What to do with people at a birthday. Cool contests for the anniversary. "What's in the package, tell me!"

The birthday boy invites guests to the table. Guests are accepted for food and drinking spirits. The most daring makes the first toast, then everyone in turn wishes the hero of the occasion everything that can be wished for on this day. And after there is no strength to eat or drink, the guests go home, the strongest continue to drink until unconsciousness. And in the morning, of course, a big and buzzing head. And this is the only memory of a well-celebrated celebration. So, in order to avoid this, you should think in advance how to entertain guests at a birthday party?

The answer is simple! Have fun, have fun and have fun again, so that your head and stomach hurt not from food and alcohol, but from incessant laughter.

Company and venue

What kind of entertainment to come up with for a birthday? First of all, you should decide where you will invite your guests. Maybe in a restaurant, or maybe in nature? It all depends on the place of celebration, as well as on the guests. If the guests are your old friends and relatives, then you can have fun with them from the heart, without embarrassment or fear. But if this is a business party, then you can forget about the fun. In such a company, it is better to show your best side, especially if your boss is present at this party.

How to entertain guests at the table?

To begin with, we should remember that we are all still children, and we all really want to have fun and laugh heartily. So feel free to invite your guests to play games.

One of the most fun games is called Crocodile. Two people are needed for the game: the presenter, who thinks any word in his mind, and the “demonstrator”, who must show this word with gestures and movements so that the guests guess which word was guessed. To make it more fun, try to think of a more difficult word, it will be much funnier to demonstrate it.

The next game is wishing. Give the guests a piece of paper, let each of them write their desire, but only one that the person sitting next to them can fulfill. Be reasonable, do not scoff at those who have to fulfill them. Then take a hat or hat and place all the leaves there. Each guest must pull out a piece of paper, read it and fulfill what is written there. Believe me, it's very funny!

The next entertainment for guests is a game called Bearded Joke. To do this, one of the guests must begin to tell any anecdote, if anyone knows the continuation, he interrupts the narrator and finishes himself. A piece of cotton wool is glued to the chin of each guesser who guesses the ending. By the end of the game, the most "bearded" wins.

A very interesting way to have fun is to bring all kinds of cutlery from the kitchen, it can be anything from a teaspoon to a ladle. Everything is packed into a bag or package. The guest, with his eyes closed, takes out the device, not sorting it out, but grabbing what first comes to hand. After that, he must try the treats that are on the table with this device. Believe me, it's very funny when some serious uncle starts eating with a ladle or a wooden spatula. It's safe to say that his seriousness will fade pretty quickly.

There are a lot of such contests and games, so the question of how to entertain guests at the table is practically solved, all you need to do is prepare in advance.

Outdoor games

For those invited, you can also try outdoor games, they are no less fun. For example, you can try to pull a rope across the room and attach various kinds of gifts to it. It can be anything from food to a sock, as long as it's funny.

You can also try holding an orange or other fruit between your legs and try running from one end of the room to the other. Guests should be divided into two teams. The team that carries the most fruit wins.

Restaurant and cafe

How to entertain guests at a birthday party in a restaurant and cafe? Naturally, no one will allow you to make noise and run around the room, but if you have found the means to order a feast in a restaurant, try to hire a host who will provide you with real fun and help you remember your birthday for a long time.

How to entertain guests outdoors?

Nature is a great option for celebrating a birthday. Again, so that there is no question of how to entertain guests at a birthday, think through everything in advance. First, consider the menu. Most guests will want to enjoy barbecue in nature. Actually, this should be the main highlight of the celebration. After the meal, you can start entertainment.

The first and rather amusing game is "Find a surprise". To do this, one of the guests must hide the gift. And in order not to forget where he is, you need to draw a diagram on a piece of paper in which direction the birthday man should go. It's very funny!

Another interesting competition is a forest gift for a birthday boy. Each of the guests should try to find a gift for the birthday boy in the forest, but not an empty bottle or bag, but a berry or mushroom.

In nature, if you have a tape recorder, you can also dance, this is an excellent way to cheer up and unload after a heavy meal.

How to entertain guests on the anniversary?

Anniversary is a holiday that should be remembered for a long time, because such an event happens once every twenty-fifth anniversary, which is why you want something new and unusual. If you have not yet decided how to entertain your guests on the anniversary, try the games and contests below, they will certainly not make you bored.

It will be quite funny if one of the guests dresses up in a gypsy outfit and congratulates the birthday man in this way, and if this is accompanied by dancing, then success for the most original congratulation will be absolutely guaranteed.

