Sphinx cat - what is her character. Amazing sphinx cats

Among the hairless felines, the Egyptian Sphynx cat is the most famous. The Sphynx breed was officially registered in the middle of the last century in America, however, the first mention of unusual hairless cats occurs much earlier. According to legend, sphinxes are the sacred cats of Egypt, who lived in temples and helped people communicate with the gods. Also in ancient times, the existence of bald cats was mentioned in their manuscripts by other peoples - the Aztecs, Mexicans and Indians.

The breed received its modern development thanks to the efforts of breeders from America. They fixed a recessive genetic mutation and brought out completely hairless cats, which today are recognized by most felinological organizations.

Sphynxes are medium-boned cats that reach a weight of 5-7 kilograms. Despite the slender physique, they are quite strong and muscular. Cats have a broad chest, a bulging belly, long legs and a thin whip-like tail. The main distinguishing feature of the Sphinx is the coat, or rather, its absence. The coat on the skin of the Sphynx is so thin and short that it is impossible to see and even feel it when stroking the cat.

In rare cases, pubescence is noticeable on the ears, muzzle, tail, paws and in the inguinal region of the animal. Patterns and colors may differ for different cats, as their color depends on the degree of skin pigmentation. Whiskers and eyebrows are not always present in cats. The skin is quite wrinkled, especially in the head, neck and shoulder girdle. Because of this, the animals always retain a characteristic "sullen" look. Some even believe that sphinxes are the most terrible cats, but there are thousands of people who consider their unusual appearance to be elegant and aristocratic.

Other special features include the following exterior characteristics:

  • wedge-shaped head;
  • wide-set large ears;
  • protruding cheekbones;
  • expressive oval eyes.

The temperament of sphinxes

Sphinxes are naturally endowed with intelligence and a good memory. Among the representatives of the breed there are the smartest cats that are easy to train and can be trained in various tricks. These animals are incredibly smart, but they require a certain upbringing to develop their natural qualities. The hairless sphinx cat whose description of the breed indicates natural curiosity needs constant monitoring. A cat should not be left unattended outdoors for long periods of time as it could put it in a potentially dangerous situation.

Domestic cats of the Sphynx breed quite often show activity and a lively character. They do not refuse entertainment, toys, cat trainers, so during the absence of the owner they can amuse themselves on their own. The lively pranks of Sphynxes often become a source of headache for owners who do not know how to curb the pet's temperament and wean it from climbing closets and playing with curtains.

By nature, sphinxes are the most unusual cats with a controversial disposition. Like dogs, they can spend hours in trembling excitement at the door, waiting for the owner to return home. Cats do not hide their joy and emotions when they see their owner after a long separation. At the same time, the cat does not show any special affection for other pets and children and behaves coldly and reservedly towards them.

Hairless Cat Health and Care

When buying a cute wrinkled kitten, the owners want to know how long the Sphynx cats live and what conditions they require. On average, cats live for about 13-14 years, and they require special care. Due to the fact that there is practically no wool on the body of the Sphynx, these cats are very sensitive to climatic changes. They do not tolerate extreme heat and cold.

Owners are not recommended to leave the cat for a long time fresh air during summer and winter seasons. In winter, a pet can get supercooled, and in summer it can burn. In the house where the sphinx lives, the temperature should be at the level of 22-24 degrees. Temperatures that go beyond these limits will cause discomfort to the cat and can lead to various health problems.

Sphynxes are prone to developing allergic reactions, as a result of which rashes can form on their skin.

Therefore, it is important to discuss the correct diet with your veterinarian. It can be based on Sphynx, designed to meet the special needs of representatives of this breed of cats or other complete food of good quality. If the owner decides to build a diet based on natural food, then it should contain a large amount of protein (meat and offal of animal origin) with the addition of dairy products and cereals.

Cats suffer from hyperhidrosis, due to which a large amount of pollution accumulates on their skin. Therefore, owners are advised to regularly wipe the skin of the Sphynx with a damp sponge.

