All natural cosmetics at home. Proper storage of home cosmetics. What is the composition of nourishing cosmetic creams

It's no secret that homemade cosmetics are much more environmentally friendly than those prepared on an industrial scale. To make cosmetics at home, you will need very simple equipment, and the result will soon exceed all expectations. Using self-made cosmetics, you will immediately notice a positive effect.

The cause of many cosmetic problems is improper care, including the wrong selection of cosmetics. Choosing the right industrial cream is quite difficult, especially for sensitive and problematic skin. Do-it-yourself cosmetics at home makes it possible to choose a composition that meets the individual needs of the skin.

A complete list of ingredients of industrial cosmetics is indicated on the packaging in Latin letters after the inscription INCI. In the first place are the substances that are the most in the product (as a rule, the list begins with water - aqua). The percentage of components is usually not indicated. But we can say with confidence that everything listed after the fragrance and preservatives is present in minimal concentrations.

The list of ingredients according to the international nomenclature (INCI) is sealed with a promotional label indicating "active ingredients", which make up 1-2% of the product at best. If in the composition of the cream "on herbs" plant extracts are indicated after the fragrance (usually indicated in the composition as parfum), then their dosage is minimal and is unlikely to have any significant effect on the skin condition.

Such common components of industrial cosmetics as mineral oil (the designation in the composition is mineral oil, petrolatum or paraffinum liquidum), lanolin, etc., contain a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which make sebaceous secretions from the pores thicker. This leads to the formation of a sebaceous plug and blockage of the pores. At the site of contact with air, hardened sebum oxidizes and becomes dark in color. Substances secreted by the sebaceous gland accumulate, unable to flow out and be distributed over the surface of the skin. A favorable environment is created for the reproduction of bacteria that feed on sebum. As a result, black dots become inflamed, acne appears.

The presence of alcohol in the cream exacerbates the problem: skin that has lost its ability to naturally moisturize begins to produce even more sebum to soften the surface.

Most vegetable oils (except palm and coconut) are non-comedogenic because they do not contain high concentrations of saturated fatty acids. Many oils dissolve sebaceous plugs (for example, this is how it works) and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands (grape seed oil).

Proper storage of home cosmetics

Most home remedies have a short shelf life. For liquid moisturizers, it is approximately 1 week at room temperature and 2 in the refrigerator. The more water in the product, the shorter the shelf life of home cosmetics, since bacteria multiply in an aqueous rather than an oily environment.

Decoctions of herbs at home are not recommended to be introduced into the cream at all - this will reduce the shelf life to 1-2 days. Hard tiles and lipsticks with a lot of wax and hard oils are stored the longest (up to 3 months).

In general, the short shelf life of home-made cosmetics is not such a significant drawback, because the advantage of home-made cosmetics is that the recipes are selected according to the individual needs of the skin. And these needs are constantly changing depending on the weather, health status and other factors. And compositions for do-it-yourself homemade cosmetics require different ones.

To make the cream last longer:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene when preparing cosmetics. All devices and containers must be clean, preferably sterilized.
  2. Be sure to store home care cosmetics with a lot of water in the refrigerator.
  3. Use pumps, dispensers and tubes, or scoop out products with a clean spatula or spoon. The less product will be in contact with air and hands, the better.
  4. Add antioxidants (such as vitamin E) to mixtures with easily oxidizing ingredients (such as rosehip oil).
  5. If you want to prepare a cream for home cosmetics for the future, freeze it in portions designed for a weekly use. Homemade cosmetics do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen.

How to make cosmetics at home: making equipment

Before you make cosmetics at home, get the necessary equipment:

  1. For the preparation of complex compositions, scales accurate to tenths of a gram are needed: a minimal change in the dosage of a thickener or emulsifier can affect the structure of the mixture. For example, the effect of the introduction of gums is already noticeable at a concentration of 0.1%. To create mixtures exclusively on oils and wax, such accuracy is not needed; you can determine the ratio of products by eye.
  2. Also, a necessary equipment for home cosmetics is a mini-mixer, which will allow you to create mixtures of a homogeneous consistency when mixing the oil and water phases.
  3. For heating and mixing ingredients for home cosmetics, it is better to use ceramic, glass or enamel utensils to avoid reaction with cosmetic components. In this case, heating is always done in a water bath - the ingredients should be heated gradually.

Please note that when making homemade cosmetics, only components of the same temperature are mixed. If you are pouring melted wax into oil, the oil must be warm!

