What to do if the heel on the leg burst. The main reasons why heels crack and how to get rid of it forever. Preventive foot care

burst heel? Many people face such a problem, but not everyone knows what to do, and therefore the Shtuchka.ru website decided to pay a little attention to this problem.

Beautiful and well-groomed legs are the dream of many girls, but sometimes cracks and calluses that burst sooner or later not only look unaesthetic, but are also extremely painful. What specific measures to take and what to do to prevent repeated cracking of the skin on the feet?

Here are some factors that can lead to heel problems:

Of course, it is always better to prevent something than to deal with the consequences later. But the site understands that anything can happen, so let's pay attention to what to do if you have a callus on your heel. Let's talk about how to treat a burst corn on the heel.

Very often on the heels of the callus - with water content. How to act? Here is a step-by-step instruction if the heel bursts, what to do:

  • wash your hands or wipe them with a disinfectant wipe - it is important to prevent infection of the wound;
  • treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corn itself and around with any solution with disinfectants - alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, you can even green paint;
  • stick a reconciliation adhesive plaster with bactericidal properties.

These are the first steps to take. Never peel or peel off the skin.

The patch will help avoid contact between the affected area and the shoes. Change it periodically, control how the wound heals. In fact, in most cases, everything happens quickly enough if everything is in order with health. When suppuration begins, the soreness does not go away for a long time, which means that an infection could get into the wound. You can't do without a visit to the surgeon.

Heel burst: how to treat at home?

There are a lot of people's councils, but this does not mean that you need to use them. For example, there are recommendations like these: wash the wound with soap, and then use one of the following compounds:

  • chewed (after brushing your teeth - about happiness! They took care of hygiene) bread crumb should be applied to the wound on the burst heel and rewound with a bandage, left overnight;
  • break a raw egg and remove the film that is inside it, then stick it to the corn;
  • at night, tie a lemon peel or a leaf of aloe vera cut in half to the wound.

Perhaps the last 2 methods can be tried, but recipes with an egg and chewed bread are rather doubtful. They may not cure, but only harm even more. After all, in such cases, you are not immune from infection. What kind of treatment is this: the heel has burst, the wound is open, and you will apply products that have not undergone any sanitary treatment, which cannot be considered sterile!

How to treat a burst corn on the heel on vacation?

It is better if you have a disinfectant or antiseptic ointment with you. Levomekol, streptocid ointments or Streptocid in tablets, which can be crushed and poured on top of the wound, and then sealed with a plaster.

In general, it is best to follow the heels so that bursting calluses, cracked skin do not cause you discomfort. If the corn bursts, you will open this area, but, for example, you will be lucky - you will not bring an infection - this does not mean that everything is in order. Such an approach to the skin of the feet, sooner or later, can lead to the appearance of calluses, which cannot be removed by simple steaming and cutting. It will only get worse. It will be important to remove the rod in such a way that healthy tissue is not damaged, but the void that inevitably remains. It needs to be treated with an antiviral agent.

Removal at home is not worth doing, today there are many methods - drilling, cryotherapy or drilling with a laser.

Sometimes it is better to prevent soreness on the skin of the feet, but not everyone is prevented by cracks in the heels, calluses, while they are still “ripening”, and they start doing something when they already .

Be beautiful to the very feet! Watch yourself!

Eva Raduga - especially for the site Shtuchka.ru

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Beauty must be perfect. And in everything! Any person with any manifestations of any shortcomings that affect his appearance begins to show concern. But there is a problem that worries many people, regardless of age and gender, are cracked heels - an unpleasant phenomenon and in some cases causing physical discomfort. The formation of deep cracks in the feet cannot be called a disease, but this does not stop the problem from being such. It is necessary to treat this condition, otherwise various complications may develop.


Causes of cracked heels. What causes cracked heels?

Cracked heels are a common problem for people of all ages. They are mainly caused by lack of moisture. If the epidermis on the heels does not receive sufficient moisture, then very soon microcracks appear on it, which subsequently become more serious and begin to cause discomfort.

The causes of cracked heels are many and include:

  • Regular and long-term walking or standing;
  • Using harsh soaps that dry out the skin too much
  • Frequent hypothermia of the feet;
  • Prolonged exposure to water;
  • Overweight;
  • Wearing shoes of the wrong size.