In addition, grooming should include the following procedures:

  1. neat nail trimming;
  2. ear cleaning;
  3. rubbing eyes;
  4. bathing.

The cost of a Sphynx kitten

Pet lovers who are attracted to hairless cats are interested in knowing what the average cost of a purebred Sphynx is. The answer to the question of how much a Sphynx cat costs depends on the kitten's belonging to a certain class. In particular, a show Sphynx cat that can only be bought from professional breeders can cost more than a thousand dollars. Such a pet meets all standards and can be used for mating.

More affordable kittens "pet" class. Such a Sphynx cat whose price is about 200 dollars may have some defects in the exterior and is not allowed to participate in exhibitions. However, she will become a devoted pet for lovers of unusual breeds of cats. In any case, the question of how much a Sphynx cat costs, the price of which is set by the breeder, is always discussed individually at the time of purchase.

Sphynxes are hypoallergenic cats that have a peculiar disposition and unusual appearance.

In relation to strangers, sphinxes are reserved and cold - they can demonstrate complete disinterest, but at the same time they will never allow themselves to show aggression towards a stranger. Softer character traits open these unusual cats to their owners - they are very attached to family members and demonstrate friendliness, tenderness and affection.

Name the most unusual cat breed you know. Surely most of the respondents said that this is a sphinx. These cats have been leading the exotic rating for a long time, and they are not going to give up their positions. Hairless cats are popular all over the world, they have millions of fans, and millions of anti-fans - yes, not everyone loves and understands sphinxes. Contradictions are caused by their appearance, it is very unusual. If you are among the exotic lovers, you are attracted to the Sphynx cat breed, then this article will be useful for you. You will learn the history of the breed, interesting facts, get acquainted with the description of the nature of hairless cats, find information on care and maintenance.

History of the breed

At the mention of the Sphinx breed, Egypt immediately appears. But in fact, bald cats have no direct relation to this ancient country. There is only an assumption that cats without hair existed already in ancient times, as evidence, scientists cite rock paintings. As you know, in Egypt, cats were in the role of a deity, so it is not surprising that there are a lot of images of these animals there.

The most plausible pictures were found in Mexico, among the Aztecs - this people definitely knew and loved bald cats. In addition, I managed to see these ancient animals with my own eyes and capture them in the photo - they were Mexican hairless cats. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the 20th century, the breed disappeared, but before that it made a splash at American exhibitions. These cats were somewhat different from modern sphinxes in physique, and most importantly, in the cold season, their hair partially grew.

One of the progenitors of the modern Sphynx was born in Canada in 1966. An ordinary cat gave birth to a hairless kitten - this happens, since the absence of wool, in fact, is a genetic mutation. Then, in Canada, it happened spontaneously. The hostess left the unusual cat for herself, and when he grew up, she brought him to his mother in order to get bald offspring again. The experiment was a success, hairless kittens were born.

Around the same time, the same story happened somewhere, and so by the beginning of the 70s there were already two branches of hairless cats. Two is better than one, but still very, very few for selection. Due to the lack of “personnel”, the breeding of the breed went with great difficulties, the kittens were dying, the cats were sick - fresh blood was needed. A few more times, by chance, as a result of a spontaneous mutation, bald kittens appeared, and this saved the situation. Soon several animals were sent to Europe to develop a separate branch, where they began to cross with the Devon Rex breed, which is the closest in parameters.

The breed was recognized, moreover, today there are seven varieties of sphinxes in the world.

The skin of Sphynx cats is covered with folds and wrinkles. If you look closely, you can see a strong resemblance to human skin. It is also interesting that cats sweat all over their bodies. Sweat has a specific smell and leaves dark spots on the body of the animal.
The body of hairless cats is very hot. It's all about the absence of wool - the body directly gives off heat. Therefore, despite the warm body, sphinxes must be protected from the cold. They like to bask on a radiator or under a table lamp - it is necessary to create conditions for them in which the cat could always find a warm and cozy place for itself. Keep in mind that the sun can burn your pet! Control sunbathing, and accustom to tanning gradually.
The less hair and fluff on the kitten, the more bald the adult cat will be.
Sphynxes are very difficult to tolerate any disease, they quickly develop dehydration, they are rapidly losing strength. At the first sign of a serious illness, the animal is recommended to be taken to the veterinarian.
Sphynxes are devoid of hair, but in some places it is partially preserved or grows back with hormonal surges. There are hairs or fluff on the muzzle and head, paws, and on the tip of the tail.

