For the character "Baba Yaga" we make a costume with our own hands. Handmade jewelry and accessories: Baba Yaga costume Stylish Baba Yaga costume

Such a costume does not require a lot of time and money. We can say that you can even make a Baba Yaga costume with your own hands from improvised means. New materials are useless here - the older the fabrics are, the more spectacular the outfit will look.

Baba Yaga costume for a girl

To create such an original carnival attire with your own hands, you will have to not only sew, but use other techniques to create details.

A distinctive feature of such a fairy-tale character is an expressive long nose. Of course, it is easy to get it in departments with goods for the holidays, but it is not difficult to fashion it yourself. The first step is to make a mold from plasticine. You should not try to make it very thick, the main thing is that it does not shine through.

The next step is to smear the plasticine nose on the outside with PVA glue. We take thin paper, tear it into very small pieces and glue it to the plasticine mold. Next, mix yellow, red and white gouache so that it turns out flesh, and color the nose when the glue dries. The best way to fix the nose is to make holes on the sides and thread the elastic.

The dress is very easy to sew. It is enough to find an old dark fabric, cut out two large parts of a long dress with long sleeves from it and sew them. The main condition is that the dress should be large and wide so that it can be easily put on over the head. On the dress, be sure to make patches from contrasting and multi-colored fabrics.

It is better to make a vest from dense fabrics of dark color. We cut out the back and two identical side parts, connect them on the sides and top. In the center of the side parts we make holes through which you need to pass the cord and tie it.

If you don't have a mini broom at home, you'll need to make your own. We take a thick stick about a meter long, and we wind long thick dry branches with wire just above its tip.

Find a shaggy long wig or tease your hair and tie a bandana over the top. If it does not hold well on the wig, fix it with invisible hair.

Simple Yagi Suit

It is not necessary to sew a dress, it is enough to use an old men's dark shirt and a long women's skirt. It is imperative to decorate them with patches. Of course, the skirt will be too big, and it needs to be girded with a dark ribbon.

If you're using a wig and the scarf tied like a bandana doesn't hold well, tie it under your chin.

You can make large beads that fit perfectly into this image. It is better to pick up large beads, different in color and size. And, it is desirable to use two rows of beads.

Instead of an apron, you can tie a colorful large scarf or shawl.

The original outfit of Babka Yaga

If you don’t know how to make a Baba Yaga costume with your own hands, which will be original, use not only tips, but also your imagination to make bright notes.

Beads can be made with your own hands from dry berries. Hawthorn and mountain ash are perfect. We thread a long thread into the needle and, piercing the berries, string them onto the thread. Next, we connect its tips with two knots.

An interesting detail for the image of Yagi is an apron, which can be made from a semicircular and thin long piece of fabric.

You can take an ordinary men's shirt, but a skirt is easy to create from different long pieces of fabric and elastic. This colorful skirt will perfectly fit into the image.

The scarf can be sewn from small pieces. We sew multi-colored pieces of fabric together, and then cut off the edges to make a rectangle.

Such an unusual and original carnival outfit is perfect for a New Year's themed party. It's time to get away from the standard images of snowflakes and princesses, because such a costume will be remembered both at a children's matinee and at a house party.

Recommendations for creating a Baba Yaga costume

You don’t need much to make, you should look for old things at home. Blouses, blouses, long skirts and grandmother's colored scarves will do. Baba Yaga dressed in torn and dirty things, so to imitate antiquity and holes eaten by moths, you need to make them with scissors or sew on lurid lining. The hem of the skirt is unevenly torn and cut off part of the bottom for asymmetry.

If you find an unnecessary fur collar at home, you can use it for the vest of our costume or make an imitation of a cat out of it, which you can then put on the shoulder of the same vest, attaching it with threads and needles.

Important! Instead of a collar, you can use a ready-made animal toy.

Accessories are very important in this outfit. For the hump, an ordinary lump of cloth is used, placed under the clothes on the back. Take a broom in your hands, and buy a gray wig in a store or sew it from gray wool, tie a colorful scarf on top. It can be tied under the chin or at the back.

Although Baba Yaga is not a beauty, she is a woman and loved jewelry. Beads, earrings in the form of skulls are suitable here, they will perfectly complement the outfit. If you want to make them with your own hands, then you will need polymer clay, which, after complete solidification, must be covered with white paint. Ordinary cardboard is also suitable for jewelry. Cut out blanks of beads, put on a thread and sew on top.

Important! Shoes - trampled slippers, felt boots. They can be decorated with colored patches.

