Feeding the toy terrier: the choice of food, natural nutrition. Feeding the Russian Toy Terrier

A toy terrier puppy is a small creature that can cause tenderness in absolutely any person. Having got a pet, it is worth remembering that this is not a toy, but a baby that requires education,

Age of that terrier, in months Number of feedings per day Foods that should be included in the diet
1-2 6 times Milk, low-fat dairy products, cereals, lean meats.
2-3 5 times + egg yolk.
3-4 4 times + fruits, vegetables, sea fish.
4-10 3 times Low-fat dairy products, cereals, vegetables, lean meat, egg yolk, fruits, sea fish.
More than 10 2 times Identical to the age of 4-10 months.

How to feed a puppy of that terrier, 2 months old - an approximate menu:

  1. Cottage cheese;
  2. Buckwheat with meat;
  3. Canned stewed meat;
  4. Rice boiled in milk;
  5. Meat with yolk.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy at 3-4 months

Along with the puppy growing up, the menu changes, at the age of three months, that terrier can have vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage), non-exotic fruits, boneless sea fish. The number of meals can be reduced up to 4 times.

How to feed a puppy of that terrier, 3 months old - an approximate diet:

  • Hercules with meat;
  • Cottage cheese with milk;
  • Vegetables stewed with fish;
  • Apple, meat.

If the owner is interested in what to feed a puppy of that terrier, whose age is 4 months, you need to know - the menu of the animal is exactly the same as for a three-month-old puppy.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy at 5-10 months

The diet of a toy terrier puppy approaches the menu of an adult dog - the need for milk disappears. But fermented milk products are needed by an animal of any age. During this period, the dog receives food 3 times, and after 10 months 2.

How to feed a toy terrier puppy dry food

From the age of two months, a puppy can be transferred to feeding with dry industrial food.

However, not everyone knows how to properly feed a toy terrier puppy with ready-made food. It must be of the highest quality, you can not mix natural food and ready-made food in one meal. When calculating the serving size, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Despite the abundance of food of various brands, it is forbidden to change them frequently and abruptly without a serious reason, this can cause stomach diseases.

What not to feed a toy terrier puppy

Dogs should not be offered food from their own table. A product that is important for the human diet can cause irreparable harm to the health of a pet.

It is impossible for a pet to eat food that is not suitable for age - you should not feed a monthly baby with fish.

Pickles, smoked meats, spices, fatty foods, including pork, sour cream, rich bread, and pasta are contraindicated for toy terriers of any age.

When purchasing a puppy, the future owner needs to think about whether he can devote time to the hygiene of the pet - you need to regularly clean the eyes, ears, cut the claws. As for nutrition, it should be correct, with a lack of time, dry food should be included in the diet, and not feed the animal with anything. The health of a pet is almost entirely dependent on the person.

Quality products and a properly formulated diet are very important for good animal care. Is it possible to feed a toy terrier with vegetables and cereals, or is it better to keep a dog on a meat diet? Let us consider in more detail how to properly feed a toy terrier so that the dog grows well and is healthy.

What to feed an adult toy terrier?

To avoid problems with the digestion of the animal, you must be guided by some rules. Here are some tips on how to properly feed your toy terrier:

  • If you want to introduce a new food to your dog, do it gradually. It is advisable to select the morning time of the day for experiments, give a little;
  • before you decide to feed your toy terrier only natural food, get vitamins at the pet store. But buying drugs on the advice of friends is not worth it, it is better to consult a specialist;
  • Remember the importance of a varied menu for your dog. Food should be of high quality, contain plant substances, vitamins and proteins.

Here is a rough list of what you can feed your toy terrier without fear:

  1. Meat food. A dog is allowed no more than 60 g of meat per day. Offer your pet beef, beef offal, chicken, let's be very careful. Do not forget to scald the meat with boiling water before serving.
  2. Vegetables should make up about 20% of a dog's diet. It is permissible to feed the animal with cucumbers, tomatoes (but very carefully), carrots and sweet peppers. Beets are given as a laxative. Occasionally offer cabbage, but be careful, it causes increased gas formation.
  3. Porridge should make up about 30% of a dog's diet. Rice and buckwheat are suitable for your pet.
  4. Sometimes it's OK to treat the dog berries or fruits. But remember who exotic or rare fruits are strictly prohibited. Try giving some apricots, apples, or pears.
  5. Than from dairy products Can you feed a toy terrier? Ryazhenka, kefir or cottage cheese, let's boldly, and as for their quality, it is preferable to buy special milk for children, since the quality of these products is more reliable.

Based on all this, an approximate daily dog ​​menu could be as follows:

  1. In the morning, offer your pet rice or buckwheat porridge. It can be seasoned with kefir or fermented baked milk. Kasha can be mixed.
  2. For lunch, offer a vegetable salad, some fruit. Fill everything with oil.
  3. Lean meat with porridge for dinner. Porridges can be alternated or mixed.

What to feed a monthly toy terrier?

Try not to take a dog younger than 1.5 months. Ideally, the animal should have up to 6 meals each day, the intervals between feedings are approximately equal. First, give some finely chopped meat. Do not forget to scald it with boiling water. Later, give cottage cheese with kefir. Repeat after a while. Next time, offer very well-boiled buckwheat or rice. The 5th feeding consists of milk porridge, and then offer meat again. Never give in to the whims of the dog if he does not want to eat cereals or vegetables. If you give in, then in the future, apart from meat, you will not be able to feed her with anything. Vegetables are very important for a puppy. They saturate the body with vitamins, act as cleaners.

What can not be fed toy terrier?

Here is a list of those foods and dishes that a dog should not be given categorically:

Proper nutrition is the key to a dog's health. Any owner of a toy terrier knows about this, but does not always comply with it. Charming toi often beg for goodies, by nature they are voracious and have a very capricious digestive system. All this can lead to dog obesity, as well as to various serious diseases.

Dog nutrition should be carried out taking into account the fact that:

Diversity in the diet of a dog is not needed, unlike humans. The main thing is to have all the necessary vitamins and minerals;

Spices and condiments other than salt should not be in a dog's food;

Canned and natural food can be mixed, dry food should never be mixed with or alternated with other types of food;

The dog should not be capricious, so food is not changed in case of refusal. Sometimes you can lure the dog by adding chicken or cheese to the food;

Begging is encouraged only when it gives you pleasure.

The toy terrier is a small dog that is not difficult to prepare food. An adult dog is fed twice a day. You need to control the amount of food and not overdo it with complementary foods. Late feeding is not welcome, as the dog will want to go to the toilet at night.

Meat is included in the daily diet by 30%. This is beef or sea fish, raw or boiled, without fatty layers. Chicken and its offal are given only boiled. From cereals it is recommended to give rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. An adult dog until old age is given low-fat cottage cheese, sour-milk products, milk is prohibited. You can salt the food a little, give raw or boiled yolks once a week.

Black bread crackers can be used as a treat and for brushing your teeth. You can add carrots, cabbage and other vegetables to your pet's food.
In no case should you feed lamb, pork, pasta, white bread, sausages, sausages, sour cream. Any food from the human table is prohibited. Do not give sweets or sugar either. It is better to replace it with fruit, occasionally give honey.

With natural nutrition, it is difficult to choose the optimal diet. It is often easier to buy ready-made food. These are special dry or canned mixtures. To digest dry food and raw food, different enzymes are needed, so they should never be interfered with. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be added to natural nutrition. The nutrition of a puppy is slightly different from an adult dog, it is more frequent, in different proportions.

We invite you to watch the video About the nutrition of the toy terrier: features of the diet .. .

He looks great: he has a thick, even coat without bald spots, combing and dandruff, cheerful, shiny eyes and a great mood.

A healthy animal has strong immunity and does not give in. What does he eat and how to properly feed the toy terrier and make the best diet?

How to feed an adult toy terrier at home?

In that case, If owner of mini dog little free time, for food better choose premium or super premium class for dwarf breeds. They contain a complete set high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements, enzymes necessary for the animal.

They include probiotics - beneficial bacteria that contribute to better digestion and absorption of food, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, stimulate metabolism and strengthen immunity.

Daily feed intake already calculated by experts and indicated on the food packaging. It remains only to feed the pet twice a day. It must be remembered that fresh, clean, not boiled water should be in the drinker all the time.

If desired can be suggested dog natural food. A properly selected diet will not be inferior in quality to prepared meals.

Important! It is better not to mix dry food and natural food.

Dry food does not involve the introduction of additional carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the calorie content of a balanced diet will be disturbed.

Foods that can not be eaten and that can be

If you have settled on natural food, then consider: in the daily diet adult toy should be included at least 50% of meat - in front of you is a predator, albeit in miniature.

Meat is better to feed raw or gifted boiling water - products purchased at the market or store are tested for helminths.

Sea fish is also served raw. During heat treatment, foods lose some of the useful elements, in addition, the pet needs hard food to maintain health.

The dog eats happily boiled eggs, half is enough for a reception. An obligatory part of the diet are dairy products without dyes and flavors.

Important! The mass of feed at the reception should not exceed 70 grams per kilogram of weight - overfeeding will end in a gastrointestinal upset.

Gastrointestinal tract miniature dog can't handle digestion of smoked meats, fatty meats, all types of legumes, wheat, barley, corn, millet groats. It is impossible to feed a toychik with raw river fish, as infection with a cat fluke is possible.

What do they usually eat?

Toy Terrier is unpretentious in food, a lot depends on what method of feeding the breeder used.

When transferring an animal from one type of food to another, that terrier's food should be moderate, and empirically, you can determine what the baby likes more and what less. The preferences of each animal are individual.

What cereal can you eat?

Cereals and cereals necessary dog as a source of carbohydrates, their diet should contain about 25%, this is rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. They should be well cooked and include vegetables or a little, about 2-2.5% of the daily diet, fruits.

What vegetables can be given?

Toychik can be offered any vegetables except potatoes, onions, garlic, celery, parsnips, parsley. Their composition in the diet should not exceed 20%, it is best to include them in the porridge.

How does milk affect the body of a small dog?

Many adult animals do not tolerate milk well, this is due to an insufficient amount of pepsin, which the stomach produces. You can offer the product in a small amount, if the assimilation went without problems, include milk in the diet, the dogs love it very much.

Note! for cereals for baby food: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and mixtures thereof. The packaging contains the composition of the product and its calorie content.

Toy Terriers are very responsive to the owner's care, and the dog will be very grateful for tasty and healthy food. And she will always be in a good mood and excellent physical shape.