Miniature Chihuahua dog breed: description and characteristics. Chihuahua: the most important thing about the dog

The Chihuahua is a dog breed known to the ancient Mayan and Aztec tribes. Differs in devotion and cheerful disposition. What is a Chihuahua dog? Description of the breed and character, read on.

Chihuahuas are loved not only in Russia, but also in Europe and America. Chihuahuas are incredibly popular in Latin America as well.

Officially, the first Chihuahua was registered in 1904 in America.

In Russia, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev became the first owner of a dog of this breed. He was presented with puppies by the Cuban leader - Fidel Castro. This was in 1959.

The breed got its name in honor of the island where images of these dogs were found. The island was called "Chihuahua".

By the way, the smooth-haired Chihuahua belongs to a small category of breeds that have formed naturally rather than through selective breeding.

However, the long-haired representatives of this breed were nevertheless bred by breeding, by crossing the genes of the Pomeranian, smooth-haired Chihuahua and Papillon.


The height and weight of this tiny dog ​​makes it possible to keep it in small apartments.

There are two varieties chihuahua breeds: smooth-haired and long-haired. Dogs live on average about 15 years.

Below is a row common features breeds:

  • The head of the dog is rounded, its shape resembles the shape of an apple. It has a fontanel.
  • Wool can be of any color.
  • Body: compact body, wide chest and rounded edges.
  • The tail is in the form of a sickle or a semicircle, tapering towards the end.
  • Muzzle short: level scissor bite, eyes O round shape(most often dark).

Weight and height are not specified in the breed standard, but if the dog weighs more than three kilograms, it will be disqualified from the show.

Growth ranges from 15 to 23 centimeters.

Also, the reasons for disqualification are hanging and short ears, bald patches in smooth-haired and too voluminous wool in long-haired representatives of the breed, stretched body, advanced age.

Other deviations from the standard are not reasons for disqualification.

Usually the color of dogs varies from dark black to pale fawn.

There are no clear requirements for color. It can be patchy or solid.

The rarest color in a Chihuahua is silver-gray with a blue tint. But Chihuahuas with this color are more likely to suffer from congenital pathologies.

Long-haired Chihuahuas have a soft undercoat and a slightly curly coat. The smooth coat has a short, glossy coat.

Chihuahua character

These tiny dogs have sympathy not only for their relatives, but also for dogs of other breeds. But still, they treat other pets with a certain degree of suspicion.

Only the owner enjoys absolute trust.

If you decide to have several dogs in the house, then it is better to take only representatives of this breed. It is unlikely that these kids will find cohabitation mutual language with a pug or poodle.

Despite their unimpressive size, Chihuahuas are very brave and courageous dogs. They do their best to fulfill the role of watchman.

If something threatens the owner, they always warn about this with a ringing bark. These dogs are incredibly devoted to their family, ready to protect their owners at any cost.

Chihuahuas are real protectors.

Puppies don't like to listen. You will have to make a lot of efforts to grow a well-mannered dog out of a naughty egoza.

These crumbs are too stubborn, and you are unlikely to be able to change this character trait. It is better to accept this and arm yourself with a reserve of patience.

It is important from the first days to show who is in charge in your relationship, but you need to do this unobtrusively and without rudeness. They are quite understanding right approach the dog will quickly figure out what they want from him.

Chihuahuas love attention. All their lives they will try to spend as much time as possible with their master. Adult dogs will not miss the chance to sit on the handles. What can we say about babies.

If you have previously kept a pet of a different, more independent breed, Chihuahuas may seem too intrusive to you.

They get what they want, including all their charm. These miniature creatures manage to easily manipulate their masters.

Chihuahuas love to play. They are energetic and will always find something to entertain themselves. With a cheerful disposition, they are somewhat similar to toy terriers. But there are some individuals who are easily provoked and unusually quarrelsome.

Chihuahuas are very playful and naughty.

By the way, these dogs are very touchy. If you yell at your pet, he may sit in his place for several hours until he decides that you can be forgiven.

Long-haired representatives of the breed are much softer in temperament than their smooth-haired counterparts.

The main character traits of the Chihuahua: curiosity, energy, affection for the owner, intelligence.

Training and education

These dogs with a toy appearance, no less than other four-legged ones, need a good education. If you do not take care of this, you can not be offended by your pet for gnawed slippers and torn things.

Chihuahuas are smart dogs and easy to train.

Chihuahuas are easy to train. If you try, you can train a dog in all types of training, including general training course, obedience course, exhibition training and even protective-guard course.

But so that all the lessons are not in vain, and the dog does not forget them, you need to regularly repeat the material covered.

You need to train a dog from the moment he appears in your home. The owner initially needs not only to show who is in charge in the house, but also to set priorities correctly.

Want to form positive habits? Walk your dog and feed it on time. But feeding from the table, walking in different time, the lack of diapers for the toilet in right place forms negative habits.

The essence of chihuahua education is to form a character in a dog without addictions.

The awkwardness and impatience of the one who is engaged in training will prevent the dog from mastering the necessary skills and form a negative attitude towards the process of education.

It is important to learn a simple truth: what you will allow adult dog, allow and a puppy. What you will forbid an adult dog, forbid a baby.

