Dry dog ​​food rating: choice of food for large and small breeds. Rating of the best food for dogs of large and small breeds

Any owner of a four-legged pet knows that the health, activity and attractive appearance of a dog depend primarily on its nutrition. But choosing the right diet for an animal is quite difficult, because the food should not only be nutritious and balanced, it should contain useful supplements (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). And in this matter, many owners trust television advertising or rely on the opinions of friends and prefer dry kibble. Does dry food meet all the needs of dogs, as its manufacturers guarantee, what products are crunchy kibbles actually made from, and what do veterinarians think about this?

Dry food: disadvantages and advantages

Dry food has a number of undeniable advantages. Read about them below.

Ever since packages with dry dog ​​food appeared on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies and supermarkets, disputes between the owners of these animals, and even the veterinarians themselves, have not subsided.

Opponents of this type of feeding believe that only natural food (meat, cereals, dairy products and vegetables) can satisfy the need of animals for a daily calorie intake and essential vitamins. Adherents of dry food disagree with this opinion and are sure that crunchy kibbles contain not only meat, but also components such as cereals, vegetables and minerals, so they are an excellent alternative to natural food.

Opponents of dry food believe that natural food is better for the dog.

It is difficult to answer which of them is right, because dry food, compared to natural food, has both a number of undeniable advantages and many significant disadvantages. And before transferring a four-legged pet to ready-made food, each owner must carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Pros of dry food

Dry dog ​​food has a wide variety.

  • Big choice . You can choose food for a pet, taking into account not only its dimensions and breed, but also factors such as the sterilization of the animal, the age of the pet, or certain types of products.
  • Time saving . To feed your pet, it is enough to pour a portion of dry granules into his bowl, because it does not need to be boiled like meat or porridge.
  • Tartar prevention . Dry food helps to clean the dog's teeth from plaque and prevents the formation of tartar.
  • Content of vitamins and minerals . Premium feed contains trace elements necessary for animals, so the owner does not have to buy additional vitamins in a pharmacy.
  • Availability and long shelf life . Packets of crispy granules can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or nearby supermarket, in addition, such food practically does not deteriorate and can be bought with a margin.

Cons of dry food

  • Expensive price . High-quality food is not cheap, and not every owner can afford to buy it. A cheap one will not only not bring any benefit to the dog, but can also harm his health.
  • It causes addiction . Some dogs become so addicted to dry kibble that they may refuse any other food afterwards.
  • high salt content . Ready-made dry food is very salty, so the owner must ensure that the four-legged pet always has access to clean, fresh water.
  • The monotony of the diet . The dog's daily menu consists of the same dry granules, even if they are tasty.
  • Difficulty of choice . Many owners find it difficult to find the right food for their pet.

Cheap dry food is harmful to the dog.

It must be remembered that a complete diet is important not only for a thoroughbred pet, but also for an ordinary mongrel who does not have a pedigree and titled ancestors. Therefore, each owner should consult with a veterinarian before transferring a pet to dry food.

What ingredients and components is dry dog ​​food made from?

In television advertising, beautiful and well-groomed dogs with great pleasure eat fragrant dry granules poured by a caring owner. And, as advertising promises, such food gives animals energy and strength, because it contains only components that are useful for dogs.

But in reality, most manufacturers make dog food from ground into flour, offal, tendons, bones and internal organs. And they also add soy, starch, cornmeal, dry egg powder and chicken fat to it. Therefore, do not believe commercials that prepared food contains a lot of meat, it is there no more than 20–30%.

Premium food comes at a high price.

In addition, the composition of dry kibbles also includes preservatives with flavorings, which in no way can be called beneficial to the health of dogs.

On the contrary, stabilizers and food coloring can harm the animal's digestive system or cause allergies. As a rule, harmful additives can be found in the composition of all cheap economy-class foods, so you should not hope that your dog will get the maximum benefit from such food.

In order for the home to be healthy and active, it must be provided with a balanced diet. After all, it is the deficiency of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements that is the main cause of lethargy and ailments of a four-legged friend. To help you navigate and make a smart choice from the widest range of products on the market, we offer you a rating of the most popular and high-quality premium dog dry foods.

