LPG facial massage: technique, indications and contraindications. What are the contraindications of the procedure. A certain time after the course of procedures

A modern woman is happy in her own way, because she is offered a huge number of products and procedures to slow down the aging process. In particular, many have already tried lpg facial massage, which allows you to hide your real age and look much fresher. Solving a variety of cosmetic problems, this procedure has a pronounced rejuvenating character. Its popularity is due to painlessness, high efficiency and the unique opportunity to conduct sessions at home.

LPG decryption

The LPG massage service originated in the cosmetology market thanks to a Frenchman named Louis Paul Goutoy (his initials are an abbreviation for the name of the procedure). He had an accident that left him bedridden for a long time. The disease involved daily exercise and massage, and Louis thought about creating a special apparatus that would be used to treat and restore the body after injuries. At the same time, it is actively used to combat stretch marks and cellulite, as well as to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

For your information. LPG massage has other names as well. In the price lists of various salons, you can find it as a liftmassage, cosmechanics, endermolift or endermological lipomassage.

Mechanism of action

According to the effect on the skin, lpg massage is a vacuum-pinch procedure. The epidermis is treated with hardware rollers: first, one of them gently grabs, slightly pulling, part of the skin, then the other smooths it out. The whole process is accompanied by a continuous supply of vacuum, the power of which is regulated by a specialist who controls this apparatus. The principle of operation resembles the usual manipulation of the hands, but here there is a clear and very fast effect. LPG massage activates the following processes:

  • restoration of damaged tissues;
  • cell rejuvenation due to increased collagen synthesis;
  • damage to fat cells;
  • activation of the lipolysis process;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • removal of excess subcutaneous fluid;
  • intense ;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • relaxation of mimic muscles;
  • release of tissues from decay products;
  • anti-stress effect.

Muscles, tendons and adipose tissue are also under the influence of the vacuum-roller apparatus, so that the effect is complex and quite powerful. Having figured out what kind of procedure it is, it is worth deciding on the lists of indications and contraindications for LPG facial massage both in salon and at home.

What is the price? The lpg facial massage procedure in a beauty salon will cost from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per session.

  • age and facial wrinkles (it is additionally desirable to use special ones);
  • flew;
  • double chin;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • fat deposits on the face and in the décolleté area;
  • well-defined nasolabial fold;
  • post-traumatic scars, scars, stretch marks, hematomas (bruises), infiltrates;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.

To understand whether you need LPG massage for facial rejuvenation, consultation with a specialist helps. And certainly you can’t do without it if it comes to identifying contraindications for this procedure.

List of contraindications

Since the LPG vacuum-roller facial massage involves the most intense effect on various subcutaneous systems, it can worsen the state of health in the presence of certain diseases. Therefore, this procedure has the following contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • oncology;
  • problems with the circulatory system;
  • recent surgery;
  • hypertension;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • colds and infections;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • any neoplasms (warts, papillomas, moles).

If there are these contraindications, you must first get rid of them and only then resort to the help of LPG facial rejuvenation technologies.

Features of LPG rejuvenation

It is best to do LPG massage in the salon. They will conduct a preliminary examination, consult, explain incomprehensible, doubtful points. Some people prefer to purchase a vacuum roller machine for home use and organize the procedure themselves.

  1. The course of treatment is determined by the beautician. If the skin is mature, wrinkled, flabby, and the patient's age is already over 50, at least 15 (sometimes all 25) procedures will be needed. If LP-massage is performed as a preventive measure for age-related changes or for a slight tightening, the number of sessions can be reduced to 10.
  2. The frequency is assigned individually, on average - 1 or 2 times a week.
  3. The duration of 1 massage session is about half an hour.
  4. After 5 or 6 sessions of LPG, a “critical period” of the procedure begins, which not all patients can withstand. By this time, almost all the liquid has already been removed from under the skin, and it sags in folds, presenting a not very pleasant sight. However, after 7 sessions, the first results are finally visible.
  5. Feelings are different for everyone, they depend on the pain threshold of the patient and the selected mode of the device.
  6. During the LPG massage, the head should be slightly raised.
  7. After the procedure, no cosmetics should be applied to the face for 3-4 hours.
  8. To maintain the results, it is recommended to do 1-2 maintenance sessions of LPG massage per month for the next six months.

Please note that certain skills are required to operate the LPG vacuum roller machine. If you set the wrong mode or use the wrong nozzle, the procedure may result in the formation of hematomas. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to undergo appropriate training, consult a specialist. If you are not confident in your skills, it is better not to start a home facial massage using this technique.