Components for the manufacture of home cosmetics: emulsifiers

Creams differ from oil mixtures in a wide variety of textures and composition. As a rule, there are two main parts (phases) in creams - water and fat. In the normal state, these phases do not mix (fat floats on the surface of the water), but they can be combined with the help of special substances - emulsifiers. These substances make it possible to prepare an emulsion, that is, a mixture of water and fats.

Molecules of emulsifiers, which are part of the cream, are capable of immersing one part in water, and the other in oil. At the same time, they create a shell around water or oil droplets, preventing them from connecting and disrupting the structure of the emulsion. The only question is which drops in the composition of cosmetic creams will be surrounded by an emulsifier - water or oil. It depends on the type of emulsifier, the ratio of water and oil phases and mixing characteristics.

What oils are included in emulsions for creams at home

A well-prepared emulsion is opaque and has a uniform consistency.

There are two types of emulsions:"oil in water" (direct) and "water in oil" (reverse). Drops of oil, which is part of the cream in direct emulsions, float in the aquatic environment. This emulsion is soluble in water and conducts electricity.

In reverse emulsions, water droplets are distributed in an oil medium, so reverse emulsions do not conduct current and are insoluble in water.

Direct emulsions ("oil in water") allow to include in the composition more than 50% of the aqueous phase. The cream turns out to be lighter, does not leave a greasy sheen, is well suited for oily and combination skin. Oil from direct emulsions easily penetrates the skin, and water evaporates from its surface, providing a slight cooling effect. Such mixtures are easy to prepare, but do not have pronounced protective properties and are not suitable for winter weather. Most commercially available emulsifiers are suitable for making direct emulsions. The most famous among them are polysorbates. Polysorbates are soluble in water and alcohol and insoluble in oil, so they are usually introduced into the aqueous phase. But they can also be mixed with oils for home cosmetics - for example, for the preparation of so-called hydrophilic cleansers.

Because polysorbates are heavier than oils, they can sink to the bottom in oil blends over time. When mixed with oil, polysorbates should be slightly heated to prevent precipitation.

Water-in-oil inverse emulsions suggest a larger amount of oil (up to 80% of the composition). Moreover, the less water, the more stable such a cream will be.

The aqueous phase of inverse emulsions penetrates under the skin, while the oily phase remains on the surface. Therefore, reverse emulsions create an additional protective film on the skin and are not washed off with water. But at the same time they are more greasy and are worse distributed during application. In general, nourishing inverse emulsions are recommended for use on dry to normal or body skin. At home, preparing an inverse emulsion is difficult. Water should be added to the emulsifier oil solution drop by drop, with constant stirring, preferably with a syringe directly to the bottom. Emulsions of the reverse type can be obtained using sorbitol naoleate, but only with a significant predominance of the oil phase.

To determine the type of emulsion, it is enough to place a small amount of cream in water. A direct emulsion will dissolve in water, a reverse emulsion will not. Thus, the type of industrial cream emulsion can also be recognized.

What is the composition of nourishing cosmetic creams

Here you will find out which composition of the cream is the most optimal.

Do-it-yourself homemade cosmetics recipes include:

  • Fat phase. Fatty oils, waxes. Solid fats are preliminarily melted in a water bath at a temperature of 60-70 °C. The fatty phase can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for several months.
  • water phase. Hydrolats, distilled water, as well as additional components that are soluble only in water.
  • active components. Aloe gel, essential oils, bisabolol, etc. are added last

The constant use of a nourishing cream, which consists exclusively of oil and wax, without the addition of an aqueous phase, is undesirable even for dry skin. Oil in homemade cosmetics can displace water from hydrophilic lipophilic layers and lead to dehydration.

Ingredients of home care cosmetics: cetyl alcohol

One of the drawbacks of all homemade cosmetic recipes is the difficulty in achieving the desired consistency. In industrial creams, most of the composition is occupied by components that do not perform useful functions, but provide a presentation, ease of application and a pleasant texture for the consumer. The cosmetic industry even has a special term borrowed from psychology - haptic perception. It indicates the attractiveness of the product at the time of application. According to haptic characteristics, home cosmetics often lose to industrial ones.

But there are a number of ingredients for home cosmetics that can be used at home to change the texture of the cream and improve its distribution on the skin.

