Simple recipes from improvised means: homemade hand masks. The secret of night masks for hands: effective care and care

In the cold season soft skin hands especially requires attention and care: wind, snow, excessive humidity - all this contributes to skin flaking, and accelerated processes aging. In order to be fully equipped with your hands every day, you need to take care of: purchased or homemade masks for dry skin of the hands, creams and lotions.

Dry skin of the hands and causes

Hands are a business card of a girl. Few people know that it is also a kind of sensor of the state of the body.

Dry skin can be caused by several factors:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • circulatory disease or endocrine system(anemia, lack of iodine);
  • weather change, strong wind, snow, etc.
  • lack of proper hand care;
  • work with chemical or detergents without protective gloves.

Even in the cold season, try to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, be sure to drink vitamins, this will not only support the appearance, but also improve the internal state of the body.

If the creams that are sold in stores are somewhat expensive, or do not inspire confidence, then you can make moisturizing and nourishing hand masks at home.

Be sure to do a manicure and pedicure at home once a week: cut off rough skin, remove cuticles, model the shape of the nail. Perform and nails, and then you will not face any dryness or cracks.

When working with detergents, generously lubricate the handles with cream, and then wear gloves.

Video: Making a hand mask at home

Nourishing hand masks

Honey-based creams work great, and such products are universal: they are also moisturizing and whitening hand masks.

  1. You need to take 3 teaspoons honey and 1 olive or corn oil, mix until smooth, then add a couple of drops to the mixture lemon juice and apply all night. You can wear cotton gloves for more intensive moisturizing.
  2. heat up honey, it should be warm and slightly runny. Mix it with the yolk and a teaspoon oatmeal. Apply the paste on your hands and leave overnight. After some types of panties and bras, inflammation or diaper rash occurs on the body. Use this cream on damaged areas.
  3. Banana- Not only good remedy to cheer up, but effective method combating seasonal dryness of the skin of the hands. Mash the fruit into a pulp and mix with a teaspoon butter and honey. Lubricate your hands with the resulting solution and leave for 40 minutes - an hour. Wash off with water.
  4. An effective nourishing hand mask can be made even with ordinary boiled potatoes. The vegetable needs to be crushed and mixed with milk, grease the surface of the hands with this mixture and leave for three hours.
  5. Widely used to improve skin tone cereals- this cereal not only removes toxins from the body, but also nourishes dry skin. Steam 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a tablespoon of water, mix the porridge with any cosmetic oil and 1 serving of glycerin. Also, this tool effectively fights black dots on the face. Both for hands and is considered one of the effective means to soften the skin. Photo: banana mask for hands
  6. Has proven itself very well bread mask . Nutrients, which are contained in the usual white crumb, are well absorbed by the skin of the hands. Soak a piece in warm water, and apply the resulting puree to your hands. Wash off after half an hour.
  7. Grape. You need to mix berries with oatmeal(ground) and with the help of water make a slurry of the ingredients. After massaging your hands with this solution, and wash off after 20 minutes. After the sugar hair removal or after a Brazilian epilation, apply this mixture on the treated areas of the skin and leave for 40 minutes - this will restore balance and reduce irritation.

Moisturizing hand masks at home

  1. Green tea It helps to fight tiredness and dry skin. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a spoonful of strong tea, add a teaspoon of oil (sunflower or olive), and a little lemon peel, mix and hold on your hands for half an hour.
  2. Cucumbers and zucchini also able to saturate the body with moisture. We rub any of the vegetables on a grater, mix with oatmeal, you should get a strong gruel, apply on hands and face.
  3. linen mask- a weighty argument in the fight against congenital dry skin. We mix the plant oil with a tablespoon of honey, the juice of a whole lemon and apply it on our hands. We put on gloves on top and wait for two hours, then we wash it off with a decoction of potatoes.

Home remedies for chapped and aging skin

Rejuvenating hand masks

Hands age faster than the whole body, and therefore care must be much more thorough. Helps well french rejuvenating hand masks based on oats or eggs.

Paraffin hand mask

  • Medical paraffin 2 kg (sold in every pharmacy).
  • Good nutritious cream(say, honey with olive oil).
  • Patience.

We put the paraffin in a high enameled bowl (the container must be absolutely dry), and melt it over low heat. Before starting the procedure, be sure to cleanse the skin with a hand scrub and apply a nourishing cream. Now take the paraffin off the fire, it should be nice warm temperature do not bring the mixture to a boil. We begin the procedure by dipping the hands. First, lower your fingers for a few seconds, check the temperature, then completely immerse your hands in the mixture for 10 seconds and remove, repeat this action 8 times.

