of the tissue, but does not enhance immune defense, which requires the utilization of excess dead cells. Therefore, important functions of the body are the protection of normal cells from death and the fastest utilization of damaged ones.

In one way or another, many organs and systems are involved in the removal of dead cells: bone marrow, spinal cord, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys. Violation of the work of at least one of the listed organs or systems leads to an imbalance between cell death and the removal of dead cells. The result is an accumulation of dead cells. The average rate of damage and the average rate of cell removal are of importance. Therefore, short-term and one-time damages do not cause such harm as regularly acting damage factors.

Why does the body not increase the rate of removal of dead cells? The answer is simple: the body is constantly trying to dispose of dead cells, but it does not always have enough resources for this. Lack of resources is a universal problem of the body. During its growth, the need to remove cells is small, and therefore the body accumulates resources, and soon after the end of the growth period, it begins to slowly waste them. During the period of growth, the periodic influence of moderately unfavorable conditions strengthens the body. In old age, the body no longer has the resources for protection, and even periodically affecting adverse conditions cause damage to health if these resources are not replenished. Continuously acting even moderate damaging factors lead to the depletion of the resources of both the young and the old organism and cause the accumulation of dead cells, rapid aging, and an increase in the likelihood of developing diseases. Therefore, all regularly affecting damaging factors should be eliminated, and periodically affecting factors should be minimized.

Body resources

The body's resources are the ability to utilize the maximum proportion of dead cells, create an ideal microclimate and microecology in all organs and tissues during exposure to adverse conditions: cold, hyperthermia, bruises, changes in pH balance, intoxication with poisons, carcinogens, etc.

The body's resources are a set of defense systems, or, in other words, systems for reducing the rate of damage to normal cells and accelerating the elimination of the dead.

Since all actions in the body are carried out by cells, the primary resources are cellular resources. Having used its resource, the cell replenishes its supply from the extracellular matrix. The resources of the organism as a whole ultimately depend on the intensity of replenishment of the expended resources by the cells.

The extracellular matrix, from which the cells restore their resource, replenishes its composition through the blood. Then the blood is supplied with resources in the kidneys, liver, lungs. The bone marrow produces specialized blood cells. The process of supplying cells with resources is highly dynamic, and the apparent constancy, for example, of blood characteristics is maintained by many systems that are keenly perceiving any changes.

All resources of the body can be divided into accumulated and recreated.

Accumulated resources:

  • resting cells with an unspent resource;

  • the capacity and content of the extracellular matrix, from which cells replenish their resources - 1/5 of body weight, 12-15 liters for a person over 18;

  • capacity and content of blood - 5-6 liters;
  • capacity and contents of lymph - 2 liters;

  • specialized resource accumulators.
  • The most operational and always ready-to-use reserve resource is passive cells. The body never involves all the cells in the functioning at the same time. When some cells work, others replenish the supply of resources, while others rest. At a certain point in time, functioning and inactive cells change. The reserve is activated only in cases of emergency, it lasts for a short time (no more than a minute), but this is often enough to carry out a difficult task (lift a large mass, overcome a hundred meters at maximum speed, secrete a large amount of substance, etc.).

    The most important and voluminous accumulated resource is the extracellular matrix. Its volume is 12-15 liters. Its contents can be almost completely used, in contrast to the contents of the blood, the change in the rate of which cannot exceed 16%. In addition, exchanging with blood, the extracellular matrix can transfer the resource from one part of the body to another. The transport of resources is quite slow, but it allows for continuous work of moderate intensity over the course of hours. The main purpose of sleep and rest is to replenish the extracellular matrix with resources.

    The content of the blood, which is approximately half that of the extracellular matrix, is also an accumulated resource, but only a tenth of it can be used, so the buffer properties of blood during prolonged physical work are 20 times lower than those of the extracellular matrix. It follows from this that the dynamic volume of blood resources is only 500 ml, and even then only when its supply of resources is maximum. Blood mainly functions as a resource transport and temporary buffer within minutes.

    Having spent the available 10% of blood resources, the body starts the mechanisms of economical consumption of resources, thereby preventing the destruction of blood cells. It is for this reason that blood tests give out normal values, while the pathological process in the tissues is obvious.

