A man chooses a man from a woman. How a man chooses a wife. Inner harmony and beauty of a woman

We are even slightly confused and find it difficult to understand why such a question could interest you. If you are a man, then you are probably very young and strive at all costs to avoid mistakes in the field of personal relationships. And if you are a woman, then your interest is more or less explainable. But we will have to disappoint you a little at the very beginning. Men, although they often behave quite typically, are still very different. And their goals for finding a woman can also be very different, not to mention personal experience and taste. Therefore, for our part, of course, we will try to satisfy your need for information as fully as possible. But, before you start reading tips and recommendations, try to narrow the scope of your search a little, and mentally “trying on” our tips for a particular man, make allowances for his character traits, life circumstances and unique personality.

Most women know or pretend to know about their strengths in the eyes of men. But they would be very surprised if they knew how the representatives of the stronger sex actually look at them, and what they think at the same time. Probably, every girl would give a lot for the opportunity to read the thoughts of the person she is interested in. young man. Unfortunately, modern science has not yet reached the level of development that would allow it to do so. But here we will help you to draw certain conclusions based on observations of the behavior of the opposite sex without special technical devices, guided only by common sense. So call on him for help - and go ahead, for invaluable knowledge about how a man chooses a woman for himself, and what needs to be done so that the choice falls on you.

How does a man choose his mistress?
At the first meeting and even on the first date in private, most of us, both men and women, cannot yet know for sure how relations with a new, unfamiliar person will develop. And only over time, character traits, interests, coincidences in them and the place that you can potentially take in each other's lives become known. But, no matter how insulting it may be for most of the fair sex, few of the men are initially set up for a serious relationship. Most often, they willingly make contact in order to get to know each other better, have a good time and satisfy the need for communication.

In fairness, we note that many girls do not pretend to be more, and they themselves are not against easy, easy relationships with a man. Whether it's good or bad - each and every one decides for himself. But this form of communication is quite common, and if you want to get close to a new acquaintance without long and serious plans, then take into account such parameters female appearance and character that will surely interest him and encourage him to invite him for a cup of coffee / a glass of wine:

  1. Face. Expressive, open, the features of which are skillfully emphasized by make-up, will not go unnoticed by a man. Many women seek to enhance this effect by resorting to cosmetic procedures: increase eyelashes, enlarge lips and pluck eyebrows. But they should know that most of these tricks cause only an ironic smirk in men and rarely really adorn their owner. Therefore, try to Everyday life when at any moment you can come face to face with interesting man Don't go overboard with makeup. You will still have the opportunity to date night, Where bright lips And smoky eyes will be more appropriate.
  2. Figure, of course, is considered the main tool of seduction. The legendary "90/60/90" always work, but still other options for bodily proportions are quite acceptable and are no less successful for men. Some like thin women, others like more curvaceous ladies. But the main thing is that your body is well-groomed, your skin is smooth, and your posture is even. A thin waist, long legs and a rounded butt will not leave indifferent any man. As for the size of the breasts and the press cubes, these are rather pleasant, but not mandatory bonuses to an attractive appearance. Every man will be happy with them, but at the same time he is aware that not every girl has such outstanding virtues. But if you are one of the few "close" to the image of Barbie, then you can be sure that all his male friends are already jealous of him.
  3. Dressing style should fit the situation and your goals. Girl in a miniskirt or bodycon short dress, in high-heeled shoes and a blouse with a defiant neckline, will receive several invitations to a dance and offers to take her home. This is one of the easiest non-verbal signals used by women and perceived by men. With it, you can vary the impression of your own availability / impregnability, readiness / unwillingness to get acquainted. Don't neglect it if you want a man to choose you. But don't be surprised if he shows too much persistence, because it is inversely proportional to the length of your hem.
  4. Age women for men is important, as a rule, only to the extent that it is reflected in her external attractiveness. And many women know how to present themselves in such a way and take care of themselves that they look younger years specified in the passport. If you are one of them, then the age difference is unlikely to become an obstacle between you and a man. In addition, many of them, especially very young ones, willingly make contact with women older than themselves, not unreasonably considering them more experienced and liberated in communication. This is confirmed by many celebrity couples. So, female years not so often affect the choice of a man. Although he himself, with age, is increasingly paying attention to girls much younger than himself.
  5. Behavior women allows a man to get an idea about her even before they met, while observing from the side. He will pay attention to her surroundings, demeanor, voice and reactions. And he will make his own plan of how to behave with her. Therefore, do not forget that a potential fan can be watching you at any time. Behave the way you want to be in his eyes. A little flirtatiousness does not hurt, but in general, try to be yourself: a cheerful, smiling, sociable and friendly girl. These are the ones most often chosen by men.
  6. Health is the main value for each person and his relatives. As long as you are only superficially familiar, you are unlikely to touch on such topics in a conversation. Of course, a man chooses a woman who is healthy in appearance, without visible flaws. The same applies to the health of the skin, teeth, hair. In the transition to a more intimate relationship, it does not hurt to honestly discuss the presence of certain pathologies. This is in the interests of both parties: both men and women.
  7. - this is what a man chooses a woman for dating, and this should be taken for granted. A man chooses the woman to whom he is attracted, who attracts him and takes possession of his thoughts and desires. And this requires a certain amount of mystery, and grace, and softness, and an easy challenge. In the end, the man will choose the woman who will let him know that she is also not against meeting him. Especially if we are talking about first impressions and new acquaintances.
  8. Erudition and ingenuity- this is something that already manifests itself in a conversation, but to a large extent affects the choice of a man and his desire to communicate with a woman in the future. Beautiful doll may be of interest when viewed from the outside, but this impression should not be spoiled by her speech and statements. Even on the first date, you need to talk about something, and in general it doesn’t hurt to get to know the person with whom you plan to spend some time alone with. Therefore, choosing between two women who are equally attractive in appearance, a man is more likely to choose the one with whom he will have something to talk about. But in any case, not the one that is clever, incessantly demonstrates its knowledge and intellectual superiority.
  9. housekeeping skills do not appear at the first meeting, except that the woman herself does not immediately report that she loves to bake cakes and grow violets. But a girl, on the first morning spent together with a man, who prepared delicious pancakes for breakfast, will definitely “earn” a few points in her favor. Although there are men who willingly wake up early and serve coffee / juice / breakfast in bed. It is important for them how the girl will perceive this gesture and how she will behave in response.
  10. Intimacy is a set of some almost imperceptible qualities that make people comfortable next to each other. They are not always amenable to objective evaluation and therefore it is difficult to calculate them in advance. For example, a woman who formally meets all of the above selection parameters may still not hook a man. It's just that the soul does not lie to her and does not pull, there is no sense of community and ordinary human sympathy. And without them, it makes no sense to choose the one that cannot give it all.
How does a man choose his wife?
