Grapefruit essential oil - properties and applications in cosmetology. How to use grapefruit oil, dosage. Application in hair care

Essential oil grapefruit can be called one of the youngest aromatic oils: it was first produced industrially only in 1933. Inherent in an unusual member of the citrus family, surprisingly tender, bitter and fresh fragrance with a cold tonic character, few people remain indifferent. And this is not surprising: at the same time refreshing and tonic, mysterious and sensual, airy-light and daring, the smell of grapefruit embodies prosperity, success and a business streak.

Grapefruit essential oil is obtained from a plant that is not without reason called "grape fruit": a hybrid of orange and pomelo, which has no wild analogues, really decorates clusters of bizarre large fruits. The most expensive and most useful oils are obtained exclusively by cold pressing, more affordable ones - by steam distillation.

Complementary oils are warm, soothing and spicy, bittersweet. Grapefruit oil also goes well with all fruit base oils, for example,.

As a prophylactic that prevents infectious and, grapefruit oil complements coniferous aromatic oils and very well.

Beneficial features

Grapefruit oil is the oil of Jupiter, helping to build relationships with the outside world, achieve success and adequately perceive yourself. It is believed that this oil improves mood, causing mild euphoria and relieving bouts of irritation, discontent and anger.

Grapefruit essential oil - struggling with depressed and depressed states and the effects of stress. The impact of the oil is aimed at increasing mental activity, including it effectively allows you to get rid of morning sleepiness.

Grapefruit essential oil has all the calming properties - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic and antidepressant. In aromatherapy, it is actively used in the treatment, prevention of disorders and diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as a choleretic, diuretic, toxin-removing, cholesterol-lowering agent. Like all citrus aroma oils, it is used in the fight against and overweight.

Inheriting all the qualities of the fruit that gave us the wonderful essential oil, grapefruit aromatic oil contributes to the normalization of fat balance - both in metabolism and in skin. Normalization of the sebaceous glands of the skin, narrowing of pores and whitening are the main areas of application of grapefruit essential oil as an additive in cosmetology.

Grapefruit oil is especially actively used in care products for oily hair prone to rapid contamination, as well as in need of restoring structure and tone.

Application and dosage

Like all citrus oils, grapefruit oil should be used with caution in sunny weather: it can cause burns on unprotected skin. Unlike most essential oils, grapefruit essential oils should not be stored under room temperature and in the refrigerator.

Before use, be sure to test for the presence of individual intolerance to the essential oil. Do not confuse an allergic reaction with the standard contact reaction of burning and stinging within the first three minutes of application.

Grapefruit oil is as well known and popular as the grapefruit itself. The oil is a transparent yellow, sometimes yellow-green, oily fluid liquid, with citrus scent. Its refreshing, bittersweet aroma is a real boon for aromatherapy. Due to its beneficial properties, grapefruit oil is used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

How to produce

Grapefruit oil is obtained from the peel of its fruit by cold pressing. The yield of the product with this method is less than that of an orange or lemon. But, as you know, cold-pressed oil retains all the beneficial qualities.

The second way to obtain grapefruit oil is from the remains of the fruit after the production of juice (from the peel and pulp). The product is slightly worse in quality.

Grapefruit oil is produced in Brazil, Israel, the United States of America.

Therapeutic composition

Grapefruit essential oil contains substances such as geraniol, limonene, myrcene, linalool, pinene, citral. These aromatic substances create a unique fresh aroma of grapefruit. Citral has an antiseptic effect. It also contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients C, B2, PP, carotene, calcium, potassium and organic acids.

Medicinal properties

Grapefruit essential oil is known for its beneficial properties. It is used in medicine as an antidepressant, diuretic, hypotensive, choleretic, tonic, antiseptic, stimulant.

Aromatherapy properties grapefruit oil used to get rid of stress, get rid of drowsiness, apathy, bad mood.

Its adaptogenic properties help to become more balanced.

Getting on human skin, grapefruit oil stimulates the lymphatic system, nourishes soft tissue cells, helps get rid of cellulite, activates the secretion of bile, increases appetite.

This useful product also has an analgesic effect, has a beneficial effect on migraines, premenstrual syndrome, improves skin condition, .


Grapefruit essential oil is used in cooking, cosmetology, perfumery, aromatherapy, and alternative medicine. The beneficial properties of oil have been known since ancient times. Grapefruit oil has been considered one of the best most beneficial oils.

Grapefruit oil is suitable for ingestion. It is recommended to take poor appetite, diarrhea, edema.

Its use improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder. Essential grapefruit oil has an anti-infective effect, which is often used in the treatment of infectious and colds.

Grapefruit oil is believed to be effective in promoting weight loss due to its ability to accelerate metabolic processes which eventually leads to gradual weight loss.