    The content of lymph, the volume of which is 2 liters, resembles the content of blood serum, but differs significantly in the increased content of protein released during the utilization of dead cells, and protein obtained from the intestines. Therefore, lymph serves as an accumulated protein resource and plays an important role in case of protein deficiency in food. In addition, the entire lymphatic system serves as one of the most important producers of cells in the immune system, which detect dead cells and remove them.

    For a stable supply of the body with resources, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and in the event of the manifestation of certain diseases, immediately

Peeling is the removal of dead skin cells. This procedure contributes to the renewal of the skin, restores its beauty and healthy appearance. Today, there are various types of peeling, so every girl will be able to choose the perfect option for herself. We will talk about what facial peels are and which one is better in this publication.

Peeling classification

In modern cosmetology, there is a classification of facial peels according to two criteria: by the depth of exposure and by the type of exposure.

According to the depth of exposure, the following types of facial peels are distinguished:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

According to the type of impact, there are:

  • mechanical;
  • physical;
  • chemical peels.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Superficial peeling acts exclusively in the upper layers of the epidermis and is aimed at removing dead cells of the horny and granular layers of the skin.

Photo of the superficial peeling procedure

Indications for superficial peeling:

  • acne and post-acne;
  • mimic and age wrinkles;
  • uneven complexion;
  • scars and scars;
  • dark spots;
  • loss of skin elasticity.

Depending on the type of exposure, mechanical, chemical and physical superficial peels are distinguished.

Mechanical superficial peeling is called microdermabrasion. In this case, scrubs based on small particles of minerals or plant products (for example, particles of fruit seeds, ground rice, coffee) are used to remove dead skin cells. This procedure can be carried out both at home and in the office of a beautician. In this case, you can use both purchased cosmetics and scrubs prepared on your own.

Superficial chemical peeling is the most gentle and safe procedure, in comparison with other chemical treatments. The action of special substances in this case does not extend beyond the stratum corneum of the epidermis, therefore only the upper dead cells are removed.

Such a procedure can be carried out on the basis of fruit acids (malic, lactic, citric, tartaric), retinoic, salicylic and glycolic acids, as well as alkalis.

The most gentle way to cleanse the skin is the use of fruit acids. During the procedure, substances obtained from sugar cane, citrus fruits, cranberries and other fruits can be used.

Peeling with retinoic acid is considered more effective. This procedure promotes intensive cell division of the epidermis, stimulates the production of collagen, and restores the water balance in the skin surface. To enhance the effect during cleaning, azelaic, phytic, ascorbic and other acids can also be used.

Superficial peeling helps prevent premature aging of the skin and eliminate the first signs of age-related changes, as well as cleanse the skin and normalize the metabolism in the dermis.

However, this procedure has its contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions);
  • skin diseases in the acute stage (demodecosis and others);
  • allergy to peeling components;

It is also worth noting that superficial peeling is not recommended after, in hot weather (except for milk and gas-liquid), as well as during pregnancy.

Median peeling

The action of median peeling extends to the entire epidermis, including the papillary dermis. Unlike the surface type, this procedure is carried out using more concentrated acids, in particular trichloroacetic (TCA) and its combinations with fruit acids.

With the help of median peeling, you can get rid of deep pigmentation, eliminate stagnant red spots, and also reduce deep wrinkles.

Median peeling, as opposed to superficial, carried out only by a dermatocosmetologist. Such a procedure involves a period of rehabilitation, since after it red spots and burns form on the face, which disappear after a few days.

Deep peeling

During the deep peeling procedure, the epidermis and the papillary layer of the dermis are destroyed, and the action of acids reaches the reticular layer. This is a kind of surgery that is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. During the procedure, almost all layers of the dermis are removed, leaving only small tissue islands. After that, natural regeneration processes are launched, due to which deep wrinkles, age spots are eliminated, the skin is tightened and takes on a healthy look.

Deep peeling can be done with a laser or chemically. In the second case, phenol-based products are used.

As a rule, such an aggressive procedure is not prescribed for women under 55 years of age. More gentle methods of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin are suitable for young women.