The way steamboats are seen off is not at all the same as trains. How a man chooses a life partner is not at all like a girlfriend for a couple of evenings. Every woman who is aware of why she needs to attract male attention should understand this. And, if you are serious about finding a partner for a long-term relationship, then many of the tips from the previous section should be reviewed and adjusted to suit the specifics of the relationship. For many women, this process occurs naturally when, with age, they rethink themselves and their relationships with men, become softer and calmer. For everyone else, we dare to advise you to turn to these tips:
  1. Face many men imagine their future wife in advance, even before meeting her. Often this is associated with childhood memories of the mother, but in most cases, a man chooses to marry a woman with regular and sweet, slightly rounded features that are associated with softness. As for cosmetics, false eyelashes, tattooing and lip augmentation, all this is more likely to repel a man who is interested in family relationships. Make-up should be natural and discreet, eyelashes should be naturally fluffy, and eyes should be open. On the lips - a gentle smile and a light lip balm.
  2. Figure women change with age and lifestyle changes. AND loving man understands it. At first, he chooses a slender girl, with a thin waist and long legs, but he is ready for the fact that with the birth of a child, the contours of her body will become a little (exactly a little!) Different. Besides, too thin woman may cause doubts about their ability to give birth healthy child. And overprotective of her own harmony may even refuse to spoil the figure with pregnancy. Therefore, in order to male choice fell on you, be fit, but do not bruise the man with protruding bones.
  3. Dressing style very important for a girl with whom a man plans long term relationship. She must combine alluring attractiveness and modest chastity. Say it's impossible? But, if you want to become his companion, you have to get out. Alone with a man, you can afford more: short skirts, neckline, stockings. But in the presence of other men, remain graceful, but inaccessible. The rule will help with this: with the top open, the legs should be hidden, and vice versa. This will help maintain a balance between attractiveness and restraint.
  4. Age future wife is important for a man. Small differences of one or two years are not critical, but in married couples a woman is much less likely to be older than a man. As a rule, a man chooses a life partner at least a little younger than he is. Peers complement each other well. But perfect difference the age of the spouses is considered to be the one at which the man is older by 3-5 years. This is an unwritten rule, and many men feel it subconsciously, choosing women suitable for this age category.
  5. Behavior future wife should not make a man blush in front of others. If you plan to become the mother of his children, then behave accordingly: dignified, modest, moderately friendly with strangers and friendly with his friends. When choosing a life partner for a man, it is very important what kind of relationship she will have with his family. There are many cases when a confrontation with a potential mother-in-law ruined all the plans of a woman for happy life with a lover. Therefore, a man is more likely to choose as his wife that woman who gets along with his parents, brothers, sisters and a dog.
  6. Health- the primary factor for a man when choosing a future wife. After all, she must live long, be cheerful, give birth and raise his children. A man chooses a woman who is healthy both externally and internally. And this applies not only to physiology, but also to the psyche. And do not try to hide any health problems from your future husband. loving people can overcome such problems together, but some men are not able to forgive lies.
  7. Femininity and seductiveness future wife should be on top and, preferably, not decrease over the years. It's just that over time, they transform into slightly different forms, and instead of a seductive dance, a man will wait in the evenings for a massage of the cervical-collar zone, which is tired during the day at work. For the rest attract, retain and make happy man only that woman who remains feminine under any circumstances, especially alone with him, is capable.
  8. Erudition and ingenuity necessary for a person with whom he will live his whole life. Intellectually developed woman will be able to raise children well, entertain guests, it will not be boring with her on winter evenings and in long trips. “Beloved, you are also an interlocutor!” - this is not just a funny one-liner, but also the sincere joy of any smart man about mental abilities his women. Moreover, most men will not only never marry, but generally do not consider silly women as serious candidates for a relationship.
  9. housekeeping skills: the ability to create comfort in the house, keep clean, cook Tasty food, take care of things ... Is it still necessary to continue this list of feminine virtues, which every man counts on. He chooses a woman who will enter his life and fill it with domestic comfort, cleanliness and delicious aromas from the kitchen. And although the outdated truth about laying the path to male heart already ridiculed by feminists and hipsters many times through the stomach, no man will refuse to have his woman be an excellent hostess.
  10. Intimacy is an indispensable resource that brings people together, keeps them close to each other and provides psychological comfort in a couple. If temporary girlfriends can be limited to a bright appearance and defiant outfits, while a man is experimenting in relationships, then a life partner should be an internally close, intuitive and cordially dear person. If there is this feeling between you, then almost certainly the man will choose (yes, he has already chosen!) It is you.
Blindly following even the most wise advice can play tricks on you. Firstly, because not a single man, and indeed not a single person, will be happy that he is combed with the same brush as the rest. Especially if he is a bright and original personality, and is rightfully proud of it. Secondly, all men are really different. And with a utilitarian approach, you first of all deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy and receive bonuses from life related to the personal qualities of your chosen one. Therefore, love yourself, appreciate your own and his individuality, and let events unfold in their own way. After all, only a voluntary choice can make people truly happy together.

