Brave heart chihuahua dog. Chihuahua: description and characteristics of the breed

Chihuahua and children are a special conversation. If you have a small child, it is best to refrain from buying a Chihuahua. The problem is not at all that the Chihuahua does not get along well with children, on the contrary, he is very friendly with them. However, if your lovely baby squeezes the dog a little harder, for her and, maybe, for the child, this will result in serious injury.

Parents need to be extremely careful when they allow any animal and child to interact. Being so small chihuahua very vulnerable and becomes an easy target for a child who is just starting to walk, or even a preschooler. A small child, without even plotting anything evil, often loses his balance, is prone to sudden outbursts of rage and anger. All these manifestations can lead to irreversible consequences for a two-kilogram dog. A small child can move very quickly, change direction abruptly, forcing the Chihuahua to anticipate his intentions, which can repeatedly provoke an aggressive reaction from the dog /

This does not mean that parents will have to give up the idea of ​​a dog, you just have to make sure that the conditions are right before getting a Chihuahua. Children aged 5-10 quickly learn how to properly handle this breed. With constant control on your part and strict adherence to the rules for the proper treatment of an animal, even very young children will peacefully coexist with a chihuahua. I am a breeder who raised my daughter next to a chihuahua, and there are still examples of this in our country. Gradually train and involve your child in dog care, allowing him to feed and play with the Chihuahua, who will gradually begin to see the child as a fun playmate.

When chihuahua appeared in your family, each member, whether a child or an adult, must know and fulfill certain rules. Even if you personally believe that these rules are self-evident, this does not mean that their essence is clear to people who have never dealt with a chihuahua.

The child, given his age, should be explained and shown how to handle this tiny creature, and, of course, try not to leave them alone, unattended, while the puppy is still small. Dogs are playful and willingly share the fun with children, if they are not forced to play too noisy games. But, having matured, the Chihuahua will become a favorite companion and true friend to your baby.

Don't forget that the Chihuahua needs your protection. Although he loves all family members, the Chihuahua can be downright unfriendly with strangers. Social adaptation helps, of course, but the most you will get from such a dog is cold patience with strangers. Naturally, there are exceptions.

It is better to lock your dog in another room for the duration of a visit to a company unfamiliar to a Chihuahua, especially children, for his own safety. It would be a mistake not to consider small breeds capable of aggression. Despite its size, a chihuahua can bite even the most beloved family member. Babies sometimes beg for a bite, and you need to convince your child to never hit on a dog or cuddle a chihuahua. Usually the dog bites only in self-defense or when provoked.

In general, one should conclude from this: everyone needs to be careful with a puppy: both adults and children. But how the friendship between a child and a Chihuahua will develop depends largely on the parents: it all depends on the attitude of adults towards the animal, because the baby will copy their behavior. If parents accept a puppy as a new member of the family, then he will become a friend for the child, but if the “smallest dog” exists as an interior item, then the child will quickly learn indifference and cruelty towards any living creature.

Tips used in the article V.V. Beltyukova, V.A. Beltyukova

The favorite of millions, the star of television screens and just the smallest, and popular dog in the world - it's all she, chihuahua.

Origin story

The more interest in these little dogs, the more story their origin is overgrown with legends. But still there is an official version, according to which the birthplace of the breed is Mexico. Mexicans consider the Chihuahua their national dog. The territory of Mexico was inhabited by tribes of Indians who domesticated wild dogs. They called them "tichichi" and regarded them as sacred animals. Dogs took away the sins of the deceased owner, the Indians believed. Therefore, after the death of the owner, his dogs were sacrificed and buried with him.

In Europe and America, the Chihuahua dog breed became known around 1850. The Mexicans sold them to travelers in the border areas. The name of the breed comes from the Mexican territory of the same name. Small dogs instantly won the love of Americans. In 1904, the first representative of the breed took part in an exhibition organized by the American Kennel Club. In 1923 the first breed standard was published. And already in 1954, the new standard identified two varieties of the breed: long-haired and smooth-haired.

The exact year when the Chihuahua appeared in our country is known. In 1959, the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, as a gift to N.S. Khrushchev presented two thoroughbred dogs. The male became the progenitor of the Russian branch, but they did not dare to knit the female, she was very small.

Breed standard and types

Interestingly, the breed standard does not say what the height of the dog should be. Therefore, it cannot be an indicator of the breed, the main thing is that the pet fits the characteristics of the standard and its weight does not exceed 3 kg and is not less than 0.5 kg, which is already a deviation. The ideal weight is 1.5–2.5 kg.