As a result, a paraffin film should form on the skin. We put on cotton or terry gloves and keep the mask for half an hour. After the end of this time, the wax will be removed from the hands along with the glove, apply a nourishing cream and enjoy the result.

Hands exposed to aggressive external influence more often. Washing, frequent contact with water, soaps, cleaning products, house cleaning lead to the fact that the skin of the hands becomes dry and rough. Often experiencing discomfort, persistent feeling of tightness. Also, the skin of the hands quickly ages and the first age-related changes, it becomes thin, inelastic with a network of small wrinkles.

To make your hands look beautiful, well-groomed and young, you need to take care of them with young years. Daily application of a nourishing and moisturizing cream cannot always solve the problem of dry hands. Therefore, intensive masks for nutrition and hydration are in action.

Website website tells what are hand masks, how to make them at home. Nourishing masks prepared independently from natural and useful components will bring the skin in order and help it stay young and beautiful for a long time. What could be better than smooth and soft hands with strong and neat nails? All masks are aimed not only at improving the condition of the skin, they take excellent care of the nails, making them strong and healthy.

Hand masks at home: recipes

Several times a week you need to devote time to your hands and make nourishing masks. They are applied to clean skin for 20-30 minutes, hands are wrapped or covered with a film, then with a warm towel. Or put on polyethylene gloves, warm mittens on top. Then washed off with warm water. It is useful to combine masks with special scrubs for hands. Also, for a more intense effect and restoration of the skin, masks are applied under gloves and left overnight. If you want to quickly grow your nails, use masks for nail growth.

Homemade hand mask for dry skin

The mask perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, the result is noticeable after 1 application.

  • Add 2 teaspoons to 1 teaspoon of honey olive oil;
  • Dissolve 10 drops of oil vitamins A and E;
  • Mix well and thicken the mask with 1 teaspoon of starch;
  • Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Before the mask, clean your hands, exfoliate with a scrub and evenly distribute the mask over outside hands, fingers and a little in the palm of your hand. It is best to apply the mixture on damp skin. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. After apply any nourishing hand cream.

Wrinkle Hand Mask

The following mask will help smooth out wrinkles:

  • Take 1 teaspoon of almond oil;
  • Add 1 teaspoon linseed oil;
  • Half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil;
  • IN oil mixture add 8 drops essential oil carrot seeds (can be replaced with lavender, neroli, rosewood);
  • Pour in oatmeal flour hot water(or a decoction of linden flowers) to make a thick slurry;
  • Allow to cool slightly and mix the butter mixture with oatmeal, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the mask on clean skin of the hands, hold for 30 minutes. The mask softens, removes wrinkles, fights skin aging, whitens a little dark spots and strengthens nails.

Hand mask with glycerin and cocoa

A mask with glycerin will help to achieve persistent skin hydration:

  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder thickly diluted with hot water, let cool;
  • Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin;
  • Mix thoroughly, the mask is applied to clean, damp skin of the hands for 20 minutes.

After the mask, the hands are very tender, moisturized, smooth and soft. Cocoa leaves a wonderful aroma, also tones the skin and softens it.

Hand mask with aloe

Perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin mask with aloe.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of honey, if necessary, melt it in a water bath to a liquid state. Remember that honey cannot be heated above 40 degrees;
  • Cut the aloe leaves and use a garlic press to squeeze out the fleshy gel-like contents of the leaves. You can also just grind the leaves in a blender;
  • Add 1 teaspoon olive oil and mix well. Keep the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Hand mask for the night

Repair dry hands, heal cracks, soften skin intensive night masks will help. They are applied in a thick layer on the skin of the hands, polyethylene gloves are put on and warm gloves or mittens are put on top. Heat will help the components to be better absorbed into the skin, blood flow increases, and during the night active recovery skin. Special gloves and socks for such masks are also commercially available. They are rubberized on the inside and soft and warm on top.

For long-term effects for masks, ingredients are chosen that cannot deteriorate during this time.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Add half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil;
  • Add 5 drops of vitamins A and E to the oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of Panthenol ointment;
  • Mix well. Apply evenly to the skin of the hands and leave overnight under gloves. Wash off with warm water in the morning.

Have you tried homemade hand mask recipes yet? Share the result in the comments!