Brit Premium (Czech Republic)

The Czech company "Brit Pet Food" owns the authorship of many food products for pets. The specificity of the diet of the brand lies in the harmonious ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

In Brit Premium dog food, the manufacturer took into account the nutritional needs of a young organism, so the product is more intended for young animals. It is dominated by corn, rice, chicken by-products, cereals and grasses.

Important! Raisins, grapes, chocolate, onions, garlic and corn heads are strictly contraindicated in the dog's diet. These products provoke the development of kidney failure, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract..

For , medium and small dog breeds, the manufacturer recommends Brit Premium dry food, which compares favorably with a balanced formula of high-quality salmon oil. This component leads in the amount of fatty acids, has a beneficial effect on the pet's nervous system and contributes to its mental development. The food is ideal for dogs from 1 to 7 years of age.

According to experts, such a diet will prevent skin allergies, inflammatory processes and malfunctions of the internal organs of the animal. Among the components of the product, a significant proportion is given to white Indian rice, brewer's yeast, wheat, corn, dried apples, lime extract and tropical yucca, fish oil, rosemary and turmeric herbal composition, chicken and lamb meat, vitamins and minerals.

Brit Premium is a worthy European manufacturer's answer to allergic diseases in pets.

The main benefits of this food are:

  • ingredients are harmoniously selected, which makes it possible to feed even weakened animals;
  • beneficial effect of the components of the product on the digestive organs;
  • the ability to stimulate the immune functions of the body;
  • antibacterial and antispasmodic effect, which is possible due to yucca extract;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • suitable for diabetic dogs (yucca controls blood glucose levels and increases hemoglobin);
  • on sale there are different packaging of the product (from 1 to 18 kg);
  • you can find goods even in small towns.

The Czech dog food "Brit Premium" meets all the requirements of the premium class and has received good reviews from consumers.

Among its few shortcomings are a limited number of components and "masterpieces" of translation, which distort the informational meaning of the label. A kilogram package of Brit Premium dry food for dogs in Moscow can be bought for 275 rubles, and a maximum package of 18 kg will cost around 4,785 rubles.

Did you know? The first year in a dog's life is equivalent to 16 human years, the second to 24, and the 3rd to 30. After this age, each year lived is equivalent to 4 human years.

Hill's Science Plan (Netherlands)

This group of dry dog ​​foods intended for sick animals. Depending on the type and degree of the disease, veterinarians prescribe one of the options for a popular brand. Such nutrition is not able to replace the treatment, but in combination with it, it relieves the burden on the diseased organ and supports the body as a whole.

The Dutch manufacturer has developed a special scale by which you can independently determine the veterinary purpose of the product. So, on the package you will find an index consisting of two English letters.

Did you know? The fastest dogs are Horts. They can run at a speed of 72 kilometers per hour.

Consider in detail their decoding:
  • U/D- the feed is designed for animals with renal insufficiency and urolithiasis;
  • I/D- heals the digestive organs;
  • Z/D- the balanced composition of this feed is designed to minimize the body's allergic reactions to food;
  • W/D- useful for diabetic dogs, as it is intended to control their weight;
  • S/D- helps to cope with diseases of the genitourinary system, promotes the disintegration of stones formed in the kidneys;
  • K/D- facilitates the well-being of dogs with diseased kidneys;
  • J/D- Designed for the treatment of joints;
  • D/D- the food is a salvation for animals that showed signs of intoxication, as well as allergic reactions;
  • C/D- recommended to prevent the formation of uroliths in the kidneys;
  • T/D- thanks to a special granular form, it helps to clean the teeth of the animal and removes plaque from them;
  • L/D- designed to relieve the load on the liver and its treatment.

Did you know? Dogs don't go out in the rain because they're afraid of getting wet. In fact, they are very sensitive to noise, which can damage their hearing.

The hallmarks of Hill's Science Plan dog food quality are:

  • natural, well-balanced ingredients, among which a significant part is chicken or lamb;
  • a high level of antioxidants in the composition of the feed, which is the most important factor in the health and longevity of the animal;
  • granular form of the product, which helps to cleanse the oral cavity;
  • digestibility.
Among the shortcomings of the Hills brand of food is the lack of a universal formula that would be recommended for any type of dog. That's why Before you buy a product, carefully read the information on the package. and ask your veterinarian about the health of your four-legged friend.

On average, for a kilogram of "Hill's Science Plan" you will have to pay from 367 rubles.

