How to breastfeed a newborn for the first time. Do I need to wash my breasts before and after feeding? Irregular nipple shape

Breastfeeding experts insist that a mother should not refuse milk to a baby if he wants to. It turns out that a child can be fed as much as he needs, but many pediatricians do not agree with this statement, pointing to a different feeding regimen for natural and artificial feeding. The obvious question raises a double opinion among mothers: how often to feed a newborn - according to the regimen or at his request?

Feeding a newborn can be carried out according to the schedule or be guided solely by the desire of the baby

Colostrum feeding frequency

In the first days after childbirth, the mother's breast is filled with colostrum. Pure breast milk will begin to be produced after 2-3 days. Naturally, the newborn receives only colostrum these days. It is advisable to attach the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth and, throughout the entire period of feeding with colostrum, often apply the baby to the breast. Its quantity is small, but the newborn is full, thanks to the high nutritional value of the product.

Breastfeeding frequency is very important for an infant. First, the baby receives good nutrition. Secondly, there is a reflex addiction of the newborn to the method of obtaining food, he adapts to the shape of the nipple, trains to suckle correctly. Thirdly, frequent applications stimulate lactation and prevent milk stasis.

Additionally, there is a relationship between demand (feeding the baby) and supply (milk accumulates in sufficient quantities). Actively breastfeeding the baby, the mother contributes to successful lactation.

For a long time, breastfeeding was carried out by the hour, with clear intervals. Pediatricians recommended mothers to apply the baby every 3-4 hours and let him suck for 10-15 minutes. In addition, the remaining milk should be expressed. Practical observations have shown the erroneous application of such a regime. The statistics of past years note frequent cases of mastitis in mothers and indigestion in children.

Today, experts have gone beyond the rigid framework and believe that the mother should determine the frequency of feeding at the request of the baby. What does it mean to feed at will? The breast is given to the newborn at any time at his first request and wherever the mother is at that time. The new method of feeding is based on setting the frequency of feedings according to the behavior of the child, and not on the exact observance of hours. Actually, the child sets the regime, and you are subject to such a choice.

How to determine that the baby wants a breast?

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Following this method, mothers give the breast to the newborn at the slightest sign of anxiety, if he does not refuse it. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to attach the baby to the nipple when he cries or is very naughty. It is desirable that the mother learns to understand her child and distinguishes the desire to suck on the breast from other reasons for his whims. Remember the following signs:

  • the baby smacks his lips;
  • your "chick" actively opens its mouth and turns its head;
  • begins to suck on the corner of the diaper or her own fist.

The free feeding regimen allows the baby to suck on the breast not only when he is hungry. The child reaches for the chest for peace of mind, receives protection from the process, psychological comfort, absorbs the love and warmth of the mother. It is important that mommy approaches the process with pleasure, receiving a lot of positive emotions from close contact with her treasure. The time of breastfeeding is a priceless period when a close bond is established between mother and child, lasting a lifetime.

The most remarkable thing is that the participants in the process receive mutual benefits. The free method, as studies have shown, has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical condition of mother and baby:

  • The development of newborns is fast and harmonious. Children who receive breasts on demand grow strong, are less susceptible to diseases, and have a balanced nervous system.
  • A woman quickly returns to her prenatal forms. Contraceptive protection is naturally preserved. The mother avoids nipple problems if the baby is properly latched onto the nipple.
  • The breast milk produced is rich in nutrients, has a high fat content and is supplied in large quantities.

With proper breastfeeding, breastfeeding becomes a natural prevention of lactostasis and mastitis

What is the benefit of frequent breastfeeding?

Some mothers express doubts about this method of feeding, worrying about the amount of milk that the baby needs. Anxiety is associated with thoughts of overeating or malnutrition of the child. There is no need to worry, since this frequency of feeding is balanced by the production of milk in sufficient quantities, and newborns eat so actively that they unwittingly provoke proper lactation (see also:). There is a kind of regulation by the child of the amount of milk that he needs. The little trickster, intuitively controlling the amount of food, eats well and feels happy.

By the way, it is with hourly feeding that milk is not completely drunk by the baby, which leads to its stagnation. Lactation worsens, threatening to stop completely, which can push the mother to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, the moment of stagnation provokes the formation of mastitis in the mother. Will you still have doubts after such conclusions about which method is better to feed the baby? Choose the one that suits not only you in all respects, but will also be optimal for the child.