Growth characteristics have been established behind the scenes among breeders:

  • individual up to 2 kg - height at the withers 17−23 cm;
  • individual up to 3 kg - height 25 cm.

The females of the breed are slightly larger than the males. For the latter, a small increase is considered a valuable quality. As a rule, growth stops by 6-7 months, and the body and head begin to fully form.

Ideally, the body of representatives of the breed has square shape, especially for males. In bitches, it is acceptable that the length of the body be slightly greater than the height.

A characteristic feature of the Chihuahua is its apple-shaped skull. The ears are wide at the base and gradually tapering upwards, erect. Semi-erect ears are already a fault of the breed, and hanging ears are a disqualifying sign. Puppies are born with hanging ears that gradually rise. It happens to everyone in different ages, but ideally it will be if the cartilage is formed before 3 months.

Any color is acceptable, but blue is the most rare. The prices for such dogs are the highest.

There are two varieties in the breed: smooth-haired with a shiny coat that lies close to the body and long-haired with a dewlap on the tail and a collar around the neck. The coat may be straight and slightly wavy, but not curly.

Breed types

The work of breeders striving to improve the quality of the breed has given and is giving twofold results. One of them is the allocation of two types of Chihuahua:

  • Cobby. More stocky, with voluminous head and broad but harmonious ears at the base. The coat is thick with an undercoat.
  • Dir. They look like little deer, hence the name. They have longer legs, a narrow muzzle and the same rib cage. Due to the fact that the force of the pushes of the hind legs is rather weak and they have to take steps more often, therefore it seems that the dirs mince. This type is at the limit of what is acceptable according to Fédération Cynologique criteria. The American Club, on the contrary, welcomes and popularizes dirs.

But there are still a number of subtypes, or as they are also called false types, such as:

  • native (large mass, a long tail, twisted into a ring);
  • extreme (excessively large head, bulging eyes and too thin legs);
  • exotic ("dog in a cup");
  • English (massive body and small ears);
  • classical.

But all of them do not meet the modern standard, and are not recognized by specialists who attribute them to marriage and errors in breeding the breed.

Small dog personality

The Chihuahua is a very fearless and courageous dog. This can sometimes work against her. She gets along very well with her brothers in the breed, but does not like strangers very much. It does not feel like a baby at all, so it can throw itself at a larger dog and suffer from its strength. Although this breed is absolutely not vicious and has a stable psyche, unlike other dwarf dogs.

Chihuahua perfectly converges with all family members, but respectfully treats and obeys only the owner. She perfectly feels his mood and if he does not want to play, then the dog will sit quietly or lie next to him. But as soon as the owner's mood changes, the dog will instantly begin to rejoice and play tirelessly.

Chihuahua loves with all his heart and is very jealous if the owner will show attention to someone else, and not to her. She may even be offended and leave, but as soon as the owner comes up, she immediately forgives him.

It is better not to get such a dog for families with small children. Beat even small child can cause serious harm to health, as the chihuahua has very fragile bones.


Chihuahuas mature quickly, so the character is finally formed by the age of one. They say about these dogs that they are not trained, but brought up. The process of education begins early, from 2-3 months of age. In order for the dog to be socialized faster, the owner needs to devote a lot of time to it and try to introduce it to other animals and people.

Little Chihuahuas are great psychologists. If the owner does not start managing them, they will be happy to manage the owner. That's just the small size of a fragile dog can knock the owner off the right way. After all, how can you swear at her, and even more so drive her away and not give something. Therefore, with the advent of a puppy, you need to immediately decide what he will be allowed to do and what not. There is no need to be afraid to scold the pet for bad deeds, but for good ones, for completing the task, you definitely need to praise and encourage.

At 2–3 months, it is already necessary to teach the puppy the elementary commands “place”, “come”, “fu”. The command must be executed the first time. This is exactly what needs to be done. Empty repeated commands the dog will skip past and simply ignore.

Chihuahuas love to bark. But in order not to cause problems for yourself and your neighbors, it is better to wean them from this as early as puppyhood. No need to scold, you need to distract with a toy or game. They also use a spray bottle, in which they add a little citrus oil along with water (they do not like this smell). When the pet starts barking, you need to splash liquid on his face, but at the same time say the command “quietly”.

If the dog is small, this does not mean that you do not need to walk with it on the street. Despite the growth - this is also a dog and she needs to spend energy. Moreover, chihuahuas are very fond of walking and playing in the air. It is only advisable to walk where other dogs do not walk in order to avoid conflicts.

If the owner leaves the pet at home alone for a long time, then it is better to provide him with toys so that there is no time to chew on furniture or shoes.