Grapefruit oil has been successfully used to eliminate cellulite. To do this, a little oil is applied to problem areas of the body and massaged using a special massage glove.

Baths with the addition of grapefruit oil have a relaxing effect on the muscles and help relieve fatigue.

IN warm bath no more than 7 drops of oil or a mixture of oils are added. A mixture of grapefruit oil in combination with citrus oils works well.


In aromatherapy, this product is used to relieve stress, depression, insomnia, anxiety, fear, nervous tension.

5 drops of grapefruit oil or a mixture of oils (grapefruit + mint, or grapefruit + geranium oil) are dripped into the aroma lamp.

Grapefruit oil can be used in aroma medallions. Aroma medallions are a hollow pendant, its outer surface is covered with colored glaze. The pendant has a small hole into which aromatic oil is dripped.

Aroma pendants are various shapes and size. Made from porcelain, ceramic, glass or stone. But the best is considered to be a pendant made of terracotta clay - in it the aroma of essential oil is preserved for 3 weeks. You can wear medallions on beautiful lace or a chain, over clothes as a decoration.

But the aroma pendant is not only a decoration. This is a kind of inhaler, wonderfully improving the health of its owner.

3 drops of grapefruit oil are dripped into the aroma pendant. Gradually, it heats up to the body temperature of the owner and begins to evaporate, its vapors are inhaled by the owner of the pendant, the vapors enter the blood, then into the lymph and thus spread throughout the body, healing it. The aroma in the aroma medallion lasts up to 3 days.

If you need quick effect- inhale the fragrance from the locket. Mixtures of oils can be used in the pendant, taking into account the principle of compatibility. Essential oil is added to the aroma pendant as it evaporates.

For the first time, such a pendant is worn for no more than 3 hours in a row. You need to gradually switch to long-term wearing of the pendant. Do not forget to take breaks in the use of aromakulon. Do week break after 3 weeks of wearing.

Application for skin and hair

Grapefruit oil is widely used in skin and hair care.

To strengthen hair, 3 drops of oil are added to hair care products, to strengthening home masks.

The oil can be used for aroma combing. A few drops of oil (no more than 3) are distributed over the comb and comb the hair, starting from the tips.

Due to the rich composition of grapefruit oil, and in particular potassium, carotene (provitamin A), vitamins, its regular use in facial care prevents the formation of black spots on the face, acne, pimples. No wonder grapefruit oil is called the elixir of youth. Its use makes the skin supple and smooth.

For facial skin care, 1 drop of oil is added to creams, lotions, face masks.

Attention! Oil is added to the amount of cosmetic product that will be directly used in the next few minutes.

With the help of oil, you can make wonderful cosmetic ice. 5 drops of grapefruit oil are added to 1 teaspoon of honey and the mixture is added to 200 g of boiled water. The resulting solution is poured into special molds for ice and frozen in the freezer. Ready-made ice cubes are rubbed on the skin of the face to give it elasticity and a healthy look.

To refresh and nourish the skin of the face, add 1 drop of grapefruit oil to 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Wipe the face with the mixture. After half an hour, wash off with linden infusion. The procedure refreshes and whitens the skin of the face.


Grapefruit oil has some contraindications. Allergy to citrus fruits is a contraindication for its use. You can not use it before going out directly - the oil increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. At least 2 hours must elapse after application and exit from the premises. Pregnant women and children can only use diluted oil.

Grapefruit (lat. Citrus paradise) is an evergreen tree native to India. This garden plant is the result of crossing an orange and a pomelo. In other words, a hybrid. The fruits of the grapefruit tree, compared to the orange, have a more acidic pulp, also divided into slices. Grapefruit flesh can vary in color from yellow to ruby ​​red. Grapefruit contains many biologically active substances that have a positive effect on human body. The same can be said about its skin. She, like the pulp of the fetus, is rich chemical composition, so they began to process it and get a very valuable product - grapefruit oil. Although it is young compared to other esters (it was only industrially mined in 1933), grapefruit essential oil has managed to prove itself well in areas such as aromatherapy, cosmetology and medicine.

The chemical composition and benefits of grapefruit oil

Cold pressing is a method by which an essential oil is obtained from the peel of the hybrid. The resulting phyto-essence has a sweetish-citrus, cool aroma. It has a light, fluid consistency and a barely noticeable yellowish tint.