A dog is a creature that can think. Therefore, in the process of education and training, it is important to follow the sequence of actions, activity and praise the dog when it has done everything as it should.

The ideal person to train a dog is its owner, who is also the leader in the family.

From the first days of life, the dog carefully examines its owner. In a few months, he will easily learn to determine what emotions the owner is experiencing.

Disadvantages of the breed

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Excessive touchiness of these crumbs. They will not tolerate even a raised tone. It is worth shouting at the pet, and he will not communicate with you all day.
  • Chihuahuas with great stress relieve little need, regardless of whether they are in the hands of the owner, walking down the street or standing on the floor in the corridor.
  • Chihuahuas are quite jealous.
  • Feeding dogs of this breed is not expensive, but you have to take care of proper diet, because at improper feeding Chihuahuas develop all sorts of diseases.
  • Representatives of this breed are too thermophilic. The Russian climate makes it problematic to walk these dogs in winter. Special clothing will help correct the situation.

Chihuahuas are very touchy and jealous, so pay more attention to them.

If you are not ready to spend enough time raising a dog, then a chihuahua is not the best choice. Long-haired representatives of this breed require careful grooming.

Don't buy a Chihuahua if you feel like you don't have the right amount of patience or if you just want to get this miniature dog in a fashion statement.

Chihuahuas are great for active and energetic people. They can be taken by families with children. These dogs are very fond of kids and will be able to make friends with them without any problems.

When planning to get a baby chihuahua, a description of the breed will help you get acquainted with the behavior, character and upbringing of this dog.

Write in the comments how you would describe your Chihuahua in one sentence!

All about the description of the breed and the character of the Chihuahua, see the video clips:

Due to their miniature size, interesting appearance and cheerful disposition, Chihuahuas have become very popular today. But they are also loved for their independent disposition and incredible courage. The breed was named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where the small dogs were discovered.

According to cynologists, it was the Chihuahua that influenced most modern dwarf breeds, retaining the title of the smallest dog in the world.

Almost nothing is known about the origin of the Chihuahua, one of the most ancient breeds. According to one version, they appeared on the territory of modern Mexico, according to another, they were brought out in China. And some believe that the birthplace of the breed is Egypt, Japan or Malta.

It can only be argued that they appeared at least three thousand years ago, and in the Middle Ages they were on the verge of extinction. In the 19th century, these small dogs attracted the attention of American tourists who, traveling through Mexico, saw unusual creatures in a town called Chiwawa. From there they were brought to the USA, where they began to actively breed. Chihuahuas were exhibited for the first time in 1884. And the spread of the breed in Europe was only in the mid-50s of the last century.


miniature dogs with big head And expressive eyes have a compact, proportional constitution. The head is round. The transition from the convex forehead to the nose is pronounced. Scissor bite. The eyes are large, rounded, the color of the iris can be any, preferably dark. The ears are large, movable, triangular in shape and set wide apart. The auricle is turned forward. The body is muscular. The line of the back is horizontal. Paws are dry, set parallel. The tail is carried high and of medium length.

Dogs of this breed are long-haired and smooth-haired. In animals with short hair, the hair is even, shiny and fits snugly to the body. Slightly longer on the neck and tail. Long-haired dogs have long, soft hair. Any color is allowed.

Training and exercise

Raising a Chihuahua puppy is important to start from the moment he appears in the house. Guard duty skills are unlikely to be useful to a dog with a toy appearance, while obedience and cleanliness are necessary.

Particular attention is paid to the socialization of the pet, introduce him to other people and animals, teach respectful attitude towards the owner. It is also important to teach the baby not to bark over trifles, because very often, barking more large dogs She finds herself in trouble. The purpose of education is to form a character in a pet, devoid of unwanted habits.

Most elementary commands, such as “sit”, “no” or “come”, the dog must know and perform well. True, training independent and obstinate representatives of the breed can be a difficult task. It is important for a pet not only to teach commands, but also to constantly repeat the learned skills. For supporting physical form enough walks for the dog active games outdoors or in an apartment. For walking a miniature dog, it is better to purchase a special harness.

Chihuahua dog personality

Representatives of the breed are always playful and energetic. Strangers are wary. Very jealous and willful. Puppies are recommended to take at the age of at least three months. Due to too early weaning and lack of communication with his relatives, he can grow up selfish and possessive. Chihuahuas have an energetic, agile and cheerful temperament. Easily attached to the owner and environmental conditions. They do not tolerate loneliness and rude attitude. They are distinguished by incredible courage, even sometimes excessive. At proper upbringing the pet will be obedient and affectionate. One of the few shortcomings of the breed is jealousy. The person they recognized as the owner, these dogs will not share with anyone. But this feature does not prevent them from cohabiting peacefully with other pets.

With other animals in the house, they usually get along well, if they do not claim the attention of the owner, whom the Chihuahua has chosen for himself. It is better not to leave the dog alone with small children. There is a possibility that the pet will not be too loyal to excessive childish impudence. In addition, taking the dog in his arms, the child may accidentally miss it, which is fraught with a fracture of the limbs.