Cetyl (palmitic) alcohol- monohydric fatty alcohol. This component for the manufacture of cosmetics is soluble in fats and ethanol. Softens the skin and makes it elastic, reduces the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, forming a thin film on its surface, but without interfering with skin respiration. Increases the permeability of the lipid barrier for the active components of the cream. Cetyl alcohol has weak emulsifying properties. This DIY cosmetic ingredient stabilizes the emulsion, increasing the viscosity. Often used in creams for oily skin, as it is able to thicken the mixture with a minimum amount of oils. Increases lather in cleansers.

  • Introduced into the fatty phase.
  • Concentration: 0.5-6%.
  • Melting point - 46-52 °C.

Ingredients for making homemade cosmetics with your own hands: gum

xanthan gum- a high molecular weight polysaccharide obtained as a result of the fermentation of glucose or sucrose on the cell wall of bacteria. This ingredient for the manufacture of cosmetics is a thickener and stabilizer, it prevents the separation of emulsions, and is resistant to temperature extremes. Xanthan molecules adsorb water, forming a viscous texture. Provides skin hydration, creates a protective film, tightens pores, has a slight lifting effect.

Makes the cream more pleasant to apply, gives uniformity.

Concentration: 0.1-2% (1% already gives a very viscous structure).

Too much xanthan can lead to dry skin and a filmy feeling on the face.

Guar gum- also a natural polysaccharide. Extracted from guar seeds. When swelling in cold water, the maximum viscosity is reached after 1-4 hours. Moreover, the higher the temperature, the faster the guarana forms a viscous solution. Guar solutions are stable at temperatures not exceeding 90 °C. The principle of gel formation is the same as that of xanthan. Concentration: 0.1-5%.

For greater density in homemade body cosmetics, it is recommended to use xanthan and guaran at the same time. Mixtures of gums thicken more than each separately. The recommended ratio is 80% guarana and 20% xanthan. Solutions of xanthan and guar are not mold resistant.

Cream based on bees, rice and candelilla wax at home

Waxes form a thin film on the surface of the skin that protects against adverse weather conditions.

Give the mixture hardness. miscible with the oil phase. Insoluble in water and glycerin.

Beeswax has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates tissue repair. An effective component of healing ointments. Soluble in fatty oils, esters. When stored for a long time, a grayish-white coating forms on the surface of beeswax - a sign of the purity of the wax.

Melting point: about 62-72 °C. The higher the melting point, the better the wax.

Cream with beeswax, prepared at home, is resistant to external influences.

rice wax gives a lighter texture than bee. The triacontanol (a natural growth regulator for many plants) found in rice wax gives it its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In recipes for cosmetics at home, rice wax can be used to replace bee wax in case of allergies to bee products, but in a concentration of not more than 10%.

Melting point: 75-82 °C.

Candelilla wax- a traditional component of lipsticks (improves their shine and hardness).

It has a vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect.

Concentration: in creams - up to 5%, in lip balms and lipsticks - up to 10%.

What is included in the cream: aloe vera in home cosmetics

A number of ingredients are added to the mixture to address specific skin concerns and to give the mixture a specific cosmetic effect.

Aloe vera.

For cosmetic purposes, it is sold in the form of a gel. Also, if you grow aloe vera at home, you can always use fresh juice from the pulp of the leaves. But, unlike the gel, untreated aloe juice can irritate the skin.

  • Concentration: 0.5-5%.

Most effective in direct emulsions ("oil in water"). Improves the structure of gels.

Xylitol - pentaatomic alcohol of vegetable origin. A well-known toothpaste ingredient that prevents bacteria from attaching to tooth enamel. In cosmetics, it is used as a moisturizing additive. Reduces the aggressive effect of detergents.

  • Concentration: 1.25%.

Cosmetics based on fatty fruit AHA acids

Alpha hydroxy acids, or fruit acids (ANA) for cosmetics is a base for acid peels and a popular additive in cosmetics for different skin types.

Almost every major cosmetics manufacturer has a line of products with fruit acids. This is due to the wide spectrum of action of AHAs: they moisturize, remove dead cells, reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen synthesis, cleanse and tighten pores, tone the skin, and eliminate age spots.

Under the action of AHA, the stratum corneum becomes thinner and more elastic. Fruit acids exfoliate the cells of the upper stratum corneum, promoting skin renewal. Thanks to increased cell division, skin hydration increases: the surface of young cells contains more hygroscopic molecules, which are called natural moisturizing factors.