It is no secret that the number male population far below the number of women. It follows that any woman would be interested to know how men choose us women? Of course, for each individual man, there are own criteria for choosing women. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out some features in a woman's appearance, way of thinking and behavior patterns that attract the majority of the stronger sex and are decisive for their future choice.

In the first place for any man when choosing a woman will be her sexuality, because, in fact, a man is a physiological being, naturally he is attracted female forms. In general, men like it when everything is harmonious in a woman, including a figure that should not have flaws in terms of weight. They like women who care about their figure. Another thing is that over time, the figure of a woman still changes far from better side due to lack of time or funds to maintain it in excellent condition. However, there are women who, despite their age, spend a lot of time in fitness centers, go on diets and know how to use makeup correctly without abusing it, that is, they do everything possible to look great.

Femininity is a quality that is less and less common in women. The desire of women for independence, feminism, led to the fact that the weaker sex really began to resemble the male half of the population with its appearance. This is manifested not only in the manner of behavior, hairstyle, but also in the style of clothing. Women in the wardrobe today are dominated by trousers and jeans, dresses and skirts, but they began to wear less often. Men are attracted to women who "smell of sex", and if such a woman also knows how to massage, moves gracefully and knows how to cook, then such a woman is invaluable.

Another determining factor is the beauty of a woman. Whatever men say about spiritual qualities, understanding and other "rubbish" that they value in a woman, everyone knows the result. The first contact of a man with a woman is carried out visually (eye contact). You can not utter a single word, and the man will already be head over heels in love with you. Beauty, of course, is individual for each man, someone likes a girl's hair, and someone likes her long legs or the shape of her nose, etc. But all this will refer to the concept of female beauty.

The appearance of a woman plays a lot important role when choosing a man. Everyone has long known that a man only needs one evaluating look at a woman to understand whether he likes her. Such qualities as neatness and grooming are very much appreciated by men in women. At the same time, a woman is not at all obliged to spend half a day in beauty salons and expensive boutiques in order to look beautiful. After all, a man pays attention to the image of a woman as a whole, and does not evaluate individual details. It is important that the woman's skin is in excellent condition, and the woman herself exudes a pleasant aroma (men do not like strong smell perfume or, even worse, the smell of sweat). You can perfectly take care of your skin on your own at home, the same goes for manicure. Men like in women the presence of a sense of taste and style, the ability to combine elements in clothes. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the clothes be catchy and well-known brand, the main thing is that she emphasizes all the advantages of a woman and hides existing shortcomings, and is also very suitable for a woman.

The next important point when choosing a man is to note the level of intelligence. A woman can be "super attractive", have many positive spiritual qualities, be kind and open, but as long as she is silent. As soon as she opens her mouth ... Therefore, the ability to communicate, support interesting conversation also highly regarded by men. interesting clever woman always attracts the attention of men, and not the one that constantly chatters and throws "complex turns." Men are not interested in a "walking encyclopedia", they need a laconic, but always meaningful woman, they are looking for an open and cheerful woman with which they share common interests. Therefore, in order to please a man, a woman does not have to be friendly and intelligent, she just needs to be able to keep up a conversation. Contrary to popular belief that men like beautiful and silly women, men do not like stupid women at all.

In addition, men are attracted to self-sufficient women who have realized themselves in work and made a career. Accordingly, women who constantly complain about their difficult fate are unlikely to be interested in any of the men for a long time. A woman who radiates positive is always attractive in the eyes of a man, and if you add a charming snow-white smile to such a life position, men will be simply smitten on the spot.

The presence in a woman of a certain zest that would distinguish her from many others is also an important factor in determining the choice of a man.

Not less than importance for a man when choosing a woman have her personal qualities. Men have a sharp negative attitude to grumpy, angry people who, in their free time, like to discuss their surroundings. In addition, men do not like envious women, women who speak foul language, they cannot stand it at all, as well as those who speak in a loud and harsh voice.

Mental qualities, alas, are not in the first place in the list of attractive feminine qualities for a man. However, a man will never show interest in a girl who does not like children or animals, as well as a girl who is callous by nature. Rather, he will pay attention to the bitch. Men are naturally unemotional, so for life they are looking for the opposite for themselves in order to create a harmonious couple, namely, affectionate and tender woman who wants to open their heart and soul.

Among other things, men are attracted to women who are patient and understanding, who know how to listen and have a good sense of humor. I like those who can patiently and respectfully treat their hobbies, caring women who can be trusted and who can be relied upon in a difficult moment.