Decorative dogs are ideal even for a small apartment. But owners need to remember that they are very gentle, do not tolerate drafts, cold and too high temperatures. Chihuahuas are very fond of basking in the sun, but they can miscalculate the time and get a heat stroke. Taking your pet for a walk cold weather, you should choose for it suitable clothes, and at temperatures below zero, it is not recommended to go out at all.

There is no particular difficulty in caring for a Chihuahua. Short-haired animals are combed out with a special brush once a week, long-haired - 2-3 times. Dogs have their teeth cleaned and nails trimmed regularly. Bathe the pet as it gets dirty, but no more than 2-3 times a month. Ears are checked and cleaned periodically. The eyes are washed with a special solution if excessive tearing occurs. Chihuahuas are very fragile bones, so they are not allowed to jump from great heights, even an unsuccessful fall from the bed can result in a fracture.

Diet and health

You can feed dogs of this breed with natural food or special food for decorative dogs of at least premium class. Natural food is absorbed much better, but in addition, complexes of vitamins and minerals should be introduced into the diet. It is very important to strictly adhere to the usual feeding schedule. Even a short fast can have a very negative impact on the health of the animal.

In general, the breed is quite prosperous. Its main feature is that puppies are born with an underdeveloped skull, which is finally formed only at 3-4 months, in connection with this they are predisposed to hydrocephalus. There are also problems with teeth and gums, dislocation of the kneecaps, heart disease, hypoglycemia, epilepsy. There may be difficulties in childbirth. Life expectancy up to 16 years.

How much does a chihuahua cost

The miniature size, combined with unpretentiousness, made the breed desirable and attractive to many lovers of decorative pets. The Internet is full of advertisements regarding the sale of Chihuahua puppies for different prices. The cost of the animal really fluctuates in a wide range. It is clear that buying cheap is dangerous, and suddenly they will be deceived, but lovers of the breed are also not happy with too high a price bar.

So how do you figure out how much a Chihuahua puppy costs? And not a simple kid, but a thoroughbred, with good health and, of course, the smaller the better.

The first, dominant factor that determines the pricing of a Chihuahua is documents. Much depends on their presence or absence. For example, a puppy with a metric is already an indicator of the breed, certified by documents, and a veterinary passport indicates the health of the pet. The absence of these factors significantly reduces the cost of the dog. After all, in fact, buying an animal without documents, you have to play the lottery. And it’s good if the puppy turns out to be a cute mongrel mongrel, much worse if the baby is a carrier dangerous infections that can be passed on to you and your loved ones.

On average, a Chihuahua puppy without certificates costs no more than 5,000 rubles.

The price of a Chihuahua with documents varies from 6 to 100 thousand rubles. Although, if you search, it’s really possible to buy a thoroughbred dog for 15-20 thousand rubles.

How much does a mini chihuahua cost

The mini representative of the breed is an order of magnitude higher than its "large" counterparts. But it should be borne in mind that the purchase of a mini chihuahua can only be due to fashion trends. It is not advisable to take such a dog for breeding, especially if we are talking about bitch.

The average price of a mini chihuahua is the usual cost of a puppy, plus 5-10 thousand rubles.

A similar price situation applies to colors. A Chihuahua puppy with a rare or trendy coloration will cost more than its less expressive siblings. But there is no significant difference between long-haired and smooth dogs. IN this case the main role is played by the market factor - breeders look at what is in trend and set the appropriate price.

Chihuahua: pros and cons of the breed

Owners of small dogs repeat in one voice about the convenience of keeping and unpretentiousness of the Chihuahua. However, before buying a puppy, it is worth knowing about possible problems and the difficulties that may arise in the process of his upbringing in the future.

Breed advantages

The small size is the first, and for many, the defining plus of the Chihuahua. The advantages of a small size are obvious:

  1. You can take your dog with you wherever you want. Visit shops together, go on a visit, but at least relax by the sea. Everyone is loyal to the Chihuahua, and even if you see an inscription on the door - you can’t go with dogs, for a miniature creature, most likely, an exception to the rule will follow.
  2. No need for constant walking. To warm up, the dog needs a light run around the apartment and a couple of three jumps. Such physical activity enough to make a chihuahua feel happy.
  3. No need to look for a place to keep the animal. A small dog needs a tiny space to sleep and rest and will not have to take care of building a house. Of course, you can arrange a secluded corner for the animal, but most likely you will see a sleeping Chihuahua, curled up in a ball, next to you on the couch.
  4. No feeding problems. Due to its size, the pet eats little. This is not only savings, but also the opportunity to buy an animal good food that will last a long time.

Additional benefits:

  • excellent health is another plus of the chihuahua;
  • minimal care - even a child can be entrusted with raising an animal;
  • decent manners - dogs of this breed do not tend to bark for any reason or without it, and they also do not have a tendency to destructive behavior.

About cons

The pros and cons of a Chihuahua are like two sides of a coin. For example, the size of a dog is a plus, but at the same time, miniaturization makes the pet fragile. This means that you will have to watch the dog more so that it does not inadvertently get injured. A puppy can be tritely stepped on by negligence.

Because of small size Chihuahuas often face problems regarding reproduction, and they also have problems with their teeth.