Our hands are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. Moreover, it is they who, as a rule, most often interact with the outside world. We use our hands in almost any kind of activity, they are in contact with various substances, with water, dirt, food, different surfaces covered with all sorts of bacteria, dust and other irritants. So it is quite understandable that the skin on the hands is constantly exposed to stress. different kind, which causes a variety of problems, such as dryness, peeling, irritation, and so on.

Most problems occur in winter time year, when ordinary stimuli are added low temperatures and lack of vitamins in the body. You have probably already understood that such a number of all kinds of negative factors do not pass without a trace for the skin of our pens, and the body simply cannot cope with all these problems on its own. So, we ourselves must help him in this difficult matter.

Many women use mainly creams from stores for hand skin care, considering this to be quite sufficient help for the body in terms of caring for the skin of the hands. But these funds, as a rule, do not have the desired effect, their action is short-lived, and the price often bites (after all, most people are sure that the higher the price, the higher the quality of the product). Therefore, care alone with a cream in most cases is not enough.

It is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to caring for the skin of the hands, not forgetting the use of such powerful tool like night masks. It is also worth paying attention to your daily diet, because our body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. And what we eat directly affects the condition of our skin, hair, and overall health. For this reason, you should eat healthy foods containing enough vitamins and minerals to maintain our health at a good level in our difficult time.

So that our hands are always in good shape, and the skin pleases us with smoothness, tenderness, softness and healthy color, must be carried out regularly certain procedures using creams, as well as home remedies. Also, be careful with your hands. Everyday life take precautions when dealing with various harmful substances, and not only harmful, but quite ordinary and familiar. However, let's go in order.

  1. It is recommended to always keep gloves at home, which should be used for any homework. Whether it's cleaning, carrying out any repairs, even banal washing dishes, because ordinary water dries the skin very much. There is no such thing as too much caution.
  2. To apply masks at night, buy a pair of cotton gloves. They will help to significantly enhance the effect of the healing agent, and your skin will literally change after just one procedure.
  3. Always try to carry hand cream with you. Regular use of it will greatly facilitate your life in terms of caring for the skin of your hands.
  4. If it’s summer outside and the ruthless sun doesn’t want to hide behind the clouds, then you need a cream with a UV filter. It will protect your hands from ultraviolet radiation which can contribute to premature aging of the skin.
  5. If suddenly bad symptoms have already appeared on the skin of your hands in the form of redness, peeling, then you need to perform a whole range of actions - night masks, baths. And also do not disdain and wraps, compresses. All this can save you from even the most serious hand skin problems.
  6. When in contact with vegetables that have a coloring effect (beets, carrots, and so on), try to use special cleansers for pens. You can also resort to folk remedies - lemon or currant juice.
  7. If the skin of the hands needs restoration, then try paraffin wraps. This method of care is now very popular.
  8. Scrubs are an integral part of the hand skin care complex. You can either buy them in stores or make your own.
  9. Of course, do not forget about manicure. Remove cuticles in a timely manner, treat your nails with care. This is very important for giving hands a well-groomed and beautiful appearance.

Complete hand skin care is impossible without night masks. These tools provide the most powerful and bright effect. It is recommended to use them not only for people with serious hand skin problems, but also simply as a preventive measure, as well as for minor troubles.

As mentioned above, even people with good skin should make hand masks at night. If your pens are in great shape, then one or two procedures per week are enough. This is especially true of such seasons as autumn and winter, when the body needs outside help especially badly. Try to use these funds regularly, because this is the only way to achieve the maximum possible effect.

First of all, we need to protect ourselves from possible troubles, for example, allergic reactions. ready mix test on a neutral skin area (wrist, elbow).

If you have any open wounds, cracks, scratches, the lemon or berry juice used as an ingredient can be painful. Hot masks work the same way, be careful.

The presence of any skin diseases can also spoil the procedure and its possible effect may even have a negative effect. So it is better for people with eczema, fungus and other similar troubles to refuse such procedures.

The most powerful and good effect give night masks. This is quite logical, because with this method of care, the hands are enveloped in a therapeutic and nutritional composition for several hours, do not come into contact with irritants, and calmly absorb useful substances. It also happens during sleep good vacation, and all the energy of the body is directed to regenerative processes, which greatly complements the effect of the mask. In addition, some of the ingredients of such products take some time to have a proper effect on the skin. And this time with regular day treatments there is simply not enough, which is why it is useful to leave the masks on at night.