Due to their small stature, dogs can freeze very quickly, therefore, at an air temperature of 1° She needs to be dressed up. At lower temperatures, it is better to cancel walks altogether. Therefore, you need to accustom the Chihuahua to the tray from the very beginning. young age as soon as the puppy appeared in the house. The options for the toilet may be different:

  • plastic tray with a grid;
  • a tray lined with disposable napkins or torn newspaper.

Chihuahuas do not like littered toilets, especially since they can take pellets in their mouths.

When the puppy is very small, he can go to the toilet up to 6 times a day. And sometimes it is difficult for him to run to the place on time. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is better to arrange several places for the toilet from torn paper and gradually reduce their number. When the owner leaves the apartment, it is better to leave the puppy in one room with a toilet.

It is very important not to forget to praise or scold the puppy depending on the result. Before potty training your Chihuahua, it is best to remove carpets and rugs from the floor. They are very attractive to pets. And having urinated in them once, he will strive to do it again.

Already an adult dog-boy, it is better to purchase a toilet with a column or come up with it yourself, using, for example, a plastic bottle filled with water.

Chihuahua care is the same as for any other breeds: bathing, combing, trimming claws. You can’t bathe a dog often, it is advisable to do this no more than 3-4 times a year.

Feeding the dog

The most important thing to know is that overfeeding is very harmful for a dog. For an adult Chihuahua, the norm is 100-150 gr. Due to puppyhood excess weight the skeleton can be deformed, in an adult it threatens with problems with the heart and intestines. Moreover, very often overeating in a dog arises from additional indulgences of the owner, from the desire to treat the pet with something tasty, to pamper.

You need to feed the dog according to the established schedule. And the first days it is better to follow the schedule and diet that the previous owner had. Up to 4 months, the puppy is fed 4-5 times a day in portions of 30 grams. and only at 5 months feeding is reduced to 3 times. Ideally, it is better not to transfer the dog to the adult feeding regime (twice a day).

What is the best food to feed? This question does not have a clear answer. Since, and natural food, and feed has its pros and cons. But professionals still recommend inexperienced owners to feed their pets with ready-made food. Incorrectly selected products, an unbalanced diet, lack of time for cooking will easily harm the animal. In specialized stores there is food for small breeds and even specialized for the Chihuahua.

Very important! You need to immediately pick up one good food or make a well-thought-out set of products and feed this dog constantly.

Do not mix dry and natural food. But fresh vegetables can be added to one or the other.

If you feed with natural food, then fried, salty, smoked, sweet, bones, potatoes are categorically excluded from the diet. There should be no fluctuations in food temperature: neither cold nor hot. These numerous prohibitions are another reason to choose premium dry food.

Health and susceptibility to disease

It is impossible to single out Chihuahua diseases that are characteristic only for this breed. Health problems are directly dependent on care and anatomy. Dogs are prone to joint dislocations and obesity. Chihuahua with overweight live 3-5 years less. The usual life expectancy is 12–15 years, but they can live up to 18. Dogs weighing up to 1 kg live no more than 7 years, since very often they have developmental pathologies.

Chihuahua puppies are born with unfused skull bones (fontanelles). So nature made sure that childbirth was easier. But any, even a minor head injury can lead to irreparable consequences.

In many dogs of the breed, a phenomenon such as "reverse cough" occurs. The dog takes a quick and long breath, then stretches its neck and at the same time makes grunting sounds. It looks like she got something in her nose. In fact, the reason for this is that the representatives of the breed have very narrow nasal passages and hyperexcitability neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx. Reverse cough experts do not attribute to the disease of the Chihuahua, until such time as it becomes systematic.

Talking about the features of the Chihuahua breed, first of all, we can say that this is the smallest dog that has been formed in vivo. These miniature dogs have a bold and cheerful character and are very devoted to their owner. This article is devoted to the appearance of these dogs, the main characteristics of the breed, character traits, conditions of detention and care for them.

Short description:

  • life expectancy: 12 years;
  • height: male - 15-23 cm, female - 15-23 cm;
  • weight: male - 0.5-2.7 kg, female - 0.5-2.7 kg;
  • color: variety of colors;
  • activity: above average;
  • hair care: below average;
  • complexity of education: low;
  • training difficulty: minimal;
  • attitude towards children: an excellent companion for games;
  • attitude towards strangers: incredulous;
  • attitude towards other dogs: they are not afraid, when they meet they bark loudly at them;
  • appointment: family friend.

A potential owner may be interested in how long a Chihuahua lives. The average lifespan of these miniature dogs is twelve years.