Take a bag and put all sorts of clothes in it. The idea is that guests with their eyes closed will take out any part of the wardrobe from the bag and try it on themselves. The funniest person can win a prize.

Another no less interesting way to cheer up guests is a game of compliments. Those invited should compliment the birthday man on the letter that begins his name. Whoever says more will win.

There are many more ways to entertain guests at a birthday party so that they do not get bored. You can think of something yourself, the main thing here is a sense of humor and imagination. Be sure to leave time to chat with the guests, because they are the ones you chose to see on your birthday.

The celebration should include not only delicious food and drinks, but also interesting entertainment. Therefore, when organizing a birthday, you need to think about what kind of table games for the anniversary can entertain guests. Such entertainment is a great opportunity to laugh, get new impressions and get close to the company.

Game "Wish"

Congratulations and wishes are an integral attribute of the anniversary. Before the start of the feast, each guest must cut out of paper what he would like to wish the birthday man. It can be a car, a new apartment, a baby, banknotes, and so on. Such paper "gifts" need to be fixed on a rope or fishing line, which will be stretched approximately at chest level.

The birthday boy needs to be blindfolded and given scissors. He then approaches the rope with surprises and cuts off a random one. What he chose will appear with him within a year. You can also invite the hero of the occasion to guess who is the author of this or that wish. If you succeed in guessing, then the guest must perform some kind of phantom - for example, sing a song or tell a joke.

"Just the Facts"

This game is suitable if not all invitees are well acquainted with each other. All you need is a roll of toilet paper. His guests will pass in a circle and tear off the desired number of pieces from him, while not knowing the rules of the game.

When everyone has a stack of scraps, the host will tell the rules, according to which each guest will have to tell as many interesting and unknown facts about himself as he had pieces of paper.

"I never…"

A good way to get to know everyone at the party better. The revealed facts can be much more interesting and frank than in the previous entertainment.

Each player around the circle makes a statement about something he has never made. Those who have done this should take a sip from their glass of alcohol. In this way, you can find out a lot of new information about the guests. Moreover, if the game usually starts with something neutral like “I have never jumped with a parachute”, then the questions become more frank and even shocking.

Board games with alcohol

It is unlikely that adult holidays may not be accompanied by drinking alcoholic beverages, so some entertainment is directly related to it.

  1. "Don't spill a drop." The guests sitting at the table should pass a glass in a circle, and each one pours a little more drink into it. The one on whom the glass will be overflowing, and the liquid will spill, says a toast or congratulations and drinks.
  2. "Who's got vodka?" This game can only be played once if none of the participants know the rules, but it's definitely worth it. The number of participants can be any. You need the corresponding number of glasses or glasses, always transparent, in which the same amount of liquid will be poured. The host announces the conditions, which consist in the fact that in all vessels, except for one, there is water, in one there is pure vodka. Through the straw, the participants should drink the contents, trying not to show that they are drinking in any way. And those who do not take part, but observe, must guess who has vodka poured. After everyone drank and all the guesses were voiced, it turns out that everyone had vodka.
  3. "Tower". Participants build a domino tower. The plates are alternately placed horizontally and vertically. The one who causes the tower to collapse drinks. There will be no losers in this game: in half an hour everyone will start together and actively try to put at least one record in a vertical position.

Such entertainment will allow all participants to get drunk cheerfully and imperceptibly to themselves, which will bring certain colors to the holiday.

Women's Anniversary Games

They are not necessarily intended exclusively for a female company, but they allow you to focus on the hero of the occasion and add zest to the holiday.

  1. "Fabulous Fashionistas". A game for those who love not only fashion, but also fairy tales. It is necessary to prepare descriptions of the style of fairy-tale characters in advance, according to which the participants will have to guess them. For example, Baba Yaga can be described as “a vintage lover whose image is completed by a broom or mortar”, and Cinderella as “the owner of an exclusive crystal accessory”. The winner will be the one who gives the maximum number of correct answers. It is better to prepare a prize for him - preferably something related to fashion.
  2. "My light, mirror, tell me ...". A DJ will be required, who will play random or pre-prepared song excerpts. Each lady in turn takes a mirror and asks him for an answer to the standard question: “Am I the cutest in the world ...?”. The composition that went to each lady will be a comic answer.
  3. "Prize in Riddles". You need to prepare some kind of gift in advance and wrap it in paper. Some puzzle will be glued on the package, then it will be wrapped again, and so on several times. The gift is given to the first player (it is better that it be a birthday girl), he removes one layer of the wrapper, reads a riddle to himself and tries to guess it. If he succeeded, then he continues the game further, expanding another layer. If not, the riddle is read aloud, and the guest who guessed it gets the box and solves further riddles. The winner will be the one who answers the last riddle. It is he who will receive a prepared surprise.