In addition to the listed reasons, cracked heels can provoke some diseases and disorders of the systems and organs, such as eczema, psoriasis, thyroid disease and diabetes.

Cracked feet look unattractive and in some cases can lead to infection and severe pain. But, the problem is quite easily solved and you can get rid of unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous cracks with the help of affordable home preparations. Folk remedies often have a faster effect in treatment than medications, which, by the way, are not so many on the modern market.

What to do if your heels are cracked

When cracked heels appear, the first question that arises is what to do to cure them as quickly as possible? Even qualified specialists recommend using available means for this and be sure to take vitamins inside.

Today, there is a huge range of multivitamins that have a complex effect on the body and help get rid of many problems, including those associated with skin defects. They are inexpensive, but at the same time they have a quick and fairly stable effect.

How to treat cracked heels - pharmacy products

Treating cracked heels is not difficult when you know what remedies really help. These drugs include some ready-made drugs that are sold in pharmacies.

Paraffin is used to remove dead cells, eliminate the effect of dry skin and effectively cope with the treatment of cracked heels. It can also be used as a natural emollient to preserve skin properties.

Paraffin should only be used when warm. The microwave is perfect for warming it up. After warming up, you need to add a little coke oil to the paraffin, this will enhance the effect of the drug. Next, do the following:

1. Apply a warm mixture to the problem area, wait a few minutes and put on cotton socks;
2. Leave overnight, then rinse thoroughly with water.
If you use this remedy for two weeks daily, then cracked heels will pass without a trace.

Healing foot cream
The composition of foot creams includes walnut extract, sea buckthorn and cedar oil, plantain extract and essential oils. Healing creams should be used daily, preferably in the evening. Just after a shower, you need to generously lubricate the heels with cream, and the problem will cease to be such in a few days.

Folk recipes for cracked heels

Cracked heels can also be treated with folk remedies. The problem of excessive dry skin on the feet has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors did not have pharmacies and ready-made drugs for the treatment of cracked heels, so they resorted to all sorts of tricks to resolve this issue. Therefore, now there is a huge number of folk remedies, the use of which is no less effective than the use of ready-made pharmaceutical preparations.

Foot scrub
A homemade scrub does an excellent job of removing rough, dead skin. Before using it, it is necessary to steam the feet in hot water, in which it is desirable to add liquid soap or shower gel. The procedure itself looks like this:

  • Before going to bed, mix some liquid soap with warm water in the foot bath;
  • Immerse your feet in soapy water and hold for 20 minutes;
  • When the skin is steamed, take a pumice stone and carefully remove the rough skin on the feet with it;
  • Take ordinary coarse salt and rub the slightly dried feet well;
  • Rinse off the salt with warm water, wipe the feet, smear the skin with cream and put on cotton socks.

Use this remedy daily until the problem stops bothering you.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is another incredible remedy for dry, chapped skin. It not only perfectly moisturizes the epidermis, but also perfectly fights fungal and bacterial infections. It should be used like this:

  • Soak your feet in warm, soapy water before going to bed;
  • Dry your feet with a towel and generously apply coconut oil to your feet;
  • Rub the product thoroughly into the skin;
  • Put on cotton socks and do not take them off throughout the night;
  • In the morning, take off your socks and remove any remaining oil.

Do this daily for several days until you are satisfied with the results.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice has a very mild natural acid level, making it great for removing dead skin cells. Regular use of it will help to make the skin soft and beautiful.
To achieve a positive result, you need to add a little lemon juice to a basin of clean water, immerse your feet in it and wait 10-15 minutes. After that, remove rough skin from the heels with a pumice stone, dry the feet and apply a moisturizer.
Repeat several times a week.

Overripe bananas should not be thrown away - they make an excellent remedy for treating cracked heels. They will help soften and moisturize the skin. The preparation is very simple:

  • Thoroughly mash one or two overripe bananas;
  • Apply the paste on your feet and leave for 20 minutes;
  • Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water;
  • Dry and apply a nourishing cream.

This remedy not only softens the skin, but also relieves tired legs.