ABBA premium (Netherlands)

The main consumer of ABBA premium dry dog ​​food in the Netherlands are adult small breed dogs. For their health, manufacturers have developed a special formula from dried lamb meat, which exalts the food over many others that contain offal and bone meal.

On the label, this important component, which accounts for about 60% of the composition, is designated by the term "dehydrated meat." A significant share among the components is occupied by rice, corn, cereals and legumes. There are also fish and animal fats, beet pulp, proteins, vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements.

Important! When choosing a pet food, consider that corn, wheat, soy, chicken, and ham are the most common causes of food allergies. Its symptoms can continue even for six months after the allergen is excluded from the daily diet of the animal.

Experts consider the advantage of Abba feed:

  • the presence of real meat among the components;
  • rich composition;
  • the ability to choose grain-free options in which cereals are replaced by potatoes.

But along with these positive moments there is a low prevalence of the product, which complicates its acquisition. Also, among the minuses, consumers note the so-called “blurred” information on the packaging - the manufacturer does not specify which antioxidants and animal fats the food contains. The cost of 1 kilogram of "ABBA premium" ranges from 185 rubles.

«Probalance» (Russia)

The Probalance brand is owned by the Danish company Aller Petfood A/S, whose production assets are located near Russia's St. Petersburg. characteristic a feature of these dry foods is the high level of meat in the composition and unsafe chemical additives. Experienced dog breeders know that the premium class does not represent the highest quality products, but in many respects it outperforms the economy class.

According to veterinarians, the product deserves attention because it contains up to 30% dried meat, rice, barley, chicken fat, oats, brewer's yeast, egg powder, phyto-composition of medicinal herbs, flax seed, sunflower oil, vitamin and mineral additives, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, magnesium, prebiotic, lecithin, fish oil, crude ash, antioxidants (E 320 and E 321).

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the threat of preservatives labeled E 321, which are prohibited for use in many European countries and the United States of America. This nuance played a role in the evaluation of dog food. Among its advantages, consumers called:

  • affordable price;
  • composition rich in useful vitamins and minerals;
  • the presence of meat among the ingredients, not by-products;
  • the ability to choose between universal feed, hypoallergenic and veterinary.
The disadvantage of the Russian "Probalance" experts believe:
  • a small amount of meat (only 30%, when there are brands with 60% on sale);
  • domestic quality significantly loses compared to foreign. 1 kilogram of this feed costs around 140 rubles.

Royal Canin (Russia)

This domestic product has been popular with dog breeders in Russia for many years. His main merit is in a harmoniously selected composition, which is distinguished by many vitamins, minerals, nutrients, micro and macro elements. But experts warn that we are talking about premium products. And this means that it contains offal, vegetables and berries.

If we carefully analyze the composition of Royal Canin, we can conclude that among the constituent ingredients, rice comes first and only after it are particles of dried meat. The composition also contains corn, animal fats, mineral and vitamin supplements.

The manufacturer indicates that 100 g of feed contains 24% proteins. An attentive buyer will understand that, in combination with corn, vegetable protein isolate and animal protein hydrolyzate declared on the package, a little meat is allotted in this mixture (obviously, therefore, its percentage is silent).

Important! Remember that your four-legged friends will never replace natural fresh meat or fish. First, they are devoid of living energy. Secondly, it is possible that they were made from a defective meat batch, which is fraught with an excess of the hormonal component. As a result, the animal can develop various pathologies, up to oncological ones. In addition, taste stabilizers, flavors, dyes, cheap fillers and oxidizing agents often provoke allergies in dogs.

Royal Canin received positive feedback from dog breeders due to its following advantages:

  • the food has a very wide range - from small to large breeds, and there are also veterinary variations;
  • no offal;
  • available to many consumers;
  • the composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals.
The disadvantages of the product are called:
  • prevalence among the ingredients of corn;
  • a small proportion of meat;
  • the presence of propyl gallate, which is a malignant allergen.
Royal Canin dry food is inconsistent in its assessments. But given its relatively meager composition and high price, it is better to give preference to the French version. Also, dog breeders should take into account the fact that experts do not advise constantly giving animals such food. By its nutritional value, it is rightly equated to fast foods.

The cost of a kilogram package of the product ranges from 300 rubles.