The elegant dog has a bold character and has an excellent reaction. Her movements are very fast despite short stature and a weight of 15-23 centimeters at 0.5-2.7 kilograms. The weight of the dog is proportional to the length of the height at the withers.

The harmoniously built body of the dog has a strong structure and a slender posture. The males of this breed are characterized by a square physique, while the females are slightly elongated, due to the peculiarities reproductive system. Volumetric chest has round ribs.

The large ears of a small dog are set high, in a calm state they hang at an angle of forty-five degrees, when excited they become in a vertical position.

Has a flat tail average length. Near the base it is wide, towards the tip it begins to narrow. The dwarf dog always holds its tail high, which looks elegant, beautifully twisting into a half ring or curving. But if the tail hangs at the legs, twists below the flat line of the spine, then this is considered a defect.

The limbs are straight, parallel to each other. The paws of the mini dog are long, hind legs with powerful muscles.

Characteristic features of the breed: the skull of a mini dog has interesting structure- there is a small gap between its bones, due to which a fontanel is formed on the crown of the animal. It does not grow as long as chihuahuas live.

Due to the fact that micro dogs practically do not have specific smell Chihuahua allergies are extremely rare. Only in cases where a person has a weakened the immune system he has a tendency to allergic reactions or have asthma.

wool cover

The coat of this elegant dog is completely odorless, which is one of the characteristics of this breed. That is, the usual "dog spirit" is completely absent. This dog does not require a special coat.

The Chihuahua breed can be of two types, which differ in coat length:

Short type: soft and silky to the touch, the coat of this type lies close to the body of the dog. In certain places, the hairs are slightly longer. For example, in the region of the neck and tail. But on the throat and back you can find rare wool. In these places, you can see patches of skin.

Long type: soft hairs of this type should be straight, dense structure. allows small waves, but not curly. It is desirable to have an elongated pile on the undercoat, on the hind limbs, on the ears and tail.


In life, there are elegant dogs of this breed with almost any coat color - there are no restrictions on the color of the coat.

According to the standard, the color can be of the following types:

  • plain;
  • bicolor;
  • tricolor.

Short story

Short-haired dogs do not shed much, while long-haired dogs shed twice a year. During seasonal molt you have to brush your little dog more often.

Due to the low amount of hair shedding during shedding and the absence of a "doggy" smell, Chihuahua allergies are extremely rare. People with reduced immunity and prone to allergic reactions should be afraid. Asthmatics should be careful too.

Content Features

The nature of the dogs of this dwarf breed allows them to quickly get used to any living conditions, so they will feel great both in a private house and in an apartment. It doesn't matter what size the rooms are.

This breed is especially suitable busy people, as it does not require constant walking. Especially if the dog has toys and places to explore.

Education and training

Thanks to his intelligence and ingenuity, the dog is easy to train. Especially during the game. She very quickly understands what exactly they want from her.

Dogs of this dwarf breed do not need professional training and, she will only need obedience skills, cleanliness and the ability to behave correctly at the exhibition. The main thing in raising this elegant dog is to consolidate the necessary qualities and eliminate bad habits.

Did you like our description? What is your dog's personality?

Chihuahua dogs are probably the cutest creatures of all dog breeds. And also these tiny dogs are quite courageous: they will not yield to any big dog, and strangers in the house will be rewarded with resolute barks. In this article, we will talk about the cute and lovely Chihuahua, about the characteristics and features.

Where does it all start

icon-arrow-circle-right First of all, you need to choose the right puppy, he must be absolutely healthy. In order to determine if the puppy is healthy, pay attention to the coat, the condition of the nose, eyes and ears of the future pet.

  • Normally, the coat of these dogs is clean and shiny, there is no discharge from the nose and eyes, and the ears are clean. It is also best if you check if your future dog's stool is normal.

A pet that will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions should not sneeze or cough. You must also be provided with certificates of completed vaccinations and deworming procedures.

If you have any doubts about whether you can choose a puppy yourself and determine its health status, then it is better to use the services of specialists. The Chihuahua breed is distinguished by its small size, touching look and intellectual character.

And now you have become the happy owner of the desired dog. You must prepare the house and do the following: prepare a dog bed with changing bedding; buy 2 bowls; purchase a special toilet tray and a few toys.

If you plan to travel frequently with your dog, or if you are afraid to leave little puppy at home, get a transformer from the lattice in advance, in the form of a cage for transportation.