When to change the number of attachments?

Given that the frequency of feeding and fullness of the breast with a free method of feeding is absolutely individual, it is impossible to give exact recommendations on the number of attachments. There are babies who suck quickly and forcefully, and there are those who "roll" the nipple in the mouth, slowly pulling out drop by drop. Obviously, it is difficult to calculate the exact number of applications, but one cannot but say about the periods of active growth of the child, when he needs more milk.

Observing the cyclical development of the child, experts have identified four bright periods up to the age of 1 year, in which the child dramatically increases in growth. Approximate indicators are as follows:

  • 7-10th days of life;
  • from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • by 3 months;
  • at 6 months.

Approaching these terms, it seems to mothers that the baby is malnourished, that he is constantly hungry. Thinking that she does not have enough milk, the woman tries to supplement the crumbs with mixtures. This is not the way to do it. It will take 2-3 days and your body will adjust itself to the needs of the crumbs, it will begin to produce more milk. The instability of the indicators for the frequency of application is associated with the overall development of the child, and with his appetite. Moms should not worry about such fluctuations - just give the baby the breast when he needs it.

Statistics collected by pediatricians indicate that a child may ask to breastfeed 8-12 times a day. The figures are, of course, conjectural, they do not reflect the full picture. The desire of the baby to suck milk and 20 times a day is considered normal. Breast milk is absorbed very quickly, so it's okay if your baby asks for a breast half an hour after feeding. Natural nutrition does not affect the functioning of the baby's digestive system.

How long does it take for one feeding?

Each baby decides for himself how much he needs to breastfeed. The hurried man manages in a short time, and the thoughtful little man stretches out the pleasure and eats for more than half an hour. Growing up and mastering sucking, children increase the speed of food intake, choosing the required amount of milk in a few minutes. The times recommended by pediatricians are averages, so accept your treasure's abilities and feed as much as required - there is no exact norm. Special recommendations have been established only for formula feeding.

The older the child becomes, the less time it takes for a full meal

How to alternate breasts when feeding?

Breast rotation during feeding is good for the mother, it helps to relieve the painful swelling of the mammary glands by the time the baby is eating. The duration of holding on one breast depends on the process of milk production in the mother and the appetite worked up by the child. Some baby is controlled with one breast in 5 minutes, while the other stretches the process for 10-15 minutes. If you act on the recommendations of specialists, then it is necessary to carry out a breast change, dividing the total feeding time in half.

Moms with conservative views prefer to give one breast per feeding. Those who adopt the free method keep records to keep track of their meal schedule. Children are also different: some like to suck on one breast, others calmly change nipples, thinking only about getting enough milk. Pediatricians agree that alternating breasts in one feeding is more convenient and correct.

Dr. Komarovsky comments positively on the free approach to feeding, but emphasizes that the child's demands should be based on hunger and not on other reasons. If the baby's diaper is full or the baby suffers from overheating, he is bothered by prickly heat, he can reach for his chest, trying to find relief from uncomfortable sensations in it. Don't breastfeed him. It is important for mom to know exactly when the baby really wants to eat. It turns out that it is possible for a child to eat according to the free method, but observing an interval of 2 hours.

In addition, the famous pediatrician strongly draws attention to one significant point: no matter how you feed the baby, both mother and child should enjoy.

If you are stressed by constantly holding the baby at the breast, give up free feeding and use the usual feeding by the hour. In addition, you can optimize your on-demand food intake by sticking to the sweet spot. Reduce the intervals between feedings, but keep the schedule.

Feeding frequency when using mixtures

Milk formula for babies, despite the assurances of manufacturers that it is as close as possible in composition to mother's milk, differs significantly from it. A formula-fed baby takes longer to digest, so a loose feeding schedule is not appropriate. Mom should distribute formula feeding at fixed intervals. The optimal break lasts 3-4 hours during the day and 6-7 hours at night.

When analyzing feeding options for artificial people, it should be remembered that pediatricians have calculated approximate standard indicators that it is desirable to adhere to. The baby receives as much mixture as he needs at a certain age. By improperly organizing the baby's nutrition with a mixture, you can provoke health problems for the crumbs. The baby's digestive system is especially vulnerable to the use of mixtures.