The essential oil extracted from the grapefruit peel retains its full useful material thanks to the receiving method. It contains a lot of organic acids, riboflavin, carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, potassium, copper, limonene, geraniol, citral, pinene, linalool and myrcene. In combination, the above substances endow grapefruit essential oil medicinal properties through which you can maintain health and youth.

grapefruit essential oil for health

  • Grapefruit oil will help improve performance digestive system. As a result of its intake, the processes of digestion and assimilation of food are normalized, and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach is also eliminated. Moreover, phytoessence is able to restore the activity of the liver and gallbladder, thus relieving them of stagnation.
  • The strongest adaptogenic qualities make grapefruit ether an excellent tool for strengthening the body. By increasing immunity, oil makes the body less vulnerable to colds and infectious diseases. Also, due to its adaptogenic properties, grapefruit oil is used to prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Grapefruit peel oil has a cleansing power. Thanks to this property, lymph and blood are cleansed of harmful compounds - toxins and toxic substances. Moreover, this product activates the process of removing excess fluid from the body.
  • For of cardio-vascular system grapefruit oil is useful because it lowers the amount of low density lipoproteins in the blood. In other words, it eliminates bad cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels. It is effective in the treatment of arrhythmias, arterial hypertension.
  • Grapefruit oil is great for migraines and headaches. Also, its use is indicated for muscle pain. Grapefruit oil not only eliminates pain, but also relieves spasms, relieves muscles of tension and fatigue, promotes the excretion of lactic acid and improves the flexibility of muscle fibers. Aroma oil also copes well with joint pain caused by arthritis.
  • The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of grapefruit essential oil help to cope with kidney diseases, including preventing the appearance of sand and stones in this organ.
  • Grapefruit oil is good for nervous system. It gives vigor and optimism, suppresses anxiety and fear, relieves depressive thoughts, insomnia and laziness, increases stress resistance. Also, grapefruit essence will help improve the condition in the premenstrual period and during pregnancy. In addition, aromatic grapefruit oil is an aphrodisiac: it psychologically liberates and gives self-confidence.
  • grapefruit oil - indispensable assistant for those who have endured serious illnesses or surgical interventions because it speeds up the recovery period.
  • Grapefruit essential oil is recommended to be used to combat bad breath. It is also effective in the treatment of periodontal disease.
  • Grapefruit essence will benefit from asthenic syndrome, pulmonary insufficiency and bronchitis.
  • The benefits of grapefruit ether are also noted for weight loss. It increases the rate of metabolic processes and, in addition, restores fat metabolism. It is due to the foregoing that the processes of fat burning are accelerated, which, accordingly, leads to a decrease in the layer of subcutaneous fat.

grapefruit essential oil for skin

  • This aromatic oil is in demand in skin care no less than other, more well-known esters. It is especially useful for fatty type skin. Oil can get rid of all the main problems inherent in oily epidermis. First, grapefruit essential oil helps to reduce the production of sebum - sebum; secondly, it cleans the sebaceous ducts and reduces their size; soothes inflammatory processes, accelerates the healing of wounds caused by them and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Grapefruit oil also actively fights enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen fibers responsible for the youthfulness of the dermis. Moreover, the ether stimulates the production of new fibers. As a result, the skin acquires its former elasticity and firmness. It is also worth noting that it perfectly fights against unwanted pigmentation, which often occurs on aging skin.
  • IN home cosmetology grapefruit oil is often used as a nourishing, moisturizing and protective agent against wind, ultraviolet rays and frost.
  • With the help of grapefruit essence, they are significantly strengthened blood vessels. This property allows it to be used for the purpose of prevention " spider veins"- couperose.
  • Due to the fact that grapefruit oil removes excess fluid from the intercellular space, it is used to eliminate bags under the eyes and puffiness of the face. The same property helps to cope with " orange peel- cellulite.

grapefruit essential oil for hair

  • Grapefruit phyto essence is most often used in the care of oily hair types, which are prone to rapid pollution. It provides a cleansing effect and directly affects the work of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the curls cease to become dirty quickly.
  • Grapefruit ether is also a wonderful tonic. He does strong hair at the roots, preventing them from falling out. Grapefruit oil is so effective that it is recommended even for alopecia.
  • This ether will come in handy for dandruff. Moreover, grapefruit oil will help to cope not only with dandruff, which is caused by severe drying of the scalp, but also with dandruff provoked by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Grapefruit essential oil is used to care for hair that needs to be restructured.
  • The protective properties of grapefruit essence help protect strands from negative influence sun, frost and winds.
  • Before using grapefruit peel oil, a test should be done to identify individual intolerance. Lubricate your wrist with a drop of the product. In the first minutes there will be redness and a burning sensation. If these symptoms persist within 1 hour, remove the product from the skin with running water and do not use it again.
  • Since grapefruit belongs to citrus fruits, it has a photosensitizing effect. Based on this, grapefruit oil is not recommended to be used less than 60 minutes before going outside. If you neglect this, you risk burns or irritation.
  • Strictly follow the dosage of the ether, regardless of how you take it - inside or outside. Internal use of ether should not exceed 3 drops per day. For external use, stick to the doses indicated in the recipe.
  • The intake of grapefruit essential oil inside should be carried out after meals in combination with honey, jam or vegetable oil. Then you should drink the mixture with acidified water. This will help avoid irritation of the stomach lining. If you have heartburn, you need to replace acidified water with kefir or natural yogurt.
  • It is necessary to completely abandon the use of grapefruit oil for those who suffer from hypertension and epilepsy. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use this product only in aroma lamps or aroma medallions.

grapefruit oil treatment

To improve the activity of the gallbladder and liver, grapefruit oil is taken orally. In this case, 1 drop of ether is mixed with a tablespoon of honey, jam or vegetable oil.

