Mission Possible: Master the best nourishing hand mask recipes. Mask with fish oil. Paraffin mask for hands, recipe

Need to take care of your hands young years- only then they will retain attractive smoothness for a long time, will remain tender and soft. Already from the age of 25, it is not enough to use protective and moisturizing creams, since this time the skin needs enhanced nutrition. This is especially important if it is exposed to frequent exposure not only to wind, sun and frost, but also chemical substances. Housewives encounter them at every step: during cleaning, washing dishes. Because of this, the dermis on the hands becomes rough. In addition, with age, the epithelium becomes thinner, as a result of which wrinkles appear, spider veins, dark spots. To slow down the aging process and make the skin visually younger, softer to the touch, nourishing hand masks will help, which at home should be done from one to three times a week (depending on the age and condition of the epidermis). Their the main task- saturate the epithelium useful substances, accelerate metabolic processes and tissue regeneration. Additionally, they soften the skin, smooth, increase its elasticity.

Vitamin mask

  • honey (ideally - linden) - a teaspoon;
  • almond or peach oil - a teaspoon;
  • linseed or unrefined sunflower oil - a teaspoon;
  • vitamin A (oil solution, sold in a pharmacy) - 10 drops;
  • oil solution of tocopherol (also from a pharmacy) - 10 drops.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey in a water bath so that it becomes fluid.
  • Mix it with peach oil (or almond oil if you prefer).
  • When the honey-oil mixture is at room temperature, add sunflower or flaxseed oil. These foods are rich in vitamins, but when exposed high temperatures some components in their composition can decompose into harmful substances.
  • Add vitamins to the mixture, or rather their oil solutions.
  • Mix well.

The mask is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the hands, ideally also steamed. Therefore, put the prepared product nearby, steam your hands in a bath with brine(it is very useful in itself), pat your hands dry with a towel. Prepare in advance the items with which the greenhouse effect will be created (something made of cellophane and two pieces of warm thick fabric). After that, with massage movements, intensively rub a significant amount of the prepared mass into the hands, massage each finger and each nail - the hands should be warm. After that, wrap the brushes with cellophane, and on top of it with a cloth. Sit like this for 20-30 minutes. Remove the cloth, cellophane, blot your hands, removing unabsorbed oil. You can wash your hands warm water without the use of detergents. If desired, apply a nourishing cream. It is desirable to make such a mask in the evening, as well as any other nourishing procedures. If this mask is used regularly, the skin will become much more elastic and will not peel off. It also has a slight whitening effect. Recommended for mature skin.

Smoothing mask

  • almond, linseed, wheat germ oils - a teaspoon each;
  • essential oil of carrot seeds (if you can’t get it, you can replace it with neroli or lavender oil) - 6-8 drops (you can use a mixture of two esters - 3-4 drops of each);
  • oatmeal (may be made with oatmeal, grinding it in a coffee grinder) - as much as it takes to thicken the product (no more than two tablespoons).

Cooking method:

  • Mix base and essential oils.
  • Add flour little by little, stirring until you get a fairly thick mass.

Apply the product in a thick layer on the pre-steamed skin of the hands. Put on plastic gloves (those sold with hair dye, in Easter sets, etc. will also work). Put on very warm mittens on gloves (it is advisable to preheat them on a battery or steam). Grips, which are in the kitchen in almost any home, are quite suitable for this purpose. It takes at least half an hour to keep the mask, an hour is even better. After the specified time, mittens and gloves should be removed, hands washed in warm water, spread nourishing cream. The product cleanses the skin well, nourishes it, improves metabolic processes, but most importantly - increases the elasticity of the epithelium. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out. This mask can be used at any age.

Nourishing mask for sensitive skin

  • aloe - two large sheet(cut off preferably from the bottom);
  • olive oil (can be replaced with almond, peach) - a teaspoon;
  • natural honey - a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Three days before you plan to make a mask, leaves wrapped in gauze and cellophane houseplant put in the refrigerator. If you do not have such a flower or do not want to wait so long, you can purchase aloe gel from the pharmaceutical network.
  • Grind frozen leaves in a blender or measure out a tablespoon of the finished gel.
  • Melt honey until liquid.
  • Continuing to heat it in a water bath, mix with oil.
  • Combine honey-oil mixture with aloe, mix gently but thoroughly. Now the tool can be applied.