«ProPlan» (Russia, Italy, France)

The official manufacturer of dry food brand "ProPlan" is a large European company "Purina", which has concentrated its production assets in France, Italy and Russia. The main asset of this product is the ability to choose variations for different breeds of age categories of animals.

Did you know? Scientists admit that theoretically all dogs could have descended from small gray wolves that were domesticated back in Paleolithic times. Most likely, they appeared in Eurasia about 13 thousand years ago..

According to professionals, ProPlan food is not the best food for daily consumption by dogs. The fact is that meat lumps, bones and skin of a turkey were involved in its manufacture, which fully meets the AAFCO standard. The manufacturer veils all these ingredients in the word "turkey", which is often perceived by an inexperienced consumer as pure meat.

In addition, corn and corn gluten, dry chicken proteins, dry beet pulp and animal fats occupy a significant place among the components.

Based on this, we can draw a conclusion about the strengths and weaknesses of the product. So, its advantages:

  • accessibility and widespread use even in small urban-type settlements;
  • the presence of spiders and canned food.
The disadvantages can be counted:
  • the meat ingredient is represented by offal;
  • lack of specification of flavors and flavor enhancers;
  • poor overall composition.
In Russia, a kilogram pack of ProPlan dry dog ​​food can be bought for 300 rubles.

Did you know? Dogs are the only animals that can discern human emotions. To do this, they just need to look at their master. Moreover, these animals will sincerely empathize with you.

ProNature Original (Canada)

The predominant ingredient in this Canadian product is chicken meal, which is made from meat chunks, bones and skin. Also in the composition are ground corn, wheat bran, vitamins, rice, chicken fat, dry beet pulp, trace elements and flavorings.

The advantageous difference of ProNature Original dry food is the use of natural preservatives and flavorings. Consequently, consumers appreciated the quality of the product and among its main advantages are:
  • the presence of a meat ingredient, which is ranked first in the information on the composition of the feed;
  • composition enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • naturalness;
  • availability, reasonable price-quality ratio.
But along with the positive, there was indignation at the insignificant percentage of the meat component of the feed.

In general, experts speak well of the product, but do not advise feeding your dog only such food.. The best option for pets, of course, will be food from the holistic and super-premium class. But if the aforementioned group turned out to be expensive for your wallet, then the Canadian "ProNature Original" is quite suitable. By the way, you can buy it at a price of 215 rubles per kilogram.

"Advance" (Spain)

Spanish dry food brand "Advance" are intended for everyday consumption. The product is loved by dog ​​breeders, thanks to the enriched fortified composition and a wide range.

Available for large, medium and small breeds, as well as animals of different age categories and medicinal products. Here, the owners of domestic wards can choose, guided by the peculiarity of their four-legged, their tendency to allergies, sensitivity of the digestive tract, long-haired.

Veterinarians recommend this food to dogs that need to strengthen the immune system.. It is also useful in preventing tooth decay.

Did you know? Dogs sweat too. Only this is not manifested on the whole body, as in humans, but exclusively on the paws.

Stone and intestinal diseases.

As part of "Advance", in addition to the typical additives for dog dry food, there are natural antioxidants-bioflavonoids, which is a significant advantage of the product. Among its shortcomings, only a small part of the meat can be distinguished.

The cost of a kilogram package of such feed is within 260 rubles.

Important! Avoid dog food that contains synthetic preservatives. According to experts, they cause depression in animals, and also lead to liver disease, allergies, seizures and even cancer..

Chicopee (Germany)

Chicopee dog food is manufactured by the Canadian company Harrison Pet Products Inc, which has assets in Germany for the European market. The premium class guarantees that the product contains some part of the meat, but the manufacturer is silent about its percentage on the packaging.

Among the components in the first place is flour from poultry meat. Next come corn, animal fats (from poultry), rice, wheat, and standard vitamin and mineral supplements.

Experts conclude that proteins of predominantly plant origin are involved in the composition of the feed. But along with this, their source is nutritional supplements, not fruit and vegetable mixtures.

The positive aspects of the product can be considered:

  • lack of dyes, flavoring and flavored "chemistry";
  • The food is well distributed and affordable.

Compared to the aforementioned premium dry food, Chicopee loses in the absence of information on the percentage of ingredients and the specification of the bird ingredient. You can buy a kilogram of Chicopee for 240 rubles.