Compresses with grapefruit essential oil are good for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and joints. To make a compress, you need to soak a cotton napkin with a mixture of 5 drops of ether and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil heated in a water bath. Apply the impregnated cloth to the area of ​​pain localization and fix it with polyethylene. It is advisable to put a warm heating pad on top of the compress. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Inhalations with grapefruit essential oil will help speed up the recovery of the body during a cold or flu. To carry out a cold inhalation, put 2 drops of oil on a cotton swab or napkin and breathe in the fumes. For hot inhalation you need a glass hot water and 1-2 drops of essence. In both cases, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 7 minutes.

With periodontal disease and halitosis, rinsing is used. To do this, prepare a solution consisting of a teaspoon of honey, salt or soda, 2 drops of phyto essence and a glass of warm boiled water.

Grapefruit oil is excellent for massage. To make a healing massage, 5-6 drops of grapefruit essence are combined with a tablespoon base oil.

Relieve stress and physical fatigue possible through aromatic bath. Fill up the bath warm water and dissolve in it a mixture of 3 drops of bergamot oil, 3 drops of grapefruit oil and a tablespoon of emulsifier. Honey, salt, milk, kefir can act in its role. It is enough to take an aroma bath for 10-15 minutes.

Aromatization of the room with grapefruit oil eliminates unpleasant odors and also has a beneficial effect on health. She, like aroma baths, relieves stress, improves overall well-being and even helps pregnant women fight toxicosis. To fill the room with the aroma of grapefruit oil, you need to add so much ether to the aroma lamp so that for every 10 sq. m accounted for about 3-4 drops of funds.

Grapefruit oil: application in cosmetology

Grapefruit essential oil perfectly complements purchased cosmetical tools which makes them much more efficient. It is necessary to enrich ready-made care products so that no more than 2-3 drops of ether are needed per 1 tablespoon of the product.

Undiluted, grapefruit phyto essence can help treat acne by reducing inflammation and speeding up healing. In this case, the oil is applied pointwise.

To combat cellulite, grapefruit oil should be mixed with a tablespoon of massage oil or carrier oil. The resulting mixture should be massaged in a circular motion moving from top to bottom. To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to carry it out after taking the aroma bath. The effectiveness of the massage is also enhanced when grapefruit oil is combined with lavender, lemon, geranium, patchouli, neroli, fennel or orange oils.

Skin brightening mask

What do you need:

  • almond oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • pink and grapefruit esters - 3 drops each;
  • ginger oil - 4 drops.

How to cook:

  • All ingredients of the healing composition must be thoroughly mixed in a common container.

With the prepared remedy twice a day, spot-treat freckles and dark spots until positive results appear.

Mask for oily skin

What do you need:

  • honey - 4 teaspoons;
  • alcohol, boiled water - 1 teaspoon each;
  • ether tea tree and grapefruit - 2 drops each.

How to cook:

  • Mix the components of the mask in the following order: alcohol, liquid honey, water, essential oils.

Apply the mask on pre-cleansed and steamed skin for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water. This composition has an effect on oily skin complex impact: it fights acne, improves complexion and even tightens the epidermis. Do the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Mask against hair loss

What do you need:

  • burdock oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • grapefruit oil - 3-4 drops.

How to cook:

  • Heat vegetable oil slightly and enrich with ether.

Treat with an oil mask skin heads. For best effect you can massage the scalp for 7-10 minutes. Then wrap your head in cellophane and a warm scarf for at least 1 hour. When this time has passed, wash off the mask with shampoo. To make hair stronger at the roots, thereby preventing hair loss, apply a mask at least 2 times a week.

With proper use for 1-1.5 months, grapefruit essential oil will work incredible miracles: hair and skin will shine with health and beauty, and well-being will be much better.

In the article we consider grapefruit oil. You will get acquainted with its composition, properties and methods of application. You will also learn how to make butter at home.

Grapefruit is an evergreen subtropical tree. It has leathery shiny leaves, fragrant flowers and spherical fruits.

Now grapefruit grows in Israel, the southern states of the USA, Brazil, and Cyprus.