In addition to attractive female features, there are common negative qualities in a woman who repel men. These include a selfish, carefree and unemployed lifestyle, indifference and excessive obsession. Every woman should have a well-developed self-esteem and self-respect, she should not be easily accessible, otherwise the interest of the stronger sex in such a woman quickly disappears. Men also adore women with a good sense of humor.

Of course, we have touched only on some important points of the female essence that attract men. Being an ideal woman in all respects is not easy enough, it is not always possible for everyone. But it is necessary to strive for self-improvement, because there is no limit to perfection.

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: The prince decided to marry. They offered him a choice of two brides: smart and rich. The prince thought... and chose the one with the larger breasts. For decades, psychologists have devoted to studying the question: what kind of women do men prefer? What makes men, as if magnetized, turn their necks, looking at your best friend Yulia, and you best case get only encouraging smiles?

The king went through the forest, found himself a princess. The prince decided to marry. They offered him a choice of two brides: smart and rich. The prince thought... and chose the one with the larger breasts.

For decades, psychologists have devoted to studying the question: what kind of women do men prefer? What makes men, as if magnetized, turn their necks, looking at your best friend Yulia, and at best you get only encouraging smiles?

Why, despite the fact that you are not stupid and attractive, do not rush to get acquainted with you on the street passing by oligarchs in limousines, and you hear compliments only from an obese, breathless accountant from your office, and even then only on the eve of March 8?How and why choose us? Let's figure it out.

How and why do men choose us?

Point of view one, biological

Of course, Van Gogh and Einstein, Rubens and Roosevelt were men. Richard Gere and George Clooney are the same. And yet, in general, a man to this day is much closer to his cave ancestors than we, women, are quivering and refined creatures.

The behavior of a man is largely controlled by instincts, these ancient calls of nature. So, scientists believe that nature calls a man to continue his race with the most fertile female - that is, one that is able to endure and give birth the largest number children.

That is why, for example, the opinion that gentlemen prefer blondes (not counting those who are crazy about redheads and brunettes, of course) is partly true. It has been proven that after the first birth, fair-haired women darken by at least 30%.

How lighter hair, the more likely that a woman does not yet have children and she is ready to reproduce. The simplest call of nature, and what a benefit to hair dye manufacturers!

The same goes for big breasts and big hips – what men call a “sexy figure” actually sends signals to the male brain about the most prosperous procreation program.

Accordingly, all the tricks of women - lengthening eyelashes with mascara, legs - with heels, hair - with special artificial strands, and breast augmentation thanks to a tricky water-padded bra are just exploiting this instinct.

Point of view second, psychological

Other, no less important point– accessibility factor. In principle, at the sight of a pretty woman, any healthy man wants to grab her, take her to the nearest cave, and there do with her everything that he saw in the movies and magazines of the XXX series and his own erotic dreams. The willingness of a friend to actively participate is highly desirable.

The fact that you have to first get to know each other, then take them to the cinema and give flowers, and then give a ring and save up for a fur coat, is perceived by a man as annoying, but not cancelable rules of the game.

That is why a woman surrounded by an aura of accessibility will always look attractive in male eyes. Accessibility, by the way, is not only a sexual category. It's more of a behavior.

Accessibility does not only mean that there are no serious relationships in your life - they should not be in your head. How charming, smart, sincere women they toil in solitude only because, having parted with a man, they did not take care to become truly free.

Reflection on past mistakes, constant reminiscences and comparisons of met men with “who” change not only a woman's sense of self - they change her whole. Eye expression, gait, gestures. A lot of signals appear in the behavior, saying - do not come, I'm busy, I have another one. Men read such signals with lightning speed and do not spend their resources on pursuing hopeless prey.

The exception is situations when relations unfold, as they say, in live- in front of colleagues, friends, classmates. Here, a completely different call of nature can work - competition. The desire to participate in the adrenaline competition in men it is so great that the object of struggle begins to seem especially desirable.

Point of view third, mundane household

It is well known that men love some and marry others. Considering themselves to be extremely rational beings, men try to bring sober calculation into everything, including love relationship and marriage.

