Wish you have a good time. Best wishes for your loved ones

Happy holidays, fair wind,
Seven feet under the keel, and go - no dilemmas!
And let the failures do not confuse all the cards,
Have a good holiday, no problem!

A year of work behind
Vacation, vacation ahead!
I'm going, I'm going, friends,
To the sea, brothers, I'm going!
I will sunbathe, swim
And indulge in fun
Drink wine in the evening
I will conquer all the highlanders.
I will dance Lezginka for them,
I will languidly move my eyebrow,
And then I'll walk in Kalinka,
I will seduce their souls!
Minutes are counted
Here is the station, the carriage and me...
I'm going, I'm going, friends,
To the sea, brothers, I'm going!

Vacation, like a birthday,
Happens only once a year.
Therefore - accept our congratulations!

Plans for interesting and undertakings,
All dreams, fantasies - space!
Dear wonderful friends
Important and useful conversations!
Joy and laughter - the ocean,
A sea of ​​all kinds of entertainment!
Long journeys, warm countries,
Iridescent, huge impressions!

Work days behind
You'll be on vacation very soon
And it doesn't matter where you'll be
The main thing is to forget your work.
You will pass out from the rush
You will rest slowly
It's better if you can -
Stay cool abroad.
We wish you fruits
Sun and wonderful weather,
And sunburn - without burns,
And a lot of love...
And when you come back
Tired of the sun
Don't forget to show us
Holiday photo on “5”!

Here comes the most long-awaited vacation!
Lucky for you - a bright holiday is nearby, waiting!
You will go to distant countries -
Let a fast plane deliver
you to the seas and blue oceans,
Where the whitening sand lies
In the morning - transparent fogs await,
And fresh juice from ripe fruits!

I sit at work and pretend
As if it really invigorates me,
Like I don't, well, don't give a damn
That the authorities are going to the south to rest.
Think! - sun, seashore.
But I have a pie for lunch,
Can a cool wave compete with him?
Here, by the way, the sun is there - nearby, in the window.
You can't hide from the sun on the shore,
And I can hide behind the blinds.
Only dream about this resort-
To turn the sun on and then off.
Every whim is subject to me in the office -
Into the air conditioner outlet - please - a breeze!
Pots are full of tropical tops.
Again - right in the hands are pies.
Well, tell me, why not grace? -
Here, on the table, sleep with impunity.
And the chef at the resort does not close his eyes -
In the excitement of the abandoned us.
What kind of rest is there - figs and apricots -
Well, we're all out of our hands here!
Rather, they fought off the main hand,
And brazenly yawning, we chew pies.
A week goes by, another…and ah!-
Bosses with a hand at the heart at the door.
On the faces of those who have eaten - "Glory to work!"
And I, rested, go on my vacation!

You - to rest, and we are still on the oars,
We still have to row, row!
We wish you exotic, bright, colorful!
Have a wonderful vacation!

Summer, summer warmed by the sun
Summer, summer, hot stalls.
Suitcases, disputes, conversations,
Auto, train, liner, ships,
Bustle, joy, go on vacation
People are all crazy now.
Not noticing anything around
Hastily forgiving everyone around.
Summer, sun, palm trees, beach,
The sand is hot, the sea and the mirage.
Atel, cocktail, solid romance.
Suite room and soft bed
The joy of meeting a new one and farewell.
Grapes, bananas and pomegranates,
Watermelons, melons and figs.

I wish you a magical summer
Boundless delights, beauties!
Meeting with a miracle under the stars somewhere,
Conquered peaks and heights!
Infinite reciprocity of life,
Definitely a total "YES!"
Compliments, good luck, surprises,
Day and night, everywhere and always!
Surprisingly subtle discoveries
New countries, new deeds, new souls,
Fateful happy events,
Every moment - handicap, bonus and jackpot!
Awareness of purpose and meaning
Only moving forward
Summer will be brilliant, sparkling!
Pack up already. Summer is waiting!

(Name), with the start of vacation
We congratulate you
We wish you to rest
So that everything you see is given,
They were shocked by you!
Impressions for you suitcase
And positive emotions ocean!