Spread the resulting mass on your hands without rubbing it. Leave it like that for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water without soap. get wet wet wipe. The tool well soothes irritated skin, heals small wounds, cracks. In addition, it is nourishing and moisturizing. Suitable for any skin, including sensitive, young, fading.

A revitalizing nourishing hand mask for dry skin

  • olive oil - a large spoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - a coffee spoon;
  • vitamins A, E in an oil solution - 5 drops each;
  • cream "D-Panthenol" (available in almost all pharmacies and some cosmetic stores) - 5 cm (squeeze out of the tube).

Cooking method:

  • Mix oils.
  • Add vitamins to them, mix.
  • Squeeze out about five centimeters of panthenol. Stir thoroughly so that it completely dissolves in the oil.

Spread as thickly as possible with an oily mixture on your hands, put on fabric (cotton) gloves. Leave the mask on overnight. In the morning, take off the gloves, remove the remaining oil, if necessary, soft cloth, use protective cream. The mask restores dry skin of the hands, eliminates microcracks, peeling, redness. Improves metabolic processes in epithelial cells, nourishes and smoothes the skin. It is desirable to apply it in courses (every other day for two weeks).

Yolk mask

  • chicken egg - one;
  • vegetable oil (any, sunflower is best, but not refined, however, if the smell irritates, take olive oil) - a large spoon;
  • natural honey - a large spoon;
  • oatmeal - a large spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Separate the yolk from the protein, rub the yolk with butter.
  • Heat the honey (to become liquid), mix the yolk-oil mixture with it.
  • Lightly thicken the mass oat flour.

Apply a thick layer of the product on the skin, put on plastic gloves, and fabric gloves on top of them. Keep the mask on your hands for at least an hour, it would be even better to leave it overnight. After the mass is washed off with warm water. The mask intensively nourishes the skin, brightens, improves regeneration, softens and smoothes the dermis.

Preventive care for the skin of the hands is a complex of procedures aimed at preserving youth and beauty. Any woman tries to pamper her skin with a good nourishing cream, baths and massage. But sometimes even the most thorough care does not save the skin of the hands from serious troubles - dryness and cracks. This problem does not occur on empty place and requires immediate action.

Causes of excessive dryness and cracking

There are many, but if cracks appear, then this indicates health problems. The main causes leading to dry skin and its cracking:

  • Unprotected contacts with household chemicals. Therefore, when using detergents and cleaning products, do not forget to protect the handles with rubber gloves.
  • Vitamin deficiency and lack of vitamins A, C and E in the body. Add enough vegetables and fruits to the diet, use olive and linseed oil, do not forget about nuts and greens.
  • It is noticed that the skin is prone to dryness in the cold season, so do not let your hands freeze and protect them with gloves or mittens.
  • Skin fungus - a reason to see a doctor and start complex treatment. The fungus not only dries the skin, but also leads to the appearance of deep cracks on the skin of the palms, between the fingers and on their pads.
  • Cracks can be caused by various hormonal disorders and malfunctions of the thyroid gland. If the skin of the hands cracks and the state of health worsens - dizziness appears, there is a sharp weight loss, then in this case, first of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.
  • The most common cause of peeling and dry skin is neurodermatitis and other manifestations of allergies. Since allergy is a chronic disease, a complex of therapeutic measures aimed at overcoming the problem will be required.

As you can see, the causes of cracks are varied and not at all harmless, so before using home remedies, you need to get at least a consultation with a dermatologist.

Baths for problem skin

The solution to the problem should be only complex. Start by reviewing your diet and lifestyle, exercise and stop smoking. Regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes, which are designed to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. To restore elasticity and youth to the skin of the hands, you can try a course recovery procedures: baths, masks, compresses and wraps. From a variety of recipes, you can choose the one that will help solve exactly your problems.

Bath of oatmeal

Oatmeal broth perfectly nourishes the skin of the hands, promotes hydration and rapid tissue regeneration. Take 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, pour boiling water over them and let them swell for 15-20 minutes. Dip your hands into the warm mass and keep them there for a while. Rinse the mixture with warm water, apply olive oil and put on cloth gloves.

starch bath

Starch baths perfectly soften the skin and relieve irritation. The recipe is especially relevant for the treatment of dermatitis: brew a teaspoon potato starch boiling water. Dip your hands in jelly for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated healing ointment mixed with rich baby cream and a few capsules of liquid vitamins A and E.

Linen bath

Flaxseed baths are the undisputed favorite of procedures that heal the skin of the hands. Prepare a decoction of flax seed at the rate of 100 g of seed half a liter of water. In case of deep cracks, the procedure should be carried out regularly until the cracks heal.

Therapeutic masks and compresses

Baths can be alternated with therapeutic masks and compresses.

Potato mask

Mash a few boiled potatoes, you can with a peel, add a few tablespoons of heavy cream or sour cream. Apply the potato mass to the hands, wrap them in a plastic bag and leave to act for at least half an hour. Rinse off the mask and apply a rich cream.

Rye bread mask

Soften in warm milk 300 g rye bread, add 5 drops of liquid vitamins A and E to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the hands under plastic bag And warm mittens. Remove the compress after 30 minutes and apply a nourishing cream.

Oil mask

Mix several types of oils, such as olive + almond or oil grape seeds+ linen, or Peach oil+ tea tree oil Soak a piece of gauze with oil, wrap the brushes and put on cloth gloves. Leave the compress on for several hours, and even better at night.

Honey compress

Mix 100 g of olive oil, one raw yolk and 2 tbsp. l. natural honey. Apply a compress on the skin of the hands under polyethylene, insulate with a scarf and leave to act for 40-50 minutes.

Do therapeutic restorative compresses, baths and masks at least once a week. Take care of your skin every day with nourishing creams and oils.

Thanks to the procedures, the skin of the hands will become moisturized and elastic, age spots and cracks will disappear. Your pens will get attractive appearance, and you will get rid of complexes and self-doubt!

Professional skills: Chief Physician medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activity: teaching the subject "Social medicine and Health Organization", including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-examination preparation.

Hands are one of the most involved and at the same time the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Hands are constantly doing something; also they, as an open part of the body, are affected by cold, bad water and detergents. From this, the skin suffers greatly and loses its natural balance: it becomes dehydrated, dried out, flaky and loses its elasticity. To avoid such consequences, the skin of the hands needs special care. Can be done at home special masks; they provide therapeutic effect and give a long lasting effect.

How to make a hand mask at home

Regardless of the condition of the hands, procedures should be carried out regularly. Traditionally, masks are made 2 times a week, it is especially important to follow such a schedule in cold weather. Some recipes can be used more often.

First of all, it is worth checking if there are any contraindications or allergies to the components of the composition. For example, hot hand masks should not be made if the skin has damage or wounds. Such manipulations are prohibited if the nails are affected by fungal infections, and the skin is affected by eczema or a rash.

To improve the effect, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. A few minutes before applying the composition, the hands should be scrupulously washed with soap and massaged. The first layer of the mask is applied in a circular motion, and start from the fingertips. The second layer is applied evenly, so as to completely cover the skin. If the condition requires radical measures, the mask is left for 3 hours, after wrapping hands with polyethylene and putting on warm gloves. The plastic film must be fixed on the wrist so as not to let in cold air.

Usually the mask is washed off after half an hour with warm water without soap or a decoction of medicinal herbs(in particular, from chamomile, lavender, calendula). After the procedure, it is not recommended to use soap and detergents, wash dishes and do laundry for 3 hours.

Hand mask recipes

At home, they prepare compositions that will help get rid of the main problems with the hands: with the help of home cosmetics, the skin can be moisturized, revitalized, protected from exposure low temperatures. After the masks, the skin becomes elastic and soft, the number of small cracks and wrinkles decreases; this type of hand is retained for a long time. Additionally, you can do nourishing baths, and every day it is recommended to use a protective, moisturizing or nourishing cream.

  • If the skin on the hands looks tired and aging, an egg-honey mask will help. To prepare, you need to mix a tablespoon of natural honey with egg yolk and add half a tablespoon of oatmeal. You should get a thick mixture, the consistency is similar to a regular cream. The mask is applied with massage movements on the hands, then another uniform layer of the mixture is applied. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The oatmeal mixture can be left overnight; then you need to wear cotton mittens or household cotton gloves. Honey and egg mask regular use will make the skin on the hands silky and smooth, and smooth out wrinkles. At home, oatmeal can be made by grinding dry small flakes in a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Two tablespoons of oatmeal is mixed with olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice (a tablespoon each) and glycerin (a teaspoon is enough). The mass should be applied for 20 minutes or half an hour, then washed off with warm water without soap. Glycerin softens the skin and protects it from dryness, while lemon juice restores damaged or weakened areas. It should be noted that glycerin mask for the hands is contraindicated in people who have problems with hemoglobin or chronic diseases blood, it is also not recommended to use this composition for damage skin.
  • To soften and refresh the skin, make a honey-glycerin mask. Mix honey and glycerin in equal proportions, then add two tablespoons of boiled or non-carbonated mineral water. Add one teaspoon of oatmeal to the emulsion (you can use wheat and rye). Apply the resulting dough even layer on hands and leave for half an hour, after which they are washed off without soap.
  • Three tablespoons of oatmeal is ground with a spoon or crushed in a blender along with fresh blue grapes. Depending on the size of the grapes, you need up to 12 berries; the result should be a slurry of medium density. Since the grapes were crushed along with the seeds, the mask has a peeling effect. The mixture is gently applied to the skin with massage movements for a quarter of an hour. When the time is up, the peeling mask should be washed off with water. room temperature and grease your hands essential oils such as olive, aloe or jojoba.
  • A teaspoon of natural honey, two teaspoons of olive, almond or lavender oil, fresh egg yolk and half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice mix thoroughly, then apply to the skin of the hands. After an hour, it is recommended to wash off the mixture with warm water, and moisturize the skin with cream. This mask can also be done at night.
  • Pro medicinal properties homemade cottage cheese has been known for a very long time. Based on it, you can prepare a mask for hands with a restorative effect. After curd therapy, the skin will stop cracking and flaking. Three tablespoons of cottage cheese are mixed with a teaspoon of olive or grapefruit oil. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, after which you can apply the gruel on your hands in a uniform layer. After half an hour, approximately, the mask is washed off. Fatty mayonnaise or whey is sometimes used instead of cottage cheese. Also curd mask can be left for several hours, wearing gloves made of natural material.
  • Two boiled potatoes in their skins are rubbed with two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You should get a puree that is quite thick in consistency. The mixture is applied in a thick layer to the hands, then put on plastic gloves or wrap with a film, and on top - warm natural fabric. The mask is washed off after two hours, and the skin is lubricated with a nourishing or baby cream.
  • Good basis for night mask may become potatoes. Two potato puree diluted cow's milk(about 5-6 tablespoons), and the mixture is applied to the hands 30 minutes before bedtime. To fix the mixture, hands are wrapped with stretch film or wide plastic gloves are put on. In the morning, the potato mask is washed off with warm water or infusion of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula.
  • A mask of potatoes and honey will help to make the skin of the hands soft and beautiful. To prepare such a mask, you need to grate one raw potato on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of honey and freshly squeezed lemon, carrot or cabbage juice. You can also add the juice of other citrus fruits, as they are rich in vitamin C. Then the mask is applied to the hands, for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes turn dark, and washed off.
  • Another one will become relevant in cold weather potato mask for hands. Two potatoes boiled in their skins are peeled, chopped and diluted with 100 ml of green tea. The result should be a homogeneous gruel. It is best to use tea without additives, and make tea leaves strong.
  • Melon, which contains many trace elements and vitamins useful for the skin, has a rejuvenating effect. Pounded melon pulp is mixed with a teaspoon of starch and fresh lemon juice. A mixture of melon is applied for 20 minutes; after washing off the mask, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a cream.
  • To whiten and soften the skin of the hands, use the following recipe: the pulp of fresh white bread soaked in warm milk. Then the mixture is applied to the skin and left for half an hour.
  • Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin mask of linseed oil. You need to take one tablespoon of linseed oil and honey, egg yolk and 6-8 drops of fresh lemon juice. Before applying the composition, you need to wash your hands with warm potato broth to steam the skin. Linen mask can be done at night.
  • Parsley mask has a moisturizing effect. Half a teaspoon of fish oil and three teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese are added to fresh green parsley juice (a teaspoon). Then the mixture is applied to the skin, and the hands are wrapped with a film or carefully put on. natural gloves(preferably cotton). After 40 minutes, everything is thoroughly washed off.
  • Making a hand mask at home is not difficult, but it is worth using only fresh ingredients; You can store the composition for up to three days in the refrigerator. The quality of the mask also depends on the preliminary preparation for the procedure and on the regularity.

The skin of the hands requires constant and even more thorough care than the skin of the face. This is so because the dermis on the hands is most vulnerable to negative impact environmental factors. Cold wind, hot sun, frost - that's just a small percentage external factors, which can make the skin of your hands dehydrated and dry, rough and weathered, cracks and inflammation may appear on the delicate dermis.

