What should not be fed to that terrier? Feeding chihuahua and toy terrier, small decorative dogs

This article is for those who are already or are just planning to become the owner of a toy terrier dog. Caring for and maintaining such a mini-dog is a lot of work, and at the same time an interesting and exciting activity.

The appearance of a four-legged comrade in the house can be compared with the appearance of a new family member.

Breeders compare caring for a dog of this breed to caring for a child. These tender babies need a reverent attitude.

Despite some difficulties in care, this breed has its advantages:

  • Toy Terriers and Toy Mini Terriers are decorative dogs that are suitable for keeping even in tiny apartments.
  • Dogs of this breed can be trained to walk on a cat tray or on a special diaper.
  • Toy terriers are called "pocket" dogs, because their weight is a maximum of three kilograms, their height does not exceed 28 centimeters.
  • Their fur is not an allergen for humans.
  • Toy Terriers eat very little, which means that you do not have to spend a lot of money on keeping a pet.


These tiny dogs require a well-formulated and balanced diet.

You can feed your dog special food. You should choose specialized high quality feeds, and not those sold in all supermarkets. But they are quite expensive.

An alternative would be to feed specially prepared food. Such a diet should include a sufficient amount of proteins, trace elements, fats and vitamins.

In no case should you feed your tiny pet food from your table.

The body of this dog does not digest fresh milk either. Toy Terriers should not be given minced meat (fish, beef, chicken). In the same way, too spicy, fatty, salty, smoked foods, sweets are prohibited.

In feeding toy terriers and mini toy terriers, it is important to observe the frequency.

Babies up to 2 months need to be fed six times a day, older dogs - 4 times a day. Starting from 10 months, the toy terrier can be transferred to two meals a day.

Do not spoil your dog with snacks and do not overfeed him to avoid unwanted consequences in the form of extra pounds.

Toy terrier puppies can eat raw carrots.

Thicker toy terriers look cute, but live much less than their slender counterparts.

And remember, despite the fact that the toy terrier belongs to the decorative breeds of dogs, he has a wolfish appetite. Therefore, most of his diet should be meat.

Puppy toilet

In a sense, keeping a toy terrier can be compared to keeping a cat. This lap dog can easily be trained to go to the toilet on a tray.

This must be done from an early age. Fortunately, representatives of this breed are perfectly amenable to training.

But do not wait for the result of your work to appear immediately. This will take some time and patience. On average, you can achieve what you want in 10-20 days.

To train your toddler to go to the toilet in the same place on a diaper or litter box, you can use the least stressful method for your dog.

You need to cover the entire floor in the apartment with oilcloth or newspapers. Every day you need to remove one sheet until only one newspaper remains.

The puppy will understand that from now on he will have to go to the toilet in this place. Later, you can replace the newspaper with a diaper or tray.

How to equip a place for that terrier?

Dogs of this breed do not tolerate drafts and cold, they are constantly cold.

It is advisable to choose a place for that terrier away from windows, doors and cool rooms. Not the best option and the kitchen, where the window is constantly opened.

Therefore, the dog must have a place in the owners' rooms. The best option would be to make several sunbeds (one for each room), so your baby can choose where to sleep.

The toy terrier will not sleep on the floor, so it is better to buy a special house for him or equip a sunbed yourself.

Grooming and cutting

As for wool, moderate care is important here. When caring for her, use only natural brushes. Particular attention should be paid to the area behind the ears, chest and elbows.

Haircut may be required for long-haired representatives of this breed. They not only need to be carefully combed, but also periodically cut.

You should not be self-employed. It is better to entrust the haircut of that terrier to a professional - a groomer.

Bathing, brushing teeth, trimming nails

Don't bathe your dog more than once a month.

For bathing, you can use specialized shampoos and even balms. You can wash the toy terrier with baby shampoo.

After vaccination, the dog should not be bathed for two weeks.

Teeth are one of the weak points of that terrier, so they must be taken care of without fail. You can do this with a special or mint children's toothpaste.

By one year, your pet's milk teeth should be replaced by permanent ones. If this does not happen, contact a specialist. Toy terrier teeth should be brushed at least once a week.

If you do not cut your dog's nails in time, they will begin to break on their own, leading to bleeding and pain.

For these purposes, you need to use a special nail cutter (you can buy it at a pet supply store).

You need to cut only the edge of the claw, so as not to hurt or injure the animal. If you accidentally touch the skin with a nail clipper, you need to disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide (3%).

In order for the “operation” to be successful, try to distract the dog with affectionate conversations. At the same time, you need to hold the paw firmly so as not to injure the toy terrier.

If you are afraid to carry out this procedure yourself, contact the nearest veterinary clinic. The cost of this procedure does not exceed 150 rubles.

Ear and eye care

Your terrier's ears should be cleaned at least once a week. This can be done with a special tool designed for cleaning the ears, or with camphor alcohol.

It is necessary to apply the product on a cotton swab and clean the surface of the ears from dirt. You can penetrate no more than half a centimeter inside.

If any discharge appears from the ears, contact your veterinarian.

When bathing, you should cover the ears of that terrier with cotton swabs.

It is important to accustom your pet to daily washing - this is the main principle of caring for the eyes of a dog.

You can wash your eyes with boiled water or a decoction of chamomile. It is necessary to remove all discharge from the eyes.

After the procedure, you should blot your eyes with a dry cloth.

Dog clothes and walking

The fact that a toy terrier can be trained to go to the toilet on a tray does not mean at all that it does not need to be walked. Dogs need fresh air.

Walk your pet at least twice a day. Also representatives of this breed are shown physical activity. On a walk, you can play, train your pet.

Owners of toy terriers love to dress up their wards. In winter, this is especially true. Dogs are very sensitive to cold, so you need to take care of the "equipment".

For winter walks with that terrier, one cannot do without overalls with synthetic winterizer, a warm hat or hood, and warm boots with non-slip soles.

In summer, you can get by with a light outfit in order to make your pet stand out from the crowd.

How do you take care of your toy terrier? How do you pamper him? Be sure to share in the comments, it's always interesting and useful for beginners!!

For information on how to care for that terrier, watch the video:

At the end of April 2017 we got a dog.

We chose the breed for a long time. We wanted to take Pug or Spitz. But accidentally stumbled upon Toychik and what do you think? This is the ideal breed. Firstly, there is little wool (they have more hair) + mobility (a small dog, which is very convenient to keep in a small apartment or even a room).

We named our baby girl Diana. To begin with, we bought her bowls (aluminum on a stand) and, of course, a sunbed (because they love warmth). We even gave her our blanket, thanks to him she does not sleep with us, but wraps herself in a blanket! Well, the most necessary: ​​diapers and food! Be sure to purchase a dog carrier before buying! We have 2 carriers, one closed (we use it for the veterinarian, and the other is open (for transportation) Transportation in the car is still bad for us, but we are fighting it! The veterinarian said that this will pass by the year!

Toilet: First of all, be patient! First you need to buy diapers (I buy the cheapest ones in the pharmacy 90x60 and cut them) But when the dog is still very small, you don’t need to cut them! We must put diapers in every room and remove the carpets. After she will go to the diaper more and more often, then remove one by one. So that there is only ONE diaper left. Now she is 9 months old, but she still happens to betakurit in terms of the toilet. Dogs don't like dirty diapers, so try not to run it or wait for a puddle in the middle of the room, or even on your favorite carpet. We scold her for puddles and she understands this. She also loved to chew on diapers and gets the same for it! It seems that it does not trade yet! She goes to the toilet outside, but rarely. If you want the dog to go outside, then you need to walk him often and walk until he goes to the toilet and so every day! She tries to wait for us, but with the cold weather we walk her less. I’ll write about walking below!

Nutrition: Here we do not spoil her and feed her almost all the time with dry food and give her some water to drink. But sometimes we give wet food and fruits and vegetables. What can and cannot be read on the Internet. I even give a small piece of chips in a couple, well, I can’t resist her eyes!

Vet: Be sure to make a dog veterinary passport. To do this, you need to pickle the worms in advance and after that, after about 2 weeks, you take it to the veterinarian for an examination and he makes 1 vaccination. We did import! The vaccination is done at the age of 2 months, then you wait another month and 2 vaccinations are done and you can go with her even to Africa! After half a year, a few teeth and fangs are removed for small breeds (this is also decided with your veterinarian). We have already removed.

Games: The dog needs a lot of attention! with her you need to play, walk, feed and love on time! If this is not done, then the dog will run wild and start behaving ugly! Starts to whine and feel bad. Buy her a variety of toys so she doesn't chew on anything. And make more time for her!

Walk and Leash: As I said at the beginning: be patient! She will not fall in love with a leash and a collar at once! You need to do this at home, she will whine and balk a lot. I was very upset, at first, because she did not agree to walk on a leash in any way. I made her walk on a leash. I felt like a survivor. I had to buy her a harness and then everything improved. She did not become so much afraid and whine. And then, by magic, she calmly walked on a roulette wheel! Oh... stairs. I just took it and moved it slowly along each step and "oh miracle !!!" she began to overcome such obstacles. Although she has already begun to jump onto the bed as she has grown a little! We love jackets and blouses that do not cover her ass. We bought her a winter one, but she doesn't like it. We'll have to slowly accustom her to different clothes again! These jackets are needed, because. she is very cold and always shaking, and not for beauty!

The washing up: She is still afraid to wash herself, although she stands like a wooden one and looks at you with plaintive eyes. We bought a good shampoo so that there was no allergy. We do not comb it, only scratch it with our fingers. We wipe it with a towel and she runs all over the apartment and rubs her feet on the carpet. Probably angry! XD

Estrus: I don’t know about boys, but girls have puberty - in heat! She started at 9 months. How far does she go? Do not know yet, read that month! Diana licks everything, but you can still find spots. Her penis swells up to the size of the cables (And everyone thinks that this is a guy) We want to buy diapers for newborns, but I'm afraid that she will wean herself from the toilet.

Take your animals. After all, this is an uplifting mood for every day, even if it’s really bad or lonely at heart.

P.S. Take care of her skinny legs, and when she hits or it hurts, she starts squealing, then you need to take her in your arms and shake her! Very jealous and loves to kiss. Our ears stood up on their own and we did not strengthen them, our tail was docked - we took it like that!

When getting a cute dog of that terrier breed, you should study the features of its content - how to care for a pet, how to educate, how much and what to feed. In particular, the food for that terrier must meet the necessary requirements, otherwise the health and even the life of the toy will be in jeopardy. Purchased food, like natural food, has its own characteristics - before making a decision about the diet, they also need to be studied. Let's look at the advice of breeders and nutritionists: how to feed a toy terrier to maintain his health and mood at the highest level.

General principles

First of all, you will have to decide what to feed the toychik - dry food or natural products. Experts recommend choosing one. Many tend to choose high quality dry food, because their composition is well balanced - the dog receives all the substances necessary for life and health. As for the taste of food and variety - they are not so important for our four-legged friends. However, this only applies to premium, super premium and holistic foods designed specifically for the care of small toy dogs.

Unfortunately, economy class dry food does not meet these requirements, so they should prefer natural or mixed food.

The natural diet should consist of fifty percent meat products, and if the dog is very active - two-thirds. The rest of the food is dairy products, vegetables, cereals and some fruits.

However, you should not give the toychik food from your table - spices, smoked meats and all kinds of additives will negatively affect his health.

The number of feedings and the approximate diet of a puppy per day

The content and feeding of small puppies differ not only in diet, but also in frequency. So, a month-old puppy needs to be fed six times a day in small portions. Puppies that have reached the age of two months are fed five times a day. From the age of four months, the frequency of feeding can be reduced to four times. Puppies between the ages of five and ten months can be fed three times a day.

After ten months, the frequency of feeding can be reduced to twice a day - as for an adult dog. When the terrier reaches one and a half years, he can be fed once a day, if this regimen suits him. But if the dog feels discomfort and dissatisfaction, it is better to leave the feeding regime the same - twice a day. An approximate menu for keeping a one and a half month old puppy may be as follows:

  1. The first breakfast is lean raw meat scalded with boiling water (finely chopped) with grated rice porridge;
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese with kefir;
  3. Third breakfast - cottage cheese with milk;
  4. Lunch - porridge from ground buckwheat or rice groats, boiled in milk;
  5. Afternoon snack - again milk porridge;
  6. Dinner - raw meat scalded with boiling water with grated buckwheat porridge.


Good grooming involves feeding your dog the right foods, using the foods that are most beneficial to him. First of all, it is meat and offal. The toy terrier is also a predator, so it cannot be put on a vegetarian diet. But you should not immediately accustom the dog to clean meat - he will reject all other products, which should not be allowed. It is better to add meat to buckwheat or rice porridge - they are also very useful for the dog (other porridges are digested much worse).

The meat should be lean and pre-frozen, in addition, it should be scalded with boiling water or boiled. If you boil meat, give it to the dog separately, without broth. You can’t offer that terrier pork and other fatty meats, as well as smoked, fried and all kinds of “sausages” from your table. Dogs are very fond of offal - they are useful for the toy, but not as much as you like, but in moderation (several times a week).

Protein products

The list of allowed products includes low-fat sea fish. Dogs of this breed should be given boiled fish fillets several times a week. River fish should not be offered (as well as smoked, salted and canned). For a healthy maintenance of that terrier, fermented milk products are very useful - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. If you buy them - choose low-fat or "children's" (the extreme fat content threshold should not exceed three percent), and if you use homemade cottage cheese or kefir - give in smaller portions.

Whole milk is not given to adult dogs of this breed - only to small puppies. Once a week, it is useful for a toychik to offer an egg - to make an omelette or boil it. The yolk itself can also be given raw if the eggs are homemade. In addition, the dog's body absorbs some plant proteins, such as those found in brown rice. If you can’t find brown, let’s use plain white, it is also very useful.

Other permitted products

For optimal care of a dog of this breed, its nutrition must be properly balanced. Toychik cannot be fed only with meat, but it is also not necessary to abuse plant foods (its optimal amount is one third of the diet). Dogs of this breed eat far from all vegetables, fruits and cereals (and not all of them are useful for a Toychik). Freshly, the dog can be given cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet bell peppers. Carrots are given both fresh and boiled.

After boiling a little, you can give the toychik cauliflower, pieces of zucchini or beets (it is especially good for eliminating constipation). From fruits, dogs eat apples and pears with pleasure, as well as pieces of doggie, apricot, banana. However, you should not get carried away with exotic fruits - your pet's body may simply not absorb them. It is useful to give sea kale to toys - it contains a lot of vitamins and substances useful for the body.

What Not to Give

The dog's diet should not include fatty, fried, smoked and canned foods. Pork (especially lard) and other fatty varieties, minced meat, and also any bones are prohibited. Adult dogs should not be given sweet milk, as well as raw egg white. No need to give butter, sour cream, cream. Potatoes should not be given to dogs, as their bodies have difficulty digesting starch (this also applies to other “starchy” vegetables).

  1. Dogs are more willing to eat lightly salted food and they really need it. However, much less salt should be added to the food of a glass of salt than to your own food.
  2. Good care is not only a balanced diet, but also the “right” water. It must be clean, without bleach. Water should always be in the toy's access zone, and it needs to be changed once or twice a day.
  3. Do not mix prepared food and natural food at the same meal, and do not mix food from different manufacturers.
  4. New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, looking closely to see if there are any allergic reactions.
  5. If the dog is excited or frightened, postpone feeding. At the moment, food will not do her any good, but most likely - she will simply refuse to eat.
  6. Do not play with the dog after eating - in order to digest food well, he needs to be alone.
  7. A bowl of food should be set for twenty minutes, and if the dogs do not eat, hide until the next feeding. You should not succumb to the pitiful looks of the Toy - they need to develop the habit of the correct regime.

Dog health depends on four factors: feeding, regular walks, hygiene, communication with the owner. Feeding is not in vain in the first place. Toy Terriers do not need large food supplies, but their diet should be harmonious and regular. Before you figure out what to feed your toy terrier, read the general rules of nutrition and canine eating habits.

General nutrition rules

The dog must receive trace elements and nutrients from food in the optimal amount. The menu of a toy terrier depends on the age of the dog, its level of activity and size.

Feed your dog on a regular schedule. Don't give tidbits from the table between feedings and don't leave bowls of leftover food on the floor. An adult toy should be fed at least twice a day. Place water near the bowl and “refresh” it twice a day.

If you notice that your pet regularly leaves food in the bowl, reduce the serving. If he greedily pounces on the food and licks the bowl clean, increase the portion.

Remember - toy terrier nutrition is different from human. If you feed your dog with natural products, prepare separate meals for him, keeping the balance of minerals and vitamins. Prepare food with natural, fresh ingredients and store it properly. Do not feed your toy with expired canned food or offal. Rinse the bowl after every meal.

Track the correctness of the diet according to the condition of the dog. It has a shiny coat, clean eyes and mucous membranes, a good appetite and a stable stool. If you notice negative changes in the dog's appearance or behavior, contact your veterinarian for an appointment for tests and a special diet.

Feeding schedule for puppy and adult toy

The answer to the question of how many times to feed a toy terrier depends on the age of the pet. Ideal feeding schedule from puppyhood:

  • up to 2 months - 6 times a day;
  • up to 3 months - 5 times;
  • up to 4 months - 4 times;
  • up to 10 months - 3 times;
  • up to 18 months - 2 times;
  • over 18 months - one feeding per day is acceptable.

Observe the measure in the amount of toy terrier food. Feed him less if you notice protruding sides and a sagging tummy, and with protruding ribs, increase the nutritional standards.

List of allowed products

The diet of the toy terrier requires meat, vegetable, dairy ingredients, as well as cereals and fruits. The daily share of meat or fish should be 30% (but not more than 60 grams), acceptable meat and fish products for toy:

  • mutton;
  • beef and offal (tripe, heart, kidney, liver)
  • chicken (white meat);
  • sea ​​fish and seafood.

, after scalding it with boiling water. Chicken can cause an allergic reaction.

Vegetables are a key component of a healthy diet, containing vitamins for a toy terrier. The optimal proportion of vegetables in a dog's diet is 25%. You can include in the menu:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets;
  • zucchini.

Remember - beets have a laxative effect on the body of small dogs, and tomatoes can cause allergies.

The share of cereals in the diet is 30%. It is permissible to feed toy terriers with rice and buckwheat on the water. Dairy products are better absorbed by the puppy's body. But you can also give an adult toychik:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • ryazhenka.

Buy sour-milk products with a reduced percentage of fat (up to 3%). Be prepared for your pet's possible allergic reaction to these foods.

Do not get carried away with berries and fruits. Beware of citrus fruits and think about what to give - a toy terrier will not notice the difference between pieces of a pear and an orange, and the consequences can be sad. Allowed fruits for a dog:

  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • peaches.

The diet should be in an amount of less than 10%.

Periodically add two drops of olive or unrefined sunflower oil to ready-made toi dishes.

What to feed a toy terrier

Read and learn the list of what should not be given to a toychik under any circumstances:

  • pork meat in any form;
  • sausage products;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • raw fish;
  • smoked products;
  • fatty broths, mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • cream and sour cream;
  • legumes;
  • sweets and buns;
  • fried foods;
  • raw eggs;
  • boiled potatoes.

Examples of menus and daily rations

When you decide how much to feed your toy terrier, develop an individual menu for your pet. Diet examples are shown below.

older than two months:

  • breakfast - sour-milk products, 1 tbsp;
  • second breakfast - rice or buckwheat with meat, 1 tbsp each;
  • lunch - a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • afternoon snack - repeat second breakfast + vegetables;
  • dinner - 1/3 cup of kefir.

From the age of three months, feed the toy terrier according to the same diet, increasing portions by one and a half times. Gradually reduce and nullify the afternoon snack. Menu for a four month old puppy:

  • breakfast - kefir, 2 tablespoons;
  • second breakfast - meat 1 tbsp. and porridge;
  • lunch - 2 tbsp. l. meat pieces and 1 tsp. vegetables;
  • dinner - cottage cheese, 2 tbsp.

Increase the amount of food and remove the fourth feeding. By the age of six months, feed your baby three times a day:

  • breakfast: dairy products, 2 tablespoons;
  • lunch: meat and porridge + vegetables + 1 tablespoon;
  • dinner: 2 tablespoons cereals + vegetables + 2 tbsp. meat.

Eliminate lunch from your diet by eight months. Feed your puppy twice a day:

  • lunch - 3 tbsp. cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 2 tbsp. meat and 3 tbsp. rice or buckwheat.

The best food for a toy terrier older than eight months is sour-milk products and boiled rice with raw meat and stewed vegetables.

Ready feed

To and avoid the time spent on cooking, buy ready-made food for the toy terrier - canned food or dry granules. The advantage of the finished feed is that it meets veterinary standards for a balanced diet. Ready-made feeds provide disease prevention, are well absorbed by the body, are hypoallergenic and low in calories. Verified small breed dog food manufacturers:

  • Acana;
  • Orijen;
  • Arden Grange;
  • Royal Canin.

Make sure that the feed contains ingredients: three to five sources of carbohydrates (rice, oatmeal, flax seeds), two to three sources of protein (chicken, meat), vegetables and fruits, vitamins and mineral supplements, probiotics.

Hazardous components of finished feed, indicating a low quality of nutrition: yeast, flavors, soy, flavor enhancers, maize, corn, wheat, cellulose.

How to transfer from natural food

Avoid sudden changes in your dog's diet. Having taken a puppy from a breeder, find out what he fed the dog. Ask how much to feed the toy terrier and at what time. Babies under the age of one year do not change food.

Introduce new food to adult toys gradually and add lacto-bifid preparations to food. The scheme of changing dry food to natural and vice versa:

  • Divide the serving into 10 portions. Give 9 parts of the usual food and one of the new one.
  • Every day, change the proportion in the direction of increasing the dose of the new food - 2/10, 3/10, etc.

Keep an eye on your dog's stool - if it's loose, change to a different food or stop the transfer process. Lacto-bifid drugs are needed to facilitate addiction to new foods. They inhibit stress, normalize stools and maintain normal microflora. Types of funds:

  • lactoferon;
  • bifidum;
  • lactobifide;
  • zoonorm;
  • elvestin.

Vitamin supplements for dogs

Toy Terrier on a natural diet needs vitamin supplements. Buy vitamins at pet stores. Types of supplements:

  • Vitry;
  • beophar;
  • AED - injection or oral administration.

Inexpensive analogues:

  • Gimpet;
  • Canina.

Essential vitamins and minerals in the complex: carotene for vision and immunity; vitamins B1, B6 and B 12 to normalize the function of enzymes, improve the functioning of the circulatory system; calcium, iodine, iron - for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, red blood cells; zinc for coat health and prevention of skin diseases; copper for skin pigmentation.

Classification of vitamins and minerals by purpose:

  • for growing puppies and juniors;
  • for pregnancy and lactation bitches;
  • for the elderly;
  • for wool;
  • to strengthen bones and joints.

For vitamins for your pet, contact your veterinary pharmacy or pet store. If the drug does not fit, change it. Providing the dog with proper nutrition in accordance with the regimen, you will find a healthy and strong family pet.

Bred in Russia, they can be a source of pride for patriots (finally, we gave birth not to a bomb or a Kalashnikov assault rifle, but to something sweet and kind). The breed enjoys a certain popularity abroad due to its unusual appearance and size. However, toy terriers differ from other small dogs not only in appearance, but also in behavior and features of the content.

In this material, we will touch on the specific nuances inherent only in toys. We are sure that after reading, those who hesitate will be able to decide whether they want such a dog in their home.

Temperament of that terrier

Try to walk your dog at least 2 times a day. Toy is a bunch of energy, he needs active walks.

Let him off the leash only in safe places. The fact is that the small size and cute appearance leaves its mark on the psyche of many representatives of the breed: most owners do not pay attention to raising a pet, as a result of which that terriers grow up hysterical, dominant-aggressive. The desire to control the situation, to "protect" the owner, never leaves them and becomes an obsession. They may lunge at large dogs, or bark at "suspicious" passers-by who really just scare him.

For games, buy only special toys. Old children's toys are not suitable. With sharp teeth, your pet can gnaw off a piece of rubber. The consequences can be dangerous.

If you are not sure that you can provide conditions for the activity of Toy, it is better to opt for less calm breeds. Toy can not stand loneliness, do not leave them alone for a long time.

An example of emotional lability on video:

In this video - all the standard mistakes in education: lisping, leading to increased excitability, is interspersed with the introduction "for the sake of tenderness" into an aggressive-defensive state. As a result, the dog lives in a state of constant nervous tension.

Nutrition Features

Food from your table will not work. The choice of natural food will put you in front of the need to boil meat or fish every day. From cereals, you can add hercules, rice or buckwheat.

It is impossible to cook food for several days - toy terriers have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The pancreas and liver are also weak points.

They are harmed by foods high in fat and carbohydrates. Carefully cut the fatty layers from the meat. Useful foods rich in fiber.

It is better to give preference to dry food, they contain all the necessary substances and trace elements. Premium foods are more expensive, but they will not harm the health of that terrier. Be sure to read our article. Dry food does not have to be in the bowl all the time. Do not overfeed the dog, it is better to give food in small portions according to the age of the dog. And don't forget clean water.

How to cut nails

That's who it's time to do claws. But what do you think, will it be given without a fight? 🙂

While the toy is growing, it is necessary to cut the claws. In puppies, molting claws can interfere with gait formation. In adult dogs, long claws break and exfoliate, which can lead to an inflammatory process. The nails are trimmed with special tweezers in the place where they are bent.

Hair and ear care

The coat of the toy terrier does not fall off and requires combing. You should not bathe your dog often - it is enough to do this once every three months, using a special shampoo. After the walk, be sure to wipe the coat with a clean cloth. You will remove not only dirt and dust, but also harmful substances from exhaust gases, which abound on city streets.

When swimming, make sure that water does not get into your ears. Clean your ears with a cotton swab. If dark discharge appears constantly - do not delay the visit to the doctor.

What you need to know about toy terrier teeth

In Toy Terriers (as well as in Yorkies), when changing milk teeth to permanent ones, the fangs often have to be removed, because the new tooth did not “push out” the old one. When checking the condition of the gums, you will understand that a new tooth is starting to be cut, and the milk tooth is preventing it. Of course, you can handle it yourself, but teeth are not claws. You can exhaust your dog and do nothing, and it's very easy to get an infection. Don't be afraid that your pet may be given too much pain medication at the clinic. Stories about such cases are either the work of completely incompetent veterinarians, or (more often) they are fiction based on fear from beginning to end.

Monitor the condition of the teeth and prevent the appearance. In service - all the same cotton swab. Open the dog's mouth and clean the plaque from the teeth. To clean your teeth, let's gnaw on biscuits.


The fall of that terrier even from a height of 30-40 cm is very dangerous - it can break its paws or get a concussion. A fall from a height of about a meter can be fatal. Therefore, do not put the dog on sofas and chairs, and even more so do not put it on the table. Do not allow children to drag the dog around the apartment - he is very mobile, and he can easily slip out of his hands. You can not lift that terrier by the front paws or take it by the collar - you can damage the ligaments.

Before you take a dog into the house, think carefully. A momentary decision to get a dog can only be justified by pity for a homeless puppy.

The Toy Terrier should only be brought into the home if you are confident that you will be able to provide proper care, which will require a lot of time and patience. Thanks to its playful and friendly nature, the Toy Terrier becomes a favorite in your home environment.