Beautiful manicure for girls 12 years old at home. Children's manicure for the new year for young fashionistas

But before you receive Grandfather Frost as a guest, you need to learn a verse, write a letter with a list of desired gifts and, of course, preen. By the way, caring mothers of young fashionistas can help with the latter - for example, at home, making a New Year's children's manicure is no worse than in a salon.

In order to carry out this venture, you just need to know a few tips that will tell you how, given the age of the child, to carry out this procedure correctly. By the way, about age: it is strictly forbidden for babies going to kindergarten to do nails using trimming technology. The thing is that such a precaution must take place, since tissues that have not yet formed can be damaged. But already from the age of 12-13, you can safely try a more intense effect on the cuticle and nail matrix.

Children's New Year's manicure at home: tools and materials

In order to carefully make a children's manicure for the New Year, the mother must prepare in advance a set of the following tools and materials:

  • a package of sterile cotton wool or several cotton pads;
  • soft or glass file;
  • wire cutters;
  • for the treatment of minor damage - hydrogen peroxide;
  • baby cream with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • waffle towel or any soft cloth;
  • container for making baths;
  • scissors with rounded edges;
  • a spatula or a cuticle-dissolving agent;
  • varnish, stickers, glitter and other elements to create the desired design.

Now that the scale of the work has become clear, take a look at the photo of various options for children's New Year's manicure: not only penguins and Christmas tree attributes are relevant now, but also peas, Mickey Mouse, sweets and literally everything that your imagination can do:

True, experts insist that nail design should be selected taking into account the age of the girl: for example, for the smallest - funny stickers, for older ladies - a gentle jacket. However, preparing for the winter celebration, you can make an exception: let the fashionista choose the design that she likes herself.

Easy manicure: New Year's design for children's nails

For the new year 2019, not only experienced stylists will help you choose a manicure for children: in the 21st century, ideas for creating something unusual and bright should be sought in popular cartoons. It may sound strange, but, for example, yellow minions painted on nails, dressed in red Santa Claus costumes, will definitely cheer up any princess.

If the drawing technique is a little lame, you can use the universal way to create a children's, fairly light, New Year's manicure: for this you just need to purchase decals depicting the girl's favorite characters. Cartoon design is a fertile field for experimentation that never dries up. In addition, it is ideal for very little ladies.

Now look at the photo of a hand-drawn manicure for children for the New Year: it only seems at first glance that it is so difficult to perform:

In fact, using brushes and ordinary toothpicks, you can easily create such a cute winter design.

Note to creative mothers: to decorate all fingers or just one - let the young fashionista decide herself. Moreover, you can offer her to depict a fairy-tale character on one nail, and decorate the others with a sponge - this is how a real galactic image or a beautiful gradient is created.

By the way, the gradient is already a more adult version of the design, which will also appeal to older girls. Since at 12-14 years old you want to look independent and like others, then the nail design should be appropriate - translucent tones, a small amount of rhinestones and sparkles, a more abstract theme of the drawings.

The “calm” and gentle ideas include the French technique, which is easy to complement with a winter pattern or a couple of small stones. By the way, a variety of combinations - acrylic drawings and plain varnish, or stencil manicure and sparkles - have been especially popular lately.

Children's New Year's manicure for short nails: stamping and candy

On short nails, it is best to make a gentle children's New Year's manicure using the stamping technique - imprinting. In such cases, you can use plates with the image of snowflakes, or imitating neat lace.

Such bizarre patterns and symbols will not only look stylish on the fingers of a child, but will also complement the image in which the girl dressed up for the holiday.

Pay attention to the photo of a rather unusual children's manicure for the new year 2019: modern designers offer mothers to help their daughters create the so-called "newspaper" style or "candy":

Such options will look appropriate on the hands of schoolgirls, or, if they are made specifically, for some kind of themed New Year's party.

Very often now, on the hands of little ladies, you can also see a moon jacket - when the base of the nail stands out, or a “checkerboard”. Such amusing experiments are welcome only if they are not done regularly.