But deep peeling is indicated in the following cases:

  • pronounced age-related changes (deep wrinkles, crow's feet near the eyes, age spots);
  • sagging skin on the face and chin;
  • the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis);
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys, cardiovascular diseases;
  • keloid scars on the skin;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical skin cleansing methods include microdermabrasion (surface exposure) and dermabrasion (median exposure).

During the procedure, special products containing small solid granules and particles are used, which quickly and painlessly remove dead skin cells.

For mechanical peeling, you can use the following tools:

  • scrubs - cosmetic products in the form of a gel containing synthetic or natural abrasive particles (for example, walnut shells, apricot kernels or coffee);
  • gommages - special rolling creams that contain fruit acids and soft abrasive microparticles that dissolve on the skin during the cleaning process;
  • film masks - cosmetic products that form a silicone film when applied to the skin, which is removed along with dead cells;
  • salt peeling - products based on sea salt, mineral water and useful minerals;
  • coral polishing is a procedure that is carried out using products based on coral chips and plant components.

Mechanical peeling is an affordable and gentle procedure that can be carried out independently at home. After such cleaning, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, tissue regeneration processes in the dermis are launched, acne and fine wrinkles are eliminated.

Median mechanical peeling is carried out exclusively in the office of a beautician. These procedures include:

  • microcrystalline dermabrasion - face resurfacing with professional preparations containing abrasive particles;
  • diamond exfoliation - polishing of the upper layers of the skin with products based on diamond dust.

Chemical peel

Chemical peeling is the removal of skin layers with chemical acids and alkalis. This procedure is carried out using special cosmetic products containing acids or alkalis. A chemical peel using special acids is called an acid peel, and if you are wondering which acid peel is best for your face, read the following information.

During chemical cleaning, the following substances are most often used:

physical method

Physical peeling is the renewal of skin cells by exposure to low temperatures, a laser beam or ultrasound.

There are three types of this procedure:

Which option to choose

So, we have considered the types of peels, and now let's talk about which peel is better.

When choosing a facial peel, you should first of all consider the problem you want to get rid of and your age.

For young skin, choose gentle treatments (such as superficial chemical peels or mechanical cleansing). For mature skin (after 40 years), more aggressive preparations (for example, median peeling or dermabrasion) can be used. In any case, before the procedure, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist who will select the ideal option for your skin.

It is also worth noting that today chemical peels based on fruit acids are especially popular. This is a fairly effective and gentle method that allows you to cleanse the skin, even out the tone of the face, get rid of acne and smooth out fine wrinkles. However, keep in mind that for the maximum effect, you will need to take a course of 7-10 procedures with a break of 10 days between each.

When is the best time to exfoliate?

Cosmetologists recommend such procedures during the cold season. The ideal time to cleanse the skin is late autumn and winter. This is due to the fact that peeling removes the top layer of the skin, leaving cleansed tissues that need to be protected from exposure to sunlight, dirt and dust. In winter, the sun is not as active as in summer and spring, and the dust is covered with snow. That is why, doing the peeling procedure in winter, you protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to the appearance of age spots, and from dirt.

The cost of peeling in a beauty salon

The cost of peeling depends on what composition is used. The more primitive and cheaper it is, the higher the likelihood of complications, but the more affordable it is. Also, the cost of peeling depends on which areas are selected for treatment. The larger the plot, the greater the amount of the drug required, and the price increases. In the table you can see the approximate cost of the peeling procedure in a beauty salon.

To find out more about what the cost of the peeling procedure consists of, watch the video:


Facial peeling is an effective and affordable procedure that allows you to restore facial skin in a short time, make it healthy and eliminate signs of aging. Today, there are many types of peeling and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so before deciding on such a procedure, consult an experienced cosmetologist and choose the best option for your skin.

Women of all times are preoccupied with the main question: how to prolong youth while maintaining attractiveness and seductiveness for the stronger half?

Only silky skin without visible signs of aging can rejuvenate its owner by at least ten years. You should not envy the ladies, whose appearance varies significantly with the true age. Maybe you should learn how to take care of yourself?

Body care

The secrets of Cleopatra's breathtaking appearance lay in the abundance of body care recipes. Everyone knows one of her anti-aging remedies - baths of whole milk and honey. This procedure softened and nourished the skin, removed the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis. Gentle exfoliation is important for youthful skin. Let's find out what it is.