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The character of the sphinx

Sphinxes have a versatile and rich character. These are smart, intelligent animals that show a complete understanding of the words and requests of the owner, easily remember simple commands, their name. Hairless cats prefer to lead an active lifestyle, they like to follow the owner, overcome obstacles, jump from one object to another. There is something doggy about them, they also like to play, bring objects, they are very attached to the owner, they miss him, they are looking for communication.

The breed is considered decorative, so the instinct of a hunter in cats is almost absent. They get along well with other animals and are not afraid of large dogs. They are kind and affectionate, but sometimes they can turn into a real fury, showing the enemy teeth and claws. Each individual has character traits; behavior is not always a trait of the breed.

The owners of sphinxes say that the animals seem to understand that they are completely dependent on a person and are grateful to him for his care. This breed of cats lacks not only wool, but also whiskers, the most important cat “device”. Find yourself on the street or in the wild, the sphinx will die almost immediately.

Sphinx breed varieties

Today there are seven varieties of the Sphynx breed. Three of them are called pioneers - the main branches of the breed, which arose as a result of spontaneous mutation, in a natural way. The rest are the product of selection, they were bred after.

As a result of spontaneous mutations appeared:

  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Kohona (rubber, Hawaiian hairless)

As a result of breeding programs, the following were bred:

  • Peterbald, was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx and Oriental cat.
  • Minskin, the Canadian Sphynx, Munchkin, Devon Rex and Burmese were used for breeding.
  • Bambinle is a Canadian Sphynx and Munchkin.
  • The Ukrainian Levkoy was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx, Peterbald, Oriental, Scottish Fold, Persian, Domestic.

Sphynx Care

Sphynx sweat all over the body, sweat appears on the skin and remains in the form of a dark coating. If the cat gets dirty very quickly, then it may be necessary to reconsider her diet. The skin is cleaned with a damp soft sponge. The cat can be bathed, but not more than twice a month. It is recommended to use a shampoo with low acidity. After bathing, the cat is thoroughly dried and taken to a warm, dry place.

Sphinxes must be protected from cold and drafts. The optimum temperature for keeping is considered to be 20-25 degrees, with lower thermometer readings, the cat must be insulated by putting on a suit.

The dark secret accumulates inside the ears, it is periodically cleaned with a cotton swab.
The cat's claws are regularly cut, the very tip, since in the conditions of an apartment it is impossible to sharpen them qualitatively. Long claws can injure the delicate skin of the animal.

Adult sphinxes rarely get sick, kittens are vaccinated, preferably with live vaccines. Lactating cats often have too much milk and this leads to the development of mastitis.

Kittens stay with their mother for a long time, they need to grow up and get stronger. Early selected kittens may die.


If earlier, at the word sphinx, people had associations only with the famous ancient Egyptian structure, today the image of an elegant amazing cat without hair comes to mind. The magic of a bewitching look, smooth harmonious lines of the body, an unusual appearance and a pleasant affectionate character - such is a domestic cat. canadian sphynx. By getting such a pussy for themselves, people acquire not only a pet, but also a faithful understanding friend, and at the same time the decoration of their own home.

The history of the origin of the Canadian Sphynx breed

Each cat breed has its own origin story. Hairless cats are known from historical references, Mexican hairless cats, which could be seen at exhibitions in the United States at the beginning of the last century, gained particular fame. Representatives of the breed have not reached our time, remaining only in history.

From time to time hairless kittens appeared in the world, but no one was interested in fixing such a sign, until in Ontario (Canada) in 1966 a small hairless kitten was born from an ordinary cat with a standard litter. The kid was named Prun and aroused the interest of felinologists in the hairless creatures of the Canadian breed.

Prun participated in inbreeding until the desired genetic traits were fixed. I had to overcome serious difficulties with breeding and recognition of the breed. The ancestor of the stable breed was the bald cat Epidermis, who was born in Wadena (Minnesota). To stabilize and consolidate the signs, they began to use a closely related one, and today they are especially memorable for their funny wrinkled beauty and grace of creation.

Description and standards of the Canadian Sphynx

There is to characterize the appearance of the sphinx, then the epithets elegant, graceful, strong, extraordinary will do. This description of this cat deserved thanks to the outlines of the body and the velvety of its sometimes folded skin.

The Canadian cat is a medium-sized animal that has a relatively small but muscular body and a wide chest.

The front paws are widely spaced, the hind legs are longer than the front ones, which makes the body of the sphinx visually more elegant. The Canadian paws are slightly curved, and since there are thick pads on the fingers, it seems that the cat is walking as if on heels.

The peculiarity of the breed is such that the skin of canadian kitten in numerous folds until the baby is one month old, then the folding gradually disappears. Adult cats have folds near the muzzle, around the neck and between the ears. Sometimes wrinkles are visible on the abdomen.

Anyone who has ever stroked such a sphinx will say that it is not completely “naked”, but is covered with a small soft velor fluff. Vibrissae are usually absent, but individuals with short antennae are found.

The ears of the Sphinx are remembered for their large size, they are erect and widely spaced, the tips are rounded. It is noteworthy that a small fluff sometimes grows near the base of the ears.

The shape of the head resembles a wedge, the length almost coinciding with the width. Cheekbones are well defined.

Slightly slanted eyes are shaped like a good large lemon. There is quite a distance between them. Eye color usually matches the color perfectly.

The straight cat's nose looks interesting in combination with a clearly visible hollow located at the transition from the forehead to the nose.

According to the Sphynx standard, a large number of colors are acceptable. Particularly popular colors:










    Siamese (varieties of color-point).

Although the hair of this cat is considered, nevertheless, an allergy can occur, since a person’s reaction is not to the wool itself, but to the protein that the pussy secretes along with the liquid secretion.

Interestingly, by winter, the animal may slightly overgrow with a short fluff.

Dimensions and weight of the Canadian Sphynx

The size of adult animals does not exceed the average. The weight of the Canadian is quite light and depends on gender: females weigh less than males. The body weight of cats is about 3.5 kg, and cats up to 5 kg.

You can find out from the table below if the pet fits the ideal size of an adult healthy Sphynx.

What is the difference between the Canadian Sphynx and the Don Sphynx

Maybe for someone who meets a Sphynx for the first time in his life, there are no special differences at first glance, but these are different breeds of cats with differences and differences in standards.

If we compare the stories of the origin of sphinxes, then they appeared quite recently and began their journey around the world from Russia, and among Canadians, the history of the breed has more than half a century.

The Don Chak lacks hair due to crosses with smooth short-haired breeds, the Canadian has a recessive “baldness” gene.

Canadian cat you can try to choose and distinguish with your eyes closed - he always has a tiny fluff on his body, Don brothers may have wool or not have it at all.

Don beauties have special varieties of woolen cover: brush, flock and velor. Velor cats exhibit coats up to 3 cm long, while brushed cats flaunt coarse, curly fur.

Features of the character of Canadians

It is worth listening to the reviews of the owners about the nature of the cats of the Canadian breed. As a rule, they sing long praises to their pets, but, to the credit of the animals, the laudatory odes are fully deserved.

The nature of these cats is similar to other four-legged dogs. Cats are easy to train, as they are smart enough to be able to learn to fetch small objects and perform tricks like opening windows and doors.

They begin the process of education with and reactions to their name. A kitten of this breed remembers all this almost the first time.

Sphynxes are very socialized, so they prefer communication with their master, to whom they are endlessly faithful. The cat and the owner can watch TV together for a long time, and then also go for a walk around the apartment together.

The sphinx reacts calmly to other animals, the hunter's skill in it is fast asleep.

Care and feeding of the Canadian Sphynx

You will have to take care of the cat with special care.

The eyes of the Sphynx are not protected by eyelashes, hair, and the accumulated discharge from the corners of the eyes must be removed with a damp cloth. Cotton wool should not be used, it can irritate the skin around the eyes.

Do not ignore the fact that these cats are very sweaty - sweat is released all over the body, stains the owner's clothes and furniture in the apartment. The animal is regularly wiped with a damp cloth and bathed, if this is not done, the body of the sphinx will become a dirty chocolate shade.

Feeding cats of the Canadian breed also has its own nuances. Starting from the pet's childhood, the owner should be guided by advice on how to feed a kitten of different ages. will have differences from the nutrition of a baby at three months.

Since the cat is hairless, her heat transfer is much higher, so a healthy Sphynx always has a good appetite. The ideal food is lean meat, porridge, offal. Since the cat sweats a lot, you need to keep an eye on the presence of fresh water in the bowl.

Health of Canadian Hairless Cats

In general, the health of cats is not up to par, they have a predisposition to obesity, acne, dermatitis. The list of possible diseases suggests that a person should be attentive to a pet. Many diseases will be helped by those delivered by the attending veterinarian. The vaccine will work more actively if deworming is carried out 2 weeks before it.

The Sphynx lasts 52-68 days, there are usually 3-6 kittens in a litter, the owner's help is desirable.

In cases where it is not planned, it makes sense; this will not affect his character in any way.

Canadian cats are very hot: 38.5 ° C - so normal for a healthy Sphynx.

The life expectancy of the Canadian Sphynx is 13-15 years, but there are also centenarians who have celebrated their 19th birthday.

Buy a Canadian Sphynx kitten

There are many places in Russia where you can buy a Canadian kitten. You should not trust sellers on Avito and other resources if there is no desire to get a "pig in a poke".

The cost of Sphynx babies is not so high. The price for a crumb is on average 6-8 thousand rubles and may be higher depending on the pedigree.

How to name the Canadian Sphynx

A tiny sphinx has appeared in the house, and its external data will not be very consonant with the simple name of Vasya or Murka? It is worth worrying about choosing a suitable nickname for a cat with such graceful body lines and such a non-standard appearance.

Nickname table
Girl Boy
Vin Diesel

Conclusions about the breed

Not in vain Canadian cat devote many articles - the animal is very graceful, beautiful and has a high level of intelligence.

The owners of sphinxes do not complain about the pickiness of cats in food, but they warn that it will not work to take care of a pet carelessly.

An animal of the Canadian Sphynx breed needs increased attention from the owner, and the time that the cat spends in the house becomes happy for the whole family.

Video with the Canadian Sphynx

History is silent about when and where the first hairless cats appeared. Some historians believe that the first "bald man" - Egyptian, is depicted sitting under the chair of the pharaoh.

Others are for the spontaneous appearance of a mutation at different times and on different continents. Today, three breeds are officially registered, created on two spontaneous mutations.

The first breed of hairless porridge. "Canadian" in the name appeared after the registration of other breeds of sphinxes.

The breed was created on the basis of a natural mutation in Holland, when they received two hairless kittens from Canada, born in 1979 and 1980.

From the mating of one of them with a Devon Rex, a cat was born, later mated with his mother. In the first litter of mating this cat with his mother, among the three hairless kittens was the cat Stardust's Winni Rinkle of Rinkurl, who became the ancestor of the breed. Her name is present in most of the pedigrees of modern cats of this breed.

Empirically, it was found that the hairless gene of sphinxes is recessive, that is, it must be carried by both parents.


Canadian sphinxes do not tolerate loneliness and are very attached to their owners. Cats are emotional, affectionate and smart, offended by a lack of attention, but this is the only breed of Sphynx that is prohibited by the standard from excessive activity.

Donskoy sphinx

An aboriginal breed created by Russian felinologists on a natural mutation.

The history of the Donchaks dates back to 1986, when a kitten was picked up in Rostov-on-Don - a fluffy girl named Varvara. At the age of 4 months she became bald, but the treatment for microsporia prescribed by the local veterinarian did not affect the growth of hair.

From the marriage of Varvara with the short-haired Vasily, the first generation of Don Chaks was born, which were officially recognized in Russian felinology in 1994, at the international level - in 1998.

Don Sphynxes are larger than their Canadian counterparts, the hairless gene of the Don Sphynxes is dominant, thanks to which the breed has developed rapidly.

A feature of the breed is the natural abundant lubrication of the body and ears. Donchians are recommended daily wiping the folds on the head and body with baby wipes.


They are playful, agile and very kind, they love children and often make friends with dogs. They are unobtrusive and not vindictive. Excellent companions - tactful and seasoned.

Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald

Another breed created in Russia. Hairless variant of the Oriental breed.

Created in 1994 by felinologist, AB WCF expert Olga Mironova. The basis was an interbreed mating of a cat - the Don Sphynx and a cat of the Oriental Shorthair breed. Of the two litters of this pair, 4 kittens were chosen, which became the progenitors of all Peterbalds.

Despite the kinship with the Donchaks, the Peterbald does not sweat, does not require frequent rubbing of the body, regular examination of the folds and ears is needed. With a graceful physique, these are large powerful cats.


Peterbald took many character traits from the Oriental: he is temperamental, active, talkative, and friendly with other animals. He is attached to the owner, dependent on him and follows him like a dog.

Compare sphinxes

It is easy to understand which Sphynx is Canadian, Don or St. Petersburg: below is a table that compares their breed statistics:

Become canadian sphynx Donskoy sphinx Petersburg Sfin ks
Head Modified wedge with prominent zygomatic arches and pinch. The length is slightly longer than the width. Slightly rounded skull with a flat area in front of the auricles. Straight nose with light stop. Bulging mustache pads. Strong chin Wedge-shaped, cheekbones and superciliary arches are clearly defined. Flat forehead, straight nose, medium length, with a slight transition to the forehead. Short, slightly rounded muzzle, light pinch, strong chin Wedge-shaped, widens from the nose to the ears. Long straight nose, flat forehead. The profile is slightly convex. The muzzle is narrow with a strong chin
Eyes Large, lemon-shaped, set slightly obliquely and wide apart. Any eye color Almond-shaped, set obliquely, medium in size and open Almond-shaped, slightly slanting bright green, blue in colorpoints, rich color preferred
Ears Large or very large, broad at base, well open, set straight and slightly angled to head Large, set high and wide, slightly leaning forward and wide open. The tips are rounded Very large, with pointed tips. The set of the ears forms a continuation of the wedge of the head.
Body Medium size and length, heavy, muscular. Wide and rounded chest, full rounded belly Strong bones, developed muscles, dense structure with a wide croup and deep groin Elegant medium size, slender and muscular. Chest, shoulders and hips are the same width
Legs The legs are medium, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front. Paws with long thin fingers. Paw pads are voluminous, which gives the impression of walking on an "air cushion" Straight forearms. Long movable fingers Straight, with graceful oval paws and long movable fingers
Tail Very flexible, graceful, tapering towards the tip, slight feathering of the tip of the tail is allowed. Straight, long and flexible The tail is very long, thin at the base, elastic and ends with a pointed tip.
Color Any, excluding zonal hair dyeing No limits No limits
Skin covering Allowed pubescence 2 mm long on the body, on the paws, outside the ear, scrotum. Feels like suede or velour. Thick skin with many folds on the head, between the ears and on the shoulders. Vibrissae short, tortuous, may be broken off or absent Significant wrinkles on the head, vertical, radiating to the superciliary ridges, neck, armpits and groin. In winter, there may be slight pubescence over the body. Whiskers are thick, may be broken off or absent The skin is soft and elastic, naked or slightly pubescent. Abundant folding on the head, less on the body. Vibrissa are desirable. Complete absence of hair is preferable
Flaws Large amount and length of wool. Thin or fragile body. Narrow head, straight profile. playfulness Too narrow, round or short head. Small or malset ears, round or malset eyes, weak or short body, uncorrected tail, excessive body hair. Absence of folds on the head, crooked limbs, too thin bone structure.