Rarely enough, a man proposes and marries precisely because it is you who represent his ideal. First, a man makes a decision - is it time to get married? Deciding that yes, it's time, he begins to look around in search of a suitable candidate. The further development of events depends largely on how intelligent a man really is, and how ready he is to take into account and control his own instinctive impulses.

IN modern reality marriages are increasingly being made not in heaven, but in a bank- covered by the idea of ​​​​an unprecedented career, or simply wanting to avoid the everyday difficulties of the first joint years, men in big cities often choose rich heirs, believing that anyone can love, but good dowry brighten up any relationship. This is not true at all. A woman always feels when she is not loved., the relationship quickly heats up, and the case ends in wasted years and dashed hopes.

They say that, having met a man, a woman in the first five minutes decides for herself the question of whether she can marry him. A man takes this decision much longer. He will carefully observe how you behave in conflict situations, unobtrusively find out if you have serious problems with health, will take an interest in your financial requests.

And really, what if you, what good, expect that your future spouse will buy a house for you in the south of France, while he planned to offer you a dilapidated hut with the proud name “dacha” in the village of Maloye Berdyshchevo, three hundred kilometers from Moscow?

Point of view four, Freudian

Rumor has it that men choose women as wives who remind them of their own mothers. In fact… men really often choose to marry women who remind them of their own mothers.

You can be graceful and thin, dance salsa and not quite clearly imagine the technology of making fried eggs, while his adorable mother resembles a medium-sized hippopotamus and is gifted at baking kulebyaku with cabbage, and, nevertheless, if your behavior model resembles your mother’s, this will most likely work.

It is unlikely that you will be delighted to learn that you remind your beloved husband of your own mother-in-law, but the fact remains: it is quite possible that in her youth his mother danced the Krakowiak beautifully, and her waist size could compete with the young Gurchenko.

A man first learns the rules of communication with women in contact with his mother, and this first experience leaves a very significant mark on the soul. If his mother is a cold, distant, self-occupied lady, it is hard to expect that he will be delighted to find that you are waiting for him at the entrance to throw himself on his neck - rather, he will appreciate a calm, not oversaturated with emotions relationship. If his parent is quick-tempered, noisy and loves to laugh, he is unlikely to be attracted by mysterious disappearances for several days and your cautious doubts in response to the offer to go somewhere together.

So what does it take to be so that men choose you, and you subsequently choose the best of them?

Be beautiful

No, I'm not kidding at all. Beauty is known to be in the eye of the beholder. There are no generally accepted standards of beauty - your exclamation "My God, well, ugly!" seeing another Miss World proves it.

According to statistics, no matter how you look, there are always men in nature who find this particular type attractive. Therefore, despite the fact that a well-groomed appearance is very important, facial features and body lines are not at all the main thing.

The main thing is a spark in the eyes, an inner feeling of being impudent, mischievous, cheerful and relaxed. An old but not fading truth: in order to please others, you must like yourself. If this is not very good, go to a psychologist, to a special training for women's self-confidence, or ... where, according to statistics, there are very few women, but men are in abundance. By the way, technical universities have always been famous for this, in which rare smart ugly girls really flourished from the general male attention.

Be ready

Never try to start a new relationship without completing the previous one., - with a high probability, you will have to bitterly repent of your decision. If the relationship did not work out, it is quite natural to be alone for some time - no matter how terrible this word may seem to you, put your own thoughts and feelings in order, say goodbye to what did not work out, thank the departed for the fact that it nevertheless happened to you .

One of the most common mistakes men and women make in relationships is trying to “cure” a failed love with a new romance. In such cases, endless “déjà vu” with previous relationships is inevitable, and the likelihood of an unfavorable, traumatic outcome for both partners is very high.

Be easy

Even if you met the man of your dreams, you should not drown in love with your head. Giving relationships in your life too high status, you rob her and make yourself less attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex - males feel “hunters for husbands” a mile away and prefer to go around in a large arc.

Do not burden him with your own expectations and do not try to change - the best thing a woman can do for a man is to accept him for who he is. Don't count on you and your love to change him - a grumpy bore won't turn into a witty jolly fellow, even if you're a Snow White/Pamela Anderson hybrid.