Manicure for children with gel polish drawings for the New Year-2019

Stylish moms who know how to please their little fashionistas say that you always need to choose the design of the fingers in such a way that it matches the upcoming event. That is why, they use for the New Year, to create a children's manicure with a pattern, gel polish or even, ornately decorated with patterns, false nails.

Not all parents welcome such experiments: they argue that such techniques are dangerous for the health of the child. Such an opinion has a right to exist, but there are those who believe that the use of tips - plastic nails - is not only an interesting design solution, but also a way to wean a girl from putting her hands in her mouth.

The main thing to remember when using this technology is that you can not glue overlays too often so as not to spoil the children's nail plates. Moreover, one should take into account such a moment as the length of the tips: you don’t need to buy “claws” that, in the process of playing and moving, can catch on something and break.

In 2019, children's New Year's manicure will vaguely resemble an adult one: in fashion magazines you can see tiny young ladies whose fingers are decorated with a mirror design. To achieve this effect is simple - you just need to use the foil.

However, on children's nails, such a New Year's manicure looks not only inappropriate, but also absurd.

In order for the festive mood of the little princess to be wonderful, there is no need to go to extremes. You can choose beautiful design options that are suitable for both age and taste preferences. New Year is gifts, a Christmas tree, deer, Santa Claus or Father Frost, sweets and flickering lights. As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for experiments, so you need to arm yourself with brushes and try!

Modern girls try not to be inferior to their beautiful mothers in anything and from an early age they monitor their appearance. They pay special attention to their manicure, and they want the same beautiful nail art as their mother. Many salons offer a children's manicure service for girls, which includes not only nail care, but also their beautiful design. But do not rush to take your daughter to the salon - you can do this procedure yourself at home.

Features of this type of manicure

Fashionable ideas for a beautiful children's manicure

In our selection of photos with beautiful ideas, you will find many different types of manicure for children's nails that your young fashionista will definitely like.

Photo of children's manicure for short nails

Photo of children's manicure for 10 years

Photo of children's manicure for 12 years

How to do a children's manicure at home

Children's nail plates are very delicate and thin, so they require delicate and careful care. For a children's manicure, you must have a ready-made children's manicure set or special tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • cuticle oil;
  • baby cream;
  • orange stick for cuticles;
  • finely abrasive nail file;
  • hand sanitizer.

Follow the simple step-by-step technology for performing children's manicure, and he won't take long:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, dry them and apply an antiseptic to avoid possible infection.
  2. Using scissors and a nail file, shape the length and shape of the nails.
  3. Apply cuticle oil to cuticles.
  4. With an orange stick, gently pry off the cuticle and clean the nails near it.
  5. Using tweezers, carefully remove burrs and excess skin from the side rollers.
  6. Apply baby cream and do a light massage.

In no case do not cut the cuticle - just push it back and treat it with special oil to soften and thin.

7. When the cream is absorbed, you can start decorating your nails. Use a few simple design options for children's manicure:

  • Manicure "Ladybug" is quite simple to make. To you you will need white, red and black varnish and two thin brushes for nail art.

Video on how to make a children's manicure with gel polish

This short video will tell you how to make a beautiful children's manicure with gel polish. Remember all the subtleties of this technique and apply it to create a variety of manicure designs for your daughter.

We hope that our photos with fashion ideas inspired you to create a beautiful manicure for your daughter. Be sure to follow the recommendations for performing a hygienic manicure so as not to injure the delicate children's fingers and turn this procedure into a pleasure. We look forward to your feedback and comments.

Children's manicure- this is a gentle care for the hands of a child, which provides painless processing and strengthening of nails. During this procedure, the master shortens the grown nails, gives them a beautiful shape, removes burrs and processes the cuticle line. At the end of the manicure, a special hand massage with beneficial oils is performed, which normalizes blood circulation and promotes the healing of minor injuries. The base coat with strengthening varnish prevents deformation of the nail and protects it from the harmful effects of external factors. For children's manicure, soft rubber-based nail files, baby creams, natural oils and special harmless varnishes for children with the addition of vitamins are used.