How to make a grandmother-hedgehog costume for a little girl

For a carnival costume you will need:

  • colored overlays;
  • sackcloth;
  • dark sweater;
  • striped leggings;
  • rubber;
  • slippers, felt boots or galoshes;
  • belt;
  • scarf with a pattern;
  • gray socks;
  • small pillow;
  • dried mushrooms;
  • plasticine, glue.

First Master Class:

  • From woolen burlap, first sew a dress. Cut a hole in the bottom of the bag for the head, and on the sides - for the hands. On one shoulder, gather and sew the fabric.
  • Cut holes in gray socks for fingers.
  • From an ordinary small pillow, make something like a backpack, sewing an elastic band to the edges.
  • To mold fly agarics from plasticine, they can also be made from a newspaper (papier Mache), covering them with paint after.
  • Sew the patches received fly agaric to a burlap dress;
  • Now to assemble the suit.
  • First you need to put on a sweater, put a backpack from a small pillow on your back, putting it on your hands with an elastic band.
  • Throw a dress decorated with mushrooms over it, fasten it with any belt.
  • On your feet, put on a cheerful color in a striped leggings and felt boots or slippers.
  • On his hands are gloves made of gray socks.
  • Tie a colored scarf around your head, and put a necklace or beads around your neck.

Important! Costume beads are best made from dried mushrooms.

Second master class:

  • Take an ordinary jacket and sew a fringe on the edges of the sleeves. Sew patches of colored fabric along the entire length of the sleeve. Take thick woolen threads for the contrast of stripes.
  • Make two holes on the finished vest. A homemade vest can be sewn from burlap. Sew a large button to one hole, a loop to the other.
  • Also sew a few patches on the maxi skirt, put on a white or colored round apron over it.
  • Colored striped leggings will fit on your feet, galoshes or terry slippers will ideally sit on top.
  • Tie a woolen scarf, and give your hair an untidy and disheveled look.
  • Put on an artificial nose.
  • Draw huge black eyebrows with mascara, with a brown pencil you can draw an imitation of wrinkles and bright freckles.

Instructions for creating a Baba Yaga outfit for an adult with your own hands

There are two outfit options for an adult: simple and unusual.

First, let's deal with a simple outfit. It is not necessary to sew it, an old and unnecessary men's shirt and maxi skirt will do. They are easy to decorate with patches and cut the hem of the skirt. The scarf can be tied like a bandana or tied under the chin. I get wet to put on large round beads of different sizes. Throw a woolen shawl over it.

For an original costume, a necklace should be made from dried mushrooms or berries, such as mountain ash or hawthorn. Just put each berry on a thread with a needle and connect the ends.

An apron for a fabulous old woman's outfit will look great from a round piece of colored fabric.

For a costume, you definitely need a big and twisted nose of an old woman. You can make it from papier-mâché, for more convenient fastening, in addition to the nose, it is better to make superciliary arches, and stick black and bushy eyebrows on them. In the temporal region of the mask, make doors, thread the elastic. In order for the mask to hold exactly and not fall anywhere, it is better to put round old glasses without glasses on top of it.

Step-by-step master class for making a nose:

  1. From plasticine mold a hooked nose.
  2. Tear the newspaper into pieces no more than 3 cm, it is necessary to tear it, so the shreds will lie flat.
  3. Apply overlapping, bubble-free pieces of newspaper soaked in water to the impression. Coat with PVA glue on the second and subsequent layers.
  4. Dry the product without removing it from the plasticine. Once everything is dry, carefully remove the nose from the workpiece.

This is how, in just an hour, you get an original and unusual, and most importantly, easy-to-make Baba Yaga outfit for the holiday. It is enough to study the recommendations and photos to get a great suit.

Elena Galchinskaya

Review - competition costumes"Inspiration" individual work

municipal preschool educational institution "Olkhovsky Kindergarten" Olkhovsky municipal district of the Volgograd region

Review - competition costumes"Inspiration"

(individual work).

Baba Yaga costume for adults.

Developed: teacher Galchinskaya E. N.

MDOU "Olkhovsky Kindergarten"

With. Olkhovka 2018

Costume« Baba Yaga»


top up wardrobe kindergarten with models and accessories for holidays and leisure.

Nomination: adult costume(individual work).

Material: silk, satin, velveteen, felt, burlap, lace, yarn, chiffon.

Equipment suit:

Wig - 1pc

Knitted hat-1pc

Chiffon scarf - 1 pc

Hump ​​-1pc

Blouse -1pc

Beads - 1pc


Skirt - 1pc



Bast shoes-1pc

Technique: sewing, applique, crochet.

