The most dangerous dog breeds in the world. The most dangerous dogs - a list of aggressive breeds

Cynologists in many countries of the world are unanimous in the opinion that most often the reason for the aggressiveness of dogs lies in a person, namely, the wrong upbringing of four-legged pets. Among the common mistakes are insufficient socialization, frequent and unreasonable punishment of the pet, short and inactive walks and attacks by ill-mannered children. But not only these factors explain the behavior of the most vicious dogs. Many breeds made this list due to genetic predisposition.

Dominance aggression - the desire to become the leader of the “pack” - occupies a leading position among various types of dangerous behavior. Owners of large breeds make active attempts to control such manifestations, but owners of small dogs do not. Although most bites and cases of attacks on people are associated with small dogs. Therefore, the list of the most evil dog breeds in the world includes four-legged pets of various sizes.

South African Boerboels are powerful, large and dominant dogs. They are formidable and loyal guards who will always bark at the approach of a stranger. Perfectly using their huge size and strength, they selflessly protect the owner and the entrusted territory.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other animals in the family, get along well enough with children. But as soon as they go beyond the boundaries of their home, they expand the boundaries of the territory they protect. In relation to other tetrapods, they are aggressive, and given the fact that the weight of an adult individual can reach up to 90 kg, serious injuries and even death of the animal can result from their attack. Aggression can be both territorial, possessive, and dominant. If the owner cannot take a leading place in the hierarchy, then his pet will very quickly get out of control and turn into a monster.

In some countries, these fighting dogs are prohibited from breeding.

The pit bull is a representative of a fighting breed, the aggressiveness of which over the past many years has been tried to be reduced at the genetic level. Pit bulls are tireless fighters with a steel fight. Outwardly, they are often compared with the American Staffordshire Terrier, but representatives of this breed have a so-called fighting spirit, excitement, which makes them especially dangerous for other dogs and people.

Excitement during the fight allows them to act on the verge of physical capabilities. Courage and transcendent courage best of all characterizes these dogs. Pit bulls belong to the dominant type: if they are handled incorrectly or brought up gently, situations of aggressive behavior of the pet may arise.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a common and very popular service dog, which is actively involved in the protection of various objects. Caucasians are enterprising, vigilant and distrustful of others. A well-trained dog can emerge victorious in a fight even with a group of attackers. He is able to quietly sneak up behind and attack with lightning speed if he identified a person as a violator of the boundaries of his territory. Shepherd dogs react especially negatively to unbalanced people who are prone to scandals or who are intoxicated. It is not recommended to get a Caucasian to people who cannot dominate her and devote enough time and money to her upbringing.

Rottweilers are reliable and powerful service dogs in their constitution. They have a calm character and a balanced psyche. And, nevertheless, they also got into the top of the most aggressive breeds. This is explained by their intolerance and anger towards other dogs. Rottweilers also do not tolerate scandals in the family; a tense emotional situation can become a catalyst for aggressive behavior.

The dog is quite wary of all strangers, so puppies must not only be socialized in a timely manner so that aggression does not increase with age. And in adulthood, it is recommended to gradually accustom the pet to friends and family acquaintances.

Fila brazileiros are excellent bodyguards and very dangerous dogs. They are usually characterized by a heavy character and increased aggression. The breed is characterized by natural distrust and protective instincts. They are able to rush to defend the owner and the territory with particular fury if they feel threatened. Fila instantly assess the degree of danger, and then react harshly and mercilessly in the current situation. They independently make a decision even before the order of the owner. Such independence is very dangerous for others.

Fila may react with a growl or bark even to an attempt to speak and touch them. They instinctively attack the vital points of the body. Among the photos of other evil breeds, they occupy a place of honor due to their powerful bones and proportional physique.

Chow Chow - rightfully takes a place in the top of the most evil dogs in the world. This is one of the oldest breeds in the world, genetically they are very close to wolves, which explains their behavior. Many of their original plush appearance is misleading. In fact, they are very aggressive creatures. Especially if the owner during training focuses on the development of security skills, the chow begins to fiercely protect everyone he loves. Approaching Chow Chow strangers are warned with a throaty growl that this is not worth doing. A determined dog will attack the enemy at the slightest provocation.

An outburst of rage towards other animals on the street can occur suddenly, so the owner needs to constantly carefully monitor his pet. If a chow chow gets into a fight, he will selflessly fight to the end.

Bull Terriers are dangerous fighting dogs with a very extravagant character. Their mood changes with lightning speed depending on the living temperament. It is important to socialize dogs as early as possible, since the fear of the street inherent in many puppies of this breed gives rise to aggression and the activation of natural instincts.

Representatives of this breed are quite loyal to people, but other four-legged brethren are not always friendly. They are characterized by a high degree of conflict towards their own kind. And they attack without any warning signs. Bull Terriers were bred exclusively as a fighting dog with low sensitivity to pain, steel jaws, compact powerful body, fearlessness and rage when participating in specialized fights.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that was bred to be an aggressive and courageous dog. Severe and tough amstaffs rarely leave anyone indifferent with their impressive appearance and physical strength. Their low pain threshold and absolute fearlessness make them the most dangerous opponents in a fight. These true fighters were created for fighting and bloodshed. Now they are used mainly for the protection of private homes, however, the fighting past due to genetics still manifests itself in the breed. Amstaffs have a controversial character, they are brave, selfless, distinguished by their lightning-fast reaction and ruthlessness. They are rightfully included in the top of the most evil dogs in the world.

Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario is a powerful fighting breed with a high degree of aggressiveness. Great Danes belong to the average phenotype, they are proportionately built and have a pronounced strong skeleton. The dog has great physical strength, so it poses a threat to both other four-legged animals and people, especially if the dog has not been properly trained.

Great Danes clearly define the boundaries of a protected area or environment. They love peace and strive for total control. Therefore, the invasion of strangers is perceived negatively by the Dogo Canario and does not bode well for the trespasser.

The Hungarian kuvasz is a good guard and shepherd with a very interesting imposing appearance. But this breed has not received wide distribution due to the difficult nature of its representatives. According to the complexity of temperament, it can be compared with Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and Rottweilers. To reduce the degree of aggressiveness when raising Kuvasz, socialization up to the age of 3 years is very important.

This ancient herding breed is characterized by fearlessness and a high degree of devotion to the owner. Proud and moderately distrustful kuvasses become rude and harsh when mistreated. In addition to a hypertrophied sense of ownership, they are distinguished by a strongly pronounced independence, therefore it is especially important to systematically work with a dog handler to correct their freedom-loving disposition, which quickly turns into aggression.

Not in the top 10, but worthy of mention

Below are breeds whose vicious disposition is not as pronounced as in dogs that have taken honorary 10 places in our rating, but it’s worth talking about them.


Despite their compact size, these burrowing dogs pose a serious danger to others. Statistics collected around the world says that every 5 dachshunds at least once in their life tried to attack other four-legged or strangers. Cases of attacks on hosts, although less common, are also present.

This breed of dog can not be called very dangerous to humans. As with other participants in this rating, we are talking about the pet's tendency to show aggression due to genetic factors. As a rule, the undesirable behavior of dachshunds is associated with the rigidity of the person and the wrong methods of raising puppies.


Papillons are the living embodiment of the statement about the deceptive appearance. These charming decorative dogs give the impression of kind and calm creatures. In fact, the degree of aggressiveness of Papillons is very high. When in contact with this breed, you should especially be wary of children. These small-sized dogs get irritated quickly, do not tolerate disrespect, and bite painfully.

Increased viciousness is also explained by the strong jealousy of pets for their owner. They are always sensitively guarding the owners and attacking strangers or other dogs if they think that the owner is in danger.

The Jagd Terrier is a German hunting terrier, a breed bred in the 1930s specifically for hunting. The small size of the berries should not mislead others about their friendliness and complaisance of disposition. Jagdterriers can rightfully lead the list of the most evil little dogs.

They are absolutely fearless and hardy, they treat any stranger with extreme caution. Representatives of this breed will protect their master even at the cost of their own lives. You can try to reduce the degree of their aggressiveness with the help of early socialization and persistent and firm training.

These tireless hunters can pursue and attack living creatures many times their own size, if they smell the game, they will never miss it. Strong teeth and steely muscles turn Jagd Terriers into living weapons. The lack of education and a dominant owner are the main mistakes of the owners of the yagds, which can cost them dearly. If the family already has a small dog or other medium-sized pet, it is not recommended to start a Jagd Terrier. Their sharply expressed hunting instinct can lead to tragedy even during the game.


Spaniels are bright representatives of aggressive small dogs. In the case of this breed, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to uncontrolled aggression. This is especially true for Cocker Spaniels and Male Springer Spaniels. Males of a uniform color tend to attack not only other animals, strangers, but even their own owners. Correcting this rage, if it is clinical in nature and not behavioral, is almost impossible.

However, most often the viciousness of spaniels is associated with improper upbringing, unbalanced nutrition, stress and fear. By correcting these points and with the help of an experienced dog handler, it is possible to eliminate the increased aggressiveness of spaniels.

Jack Russell is a high-speed dog whose main purpose is to catch up and drive the beast. She is ready to chase literally anything that moves. Small size is often offset by a difficult character and increased aggression. For a terrier, the reason for the attack can be a sidelong glance of an outsider, a loud voice, or just a human leg hanging from the sofa.

Dogs of this breed need a lot of physical activity per day, ideally several hours of walking. Not all owners have such an opportunity, as a result - the unspent energy of the four-legged is transformed into open anger towards others.

In the video, you can often see how angry dogs of the Jack Russell breed are chasing various living creatures. It is important to wean terriers from chasing cats and other living creatures, since as a result of such a chase, the pet itself may suffer.

In this article, we will talk about potentially (!) Dangerous dog breeds. The fact is that experienced cynologists are 100% sure that in cases of seemingly unjustified aggression of an animal, it is not the dog that is to blame, but its owner.

Anyone who wants to have a four-legged friend should be aware of three qualities that distinguish guard dogs from just vicious ones:

  • breed;
  • training;
  • the ability to behave decently in a society not only of people, but also of other animals.

It is enough for the owner to miss one of these qualities, and instead of a devoted and faithful guard, he will receive a potentially dangerous animal.