Such entertainment at the table is very fun and interesting. Whatever the age of the hero of the occasion, they can help you have a wonderful time.

Many people prefer to hold celebrations in a cafe, restaurant or club, where there is an opportunity to use the services of a professional animator. But what if you decide to celebrate the holiday at home?

So that the celebration does not turn into a banal mass eating of food, it is necessary to prepare an entertainment program in advance. With a little imagination, you can surprise your guests by making the evening boring and memorable.

Close people are usually invited to the celebration along with their families. This means that in order to entertain guests at a birthday party, you need to choose games and contests that will be interesting for both adults and children.

  • If you and your guests love music, it will be great entertainment to sing along to any musical instrument - button accordion, guitar, piano. You can arrange an impromptu "mess" of your favorite songs, when, after singing a verse of one, the musician starts playing the chorus from another piece without interruption. new tune. This fun mess is guaranteed to cheer up kids and adults alike.
  • Game for all ages "Crocodile". Guests are divided into two teams. One team guesses a word, the name of a movie or a catchphrase, which one of the participants must show with gestures. The other team puts forward versions and tries to guess what the player is showing, asks him leading questions that the “crocodile” has the right to answer only with a nod of his head .The game continues until it is guessed what the first team guessed. The kids love this game, because it rarely happens to see their serious parent in the role of a foolish mime.
  • Dancing on the drop. Does your company like not only to sing or laugh, but also love to dance? Then this contest is for you. Choose several couples who will compete with each other. The highlight of the entertainment is that the couples start the dance, standing on a large piece of paper - this can be drawing paper or spread out newspaper. Every 5 to 7 minutes a break is made and the paper is folded in half. This happens until the dancers can not stand on the remaining piece and gradually drop out of the game. Usually the players win, where the young man picks up his soul mate and remains alone on the sheet.
  • Pleasant words. This competition is aimed at expressing feelings of sympathy and respect for the birthday man. Sitting at the table, the guests take turns saying a bunch of two words, one of which is an adjective, and the second is a noun. With this phrase they are trying to characterize the "hero" of the occasion. Of course, in the most flattering and pleasant terms. For example, "Beautiful girl" if you are at a woman's birthday or "Noble Knight" if the hero of the day is a man.
  • Film, film, film... Everyone loves old movie masterpieces and many of us are well aware of many famous movie phrases. Write one statement on the leaves, put it in a beautiful vase or bag, take it out in turn and collectively guess which movie these lines are from. Memories of favorite paintings will amuse the guests and will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Note! If your party is attended by guests of different generations, including elderly parents and young children, you should not arrange alcohol-related games or contests with a touch of vulgarity.

Some of those present will feel uncomfortable. It is better to spend such entertainment in a circle of people close to you in age and views.

What to do with guests on the anniversary

The question of what to do with guests on the anniversary is especially relevant, since the “round” date is celebrated on a grand scale and with a large number of guests.
You can successfully use the games offered for birthday fun, but you can also add a few new contests:

  • Chants. For this game, you will need a leader with a list of quatrains (chants), three lines of which he reads himself, and everyone shouts out the last one in unison. At the same time, the last line is announced to the guests in advance and is repeated in each poem. You can prepare the words yourself, and invite the most active and cheerful of the guests to the role of the host. Examples of chants: o Presenter: You radiate a wondrous light!
    There is no better and dearer,
    Take away bad weather with your hand -

    o Leading: Heart - kind, care,
    Arguing in the hands of work!
    The breadth of the soul, participation.
    Guests: Being with you is happiness!
  • Surprise box. Items of men's and women's wardrobe are placed in a large opaque box - a hat, tie, scarf, bra, skirt, etc. Players pass the box to each other to the cheerful music. Suddenly, the music stops and the participant who at that moment has a box with a surprise should, without looking, put his hand into it, get a thing and put it on. .
  • Give a wish. This creative game is best done during the period of the feast, when the guests are a little tired of active fun and a little respite is required. Give everyone an identical white sheet and a bright felt-tip pen. Let each invitee draw what he wishes for the hero of the day - a new house, car, jewelry or an exotic vacation. You don’t need to try especially hard, you can depict your wishes schematically. The main thing is that it be from the heart. You can arrange a continuation - the guests shout the date of execution (for example: “This wish will come true in a year”), and the birthday boy chooses a drawing at random from the deck.

What to do with guests at a children's birthday

A holiday for children is fundamentally different from a feast for adults, if only because children are not too interested in the dishes of the festive table. Kids are immediately set up for an active pastime.