Equipment: laptop with audio file, steering wheel with sign "U", a tub decorated with fly agaric and lizard toys, a ladle,


Fairy tales are beautiful works of art. In almost all fairy tales, one of the characters is Baba Yaga. We know this representative of evil spirits from early childhood! She first appears before us in Russian fairy tales, such How: "Swan geese", “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

In various works, she is either kind, helping people, or evil and cruel, stealing children and even trying to eat them. Woman-Yaga can be both a negative character and a positive one. For example, she steals her brother Ivanushka from her sister Alyonushka, and drowns Alyonushka herself in a pond, placing a heavy stone on her chest. But Ivan - Tsarevich and feeds and waters, soars in the bathhouse, and puts him to bed. Yes, it also instructs the mind and gives a magic ball on the road.

There is something in this dashing creature that frightens, attracts and attracts at the same time.

Favorite character Woman Yaga is also in kindergarten. We meet with her at matinees, performances, entertainment. At the same time, it is very important that the character looks bright, aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, because children perceive the world with bright colors.

Based on this rule, I designed suit different fabrics, inserts and appliqué. This made him festive and brightness.

Suit defense progress:

Woman Yaga runs in to the sound of a car holding the steering wheel.

I am Yagushka, I live on the edge of the forest,

I came not in vain, to show suit it's time.

My the costume is not so good, all in patches is not good-looking.

There is no beautiful painting in it, but do not think in vain.

I sewed it with love, told fortune telling at night.

She conjured and whispered, and knitted, and weaved,

She wove it with witchcraft, cast spells.

I cooked everything in a tub, fly agaric, trinkets.

Whirlwinds, tornadoes and fires, I added everything here.

I stirred everything with a spoon, and fried a little.

Oh, and I was very tired, I dozed off a little.

And when I woke up miraculously, I threw up my hands.

It turned out so beautiful, I came here right away.

I promise to be nice, on a holiday where the kids are!

Woman Yaga bows to the jury members and leaves.

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Baby Yaga must be a bright and colorful figure at a costume party. Despite her negative qualities, she is always in the spotlight: either plotting, kidnapping the Snow Maiden or the holiday itself, or helping good heroes find the right path. Like any character, the witch has the features of her outfit, which will unequivocally say that in front of you is the classic hero of the Baba Yaga fairy tale. This:

  • broom;
  • crochet nose;
  • a characteristically tied scarf on the head;
  • long skirt with patches.

Other Yagi attributes leave room for fantasy. A vest, fringed shirt or sweater, tousled hair, high socks or striped leg warmers - whether to wear them depends on the specifics of your event. The Baba Yaga costume will not require large expenditures. The character walks around in rags, so you can easily find all the materials at home to sew an outfit yourself from scratch.

How to make a nose for Baba Yaga

A nasty long nose is a hallmark of this character. Although the costume can do without this expressive detail. You can probably buy a nose in a store specializing in goods for the holidays. However, if you still decide to make this part of the costume yourself, try papier-mâché technology.

For this:

  1. Sculpt a hook-shaped nose out of plasticine. It doesn't have to be wide, but thin doesn't work either.
  2. Cut or tear thin paper into small pieces (you can use newspaper).
  3. Coat the plasticine mold with PVA glue.
  4. Cover the nose tightly and evenly with pieces of paper. Wait for everything to dry.
  5. Color the shape in flesh color. To do this, mix red, yellow and white.
  6. Make holes on the sides at the base of the nose, thread a thin elastic band or thread - the nose is ready to "work".

Baba Yaga costume from the movie "Frost"

Many older people, when they hear the word "Baba Yaga", see in front of them an image from the Soviet movie fairy tale "Morozko". The character of the actor Georgy Millyar can be called a classic. To make a similar costume, you need to work a little with a needle and thread:

  1. Take a piece of cotton fabric for a shirt. You can buy the ugliest and cheapest.
  2. Cut out a plain one-sleeve chemise that will be seamed at the back and front under the armpits and at the sides.
  3. Make a few stitches on the sleeves, and then slightly cut the fabric and tear it into “graceful” tatters.
  4. To make a skirt, take a simple rectangle of fabric or burlap, sew it in two places (at the waist and at the bottom) and insert the elastic.
  5. Throw a scarf over your shoulders or take a ready-made vest.
  6. Tie a scarf over a wig or over messy, hairspray-fixed hair. The “signature” Yagi scarf is knitted in a knot at the back of the head, and then twisted over the forehead, knot forward. For reliability, it can be fixed with invisibility.
  7. Make the appropriate makeup in pale tones.

Advice. You can artificially age a suit by staining it with watercolors and sewing on patches from pieces of colored fabric.