What is necessary

icon-arrow-circle-right A little later, you need to purchase special scissors for trimming claws, a brush for combing and special detergents such as shampoos. When your pet is home for the first time, don't tire him out. Leave it and let the opportunity to get acquainted with the new environment.

The description of the Chihuahua makes it clear that dogs are not modest, on the contrary, they are very frisky, active and peppy. After the puppy gets used to it, he will chase you around the house, play and bark loudly. It is necessary to place the puppy in a place protected from drafts. At the beginning of adaptation, the puppy may cry at night, then stroke him, caress him and he will calm down.

icon-arrow-circle-right Experts do not recommend putting a small dog with you to bed. First of all, so that you do not crush her in her sleep.

And also the pet does not yet know how to jump off the bed, so it will endure until you guess to lower it to the floor to go to the toilet. If he endures too long, he will stain the bed and it will become a habit.

In general, miniature pets learn to toilet very easily and quickly.

To do this, follow the puppy when he wakes up and after eating: as soon as the first signs of anxiety appear, you need to put him on a pallet.

  • When the baby "does the job", be sure to praise him, give him a small reward. If the baby does not bear it, and goes to the toilet in the wrong place, or commits another offense, then feel free to scold him.

mini features

icon-arrow-circle-right It is necessary to educate puppies and tame their selfish nature. As a punishment, you can tap the newspaper on the arm or wall, slap him on the tail. Please note that you need to punish immediately after the misconduct. In a few minutes, the baby will forget about what he did and will not understand why he is being scolded.

icon-arrow-circle-right You also need to properly raise the crumbs, this affects his health, and life, if the dog is still very small. It is important to hold the dog very firmly so that it does not fall, as the height of a person can kill it.

You need to lift the pet by the breast and tummy, and when you put the baby on the floor, put it on 4 paws at once, holding it with both hands so that there is no jump.

Only large, older and stronger Chihuahuas can be left with children. If you plan to walk, be sure to get a harness with a leash, this will help you pull the dog up in case of danger (car, bicycle, etc.) and immediately pick it up.

When it is damp and cold outside, it is better to walk the dog in a special insulated overalls, or wrapped in something.

Is a Chihuahua right for you?

At the time of selection pet, consider four important points that will help you decide on the correct decision.

There are no miniature and pocket breeds of Chihuahua. Very often in stores, sellers sell puppies as separate Chihuahua breeds. The puppies are very tiny, and the sellers assure that they will not grow.

  • But, unfortunately, Chihuahua breeds such as "miniature" or "pocket" are only a fiction of pet stores. As the dog ages, it will get bigger. Representatives of the Chihuahua breed do not get along well with small children.

Children perceive a live dog as interesting toy and rarely hurt her. Children from an overabundance of feelings like to squeeze, crush, and sometimes throw dogs. If a child does this with a baby dog, it can be fatal for her. It is necessary to constantly monitor the dog, especially while walking on the street.


icon-bell If you miss the moment of education, adult Chihuahuas will be extremely naughty. They are noisy, often naughty, tend to seize full power in the house, not infrequently they "rule" over large dogs.

icon-arrow-circle-right Character more than compensates for the lack of growth. Therefore, the owner will have to make no small effort to train the puppy. It is necessary to control barking and attacks of aggression in time, because in the future this may result in bites.


The main features of the Chihuahua in education: it is difficult to give in to him; you can not shout at them or break your voice; require a lot of patience and perseverance.

But at the same time, small dogs have a number of advantages: they get along well with teenagers, like to sleep next to the owner, always accompany the owner, do not need large spaces and intensive training.

And most importantly, a chihuahua can give his life for the owner if necessary. Is it possible to dream of a better dog?


These small dogs are the epitome of elegance and energy, they are active, love to play and move.

They don't let their guard down for a second. Chihuahuas are distinguished by nobility and affection for the owner, they do not realize that they are very small, and bravely go towards even the largest dogs.

These babies are loyal to their owners and wary of strangers, making them great watchers.

Dogs of this breed need contact with a person to be touched, stroked and caressed, they love attention very much.

Dogs have tenderness, devotion, gentle nature, they are perfect for those who live alone: ​​elderly people, people with disabilities, closed. They will never let you get bored, they will constantly delight and bring a lot of positive emotions.

How to care

This breed is great for life in the city: it does not need to be walked often, it has enough territory and toys.

Experts advise bathing dogs once a month with specialized products. With frequent bathing, you can harm the dog: deprive it of natural oils wool, which will lead to the disappearance of shine and the development of dandruff.

When swimming, do not allow water to get into the ears, this will provoke an infection. Nails should be trimmed once a month. To make the nail trimming procedure as painless as possible, accustom your dog to it as early as possible.