Therefore, you need to take care of your hands in a complex way - use special creams, do baths, treat with oils. A hand mask will also help keep your skin soft and velvety. Let's learn how to make caring masks for the skin of hands and nails at home and also talk about the features of their use.

Hand mask at home: cooking secrets

In order for the mask formulations to have magical effect on your hands, during the procedures it is required to comply with a number of conditions:

How to prepare the mixture at home, and what is the best hand and nail mask - look for answers to these questions in the following sections.

Nourishing and softening homemade masks

In hand care, you can use ready-made professional masks to solve a variety of skin problems, but as practice shows: at home, you can prepare effective cosmetic formulations that will make the skin of your hands soft, velvety, tender.

The best nutritional and softening mask for hands at home - a mixture of parsley juice and fish oil. Make this cosmetic composition you can follow this recipe: you need to grind parsley in a blender and squeeze out the juice, for the recipe you will need a little juice - just one teaspoon.

Pour the parsley juice into a bowl and pour in half a teaspoon of fish oil and add three teaspoons of fatty cottage cheese. Mix the products into a homogeneous mass and treat the dermis with it. The mask is kept on the dermis for no more than 15-20 minutes.

Hand mask for the night

If the skin of your palms and hands is excessively dry, rough, and irritation and peeling often appear on its surface, honey-based mask mixtures can help you. You can prepare a softening mixture as follows: pour one raw yolk into a deep ceramic or plastic bowl chicken egg, pour a full tablespoon into it olive oil and add fresh honey(one tablespoon is enough).

Mix the ingredients thoroughly with each other and add a few drops of ether or fresh juice lemon. Spread the mask over the dermis of the palms and hands, put on cloth gloves on top. A honey-egg mask for the skin of the hands is left overnight.

Hand skin rejuvenation masks

Everyone knows that nothing betrays a lady's age the way her hands do, and therefore the pens periodically need to do rejuvenating masks. Best result in the matter of rejuvenation, it gives a mixture of mint potatoes with butter and milk.

Can be cooked for cosmetic procedures separately, or you can just take the usual mashed potatoes that you cook for dinner for your family. Spread warm puree like a cream on the palms and hands and hold for 20-25 minutes. The anti-aging composition can also be prepared from a mixture of yolk, honey and oatmeal. Melt a tablespoon of flower honey in a water bath until liquid, and then beat one egg yolk into the honey.

Mix and add to the mass ground into flour cereals. It is recommended to keep the mixture on the dermis for 7-8 hours, and therefore the procedure is best done immediately before bedtime.

"Compute" the age of a woman can be ugly age spots that appear on back side hands after 45-50 years, and sometimes even earlier. A simple mask composition based on lemon juice will help get rid of such spots.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Grind two tablespoons of hercules flakes into fine flour and pour this flour with a tablespoon of boiling water;
  2. Stir the mass and add lemon juice to it - about 1.5 teaspoons and 20-30 grams of olive oil or jojoba;
  3. Treat the brushes with the finished mixture, put on gloves and do not wash off the composition for 6-7 hours from the skin.

An all-in-one anti-aging blend can be made from plant-based cosmetic oils and oatmeal. Let's bring detailed recipe composition. Pour one tea oil each of almond, wheat germ and flax into a bowl. Add 78-8 drops of lavender, rosewood and neroli esters to the oil mixture.

Stir the resulting mixture with oatmeal diluted with water, pour in a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and knead the mass until it is uniform. This composition will help you cope with wrinkles, age-related pigmentation of the dermis and at the same time strengthen the nails.

Mixtures based on kaolin (white clay) will help whiten the epithelium from age-related pigmentation. You can cook them according to the following recipe: grind a tablespoon of hercules flakes into flour in a coffee grinder. Pour the flour into a bowl and add a tablespoon of kaolin, a teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of lemon juice to it. Mix the mass and if it turns out to be too thick, dilute it with boiled water to the consistency of fatty sour cream.

Moisturizer Recipes

A mixture of glycerin and cocoa will help moisturize dry skin of the brushes. Take 30-40 grams of dry cocoa powder and dilute it to a mushy state hot water. Stir so that there are no lumps in the chocolate gruel and refrigerate. In the cooled porridge, add one teaspoon of glycerin. Stir the mixture and treat it with a slightly damp dermis. Cocoa deeply moisturizes the epithelium, softens it, and, in addition, gives the skin a seductive and charming aroma.