We release you, vacationer!
Even to the country, even abroad!
Rest there to the fullest,
From shoes to the top of your head!
Bring us more emotions
Adventure and bright sun
In general, be on vacation, a vacationer,
Like a free free bird!

Eyes filled with happiness
The heart is torn out of the chest -
Finally, you said this to me:
"Darling! You need a vacation!
You've made a lot of money!
You need to rest your mind and body!”
How right you are!!! All vain problems
You do not decide - to score on this matter,
And rush to distant islands,
Where the waves caress the coast
Where, like the ancient deities,
Rocks rise where before
We've never been with you...
The smell of the wind... The sun... The cries of seagulls...
Dive into the pink surf
At sunset, completely excommunicated
For a week the soul from the hassle ...
"By the way! Mom is coming today!
He will bring vegetables with a ride.
You will have a rest… You will help with the harvest…”

Look how preoccupied!
Intermission! Break! Smoke break!
In short, the job is done!
Why are you gloomy and gloomy?
You are on vacation today! That's why
Do not scold us for taunts -
comradely councils
Kindly, do not neglect:
Throw the alarm clock away
Buy a ticket - and go south!
The answer to the calls - "nakos, bite":
After all, they can suddenly pull out!
On the beach with his wife and son
Under the sun, look, do not burn ...
Congratulations on your vacation!
We're jealous, damn it!

Congratulations on your vacation. May these days be fun, wonderful, unforgettable. I wish you a wonderful holiday, incredible feelings of happiness, unrealistically cool emotions, a huge charge of vital energy and brave forces. Do not think about problems and work, rest healthy and healthy.

Congratulations on the long-awaited vacation, it's finally time to relax and forget about all the vain things! I wish you to turn on the “complete relaxation” mode, forget about alarm clocks and get maximum pleasure!

Such a long-awaited and desired vacation! Great weather, warm sun, beautiful tan and unforgettable emotions. Well, we are waiting for an impressive photo report!

We congratulate you on the onset of your long-awaited vacation, wish you a good rest, get unforgettable emotions and impressions, gain strength for further labor exploits.

Congratulations on your long awaited vacation. I wish you to spend time with benefit, pleasure and cheerful mood. Let the vacation inspire and fill you with new strength, vivacity, energy, good health, vivid impressions and good emotions.

Congratulations on your vacation and I want to wish you to spend this time with benefit and entertainment. Let the minutes of vacation drag on slowly, let every day please you with something special and interesting. I wish you an incredible supply of strength and energy, good inspiration, crazy fun, happy smiles and a lot of fun.

Congratulations on a well-deserved vacation, because vacation is a small life. A joke, of course, but in every joke there is only its share, so we wish to “live” this life to the fullest, so that there is something to remember and tell us! Pleasant impressions, a sea of ​​emotions and positive every day.

Congratulations on your vacation. Let these days give a lot of impressions, let both body and soul rest, let every minute pass cheerfully and interestingly, let no one and nothing be able to prevent you from enjoying and enjoying a well-deserved vacation.

I wish you a great rest and gain fresh strength. Let this vacation become unusual, bright and memorable, so that with your interesting stories about these happy days, you make your colleagues immerse themselves in this wonderful atmosphere and kindly envy you. Happy Holidays!

So the long-awaited day has come. Let the rest give new strength, new aspirations to conquer the peaks, new adventures, so that the charge of positive vivacity and mood is enough until your next vacation!

The happiest time of the year.

Six letters. First "O"

From the crossword

According to the strength of the positive impact on the psyche, the word "VACATION" in Russian has only one competitor - "holidays". We dream of a vacation, make plans for it, counting the days until the cherished date. It seems like a long, long time - and it turns out to be so fleeting! In addition, according to statistics, it turns out to be truly distracted from thoughts about work only for 5-7 days ...

Let's not waste a single precious minute! Armed in advance with wishes for a vacation in verse and prose, we will set a course for a good mood for colleagues, friends, and good acquaintances!