What is body peeling? This is a procedure for applying various cosmetic products to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new ones. Along with such an expensive method of rejuvenation, there is a great alternative - body peeling at home. This method is more economical and less dangerous for the skin. Body peeling is the number one anti-aging remedy for the skin of the body and face.

Get your own formula for youth

  • Before embarking on anti-aging procedures, you need to remember the main rule: use only natural products as cosmetics.
  • Peeling for normal and oily skin is necessary once a week, for dry skin - once every two to three weeks.
  • To achieve the best effect, you should pre-steam the skin. To do this, you can take a warm shower or bath.
  • Apply the exfoliator to a damp body with massaging movements, paying special attention to the most delicate and vulnerable areas.
  • Perform the cleansing process in a good mood, set yourself up for positive, for example, by turning on your favorite music.

Preparing home peeling

So, how to prepare body peeling at home? You can make a mixture for cleansing from many products. The following products are suitable for the base: sour cream, kefir, yogurt, honey, vegetable or fruit puree, all kinds of base oils.

Any abrasive particles can become a filler for the base: ground coffee, fruit pits, oatmeal, semolina and other cereals. In a word, everything that will contribute to the easy removal of keratinized particles of the skin of the entire body.

How to make a peeling mask correctly, how long can the product be stored? First of all, you need to avoid those components that cause allergic reactions specifically in you.

Secondly, only freshly prepared mixture can be used. You don't need to store it. Peeling frequency is once a week.

To help the skin cleanse and gain tone, you need to choose the right components. It all depends on the type of skin and its characteristics.

Peeling for dry skin

If you are the owner of a dry skin type, then cleansing should be gentle and delicate. The components that make up the peeling should saturate the cells with moisture and nutrients.

  • The main ingredient is crushed oatmeal in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Flakes should be ground in a blender, add 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil, mix and set aside. Next, you need to melt 1 teaspoon of honey in a water bath, add the same amount of milk and the flakes prepared earlier. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply peeling on the body in a circular motion, massage for 5 minutes, take a warm shower. You can soften the skin with a cream. Although without cream, the skin becomes velvety and very pleasant to the touch.
  • Another good oatmeal recipe. You need to take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, grind and mix with 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of brown sugar.

Peeling for oily skin

If you are the owner of oily skin, then body peeling is necessary on the basis of components that help get rid of problematic rashes.

  • The recipe is this: mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. Massage the mixture on the body, wait 10 minutes, rinse with warm running water. Frequency - twice a week.
  • Another recipe for oily skin: a glass of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of crushed ginger, 80 ml of grape seed oil and 10 drops of orange oil. Mix everything and apply on the body. After carrying out this cleaning method, the skin will acquire a pleasant aroma and change significantly: you will note the smoothness, elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

Peeling for normal skin

With a normal skin type, it remains only to enjoy the maintenance procedures. The following mixes are perfect for you:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of crushed dark chocolate, 2 tablespoons of grated lemon zest, a teaspoon of olive, mint, sea buckthorn oils and grape seed extract. Mix everything, apply on the body and let it soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.

It is necessary to mash three large strawberries into a puree, add 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Apply this fragrant mixture with massage movements on a wet body, rinse after 5 minutes.

This is not the whole list of possible home peels. It is necessary to mention the cleansing of mature skin and especially sensitive.

Owners of mature skin will suit the following mask. Recipe: 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the same amount of honey and 2-3 tablespoons of coffee grounds. What is the value of such a composition? It perfectly cleanses the pores, smoothes fine wrinkles, and the oil and honey present in it saturate the epidermis with useful substances.

For those with sensitive skin, we recommend using a recipe that includes the following ingredients: 1 cup of oatmeal and the same amount of lavender flowers. To this mixture, you need to add eight drops of essential oils of lavender and mandarin, as well as 4 drops of chamomile oil. For a viscous consistency, add a little warm water.

Folk medical cosmetics is fraught with many secret ingredients that can prolong our youth and preserve beauty.

Of course, peeling alone will not rejuvenate the body. Other factors are also important here: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, physical activity in the fresh air, the absence of stress and bad habits. Only in a complex can a positive result be achieved and share with famous representatives of world cultures a great heritage - female beauty.