The fruits of the plant have a rich composition: vitamins D, C, A, organic acids, mineral salts, pectin, zinc, phosphorus.

The period of their maturation is 10-12 months. An essential oil is extracted from the peel of the fruit, and the pulp is used to make juices and drinks.

Chemical composition of grapefruit oil

Grapefruit oil is obtained from the peel of the fruit by cold pressing.

The product has a greenish-yellow tint, viscous texture and a cool, bitter orange aroma.

The main components of grapefruit essential oil are limonene, linalool, myrcene, pinene, organic acids, vitamins A, B, calcium and potassium.

The oil tones and strengthens the body, energizes and uplifts the mood.

Grapefruit oil properties and uses

Grapefruit oil appeared relatively recently, but has already established itself as a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and tonic.

In medicine, oil is used to treat bronchitis, arrhythmias, SARS and migraines.

Grapefruit oil is added to the composition of essences that are used in cooking - for the preparation of creams, cakes and sauces.

The antioxidants in grapefruit oil prevent early aging skin, increase its elasticity and are valued in cosmetology.

Benefits of oil:

  • normalizes digestion, eliminates heaviness in the stomach and increases appetite;
  • breaks down subcutaneous fat and helps to lose weight;
  • helps to cure periodontal disease;
  • increases efficiency and improves memory;
  • fights cellulite and reduces body volume;
  • increases the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses;
  • tightens pores, relieves acne and acne.

The tool is a powerful antidepressant, able to get rid of unreasonable fears, aggression, apathy and sadness.

There are many ways to use grapefruit oil: it is added to mouthwashes and massage oils, make compresses, lotions and wraps.

Apply in pure form grapefruit ether is not allowed. Always mix it with carrier oils.

Grapefruit oil in cosmetology

Grapefruit oil is valued primarily for the fact that it breaks down subcutaneous fat, removes excess fluid and effectively fights cellulite.

Hair products with the addition of oil become even more effective, the product returns shine to the hair.

The tool actively fights wrinkles, increases skin turgor and gives it a radiant appearance.

One of the most effective procedures using oil is a wrap. Beauticians recommend performing this procedure to improve local blood circulation, relaxation and weight loss.

The product may cause a slight burning sensation in the first minutes after application.

The oil is suitable for all skin types.

grapefruit face oil

Apply oil to whiten the skin and eliminate excess fat. Actively fights against rashes - it dries them and eliminates traces of post-acne.

Please note that after using grapefruit oil, it is recommended to refrain from sun exposure - the product can cause a burn.

Homemade face masks are very popular among women. Recipes are provided below.

Lifting mask


  1. Banana - 1 pc.
  2. Cream 33% - 3 tsp
  3. Grapefruit essential oil - 2 drops.
  4. Rose essential oil - 1 drop.
  5. Essential oil of lemon - 1 drop.
  6. Almond oil - 5 drops.

How to cook: Mash banana, whip cream until peaks form, and combine all ingredients. Stir until a thick mass is obtained, convenient for application.

How to use: Steam your face and apply a mask. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, wipe your face and neck with an ice cube.

Result: After a month of regular procedures, you will notice how the oval of the face has tightened. The mask removes small mimic wrinkles and has a whitening effect.

Toning cosmetic ice


  1. Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.
  2. A decoction of chamomile (you can use mint or lemon balm) - 200 ml.
  3. Grapefruit oil - 5 drops.
  4. Essential oil of ylang-ylang - 1 drop.

How to cook: Dissolve honey in warm chamomile tea. Add the rest of the ingredients and pour into an ice cube mold.

How to use: Wipe the face, neck and décolleté in the morning or in the evening before going to bed.

Result: The tool invigorates and tones the skin, prevents its early aging.

Grapefruit Body Oil

Homemade scrubs and wraps will help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite without visiting a beautician's office.

Anti-cellulite scrub


  1. Salt - 100 gr.
  2. Ground coffee - 60 gr.
  3. Grapefruit oil - 5 drops.
  4. Almond oil - 2 tbsp.
  5. Essential oil of sage - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.

How to use: Spread the resulting mixture over problem areas and massage for 5-7 minutes. You can use a hard washcloth. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Result: The effect will be noticeable after a month regular use scrub. Your skin will become tightened, cellulite will disappear.

Grapefruit Oil Wraps


  1. Liquid honey - 2 tbsp.
  2. Grapefruit oil - 5 drops.
  3. Essential oil of orange - 1 drop.
  4. Tincture hot pepper- 1 drop.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the resulting mass to problem areas of the body and wrap cling film. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to perform light physical exercise or cover yourself with a blanket.

Result: Your skin will become smooth after 3 treatments. The tool helps to remove excess fluid and lose weight.