A woman, while still pregnant, must make a clear decision to breastfeed. This forms a dominant in the brain for the formation and development of lactation. Proper breastfeeding is not possible without an internal setting. The support of family and friends in this matter is important.

Second rule: the first feeding of a baby

Ideally, the first attachment of a newborn is carried out in the delivery room. Early contact contributes to the development of lactation and the colonization of the skin and intestines of the newborn with bifidum flora. How to properly apply a newborn for feeding, the medical staff will show. If the condition of the child or the puerperal does not allow this, the first attachment to the breast is transferred. If the woman is in a satisfactory condition, the medical staff teaches self-pumping. This skill will not allow the extinction of milk production and the development of lactostasis. In the absence of contraindications, the child can be fed with expressed milk during a separate stay.

The third rule: the correct attachment of the child to the breast

The problem of how to properly attach a baby to the breast, especially for the first time, is very important. How to take a breast, the newborn is still unknown. And mom needs to remember or learn to how to breastfeed your baby:

  • immediately before feeding, the mother needs to wash her hands and pour warm water over her breasts;
  • Decide on a position for feeding. Usually this is sitting (reclining) or standing (after an episiotomy);
  • the child is placed on the crook of the elbow, the other hand brings the nipple as close as possible to the mouth of the baby;
  • obeying the reflexes, the baby will grab the nipple and start sucking;
  • the breast should be given so that the baby captures the nipple and almost the entire areola with his mouth. At the same time, its lower lip will be slightly turned out, the chin and nose touches the chest.

The child's nose should not sink. How to properly apply the baby for feeding is also important for the health of the mother. If it is wrong to breastfeed a newborn, several breast problems can be acquired. First of all, these are macerations and cracks in the nipples.

  • breastfeeding a newborn, especially the first few days, should be no more than 20 minutes each. This will allow the delicate skin of the nipples to harden and get used to the new effect.

Often this does not work out. The child may be restless or have a large body mass and constantly demand to eat. In such cases, a nursing mother needs to arrange air baths more often and lubricate the nipples with healing ointments, such as Bepanten.

  • one feeding - one breast. If the child ate everything from it and did not eat enough, offer a second one. Start the next feeding with the last one. So the child will receive not only foremilk, but also hind milk.

Fourth rule: signs of production and flow of milk to the breast

The symptoms of lactation are:

  • tingling or tightness in the chest;
  • the secretion of milk during the crying of the child;
  • for each sucking of the baby there is a sip of milk;
  • leakage of milk from the free breast during feeding.

These signs indicate the formed active reflex of oxytocin. Lactation is established.

Fifth rule: feeding on demand

Newborn babies need to be fed frequently. In Soviet times, there were rules according to which breastfeeding was carried out every three hours and no more than twenty minutes. Nowadays, it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. Give breasts literally at the first squeak. Particularly capricious and demanding children almost every hour. This allows you to feed the baby and give him a feeling of warmth and care.

Frequent applications relieve the need for mandatory pumping and serve as a prevention of lactostasis. And night feedings will serve as an excellent stimulation of the main hormone of lactation - prolactin.

How much to breastfeed in time, ideally, the baby himself determines. If you turn away or fall asleep, it means you are full. Over time, the baby will eat less.

Sixth rule: sufficiency of feeding

Women's milk in the process of its evolution goes through certain stages: colostrum, transitional, mature milk. Their quantity and quality composition ideally meets the needs of the newborn. They also produce early and late milk. The first is produced at the very beginning of feeding, rich in water and proteins. The second comes from the back of the mammary gland, it has more fat. It is important for the baby to get both.

There are times when it seems to the mother that she does not have milk and the child does not eat enough. To determine the adequacy of feeding, there are certain criteria:

  • restoration of body weight at birth by the 10th day of life with an initial loss of 10%;
  • 6 - 18 wet diapers per day;
  • the child poops 6 - 10 times a day;
  • positive oxytocin reflex;
  • audible swallowing of the baby during sucking.