And our unpretentious poems about rest will distract you from pressing problems even when the well-deserved holidays are not coming soon. After all, as you know, the best rest is nothing more than a change of activity.

Don't worry! BE HAPPY!

Your Artur Pozhelaikin

Colleague, girlfriend and just a charming girl

May your vacation be 200% successful!

Will be remembered for many bright moments:

Good photos on the beach at sunset,

Funny posts on the wall in "Contact",

Trips, gatherings and picnics,

Meeting new people, meeting friends

And dancing! .. Dancing - to your heart's content, until you drop,

And a new bag - of course, from Prada!

So that the vacation is a success by three hundred percent,

Still need to urgently MUTUALLY fall in love!

Unforgettable vacation!

(Text: Ekaterina Mashkova)

Dedicated to the citizens of the metropolis

Turn off your phone and hide the alarm clock.

Gray-blue dress code to them in addition there!

In the “OFF” position of important thoughts, the knife switch ...

Coffee breaks - boycott! Only fresh on the beach!

Enjoy!.. LIVE!..

This is summer for you!

And Skype from Bali

Greetings to colleagues!

Or is Paris better?

Oysters from Bon M A rshe "...

Even if you run away to the dacha -

Great mood and 100% relaxation!

(Text: Artur Pozhelaikin)

When work becomes a way of life...

"The soul must work!" -

The poet bequeathed to his descendants.

Learning from school years,

Sometimes it's good to learn...

With taste on vacation to be lazy!

Lazy to think about work

And an unfinished report

Cases, which are very many,

Time troubles, traffic jams, -

About everything in the world, except for summer,

Walks and cherished dreams,

Conversations over tea about the beautiful,

Calm dreams, radiantly clear.

Breathe easy and live slowly

Allowing luxury to be carefree...

To the holidays running out

Understand: "I miss work! .."

Have a nice, relaxing summer holiday!

(Text: Ekaterina Mashkova)


(Wishing you a good rest in prose)

They say that the surest way to ruin a vacation is to shine a light on its solution for a long time and in a lot of accumulated problems. Do not give the routine the slightest chance - wave out of town! ..

Away from traffic jams, smog and eternal nerves. There, where it is easy to breathe, but it is easy to think. And the most delicious breakfast in the world - milk with honey and crispy homemade bread. And rosemary for barbecue can be plucked directly from the garden. And many, many magical daisies: no matter how you tear the petals, you still get “Loves!!!”. And fragrant strawberries! And the most colorful butterflies in the world! ..

Walk barefoot on the cozy home floorboards, drink well coolness from a tin mug, listen to the rustles, whispers of the old garden - and return home as the freest and happiest person in the world! So that, sorting through the colors and smells of this summer herbarium of impressions in memory, work fruitfully and with pleasure. And in the meantime, tell tired colleagues how little a person really needs to be happy.

Have a nice holiday! (Text: Artur Pozhelaikin)

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose can surprise a person, amaze him and charge him with a good mood for the whole day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website website collected the best beautiful wishes for a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and relatives in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because I look forward to every new day to spend it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.

A wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts of you fill me with unearthly joy. I send you an air kiss and wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life that will amuse your soul for a long time after that. Let the day start cheerfully, in the company of nice people, and with a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled with pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day start with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only wonderful people surround you today and the world gives you a charge of vivacity for the whole day. May your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All the work goes like clockwork, and the day will go just fine. Have a nice day and good mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, fun day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My beloved person, I wish you a good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunny bunnies will lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I want to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you manage to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

So this wonderful night ended, and a new interesting and promising day has come. I want him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds are floating, how the birds are singing and how the sun is shining and it will feel so good in your soul! So let every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, may it give you a joyful mood and positive, surprise you with pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, may this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you .

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out perfectly. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, work will bring joy. I love you and I'm always with you in my thoughts!

Have a good day! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you the very best morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes shine with joy, and a positive mood rolls with its bright waves. May everything be fine and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night is gone, giving way to a new day. May it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it illuminates your path and saves you from difficulties. May your day be filled with bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly become sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and I will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.