While raising a Chihuahua, like other dogs, they love all sorts of rewards. But be careful and choose your prize carefully.

How to determine the age

The age of a Chihuahua can be determined by its teeth. If the puppy has milk teeth, then he is less than six months old. If the dog already has permanent teeth and they are completely white, then she is six to nine months old.

  • If there is a slight coating on the molars yellowish color then Chihuahua from eleven months to one year and two months.

If there is plaque on the fangs, the age of the dog is from one and a half to two and a half years. If the dog's crowns begin to grind off, then its age is two and a half to four years. If the incisors are equally worn, the dog is five to nine years old.

Starting from the age of six, age can be determined not only by the teeth, but also by the coat. At the age of six, the dog's head begins to sit. Approximately, at ten - twelve years, incisors begin to fall out, and at twelve - sixteen years old and premolars, at seventeen - eighteen molars fall out. At proper care Chihuahua can live up to eighteen to twenty years.


Puberty begins at the age of two to three months in male Chihuahuas. It comes in the form of games.

The young male loves to play and often tries to wrap his paws around a toy, the object of his desire, and make a “saddle”, while he still does not understand the meaning of this action, but he tries hard.

This is quite standard behavior, during puberty it is important to treat the pet with patience and attention.

Ensure that during such sexual games the dog used several toys, this will help to protect him from the formation of a stereotype of the game with a particular toy.

In some cases, a male at puberty may likewise play with his owner. This behavior should not be encouraged and weaned from it as soon as possible.

Also, do not let your pet masturbate all the time: smoothly distract him with new games, switch. Avoid harsh treatment, do not shout, do not punish. This way you can develop a stereotype that boarding is bad and in the future he will not be able to approach a bitch who is in heat for mating copulation.

The first mating of a male dog can be carried out starting from a year, and bitches, starting from a year and a half.

Important Points

Below is a description of the most important points that must be considered in order to create favorable conditions for the life of your pet.

An excellent workout for small dogs is walking and playing with a ball, you do not need to train them much to avoid overwork.

The collar must be made of soft materials, such as nylon, which will not interfere with the dog and load the neck. By the movements of the baby, you can determine his condition.

If he does bouncing around in circles, he is definitely happy. Dogs of this breed can easily begin to bark at the slightest irritation, they do not adapt well to a new environment.

Dogs do not trust new people, but with the owner they will be complaisant and obedient, calm.

You can train dogs without any special restrictions, but it is important not to use physical remarks during education, this can only harm.

Chihuahuas, both long-haired and short-haired, are very susceptible to cold.

  • Even when walking, when it is + 1-4 degrees outside, you need to wrap the dog warmly and limit the length of stay on outdoors. In sub-zero temperatures, try not to take the Chihuahua outside at all, it can catch a cold and become seriously ill.

There is an opinion that this breed of dog can alleviate the suffering of people suffering from asthma and allergies. And for some, Chihuahua hair and saliva cause allergies. To find out if you have allergies, spend time with your dog.

Pets often tremble. It is a mistake to assume that if the dog is trembling, then it is cold. Trembling has nothing to do with temperature. Pay attention to your pet's trembling. If he trembles, then he is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Try to understand the cause of the trembling and eliminate it.

It is believed that the ancient Techichi are the ancestors of modern Chihuahua dogs. First mention of miniature dogs appeared in 1500 BC! These amazing tiny animals appeared on the territory of modern Mexico and were held in high esteem by local tribes. They were considered sacred, but this status was not as pleasant as it might seem at first glance. Often after the death of the owners little chihuahuas killed and buried with the owners. The ancient tribes believed that in this way dogs would serve a person even after death. Techichi were especially revered in the Aztec and Maya tribes, who also lived on Mexican soil.

In 1519, the native inhabitants of Mexico were destroyed by the Spanish conquerors. It was then that hungry warriors began to use miniature dogs for food. This led to the fact that the Chihuahua was on the verge of extinction. However, the most intelligent representatives of this breed were able to save their lives and hide in dense forests. For a long time man was the main enemy of tiny animals, and they did not appear before his eyes.

At the end of the 19th century, Mexicans found amazing little dogs in the jungle. Chihuahua sales have become very successful business, because the Americans began to massively buy them.

In 1884, a dog show was held in Philadelphia, at which the dog was first presented and rare breed chihuahua. It has not yet received official recognition, but has gained wide popularity. So the President of Mexico once expressed his admiration for the singing of an artist and gave her big bouquet flowers, in the center of which was a tiny dog.