Seventh rule: accounting possible feeding problems

  • flat or inverted nipples. In some cases, by the time of delivery, this difficulty is solved by itself. Others need to remember that the baby, when sucking, must capture both the nipple and most of the areola. Before feeding, try to stretch the nipple yourself. Find an acceptable position for feeding. For many mothers, a comfortable position is "from under the arm." Use silicone pads. If the breast is tight and it is difficult for the newborn to suck from it, pump. The breast will become softer in 1-2 weeks. And the child will not be deprived of mother's milk.

No need to try to "pull out" the nipples before childbirth. Excessive stimulation will lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. Over time, an actively suckling baby will normalize everything.

  • cracked nipples. The basis of prevention is proper breastfeeding. If cracks appear, use silicone pads. Make applications with lanolin ointment and Bepanthen as often as possible. If the cracks are deep and feeding is painful, use a breast pump;
  • milk flow. Easily solved by using special inserts. They are disposable and reusable;
  • a lot of milk, and the child chokes on it. Express some fore milk. When feeding, it will flow out under less pressure;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands. Occurs when overfilled with milk. The chest is sore, swollen, hot to the touch, and very hard. Milk does not flow out of it. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to quickly remove milk from the breast. Attach your baby often or pump. Take a warm shower before feeding. Do a light chest massage. This will improve outflow. To reduce swelling after feeding, apply a cold compress;
  • lactostasis and mastitis. Occurs when the milk ducts are blocked. The body temperature rises, the chest hurts, the place of stagnation turns to stone. Pumping is painful. A warm shower, gentle breast massage and frequent breastfeeding come to the rescue. When an infection is attached, antibiotics are required.

Infectious mastitis is a formidable complication that requires medical intervention. Non-conversion is fraught with surgical intervention up to the loss of the breast.

  • lactation crises. They develop at 3-6 weeks, at 3-4 and 7-8 months of a child's life. During these periods, the most important thing is to apply more often and be sure to feed the baby at night. Drink teas with lemon balm, fennel and cumin. Rest and eat well.

Breastfeeding a baby is a laborious, but delightful, natural process. Remember this and everything will work out.

Every mother wants her child to be healthy and develop according to age. But already during pregnancy, the woman begins to have disturbing thoughts that she will not be able to cope with the baby and organize his life so that he does not need anything. The first problems may arise already in the hospital, when you need to attach your baby to the breast for the first time.

The first breastfeeding of a newborn in the hospital

Usually, the primiparous mother experiences a number of difficulties with the first attempt to attach the baby to the breast. It must be remembered that determination and patience are your allies at this stage. On the first or second day, you release colostrum, which you need to feed your baby. Each woman individually, but usually by 3-5 days colostrum is replaced by regular breast milk, at this time the body temperature may rise, the breast may swell and it will be necessary to alleviate her condition with the help of pumping. You do not need to express all the milk, but only until you feel no lumps. This will have to be done for about a few days, and sometimes only once, until this system gets its work done. This will happen quite quickly, but the speed depends on the number of attachments to the baby's breast. Feeding on demand during the day and at night will lead to the fact that there will be no need for pumping, and the child will receive all the dose of nutrients necessary for normal development.

If there is no milk in the first days after childbirth

The appearance of breast milk 3-5 days after birth is normal and nature has taken care that at this time the child has enough colostrum.

A few tips to help you breastfeed:

  • Breastfeed your baby every 1-2 hours. Let him suckle what small amount of colostrum you have at the moment.
  • Do not panic. A newborn during this period of colostrum is quite enough to satisfy his needs.
  • If you can't arrange to breastfeed your newborn, ask your midwife to help you, there's nothing wrong with that. For the first time, problems arise in all women and there is no need to be ashamed of this. If there is a financial opportunity, then after arriving home, you can call a breastfeeding consultant to your home. Phone numbers can be easily found on the Internet. But usually this is not required.
  • Don't be discouraged if your baby can't latch onto the nipple. Sit comfortably or lie down with your baby, grab the nipple between your fingers at the border of the areola and chest. Tickle your baby's lips or cheek with it (As shown in the picture - Step 1). When the baby opens its mouth, you can start feeding (Step 2). Make sure that the baby captures with his mouth not only the bulge of the nipple, but also a little of the areola around it (Step 3). Didn't work the first time, try again and again. There are no women who cannot breastfeed (or rather, there are, but they are less than 1% and this is due to the peculiarities of physiology), but there are mothers who lack perseverance. Do not join their ranks, try, and you will definitely see the result. Stopping sucking should not be done by tearing the breast out of the baby's mouth, but by slightly opening his mouth (Step 4).
  • Drink more warm liquids. It is better to give preference to weak tea or mineral water without gases.
  • Do not give your child water, formula, or milk.