Before using the night remedy, you should thoroughly clean the handles. You can even lightly massage them. The composition must be applied as evenly as possible, distributing it over the surface of the hand and arm. If you have serious problems with skin, the effect of the mask can be enhanced with food film and gloves. Wrap the film around your hand after applying the composition, and then put on gloves. In the morning, wash your hands thoroughly with a decoction of herbs. Avoid contact with soap and water for a couple of hours.

There are a wide variety of recipes for making hand masks, below are best recipes of those that are suitable for night use. You can create them at home from improvised materials. Try to choose a formula for your specific goals in order to maximize the effect of the remedy, as well as complete the tasks. After all, it is much better to deal with problems pointwise than to try to do everything at once.

egg mask

  • Great for aging skin that has wrinkles. Mix the yolk, honey and oatmeal in flour. We coat the handles with this mass, put on gloves made of fabric. The composition perfectly softens the skin, removes wrinkles.

honey mask

  • Great softening formula. Mix a little honey with almond or olive oil, yolk and lemon juice. We thoroughly coat our hands with this mixture, and pull cotton gloves on top. We go to sleep.

Softening composition

  • Grind a few tablespoons of oatmeal flakes into powder, pour a little black tea (strong) into it. We coat our hands with this rather liquid porridge, rub it well with massaging movements, and put on gloves. We keep the mask on all night.

Moisturizing mask

  • We need to take some corn oil, hold it in a water bath. We coat the skin of the handles with this oil (or simply dip our hands in warm oil), then we pull on cotton gloves. Overnight, such a mask will perfectly cope with its task.

Against delamination of nails

  • Everything is very simple here: we coat the nails with iodine before going to bed, and by morning all the substance has already been absorbed, the condition of the nails will improve.

Wax mask for nails

  • Melt on steam bath a little natural wax. After that, dip the phalanges of your fingers in wax (so that the nails are completely covered), then immediately dip your fingers into cool water. It will turn out something like "thimbles" from wax. Put on gloves and leave overnight. Use the method twice a week, six procedures will be enough. After just one course, you will get strong and healthy nails for life.

Glycerin mask

  • This composition is great for dry and flaky skin. We interfere with a little honey with glycerin and a small amount of water. Add wheat flour. This mixture can be kept all night, or less, you decide (look at the degree of damage to the skin and its general condition).

Potato mask

  • We take mashed potatoes, pour a little milk there. We coat the pens with the composition before going to bed, wrap them with a film, pull on gloves. In the morning, you can wash off the mask with chamomile infusion(or calendula).

Linseed oil mask

  • We interfere with flax oil with honey, lemon juice and yolk. Ingredients should be taken in approximately equal amounts. First, wash the hands in potato broth in order to steam them, open all the pores. Then we directly coat our hands with the healing composition, put on gloves. We go to sleep. The result will exceed all your expectations.

In general, do not forget to take care of your hands, because they are always at risk, taking on most of all the harmful effects of our environment. Try to provide comprehensive care for the skin of your hands, because this is the only way you can not have any problems with your hands at any time of the year, which, of course, will affect your overall tone, mood, and self-confidence.

And the use of home remedies, including night masks, will not only give a breathtaking effect, but will also delight you with ease of preparation, as well as low cost. And the amount of vitamins and other useful substances such funds will be the envy of any expensive product from the store. In addition, you will be sure of the quality, naturalness and purity of cooked with my own hands funds. Don't forget about proper nutrition, healthy way life, enough rest and sleep, because in human body everything is closely connected with each other.

The hands are business card» representatives of the fair sex. It is the skin of the hands - delicate, thin, prone to dryness and wrinkles, that first betrays the age of its owner, often adding a few extra years.

This is not surprising, because our pens are daily exposed to hard water, various detergents with a "chemical" composition, and in the winter season also with a temperature difference. The result is flaky, dry and cracked skin.

Salvation for the delicate skin of the hands are masks that can be easily prepared at home. Cosmetology is rich in recipes for hand masks designed for procedures without leaving home.

There are several types of these masks., in which the composition of each is designed to solve a specific problem:

  • nutritional, which after the first application will make the hands soft and moisturized;
  • moisturizing, capable of literally "watering" the hands, giving them tenderness and smoothness;
  • anti-aging, which, giving it elasticity, eliminating pigmentation and strengthening marigolds;
  • night, which are designed to restore the hands, heal minor damage to the skin, while you sleep soundly, gaining strength for a new interesting day.

In order for the handles to have well-groomed appearance, were tender and smooth, it is very important to make masks, observing certain rules. So, to maximize the benefits for the skin:

The most effective recipes

For dry skin

The following recipes are considered the simplest, but at the same time very effective:

  • soak white bread in warm milk, apply on hands, rinse after twenty minutes;
  • leave warm mashed potatoes with milk on the handles for at least half an hour, then rinse;
  • generously lubricate the skin of the hands with any vegetable oil, put on cellophane gloves, after an hour apply cream on your hands.

With honey

  • For cooking honey egg mask mix a tablespoon of honey, egg yolk and dessert spoon oat flour so that a thick cream is obtained, which is left on the hands for twenty minutes, then washed off.
  • Honey oil mask consists of a teaspoon of honey, a dessert spoon of almond oil, egg yolk and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the hands and is not washed off for forty minutes.

Glycerin mask

It is very simple to make it: mix a teaspoon of glycerin, honey and flour with two tablespoons of water, apply on the hands, rinse after twenty minutes.


Flaxseed oil and honey (one tablespoon each) are mixed with egg yolk and ten drops of lemon juice. Before applying the mask, steam your hands and keep the composition for at least forty minutes.

With olive oil

A tablespoon of olive oil interferes with fatty cottage cheese, applied to the skin of the hands and washed off after half an hour.

Clay hand mask

We mix three tablespoons of any clay, two dessert spoons of olive or almond oil, a few pinches of salt, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, apply on the hands and wash off after twenty minutes.

It is important to consider that clay can get under the nails, and it is quite difficult to get it out of there. Therefore, in order not to spoil fresh manicure, it is best to do such a mask when the varnish needs to be replaced.

Paraffin (wax)

two kilograms cosmetic paraffin(can be bought in salons or cosmetic stores) melt in a water bath in an enamel bowl of such a size that pens fit into it. The temperature of the molten paraffin should not be burning, but comfortable.

Dip your hands in paraffin for a few seconds. Remove, let the first layer harden, then repeat the procedure until a thick layer of paraffin is on your hands, then wrap your hands in a plastic bag and wrap them in a towel or warm scarf.

After twenty minutes, remove the paraffin and enjoy a soft and tightened skin pens. Please note that used paraffin (removed from hands) can no longer be used.


One young zucchini without skin is grated, a couple of teaspoons of sour cream and tablespoons of chopped oatmeal are added to it. The mixture is applied to the hands with massage movements and washed off after twenty minutes.

Night mask with gloves

This version of the mask is a salvation for those who constantly do not have enough time for themselves. The composition necessary to solve the problem of the skin of the hands is applied in a dense layer, then polyethylene gloves are put on, and thick mittens are put on them. Thanks to increased blood flow, the components of the mask are better absorbed into the skin and have a maximum effect.

In addition to the weekly "beauty procedures" for the hands, one should not forget about daily care. Do your homework economic affairs only in rubber gloves, and when going outside, do not forget to apply cream: in summer - sunscreen, and in winter - nourishing.

Take care of your pens!

Video recipe great mask for hands:

Recipes for moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating hand masks.

Hands are the first thing that gives out a woman's age. With improper care, the skin of the hands wrinkles, dries out and becomes flabby. To slow down aging, hands need care, for this you need to make masks regularly.

Homemade nourishing hand mask, recipe

There are many options nourishing masks for hands. All of them contain moisturizers and fatty ingredients. These are honey, cream, sour cream, egg yolks and fruits.

Recipes for nutrient mixtures:

  • Potato. To prepare the remedy, boil the potatoes in water, after removing the peel from it. Mash the tubers until puree and pour in the milk. You should get a viscous mass. Apply it on your hands and palms. Leave for 25 minutes. After that, wash your hands with warm water, grease with cream
  • Honey and sour cream. In a small bowl, mix 50 ml of honey with 40 ml of fat sour cream. You can take cream or full-fat yogurt. Spread the mixture in a thick layer on the palms and hands. Lie down for 25 minutes, after wrapping your hands with cellophane. Wash off with warm water
  • Fish oil and parsley. The mask is best done in the spring, it is at this time that young and fresh greens appear. It contains a maximum of vitamins. Pass the greens through a meat grinder. Mix a spoonful of the resulting green puree with 100 g of fatty cottage cheese and 20 ml fish oil. The mixture is applied to the inside and outside of the palm for a quarter of an hour.

Hand mask for dryness and cracks, recipe

In winter, due to the temperature difference, the skin of the hands dries out and cracks. She needs softening and hydration. For these purposes, vegetable and essential oils are usually used.