ABOUT unusual dogs learned in Europe. Since 1907 they have been bred in Great Britain. And in 1923, the Chihuahua breed standard was officially recognized and registered. On the territory of Russia, an exotic animal first appeared in the family of Nikita Khrushchev, who was presented with amazing gift- Mishka and Masha. So the head of the USSR called the first representatives of the Chihuahua, from whom the Russian pedigree went.

IN modern society It is not uncommon to meet a small dog. A wide variety of colors made this breed popular with fashionistas who prefer to carry a pet with them in their purse.

However, it is worth remembering that a chihuahua is not just another accessory, but an animal that requires attention and care.

Characteristics of the breed

Representatives of this breed are unusually compact in size. This is what made them so popular. Cro
Brandy's cervical dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in the whole world. It weighs no more than 900 grams, and the length of a fragile body is only a dozen centimeters. If such a crumb falls from a sofa or chair, it may break. This inch walks in cocktail dresses and travels long distances exclusively in the master's purse. It even needs to be ironed with great care so as not to cause injury.

There is such a thing as "chihuahua tickap", that is, "fits in a cup." These are very small dogs, the height and weight of which are much lower than the standard ones. These animals are sometimes classified as especially rare and expensive, but usually such dogs are simply underfed and sickly representatives of a well-known breed.

It is a mistake to consider the Chihuahua as a helpless animal, which must be constantly looked after like a baby. Some dogs have become faithful helpers and even saviors of people with handicapped. So the dog Willum is known for helping a hard of hearing hostess, notifying about phone calls, guests ...

In modern society, there are a huge number of representatives of the Chihuahua breed.

  • Smooth-haired chihauhua. The coat of such dogs fits snugly to the body, is smooth, silky. Representatives of this species are very active and sonorous.
  • long haired chihuahua. Such dogs are more restrained and calm. They have an undercoat, a charming long pile around the neck, shaggy ears and a soft fluffy tail.

A variety of colors will not leave anyone indifferent, because you can pick up a pet in any color. The most rare is considered a bluish color, since it cannot be derived artificially. Along with a rare color, the breeder receives big risk genetic diseases in dogs. Such a Chihuahua will cost from $10,000. Rare colors also include chocolate and brindle.

Breed standard main characteristics

Thanks to the experiments of breeders, it was possible to achieve a wide variety appearance chihuahua. So a smooth-haired mother may well be born puppies with long hair. In one litter, there are often a variety of colors and sizes. You can find long-haired Chihuahuas with slightly wavy hair. However, curly-haired dogs are considered a marriage.

The color of the coat, its length and even the size is not so important for determining the standard. The main emphasis is on the weight of a tiny dog.

adult dog size

As mentioned above, the length of the body and the height at the withers are not a strict requirement in shows. The range of sizes is quite large, but has its limits. So the bitch should not be less than 15 and more than 20 cm at the withers, and the optimal size of the male is 18-23 cm.

The most important characteristic dogs are her weight. Ideally, a Chihuahua should weigh between 1.5 kg and 3 kg. Miniature representatives of this breed are also allowed at exhibitions. Their weight may be less than 1.5 kg, but not go below 0.5 kg.

The official standard details all the characteristics and proportions of the body, but there are a few of the most important points that everyone who owns or wants to buy a miniature Chihuahua should know.

  • Head. Its shape should resemble an apple.
  • body length. The height at the withers should be less than the length of the body, but this elongation is moderate and the difference between length and height is not very great.
  • Tail. Fairly long and curved upwards.
  • Nose. Can be any color. There are no specific requirements.
  • Eyes. round and not convex shape. Let's just say a dark color.
  • Ears. Broad at the base, they should taper at the top. The ears are set quite high, and at rest the angle of inclination is approximately 45 degrees.
  • Body. Fairly wide, strong and taut.

What faults can disqualify a dog?

  • Weight. A mark below 500 gr or above 3 kg automatically excludes the Chihuahua from the standard.
  • Character. Aggressive dogs or too shy get disqualified.
  • Refined body structure. This is a serious shortcoming that is unacceptable. Too long body also indicates a deviation.
  • Tail. A curled or missing tail is not characteristic of a Chihuahua.
  • Ears. Should not be hanging or short.
  • Wool. Marriage is considered merle color. Hairless Chihuahuas are not allowed to be bald, while long-haired Chihuahuas are billowy, too thick and long.


Despite their compact size, representatives of this amazing breed have a strong body. If the average life expectancy of other dogs is about 8-10 years, then this baby can live up to 20 years. It depends on the owner how long his pet will live.