How often to feed a child and what intervals between feedings to maintain?

Literally 5 years ago, it was recommended to breastfeed a child with a break of at least 3 hours. At the moment, there is probably no pediatrician who would recommend establishing a strict breastfeeding regimen. Unless only grandmothers who fed their children according to an outdated method insist that if you feed a newborn when he asks, then overeating and health problems will arise.

WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines state that babies should be breastfed on demand.

At the same time, it is very important that a mother can understand her baby. A child can cry and demand attention not only in case of hunger. There may be other reasons:

  • wet diaper,
  • presses the diaper or the baby went big,
  • intestinal colic,
  • baby is hot or cold
  • the need for mother's warmth and communication.

Now in practice, let's look at the situation. The newborn is crying and you must determine the cause of the crying. If the baby is in a clean diaper, at the moment it is unlikely to be bothered by any inflammatory processes, then take it in your arms and wear it a little. If the baby wanted your communication and participation in his life, then he achieved his goal and the crying will stop. A hungry child will not stop demanding food. So now it's time to feed him. Do not listen to grandmothers who will confidently repeat that if a newborn asks for a breast every hour, then he does not have enough milk. It happens that babies literally "hang" constantly on the chest. Treat this with understanding and do not be afraid that you will spoil your baby. If this happens, then he really needs a close person now, and who is even more related than his mother.

Feeding at night

I don’t want to upset you, but at night, newborns also ask for food. The gastrointestinal tract of such young children does not allow them to be without food for a long time without harm to health. Therefore, you will have to wake up for feeding. Some mothers practice co-sleeping so as not to get up to the crib, but immediately offer the breast as soon as the baby wakes up. Other nursing mothers are afraid of harming the baby in a dream, so they prefer separate sleep. There are no right or wrong decisions in this aspect. Everything depends on the parents. Do not forget about the opinion of the pope. If he prefers to spend the night with his wife, and not with the child, then you should go to meet him. Some fathers don't mind co-sleeping. Remember that a favorable atmosphere in the family is very important for the child.

How often to breastfeed at night? Be sure to feed the baby several times between 3 am and 9 am. At this time, the process of breastfeeding in the mother's body is being established. At other times, feed as many times as the newborn asks.

Basic comfortable postures

It does not matter in what position the mother prefers to feed the child, the main thing is that both of them are comfortable. Now there are special pillows for feeding on sale, but it is not necessary to buy them. Many mothers do without them and the process of breastfeeding is no less pleasant.

Lying position

In a position lying on your side, it is most convenient to feed a newborn. You can use the lower breast and the upper one. In the latter case, the baby should be placed on a pillow so that you do not have to bend over.

There are several other feeding options, but they are not suitable for newborns. The only position worth mentioning is Jack. Mom lies on her side, and the child is nearby, but only his legs are extended along the mother's head. You need to know this position so that at the time of the arrival of milk on the 3-4th day, the baby will help to cope with stagnation in the upper chest.

sitting position

You can sit cross-legged on the bed, or you can sit on a chair or rocking chair. In this case, under the head of the child is the forearm, on the side of which the child will be offered the breast. Sometimes, instead of the forearm, the mother can use her hand (for example, if the baby is weak and the sucking process needs to be adjusted). When the baby gets older, he will be able to eat sitting on your hip.

After a long nine months of waiting, a baby is born - a joy for the whole family. But in addition to endless happiness, young parents also feel responsible for their child, his development and health. In the first, most important months of life, the well-being of the crumbs mainly depends on nutrition, so the mother needs to properly organize the feeding regimen. And what could be better than mother's milk? Therefore, today we will talk about how to breastfeed a child.

How to properly feed a newborn baby: regimen

Pediatricians of the "old school" believe that a clear organization of the daily routine plays an important role in shaping the health of the crumbs. Compliance with the sequence of hours of sleep, feeding, wakefulness contributes to the development of a certain dynamic reflex, which helps the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the crumbs. The introduction of a child into a diet should be carried out already in the first month of his life.