In general, miniature dog lovers should understand that the pet falls into all sorts of risk groups affecting small animals, and take appropriate measures to prevent a possible threat.

Chihuahuas also learn commands for a long time. This does not mean that they are stupid, here the main role is played by the features of functioning. nervous system pet. First of all, chihuahuas perceive the actions of a person at the level of emotions, and only then they begin to understand that something is required of them.

As you can see, even such a seemingly trouble-free dog has its drawbacks. But still, the disadvantages cannot cover the mass of obvious advantages of keeping these cute dogs and communicating with them.


Chihuahua pictures:

No one will argue that the Chihuahua is unique, which cannot be confused with any other. Small miracle with huge eyes and ears, slender paws and a puny body, nevertheless, she has a warm heart and amazing devotion. This dog is a vivid example of audacity and fearlessness for the entire canine world: a real Pug of its time.

Previously, it was believed that the breeders of such pocket breeds are most often people of the older generation (if not old age). However, today the trend has changed radically, and more often you can see how young people are happy to make similar friends from the field of fauna. And this is understandable: no one can resist the indescribable charm of these cute little dogs.

There are a lot of assumptions and theories about the origin of this wonderful breed. Even the continent on which these miniature dogs first appeared is hotly debated: some call them China, others call them Europe.

However, most still agree that the real progenitor of the Chihuahua is North America more specifically Mexico. No wonder its name is consonant with the name of one of the Mexican states. The first detailed descriptions breeds appeared at the dawn of the 20th century, and the first official club opened only in 1923.

Although from the time when everyone learned about this breed, it has passed more than a century She never ceases to be popular. And there are good reasons for this, related to the nature, behavior and care of these amazing animals.

In addition to a strong and, in some cases, stubborn disposition, this is a fairly intelligent and perfectly trainable dog. The ability to express joyful emotions, show a playful mood and just look funny, makes the Chihuahua one of the most sought after breeds.

At the same time, the size for some has an advantage rather than a disadvantage: a small and “compact” dog (height 15-22 cm and weight 1-2.5 kg) does not take up much space, fits easily in a bag, and just in hands. This fact allows you to take your pet with you almost everywhere, turning it into an excellent companion and just a friend.

These decorative dogs will good friends for those who want to have a pet, but do not have, for example, sufficient living space. There is no need to walk a Chihuahua for a long time: simple home movements are enough for her. The quality that speaks in favor of this breed is complaisance in terms of accustoming to hygiene, and even clothing does not cause protest, but, on the contrary, is accepted and worn with gratitude.

In addition to all of the above, Chihuahuas are amazingly accommodating and can easily coexist with other pets and households, although only one can act as a true owner. But it also happens that their level of devotion to their owner can become a problem, as sometimes they are very jealous of the fact that the owner pays attention to other people or animals.

It is worth taking into account that these small dogs cannot stand prolonged loneliness. If you often and for a long time are absent from the house, then this breed is not for you. It is also not recommended to get Chihuahua dogs for families with small children, since the dog, if the child starts to squeeze it, can bite him in self-defense.

Chihuahuas have a lifespan of 15 years and are able to remain playful even into old age. This dog will be an excellent choice for those who are looking for more than just pet but a true companion and devoted friend.

Chihuahua care

There are 2 varieties of the breed, which differ in the type of coat - long-haired and short-haired. Chihuahua care for these two varieties differs only in coat care, as for the rest, it is exactly the same.

For long-haired Chihuahuas, daily combing is recommended. Also needed regular cleaning brush with natural bristles at least two to three times a week. An area that can be problematic is the back where feces can dry out. This area is usually cut shorter or washed more often.

Check your pet's teeth regularly for gum disease and cavities. Dental problems are common problem health in this breed, so keeping them clean is of paramount importance.

Nails should be trimmed monthly with a special nail clipper. You need to bathe your pet no more than once every 3-4 months. Make sure that after bathing, the ears are completely dry, because. if they are wet for too long, they can become inflamed.

Close attention should be paid to caring for your pet's eyes. Use a cotton swab dipped in a weak solution to clean your eyes. boric acid or brewing tea. This breed has an increased tearing of the eyes, which can lead to tear stains (darkening of the area around the eyes).

Apply saline(or any other means) to reduce or even eliminate stains. Processing should be carried out once or twice a week, depending on the level of staining.

At first glance, caring for a Chihuahua may seem too complicated for you, but it is not. Taking care of your pet, you will understand what a joy it is when he is beautiful, healthy and full of vitality.

Update: October 2017

  • miniature size, lively temperament;
  • intelligence combined with fine manners;
  • self-confidence, sometimes bordering on arrogance;
  • devotion, friendliness;
  • curiosity, courage (up to recklessness);
  • cheerful disposition;
  • activity, emotionality;
  • very subtly feel the mood of the owner;
  • grow up early, the psyche and character traits are fully formed by the age of 1;
  • there is a fontanelle on the head (an unossified area of ​​​​the parietal parts of the skull), it may not overgrow throughout life.

Brief description of the breed:

What should be the coat standard for a Chihuahua: long or short?

According to the breed standard, there are 2 varieties: smooth-haired and long-haired Chihuahua.