In order for a relationship to have a chance at harmony, you need to determine your own priorities.. What are the things that are fundamental to you? cohabitation? desire to be near perfect man with the appearance of Pierce Brosnan, the income of Bill Gates and the habits of Rhett Battler is commendable, but hardly realizable. Highlight the main thing, but try to take the rest lightly.

And do not forget about the existence of the fifth and last point of view: many believe that it is not men who choose women at all, but vice versa ... Take a look around: maybe it's time to make your choice?

When choosing a life partner, men are guided by many factors, not the least of which is the appearance of the chosen one. Oddly enough, male representatives often pay attention to whether a girl looks neat, whether her nails, hair, etc. are well-groomed. A woman does not have to be the winner of a beauty contest, the main thing is that she takes care of herself and knows her own worth.

For a man, such parameters of a female figure as height, weight, breast size, waist and hips are important. Each representative of the stronger sex has his own preferences, someone likes thin and tall girls, to someone - low and full. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which female figure is the standard of beauty. It happens that a man is guided by individual evaluation criteria, for example, he can only pay attention to girls with long hair, big eyes or even a special smell of leather.


A man ready for marriage or long-term serious relationship, chooses a woman with a balanced character. Passion is good, but family life representatives of the strong sex are looking for peace and comfort. Endless showdowns can be fun and blood-curdling on dates, but not at home.

For a man, such personal qualities as kindness and caring are important. special attention deserves fidelity, and not only in relationships, but also in life position. A life partner should share the beliefs of her chosen one, to some extent follow his ideals, hobbies. However, everything should be in moderation. Representatives of the stronger sex do not really like "spineless" women.


Today, women have long ceased to be the weaker sex. They get an education, the right to drive a car, they quickly move up the career ladder, competing with many men. In this turmoil, they lose their tenderness and femininity, which men appreciate so much.

Of course, the representative of the stronger sex will be happy if a purposeful woman with an active life position is next to him. However, in family circle she must take off the mask of the "iron lady" and become an affectionate creature in need of care. Men want to take care of their chosen ones, to feel their superiority. They choose women who need this care, and do not reject it in every possible way.

However, it is possible to draw some conclusions based on observations of representatives of the strong half of humanity, guided by banal common sense. About how a man chooses a woman for himself in various cases, and what he will pay attention to in the first place, and will be discussed in this article. However, before you find out how men choose a woman for themselves, it would be useful to study the signs that make it possible to determine the seriousness of a partner's intentions.

In a casual acquaintance or on a date, men, like most girls, do not yet know how relations with a person they do not yet know will develop. However, after it passes certain time and people get to know each other better, open up character traits partner, their differences and common interests. Over time, the guy and the girl learn about what place they occupy in each other's life, although being at the first stage of dating, rarely any of the men wants to start a family. In most cases, the strong half of humanity (like many women) make contact with the opposite sex only in order to satisfy their need for communication.

In fairness, it should be noted that there are really a lot of situations when a girl does not pretend to be something more serious, and many of the ladies are also looking for easy communication in a pleasant environment. Whether this is good or bad, everyone will determine for himself, however, if a woman is satisfied with such a relationship, one should take into account some parameters of appearance and character that will interest the strong half of humanity. Expressive, open facial features with the right make-up rarely go unnoticed by men, but the desire to produce a lasting effect can become so strong that appearance ladies will cause only a condescending smile from the chosen one. In order to prevent this from happening, one should not overdo it with makeup and smells, and of course, it is not at all necessary to increase eyelashes and increase breasts.

The figure of a woman is one of the main objects of seduction for any representative of the strong half of humanity, so it is necessary to follow it: thin waist, long legs and a rounded butt will not leave indifferent any man. The style of clothing depends on the situation and on what goals a woman pursues, and therefore, a girl in a miniskirt with an open neckline will be noticed at any party and offered to take her home. The manner of dressing allows you to say about your availability and readiness for communication better than any words, and choosing a defiant wardrobe, you should not be surprised that a man will be more persistent, because his confidence in success directly depends on the length of the lady's skirt. The years of a woman for men usually play a secondary role if a woman remains attractive in appearance and knows how to take care of herself. In addition, many men are attracted by the emancipation of more experienced ladies and the ability to competently build relationships with the opposite sex.