The predominant reason for awakening the baby is hungry excitement. It is most expedient in the mode of children up to a year - wakefulness after feeding and sleep before the next breastfeeding. As a rule, after waking up, the baby eats well, after which he is awake, then quickly falls asleep and sleeps soundly until the next feeding.

Feeding a baby by the hour

Thanks to feeding the baby at certain hours, the mother has enough time for rest and homework, and the baby is already accustomed to the diet at an early age. However, the frequency and hours of feeding are chosen individually, in the process of mutual adaptation of the child and mother.

According to experts, more frequent breastfeeding, especially in nulliparous mothers, increases lactation, as well as its longer duration. Therefore, it is advisable to feed the baby every 2 hours 6-7 times a day with a night break of 6 hours.

Feeding intervals should correspond to the time required for the digestion of food. Breast milk is digested in 2-2.5 hours. Feeding at shorter intervals is harmful and even dangerous for the baby, as they lead to lack of appetite, frequent regurgitation, vomiting and diarrhea. When the periods of feeding are distributed correctly, the child does not have time to get hungry. In this case, he suckles the breast vigorously and empties it completely, which helps to increase the amount of milk arriving. Therefore, you should not feed the baby as soon as he cries. With this approach to nutrition, the mother gets tired much more. In addition, the baby does not cry only when he is hungry. His anxiety can be caused by overheating, hypothermia, wet diapers, uncomfortable position, colic and much more.

What is the correct feeding regimen for a newborn by the hour? There are two theories - old and new. Let's consider each of them separately.

Previously, pediatricians advised young mothers to practice feeding the baby seven times a day only in the first month of his life. The first breastfeeding occurs at 6 o'clock in the morning, the second at 9 o'clock, the third at 12 o'clock, the fourth at 15 o'clock, the fifth at 18 o'clock, the sixth at 21 o'clock and the seventh at 24 o'clock.

By the second month, the child is already growing up and taking more milk during feeding, therefore, already at the 2-3rd month of life, the crumbs are fed 6 times every 3.5 hours with a night interval lasting 6.5 hours.

Feeding hours in this mode are as follows:

  • the first - 6.00;
  • the second - 9.30;
  • the third - 13.00;
  • fourth - 16.30;
  • fifth - 20.00;
  • sixth - 22.30.

Hours of feeding with 6 meals a day with a night interval of 9 hours:

  • the first - 6.00;
  • the second - 9.00;
  • the third - 12.00;
  • the fourth -15.00;
  • fifth - 18.00;
  • sixth - 21.00.

In the third, fourth, fifth month, the child can be fed, as well as during the second (6 times with an interval of 3-3.5 hours), or lengthen the intervals between feedings in children up to 4 hours (night interval - 6-8 hours).

Starting from 6 months and up to 1 year, the child receives food already 5 times a day after 3.5-4 hours. This is due to the fact that from the age of 4-5 months the baby is fed with other food.

Feeding hours with 5 meals a day with complementary foods look like this:

  • the first - 6.00-7.00;
  • the second - 10.00;
  • the third -14.00;
  • the fourth -17.00-18.00;
  • fifth - 21.00-22.00.

At this age, shifting the feeding time by 30 minutes earlier or later does not really matter, but the established meal times should be constant.

Is it necessary to follow such a feeding scheme? Not at all! Let's explain why. Breast milk is digested very quickly in the baby's stomach, so a newborn may require food literally every 1.5-2 hours. Therefore, it is considered that breastfeeding eight to twelve times a day is quite normal. And the question of how often a mother should put her baby to her breast, only she herself can answer when she adapts to the needs of her crumbs. The duration of feeding may also depend on the nature of the child. For example, some children eat quickly and greedily, while others, on the contrary, stretch out the pleasure. In any case, the baby should be given as much time as he needs.