If the animal is castrated or spayed, it will live much longer, as this allows hormones not to accumulate and not provoke neoplasms. The character of males becomes more calm and balanced.

How to prolong the life of your beloved chihuahua?


Little crumbs are distinguished by incredible courage and courage. They don't even think about attacking huge dog on a walk. This can lead to injury to a desperate pet, so the owners must keep the situation under control.

Some Chihuahuas may seem overly intrusive. These dogs are incredibly attached to humans. Often, from the whole family, they choose one person from whom they constantly demand attention. How much ingenuity in this little head! He will definitely come up with something that will turn the look of his beloved owner on himself.

The nature of miniature dogs is very suspicious, so they perceive strangers and other dogs as potential enemies. However, these babies get along well with each other. If you want to get a friend for your miracle - feel free to buy a second Chihuahua.

Who should get a Chihuahua?

  • Aged people. For them, the dog will become a wonderful companion, which will entertain, and make laugh, and give devotion, love. With him, the owner will not feel lonely.
  • Families with children. Chihuahuas get along well with children, but at an unintelligent age, a child often injures a tiny pet. Chihuahua, defending himself, can bite him. However, for those families whose children have already moved into school age and responsibly approach communication with animals, this breed will bring only joy.

If you often have to be away from home for work, you will doom your pet to loneliness, which is extremely undesirable for these animals.

Care and maintenance of a chihuahua

Since representatives of this breed are different good health and do not have thick long hair, then their care is simple. The frequency of bathing is 2-4 times a year. Use a special dog shampoo. Periodically make sure that the nails do not grow too long and trim them. Clean the ears with a cotton swab, and it is enough to comb the hair with a special brush.

Chihuahuas should be taught from puppyhood to relieve themselves exclusively on the street. Sometimes you can use a diaper or cat tray. In order for the pet to do its business only in the right place, put a newspaper with the smell of its feces, or use a special spray. The Chihuahua is a smart enough dog, so he will quickly learn to follow your rules.

Hold your pet with both hands. Support the baby under the breast with one, and place the other under the buttock. Do not grab the ribs, hold "by the scruff" or use other methods to avoid injury.

Protect your animal from injury. Do not allow jumping from high places, running on the road, running too close to other dogs, unfamiliar adults and children.

An active dog will never refuse walks. In the summer, take him outside as often as possible. However, it is worth making sure that he does not run in tall grass, where ticks and thorns can be, do not eat garbage and scraps thrown on the road. Wrap your baby in winter warm clothes. Don't force your Chihuahua to follow you for a run or bike ride. On long trips, use handbags to carry your pet.

Most frequent illnesses that representatives of this breed have:

  • childbirth difficulties;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain).

The Chihuahua is the only dog ​​that is born with an incompletely developed skull. She has an open fontanel until 3-4 months of age. This is what causes the risk of hydrocephalus.

What to feed?

Since there are two types of dog food, you must first decide what you prefer to feed your pet and not deviate from the chosen path. Mix industrial feed and natural products absolutely not recommended.

If you prefer industrial food, then it is better to use premium products designed for small dog breeds. The amount of food depends on the age and weight of the Chihuahua. So for 1 kg adult dog you need 50-80 grams of dry food.

If you prefer to cook your own food, consider the advice of professionals.

  • Meat. You can give veal, beef, horse meat, turkey chicken and sea fish fillets. Once a week, offer offal - heart, liver, kidneys. Thermally process the meat to avoid infection with helminths or salmonella. It is forbidden to feed pork, lamb, chicken skin, pollock fillet, bones. Fish should be given 1-2 times a week.
  • Vegetables. Preferably produce heat treatment. Potatoes are undesirable, as an exception, offer only boiled "in uniform". Carrots are incredibly useful, but for the absorption of vitamins, you need to add 1-2 coffee spoons of vegetable oil.
  • Fruits. Especially useful are bananas (a source of potassium) and apples (vitamins, minerals and pectin, which removes harmful substances from the body). Be careful with fruits and don't offer them too often.
  • cereals. Cook buckwheat or rice porridge for your pet.
  • Eggs. Once a week it is worth giving a boiled egg or an omelet. Make sure your baby is not allergic to protein.
  • Dairy. Fat-free cottage cheese, yogurts (without fruit fillers), kefir are recommended. Whole milk should not be given.

An adult two-kilogram dog should eat 100-150 grams per day. The amount depends on the activity of the chihuahua. At the same time, two-thirds of the products should contain protein and only 1/3 part - plant foods. If you have chosen natural products for your pet, do not forget to periodically drink a course of vitamins.