Up to three years, children's name days are usually celebrated in the circle of relatives. But older children can already be interested in collective activities.

Age Entertainment
34 years We draw with fingers. Draw in advance on a large sheet of drawing paper a tree with many branches.

Give out paints in which each participant will place one finger and, touching the drawing, will leave a trace there - a leaf.

You can sign the print of each child, save this joint work and admire it in a few years.

5 years Delicious soup. Place two identical pans and put a handful of sweets, fruits and dried fruits at some distance from them.

A member of each team must transfer one product to the pan. The team that completes the task faster will win.

It will be especially fun if a small “cook” stands next to each container and mixes the contents with a large ladle.

6 years Cold is hot. A simple game loved by many since childhood, when a toy is hidden in a room secretly from one participant, which must be found using the words “cold” and “hot”.

The closer the player comes to the object, the "hot" it becomes around. Children loudly and cheerfully help their friend find the secret.

7 years Fanta. Write tasks on beautiful postcards and put them in a big hat.

As a test, you may be asked to read a poem, show a funny dance or sing a song.

At this age, children love to perform in public, and those who refuse can change the task by “writing out” a fine - asking them to meow or grunt funny.

Note! Thinking over the script for a children's holiday, do not forget that each child has a different temperament given to him at birth.

You can not force a shy baby to do actions from which he feels uncomfortable. After all, the main task of the owner is that everyone leaves his house happy. This is especially true for younger guests.

We have given in the article only a few examples of how you can amuse your guests in a fun, boring and without much investment. The main thing to remember is that if you arrange a holiday with all your heart, then your attention, kindness and care for the guests will not leave anyone indifferent and the celebration will be remembered with a smile more than once.

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Places are often not enough, and you have to run with dishes from the kitchen to the room several times. But at home, native walls help, and it is possible to prepare the necessary equipment for entertainment.

Games - mobile and not very

  • Fanta. Universal entertainment for our compatriots for several generations. Those present put small personal items in a bag, hat, large plate or basket - rings, tie clips, hairpins, business cards (you can limit yourself to notes with the names of guests). The presenter takes them out in turn and asks the birthday man what the owner of the fanta should do. Think over interesting “birthday wishes” in advance - climbing onto a chair, recite the verse “Borodino”, go to your neighbors for salt, kiss a neighbor sitting at the table on the left.
  • "Who am I?". Another popular game all over the world. The bottom line is that notes with the names of objects and living beings, the names of famous people and cartoon characters are fixed on the foreheads of the participants. With the help of leading questions asked in turn (“Am I a human or an animal?”, “Do I live in a forest or in a city?”, “Do I have four limbs or more?” Etc.), those present at the celebration must guess who they are on this holiday.
  • Twister in a new way. The game is suitable for a mobile and liberated company (not with alcohol, but in life). It is better to choose real couples as participants - you will need two or more of them. On the faces of the cube or on the notes in the hat, the names of the parts of the body are written: belly, nose, buttocks, right and left ears, by analogy - heels, knees, elbows (do not limit your imagination). Other notes (faces) are signed as right and left hand, right and left foot. Alternate rolls of both dice determine the part of the partner's body and the limb that needs to be touched (the remaining three remain in the previous position). The couple that shows the most flexibility and lasts the longest wins. Don't forget to take funny photos while playing!

Funny contests

  • Eat faster. At home, you can fool around a little with food and thus wake up a slightly subdued appetite among those present. Place plates with a small amount of salad or mashed potatoes in front of the contestants. Give them cutlery - scoops of different sizes, wooden spatulas, skimmers. On a signal, everyone starts to eat - whoever first presents an empty plate wins. The conditions are not equal, but how much fun!
  • Karaoke. If the company has gathered talents who like to claim that their hearing is 100 percent, invite them to compete in vocals. Divide those wishing to participate into teams, let them perform songs in turn during the evening. At the end, count the points scored, and hand over the prepared certificates to the winners of the song contest to the winners. If you decide to entertain guests in this way, take care of the equipment (you can rent it or from friends) and prepare the appropriate repertoire. Do not forget to finish the "song battle" before 22.00 - pity the ears of your neighbors.
  • Birthday portrait. Divide the guests into two teams. Participants take turns approaching two sheets of paper and drawing those parts of the body that the birthday person voices. He also gives the "painters" the desired color felt-tip pens or markers. Those present will be able to admire the "masterpieces" only after everyone removes the bandages. The portraits that the birthday man will have will remind him of a fun birthday for a long time to come.

In a cafe or restaurant - does not mean prim and boring

In catering establishments, the attention of staff or other visitors sometimes prevents guests from having fun "to the fullest". It may take a little effort to help them loosen up. And again, a prepared script with games and contests will come in handy.