Did you know? Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints. This nuance is used by criminologists when investigating incidents involving animals.

"True Friends" (Russia)

In some online stores, this food is positioned as a super-premium class, which confuses consumers. In order to understand the true purpose and degree of quality of the Russian product "True Friends", it is enough to analyze its composition.

The official manufacturer of the goods ProdKontraktInvest LLC on the packaging indicates: chicken flour, rice, wheat, lamb meat meal, corn, animal fats (about 80%), brewer's yeast, flax seeds, mineral and vitamin supplements.

According to the label, the main advantages of this dry food include:

  • protein sources are mainly meat ingredients;
  • the presence of useful and nutrients, vitamins, as well as goodies;
  • price availability.

It is bad that the manufacturer is silent about the percentage of the components of the feed and does not specify the antioxidants used. Also, the disadvantages include the low quality of the domestic product, which significantly loses compared to foreign options.

You can buy a kilogram of feed for only 90 rubles. Perhaps this is the most economical of all the options we have considered.

Did you know? The average dog may well remember up to five thousand words. Moreover, like a child, she can learn the basics of mathematics.

Now you know what premium dog food is from the list of the most common, their price, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages. We hope this information will help you decide on the right nutrition for your barking pet.

Before buying dog food, you need to decide on many criteria: composition, quality, type of food (dry or wet canned food), pet breed and price. To make it easier to choose, and you are sure of the full development of your pet, we have compiled a small nutrition rating.

Top 24 Dog Foods in 2019

The list of the best dog food in 2017 included more than twenty options:

  • summit;

It is difficult to say unequivocally which dog food has become the best. But many veterinarians and breeders say Hill's nutrition, which includes wet canned food and dry food, is super-premium. The price for an average package of 6.5 kg will be 2000 rubles (500 UAH). Although a lot depends on the composition, packaging option and line.

Feed types

Depending on the appearance and method of manufacture, dry and wet food, canned food are distinguished. Most dog owners buy dry food, but you need to keep track of your pet's water balance. Wet canned food is more often bought for puppies or for a change in diet.

Dry food

Dry food - a nutritious diet in the form of pressed kibbles of different sizes, made taking into account the needs of the dog. In the best versions, the food contains more protein, a minimum of carbohydrates and animal fats. The basis of any croquettes is meat, it is better when natural. Also add cereals, eggs, dry vegetables and extracts, mineral complexes. Food is prepared using ovens, high temperatures, sometimes freezing at low temperatures.

Super-premium croquettes are steamed to preserve vitamins and nutrients. You can give dry food from two months of life, after weaning from mother's milk. But for this it is better to choose a special line. Eukanuba, Akana, Orijen are considered the best options for dry food.

It is important that dry food can be soaked in water or fed naturally. The main thing is to monitor the amount of water in relation to servings of croquettes.

canned food

Wet food is 75% moisture, more nutritious, and therefore more expensive than dry food. In the manufacture of such food, all components are mixed, then a special component is added to maintain moisture, after which the product is heat-treated at lower temperatures than dry.

Canned dog food is less popular than dry food. Because many experts do not recommend canned food as the basis of a daily diet. This is dictated by the fact that wet canned food loses some of its nutritional properties due to the large amount of moisture. Especially recommend canned food from Purina Pro Plan, Eukanuba, Happy Dog. The main component of canned food is fresh meat, vegetables, eggs and potatoes with broth and sauce.

Moist food can be divided into two types:

  • gourmet foods act as a treat, they contain a lot of fruits, vegetables, medicinal herbs, but the nutrition is not balanced. They give such canned food to diversify the diet, not constantly or in small portions;
  • Medicated feed is prescribed by a veterinarian for the treatment and prevention of certain types of diseases. It is important to adhere to the dosage and give only high quality canned food.

By the way, when buying canned food in a jar or package check the tightness, expiration date, condition of the packaging(no swelling, drips). Choose according to the age of your pet.

For experienced dog breeders and for those who have acquired their first four-legged friend, it is very important that their pet grows up healthy, strong, active and has an attractive appearance. Much of this has to do with proper nutrition. Choosing a complete diet for your pet is not easy, given the huge range of ready-made feeds in pet stores and supermarkets.