Means using grapefruit ether have a drainage effect. Regular use of scrubs and masks will help get rid of cellulite and improve skin elasticity.

grapefruit oil for hair

Grapefruit oil is good for hair. It strengthens the roots, activates growth and restores the structure of curls.

Firming mask


  1. Yolk - 1 pc.
  2. Grapefruit oil - 3 drops.
  3. Burdock oil (can be almond or) - 2 tbsp.
  4. Bay essential oil - 1 drop.
  5. Melissa essential oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Beat the yolk and combine it with the rest of the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the mask to the roots of the hair and spread over the entire length. Gather hair under a cap and leave for 1 hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Result: After several procedures, the hair will become smooth and obedient.

grapefruit oil inside

You can take the product inside - this will help cure gallbladder diseases. The method of preparation is simple: add 1 drop of oil to a tablespoon of honey and take 2 times a day before meals.

Do not forget that you should not take more than 3 drops of grapefruit oil inside. It is not recommended to use the remedy on an empty stomach.

grapefruit oil for weight loss

Grapefruit essential oil helps to lose weight and remove excess fluid from the body. A drop of oil can be added to juice or tea.

It is effective to carry out massages, wraps and take aroma baths with oil. Aromatherapy helps to get rid of obsessive feeling hunger.

Do not forget that oil works effectively in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition.

How to make grapefruit oil at home

You can get essential oils at home.

You will need:

  • grapefruit - 3-4 kg;
  • olive oil - 100-150 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Peel grapefruits.
  2. Grind the peel and mash until an oily liquid appears.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid with the remaining crusts into a dark glass bottle and pour olive oil.
  4. Leave the mixture for 3 days in the refrigerator. After the time has elapsed, heat it in a water bath for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Let the liquid cool and squeeze well. Pour the resulting oil into glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Allergy to grapefruit oil

An allergy test must be carried out before first use.

To do this, apply a drop of oil on your wrist and leave for 20 minutes. If after a while the skin does not turn red - use oil.

grapefruit oil during pregnancy

Aromatherapy sessions have a beneficial effect on emotional background pregnant woman. For their implementation, it is necessary to add a couple of drops of grapefruit, pine and eucalyptus oil to the aroma lamp. This will help strengthen the immune system and get rid of negative thoughts.

Do not forget that before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Inside use oil during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited.

Aromatherapy with grapefruit oil

Inhaling the vapors of grapefruit oil, you heal the body and strengthen it. The tool helps fight constant fatigue and drowsiness, energizes and invigorates.

Contraindications and restrictions

Do not mix grapefruit oil with medicinal products.

Grapefruit essential oil is a concentrate of beauty, youth, health and harmony. Bottle with fragrant product will come in handy on the dressing table of every girl. What is the use of valuable oil and how to use it?

The composition and useful properties of the oil

Grapefruit - the achievement of breeders: a delicious fruit was obtained by crossing a pomelo and an orange.

Grapefruit essential oil is extracted by pressing the peel of the fruit. As part of the product, scientists have found biologically active substances, including:

  • citral;
  • myrcene;
  • pinene;
  • limonene;
  • linalool;
  • geraniol, etc.

Grapefruit essential oil is obtained by pressing the peel of the fruit.

The use of grapefruit oil is widespread in cosmetology. In facial care, it is especially useful for oily and problematic skin, because the product with constant use:

The oil can also be used by owners of other skin types, as this product helps to maintain a youthful face (due to the destruction of the elastase enzyme, a substance whose action has a detrimental effect on collagen and elastin cells), as well as to lighten freckles and age spots.

The oil is also useful for curls: its regular use promotes hair growth, helps fight dandruff and increased greasiness. oily hair.

Home cosmetics with grapefruit ether will accelerate the growth of nails and make the cuticle well-groomed and beautiful.

Video: benefits of grapefruit oil

Cosmetic applications

Before you start using the oil for the benefit of beauty, it is important to purchase a quality product.

A little about the choice of quality oil

Experienced aromatherapists can identify a quality essential oil by smell. However, ordinary people cannot do this, so when buying a product, it is important to pay attention to a few points:

  • essential oil should be in a dark glass container (only in such a container does it retain its healing power);
  • it is worth purchasing the product in specialized stores, giving preference to trusted manufacturers (companies such as Glorion, Primavera life, Aura Cacia, Iris, Balm Balm, Karl Hadek, Touche Flora, Dr Taffi, Eone, Bergland, etc. have proven themselves well);
  • to check the quality of the essential oil, you need to drop a small amount of it on clean paper: after a few hours, there should be no trace of the stain formed.

Essential oils should be stored in dark glass containers.

Grapefruit oil is one of the most expensive citrus oils. This is due to the fact that the production of 1 liter of product requires at least 100 kg of fragrant fruit peel.