Dogs with short hair are more active and quick-tempered. Long-haired behave more calmly, they are distinguished by a complaisant, soft character.

Why Do Chihuahuas Shake Often?
They can tremble not only because of the cold, but also for other reasons: fear, strong arousal, depressed mood. Tremor attacks are based on a very fast metabolism.
When should a puppy's ears stand up?
Normal - at 3-5 months. (sometimes at 2.5 months). When the teeth begin to change, the ears may fall off again. Then they will finally stand up after the change of teeth.
Why do chihuahua watery eyes?

Tearing is a fairly common occurrence. Remove streaks, crusts with a cotton swab and warm boiled water.

Abundant transparent selection can be a sign of an allergy to a certain type of food, then you need to adjust the diet. If pus begins to stand out from the eyes, show the dog to the veterinarian.

What is the best food to feed?
The food is the same as for other breeds of dogs. You can feed both dry food and natural food, but you cannot mix the types of feeding. "Drying" is convenient to take on trips.
Who are dogs of this breed suitable for?

Lonely, elderly people. For those who love to travel with their pets. Growing children.

Not suitable: too busy people, families with a small child, those who do not tolerate dog barking.

How do Chihuahuas treat children?
Friendly, love to play. However, too small a child can easily injure a dog. The pet can be entrusted to children older than 6-8 years.
Can a Chihuahua be trained?
Why not. Chihuahuas are smart enough, quick-witted, have a good memory, obedient. They easily master elementary commands, quickly wean themselves from bad habits.


  1. Miniature size (ideal for keeping in an apartment, travel accompaniment).
  2. Good health, stamina.
  3. Stable psyche (compared to miniature dogs other breeds).
  4. Good adaptability.
  5. Playful character, mobility.
  6. Loyal to the owner, sociable, love to play.
  7. Clever, they understand everything literally from a half-word.
  8. Do not require long walks (you can teach the dog to the tray).
  9. They get along well with cats and other pets.
  10. They are wary of strangers, have a sensitive ear, so they are excellent watchmen.


  1. They need warmth (especially dogs with short hair).
  2. Clothing is required for walking in the cold season.
  3. Requires careful handling.
  4. Walking only on a leash (harness), extreme caution and attention are required in the presence of other dogs.
  5. Poorly tolerate stress, which is expressed in uncontrolled urination.
  6. Voiced bark.
  7. Stubbornness, resentment, jealousy.
  8. Aggressiveness (in the absence of proper education).

Chihuahua photo

Character, behavioral features

Despite their miniature size, Chihuahuas feel free and confident, show courage and fearlessness. Anger, cowardice are not typical for them. They are distinguished by activity, mobility and emotionality, but they also love peace and quiet. You can have fun with a dog, take it on a trip - chihuahuas tolerate the road well. At a party or at a party, the pet can calmly and patiently sit in a special bag.

They love to walk, especially in good weather However, they prefer home comfort. A funny feature of behavior is the need to burrow into the folds of bedspreads and blankets. Hardy, during a long walk you can not pick up. On the street, a pet can have fun chasing insects, eating grass, playing with other small dogs. Keep in mind that birds of prey (hawk, owl, crow) are deadly for the Chihuahua.

Ability to learn

Smart, perfectly trainable. Learning the necessary commands will not take much time, and a child from 6-8 years old will cope with the task. The main reasons for difficulties with training a dog: the independent nature of the Chihuahua, natural stubbornness.

Attitude towards hosts, strangers

They quickly get used to family members, however, one person is chosen as the owner. Sometimes they claim to be a leader, then they can become uncontrollable. Devotees often show jealousy. Indelicate treatment (for example, a loud cry) is unacceptable: representatives of the breed are vulnerable, touchy and may not approach the owner all day. But it is the pet that often becomes the initiator of reconciliation.

They need attention, they themselves show it, often and for a long time watching how the owners do household chores. Quite intrusive, not everyone likes it. It is not recommended to leave alone for a long time: out of boredom, the dog will bark, gnaw at things, shit in the wrong places. Balanced, obedient, but quickly calculate the weaknesses of a person and often achieve their goal.

Strangers are wary, guests are greeted with ringing barks, they can rush and bite. On the hands of the first comer will not go. However, they can get used to new people quickly enough when they understand that there is no danger to the owner. Guests should not be allowed to command the dog, give it treats.

Relationship with other pets

They interact better with small breed dogs, but they do not recognize authorities. Miniature sizes do not feel, they are able to show aggression towards larger relatives. Due to recklessness and insolence, they do not care about their own safety and can die if you do not monitor their behavior on a walk. They get along well with cats (birds, rodents), especially if other animals do not show aggression.