You need to know! Half an hour before the LPG facial procedure, it is recommended to drink at least 2 glasses of pure (filtered, mineral) water, as the massage intensively removes liquid.

Step by step technique

If you still become the owner of a compact LPG facial massage machine, watch a few training videos, get acquainted with the technique of its implementation. And only after that proceed to active actions.

  1. Remove makeup.
  2. Treat the skin with cosmetic milk.
  3. Apply tonic.
  4. On the LPG device, select a program (there are several of them), the intensity of the impact of the nozzle.
  5. In circular motions without pressing, you slowly need to drive the nozzle along the massage lines, treating 3 zones: forehead, cheeks and lower part of the face.
  6. For the area around the eyes, the LPG device comes with a special nozzle. Massage in this area should be as soft and progressive as possible.
  7. Apply tonic.
  8. Moisturize your face with cream.

With a minimum of actions required to perform an LPG massage, it should be noted the enormous responsibility that women take on when they decide to independently carry out the procedure at home. Before that, it is still strongly recommended to consult a specialist, weigh the pros and cons.

Expectations and reality

With a full course of rejuvenating facial massage using the LPG technique, you can count on the following results:

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • brow lift;
  • elimination of double chin;
  • eyelid lifting;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • the acquisition of beautiful embossed outlines by the cheekbones;
  • the nasolabial fold becomes less noticeable;
  • post-traumatic scars, scars, stretch marks turn pale.

The effectiveness of a full course of LPG facial massage sessions, according to cosmetologists, can last up to six months with maintenance therapy. So if there are serious, large-scale age-related changes, you should use this salon service or learn how to do it at home. Perhaps this will allow you to stop the aging process at least for a while and look stunning, no matter how old you are.

Beauty salons offer various procedures to correct the shape of the face, eliminate puffiness and other cosmetic defects. You can rejuvenate the skin with the help of a vacuum technique - LPG facial massage.

Action of vacuum massage

The hardware LPG technique is understood as the effect on the skin with special nozzles. The device is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Massage helps to fight skin roughness with cellulite, stretch marks and various defects on the body. With the help of a vacuum procedure, you can correct the oval of the face, and improve the condition of the skin.

During the LPG facial massage, the skin is exposed to special rollers that are under the influence of vacuum. The rollers capture a skin area with a constant supply of a vacuum of a certain power, and this area is simultaneously smoothed out with another roller.

Massaging with an LPG device has the following effect:

  • the production of natural collagen is activated;
  • cells filled with fat break down;
  • damaged skin is restored;
  • exchange processes are normalized;
  • liquid accumulated in the deep layers of the epidermis is eliminated;
  • blood flow normalizes, the skin is saturated with essential nutrients and oxygen;
  • muscle tissue relaxes, wrinkles disappear;
  • massaging has an anti-stress effect.

Vacuum massage LPG has a complex effect, affecting the deep subcutaneous layers and muscle tissue. Reviews of the sessions are almost always positive. Already at the end of the initial sessions, it is noticeable how the skin is tightened and acquires a healthy shade.

  • wrinkles that appear with age, and mimic character. Simultaneously with the procedure, it is recommended to use special anti-wrinkle masks;
  • the presence of bryl and a double chin;
  • drooping of the lower eyelids;
  • gray, unhealthy complexion;
  • swelling after waking up, or persistent swelling;
  • fat deposits in the neck, décolleté, and face;
  • nasolabial fold, which has a bright outline;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • scars and scars left after damage to the skin, or after injuries;
  • too active work of the sebaceous glands.

How much LPG massage is necessary can only be determined by a specialist cosmetologist. He will also prescribe the required number of procedures, tell you what additional measures will be needed during the course.

Contraindications to vacuum facial massage

Vacuum-roller massage has an intense effect on the subcutaneous layers. Therefore, it is necessary to know in which cases the procedure is not recommended.

There are the following contraindications to LPG facial massage:

  • too close location of small vessels to the surface of the skin;
  • age restrictions. The procedure can be performed from the age of 16;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood pathology;
  • after a recent surgical intervention;
  • colds of an infectious nature;
  • a cold accompanied by fever;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy throughout the entire period;
  • birthmarks, warts, papillomas in places intended for massage.

If there are listed contraindications, then before doing a vacuum massage, you need to get rid of them.

Features of hardware facial rejuvenation

It is desirable to take a vacuum massage course in a beauty salon. Before the session, the specialist will conduct the necessary examination, be able to identify contraindications, and explain the essence of the procedure. But, you can purchase the device, and perform vacuum sessions on your own.