Application in facial care

There are several ways to incorporate grapefruit oil into your facials. Choose suitable way needed based on individual characteristics skin and existing problems.

In its purest form

Opinions on whether it is worth using the oil in its pure form differ:

  • the product can be used for spot application: using cotton swab treat acne and other rashes on the skin of the face once a day;
  • undiluted grapefruit ether should not be applied even locally, as this can cause burns.

You should consult with a beautician before deciding to apply pure grapefruit oil to your face. However, it is much safer to use it in combination with other components.

Combined with other oils

Most often, grapefruit is used in combination with vegetable (base) oils. It is recommended to dilute 2-3 drops of ether in 1-2 tablespoons of base oil (you can use a mixture of vegetable oils).

  • With dry and normal skin face as a basis any vegetable oil is used. However, dense products (wheat germ oil, jojoba, coconut, etc.) are recommended to be diluted with lighter ones (almond, peach, apricot oils) in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • With problematic and oily skin it is better not to use "heavy" oils at all, but to give preference to products with a less dense texture.

To enhance the action and obtain additional effects, grapefruit oil can be mixed in equal proportions with other essential oils in a dark glass container, and then add 2-3 drops of the composition to a tablespoon of the base.

Most often, grapefruit essential oil is used in combination with vegetable oils.

Oil mixtures can be used in two ways.

  • As a cream. 2-3 hours before bedtime, apply the composition to clean skin. After 15–20 minutes, blot the unabsorbed product with a dry cloth.
  • As a mask. Treat clean skin with a mixture, after 20-30 minutes wash with running water. Repeat every 1-2 weeks.

Oil blend options: table


Masks are applied to clean face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off with clean running water. To resort to the procedure 1 time per week.

You can enrich any homemade (natural) masks with grapefruit ether by adding 1-2 drops of the product per one-time volume of the composition applied to the face. When caring for dry skin, oil must be combined with moisturizing ingredients (olive oil, sour cream, egg yolk, avocado, etc.).

Variants of masks with grapefruit oil: table

Mask action.Recipe.
Regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminates oily sheen.Warmed up on steam bath combine honey (4 tablespoons) with water and alcohol (1 tablespoon each). Introduce 1-2 drops of tea tree and grapefruit oils.
Add a teaspoon of honey and 1-2 drops of grapefruit oil to the whipped protein.
Hydrates dry skin.Heat honey in a steam bath and mix a tablespoon of the product with a teaspoon of milk. Introduce 1-2 drops of rosemary and grapefruit oils.
Grind the pulp of half an avocado into a puree, stir in a teaspoon of sour cream and 1-2 drops of grapefruit ether.
Saturates the epidermis with nutrients.Lightly beat the egg yolk and combine with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sour cream, stir in 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil.
Deeply cleanses the skin, improves complexion, eliminates irritation and inflammation.Mix 35 g in 50 ml of aloe juice green clay pour a teaspoon fresh juice orange, grapefruit oil and tea tree oil (1 drop each).
Fights acne and blackheads.Dilute a tablespoon of blue clay to a paste concentration with water. Add whipped protein and 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil.

In dry skin care, grapefruit oil is recommended to be combined with moisturizing ingredients, such as avocado pulp.

Video: mask for oily skin

steam baths

  1. Wash your face with any cleanser. Work out the face soft scrub. Treat the skin around the eyes and mouth with a greasy cream.
  2. Heat a liter of water in a heat-resistant container (up to a temperature of 85 ° C) and add 2 drops of grapefruit oil and 1 drop of lemon balm and bergamot oils.
  3. Wait until the resulting steam cools down and, covered with a blanket or a large towel, bend over the container with the composition by about 45 cm.
  4. After 3-5 minutes, complete the procedure, wash with running water.

Tonic ice

Mix a teaspoon of honey with 3-5 drops of grapefruit oil. Dissolve the composition in 200 ml of water. Pour the liquid into molds and place in the freezer.

Wipe the face and neck with ready-made ice cubes every morning.

Application in hair care

According to trichologists, grapefruit oil is most suitable for owners of oily hair, with normal hair You can also use the product, but when dry, it is advisable to refuse.

Aroma Combing

On a small piece of cotton, drop 1-2 drops of oil and grease a wooden comb. Walk several times along the entire length of the hair.

For aroma combing, a wooden comb is best.

Enrichment of purchased funds

Before use, enrich purchased shampoos and balms with oil, adding the product 1–2 drops per 15–20 ml of base.