A well-trained dog is the greatest joy. Such animals play with children and will never harm them, even by accident. They are full members of the family, and their loss is a real tragedy for their owners.

There are some breeds of dogs in the world, in the breeding of which the breeders set themselves a specific goal - to get, as a result of their experiments, a rather aggressive animal with pronounced fighting qualities. If such a dog is not trained, it can cause many troubles. So, today we will discuss the 10 most dangerous dogs in the world.

Husky (10th place)

Many of our compatriots learned about these beautiful domesticated wolves with expressive blue eyes after watching a touching feature film that tells about the devotion and loyalty of these animals.

In 1925, a husky team saved the whole city by delivering the most valuable diphtheria serum from Nenana to Nome on time. But the most interesting thing is that these dogs are not aggressive, but people who have not worked with huskies are very afraid of them. Most likely, this fear is connected with their similarity with wolves. As you know, human fear wakes up the beast even in the most peaceful dog.

Rottweiler (9th place)

Probably, with the light hand of journalists, this four-legged strong man got into the rating of "The Most Dangerous Dog Breeds". He will never harm a person for no reason.

A strong, stately, muscular handsome man can serve in the police and the army, guard vast territories and carry heavy loads. He is so devoted to his master that, without a second thought, he will rush into battle for him even with a lion if his pet or his family is in danger. This brave man is not always very serious, quite often he becomes touching and sweet. Despite the fact that many believe that these are the most dangerous dogs, representatives of this breed often take under their care and nurse other animals.

Unfortunately, power and strength, absolute obedience often make the Rottweiler a formidable weapon in the hands of criminals.

German boxer (8th place)

Many people who want to get a pet often ask: “What are the most dangerous dogs?” I always want to answer this question: “The ill-mannered ones, those that went to the wrong owner, whom they deserve.”

The ancestors of the German boxers hunted wild boars and bears, participated in fights with bulls. Their jaws are designed in such a way that they can cling to the victim and hang on it for as long as necessary. If a boxer sees you as a danger to his master, he will certainly rush. The task of the owner is to learn to understand the mood of his friend in order to explain to him in time that everything is in order, and there is no need to worry. Perhaps because of this, many believe that boxers are the most dangerous dogs.

Pierro de Presa Canario (7th place)

Many experienced dog breeders are sure that these are the most dangerous dogs for humans. Why? Let's try to explain. The ancestors of these animals were human helpers when slaughtering livestock. In addition, they successfully hunted big game. The word "Presa" in Spanish means "pressure, reap." From this you can understand what they did with their victims. At one time, a law was issued in the Canary Islands, allowing only butchers to keep these animals. Moreover, they had to be kept on a permanent leash.

When the fashion for dog fighting came to the Canary Islands, the owners of these dogs decided to make money on their pets, and as a result, they turned into uncompromising and tough fighters who were not afraid of any opponent.

These dogs are selflessly devoted to their owner, but they usually do not “want” to get to know other people. Therefore, it is not recommended for strangers to impose their friendship on them. In our opinion, these animals could well top the list of "The most dangerous dog in the world."

Doberman (6th place)

Graceful, tall, a kind of canine aristocrats. How can you say about them that they are the most dangerous dogs? But, as you know, looks can be deceiving. This breed is very much appreciated by the police and the military for their amazing sense of smell and speed of reaction.

It is impossible to catch a Doberman by surprise, he is always alert and ready to protect his owner. The character of this dog is unique. He must be trained in a special way, emphasizing not only his physical development, but also his intellectual development.

A properly educated dog is balanced, but it is advisable not to test his patience. Doberman's jaws close in a stranglehold. This is probably why in special printed publications for dog breeders, in the headings “The Most Dangerous Dogs of the World”, the photo of the Doberman is more common than others.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (5th place)

Sometimes this breed of dog is called Alabai, and in Turkmenistan - a wolfhound. This is a natural breed. Dogs became so fearless, strong and quite aggressive in the course of natural selection. They were used to protect livestock from predators. In difficult weather conditions, their character was tempered.

This brave animal is a very formidable opponent, which is able to develop tremendous speed at short distances. Alabai is very hardy, knows how to save his energy.

Too loyal individuals are not allowed for breeding. An animal that cannot repulse its opponent cannot be called a wolfhound. And it is believed that wolfhounds are the most dangerous dogs.

Fila brazileiro (4th place)

When looking at photos of the most dangerous dogs, it's hard to believe that such pretty cheeks, hanging folds of skin, big ears can be a cause of danger to humans. It seems that this dog is kind, calm and even a little lazy. For his family, he can be both kind and affectionate, but not for outsiders.

This dog does not tolerate strangers at all. In response to an attempt by a stranger to speak to her, and even more so to touch, she can growl. And if the brave man did not understand the warning, a swift throw will follow, and as a result - (at best) moderate damage to those who want to communicate. Brasileiro instinctively attack the most important points of the human body, so the owner of such a dog must strictly suppress all attempts by outsiders to get to know his pet better. In addition, you need to know that some phyla will not even growl in warning, they will simply rush to the attack.

He fiercely defends his master's house, and his impressive size leaves no doubt that he will succeed with ease.