Games - intellectual and simpler

  • Associations (option integrated with "damaged phone"). It is convenient to play this game when guests are sitting around the table in a circle. The meaning is this - the first of the players speaks any word in the neighbor's ear, and the volume passes another one to the one sitting on the other side, standing in the associative row with what he heard. The last participant voices his association to those present, and everyone except the first participant tries to guess what word was thought of. Attempts were unsuccessful - take hints (after a certain time, participants from the end of the chain open their word in turn).
  • A little warm-up after a long sitting at the table will help the famous game "crocodile". The principle is simple - the host makes a word to one participant, and he shows it to those present with the help of movements. They ask him leading questions, to which he can only answer with gestures. The spice of the game will add a breakdown into teams and complex tasks.
  • Burime. Even if those present at the table have never written poetry, this game will surely captivate them and become an exciting adventure for them. The bottom line is this - the first participant says a phrase, and the next come up with a continuation of the appropriate size (preferably in rhyme). Whether you get white verse or haiku - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you will have fun and activate your brains a little.

funny contests

  • Beard joke. Each guest takes turns telling a well-known or not so well-known anecdote. The one who first interrupts the narrator and correctly finishes the ending is glued on a double-sided tape with a piece of cotton wool on the chin. The winner is the participant with the most voluminous beard. Give him a comic letter "the best connoisseur of jokes."
  • "What do you know about the birthday boy?" To conduct a quiz, prepare small questionnaires with simple questions regarding the hero of the occasion - where he was born, when he got married, what he likes to eat for breakfast, where he spends his weekends, etc. Give three answers each, among which there should be comic and correct ones. For example, to the question “How did Vasya spend his vacation?” offer such versions: “lying on the beach in the Canary Islands”, “worked hard at the mother-in-law in the garden”, “fished with friends on the local river”. Whoever has the most answers is the winner.
  • The most original compliment. Kind words should be showered in turn by gentlemen sitting next to (for example, on the right) ladies. Seating the invitees in such a way that the “boy-girl” order is respected. If the “balance of power” turns out to be unequal, entrust the most eloquent men to praise two women at once. Such a competition will help not only to entertain the guests at the table at the adult's birthday party, but also to bring the guests closer. The winner of the competition will be awarded by the birthday boy.

If you have a birthday, then this is an occasion to think about how to entertain guests at a birthday party so that it is fun and interesting. And while you're thinking, let me offer you our ideas for home and games to play at the table. And so, let's start.

First, invite your guests to play a variety of contests. And pick up a variety of contests so that all guests can play in them. That is, make a musical, dance, moving, sitting contest. Also think about the order in which these contests will go.
Here are sample contests that your guests can play.

The first competition is a well-known competition called - a mind-reading hat. It's easy to play. It is enough to make a selection of interesting songs and catchphrases from films and find a hat. Bring the hat to the guest and talk - and now we will find out what this person is thinking about. You put a hat on your head, one phonogram turns on and everyone laughs.
Song examples:
- I fight like a fish, but I didn’t get money!
- the girls didn’t love me, the girls fell in love with the tractor driver ...
If I were a sultan...
- for lovely ladies, for lovely ladies, my first toast here and there ...
- where are you, dear, sweet, beloved ...

The next competition is called - who am I.
Everything is simple, but interesting. You need to prepare face masks in advance. These can be masks of different vegetables, fruits, characters, and so on.
You come up behind each guest and put a mask over their face. The main thing is that he does not see his mask, but everyone else saw it. When everyone is wearing masks, each guest in turn asks one question about his mask and receives an answer to it. And so it continues until someone guesses his mask.

And the next competition with papers or cards, whichever is more convenient for you. On the cards you write tasks for the guests. All cards are placed in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one card at a time and complete the task that is written there.
Examples for assignments:
- congratulate the birthday man in five different languages ​​of the world.
- to tell a funny incident from the life of a birthday man.
- shout, as if swearing, and make a congratulatory speech for the birthday person.

You can also play at a birthday party. Like fishing! Only you need to go to the children's store and buy a set for children's fishing. In such a set, instead of a hook, a magnet and fish with a magnet. The fish should be of different colors: blue, red, green and one gold fish.
You make something like a lake, and you launch fish into it. Take guests to a certain distance and give them a fishing rod. The guests begin to fish. They must cast the line into the lake and catch a fish.
Caught blue fish, pour and drink a glass.
Caught a green fish, eat a sandwich.
Caught a red fish, sing a song.
Caught a goldfish, receive a prize from the birthday man.