Feeding a baby by month

So, we found out that during the first year of life, the child's regimen changes several times. It is advisable to transfer to each subsequent regimen on the recommendation of a pediatrician. If you follow the old method of feeding a child, then the monthly diet will look like this:

  1. From birth to 2.5-3 months, the child is fed 6-8 times a day with an interval between feedings of 3-3.5 hours. Wakefulness between feedings in this mode is 1-1.5 hours. The child sleeps 4 times a day for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. From 3 to 5-6 months, the child is fed 6 times a day with an interval between feedings of 3.5 hours and a mandatory 10-11-hour night break. At this age, the child sleeps 4 times a day, is awake for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. From 5-6 to 9-10 months, the child is fed 5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours between feedings. Waking time increases to 2-2.5 hours, daytime sleep occurs 3 times a day for 2 hours, nighttime - 10-11 hours.
  4. From 9-10 to 12 months, the number of feedings is 5-4 times, the interval between meals is 4-4.5 hours. Waking time - 3-3.5 hours, daytime sleep - 2 times a day for 2-2.5 hours, nighttime - 10-11 hours.

I would like to note that, despite the convenience and many positive aspects of such regime feeding, there is a completely opposite technique - “feeding on demand”. This mode takes into account the child's natural desire for food, his individual characteristics and behavior. In addition, there are no long night breaks in the flexible feeding schedule for the baby. And rightly so, because not all children can survive all night without food. So you have the right to choose the nutrition scheme for your baby, which you yourself consider necessary.

Rules for breastfeeding a premature baby

When choosing a diet for a premature baby, the mother should proceed from the weight of the crumbs. If a baby is discharged from the maternity hospital with a weight of 2.5 kg or more, then he is more likely to need a 2.5-3 hour interval between feedings during the day and a 3-4 hour interval at night. In the future, as the baby grows, he himself will tell you what changes in the regimen he needs. When he reduces the number of nightly meals, this will be further evidence that he is developing normally.

It is very important from the very beginning not to try to force the child to eat more than he wants. Even if it seems to you that he will gain weight faster this way. You must understand that the body's resistance to infections has nothing to do with the fullness of the child. It has long been proven by pediatricians that each baby has an individual appetite, and his body develops according to its own schedule, so he himself knows how and when to provide the necessary growth rate. If you regularly strive to feed a premature baby with plenty of milk, then the child will simply lose his appetite, which will negatively affect his development and growth.

When breastfeeding, control over the amount of milk consumed by the newborn is carried out systematically by weighing the baby before and after feeding. Do not forget about the small capacity of the stomach in such children. Therefore, in the first days of life, the volume of food can range from 5 ml (on the first day) to 15-20 ml (on the third day of life).

The so-called "caloric" method of calculating nutrition is considered preferable for premature babies. In accordance with it, a premature baby on the first day of life receives at least 30 kcal / kg of body weight, on the second - 40 kcal / kg, on the third - 50 kcal / kg, and by the 7-8th day of life - 70-80 kcal /kg weight. By the 14th day of life, the energy value of the diet increases to 120 kcal / kg, and at the age of 1 month it is 130-140 kcal / kg of body weight.

From the 2nd month of life, children born weighing > 1500 g are reduced by 5 kcal / kg / day (compared to the maximum energy value at the 1st month of life), and in children with a birth weight of 1000-1500 g the calorie content of the diet remains until the age of 3 months at the maximum level (reached by the end of the first month of life). Next, a systematic reduction in the caloric content of the diet is carried out (by 5-10 kcal / kg of body weight), taking into account the condition of the child, his appetite, the nature of the weight curve, etc.

Breastfeeding at night

Night feedings are an important factor in successful breastfeeding. Both mothers and babies need them: sucking at night, especially closer to the morning, well stimulates the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. In addition, newborn babies, due to their physiological and psychological characteristics, cannot withstand long breaks between meals. If the child is not fed at night, then this can lead to dehydration of his body and slow weight gain, and the mother’s milk supply will decrease, its stagnation will form, which, in turn, will provoke the development of mastitis.

Feeding a baby with formula, cow's and goat's milk

All pediatricians agree that the best food for a baby is mother's milk, which in its composition completely satisfies the needs of the baby. But if such feeding is not possible, can goat or cow milk replace it, or is it better to give preference to infant formula? Let's understand everything in order.

In newborn babies, the digestive system does not work quite perfectly, it still does not produce enough enzymes to fully digest food. That is why it is recommended to feed children up to six months only with breast milk or an adapted milk formula. If there is no mother's milk, and you are suspicious of artificial nutrition, then you can try to give the baby milk from animals. And here the question arises: which of them should be preferred - goat or cow?