The process of forming a child's nails begins in the womb, and only by the age of 15-16 does the nail plate acquire a fully formed appearance, after which it becomes acceptable to carry out a standard manicure for adults. Unlike the nails of an adult, children's nail plates have an elastic and flexible structure, they are surrounded by delicate skin of the nail folds and a thin cuticle. The matrix of a child's nails is highly sensitive and requires special care, which is why modern beauty salons offer professional children's manicure to young clients.

Some preschoolers may bite their nails, but it is more common for children in their teens. This can be caused by severe anxiety, resentment, or simple boredom. Such an occupation leads to an untidy appearance of the nails, injures their structure and can cause inflammation in the periungual tissues. Children's manicure is one of the most effective ways to wean a child from the habit of biting his nails. Regular procedures will help bring the hands into an aesthetically pleasing appearance and develop the habit of looking after the nails in the child. But due to the peculiarities of the structure of nails, children are contraindicated in classic edged manicure. Professional nail masters use the European unedged care method, but the process of its implementation differs from the technology intended for the hands of an adult.

Indications and contraindications

Children's manicure is a procedure for children under the age of 14, which provides for safe and gentle processing of nail plates, coating with colorless varnish, in some cases it is permissible to apply colored varnish with a special gentle composition, as well as performing nail art. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure for both girls and boys - and in one and in the other case, the child receives valuable professional information on caring for his hands and learns to take care of his appearance from an early age. Salon nail care is recommended for kids from 4-5 years old, starting from this age, the child can withstand the procedure without being capricious and without distracting the master.

Children's manicure involves the use of products that are absolutely harmless to children's nails. It is unacceptable to use varnishes for adults that contain dibutyl phthalates, formaldehyde, toluene and other components that can lead to deformation of a fragile nail plate, brittleness, delamination and other consequences. It is forbidden to polish the nails on the hands and grind them - the nail plate is very thin, and the capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin, as a result of which the child's finger can be injured.

Children's manicure involves not only giving a beautiful shape to the nails, but also performing procedures aimed at strengthening the structure of the nails and preventing delamination. Therefore, a regular visit to the salon not only improves the appearance of children's hands, but also heals the nail plate, minimizing the risk of problems with nails at an older age.

Methodology and stages of implementation

Before starting a children's manicure, the child's hands are carefully treated with an antiseptic solution, which is applied with a spray. Instruments must also be disinfected, even if they are used only once. In order to allow the child to relax and soften the skin before a manicure, it is necessary to hold the hands in a bath with warm salt water and soap; in order to avoid allergies, it is not recommended to add essential oils and herbal decoctions.

Overgrown nails are carefully shortened with a nail file with an abrasiveness above 240 grit, if the child is unnerved by the vibrating sounds of the file, or the nail has grown strongly, then special nippers are used. The movements of the file are performed in the same direction, otherwise damage to the structure of the nail is possible, which leads to delamination of the plate. Soft versions of rubber-based files with a special coating, as well as glass and porcelain tools, are suitable for children's manicure. It is forbidden to use metal files, spatulas and other devices that can damage delicate baby skin.

When cutting, do not grab the nail to the base, it is recommended to leave at least 2 mm from the edge of the fingertip. The burrs are carefully cut off with wire cutters, and the cut edge of the nail is to be polished. The rest of the surface of the nail, except for the cut, is forbidden to grind and polish - this negatively affects the already thin nail plate. The cuticle on children's hands is very thin and soft, so its removal is a traumatic and painful process, which is completely excluded from the technique of children's manicure. If the cuticle is badly bitten and the appearance of the nail leaves much to be desired, you can use orange sticks. To do this, soften the cuticle with oil and slightly move it with a stick to the edge of the nail plate. After drawing up the cuticle line, the master applies a moisturizing lotion with natural oils and vitamins to the skin of the hands, which promotes the healing of microdamages and intensively nourishes the nails. A light hand massage using a baby cream will be very useful, and a paraffin mask will delight the child.