  • Wool: combing. Smooth-haired - 1 p. per week (brush, massage mitt), long-haired - every 2 days (comb with rare teeth, the ends of which should be rounded). During shedding brush your dog daily.
  • Washing: no more than 1 p. at 3-4 months More often it is not recommended: you can wash off the layer of protective fat, the skin will become dry, the hair will begin to fall out. Use special dog shampoos. After bathing, dry your dog thoroughly with a towel. If the coat is long, use a hair dryer. At heavy pollution, before the exhibition, you can use "dry shampoo". After walking, wipe your pet's paws with a cloth.
  • Haircut: 1 time per month. In short-haired representatives of the breed, the hair is trimmed in the area of ​​​​the head, ears, then the hair is trimmed on the neck and tail. In long-haired ones, the hairline on the body (back, sides, stomach) is shortened, it is trimmed on the ears, neck, paws, tail. They cut the hair in the armpits, groin, under the tail, and also between the fingers on the paws.
  • Eyes: examination, removal of secretions with a cotton swab moistened with warm boiled water - daily. Washing with infusion of chamomile (2 p. per week) or a special solution for the eyes (1 p. per week).
  • Claws: trimming - 1 p. per month
  • Teeth: brushing - daily. Take a piece of gauze or bandage, apply some toothpaste. Open the dog's mouth, brush your teeth. Remove the paste with a clean damp cloth. You can spray the dog in the mouth with water from a conventional sprayer. To prevent the formation of tartar, give your pet special treats (biscuits, biscuits), they are sold in pet stores.
  • Ears: examination, cleaning - 2 p. per week Use cotton buds, a special gel, preferably plant-based (or a decoction of chamomile). Internal surfaces wipe with a cotton swab when dirty. When red spots, pustules appear in the ears, bad smell take the dog to the vet.

Chihuahua care and maintenance include compliance with the rules for handling a dog:

  1. Raise it only with both hands, one under the chest, the other under the seat.
  2. You can not lift the animal by the scruff, by the paws, in the girth of the ribs or in any other way.
  3. The dog's head requires careful and careful handling. As a result of careless injury, the pet may die.
  4. Chihuahuas have brittle bones and should not be allowed to jump from heights. Jumping off the couch can lead to injury, death.
  5. Climbing, descending stairs, overcoming other obstacles can negatively affect the condition of the spine, so it is better to take the pet in your arms.
  6. Do not let a small child play with a dog. This can lead to injury and even death of the animal.

The dog can go to the tray, but he will always be happy to walk in the fresh air. Physical activity is necessary, unspent energy can be directed to destruction (the dog will begin to spoil things). Walking with him is enough 1 p. per day (up to half an hour). In the cold season, the pet needs special clothes for walking, you can buy shoes.

Health, susceptibility to disease

Genetically determined diseases:

  • Hydrocephalus. Characterized by excess cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, often develops after birth trauma. Symptoms: an increase in the volume of the skull, convulsions, impaired coordination of movements, behavioral disorders (lethargy, attacks of aggressiveness). Pathology is incurable, the prognosis may be unfavorable. Treatment: use of drugs to reduce intracranial pressure removing excess fluid from the body. If the disease is advanced, an operation (bypass surgery) is performed.
  • Pulmonary stenosis. This birth defect heart, which is manifested by a violation of the outflow of blood. Consequences: increased risk early sudden death. Symptoms: shortness of breath, arrhythmia, ascites. Treatment: mild degree - outpatient observation; moderate degree- limitation of physical activity, long-term maintenance drug therapy. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.
  • Dysplasia hip joint . Symptoms: lameness, "jumping" gait. When moving, the dog whines. Consequences: development of secondary osteoarthritis, complete immobility. Treatment: reception medicines(anti-inflammatory drugs, chondoprotectors), surgical intervention (arthroplasty, arthroplasty, etc.).
  • retinal atrophy. It is manifested by degeneration of visual cells, thinning of the tissues of the organ. Consequences: visual impairment, development of complete blindness. Symptoms: the appearance of difficulties with orientation at dusk (the dog bumps into objects). The disease is incurable. The animal well compensates for the loss of vision with other senses (hearing, smell).

Propensity to disease due to exterior:

  1. Increased risk of traumatic brain injury, headaches, meteosensitivity. Causes: the presence of an ungrown fontanel due to underdeveloped skull bones. In most, it disappears at the age of 3-4 months. Protect the dog's head from possible injury.
  2. Bone fractures. Causes: short stature brittle bones. You must not allow the dog to overcome obstacles on its own, jump from a height exceeding its height by 2 times.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the eyes. Symptoms: redness, thick discharge. Treatment: washing, use of a drop.
  4. Hypoglycemia. It is characterized by a drop in blood sugar levels. Consequences: convulsions, loss of consciousness, hypoglycemic coma. Reason: light weight. Treatment: subcutaneous administration of glucose, soldering with water and sugar.

Choosing a puppy, care, maintenance, upbringing

Chihuahua puppies are usually sold when they are 2-2.5 months old. What you need to pay attention to:

  • good fatness;
  • clean skin;
  • wool shines;
  • no discharge from the eyes, nose.
  • the puppy is mobile, playful;
  • does not show aggression.
Exterior (for show and breed class):
  • rounded head;
  • the presence of a fontanel;
  • short muzzle;
  • well-defined forehead;
  • sharp stop (transition from head to muzzle);
  • flat back;
  • a slightly bent tail, but it does not twist into a ringlet;
  • the number of teeth at 8 weeks is 12 (6 incisors each from below and from above).
  • correct bite (upper teeth should completely cover the lower ones).