In some countries, becoming the owner of a brazileiro is possible only with a permit issued by court order. The best guard is hard to find, but we strongly recommend that even before buying a puppy, think carefully about whether the future owner has enough character to keep his pet in his hands.

Dalmatian (3rd place)

Perhaps someone will be surprised, but a white dog with black spots is depicted in the paintings of the ancient Greeks, which were found during excavations. It seems that this cheerful beauty mistakenly got into the "company" of the most dangerous dogs. However, this is far from a coincidence. Dalmatian requires special attention in matters of education.

These dogs become cute and independent only after hard and long training with professional trainers, beginners in this business will not cope with these dogs. Owners of these animals need to remember that Dalmatians are hunting dogs, not decorative dogs. Any most seemingly innocent provocations on the part of a person can result in serious injuries, which happens quite often.

He is hardy and strong, is an excellent hunter, so he can be a danger to those who are not familiar with him.

Chow-chow (2nd place)

One of the most beautiful dogs known to man since antiquity. The history of the breed goes back almost 2000 years. There is a version that this is one of the first breeds that came from a wolf.

The breed received its current name only a hundred years ago (before it was called the Tibetan mastiff, the Tatar dog, the dog of the barbarians).

Purebred chow chows were bred in Buddhist monasteries, and the breed was "classified". In Europe, they learned about it in 1785. Beginning in 1830, English breeders began to improve the breed. Despite the appearance of a teddy bear, this dog has a difficult character. However, an adult animal of this breed is not one of the dogs that should be trusted unconditionally, especially when it comes to strangers and children. They are very irritable and even aggressively prove their right to food. In addition, they are naturally good protectors and will never allow strangers to approach their owners or enter their territory.

American Pit Bull Terrier (1st place)

The ancestor of this dog is the Staffordshire Terrier. Outwardly, he looks like a real fighter - a strong powerful dog with well-developed muscles, a large and rough muzzle, strong jaws.

They were used in dog fights, where they certainly defeated the most daring animals. This earned them the nickname "killer dogs". The reaction of the terrier and the strength of the bulldog made him versatile for fighting.

If you decide to get a pit bull, remember that this is a very serious dog that requires certain skills in training.

This breed has long earned a bad reputation. In the 80s, pit bulls began to lose the trust of "dog lovers". Strong and brave animals have become a symbol of crime. If not properly trained, they can attack people. In Ontario, Florida, Canada and other countries, acquiring such a dog is against the law. According to experts, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the most dangerous dog in the world.

Drawing conclusions

The most dangerous dog breeds are the result of human activity. There are dogs that are endowed with a cocky character by nature. They can pounce on anyone they meet. It is unpleasant when a small dog does this, but if a 60-kilogram dog behaves like this, everything becomes much more serious and, unfortunately, can end in someone's injury. We believe that any dog, regardless of temperament, size and character, should undergo obedience training. This will help prevent many misfortunes.

An untrained dog is unpredictable. Any breed whose function is protection can become dangerous. If a dog, for no apparent reason, rushes to people on the street, this indicates that he is not educated. Such an animal will ruin the life of its owner and bring trouble to other people.

Every day on the streets we encounter dogs of various breeds. Most of them are domestic, which are simply walked by the owners, and some are "street" without a home. These animals can show friendly intentions towards a person, but sometimes, there are situations when dogs get out of control and show aggression towards a person. Therefore, we have prepared this article, which will describe the TOP 10 dangerous dog breeds in the world.

Do you know what are the most dangerous dog breeds in the world?

The most dangerous dog breed in the world

10. Volkosob

This breed of dog, as the name implies, is a cross between a dog and a wolf (as a rule, this cross came with a gray wolf). Therefore, these hybrids are a mixture of genetic traits that share the behavior of both dogs and wolves. By their nature, these are the real predators, which are weakly amenable to training and submission to humans. Wolf hybrids are much smarter than regular dogs and wolves, but more domesticated.

9. Boxer

While generally not as aggressive, this breed still ranks ninth on our list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. They take this position thanks to forty-eight negative incidents related to dogs of this breed between 1982 and 2012. Boxers are originally from Germany, they can grow from fifty to seventy pounds. These dogs are a bright, playful and energetic personality with, among other things, a stubborn character.

8. Chow Chow

Outwardly, dogs of this breed seem quite calm and peaceful. But, what is remarkable, they require persistent attention from their owners. Otherwise, without proper control and training, Chow Chow dogs grow up to be aggressive and tough animals. They were first brought out in China. They grow from fifty to seventy feet. At home, they are also called "chubby lions."

This breed of dog perfectly distinguishes between its owner and an outsider. They react extremely negatively to the latter, fiercely defending their "breadwinner". Chow Chows are in eighth place in our ranking due to 238 deaths of these pets that occurred between 1979 and 1998. Although they are often kept in apartments, dogs of this breed need daily physical activity and exercise, which allows them to concentrate on following commands and not be dangerous to others.

7. Husky

Dogs of this breed are mainly used in the northern regions of the earth's hemisphere in order to pull sleds. Over time, they were retrained for sledding and trekking travel. Although they look very cute, they can be dangerous to smaller animals due to their innate predatory instinct. Regarding people, huskies are dangerous only with prolonged contact with them.