To protect the nails from staining with colored pigments, strengthen and prevent delamination, the master applies a base colorless coating with vitamins and minerals. For festive manicure, special lines of children's harmless varnishes are used, which include a huge variety of shades that are appropriate for children's manicure. For clients who cannot get rid of the habit of biting their nails, there are special varnishes with a bitter aftertaste.

For nail design, simple but bright elements are used - in this case, the use of water stickers, decals, slide designs, drawings with thin brushes, sparkles and other decor is acceptable. Children's manicure must be done as quickly as possible, because young children are restless and cannot be in one position for a long time. Upon completion of the procedure, the master applies a spray-dryer, which saves time significantly, providing quick drying.

Children's manicure is an effective way of caring for the hands, which disciplines the child, teaches them to take care of their appearance and allows you to get rid of the bad habit of biting your nails. In addition, this procedure causes a lot of positive impressions in boys and girls, broadens their horizons and makes them feel like adults. The master of children's manicure offers young clients palettes with design samples, among which the child can independently choose a decoration for himself - thus, children's nail care contributes to the development of a sense of taste. The main goal of this exciting event is to improve the nail plates and prevent possible problems that adults face.

From early childhood, little princesses, like their mothers, try to take care of themselves. They love to try on luxurious dresses, apply makeup, have their own small handbag and, of course, follow the latest fashion trends. Wise mothers in most cases encourage their beloved daughters for such behavior and thus from an early age develop in them a unique sense of style, taste, and also instill in beauties the basic principles of self-care and their own appearance. Manicure in this matter is far from the last place, on the contrary, beautiful and well-groomed hands are one of the most important women's rules, because they are the hallmark of any, even a small, lady. Next, we will just consider in more detail how to create a beautiful manicure, we will deal with its features and how to make a children's manicure on our own.

When can you start doing a manicure

The most suitable age for children's manicure is 9-13 years. During this period, the girl is already consciously striving for beauty and is ready to do a children's manicure for short nails. It is better to start doing manicure for children at this age, since the nail plates can already be considered strong enough to monitor their condition with the help of various aids and tools. I would like to note an important point: if the baby begins to be interested in manicure almost from infancy (from 3-4 years old), in this case, you should not limit her in such pleasure. But it is advisable to refrain from applying a color coating so as not to harm the already weak nails.

Manicure as a good habit

It's no secret that about 80% of girls start from infancy. Many mothers try to wean their child from such a bad habit with cries and prohibitions, but this problem can be dealt with in a much more humane way. And just can help with this. Combine business with pleasure - make a little beauty childish. Agree, it is unlikely that my daughter will continue to gnaw on beautiful and well-groomed nails covered with a special varnish. And if they also have interesting drawings, she will definitely forget about this bad occupation and only, on the contrary, will show a desire to preserve the beauty induced on her small nails for as long as possible.

The main features of manicure for a little girl

By their structure, children's nails are much softer and more delicate when compared with the nail plate of adults. That is why they can easily be injured or damaged. To avoid such incidents, you should carry out the nail care procedure very carefully and carefully. So, consider the main differences between a children's manicure and an adult.

Firstly, when caring for small fingers, it is strongly recommended to use only special children's products. The choice of concomitant products should be treated with special attention. They can perform both a therapeutic function and simply act as a regular tool for visually improving the appearance of nails and pens. In addition, only an experienced person can do children's manicure. How to make beautiful nails for a girl on her own is more or less clear, because it’s enough just to follow all the norms described in this article. But there is one more important point: during the processing of children's nails, it is strictly forbidden to cut the cuticle, otherwise you can injure soft tissues and even cause an infection. That is why it is best to just move it slightly so that it becomes invisible. The third rule is that children's manicure should be done only on short nails. If the child has long nails, they must be cut in advance and, if desired, filed a little.