LPG massage has the following features when performed:

  1. the number of necessary sessions for facial rejuvenation should be determined by the beautician. So, if the patient is over 50 years old, and there are many wrinkles on the skin, sagging is present, then it will be necessary to perform from 15 to 25 vacuum sessions. Massage can be performed as a preventive measure, or for a slight correction of the facial contour. In this case, 10 sessions are enough;
  2. the number of sessions per week is also individual. Usually 1 or 2 treatments per week are indicated;
  3. the duration of each vacuum session is half an hour;
  4. each patient experiences different sensations during the session, depending on the level of the pain threshold and the individual characteristics of the organism;
  5. during the operation of the LPG device, the client's head should be in a raised state;
  6. at the end of the session, it is necessary to refrain from any cosmetic products for the face for 4 hours.

Important: after 6 sessions, the patient may experience panic. It is by this period that excess fluid leaves the deep layers of the epidermis, so the skin in some places may sag slightly. But, this is a normal reaction, and after the next sessions, the results from the LPG technique will begin to please.

To preserve the effect obtained from LPG massage, it is recommended to perform preventive sessions for six months. It is enough to perform 1 or 2 procedures per month.

Execution technique

The vacuum technique for the face is performed as follows:

  1. the face is cleansed of cosmetics;
  2. the skin is additionally cleansed with a tonic;
  3. on the device, a mode is selected that is responsible for the intensity of the impact of the rollers;
  4. along the lines of massage, in a circle, the forehead, cheeks, lower contour of the face are processed;
  5. a special nozzle is used to treat the eye area;
  6. at the end of the procedure, the skin is again treated with tonic.

At the end of the LPG vacuum session, a nourishing cream is applied to the face.

The result after a course of vacuum massage lasts up to six months, subject to additional caring measures for the skin of the face.

If the procedure is performed independently, then you must first go through training video lessons so as not to harm your health, and competently conduct sessions. But, it is better to entrust the performance of LPG massage to specialists.

Every day, tens of thousands of men and women seeking to maintain youth, attractiveness and well-being undergo LPG procedures.

The effectiveness and popularity of this technology in body shaping and cellulite control have led to LPG Systems not limiting the possibilities of the method only to the effect on the body, but developing devices that can equally effectively and delicately affect the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

The first LPG facial massage technology developed in 2000 was Cosmechanics. With the improvement of LPG devices and methods of their application, the methods "Liftmassage" (2006), "Endermolift" (2010) were developed. These technologies allow you to massage not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté.


  • Flabbiness of the skin, reduced skin tone
  • "Second chin" and other unwanted deposits of subcutaneous fat in the face.
  • Change in the oval of the face, gravitational ptosis (lowering of the tissues of the face and neck under the influence of gravity, the effect of "sagging" of the skin)
  • Puffiness of the face, "bags" under the eyes
  • Grey, dull skin tone
  • Enlarged pores with oily skin, the need to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • Infiltrates and hematomas, skin restoration after plastic surgery

Method efficiency

According to clinical studies conducted both in the LPG Systems research center and in independent European clinics after a course of LPG facial massage:

  • the number of wrinkles decreases by 34%, their depth - by 23%, length - by 15%;
  • the volume of unwanted subcutaneous fat is reduced by 48% and continues to decrease after the end of the LPG massage course;
  • the indicator of "skin density" increases by 53%;
  • the effect of "lifting" - more than 20% (the area of ​​the skin on the treated area is reduced by 20% or more);
  • collagen fibersresponsible for skin elasticity are renewed by 27-120%. Histological studies (studies of skin tissues under a microscope) confirm not only a quantitative increase in the content of collagen in the skin, but also the restoration of the structure of its fibers.

Also, clinical studies have confirmed that as a result of a single procedure:

  • the flow of arterial blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, increases 5-6 times;
  • the outflow of venous blood increases by 4-5 times, carrying away harmful metabolic products from the tissues;
  • lymph outflow increases 2-3 times.

Today, LPG facial massage is the only method of hardware massage, the effectiveness of which in non-surgical “lifting”, lifting of facial skin is confirmed by the FDA - the most authoritative system for certification of medical devices and technologies.

Mechanism of action

Compatibility with other cosmetic procedures

LPG facial massage has a wide range of applications, its combination with professional cosmetic procedures, Beautytek therapy, and other methods allows you to achieve the desired result for almost any cosmetic problem.

But the combination of LPG massage with some methods of medical cosmetology is undesirable. So, for example, intense LPG exposure to areas of the face in which contour plastic surgery has recently been performed is not advisable, since a significant increase in blood circulation caused by LPG massage accelerates the absorption of drugs injected into the skin.

LPG massage is a method that combines an efficiency comparable to the results of plastic surgery with the safety and comfort of a facial massage. Millions of women and men have already taken advantage of this opportunity - and there is more joy in their lives: the joy of seeing themselves in the mirror, the joy of feeling the admiring glances of others! Maybe it's time for you to try it too?

The cost of the service is 2400 rubles.

Lift-6 - a procedure of elite French hardware massage of the face and neck. It is also called the procedure "LPG for the face" or "endermolift".

Used to tighten the oval of the face, to strengthen and restore tone and smoothness of the skin.

Lpg massage procedure for the face.

Within the framework of one procedure, you can make different accents, taking into account the tasks set:

  1. Express procedures for men and women (removal of edema, recovery from stress, smoking)
  2. Endermolift "Eye Contour" (correction of wrinkles, reduction of puffiness and dark circles in the paraorbital zone)
  3. Endermolift for the whole face on problems (restoration of facial contours, correction of wrinkles, reduction of unwanted volume, "cellular recovery").

N.B. The procedure is also convenient as a “lunch break visit” or “before the theatre”, as it does not irritate the skin, does not oil the skin and hair, and does not require the mandatory removal of eye makeup (arrows, shadows, mascara). You only need to cleanse the skin of the face ... and get a tasty portion of relaxation and face lifting.

LPG face massage price.

Price of elite French lpg face massage LIFT-6 -

2400 rubles for 35 minutes

2900 rubles for 60 minutes.

LPG face lifting

Excellent LPG lifting for the face enhances the result together with the procedures: face masks, microcurrent therapy, cosmetic care, ultrasonic lifting (microcurrent device made in the USA, ultrasound device made in the Netherlands).

LPG facial massage procedures are carried out on the original Keymodule-6 device, made in France.

The device is certified. Registration Certificate FS No. 2004/1422

Professional LPG for the face in Moscow at the BioMi Vita clinic is recommended to attend 2-3 times a week, a course of 8-12 procedures, with preventive use - 1 time per week.

The LPG facial massage procedure can be classified as a so-called “beneficial relaxation” procedure.

Come to the BioMi Vita clinic once a week to get relaxation and improve the condition of your face and neck. LPG face prices are not inflated!

You will lie on the couch, in dim light, and receive a delightful LPG Facial procedure, from the first stages of which the mind plunges into a cozy relaxed state and all momentary irritants remain outside the office door. LPG face lifting will benefit not only your skin. but also calms the nerve endings of your body.

It's very nice and helpful.

The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes.

LPG face price of the procedure - from 2400 rubles.

See Before and After Photos of Lift-6 (Lift-6) massage, also called LPG facial massage.

The LPG facial massage procedure is effective and effective, as evidenced by the photos of patients.

How is the LPG facial massage procedure on video

The procedures use several basic modes.

The first mode is . It provides "pumping" of skin microvessels, relaxes and prepares the skin for the next step.

The second stage - stimulating, provides the synthesis of neo-collagen, evens out the texture of the skin, improves the relief. It is successfully used to prevent and reduce the formation of scar tissue (scars after acne, after injuries).

LPG hardware massage for the face in Moscow is performed on high-tech new equipment, which has already proven itself among our regular visitors. That is why the BioMi Vita clinic provides LPG facial massage at a low price.

Handpieces are presented to work effectively with various aspects of skin firming.

Every woman wants to be beautiful, and I am no exception. Today you will learn how these three procedures for skin tightening and subcutaneous fat reduction differ from each other.

The results of LPG procedures, cavitation and RF lifting are very different, and there is an explanation for this. LPG, cavitation and RF lifting perform similar functions in general, but they have some differences. For example, it is forbidden to do cavitation even for people with inner and middle ear disorders and asthma! LPG massage is fundamentally different, as it has no compelling contraindications. It is practically harmless, but at the same time it cannot boast of removing a large amount of subcutaneous fat.

Which is better for cellulite: RF-lifting, LPG or cavitation. Real Review

I was able to compare the results for each of the above courses of procedures with an interval of 1 year.

I present my real experience to you in this plate for clarity:

Comparison criteria LPG massage
Result My skin has tightened up and seems to have rejuvenated. The legs became smooth, the "chicken wings" on my hands disappeared, with which I struggled unsuccessfully. Now the skin looks healthier and more well-groomed. Of course, with the same lifestyle, a fat woman will not become a doe, so the doctors recommended everyone to increase the amount of water per day and eat less sweets.

I recently lost weight, and therefore, when I came for the procedure, I only needed to tighten the skin on my face and stomach.

Advantages and differences from other procedures Unlike cavitation and lifting, massage is used not only to remove excess fat, but also to reduce scars and other damage. Cavitation is similar to liposuction, but it does not leave scars on the skin. That is why obesity is treated with cavitation, and, moreover, very successfully.
Feelings, preparation for the procedure Before the procedure, it is necessary to identify areas of accumulation of fat. Then you put on a special suit, similar to pantyhose, and lie down while they drive the device over you. During the procedure, I did not feel pain, everything went quickly.
Possible danger If you carry out the procedure without any diseases or disorders, then it will not bring any harm. I didn’t have any of the contraindications, so I got only benefit. An organism that is not accustomed to loads of this kind can react with a large number of bruises. Also, a weak heart or other organ may not withstand, so a few days before the procedure, it was necessary to give up alcohol and fatty foods.
Indications Scars, sagging skin on the face, abdomen or thighs. As far as I know, most often the procedures were decided by older women who want to remove skin that has sagged over the years or a second chin. Also, ladies come there to get rid of severe cellulite or large fat deposits.
How does it work With the help of a special apparatus with various nozzles, the doctor massages the problem areas with it, acting on them with the vacuum-pinch method. During the procedure, low-frequency pulses act on fat cells, as a result, the fat inside them melts and flows out in a natural way.

Cavitation, unlike liposuction and other procedures, is painless and not as expensive.

Contraindications There are several contraindications to this massage, and they are less significant than contraindications to cavitation:
  • Acne;
  • Herpes;
  • Couperose.
Cavitation has many contraindications, among them:
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Violation of the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • Infections and inflammations;
  • Diabetes;
  • Erosions, fissures and infections at the intended impact site;
  • Asthma;
  • Violation of the thyroid gland;
  • Varicose veins of the second or third degree;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Metal prostheses at the impact sites;
  • Disorders of the middle and inner ear.

This table is useful for those who have not decided what to choose for weight loss and getting rid of cellulite. I note that all procedures are completely different, and converge only in the effect of the application.

My opinion about LPG massage, RF lifting and cavitation - what helps to lose weight?

I think the safest LPG massage , since it only tightens the skin, makes the fat “better”, compressing it a little. This massage is best for people who want to achieve elasticity and beautiful body reliefs. If you decide to have the procedure, my advice to you is: try LPG first. .

If for some reason you cannot lose weight naturally, then a powerful kick in the ass will be cavitation . Of course, after completing the entire course, I did not lose three sizes, as I was especially stubborn, but the problem area (stomach) left and tightened up.

A friend told me about three sizes, although I hardly believe her. She went in for sports during the procedures (swimming and the gym), switched to proper nutrition and performed as many procedures as possible. If you are ready for the same accomplishments in the fight against excess fat, then rest assured that everything will work out.

And finally, my last procedure - . It was she who became the last among all the others. With her help, I tightened a small amount of skin on my face and was satisfied . I also met those who came for procedures after liposuction - after the procedures, the silhouette became clearly defined, and the skin became more elastic.

Verdict: lifting is best for skin tightening, for different results you need other procedures . I will give a real example: one girl, dissatisfied with excess fat, came to the procedure at a discount, and then was indignant that her stomach was not deflated by several sizes.

Based on all this, learn that these three procedures promise the same effect, but at the same time they work better separately in different directions.

Also remember that a healthy lifestyle cannot be replaced by any procedures and liposuction.

Expert opinion - what is more effective than LPG, RF lifting or cavitation?

Most doctors are inclined to believe that such procedures are a risk in any case and most often it is unreasonable.

Experts advise seeking help only in extreme cases, in which it is no longer possible to help either with physical activity or dieting..

I believe that it is not worth spending money on procedures if you are young and able to change everything in a natural way.

In dubious clinics and institutions, they can only harm you, and it is unlikely that you will be able to change anything in a natural way.

Contact only a specialist and only when absolutely necessary, and then you will not have to restore anything .

Three procedures helped me achieve a perfect figure, removed wrinkles from nerves and lack of sleep, helped with problem areas. All this pleasure was not cheap, so I began to think about what I could achieve this in a natural way. The necessary tightening and relief is