What documents does the breeder provide:

  • puppy card;
  • veterinary passport;
  • written recommendations on keeping, feeding;
  • purchase and sale agreement (at the request of the parties).

The following items will be required:

  • house from soft material(most preferred for this breed), it can be machine washed at temperatures up to 90 ° C;
  • open sleeping area(litter) where the pet will sleep if it is hot in the house;
  • carrying;
  • ceramic or stainless steel bowls;
  • collar, leash, harness, tape measure-leash;
  • toys (rubber and soft);
  • bristle brush - for a smooth-haired puppy;
  • comb, slicker brush - for a long-haired chihuahua;
  • claw cutter;
  • shampoo;
  • towels;
  • tray, disposable diapers.

It is recommended to pick up the puppy in the morning so that he can get used to his new home a little during the day. It is better to first settle him in 1 room, in a limited space he will quickly get used to it. Drafts should be excluded, it can not be placed near the batteries either.

Place the baby in the house immediately. After a while, he will calm down and come out. At night, you can put a heating pad in the house. You can’t take a puppy to your bed, otherwise he will always strive to sleep only there.


Puppy needs sun and Fresh air. At first, on the street, he may show fear, then the baby needs to be picked up. Walk only on a leash (harness). How to teach:

  1. Put on the collar and feed.
  2. After 5-10 min. remove, praise.
  3. Gradually increase the time the Chihuahua is collared.
  4. Then accustom to the leash: fasten it, call the pet, give a treat.
  5. In the first days, the puppy should not feel the tension on the leash, do not pull, do not pull it.

In the cold season, the dog needs warm clothes. Recommended daily walks (if possible), at least 1 p. in a day. Duration of stay in the air: first - 5 minutes, then gradually increase to half an hour (in the cold season - up to 15 minutes). Do not leave a Chihuahua for a long time open sun, the result will be sunstroke.


From the first days of the puppy's stay in the house. It must be made clear that a person has a higher status than a dog, otherwise there is a risk that the Chihuahua will claim a leading role. The dog needs to know what he can and cannot do. It is not necessary to punish, caress or a strict voice is used as an impact on the psyche. However, if handled too softly, the pet can become arrogant, naughty. The puppy must:

  • respond to a nickname;
  • approach the owner on command;
  • know where his place is;
  • learn the "no" command;
  • walk in a collar (with or without a leash);
  • do not impose on outsiders;
  • be able to walk in the tray;
  • do not spoil things, interior items.

Gradually accustom the puppy to the fact that he will have to be alone for some time. Play with him, feed him, leave him alone for a while. Each time slightly increase the period of time when the puppy is left alone.

Toilet training

For the first 3 days (or longer) keep an eye on the puppy after sleeping, feeding. When he starts looking for a secluded place, take it to the tray. At the end of the process, praise, give a treat.

If the pet ignored the tray, scold (can not be punished). This should be done immediately after the dog shit in the wrong place. If scolded later, he simply will not understand why the owner is angry. To teach your puppy to defecate while walking, take a diaper with you for several days, where he has already left smells.

What to do if a puppy bites

The main reasons: teeth are being cut or the owner allows you to bite your hands during the game. During the period of changing teeth, give the puppy rubber toys, special cutters. Slip them in when your pet starts biting.

To stop your puppy from using his teeth during play, show that you are in pain (yell loudly). Stop playing with him, ignore him for a while. Other ways: using the “no” command, slipping a toy.


How many times to feed:

  • age 2-3 months. - 6 p. in a day;
  • 3-4 months - 5 times;
  • 4-6 months - 4 times;
  • 6 months - 1 year - 3 times;
  • starting from 1 year - 2 times a day.

In the first 3 weeks, the mother's milk is enough for the animals. From the 21st day, give complementary foods (scraped beef meat or soaked pieces of dry food). Puppies at 1 month old can be fed with cottage cheese, kefir, porridge with meat. Babies who are 35-40 days old should eat their mother's food.

Dry food

Food "Premium" or "SuperPremium" ("drying" and canned food) for puppies, then for adult dogs. Brands: Hills, RoyalConin, Brit, Proplan, Akana, Purina, etc. If your dog is allergic to any food, buy hypoallergenic food.

natural food

The basis of the diet is animal protein. For 1 kg of animal weight, 50–80 g of feed is needed. Protein-rich foods should make up 2/3 of the diet.

What to feed a chihuahua:
  • meat, minced meat (poultry, beef, rabbit);
  • offal (kidneys, scar, liver, heart) - 1 p. per week;
  • fish (sea) - 1 p. per week;
  • eggs - 1 r. per week;
  • fermented milk drinks, products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, beets, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant);
  • fresh fruits (bananas, pears, apples);
  • vitamin, mineral bait (according to instructions).
  • pork;
  • tubular bones;
  • nuts;
  • cabbage, beans;
  • bell pepper;
  • sweets;
  • salted, smoked;
  • fried, spicy;
  • fresh milk (from 2-2.5 months).
How to feed properly:
  1. Meat, offal is pre-boiled. Minced meat is scalded with boiling water.
  2. The fish is boiled, the bones are removed.
  3. Vegetables are stewed or boiled, mixed with meat, fish. Carrots are also fed raw (grate, add sour cream or sunflower oil).
  4. Fruits are added to food or given in pieces.
  5. Boil eggs, make an omelet.
  6. Between feedings, you can give bones, biscuits. Suitable as a treat: raisins, dried fruits, crackers, pieces of fresh fruit.