6 Alaskan Malamute

Dogs of this breed are also sled dogs. They require daily grooming to be happy, otherwise they will lose interest in their owner and become rebellious and destructive. Alaskan Malamutes grow from seventy to one hundred pounds. They are very difficult to train, which is why the owners often have problems with them. Even as puppies, Alaskan Malamutes can be aggressive towards other pets.

5. Doberman

This breed of dog was bred in Germany in 1890 by Karl Friedrich Prizefigter. Dobermans grow from sixty-five to ninety pounds. Previously, they were used as watchdogs or police dogs, but gradually people began to get Dobermans as pets as well. Very often they display aggressive behavior towards strangers or other dogs. At the same time, they are quite friendly to their owners. The main danger is caused by their impressive size, as well as strength.

Most often, Doberman attacks on people are recorded in cases where their owners are in danger. But sometimes even excessive fidelity and alertness leads to mistakes. This allowed the Dobermans to take fifth place in our list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.

4. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are quite powerful dogs with well-developed genetics and protective instincts. Like any other dog breed, Rottweilers' potentially dangerous behavior is the result of their owner's careless behavior. Lack of care, socialization and training leads to the fact that Rottweilers can easily get out of control and attack not only other animals, but also humans without reason. In fourth place, Rottweilers were due to their strength, which is difficult to go unnoticed.

3. Pitbull

Nowadays, you rarely meet a person who has never heard of pit bulls, as well as their danger to humans. Initially, this breed of dog was bred for baiting bulls and big bears. Over time, people began to organize violent and illegal fights between pit bulls. This is precisely the reason why pit bulls are the most dangerous dog breed in America.

2 German Shepherd

Many films and series have been made about dogs of this breed. They are highly intelligent, confident, alert and fearless. Very often they are used as police dogs. They need to pay great attention and make every effort to train these dogs. Otherwise, you will not get a protector for your family and home, but a dangerous animal that can attack a person at any time. Also, most importantly, dogs of this breed, bred in Germany, need socialization.

1. Caucasian Shepherd

The Caucasian Shepherd is the most dangerous dog breed in the world. They were bred to protect farm animals from wild predators. Typical representatives of this breed have a strong-willed and decisive character. When properly trained, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are ideal protectors of their owners, as well as other animals. But in the absence of socialization and training, dogs of this breed are very dangerous and can attack people for any reason. Also, it is worth noting that Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are one of the largest dog breeds in the world. It follows from this that 60% of cases of attacks by these dogs end in death for the attackers.

There are many factors that can give a dog the title of "dangerous", but most critics and researchers cannot agree on these factors. Therefore, it is unfair to attribute to all dogs of a certain breed the name "dangerous". However, some breeds are more likely to cause serious harm to humans if the dog attempts to attack. Thus, our list of the most dangerous dog breeds is based on the dog's potential to cause serious injury to the victim. It should be borne in mind that most dogs find themselves in unpleasant situations due to improper upbringing and abuse by the owner.

Tosa Inu

The Inu is a massive dog with some weight variations, between 58 and 90 kg. It can reach a height at the withers of 55-60 cm. Originally bred as fighting dogs, they are considered dangerous and are legally banned in some countries.


This rather strong dog is a mix of the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff. Despite its muscular appearance, the dog was not originally used in combat. However, some owners keep them as fighting dogs.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso has a strong body, and can weigh about 40-50 kg. This breed is a descendant of the Canis Pugnax, which were dogs used by the Romans in war.

bull terrier

Known for their large egg-shaped head, Bull Terriers are exceptionally strong dogs and #1 in muscle mass rankings. While not particularly aggressive, the breed is known to have a strong prey grip that makes Bull Terriers potentially dangerous dogs.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Native to South Africa, famous for its ability to deter lions from prey. This semi-tame dog is a good hunter. She is loyal and smart, but very reserved with strangers. Dogs also require positive rewards, training, avoidance of rough handling, and good socialization skills, as they may be overly sensitive and capable of cultivating aggression.

dogo argentino

The Dogo Argentino is a large, snow-white, strong dog originally from Argentina and was primarily used for large-scale hunting, including puma and wild boar. Although extremely strong and athletic, the Great Dane was designed to be non-aggressive towards humans. However, in England it is illegal to have such a dog.


The Boerboel is a large breed of dog from South Africa that was bred to guard farms or homes. These dogs were often the first line of defense against predation and were valuable in tracking down and holding onto injured game. The Boerboel is a loyal breed that is faithful to its family.


A breed of hunting dog that originated in Central Africa, they have been classified as visionary dogs. Basenjis show curiosity and love, although they are wary of strangers. They belong to the breeds of dogs of the 2nd group.

st bernard

The Saint Bernard is a very large working dog that originated in the Alps of Switzerland and Italy. Originally bred as rescue dogs, they were the subject of famous fairy tales due to their gigantic size and ability to carry out rescue missions. Like , they must be trained to socialize with people and other dogs, especially during their infancy in order to prevent aggressive territorial behavior.

american bulldog

This breed of domestic dog is famous for its massive size. She holds the record for the tallest dog on the planet - 111 cm. They were originally bred to hunt wild boars and deer in Germany.