Behavior is one of key factors, which the stronger sex draws attention to, since it is it that gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe character of a person, therefore, one should behave naturally. Health is the main wealth of any person, but it is difficult to imagine that on the first date a man will touch this topic, although he will turn his attention to his signs: complexion, teeth and hair. Femininity - main characteristic, for the sake of which men are looking for women not only for meetings, but also for family life, and therefore any lady should be able not only to charm, but also to be mysterious and elegant. However, in this case you need to know a sense of proportion, because as a result, a man will choose the girl who will let you know that she also wants to be with him.

Erudition and curiosity are those traits of a person's character that become noticeable at the moment of a conversation, which largely determines the choice of men and their desire to communicate with a lady in the future. Attractive girl may be of interest only from the outside, but the opinion of a person will be spoiled by his speech and expressions. That is why, if a man has a choice between a lady with a pretty appearance and one with whom it is interesting, he will definitely choose the second one (unless, of course, such a girl does not boast of her knowledge and does not demonstrate intellectual dominance). The thriftiness of a woman is invisible on the first date, unless the lady herself, as if by the way, tells her chosen one that she loves to cook or grow flowers. However, a girl who prepares a delicious salad for a man in the morning will certainly add a few "points to the piggy bank" (although some men like to cook their own food).

As noted earlier, representatives of the strong half of humanity choose their wives based on completely different requirements, and many of the tips presented earlier do not work at all if a woman wants to start a family. Most ladies understand this on a subconscious level, and rethink their role in a relationship with a man, becoming softer and more balanced, although you can use the tips below. The appearance of the future wife, most men imagine in advance, even before they meet their chosen one, paying attention to ladies with regular, sweet features. As for the use of makeup, false eyelashes and other “tuning”, in this case, this will only repel a potential groom. Of course, you shouldn’t give up cosmetics either, just adjust your image by making makeup less bright, natural eyelashes, and a good-natured and open face.

The figure of a woman is something that any man will pay attention to, giving preference to that girl who has a slender waist and long legs, however, there are some nuances here. So, for example, the forms of a woman can change during pregnancy, as well as with age, however, so that over time a man does not cool off towards his wife, it is recommended to take care of yourself and your weight. The manner of dressing plays a decisive role for a girl with whom a man wishes to connect his own life: she must successfully combine sexuality and meek inaccessibility. And although such a combination seems impossible, in this situation there is a way out - being alone with your chosen one, you can dress provocatively, and in the company of other men choose a discreet style.

The age of the future spouse is also important for men, and if the difference of two years is not so critical, then the interval of 8-10 years rarely creates the prerequisites for a happy family life. The behavior of a lady should not be defiant, and if a girl really wants to be a worthy wife of her husband, then she needs to be moderately dignified and modest and friendly towards her husband's friends. An equally important role is played by the quality of relationships with a man’s relatives, since the presence of a conflict with the mother-in-law can destroy the very strong family. Health is a paramount factor for men when it comes to creating own family, because the mother must live a long, full-blooded life, being able to give birth and feed healthy children.

The femininity and sexuality of the spouse should also be at a sufficiently high level and not fade with age, transforming into other forms of seduction: a massage after a hard day's work or a seductive dance, etc. Any woman needs high intelligence in order for a man to be interested in being close to her wife, secretly proud of her choice of partner. In addition, most representatives of the strong half of humanity will never choose a stupid and frivolous lady to create a family. Household skills in family life are, first of all, the ability to cook a delicious dinner, keep the house clean and create comfort in it - of course, no man will refuse this list of virtues.

Intimacy is an indispensable characteristic of any loving wife, and if for temporary relationships it does not play a decisive role, then the life partner should be internally close and intuitive, a dear person. It is worth noting that excessive adherence to even the most the right advice, can play with those who listen to their cruel joke. All men are really different, and using a utilitarian attitude towards a partner deprives a person of the opportunity to enjoy life and appreciate the chosen one for who he is.