Manicure at the salon or at home?

You ask: "Why not take your child to a beauty salon to a qualified nail service professional and do a school manicure for owners of short nails with the help of specialists?" Of course, if you do not have enough time for such an activity, it is quite possible to use the services of specialists. But you must admit, it is much better when you teach your child the rules of self-care on your own, for example, in a playful way. The baby will take an example from you, and it is you who will be the standard of beauty for her, and not the nail master in the salon! And what could be better?

What you need to prepare for creating a manicure at home

A small child needs special care. This means that all related instruments must be sterile, anti-allergic and as safe as possible. Let's see what you need in order to make a children's manicure on short nails:

  • Antiseptic solution.
  • Cream for the care of delicate baby skin.
  • Cuticle softening oil.
  • Nail file (it is best to use it with a soft texture).
  • Scissors and cutters.
  • or a toothpick.
  • Strengthening nail polish or clear coat.

So, in order to put children's hands in order, it will be enough just to do a cosmetic treatment of the nail plate and fingers. Manicure on short nails for children initially does not imply any color coating at all. Give the baby a light massage of the palms, apply a special baby cream on the delicate skin of the hands, slightly move the cuticle to the edge of the nail and, at the final stage, apply a softening balm to the cuticle. Remember that this procedure should not take too long, because children at an early age are characterized by impatience and restlessness. The optimal time for processing children's nails is approximately 7-10 minutes. For an older child, you can perform a procedure with cutting the edge of the nail with nippers. The main thing is not to make the nails too short, otherwise in the future it may threaten the ingrowth of the nail plate into the skin. The free edge when cutting should be approximately 2 millimeters.

After this procedure, you can treat the handles with cream, and then cover the nails with a special children's varnish or therapeutic composition. Ideas for children's manicure on short nails can be completely diverse. If the baby is going to any celebration or holiday, then in this case, some pattern can be applied to the nails. Of course, the design should not be too bright and defiant. That is why you can depict something cute, discreet and very girly on the surface of the nails.

Beautiful nails in adolescence

For schoolgirls, the best option would be a manicure with a free edge length of up to 3 millimeters. At this age, you can already start experimenting with Manicure should start with hygienic treatment and filing of nails, after that you can trim the cuticle a little, lubricate it with an emollient and apply a special protective coating on the nails. Only after that is it allowed to apply colored varnish. To complete this task, just give free rein to your imagination. You can use bright multi-colored coatings, as they will delight any little fashionista and will cheer her up day after day. As a drawing, you can draw something unusual and interesting on the nails, for example, some favorite cartoon character, several ladybugs, animals, fruits, etc. Of course, in this matter, the preferences and tastes of the little princess should be taken into account. Ask her if she would like to see some special manicure for girls on her nails. Children's drawings on nails will give not only a well-groomed look, but will also cheer up a little beauty every day.

Classic is always in fashion

For a schoolgirl, the French design will serve as an ideal manicure option. Even on short nails, it will look perfect: the hands will look well-groomed, stylish and at the same time there will be no feeling that something is missing on the nails. It is not necessary to combine a French manicure with any patterns or drawings: it already looks very noble and self-sufficient. Nude and gentle tones are also perfect for school. For example, as an option, you can use pink, peach, beige or a natural shade. In addition, a huge overview of manicure ideas for short nails is presented in fashion magazines. If your daughter wants to do something original, but at the same time quite calm, then you can get more creative ideas.

Choose the color of the nails according to the situation

From an early age, it is very important to explain to your daughter that the color should be selected depending on events and other factors. For example, it should go well with clothes, be appropriate and not too intrusive. The most important thing, of course, is that the hands should always be healthy and well-groomed, but nails that are too long, bright, provocative or simply sloppy in most cases repel and give the impression of untidiness.