Brazilian Fila

The Brazilian Fila (Brazilian Mastiff) is a large dog native to Brazil. He has great tracking abilities as well as an aggressive and blunt personality. Due to its size, temperament and tendency to aggression, the Brazilian Mastiff was banned in many countries of the world.

Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario is a large dog that was originally bred to work with livestock. The name of the breed is Spanish. Dogs require early socialization and obedience training. In certain situations, they can show aggressive behavior.

Akita Inu

The Great Spitz dog breed originated from the mountainous regions of Japan. It is a powerful, independent and dominant dog. gentle with family members, but wary of strangers due to their increased territoriality.


Although Boxers are generally not aggressive, they are listed on our list due to 48 negative incidents associated with this breed between 1982 and 2012. Originally from Germany, they can grow from 25 to 35 kg. They are cheerful, playful and energetic animals, but also have a rather stubborn nature.


As the name suggests, a wolfdog is a cross between a wolf and a dog. Therefore, it is a mixture of genetic traits that results in unpredictable behavior compared to any wolf or dog.

chow chow

Although they appear to be independent, Chow Chows require a lot of attention from their owners if they don't want to grow up to be aggressive and violent dogs. Their homeland is China, and the average weight is from 20 to 32 kg. This dog has a distinct skill against strangers and can be a fierce protector of its owners. Considered dangerous dogs due to 238 biting deaths between 1979 and 1998. Although they can be kept in apartments, it is necessary to give them daily exercise in such a way that you do not get a life-threatening pet.


Known for its vigilance, loyalty and intelligence, it is considered the best watchdog. They only attack if provoked or feel that their family or property is in danger. A breed of domestic dog that originated in Germany in 1890, they can weigh 27-45 kg. Although they were once used as guard dogs or police officers, they also exhibit aggressive behavior directed at strangers or other dogs. Aggression, combined with their large body size and strength, can also make them extremely dangerous.


Used as a sled dog in the northern regions, companion dog, show dog and adventurous companion. However, small animals can get hurt due to their strong predatory instinct and are known for destroying everything in their path if they get bored.

Alaskan Malamute

A breed of dog related to the Siberian Husky and requires daily exercise to be happy or they will become naughty and destructive. The Alaskan Malamute can grow up to 70 kg and is the perfect companion for exercise. Since they are known for their strong independence, they are difficult to train, do not get along well with children and small animals, and are unreliable as watchdogs.


Rottweilers are a powerful breed with a well-developed genetic predisposition for herding and guarding. As with any breed, irresponsible parenting, lack of care or socialization and training usually leads to potentially dangerous behavior. However, the strength of the Rottweiler is something that should not be overlooked.

German Shepherd

A breed of dog that was bred in Germany. Can weigh from 22 to 40 kg. She is renowned for her intelligence, self-confidence, vigilance, and fearlessness. However, care must be taken with shepherds as they can become overly dangerous when defending their family and territory, and if they are not socialized correctly can lead to attacks.

pit bull

The term "pit bull" covers several dog breeds. Initially, they were bred as fighting dogs to hunt bulls and bears. Now some owners breed them and use them in banned dog fights.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

She was bred to protect livestock. A real Caucasian is a strong-willed and courageous dog. It is worth considering that if it is not socialized and not properly trained, it can become a ferocious and unyielding animal, as it does not accept strangers and has a strong urge to protect its owners.

If you are unable to satisfy all the requirements of the animal that you take into the house, then you risk not only ruining the life of the dog, but getting a ferocious uncontrollable predator instead of a pet.

Any breed can be dangerous in certain circumstances. The American Veterinary Medical Association (ABMA) has been conducting a study of dog attack deaths for 20 years, following this data, they have compiled a list of the most dangerous dog breeds.

10th place - St. Bernard

From the teeth and strength of this dog, 7 people died in 20 years.

Initially, this breed of dog was bred solely for a good purpose - they were indispensable workers in the mountains, these dogs rescued people caught in avalanches. Thanks to their incomparable sense of smell, these desperate creatures can find a person who has been covered with snow that exceeds a height of 5 m.

In general, these dogs have a very friendly disposition, but only if everything suits them, they get along quite well with children, provided that they have the opportunity to retire, and this is very important.

Before buying a puppy of this breed, you need to think carefully. If you live in an apartment, it is better to refuse this idea. St. Bernard needs a lot of space and a sufficient amount of physical activity. He is not one of those dogs that needs a short walk 2 times a day. Therefore, he will live much more comfortably in the house, he will calmly walk in the yard.

Aggression with proper handling and training is rarely shown, but if this happens, it can end very badly. After all, this dog is not just large, it is even very large in size, the growth of this handsome man at the withers is about 60-70 cm, body weight usually varies from 55 to 95 kg.

More about this dog in the following video:

9th place - Great Dane

On the conscience of dogs of this breed there are also 7 deaths.

This beautiful representative of the canine world is one of the largest dogs, height from 70 to 90 cm, body weight of females - 45–60 kg, males - 55–90 kg. In general, this breed was intended for hunting large animals, later this giant was entrusted with a responsible mission to protect the richest estates.

Today, the Great Dane is a very large, but apartment dog, it cannot live on the street, in an aviary, or even on a leash. This breed is easy to keep, it does not require many physical exertion, the dog will be quite enough for a correct and long walking.