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent treatment for cracked heels. It acts on the skin of the feet like boiling water in ten minutes, steaming it out as if you spent an hour in a hot bath. The tool is used like this:

  • Four liters of warm water are poured into the basin and four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added;
  • The legs are immersed in the pelvis so that the feet are completely in the water;
  • After ten or fifteen minutes, we take out the legs from the pelvis and walk through the problem areas with pumice;
  • Rinse your feet, dry with a towel and apply a fat cream to the skin.

If such a procedure is carried out at least once a week, then the heels will always remain smooth and beautiful.

Ointment for cracks

Ointment for cracked heels can be bought at a pharmacy. A tool called "Radevit" perfectly copes with the treatment of deep cracks, and also nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and eliminates related problems.
Dermatitis, burns, eczema and cracks can be treated with this ointment, the cost of which is low, which cannot be said about the effect it has on all layers of the epidermis.

Treatment of heels with aspirin

Cracked heels can be treated with a simple remedy - aspirin. Tablets of acetylsalicylic acid should be mixed with a glass of vodka and iodine should be added to the resulting mixture. Ten tablets and a few drops of iodine are enough to prepare a miraculous solution. You need to store the mixture in the refrigerator and lubricate problem areas with it daily. Cracks on the heels, including deep ones, can be cured in just a week.

Vinegar for cracked heels

Vinegar can also be used to treat cracked heels. The acid found in vinegar helps soften the skin, which in turn makes exfoliation easier and helps relieve fatigue.

Mix half of one cup of white or apple cider vinegar in two cups of water. Dampen a cotton cloth with the resulting solution and wrap your feet with it. Leave for ten to fifteen minutes, then carefully remove the rough skin with a pumice stone. Rinse your feet in warm water, dry with a towel and apply a nourishing cream.

Another excellent remedy for cracked heels, which can be purchased at pharmacies, is glycerin. Due to its moisturizing properties, glycerin is considered an ideal remedy for getting rid of many problems of the epidermis, including deep cracked heels. Glycerin is used like this:
1. Glycerin, lemon juice and rose water are mixed in equal proportions;
2. The mixture is applied to the heels and left for 20 minutes.

After, its excess is removed, and the feet are washed with warm water without the use of soap or gel. This mask should be done daily for 10 days.

Baths or how to treat deep cracks in the heels

In order for the problem of dry skin on the feet to cease to be such, it is necessary to regularly do special foot baths. The simplest bath is prepared using sea salt. This natural component not only promotes the healing of deep cracks in the heels, but also has an antibacterial effect. Sea salt contains a large amount of magnesium - a mineral substance that perfectly draws toxins through micropores. To make a healing foot bath, you must:

  • Add one half cup of sea salt to a foot bath with warm water;
  • Soak your feet in this solution for 10 minutes;
  • Gently rub your feet with a pumice stone;
  • Put your feet back in the water with sea salt for another 10 minutes;
  • Remove your feet from the bath, dry thoroughly with a towel and apply a rich cream.

Such a healing foot bath should be done at least two to three times a week. For the fastest effect, it is recommended to use this tool daily for two weeks.

Crack Treatment Products

Cracked heels can be treated in a variety of ways, ranging from medication to folk remedies. Ideally, the means should be combined. For example, in the morning, use ointments to treat cracked heels, such as:

  • Lamisil;
  • Zazhivin;
  • Balzamed;
  • Radevit.

And in the evening do baths or compresses. The most effective in the treatment of cracked heels are lotions from:

  • onion;
  • apples and milk;
  • potatoes;
  • aloe;
  • honey and lemon juice;
  • banana and milk.

They are prepared quite simply and are necessarily applied to the steamed skin of the feet. After using compresses, you must thoroughly wash your feet and remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone. The final procedure should be the application of a greasy cream or petroleum jelly. If you follow all the recommendations given in this article, such a problem as excessive dry skin and cracked heels will stop bothering you!

They cause a lot of trouble. They give an unaesthetic appearance, cause trouble, passing bacteria and infection under the skin, exacerbating health problems. At first, the cracks are hardly noticeable, the process begins with small notches that grow gradually. At the site of the formation of a crack, a wound appears, begins to bleed and causes a lot of trouble to the owner. To avoid such a situation, it is important to apply immediate treatment.