Return the dermis of the handles healthy color maybe a composition of aloe juice. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of forest honey and heat it to a liquid state in a water bath.

Cut aloe leaves into large pieces and grind them in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass and pour it into honey. Add a teaspoon of olive oil or flax oil to the mass, mix and apply on brushes and palms.

An effective scrub mask can be made from grapes and oatmeal. In a bowl, you need to knead 8-10 large red grapes, so that the berries give juice. Pour a few tablespoons of oatmeal into the grape pulp. The amount of flakes is taken by eye - as a result of mixing the products, you should get a thick porridge-like mass. This mass should be thickly smeared with brushes and palms and hold for 30-40 minutes.

Use the above tools systematically, and soon your hands will be well-groomed and neat!

The problem of increased dryness of the skin of the hands is widespread, because it is the hands that are most often exposed to various negative factors. If you do not take care of them in a timely manner, the skin will gradually lose elasticity, become dry and rough. Cracks can also appear, which will become a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, and this can provoke some serious diseases.

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Dry skin of hands with cracks

Dry skin occurs due to impaired secretion sebaceous glands on the hands, this phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons. To the factors causing given state, relate:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • hormonal pathologies;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hygiene products of poor quality or containing allergens;
  • lack of quality care.

If after a long regular care dryness has not gone away on the skin of the hands and all attempts to cope with it are ineffective, then you should seek advice from a specialist dermatologist. The doctor will accurately comprehensive examination on the basis of which an effective course of treatment will be formed. But most often this problem can be solved independently by adjusting the diet and proper care.

In some cases, dry hand skin is a hereditary predisposition, especially if it appears without any obvious cause at an early age.

The indisputable advantage of homemade hand masks is that they do not contain preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives. To correctly carry out the procedure for applying the product, you must follow some rules:

  1. 1. The composition of home masks should not include alcohol, lemon or fruit acids. Such aggressive substances dry the skin even more.
  2. 2. The product must be applied only to previously cleansed skin. Before the procedure, it will be useful to conduct a light massage to disperse the blood.
  3. 3. If dry skin is accompanied by cracks and inflammation, then before applying the mask, it is necessary to treat the hands with panthenol ointment.
  4. 4. After applying the composition, it is recommended to wear thin cotton gloves or wrap them with a soft cloth.


Can be cooked at home effective masks, which in no way will be inferior to pharmacy counterparts. Combining various ingredients, it will be possible to solve individual problems and approach the treatment in a complex way.

Green tea kefir mask

The moisturizer prepared according to this recipe relieves itching, irritation and redness. Thanks to green tea, the mask has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare this composition, you will need 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, 100 ml of kefir, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 50 ml of boiling water.

The following algorithm of actions must be observed:

  1. 1. Brew green tea and let it brew for 30 minutes.
  2. 2. Strain the tea with cheesecloth and mix it with all other ingredients.
  3. 3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

After the mask has cooled, you need to apply it on the skin thin layer for 20 minutes, after the lapse of time, wash off the composition with running water and use a nourishing hand cream.

Mask with potatoes and honey

This remedy is suitable for dry skin that is prone to flaking. The mask gives quick effect helps restore softness and elasticity. Also, the composition is useful for nails, cleanses and enriches them with calcium. It includes the following ingredients: 1 potato, half a ripe apple, 50 g of honey, 1 teaspoon of corn oil.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Potatoes need to be boiled until tender.
  2. 2. Peel it from the peel and mash to a puree state.
  3. 3. Grate the apple on a fine grater and add to the potatoes.
  4. 4. Melt honey in a water bath.
  5. 5. Mix all the ingredients together until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and use a hand cream.

Oatmeal mask

She happens to be effective tool for rough skin, relieves irritation and fatigue. The composition includes: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 200 ml of warm fat milk and 100 ml of boiling water.

It must be prepared in the following order:

  1. 1. Pour boiling water over oatmeal and wait until they are completely swollen.
  2. 2. Drain excess water and grind the flakes to a pulp.
  3. 3. Dilute the resulting mixture with milk.

It is necessary to pour the mask into a container in which it will be convenient to hold the hands. Place your hands in the mixture for 20 minutes, after the specified time, rinse them with water, blot with a towel and grease with cream. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at night, before going to bed.