  • Anti-dandruff. In a teaspoon of honey, stir 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil, add a teaspoon castor oil and the yolk of one egg. Apply to hair. Wrap the head with a film and insulate with a towel. After half an hour, wash the curls in the usual way. Apply no more than 1 time per week.
  • From hair loss, to accelerate hair growth. In a tablespoon of oil grape seeds stir in a drop of bay oil, grapefruit and rosemary. Keep the composition under the film and towel for 1-2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat twice a week. The duration of therapy is a month.
  • Against excessive oiliness of hair and scalp. At two egg yolks add a teaspoon of honey and 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil. Treat the scalp and curls with the composition. Wrap your head with a film and a towel, rinse your hair after an hour. Repeat no more than 1-2 times a week.

Application in nail and cuticle care

To improve nails and cuticles, it is sometimes useful to pamper your hands with “fragrant” procedures with grapefruit oil.


Heat a liter of water to about 40°C. teaspoon sea ​​salt combine with 3-4 drops of oil and dissolve in liquid. Dip into the composition of the hands for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with clean water.

Repeat every 1-3 weeks.


In 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil, stir 3-5 drops of grapefruit oil. Heat the composition on a steam bath. As part of moisten a napkin of natural fabric and attach to nail plates hands covered with a hot towel. After 15-20 minutes, wash your hands in running water.

Repeat every 1-2 weeks.

Oil rubs

Prepare oil mixture just as described above. Use for daily rubbing into cuticles and nails.

Care lotion

In 50 ml of any base oil, stir 3 drops of grapefruit, fir and rose oils. It is recommended to prepare the product in a dark glass container.

Use for daily nail treatment.

How to use grapefruit oil for weight loss?

Considering grapefruit oil as independent remedy to lose weight, get rid of extra pounds it won't work with it. You can get a slim body if you proper nutrition and rational physical activity.

However, according to experts, grapefruit oil can be useful for those who dream of beautiful figure. External use of the product:

  • activates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous tissue, which smooths out the manifestations of cellulite;
  • makes the skin supple and elastic, which prevents the formation of stretch marks and skin folds in the process of losing weight;
  • uplifting, allowing you to maintain a positive attitude.

There are several ways to use grapefruit oil for weight loss (as part of a set of activities carried out for this purpose).

grapefruit oil - excellent tool against cellulite


In 15 ml of base oil (it is desirable to use jojoba, apricot, olive, etc.) stir 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Take a shower and, warming up a small amount of the mixture in the palms, massage the problem areas. After the procedure, rinse again in the shower and apply anti-cellulite lotion to the skin.


In a tablespoon of finely ground sea salt (you can also use an equal amount of honey or fat milk) stir 4-6 drops of grapefruit oil. Dissolve the mixture in a warm (36–38 °C) bath. Immerse yourself in fragrant water for 15-20 minutes. Repeat once a week. You should not take a bath in the evening: the invigorating effect of grapefruit oil will not let you fall asleep.


  1. Take a shower after treatment problem areas scrub. Wipe dry.
  2. Apply to areas of the body covered with cellulite, the composition with grapefruit oil.
  3. Wrap the treated areas with cling film.
  4. Put on loose clothing and lie down, preferably under a blanket, for 15-30 minutes.
  5. Wash off the composition warm soul apply an anti-cellulite agent to the skin.

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. Full course includes 10-15 sessions.

For a wrap, 3-5 drops of grapefruit oil can be mixed with:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey heated in a steam bath;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of blue clay, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • 200-400 g of melted dark chocolate.

Use in aromatherapy

External beauty is impossible without inner harmony, which is why it is so beneficial to periodically arrange aromatherapy sessions with grapefruit oil. Experts assure that pleasant procedures:

  • give vigor and strength;
  • inspire self-confidence;
  • increase purposefulness and vitality;
  • relieve anxiety and fear.

To conduct a session at home, you just need to light an aroma lamp by adding grapefruit oil (4–6 drops per 15–17 m²) to it, and relax or engage in quiet activities. It is better to enjoy the procedure in the morning.

Morning - beautiful time in order to light an aroma lamp with grapefruit oil

Contraindications and precautions

The use of grapefruit oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions. Before use, it is recommended to apply a drop of the product on the bend of the elbow and wait: during the day there should not be any undesirable manifestations (burning, itching, irritation, etc.).

If the oil is used in combination with other ingredients, it is worth considering the contraindications of all the components that make up the product.

Grapefruit oil is phototoxic, so don't apply it to your skin before going outside.

Contraindications for procedures with grapefruit oil: table

Rubbing with ice cubes.
  • Increased dryness and / or sensitivity of the skin;
  • overly enlarged pores;
  • rosacea;
  • cold allergy;
  • open skin lesions, pustular and inflammatory rashes.

Do not resort to the procedure in the cold season.

Steam baths.
  • Hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • rosacea;
  • overly enlarged pores;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes on the face.
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • open damage to the epidermis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • ailments of the lymphatic vessels;
  • gynecological pathologies (for abdominal wraps);
  • pregnancy.