Treatment becomes impossible without specifying the reasons. Cracked heels from:

  1. Improper care, often many simply do not pay attention to the heels, from constant walking the skin begins to coarsen, it is desirable to remove the top layer, preventing hardening.
  2. Feet are more likely to suffer from wearing uncomfortable shoes, synthetic insoles can be harmful.
  3. The feet are often in closed shoes, the skin lacks vitamins, including the important vitamin A. Such a loss is worth restoring, it is indicated to supply the heels with vitamins or use fortified creams.
  4. When a person is overweight, a large load falls on the feet. Under the influence of a large weight, the heel changes shape, often this happens with the muscle part.
  5. The reasons for trouble with cracked heels are varied, it is worth considering the fungus of the feet that affects the feet.
  6. Sometimes it happens that the heels crack due to diseases that develop in the human body. Diseases greatly weaken the immune system, weakening affects the entire body.

Some patients believe that foot care is limited to the usual washing. The action is not enough if there is rough skin that needs to be removed. You can not wear synthetic insoles and non-natural shoes - non-natural shoes provoke small mechanical damage on the legs, leading initially to slight peeling, and then to large cracks on the heels.

If you constantly wear synthetic insoles, your feet will start to sweat a lot, your skin will sweat, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. When the integument lacks vitamin A, the skin begins to actively dry, elasticity is lost, and as a result, the heels crack. Causes of vitamin A deficiency:

  1. Improper nutrition becomes the first friend of cracked heels. When a person lacks proteins and carbohydrates, the wrong metabolism in the body begins, there is a lack of vitamins.
  2. Vitamin A is able to act exclusively in conjunction with vitamin E. If there is no exposure to vitamin E, vitamin A is not oxidized.
  3. Cracks in the heels are indicative of other diseases. Often patients who come to the hospital are sent by a doctor to check the stomach, intestines, kidneys and skin.
  4. The skin on the heels becomes problematic due to pregnancy, with pathologies of the endocrine system.

The reasons associated with the presence of a pathogenic fungus often become a pretext for other diseases. The fungus occurs when there is insufficient care for the feet: non-compliance with the rules for visiting the bath, using common things is practiced. The risk group includes people who have problems with blood circulation, suffering from diabetes. Cracked heels occur for several reasons. What caused the damage will be determined by an experienced doctor.

Treatment of cracks at home

If the heels have begun to crack, home treatment is often used at the initial stage. It is permissible to use folk remedies, but it should be borne in mind that cracks are probably associated with serious diseases of the internal organs, it is worth undergoing an additional examination by a doctor. Consider the main recommendations that help bring the heels back to normal:

  1. Heel care is carried out systematically, accustom yourself to devote enough time to your feet, twice a week.
  2. Initially, the skin on the heels is well steamed, polished with pumice stone and smeared with cream.
  3. Pay special attention to shoes, try to purchase shoes made of high-quality and natural materials so that they do not spank, do not turn out to be too heavy for the legs.
  4. When the heels burst badly, during rest it is important that the legs lie on a hill, it is enough to put a roller.
  5. It is required to revise the diet, include vegetables and fruits, fortified foods in food.

How to prepare a remedy for treatment yourself

Applying daily heel care, proceed to treatment with folk remedies:

  1. It is allowed to put burdock leaves in worn socks, it is advisable to chop and mash well beforehand so that the leaves release juice. Perhaps with the help of a decoction of burdock, adding to the bath water.
  2. Oatmeal with flax makes it possible to significantly soften the skin, remove dead skin cells, then apply healing creams for wounds.
  3. Before going to bed, it is possible to make a honey compress on the legs: honey is applied to the gauze, applied to the sore spot, the skin will become soft and supple.
  4. Baths can be done daily, you will need to add celandine, plantain and nettle. These herbs are considered the most effective. If the heel bursts, herbs promote healing.
  5. For treatment, a grated apple compress is suitable. Apple juice includes a lot of vitamins that supply the skin.
  6. Boiled potatoes in uniform are considered effective. Boiled potatoes are pushed with a mortar, a spoonful of soda is added, a compress is applied to the steamed legs. Then the legs are wrapped in polyethylene, a warm sock is put on, it is worth walking around with the application for about fifteen minutes. The compress is removed, the feet are washed with warm water, wiped dry and lubricated with a greasy cream.
  7. You can prepare the product using vinegar and glycerin, you will need to mix the two components in equal proportions.
  8. Cracks are treated with vodka. The remedy will be effective if the cracks do not bleed. Fixing the result, smear the heels with cream in the morning.
  9. In a pharmacy, buy ordinary petroleum jelly, such treatment will not take much time.