FCI breed standard

Scull Apple-shaped, a small fontanel is allowed.
Muzzle Short, wide at the base. Tapers towards the nose.
Teeth The bite is straight or scissor.
Eyes Large, dark, very expressive. Not convex, have a rounded shape.
Ears Large, open wide.
Neck The length is average. The topline is slightly curved.
torso The length is slightly greater than the height at the withers. In bitches, a more extended body is allowed. Rib cage deep and wide.
Tail Set on high, of moderate length. Wider at the base, tapering towards the end. There is a flattening in the middle.
Wool smooth-haired The coat is shiny, soft, short. Fits tight. The coat is longer on the neck and tail.
long-haired The coat is silky, soft, slightly wavy or straight. Longer on the ears, neck, tail, paws. The undercoat is not very dense.
Color Any colors (except merle) with all sorts of combinations.
Weight 1.5-3 kg. Allowed 0.5-1.5 kg.
Flaws Any deviation from the standard.

Historical reference

Country of origin - Mexico, the breed is named after the largest state (Chihuahua). It is believed that dogs were tamed by local residents even before the discovery of America by seafarers. Animals were considered sacred. At the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spanish conquest of Mexico began, the breed was on the verge of extinction. She received a second birth after 300 years. Local residents began to catch feral animals in the jungle to sell them to the Americans.

The dog got its name in 1884. The official description of the Chihuahua breed appeared only in 1923. The modern standard was approved in 1998 by the International Cynological Federation (FCI). Today the breed is most popular in Mexico, USA, England.

Chihuahuas came to Russia in 1959, when Khrushchev was presented with two long-haired individuals during a trip to Cuba. For breeding, representatives of the breed were brought from Algeria (in the 60s), Mexico, England (in the 70s). Chihuahuas were the most popular among Muscovites. In 1996, the National Breed Club was opened. In 2005, the Chihuahua World Monobreed Club was created, which united the best kennels in the country.

Chihuahua and children are a special conversation. If you have a small child, it is best to refrain from buying a Chihuahua. The problem is not at all that the Chihuahua does not get along well with children, on the contrary, he is very friendly with them. However, if your lovely baby squeezes the dog a little harder, for her and, maybe, for the child, this will result in serious injury.

Parents need to be extremely careful when they allow any animal and child to interact. Being so small chihuahua very vulnerable and becomes an easy target for a child who is just starting to walk, or even a preschooler. Small child, without even plotting anything bad, often loses his balance, is prone to sudden outbursts of rage and anger. All these manifestations can lead to irreversible consequences for a two-kilogram dog. A small child can move very quickly, change direction abruptly, forcing the Chihuahua to anticipate his intentions, which can repeatedly provoke an aggressive reaction from the dog /

This does not mean that parents will have to give up the idea of ​​a dog, you just have to make sure that the conditions are right before getting a Chihuahua. Children aged 5-10 quickly learn how to properly handle this breed. With constant control on your part and strict adherence to the rules for the proper treatment of an animal, even very young children will peacefully coexist with a chihuahua. I am a breeder who raised my daughter next to a chihuahua, and there are still examples of this in our country. Gradually train and involve your child in dog care, allowing him to feed and play with the Chihuahua, who will gradually begin to see the child as a fun playmate.

When chihuahua appeared in your family, each member, whether a child or an adult, must know and fulfill certain rules. Even if you personally believe that these rules are self-evident, this does not mean that their essence is clear to people who have never dealt with a chihuahua.

The child, given his age, should be explained and shown how to handle this tiny creature, and, of course, try not to leave them alone, unattended, while the puppy is still small. Dogs are playful and willingly share the fun with children, if they are not forced to play too noisy games. But, having matured, the Chihuahua will become a favorite companion and true friend to your baby.

Don't forget that the Chihuahua needs your protection. Although he loves all family members, the Chihuahua can be downright unfriendly with strangers. Social adaptation helps, of course, but the most you will get from such a dog is cold patience with strangers. Naturally, there are exceptions.

It is better to lock your dog in another room for the duration of a visit to a company unfamiliar to a Chihuahua, especially children, for his own safety. It would be a mistake not to consider small breeds capable of aggression. Despite its size, a chihuahua can bite even the most beloved family member. Babies sometimes beg for a bite, and you need to convince your child to never hit on a dog or cuddle a chihuahua. Usually the dog bites only in self-defense or when provoked.

In general, one should conclude from this: everyone needs to be careful with a puppy: both adults and children. But how the friendship between a child and a Chihuahua will develop depends largely on the parents: it all depends on the attitude of adults towards the animal, because the baby will copy their behavior. If parents accept a puppy as a new member of the family, then he will become a friend for the child, but if the “smallest dog” exists as an interior item, then the child will quickly learn indifference and cruelty towards any living creature.

Tips used in the article V.V. Beltyukova, V.A. Beltyukova