Stages of creating a manicure at home

It has already been said above about what procedures must be done to give the nails a well-groomed appearance. However, in the process of work it is necessary to follow certain rules. To begin with, every mother should keep in mind that a manicure should begin with the treatment of hands with an antiseptic. Accompanying tools that will be used during the creation of a manicure must also be prepared and disinfected in advance.

We begin to bring beauty, or Detailed processing instructions

After this stage is completed, you can proceed to the direct processing of children's nails. To do this, with the help of nippers, you need to cut your nails, leaving the length of the free edge of at least 1 millimeter. The cut edge also needs to be processed with a special nail file. For a little lady, it will be enough to use only wire cutters. Then take an emollient oil and lubricate the nail plate and cuticle with it so that it becomes as soft as possible. Using an orange stick, gently push the cuticle to the edge of the nail growth. Before this, it is also useful to make a warm bath for nails, adding lavender oil to the water, which will have a calming and relaxing effect. If there are burrs on the fingers, they must also be removed with wire cutters. After the procedure, you can apply baby cream on the handles and make a light massage of the brushes. Finally, cover the nails with a suitable colored varnish or start the creative process - drawing.

High-quality materials are the key to a beautiful and healthy manicure

It's no secret that children's skin is most sensitive to allergens and various chemical pathogens. That is why it is necessary to think in advance with what means you will do a manicure. Short children's nails are better not to be subjected to various experiments, so we recommend using only high-quality manicure products from well-known manufacturers. Even adults often experience irritation and peeling of the skin after using low-quality materials when creating a manicure. In addition, even the deterioration of the condition of the nails as a whole is likely: they stop growing, exfoliate, darken or become stained.

Therefore, before starting the treatment of children's nails, carefully read the composition of the products and creams used, find out about the contraindications, if any, and only then decide whether it is possible to use this or that remedy. After you are 100% sure that your choice is correct, you can start doing children's manicure on short nails.

Children often copy the behavior of their parents, especially girls. Moms are happy to show manicure ideas to their daughters; many options have been created for teenagers. However, many are interested in at what age it is possible to paint the nails of little beauties so as not to harm the health of the child.

On the mother's example, girls have a desire to take care of their appearance. From an early age, the child will understand how important it is to be attractive and well-groomed. A beautiful manicure will allow you to get rid of such a habit as biting your nails. Well-groomed nails will complement the image of a little beauty.

In addition, performing a manicure at home with your child, you can have a great time. This process will bring a lot of positive emotions, the girl will be delighted.

When can you get a manicure?

The age from 9 to 14 years is quite reverent, many girls begin to think about their beauty, pay attention to their own attractiveness. Manicure must be carefully selected for the outfits, it is best to decorate the nails for the matinee, the upcoming holiday. This will allow you to stand out from the crowd and feel like a real princess.

When choosing a manicure for a girl for short nails, you do not need to do the same design as mom's. It is important to remember that the work is done for the child. Bright shades, interesting and funny drawings will be an excellent decoration for nails, you can use children's stickers.

Manicure for short nails for teenagers 12 years old

Before proceeding with the manicure, it is necessary to prepare the child's nails.

  • first you should treat your hands with a special tool, then wash them with soap;
  • with the help of nail scissors, cut the nails, file them with the necessary shape;
  • children cannot cut the cuticle, you can only push it back with a wooden stick;
  • First of all, you should consult with the child and after that you can get to work.

The most popular manicure options for teenagers 12 years old are the following:

  1. Pictures of animals. The bunny looks beautiful on children's nails. Making a manicure at home is very simple. To work, you need white, black and colorless varnish. First of all, the nail plate is covered with colorless varnish, white varnish is applied to the edge, ears are drawn. Using a black tint, the eyes and mouth are outlined.
  2. Also often children's nails are decorated with a panda. Drawing at home is also very simple.

Manicure for teenagers 14 years old

At the age of 14, completely different designs should be selected for a teenager, an important role should be given not to the drawing, but to well-groomed hands. Therefore, it is important to monitor the attractiveness of the skin of the hands and not forget about proper care.

It must be remembered that an appropriate design is selected for a school manicure. It is best to give preference to peach, beige, white shades.

  1. French manicure looks attractive. A classic fit for all ages. You can change it depending on your mood. Instead of white tips, often teenagers choose bright shades. You can also make a drawing on one nail, which will give the design an individuality.
  2. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can use geometric shapes as a design.
  3. Often the nails of teenagers are decorated with butterflies, fruits, cartoon characters.
  4. The amber design looks attractive.

Manicure for teenagers 16 years old

When it comes to teenage manicure, we must not forget about the school season. Manicure should be easy, not distract from the learning process. It is best to give preference to colorless varnishes; for decor, you can use sparkles, patterns.

Beige, pink, peach colors look great on the nails of young beauties.

School manicure for teenagers

  1. French manicure is a favorite option for many. Using your imagination, you can create different designs and delight yourself with amazing ideas.
  2. Classic french. This option is suitable for any occasion, you can use sparkles, rhinestones as decoration, you can combine different shades.
  3. Single bed. Beige, pink shades act as the basis.
  4. Minimize the use of drawings. It is advisable to give preference to the pattern on one nail.
  5. Newspaper design. Interesting ideas that many schoolgirls like. Letters from newspapers make the design incredibly interesting.

Summer manicure for teenagers

If during study you should limit yourself in choosing a manicure, then in the summer season you can come up with various ideas, not be afraid of experiments. It is best to choose bright shades, there are no prohibitions. The most important thing to pay attention to is the length of the nails. Manicure for short nails for teenagers with bright patterns looks great.

  1. As ideas, you can choose animal faces, hearts, butterflies, flowers.
  2. Fruits are very popular. The nail plate is covered with a plain varnish, and your favorite fruit is applied to the dried surface. It is best to use a template, this will allow you to do the job neatly.
  3. Patterns are often found on the nails of young beauties. You can choose any shades suitable for outfits or shoes.
  4. Polka dots are a favorite pattern, suitable for any image. In the summer of 2017, this print is at the peak of popularity.
  5. Geometric shapes attract special attention, they can be made depending on your own imagination.

As a decoration, you can use beads, rhinestones, this will allow the manicure to sparkle with new colors.

  1. The nail plate of adolescents is very fragile, in connection with this, special tools must be selected for work. It is important to monitor your health, only in this case it will be possible to make not only a beautiful manicure, but also maintain the attractiveness of your nails.
  2. Before starting work, you should try manicure products on the skin. This is done in order to make sure that an allergic reaction does not occur.
  3. In order to maintain the health of your nails, it is better to use an acetone-free nail polish remover.
  4. Before applying varnish to the nail plate, it is necessary to degrease the nails. Thanks to this procedure, the manicure will last for a long time. Also, do not forget about the base coat.
  5. The fixative is an important tool that will keep the manicure as long as possible. It not only protects against damage, but also keeps the manicure for a long time. The fixer is applied only after the varnish has dried.
  6. Adolescents under the age of 12 cannot cut the cuticle, it is best to push it back with a stick. You can use cuticle oil.
  7. Learn to use a nail file. Thanks to her nails can be given the perfect shape. Movements should be soft and smooth.
  8. It is not recommended to use dryer for nails, many products contain acetone. This will not only spoil the manicure, but also weaken the nail plate. It is best to use an ultraviolet lamp.
  9. In no case should you rip off the varnish with improvised means, you need to use nail polish remover. It is necessary to remove the varnish slowly.
  10. Care must be taken, hot water can ruin the manicure.
  11. Under 16 years of age, it is strictly forbidden to build up nails. This is due to the fact that they are still weakened, they may not withstand the aggressive effects of manicure products. If a teenager at the age of 14 wants to build up his nails, you should turn to the gel option. It is the safest.

Teenage manicure has its own subtleties, it should be done with extreme caution. To be fashionable, it is important to study the latest trends of 2017. However, everything should be in moderation. If a manicure is performed for a child, then the design should be appropriate.