Modern Baba Yaga costume for adults

Yagi's outfit is easy to whip up from rags and household items. As a shirt, use any dark turtleneck. For a skirt, you still need sewing skills. Sew a piece of fabric in a couple of places at the top, insert an elastic band into the belt. Such a skirt with a slit does not have to be done to the floor. It's better if she's free. All this is quite possible to purchase in a store like "Second-Hand" - buy things 2-3 sizes larger.

For such a model, tights with holes and arrows are suitable. On your feet - flat shoes or old ballet flats. Comb and fix with varnish the cosmos on the head. But it is better to make a bright make-up: beautifully, but overly line your eyes and make up your lips. Don't forget black or red manicure. For such an outfit, a cone-shaped hat would be appropriate. It can be made from two cardboard parts: a ring and a cone.

Advice. If cutting the fabric is not included in your plans, but you want to give the costume an entourage, just sew the fringe on the sleeves, hem and other parts of the outfit.

Baba Yaga costume for girls

For a child, you can make one of the previous versions of the costume, but you can also sew an original outfit. Find a dark fabric, cut out and cut out two identical halves of the dress from it: front and back. Clothing should reach at least to the knees, be long-sleeved and spacious enough so that the child can put it on over the head. Sew details. Decorate the finished dress with colorful patches.

For a vest, take a denser fabric. To make this part of the costume, cut out 3 parts: a back and a pair of side pieces - they should be the same. Sew all the pieces, leaving room for the hands. You can attach a beautiful lace to tie the floors of the vest. The original idea for the costume is beads made from dry berries (hawthorn, wild rose) and mushrooms. An apron with a pattern made from a thin piece of semicircular fabric will look beautiful on a Baba Yaga girl.

When making any Yagi costume, do not forget about the main detail - the broom. Ready-made is suitable for an adult, and a child will probably have to make it with his own hands, from a stick and thin twigs. This accessory will complete the look, and no one will have any questions about what kind of bright character came to the holiday.

To create a different image for the holiday, read how to do it yourself, or.

Creating a Baba Yaga costume: video

With absolute certainty, it can be said that at any costume party, being Baba Yaga is much more interesting and more fun than a Snow Maiden, a princess, or some other fabulous beauty. Baba Yaga, a costume for which, by the way, is not difficult to make, is completely unlimited in actions, and all her pranks and jokes will be forgiven her. If you decide to choose this image for yourself for the next holiday, then our article will tell you how to make a Baba Yaga costume yourself.

Suit base

The Baba Yaga costume can be made based on some wardrobe items. First of all, we need a long, below the ankles, skirt. You also need to choose a wide and long blouse or dark-colored shirt that you will wear outside. If you want the “granny” to look feminine, you can gird yourself with a fashionable beautiful belt.

If there are no suitable items of clothing in your wardrobe, then you can sew a suit yourself. For a skirt, a suitable material measuring 1 by 1.5 meters is selected, folded, a side seam is sewn, an elastic band is sewn in at the top, and the bottom of the skirt is cut into patches of different lengths. Sewing a jacket will be a little more difficult. To do this, a suitable fabric must be folded four times so that the fold is on the left side. At the top it is necessary to make a smooth neck, and the lower right piece must be cut off around the circumference, while stepping back from the top about 20 cm, and from the bottom - about 25 cm. After that, the fabric must be unfolded, cut the neck, sleeves and bottom by 3-5 cm, and sew the sides on a typewriter. If you have an old unnecessary fur coat, then you can make a vest for your heroine out of it. On top of it, you can also sew patches with thick woolen threads. Now the Baba Yaga costume is almost ready.

costume decoration

Choose fabrics or dark colors like green, brown or black. Of these, it is necessary to cut strips, the length of which is about 20 cm, and the width is about 2 cm. Then the strips are folded in half and (as thick as possible) sewn onto a skirt and blouse. Leaves of trees can be cut out of yellow or brown fabric, which will be an excellent decoration for a costume. They will look especially impressive if you use chiffon as the material. If you want your Baba Yaga to look like a real fashionista, then take care of ring earrings, as well as large multi-colored beads. By the way, a large multi-colored scarf will come in handy, which will look great if it is tied obliquely over a skirt. Also take care of a suitable wig, which should be pre-combed and fixed with hairspray.


However, the costume of Baba Yaga cannot be considered complete without a suitable make-up. If desired, a false nose can be bought in specialized stores. But you can do without it. It is enough to apply a dark base on the face and draw with a black pencil near the nose. Also pencil your eyebrows and paint your lips with red lipstick, this will help emphasize the feminine of your fabulous Grandmother Yaga.