Types of wool and skin of sphinxes

In all breeds of the Sphynx group, the complete absence of wool is welcomed, but cats with residual hairiness can also take part in breeding.

Types of skin in sphinxes 4:

  1. Brush. Short hair on the back and head, fully pubescent tail. There may be areas of partial baldness. A variation of the brush point is a short thick coat on the points and a flock on the body.
  2. Velours. Short residual hairiness on legs and muzzle. In some cases, Velor Sphynxes are completely undressed by the age of two.
  3. Flock. Gentle silky to the touch skin with residual hair no more than 2 mm on the body. To the touch, the difference between a flocked and a simply shaved cat is immediately noticeable.
  4. Hairless. Lack of hair on the body, flock on points is possible. Due to skin secretions, the skin feels rubbery and slightly stretches behind the hand.

The flat-haired variety stands apart - a descendant of the hairless sphinx and an animal without the hairlessness gene, they are used in breeding to maintain the type of peterbald.

All sphinxes are united by the absence of wool and increased body temperature. They all love warmth, they catch cold easily. The Sphinx wears a sweater at home, especially in the off-season. They sleep in bed with the owners, covered with a blanket.

An increased temperature and an accelerated metabolism require increased nutrition: the Sphynx has an excellent appetite, but only the Don Chaks are allowed to have a pear-shaped body with a rounded tummy.

Peterbalds, especially those participating in exhibitions, “should keep their figure”, for them ROYAL CANIN has developed a special dry food that takes into account all the features of hairless cats.

It is not advisable to wash cats more than once every 1-2 months, and you should use a neutral, fragrance-free shampoo, or better, a professional shampoo for hairless cat breeds.

Sphynx kitten

Sphynx kittens are gentle creatures, absolutely not aggressive, very playful and temperamental. Due to the lack of wool, they are prone to colds, so it is advisable to take them into the family strong, with a full set of vaccinations, at the age of 4-6 months.

The kitten must be socialized, have club documents on the origin and a veterinary passport with marks of vaccinations against rabies, viral and skin diseases. Vaccinations are repeated annually.

When purchasing a Sphynx kitten, be prepared for the fact that you will have to dress up your pet in dresses and sweaters. It is not desirable for the Sphynx to sunbathe in the sun - it can easily burn and spoil the skin and color for a long time.

The feeding regimen is the same as for kittens of other breeds: 4 times from 3 to 6 months, 3 times from 6 to 10, then - as an adult animal twice a day.

Nutrition - mostly premium and super premium class dry food, fermented milk products and raw meat are a must. Vegetables and fruits are optional, but they must be taught from infancy, adult animals will not want to change their diet.

Unrecognized breeds

Ukrainian Levkoy

Despite the ban in the European Union on the creation of animal breeds with 2-3 mutations, some breeders continue to create interbreed mixes based on hairless cats:

  1. Ukrainian Levkoy- a hairless cat with the body of the Don Sphynx and forward-curved ears of the Scottish fold.
  2. Bambino- a hairless cat with Munchkin legs and the head of a Canadian Sphynx.
  3. Elf American Curl is a hairless cat with recurved ears.
  4. Dwelf She is a hairless cat with short Munchkin legs and American Curl ears turned back.

Issue price

The price for a kitten of any breed depends on the breed type - compliance with the international standard, color - some color-point colors are very rare, the cattery is promoted.

You can buy a Sphynx kitten from an ad on the Internet for 5-8 thousand rubles, but no one will give a guarantee for health, most likely there will be “left documents on the origin and there will be no necessary vaccinations.

A guaranteed healthy and socialized animal from a well-known cattery, but with slight deviations from the standard - a pet class will cost more - from 20 to 50 thousand. The cost of animals suitable for breeding is even higher - from 50 to 100 thousand, and the breeder may require the conclusion of an agreement with certain restrictions.