Lactic acid found in: sour milk, yogurt, grapes. Formed during lactic acid fermentation of sugars. It is part of the skin's natural moisturizing factor. A distinctive property of lactic acid is an increase in the synthesis of linoleate-containing ceramides, leading to a strengthening of the lipid barrier of the skin.

Concentration: 0.1% in daily care products, 4% in peels. Dissolves in water.

Glycolic acid found in green grapes and sugar cane. It has the smallest molecular weight among AHA, therefore it easily penetrates the epidermal barrier and has the most pronounced effect.

Apple acid is a cosmetic fatty acid found in many fruits. Especially a lot of it in apples and tomatoes. Malic acid enhances cellular metabolism.

Wine acid found in old wine, oranges.

Lemon acid found in citrus fruits. It has the highest molecular weight among AHAs. Intensively whitens the skin. When mixed with tartaric acid, the whitening effect is enhanced.

Salicylic acid- does not apply to AHA, but is often used in combination with them to enhance the exfoliating effect. A common component of cosmetics with fruit acids for oily and problem skin. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

Do-it-yourself summer cosmetics recipes at home

Most oil-based creams are too heavy for hot weather. In the heat, you can limit yourself to applying a small amount of oil with a hydrosol.

Summer cosmetics like gels and fluids are needed this season.

For washing, weak green tea or mineral water with the addition of lemon juice is suitable. Hydrolats can be frozen and used as cosmetic ice.

Below are a few recipes for how to make homemade cosmetics for the summer.

Gel for combination and oily skin.

  • Rose hydrolat - 10 ml
  • Lavender hydrolat - 30 ml
  • Xanthan gum - 0.1 g
  • Glycerin - 2 g

To prepare cosmetics with your own hands at home, according to this recipe, you need to add xanthan to warm hydrolates, let it swell. Beat with a mixer. Vary the amount of xanthan depending on the desired consistency. Add glycerin, stir.

Face gel for all skin types.

  • Chamomile hydrolat - 10 ml
  • Cornflower hydrosol - 20 ml
  • Sesame oil - 3 ml
  • Sodium alginate - 0.5 g

Mix the hydrosols, warm slightly and add the sodium alginate. Leave to swell for 10-15 minutes, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous gel-like consistency is obtained. Mix the resulting gel with sesame oil. Beat with a mini mixer. Has a calming effect.

Moisturizing face serum.

  • Rose hydrolat - 30 ml
  • Hyaluronic acid - 0.5 g
  • Dexpanthenol - 1.5 ml

Dissolve the ingredients in the slightly warmed hydrolat, beat with a mini-mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Moisturizes and soothes the skin. In the heat, it can be used as an independent cosmetic product, in normal weather - under a cream.

Tri-oil lotion for home cosmetics

The lotion of three types of oil is easily distributed over the skin, has a weak sun protection factor (SPF 5).

Tanning lotion of three types of oil.

  • Cetyl alcohol - 1.2 g
  • Coconut oil - 13 g
  • Sesame oil - 30 ml
  • Wheat germ oil - 10 ml
  • Rose hydrolat - 30 ml
  • Rose essential oil - 1 drop
  • Geranium essential oil - 1 drop
  • Chamomile essential oil - 1 drop

Melt cetyl alcohol in a water bath, add fatty oils. Heat the rose water to the same temperature as the oils. Slowly pour in the hydrolate, whisking continuously with the mini-mixer. Let cool, add essential oils and whisk again. Apply to the body before sunbathing.

In terms of their effect, some home cosmetics are not at all inferior to expensive luxury products, and the composition in both cases may differ slightly. In addition, natural cosmetics have a number of other advantages.

  • You have no doubts about its composition.
  • There are no chemical compounds and artificial dyes in this cosmetics. All this is important if you want to maintain and maintain your health.
  • In addition, by creating cosmetics at home, you control all stages of production.

And it is also very beneficial for your budget, especially in times of crisis. The ingredients that make up homemade cosmetics are individually much cheaper than the same tube of cream, the composition of which is completely unknown to you. And by purchasing which, you overpay for the brand and packaging.

Features of the production of home cosmetics

Actually, the ability to take care of your appearance on your own, creating cosmetics at home, is just as important for a modern woman as the ability to cook or apply makeup. This is not difficult after some practice.

But still there are nuances that should be taken into account. Certain herbal ingredients should not be over-frozen or overheated to prevent them from losing their beneficial properties.

Natural cosmetics do not last long. Various masks, for example, are best used soon after production. Creams, lotions, shampoos can last several weeks if stored properly. Homemade beauty soaps or bath bombs will last for several months, but don't put them off for too long.