Folk remedies are great for treating cracked heels, they do not carry side effects, you will soon see that the heels have changed.

Treatment with medications

It is worth considering a method with medical treatment. Before treating cracks, it is important to visit a dermatologist who determines the reasons why heels burst. First of all, the doctor will direct the treatment to eliminate the cause, then he will treat the consequences.

  1. As a rule, treatment begins with ointment balmed, which includes many vitamins, glycerin and essential oil.
  2. If a fungus lives in the body, bioastin is prescribed with a content of amino acids and trace elements.
  3. In the pharmacy, an abundance of creams based on pine and chamomile oil, such a remedy makes the treatment quick and effective.

Cracked heels are treated in a complex way with folk remedies and medications, the skin will become elastic, healthy.

When the skin cracks deeply, not all methods of alternative treatment are suitable, the treatment often takes place exclusively by medication. Sometimes a doctor with a burst heel prescribes oral antibiotics. When the heels burst, abscesses should not form. If this happens, be sure to apply antibacterial treatment.

The secret of therapeutic massage

Along with drugs and folk remedies, it will be right to use massage - an excellent way to improve blood circulation in the legs, including the feet. Massage is done with a cream or Vaseline. The use of emollients is required so that the skin is not mechanically affected, causing more peeling, leading to cracks. The movements are not abrupt, perform them smoothly and penetratingly. If you do the massage regularly, it becomes noticeable - the heels no longer crack, the state of health has improved significantly. Cracks cause many troubles, it is necessary to treat immediately and quickly.

Treatment will be effective if it takes place in the complex. In order not to encounter cracks, it is important to take preventive measures into account.

Hello dear readers. Probably everyone knows the situation when the heel is cracked, it hurts a lot and we don’t know what to do and how to urgently help ourselves. The problem of cracked heels is one of the most common in women of almost all ages. Cracks hurt, grow, look ugly, tear thin nylon tights. In the fight against this phenomenon, a lot of mistakes are made, and therefore, efforts often do not bring the desired result. It used to be thought that cracked heels were a problem for older women. But, today this phenomenon is spreading everywhere, including young people. In the article, we will consider the reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon, and ways to quickly and effectively overcome it.

Cracked heel - the reasons why it happened?

There are several reasons for this disease. They can be a symptom of a disease, or simply a reaction to the external environment. The skin cells on the heels die faster due to natural causes. The skin of the heels is constantly affected by the pressure of our body weight. Therefore, the cells are deformed, and need to be quickly updated. That is why our feet need regular care, which includes not only peeling, but also moisturizing.


  1. Tight shoes.
  2. Synthetic materials for shoes and underwear.
  3. Circulatory problems.
  4. Improper foot care. If you do peeling often, then the skin simply does not have time to recover.
  5. Dry air in the house.
  6. Mistakes in foot hygiene. The reason may be the wrong soap.
  7. The composition of water. For example, regular trips to the pool, where the water is saturated with chlorine.
  8. Vitamin deficiency.


  1. Failure in metabolism.
  2. Hormonal disorders.
  3. Diabetes. Pay attention to other symptoms - dry mouth, sudden weight change, constant feeling of hunger, frequent urination.
  4. Foot fungus. Symptoms such as itching, changes in the nail plate may appear.
  5. Gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Plantar fasciitis. In a neglected state, this disease can lead to the appearance of a heel spur, which is a bony growth, and is very painful.
  8. Problems with the thyroid gland.
  9. Psoriasis.
  10. Obesity.

Also affected:

  1. Prolonged standing, especially in one position.
  2. The presence of excess weight.
  3. Old age, when all processes go astray.
  4. Strong stress.
  5. Thin outsole. A thin flat sole is especially bad. Even in healthy people, after wearing such shoes, discomfort in the foot occurs.
  6. High heels.