If we compare the products in question, we can distinguish the following advantages of the first:

  • infants are less likely to have an allergic reaction to goat's milk;
  • this product contains more potassium, calcium, vitamins A and B6;
  • when feeding the crumbs with goat's milk, calcium is better absorbed, so the child's teeth grow faster;
  • goat milk contains less lactose, which means it is well suited for children with lactose intolerance;
  • the fatty acids of this product are absorbed by the child's body better than those found in cow's milk;
  • both breast and goat's milk contain the amino acid taurine, which is so necessary for the normal development of the child's vital systems.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that goat's milk is much better and easier absorbed by the stomach of a newborn, but this is not a very suitable product for the baby's body, since it contains casein protein. It is poorly digested by the still imperfect digestive system of the newborn, forming a dense clot in the stomach. In addition, goat's milk puts an additional burden on the child's kidneys due to the high content of mineral salts.

If breastfeeding is not possible, for the nutrition of children of the first year of life, it is recommended not pure goat's milk, but adapted mixtures based on it. This diet contains whey proteins and is as close as possible in composition to breast milk.

And in conclusion: pediatricians believe that it is not necessary to give cow's milk to children under the age of three. It is by the age of 3 that a young organism becomes ready to eat “adult” food, which also includes cow's milk. If you nevertheless decide to introduce this product into the child’s diet, then you can do this not earlier than at 9 months, but preferably a year!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

All mothers know that breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby. But still, sometimes questions may arise: right?" And this is regardless of whether the baby is on the chest or is. Therefore, it is worth considering the main problems and questions that arise in this big business.

First days

Even in the maternity hospital, a young mother should be explained in detail how to feed a newborn baby: how often this should be done, how to understand whether the baby is full or still hungry. But you can also stock up on such information in advance in order to realize what you will have to face. It is important to know that at first the mother’s child will not eat milk, but colostrum - a harbinger of milk, which will somewhat facilitate the child’s getting used to new, heavier food. And after a while - from a couple of days to a week - the colostrum will end, and the child will receive milk. It is important for a newly-made mother to figure out how to breastfeed a newborn baby, because the baby is still very weak and can simply fall asleep during feeding, or maybe, as mothers like to say, constantly “hang” on the chest. Do not be indignant or angry about this, breastfeeding will be adjusted in a fairly short time. Most often this happens during the first month of a baby's life. After waiting a little and suffering until lactation is established, the mother will understand that not everything is so scary and difficult, and she will find only pluses in breastfeeding.

Feeding Schedule

Many mothers may worry that a newborn asks for a breast too often. Should he indulge in this or should he strictly adhere to the time frame? There is no definite answer here. Pediatricians recommend feeding your baby no more than every two hours. But in the first month of a baby’s life, you should not use this rule, because. due to weakness, not every baby can eat the amount of mother's milk necessary for him at a time. And sticking to the schedule means keeping the baby hungry. It is for this reason that when it seems that the child does not have enough food, many mothers decide that the newborn is not full and that he needs to introduce the mixture as complementary foods. This is one of the biggest mistakes, because over time, the baby will regulate the flow of milk himself, the breastfeeding technique will improve, and the mixture will not be needed at all.


If a young mother decides to figure out how to feed a newborn baby, she needs to know what to pay attention to and what to completely avoid in the first months of a baby's life. First of all, the usual danger is fraught with it. Until the mother has established lactation, it may be difficult for the child to eat milk, but over time everything will pass, you just need to be a little patient. If the mother decides to express and give her milk through a bottle, this can lead to the fact that the child will completely refuse the breast, because drinking through the hole in the nipple is much easier than trying and pulling food from the mother from the breast. Also, do not pay attention to advice when someone recommends giving a child water through a bottle from the first days of life. Firstly, this can lead to rejection of the breast, and secondly, until the age of 6 months, the baby does not need anything other than mother's milk. Every mother needs to understand and remember this well.

First food

If the baby is already half a year old, you need to figure out what you can feed the baby at 6 months. It is necessary to start this process slowly, introducing no more than two products per week. The volumes of the first servings should be minimal - no more than a teaspoon. Having tried all the vegetables and fruits separately, you can start making fruit and vegetable purees, without fear for the inadequate reaction of the baby's body to all the products tried.