The inventory that you will need for work is most likely already at your disposal. And depending on what you want to make, it can even vary a little.

This includes a variety of bowls, measuring spoons and measuring cups or electronic scales, a mortar and pestle, a sieve, a grater, molds, a mixer. The most important production condition is that all tools and utensils are kept clean. As well as the desktop.

It is most convenient to make homemade cosmetics right in the kitchen, because you may need to heat-treat ingredients or a water bath, etc. Cover your workspace with newspapers or a tablecloth.

It is very important to make sure that the components of home cosmetics do not get into food or vice versa.

The main components for the manufacture of natural cosmetics

You will need the following components:

  • Base oils or base oils. This is a product of plant origin. These include olive oil, grape seed oil, jojoba, avocado oil, etc. These oils have beneficial properties for the skin: moisturize, rejuvenate, have anti-inflammatory properties. They are often included in recipes for homemade creams, masks, massage tiles, etc.
  • Essential oils. These are fragrant volatile oily compounds. They are used to flavor your products. Essential oils also have beneficial properties, such as softening the skin, fighting cellulite (essential oils from citrus fruits), and have soothing properties (lavender oil). But they are not recommended to be used directly on the skin. Since essential oils are concentrated and can cause irritation.

    Cosmetic waxes. They are used to create balms, perfumes and, of course, creams. It can be beeswax, flower, oil, etc.

    Emulsifiers and thickeners. They are used to create creams. These include agar-agar, glycerin, lanolin, lecithin, etc.

    plant extracts. Base and essential oils, along with other ingredients, such as herbs, are included in the range of pharmacies. The rest of the components you can find in specialized stores for creativity. In addition, you can order them in popular Western online stores. You can even find something on the shelves of ordinary stores. However, the absence of one or another component is not a significant problem. You can choose one or another analogy. This is good home cosmetics.

The list of ingredients may be longer, or vice versa, something will not be needed. Just creating homemade cosmetics is a creative process.

Simple recipes for natural cosmetics

Let's try to prepare homemade cosmetics of different types to care for your appearance.

For facial skin care

Facial cleansing and nourishing products can be prepared at home.

Cucumber lotion for all skin types

Cucumber has long been famous for its properties: it perfectly moisturizes the skin.

The recipe is not complicated. A small cucumber must be peeled and then grated. Take one glass of boiled water. Next, add 3 tbsp. l. cucumber mass. Leave it there until the mixture has completely cooled. Then you need to strain the resulting solution, pour into a beautiful jar.

Cream with anti-aging properties

The expression "homemade cream" sounds unusual, but still it is quite possible to prepare a face cream yourself. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. base oil (such as avocado oil), egg yolk and one teaspoon of honey. Whisk these ingredients. Squeeze some juice into the mixture and put one teaspoon of glycerin. Continue whisking the entire mixture. Add a little camphor alcohol to it (5-7 drops).

Fruit mask for dry skin

From time to time, the skin needs nourishment. Here is a recipe for a refreshing fruit mask, after which dry skin becomes smooth and tender. Mix one tablespoon of sour cream with a couple of tablespoons of fruit juice of your choice. It can be apple juice or even the juice of an exotic fruit like mango. You can replace the pulp of a banana or persimmon. Apply a fruit mask on your face. You can wash off after 10 minutes.

For body

Bath product

This tool relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it supple and toned.

It is necessary to mix rosehip flowers, mint leaves and nettle leaves in equal proportions. These plants can be found in the form of herbal preparations in the pharmacy, although you can collect them yourself. Pour the herbal mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let her sit for 30 minutes. This solution must be filtered. And you can add to the bath.

Salt body scrub

Pour in 1 cup of salt. You can use sea salt or table salt. This will not affect the quality of the scrub. Mix the salt with 200 ml of base oil, such as grape seed oil. And add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. A few drops of your favorite essential oil will add a pleasant scent to the scrub.

For care yes hands

Hand cream

Hand care is just as important as facial skin care. To prepare the cream, take 2 teaspoons of beeswax and 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Additionally, you can add one teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. After that, add a plant extract or a few drops of essential oil. Mix everything until you get a homogeneous mass.

DIY hair cosmetics

herbal shampoo

You can even make your own shampoo.

To do this, mix the following plants in equal parts: burdock root, calendula flowers, birch leaves. Pour in about 50 gr. this mixture with boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve. Grate half of the baby soap into the mixture (or you can use a special soap base from the store). Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. base oil. Of course, in such a recipe one can feel the hand of a craftswoman and a creative approach.

Strengthening hair mask

Take one teaspoon of flax oil and burdock oil, add 1 yolk and a few more drops of lemon juice. Mix everything. Then gently massage the entire mixture through the hair with massage movements. Leave this mask for 30 minutes, wearing a warming cap on top or put on a diaper. Then rinse. Hair will be shiny and strong.

Well, as you can see, it is absolutely not difficult to prepare a cosmetic product on your own. Do you have any proven recipes? How do you take care of your skin? Do you like being given natural cosmetics made by yourself?

Make cosmetics at home, which consists of natural raw materials, is a fairly simple, but at the same time responsible process. Homemade cosmetics are more likely to cause allergies than cosmetics from the store. Foods that cause allergies when taken orally should not be consumed outside. Especially people with sensitive skin should be careful when using homemade cosmetics.

How to determine whether cosmetics prepared at home will cause an allergy? Take a test, apply a little cosmetic product, be it a cream or lotion, on the elbow part of the skin or on the back of the hand. If no signs of allergy appear within half an hour, you can safely use and prepare cosmetics at home. Allergy sufferers should not use homemade cosmetics.

To get the right effect and not harm cosmetics, follow the basic rules of how to make cosmetics at home:

  1. Carry out the sensitivity test described above.
  2. Follow the rules
  3. Thoroughly wash the ingredients: vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.
  4. Decoctions and infusions are made in a water bath or poured with boiling water, and not boiled.
  5. Use only clean, sterilized utensils for cooking.
  6. To make gruel, rubbing and whipping food, it is better to use a porcelain or wooden spoon or crush.
  7. Do not use iron utensils.
  8. Prepare juice for cosmetics at home immediately before cooking.
  9. Homemade cosmetics are applied only to clean skin and hair.
  10. Be careful when preparing recipes based on alcohol, it can irritate the skin.
  11. Do not use concentrated juice, especially lemon juice, always dilute.
  12. The volume of a tablespoon is 15 ml, a teaspoon is 5 ml.
  13. on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Decoctions and infusions - 4 days, creams - 1 month, tonics, lotions - up to 2 weeks, masks are always freshly prepared.

At home, you can make a mask for the face, body, peeling, etc. Only fresh ingredients are used. Masks are always made fresh. Homemade masks moisturize, nourish, tighten pores and do much more for the skin. As a rule, the mask is done once a week.

An infusion is a cosmetic medicine made from water and herbal ingredients. The infusion is used to cleanse and prepare the skin for the cream. For infusions, plant materials are used, usually flowers, leaves, herbs of plants, most fruits and seeds in crushed form.

Decoctions are prepared for lotions, creams, emulsions. Used to cleanse, tone and relax the skin of the face. For decoctions, bark, rhizomes, roots, dense leathery leaves (except those containing essential oils) are used. Ready-made raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty stores.

You can make soap at home in 3 ways: from scratch, based on a soap base or baby soap. Also how to make massage tiles and bath balls. Using various molds, you can give the soap an original look. Soap can be used at home or given as a gift.

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The use of handmade products is becoming more and more popular. This also applies to cosmetics. Eco-friendly, absolutely natural and, most importantly, incredibly effective body care products, prepared according to the recipes of our grandmothers and supplemented with modern possibilities, are not at all difficult to make, and today's article will be devoted to just that. DIY natural cosmetics at home recipes for beginners:

Shower gel

How to make cosmetics at home? To prepare a liter of shower gel, you will need the most ordinary bar of soap, water and a little essential oil. Soap needs to be dissolved. This is easier to do if you grate it first. The most common version of a child's one, without fragrances, will do.

We put water with soap dissolved in it on the fire and begin, slowly adding oil, to heat the container. The main thing is to catch the moment when the mixture starts to boil, but no bubbles appear on the surface yet. It is necessary to leave the received for a day, until the mass begins to harden a little. Now you can pour it into a container with a dispenser and start using it.

The basis of the recipe is the ratio of soap and water (125 grams and one liter). Everything else is completely your imagination. You can add essential oil, your favorite perfume or natural fragrances.

Anti-cellulite soap

To prepare anti-cellulite soap, you will need coffee, olive oil, water and two bars of soap. It is best to use the most common, baby, without fragrances and flavors. Throughout the process, safety precautions must be observed.

Put on gloves, a mask and put food away. After that, take two saucepans that are suitable in size so that you can make a water bath. Put on fire. Grind the soap on a coarse grater and mix it with four tablespoons of olive oil. In a water bath, gradually adding hot boiled water (1 cup), dissolve until smooth. At the very end, add three tablespoons of sea salt and coffee. You can do this after shutdown.

It remains to form the bars. To do this, you can use molds and pour hot mass there. To make it easier to get a bar of soap after hardening, pre-lubricate the bottom of the mold with oil.


For hair care, it is not at all necessary to spend huge sums on buying shampoos. You can cook them yourself. For example, you can defeat dandruff and make your hair soft and silky by mixing 10 grams of medical alcohol with tea tree oil and whipping it with two chicken yolks. Apply to hair and massage well, rubbing into skin thoroughly.

No less effective is the infusion of beets. It is necessary to clean and cut into rings two medium-sized root crops and pour water in a three-liter jar. Let it brew for two to three days. Then the infusion must be filtered and, after heating well, rinse the hair.

For oily and combination hair, a mixture of one chicken yolk, a teaspoon of cognac and two tablespoons of water is suitable. You need to carefully rub into the scalp and leave for a few minutes. At first, the effect may not be noticeable. This is due to the fact that the hair and scalp get used to the previously used shampoo.

Facial scrub

Using oatmeal for washing will help not only clear the pores. Even after the first use, the result will be very noticeable, and if you make it a rule to wash your face like this at least a couple of times a week, then the face will become matte and smooth, and the effect will be long-lasting.

With slightly damp palms, take a handful of oatmeal, knead and apply with massage movements on the face. Ordinary salt is also very good for cleansing. It can be used in the same way. Just don't overdo it by any means. Getting into the pores, salt can not only cleanse them, but also cause irritation. Therefore, do this no more than once a week, and after that, be sure to soothe the skin with a cream.

Honey and sugar, mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face for five to seven minutes, give an amazing result. The skin will become very clean, the pores will be tightened, and small wrinkles will be smoothed out.


Softening, moisturizing, and protecting against common infections is what most people want to see in hand sanitizer. This recipe will help to achieve just that, and it is also so safe that even children can use it. Mix a teaspoon of aloe vera, eight drops of grapefruit and tea tree oil, five drops of lavender oil and calendula tincture. Just five minutes and it's ready. Feel free to apply it on your hands and get not only protection against bacteria, but also provide your hands with a beautiful appearance.

For heels

Well-groomed heels for many is simply an impossible task. This is due to many reasons, but we will not dwell on them, but will immediately move on to proven solutions. You can heat a glass of kefir a little, divide it in half and pour it into plastic bags. It’s not very pleasant to immerse your feet in what you have received, but the result is worth it. From above, you can put on socks and sit for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water. You need to do it at least twice a week, and in no case use nail files and pumice. The rough skin will begin to move away by itself, and the cracks will heal.

We have selected simple recipes for preparing skin care products. And they also made a diagram-designer, thanks to which you can experiment with different components.

We have selected simple recipes for preparing skin care products. And they also made a diagram-designer, thanks to which you can experiment with different components.

Important Features

Making homemade cosmetics is easy. All you need is some free time and natural ingredients. Available. Medicinal plants and herbs, for example, can be bought at a pharmacy, fruits and vegetables can be brought from the country house, and honey and dairy products can be purchased at the market. But before you start home production, you need to pay attention to the features of such cosmetics.


You are 100% sure of the quality of the products. You know that the composition is only what you yourself put. That is, no harmful preservatives, chemical compounds and mysterious components.

Another bonus of own production is the price. Jars similar in composition from well-known manufacturers of natural cosmetics can be ten times more expensive.


Homemade cosmetics do not last long. Usually - from one day to a week. Therefore, you need to make a habit of replenishing supplies from time to time. With experience, the time spent in the beauty pantry will decrease.


Before preparing the treasured remedies, find out what type of skin you have. Here are the most characteristic features of each of them.

Dry skin is often light-colored, thin, with poorly visible pores, prone to the appearance of spider veins on the cheeks.

Fat shines due to excess sebum, pores are visible, prone to blackheads and acne.

Normal - soft, elastic, without shine, spots and vascular networks.

But ideally, if a beautician helps you determine the type of skin. The specialist will be able to take into account all the features and nuances.

Olga Zamkova, master of natural cosmetics, founder of the Radhika brand:

To preserve the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, it is better to use homemade cosmetics. This is especially true of the tools that we use every day. For example, a good alternative to many store-bought cleansers that contain alcohol and therefore dry out the skin is ubtan, an Ayurvedic remedy made from a mixture of flour and herbs. You can remove makeup with sesame oil applied to the sponge. A wonderful body scrub can be prepared by mixing salt, sugar, honey and base essential oil.

beauty laboratory

There are a great many recipes for home cosmetics, ranging from ancient Ayurvedic formulations and the secrets of our great-grandmothers to modern inventions. We have selected some simple options from the available products.

Face masks

To put the skin in order, it is enough to apply masks on the face 1-2 times a week for 15-20 minutes. The method of their preparation is simple - mix all the ingredients. And the composition for each type of skin is different.

For dry and normal skin

1 st. spoon of sour cream or cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of honey, 10 drops of lemon juice

For oily skin

1 beaten egg white, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Universal composition

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey

Face cream

Doing makeup yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, any cream is an emulsion: water + oil. And to combine these components, you need to add an emulsifier.

Natural substances, such as beeswax, can act as an emulsifier, says Natalya Kharitonova, teacher at the AreYouVedic school in the field of aromatherapy and home remedies. - But there are soft and safe artificial options like Span, Polawax, Montanov.

If you don’t want to delve into the complexity of combining liquids, you can start by making a simple buttercream without adding an emulsifier. True, it is only suitable for dry and normal skin, because it contains oil and a minimum amount of water. For oily skin, a lighter cream is needed - there should be more water in it, and less oil. But in this case, you can not do without an emulsifier.


3 teaspoons shea butter, 2 teaspoons almond oil, 2 teaspoons hazelnut oil, 1 teaspoon jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil, 3 teaspoons rose water, 2 drops rosewood essential oil 3 drops of lavender essential oil


Melt the shea butter in a water bath. Add liquid vegetable oils to it. We mix everything. When the mixture has cooled, we introduce rose water there, stirring constantly. Then add essential oils and once again combine the components well with a spoon or a mini-mixer. Transfer to a clean, dry jar with a lid. We store in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Body Scrub

A cosmetic product prepared according to this recipe has an anti-cellulite effect. When taking a bath, it must be applied to the skin in a circular motion.


Approximately 50% coffee grounds, 40% finely ground sea salt, 10% crushed nuts or fruit pits. You can add a few drops of oil and a dessert spoon of honey.


Mix everything thoroughly.

Natalia Kharitonova, Ayurvedic medicine consultant, AreYouVedic teacher in aromatherapy and home remedies:

Recipes for natural cosmetics are not rigid: you can safely change the set of components and their quantity, choosing an individual product and “trying on” it to your skin. The main thing is to know what and with what can be combined and what effect such a combination will give as a result. I advise you to learn this at special master classes. After all, it is better to see once how it is done than to achieve results by experimenting.

A bit of Ayurveda

The most popular beauty product that Indian women willingly use is ubtan. This is a paste-like slurry that is used simultaneously as a soap, a cleansing scrub and a nourishing mask. Ubtan not only cares for the skin, but also heals it, copes with excessive dryness, eczema and irritation.

The easiest way to prepare ubtan at home is to mix herbs, flour and, if necessary, oils suitable for skin type in certain proportions, - says Olga Zamkova, master of natural cosmetics, founder of the Radhika brand.


1 part herbs, 2 parts flour, a few drops to 1 teaspoon (per 100 g of mixture) of oil - depending on the needs of the skin

Before washing, the mixture must be steamed with boiling water and, when the paste has cooled, applied.

Ubtan constructor:

For dry skin

Flour: oatmeal

Herb: chamomile/linden/licorice

Oil (optional): almond/olive

For oily skin

Flour: pea/chickpea/rice

Grass: coltsfoot/St. John's wort/yarrow

Oil: do not use

For normal skin

Flour: oatmeal

Herb: chamomile/marigold/horsetail

Oil: any as desired

Homemade cream constructor (oils according to skin type)

Oily skin : grape seeds; Hazelnut; Jojoba; -Shi

Dry skin : Sesame; Almond; Jojoba; Avocado; Apricot kernels;Wheat germ; olive; Oenothera; Shi

Normal Skin: Sesame; Almond; Jojoba; Wheat germ; Sunflower

apricot;grape seeds; Shi

text: Marina Chaika