The very phenomenon of cracked heels is also a disease, and it is called dermatitis.

Initially, you need to check your body for the above diseases. If no serious problems are found, you can contact a professional salon, or try to treat yourself.

What to do if the heel is cracked and hurts, it hurts to walk

Consider the very first ways to help the patient in order to reduce pain and, of course, return to a normal level of daily activity.

To provide first aid!

  1. Treat your leg with sea buckthorn oil before going to bed. To fix the effect, wrap with cling film.
  2. You can buy a special patch at the pharmacy.
  3. Place your feet in cool water.
  4. Use any ointment that relieves pain and inflammation.
  5. You can take painkillers.
  6. Rub the foot in water with an ice cube in the direction from the heel to the toes.

Cracked heel - what to do and how to treat at home

After the removal of the first pain sensations, treatment should begin. It is better that the treatment is complex. It should include masks, baths, prevention, massage. At home, you can quite easily deal with this situation.

Consider bath recipes

  1. Simple contrast baths without additives. The temperature should be comfortable. Ideal to combine with a light foot massage. This measure should become almost a daily ritual.
  2. Starch bath. Dilute 30 grams of potato starch in one liter of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for 20 minutes. Then treat your feet with pumice, apply ointment or oily cream, fix everything with cling film, and put on socks.
  3. Complex with boric acid and vaseline. Dilute 20 milliliters of boric acid in one liter of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for 15 minutes. Dry your feet with a towel. Apply Vaseline generously to the cracks, fix with adhesive tape. Do not rinse for 20-24 hours.
  4. Bath with herbs. Add 3 drops of ammonia to 3 liters of hot water. Pour 15 grams of soda. And add a liter of decoction of any herb - elecampane, calendula, nettle, chamomile. Soak your feet in the bath for 20 minutes. Then, apply olive oil to dry feet. It is good to take a similar bath before going to bed. Herbs will have a calming effect.
  5. St. John's wort and apple cider vinegar. Homemade apple cider vinegar is best. Pour 500 milliliters of water into 15 grams of herbal tea. Bring to a boil. Strain and let the broth cool. Then add 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. After taking the bath, treat the feet with cream.

  1. The exercise is performed lying on your back. Pull your toes as far as you can. After - pull as far away from you as possible. Do a few repetitions.
  2. Get up. Smoothly transfer body weight from heels to toes.
  3. Walk around the room on your toes. After on the heels. Stretch your foot as much as possible. Also, it is useful to use massage devices for the feet.

What ointments and folk remedies will help if the heel is cracked

Folk recipes for ointments and masks are necessary to soften the skin of the foot, and its enhanced nutrition. It is recommended to use masks once or twice every 7 days. Ointments can be used daily.

If you feel pain or discomfort from this or that folk remedy, immediately wash it off with water.

onion compress

Before the procedure, make a foot bath with soda for 10 minutes. At the rate of 5-7 grams of soda per liter of water. Finely chop the onion. Put the resulting slurry on gauze, and attach to the foot. Secure with cling film, bow, and top with a sock. Leave until the morning. After cleaning the foot, treat the skin with a pumice stone and apply a rich cream.

Cabbage leaf with honey

Mash the cabbage leaf until dark stripes form. Apply honey to the cracks. Place a cabbage leaf on top. Fix for the night. Rinse in the morning and cleanse and moisturize.

apple compress

Chop two medium apples. Add 200 milliliters of milk, 5-7 grams of soda. Put the resulting mixture on the stove. Boil for 10 minutes until porridge forms, if the mixture is not thick enough, you can add a little wheat flour. Cool the mixture until warm. Apply to feet in a thick layer. Secure with a bandage on top. Keep the compress until completely cool.

Ointment based on pork fat

Melt about a hundred grams of pork fat in a water bath. Add shredded carrots to it. Put the mixture on fire for 15 minutes. Next, strain the mixture into a glass container. Let cool.

Ointment based on badger fat

Pour 5 grams of calendula and 5 grams of celandine with boiling water. Leave for a minute. Keep the fat in a water bath, and after 10 minutes add the herb. Mix and cook in a bath for half an hour, avoiding boiling. Strain the fat and let cool. Store refrigerated, but warm in a water bath before use.

Plantain ointment

We remember its healing properties from childhood, when we glued broken knees to them. Rub the dry leaves of the plant, mix with almond or olive oil. Next, mix 1 part of the mixture with 9 parts of petroleum jelly.

Ointment with calendula

Grind dry flowers. Mix 15 grams of calendula with 60 grams of petroleum jelly. In addition to the antibacterial action, the ointment promotes tissue regeneration, this is an excellent remedy if the heel is cracked, it hurts to walk, it hurts and creates discomfort.

A very wonderful and effective remedy, if the heel is cracked, this should be mixed and used to treat the heels, the cracks heal very quickly.

Ointment with wax

Mix a quarter cup of Epsom salts with 30 milliliters of hot water. In another bowl, mix 45 grams of beeswax with 60 milliliters of coconut oil and 60 milliliters of cocoa butter. Melt. Then stir and add 3 grams of camphor powder and 50 milliliters of honey to the mixture. And add water with Epsom salts. Then stir for another five minutes, let cool, and store in the refrigerator. The consistency of the ointment should be like that of butter.

baby cream

In 15 milliliters of baby cream, add 2 drops of chamomile essential oil. Stir. Store in an airtight container.

Butter and curdled milk

Mix soft butter and 125 milliliters of curdled milk well. Apply to steamed legs 2-3 times a day with massage movements.

Egg yolk remedy

Whisk one egg yolk. Add to it 15 milliliters of vegetable oil, as well as 5 milliliters of vinegar. At night, apply ointment to steamed legs, wrap with cling film, secure with a sock, and hold for an hour. Then rinse off and use a pumice stone. Use no more than 1 time per week.

Another wonderful remedy is this, so there are quite a few recipes for treating cracks and small notches on the heels. Choose and use the recipe you like.

To get great results - do complex care. If it does not solve the problem, then you should consult a dermatologist.

Feet should be treated with a pumice stone or a file no more than 1 time in 7-14 days. With a pumice stone, clean on steamed feet, and with a file and other devices, only on dry ones.

After cleansing, be sure to nourish the skin. The peeling procedure with a natural scrub injures the skin much less.

Of course, you can buy it in stores, but it’s better to make it yourself from ground coffee, sea salt. Mix salt or coffee with liquid soap, and massage the skin of the feet with massaging movements.

To prevent the disease and treatment, it is worth abandoning uncomfortable shoes. Monitor the humidity level in the room.

Try to limit the wearing of open-toed shoes in the summer. Especially if your heel has cracked at least once, you already know what to do, but you can prevent it in the future.

The diet should be filled with food high in protein and fiber.

Watch your water intake: it should be enough (at least 2-2.5 liters per day, except for other drinks and liquid foods).

Physical activity must be present and be moderate. Avoid sudden weight gains.

For daily unloading of the foot, it is worth purchasing special insoles. Give preference to socks made of natural material.

And don't use a high urea cream too often, as you can further injure your skin.

The skin is a reflection of the state of health of the whole organism. Lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of your skin, and such problems will not bother you.

Very often, the skin on the heels bursts due to the fact that it is not well looked after. The heels are covered with a keratinized crust, which may eventually begin to burst. But this reason why the heels burst is not the only one. The reason may be a lack of vitamins in the body, and the presence of a certain disease in a person: diabetes mellitus or foot fungus. In the latter case, a trip to the doctor is indispensable. If the heels burst, something needs to be done, because the broken skin on the heels does not look aesthetically pleasing, and besides, it hurts to walk. It is even dangerous for health to go outside, especially in summer, because the integrity of the skin on the feet is broken. So, what to do if the heels burst?

If the heels burst badly: pharmacy products
If the heels burst: folk remedies
So that the heels do not burst: prevention

If the heels burst badly: pharmacy products

In the pharmacy you can buy Synthomycin emulsion. Synthomycin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It can be attributed to antibiotics, used to heal wounds. Synthomycin emulsion contains castor oil, which will also help solve the problem of bursting heels. Apply the emulsion on the heels at night, wrap the wounds with plastic wrap and put on socks. After a few days, the blades should heal.

You can use Solcoseryl ointment. Solcoseryl is also available in the form of a gel. The main property of this drug is the stimulation of skin regeneration in those areas where wounds do not heal well. Solcoseryl is applied to cleansed skin 1 or 2 times a day. During the treatment of heels with Solcoseryl ointment, do not go outside in open shoes, but wear socks at home.

If the heels burst: folk remedies

If your heels burst and at the same time you experience severe pain when walking, try this folk remedy: chop the onion to a slurry state, apply the slurry on the skin of the heels, fix the compress on top with plastic wrap and put on socks. Perform the procedure at night. In the morning, wash off the onion gruel from the heels, dry the skin thoroughly. The pain should go away. But do not forget to treat the wounds with one of the remedies listed above.

Another folk remedy that can be prepared from flax seeds and potato peels. Potato peelings must first be washed very thoroughly. To one liter of water, add 1 cup each of flax seeds and potato peels. Put the water on the fire and cook for about 10-15 minutes until a slurry is formed. When the broth has cooled, soak your feet in it for half an hour. After the procedure, wash the skin of the heels with clean water and apply a healing agent to the wounds.

You can soak your feet in a decoction of nettle leaves, and then apply a nourishing agent to dry skin.

Another "grandmother's" remedy that should be tried if the heels burst: make a compress on the cleansed skin of the heels for the night, smearing the wounds with slightly warmed honey and wrapping the feet with a cabbage leaf. Fix the compress with plastic wrap and put on socks.

The next proven folk remedy: boil finely chopped apples in a small amount of milk. Screw this gruel on the wounds of burst heels.

You can make tortillas by mixing fresh burdock leaf juice and flour. Apply this cake on the clean skin of the heels at night and put on socks on the feet.

To compensate for the lack of vitamin A, you can use a carrot compress. Carrots are grated and mixed with fat sour cream. The resulting ointment is applied to the wounds of the heels for one hour.

Prepare a remedy from the crushed pulp of a ripe pumpkin and corn oil. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts. Apply this remedy on the wounds of the heels for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

You can wrap thin slices of lightly salted fat on broken heels at night. Cover the slices of lard with plastic wrap on top and put on warm socks.

And this tool can be used if the heels or skin on the hands burst: ammonia, glycerin solution and water are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting solution can be stored in a bottle for several days. Before going to bed, carefully rub the solution into the wounds on the skin. It can also be used for prevention.

You can try the following folk remedy: mix boiled potatoes with oil and vinegar essence. Apply the resulting cake to the feet at night, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it on all night. In the morning, clean the keratinized skin from the heels with a pumice stone and lubricate the feet with a nourishing cream.

So that the heels do not burst: prevention

So that the keratinized layer of the heels does not create problems with our appearance and health, it is best to get rid of it. This will take a lot of time, and possibly more than one procedure. But if you have already begun removing the stratum corneum from the heels, then bring the matter to the end.

First you need to steam your heels well. Prepare a bath with salt and warm water, lower your feet into it. You can also prepare a bath from a decoction of herbs, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties (decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, flaxseed, and others). Steam your heels for at least half an hour. If the water gets cold, add hot water to it.

After the stratum corneum on the heels has become soft, remove it with a pumice stone. This stage will take you a lot of time, think about the result and do not rush. Be especially careful when rubbing the heels in the area of ​​cracks that have formed, so as not to damage the skin even more.
After removing the keratinized layer of the heels, the skin on the feet must be treated with a nourishing agent. It can be a cream for the care of corns, or you can simply rub an oily solution of vitamin A into the skin, which you can buy in advance at the pharmacy. It's cheap. You can also buy propolis ointment at the pharmacy. In any case, the heels should be liberally lubricated with the emollient of your choice.

To improve the effect, wear cotton socks on your feet. Ideally, if you carry out this procedure before going to bed, and sleep in socks until the morning. In the morning you will notice how your heels have changed to the touch and appearance. If you periodically carry out this procedure before going to bed, although a couple of times a week, you will forget about keratinized heels.

In order to avoid further formation of a stratum corneum on the heels, at least once a week at night, lubricate the skin of the heels with a product prepared from a solution of glycerin and vinegar essence, which are mixed in equal amounts and applied to the skin of the feet, rubbed well, and on top of the socks .

If at least one of the above remedies helped you, tell your loved ones about it, because not everyone knows what to do if the heels burst.