The price for stars - show-class kittens starts from 100 thousand, but such unique kittens are rarely sold to beginners, as a rule, they stay in the cattery or leave for the exchange of breeding material to other catteries.

These prices apply to all breeds of the Sphynx group, but there may be regional differences.

But it is not all that bad. Often large nurseries sell young animals at the age of 2-3 years, who have completed breeding activities, for the price of sterilization, but under an agreement with tracking their fate.

A small kitten is not always a blessing: feeding 4-5 times a day, accustoming to the toilet and the rules of the hostel (furniture, curtains, tables) for a modern working resident of a metropolis is a big problem! And buying a young and healthy, fully vaccinated and socialized animal for little money is an excellent choice in this situation.


Sphinxes for 50 years of history have become habitual inhabitants of our houses and apartments. Like no other breed, due to their vulnerability to our climate, they need care and respect, giving selfless love in return. These mobile, friendly cats, similar to aliens, have won a place of honor in the cat world - not so long ago they were singled out as a separate breed group.

Ecology of knowledge: Sphynx cats are hairless and bred for decorative purposes. To date, 3 varieties of sphinxes are known: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. However, only the Canadian

Sphynx cats are hairless and bred for decorative purposes. To date, 3 varieties of sphinxes are known: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg. However, only Canadian has earned official recognition.

The Canadian Sphynx has a very ancient history. His ancestors first appeared in America during the time of the Aztecs. At the exhibition, sphinxes were first presented in the United States, at the beginning of the 20th century. Then the breed ceased to exist. She resumed in 1966 in the Canadian province of Ontario, when a hairless kitten was born to an ordinary domestic cat. In 1975, a hairless cat was born in Minnesota, and a year after that, the same cat. They became the founders of the elite breed.

In Russia, sphinxes gained popularity relatively recently, in 1987, when a cat with bald patches appeared in the city of Rostov-on-Don, which subsequently began to give birth to hairless kittens. This type of breed was called the Don Sphynx. The first St. Petersburg Sphynx was born in 1994. His parents were an oriental cat and a Don Sphynx.

Although the Canadian Sphynx is of medium size, they are quite heavy in terms of weight. They have a wedge-shaped head and well-defined cheekbones. The soft and warm body of the Canadian Sphynx resembles a peach in texture. The ears of cats are large and wide at the base, the eyes are huge and slanted. The Canadian Sphynx has a muscular body and a graceful long tail. Their paws are like baby hands.

The Don Sphynx is distinguished by a rounded muzzle, large, rounded ears and small, obliquely set eyes. Numerous folds of skin can be seen on the body. Sometimes individuals come across whose body is covered with short bristly fur. However, such cats are not valued at exhibitions.

Petersburg Sphynx (Peterbald) in many ways resembles an oriental cat. He has a large body with long, elastic legs, a small wedge-shaped head, large ears. The eyes are of medium size. The most valuable are lilac Peterbalds.

Despite the very peculiar appearance, sphinxes are distinguished by a devoted, gentle and affectionate character. They absolutely cannot stand loneliness and are constantly looking for human care and attention. These are very heat-loving animals, because of the increased heat transfer they need to be fed more than cats of other breeds. By nature, sphinxes are very vulnerable, so you should not offend them.

Sphynxes are very heat-loving animals, because of the increased heat transfer they need to be fed more than cats of other breeds.

Like most artificially bred breeds, sphinxes are prone to many diseases. Therefore, you should vaccinate your pet on time and visit the veterinarian regularly. Sometimes sphinxes have watery eyes. In this case, they should be wiped with a cloth dipped in warm boiled water.

Due to the abundance of small folds on the body, the animal cannot lick itself entirely and periodically needs water procedures. Bathe the Sphynx in warm water with baby shampoo once every 2 weeks. After bathing, the animal must be thoroughly wiped and dried. With proper care, the Sphynx will be healthy and happy for many years. published