Training must be approached correctly and from an early age. In the upbringing of the Great Dane, one should not make mistakes, one should not ignore aggression, even if it is still a very small puppy.

Outbursts of aggression in these dogs are extremely rare, they are calm and cheerful. A well-bred dog, even for self-defense, will not bite at first, at first it will knock the enemy down, if he has not drawn conclusions, it is worse for him. In general, the Great Dane's strong, muscular body, large paws and sharp teeth are a deadly set.

See below for more details on the Great Dane:

8th place - Chow-chow

This, at first glance, harmless dog during the years of research (from 1979 to 1997) took the lives of 8 people. And from 1982 to 2010, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) counted 53 more attacks, 35 people were seriously injured, and 7 died.

At first glance, it would seem that this ball of wool, resembling a plush toy, could be dangerous, but no. Chow Chow is one of the most ancient breeds of dogs, scientists have been studying these cute canines for a long time, and after conducting several DNA tests, they still managed to prove the incredible, the analysis showed that this is one of the first evolved breeds, the closest relative of which is the wolf. The Chow Chow itself is quite friendly, but the fact that they have wolf blood already says that you need to keep an eye out with them.

These dogs have always been used for their intended purpose, for hunting, guarding, reindeer herding, and including these fluffies were considered sled dogs.

When you bring a Chow Chow into your home, you may notice that they are a little lazy, that walking is enough for them, and the rest of the time they can rest in the apartment, but this is not so. You can't argue against nature, for good health and mood, physical activity is necessary for this dog. Being stale, or simply from an excess of energy, this beast can easily attack a person.

In addition, when starting such a dog, you should know that this is a very devoted and faithful friend, he lends himself well to training, but he will obey and respect only those with whom he lives. Do not allow visitors to your home to be too persistent in seeking the attention of your pet, for them this may result in an attack by the chow chow.

A separate topic is children, if you brought a chow-chow puppy to your child’s house, there will be no problems, but if a child is born and an adult dog lives with you, then you need to be careful. This jealous and domineering dog needs time to get used to a new family member.

For more information about chow chow see below:

7th place - Doberman

This breed is responsible for 9 fatalities according to the ABMA, and another 14 attacks with 6 deaths according to the HSUS count.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a strong stocky body, with well-developed muscle tissue, medium and slightly larger than average sizes, the height at the withers is 62–73 cm.

As for the nature of the Dobermans, we can say that these are two-faced creatures. On the one hand, they are very peaceful, patient and balanced, it seems that this comrade is completely impossible to piss off, so adults are not afraid to leave children to play with this calm dog, because children themselves are a kind of "irritant" for animals. These dogs know how to be friends, know how to respect and honor all family members. But there is a downside, all the positive qualities of Dobermans are developed in moderation, they cannot be called weak-willed and too patient. In cases of danger, instincts take their toll, and they immediately turn into dangerous predators. Just like that, having nothing to do, the Doberman will not attack, if, of course, he was brought up correctly.

This breed is still used by the police to this day, they are great even as a bodyguard, as they do not hold their strength and devotion. Only they need to be properly trained, they have everything for this - and remarkable intelligence and a desire to learn. If you bring a Doberman into the house and not deal with it, this is a big mistake, which can later manifest itself with very unpleasant consequences.

See more about Dobermans in the video:

6th place - Alaskan Malamute

Dog attacks caused 12 deaths between 1978 and 1997, and by 2010 that number had risen to 14.

These dogs were bred directly as assistants, they can easily drag a sled with a person or a heavy load over rather long distances without much difficulty, such performance speaks a lot about the strength and endurance of this dog. The Alaskan Malamute is often kept as a pet, it can live in absolutely any conditions, if they feel good in the harsh Arctic climate, then at home they will be much better.

But this is only a matter of housing conditions, when buying such a dog, you should take into account the fact that physical activity is vital for him. If you live in a private house, then this should not be a problem, but in an apartment environment it is much harder to provide your pet with the right regimen.

They can go in for riding sports, long active walks are also for him, be prepared for the fact that he can dig a huge hole in a few hours, this is his nature, so in the wild they got their own food. Even if the dog has food for the future, it will engage in digging just for the sake of pleasure.

The temperament of the Alaskan Malamute is friendly and calm, but very stubborn. This is often the reason for the difficulties of training, the mental abilities and ingenuity of this breed are at the highest level, dogs can learn commands the first time, but only if they consider them appropriate. They categorically refuse to carry out monotonous commands, malamutes are not the kind of dogs that will chase a stick all day long, if you force him to do something, he may just be offended for a long time.

With a lack of attention and maintenance in a confined space, for example, in an aviary, from a cute puppy capable of learning, a stupid, lazy and, most importantly, uncontrollable dog grows up, which will be a danger not only to strangers, but also directly to the owner.

Want to know more about the Alaskan Malamute? Watch the video below:

5th place - Volkosob

Representatives of the breed were responsible for 14 deaths, and another 46 people were injured from them.

This is not just a dog - it is the successful result of crossing a wolf and a German shepherd. This is just an amazing breed, one might say, possessing superpowers, representatives of this breed are honorary employees of the police, customs, the army, and even to some extent medicine, no matter how strange it may sound.