Some owners prefer to feed their four-legged friends natural food, believing that it is dry dog ​​food that harms their health. Reviews of veterinarians indicate that they are partly right, but only if the finished food is chosen incorrectly. Such compositions should not only be nutritious and well balanced, they should also include useful supplements (minerals, vitamins and trace elements).

Unfortunately, in this matter, pet owners quite often rely on television advertising and opt for hyped dry dog ​​food. Reviews of veterinarians about many widely advertised formulations make you wonder - do they really satisfy all the needs of animals, do they include all the ingredients that the manufacturers claim? Should advertising be trusted? In this article we will try to answer these and many other questions.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry food

From the very moment when colorful packages with dry food appeared on the shelves of supermarkets, pet stores, disputes have not subsided not only between pet owners, but also between veterinary specialists. We will not take the liberty of claiming which of them is right, we will not advertise certain types of these products, we will present you with facts that will help you choose a good dog food. Reviews of veterinarians, we hope, will help you with this.

But first, let's introduce you to general information about this product, which, according to experts, has its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with natural nutrition. They cannot be ignored if you decide to feed your pet with ready-made formulations.

The benefits of dry food

  • Big choice. Pet owners can choose food for their pet, taking into account not only its size and breed, but also age, the presence of sterilization and chronic diseases, and a tendency to allergies.
  • Saving time. To feed an animal, it is enough just to pour dry granules into its bowl.
  • Prevention of tartar. Dry (reviews of veterinarians confirm this) clean the animal's teeth from plaque. In addition, they are an excellent prophylactic against tartar.
  • Vitamins and minerals. According to veterinarians, a good dry dog ​​food (premium) contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for animals, so there is no need to buy additional vitamins in tablets or drops.
  • Long shelf life and availability. Crispy granules can be bought in supermarkets, veterinary pharmacies in all major cities. Such food practically does not deteriorate, and therefore it can be bought with a margin.

Cons of dry food

  • Price. Truly high-quality food is quite expensive, and not every owner can afford to buy it.
  • Addiction. Many animals become so accustomed to dry pellets that they often completely reject any other food.
  • Salt content. According to veterinarians, dry dog ​​food, especially economy class, contains a lot of salt, so the owner needs to ensure that the animal has constant access to clean water.
  • Difficulty of choice. Many owners, especially novice dog breeders, have difficulty choosing the right composition for their friend.

Do you believe advertising?

It's no secret that when we watch TV commercials, we admire beautiful and well-groomed dogs that eat dry pellets with great pleasure. Such advertising usually assures that it is this food that will give the animals strength and energy, because only components that are useful for dogs are included in its composition. In fact, most manufacturers, especially those who often advertise their products on television, make dry dog ​​food, and reviews of veterinarians confirm this, from ground waste from the meat industry, bones, tendons and internal organs. In addition, starch, soy, cornmeal, chicken fat are added to them.

Feed classification

In order not to make a mistake when choosing dry dog ​​food, the owner needs to familiarize himself with the classification and rating of these products, which differ not only in cost, but also in quality and composition.

Economy class

These are the cheapest, but most frequently advertised feeds. They include not only by-products, but also cereals. The composition is poor: as a rule, two or three components and the required minimum of vitamin supplements.


A well-known company in our country produces a wide range of products for puppies, adult animals, lactating and pregnant bitches. The compositions differ depending on the lifestyle of the dog: domestic, active. The composition of the feed includes vegetable oil, cereals, by-products,

Reviews of veterinarians about Pedigree dry dog ​​food are ambiguous: some experts attribute these feeds to a high-quality economy class and urge not to expect miracles from him. It is clear that there are no harmful components in it. In Pedigree feeds, perhaps only the quality of the by-products that are used in the manufacture is in doubt, and there is no certainty that these are complete formulations. Therefore, if your pet's health is important to you, consult your veterinarian and try to find a suitable complete food. Many owners do otherwise: they alternate Pedigree food with natural food - this option is allowed by veterinarians.


The company's products are widely represented on the domestic market. The composition of these feeds includes corn, vegetable fats, bone meal, meat by-products. In addition, they also contain brewer's yeast, which have a beneficial effect on digestion. Despite the rather poor composition, many owners prefer this particular product.

The question arises: “Is it possible to use Chappie dry food for dogs as a complete food?” Reviews of veterinarians give an unequivocal answer - no. Sometimes it can be used as a camping lunch or snack. Veterinarians sadly joke that as long as people buy food of this quality for their pets, they will not be left without work.


The American company Purina has been producing pet food for almost eighty years, and today its products occupy a leading position in their segment. Purina One is an inexpensive line that belongs to good economy class feeds that take into account the life characteristics of small animals weighing no more than ten kilograms.

The physiology of miniature dogs has its own characteristics, and their content should be special. Usually these dogs are finicky and quite capricious in food. According to veterinarians, Purina Van dry dog ​​food combines well-chosen components that are aimed at the development of a small pet. However, artificial additives are introduced into its composition: odor and taste enhancers, which can adversely affect the body of your little friend.


Inexpensive dry food for economy class dogs from domestic manufacturers. According to them, the basis of the line is a specially developed formula, which is aimed at strengthening the protective forces of animals, maintaining the health of the coat and skin, as well as preventing cardiovascular and intestinal diseases.

We have already said that in the production of economy class feed, raw materials of rather low quality are used. Reviews of veterinarians about the dry food "Meal" for dogs emphasize this fact. In addition, most formulations include cheap fillers: soy, wheat, corn. A huge disadvantage of the feed of this company is too little minerals and vitamins.


Production of Russian manufacturers of economy class. The feed contains less than ten percent of meat, offal and cereal flour. The packaging does not indicate from which meat the protein is obtained, from which cereals the carbohydrates are obtained. It should be noted the presence of aromatic additives that are unlikely to be useful to the dog.

Reviews of veterinarians about the dry food "Prokhvost" are rather restrained, and, as a rule, boil down to the fact that the economy class formulations are not able to provide the animal with the necessary nutrients.

Premium class

Such feeds are a compromise solution in terms of price and quality. In such compositions there is a small amount of meat, but at the same time offal is predominantly used. In this case, cereals are used full-fledged, and not production waste, much more minerals and vitamins are added.

"Royal Canin"

The feed is produced in several countries - Poland, Russia and France. According to experts, this feed is of rather low quality, although it is positioned as a premium. They can be used as a food supplement, but veterinarians do not recommend using them constantly for feeding animals.

"Happy Dog"

Feed from German manufacturers. They claim that they contain several sources of animal protein: meat, sea fish, dried whole egg. Meat ingredients are represented by poultry, rabbit, veal. However, veterinarians note that some types of these feeds are comparable to the premium class, and some belong to the economy class. On the packaging, the manufacturer does not specify which meat products are used in the production of a particular composition, and this indicates that the composition contains questionable by-products. Corn, which is part of these feeds, refers to cheap fillers, although it does not harm the health of the animal.


This is a good dry food for dogs, according to veterinarians. The manufacturer uses natural ingredients: lamb, chicken, turkey and fish. Pleases presence in these forages of amino acids necessary for dogs and vitamins, minerals, natural herbal preservatives.


The feed is produced by Purina. It belongs to the premium class. The line includes about twenty composition options designed for adult animals and puppies, pregnant women and female feeders, and hypoallergenic nutrition is also presented. According to veterinarians, Proplan dry dog ​​food has a number of disadvantages that can have a negative impact on decorative dogs and puppies. These include:

  • the presence of flavor enhancers and flavorings;
  • in all feed lines, the compositions are similar;
  • a small proportion of natural meat.

Super premium food


The feed of this well-known brand in Russia is made in Canada. In their composition, the manufacturer adds only high-quality and fresh, non-frozen components: selected meat supplied by farmers. In addition, they contain fruits, berries, which are grown in the same area where the feed production plant is located. Therefore, long transportation and freezing of products is not required.

The company's specialists always take into account the reviews of veterinarians about Akana dry dog ​​food, who believe that the brand's products are almost flawless. The minerals and vitamins included in the feed make it possible to completely eliminate the need for their additional forms (tablets, drops). For animals, you can easily choose a special composition in accordance with age, weight, the presence of chronic diseases. Reviews of experts about these feeds are mostly simply enthusiastic.


These are compositions belonging to the super-premium class, made from the freshest raw materials. The range of the brand includes food with unusual types of meat: wild boar and goat meat. Dry food is represented by three types:

  • life protection.
  • High premium.