Recipes for moisturizing masks:

  • With potatoes. Remove the skin from the potato tuber and grate it. Mix this porridge with 25 ml of warm bee nectar and 10 ml carrot juice. Apply the product to cleansed skin of the extremities. Leave the application for a quarter of an hour
  • With glycerin. This tool prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the hands. To prepare the mixture, mix 20 ml of honey and glycerin. Bee nectar is best taken from acacia. It is liquid and does not harden for a long time. In the resulting mass, enter 20 g of any flour and 35 ml warm water. You will end up with a yellow mixture with a characteristic honey swing. Dip your hands in it and hold for a quarter of an hour
  • With aloe. Peel a couple of leaves of a three-year-old aloe from the film and mash with a fork. It is not necessary to squeeze the juice. Mix the mass with 25 ml of liquid bee nectar and a few drops of olive oil. Apply a thick liquid to the inside and outside of your palm. Leave for 25 minutes

The peel contains mild exfoliating ingredients. These are oatmeal, sugar or salt. Be sure to include vegetable oils in the mask.

Peeling mask recipe:

  • The mask is best done in summer or autumn.
  • Peel a few grapes and remove the seeds, you need the pulp
  • Using a coffee grinder, grind a handful of oatmeal to a state of flour
  • Mix grape pulp with flour and grease your hands evenly
  • Leave to act for a third of an hour

These whitening products contain lemon or orange juice. fruit acid Helps remove small blemishes.

Whitening mask recipe:

  • Pour a quarter pack of pressed yeast with a spoonful of warm water and let stand for 30 minutes
  • A characteristic film should appear on the surface of the mass
  • Pour in 20 ml lemon juice
  • Spread the mixture on the surface of the brushes and leave for a third of an hour
  • Rinse with water and apply cream or oily lotion

Night mask for gloved hands, recipe

Night masks are useful for women who want to slow down aging. Such products are best used in winter when the skin is dry and cracked.

Recipes for night masks:

  • Castor oil. The recipe is outrageously simple. Lubricate the skin castor oil and put on cotton gloves on top. To fall asleep faster, you can add a few drops of lavender or sage essential oil to the base oil.
  • Egg mask. In an egg yolk, add 20 ml of warm honey and 10 g of oatmeal flour. Apply porridge to the limbs, put on mittens and lie down to rest

Paraffin mask for hands, recipe

Warm paraffin helps to cleanse the skin of the hands. It speeds up the movement of lymph and prevents drying. Paraffin can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is usually mixed with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

Paraffin mask recipe:

  • Melt the paraffin in a water bath and pour in 20 ml of olive oil
  • Scrub your hands first and then rinse it off.
  • Cream your palms
  • Dip your hands in warm paraffin and pull them out
  • Let the paraffin harden, and then dip your palms into the mass again.
  • You must ensure that thick paraffin gloves form on your hands.
  • Put plastic gloves on top of it and leave for 25 minutes.

Hand mask with vitamins, recipe

This mixture nourishes the dry epidermis and improves skin condition.

Vitamin mask recipe:

  • Heat 25 ml of olive oil a little, pour 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil into it
  • Add 2 capsules of vitamins A and E to the oil mixture
  • Add a spoonful of Panthenol
  • Lubricate the brushes with a greasy mass and put on plastic gloves
  • Leave to act for 25 minutes

Hand mask with aloe, recipe

Aloe - medicinal plant which will help get rid of dryness and restore youthfulness to the skin.

Mask recipe:

  • Cut off a leaf of aloe, 10-15 cm long. It is better to take a three-year-old plant
  • Finely chop the plant and pour 10 ml of warm boiled water
  • Grind 2 cloves of garlic on a grater or in a garlic press, add to water with aloe
  • Mix the mass and leave overnight in the refrigerator
  • Pour the composition into a dispenser bottle and apply to the skin daily at bedtime

How to make a hand mask with glycerin?

Glycerin is a fatty component that is introduced into nourishing and moisturizing hand masks. It promotes the absorption of fine wrinkles.

Mask recipe:

  • Mix 25 ml of glycerin with 10 ml of any base oil. It can be olive or sunflower oil
  • Add to fatty mixture egg yolk and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil
  • Lubricate with palms and leave for a third of an hour
  • Wash off with warm water

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the hands, it is not necessary to purchase expensive creams and masks. Effective remedies can be prepared at home from available products.

VIDEO: Hand mask at home