From the wolves, they got a too developed sense of smell, with the help of which they can find not only some objects and substances, but also by the smell of blood they can determine whether a person has oncopathology. In addition, they have incredible strength and grip, which sometimes does not help even the most durable protective suit. But from the dog they got affection and devotion to people and a relatively good-natured disposition.

They are smart and restrained, but in case of danger, the former good nature evaporates, they attack the enemy in a matter of seconds, and if his master does not stop him, then his victim is unlikely to be able to escape.

They are not kept as pets, since wolfdog puppies are not officially sold in the public domain, they are available only to law enforcement agencies.

See more about the wolfdog in the following video:

4th place - Siberian Husky

On a personal account, the dogs of this breed have 15 deaths in 20 years.

This is another descendant of wolves, which every year is gaining more and more popularity as a four-legged friend of man. By and large, the opinions of scientists differed regarding this breed. Having studied even the smallest information about this extraordinary beauty of the dog, you can find out that it is one of the most peaceful and calm breeds among all existing ones.

The Siberian Husky is a working dog, if you want to get a guard dog, then this is definitely not about him, a properly and well-bred Husky treats very well not only his owners, but also strangers. Rarely, when barking or growling can be heard from it, it is usually attached to aggression and strength when the owner or herself is in danger.

This dog has a very outstanding intelligence and ability to learn, as well as power and endurance. Husky is an animal that inexperienced dog breeders should not start, with improper training, with insufficient or monotonous loads, the dog literally degrades. Often she may refuse to carry out some commands, and her owner is disappointed in her and begins to pay less and less attention to her pet, but this cannot be done. Since this is a serious psychological trauma for a devoted and needy husky in society, as a result, the dog becomes uncontrollable and aggressive. In this regard, amazing and by no means cheap dogs often end up in shelters, as the owners are unable to return their former location.

More about Siberian Huskies in the following story:

3rd place - German Shepherd

According to AMBA statistics, 20 people died with the help of these dogs, and the US Humane Society noted another 79 attacks, 9 of which were fatal, and 50 with serious bodily injuries.

This canine variety is one of the most intelligent and loyal dogs, but it is also one of the most dangerous and threatening breeds. The German Shepherd has a sharp sense of smell, an incredible reaction rate, as well as simply unthinkable courage and self-confidence. If circumstances so require, she will not hesitate to rush to the embrasure, while the shepherd will never think about the forces of her enemy. This dog clearly and unquestioningly knows and does its job, if it were not so, then it would not be so in demand in the police, and even during wars, German shepherds were indispensable participants in hostilities, neither machine guns, nor machine guns, nor even tanks are afraid of it.

But as a pet, with proper care and upbringing, you can not wait for aggression from her, which makes this breed one of the most popular. She is strongly attached not only to her immediate owner, but to all family members. He gets along well with children, knows how to behave in public places. If your German Shepherd is prone to outbursts of aggression - do not sin on the dog or breed, most often the problem is in education.

More about the breed in the video below:

2nd place - Rottweiler

This muscular handsome man is responsible for 39 deaths according to AMBA, and until 2010 this figure increased by another 11 deaths. In general, from 1982 to 2010 in the United States, representatives of this breed attacked 457 people, including 262 children.

The Rottweiler is a very ancient breed, it is believed that these dogs lived in ancient Rome, in those days with the help of these dogs they hunted various wild animals, with their participation they organized gladiatorial battles between animals, among their rivals there were bulls, and lions, and even elephants.

Later they began to be used as meat miners, Rottweilers drove livestock, but not everyone was engaged in this work. Among them, they sought out the strongest and most aggressive and took them to combat battles, and they fought the enemy on a par with armed warriors.

Nowadays, Rottweilers are used as service dogs and kept as pets. In the house, this comrade, with good and proper training, can become a very calm and devoted member of the family.

Learn more about Rottweilers here:

1st place - American Pit Bull Terrier

Compared to all previous breeds, the pit bull is not a dog, but some kind of serial killer, according to the data provided by HSUS, in the period 1982-2010, this breed attacked 1,552 people, of which 691 were children. During this time, 166 people died from his “death grip”, and 859 were injured, the rest, by some miracle, escaped with only a fright.

This breed is a kind of symbol of dog aggression, although the pit bull does not differ in particularly large dimensions, but its body with well-developed muscles testifies to strength and power. The pit bull was bred with the aim of becoming the absolute champion in dog fighting.

It is almost impossible to escape from the mouth of a pit bull. The pit bull attack method is different from many breeds, he will not jump around the victim and bite him repeatedly, he clamps it with his jaws and squeezes it with incredible force to death.

This fighter has strength and absolute fearlessness in his blood, in addition, the grip of his jaw is so strong that it is said that there were cases when the jaws of a dog could only be opened after his death.

These dogs are very intelligent and loyal, with the right education from such a ferocious-looking fighting dog, as a result, a very friendly and loyal companion dog is obtained. They get along well with children, which cannot be said about the animals they meet on the way; when walking, you need to be extremely careful so that a cat or a small dog running past does not become its victim.

This pet cannot be kept on a leash or even in an aviary, in no case be aggressive towards him, abusing his trust, in the end, you can turn him against yourself.

Here is a video of the dog below: