Autumn renewal - shedding in dogs: when does it happen, what to do, what vitamins to give? When do dogs shed? Why does a dog shed in winter even though he lives outside? How long does the spring, summer and autumn seasonal shedding last in dogs? Dog sheds constantly

All dogs, regardless of breed, shed. But there are breeds that shed not abundantly.

These breeds include Irish Water Spaniel, Spanish Water Dog, Giant Schnauzer, Black Russian Terrier, Bichon Frize, Chinese Crested, Yorkshire Terrier, Mexican Hairless, Poodle, Shih Tzu, Miniature Schnauzer, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Tibetan Terrier, Maltese, Havanese, coton de tulear.

Causes of shedding in dogs

Seasonal shedding in dogs is a natural process, but hair loss can occur for other reasons.

One of the reasons is dehydration, i.e. the lack of access to water and the lack of water in food leads to dry skin, as a result there is an abundant molt, and in some cases dehydration leads to the development of diseases.

As a result of poor nutrition or illness, the body does not receive the nutrients necessary for healthy coat and skin, the condition of the skin and coat worsens, hair begins to fall out.

It is known that bitches begin to molt before estrus. Therefore, this factor should also be taken into account if an off-season molt suddenly begins. The norm is the age molting and molting in bitches who have stopped breastfeeding puppies.

Hair loss can be triggered by stress, such as during pregnancy, moving, surgery.

Abundant molting can be observed in pets living in an apartment where a high air temperature is maintained. Due to the heat, wool can begin to fall out regardless of the change of season. The optimum maximum air temperature in the room should not exceed +26 degrees.

When does shedding begin in dogs?

The very first coat changes by 1.5 months, and in some breeds the color of the coat also changes, which becomes darker or vice versa lighter.

The age-related first molt in dogs begins no earlier than 6 months of age, during which the downy coat changes to a stiffer and denser one. In some pets, the coat is formed for several years and becomes characteristic of adult animals only after a few molts.

However, in some cases, the age of the first molt in dogs can begin at 3.5-4 months, when the outer hair begins to grow. The process of changing hair can last up to a year, and in some breeds up to 2 years.

Shedding time for dogs

Some breeds have a long and heavy shedding period, while others shed all year round, shedding a small amount of hair daily. Typically, pets molt twice a year:

  • autumn, usually in September, light summer wool is shed and a thick warm undercoat grows, the pet visually increases in volume, becomes softer and fluffier;
  • at the end of spring, usually in May, the undercoat falls out. The spring molt in dogs lasts less in time than the autumn molt.

Shedding times in dogs vary, with seasonal shedding lasting about 1-3 weeks. For pets living in an apartment, the timing of molting can change, and instead of a seasonal change, year-round hair loss occurs due to constant air temperature. In heated and artificially lit houses, the animal's brain does not receive a signal that a coat change is required, the bodies of pets are not exposed to natural temperatures, especially if the animals spend most of the time in the apartment and walk very little. The body does not notice the change of seasons and there is no abundant molting period. As a result, molting occurs on an ongoing basis daily in small amounts.

How to get rid of molting

It is impossible to completely stop the process of hair loss, but regular grooming during the shedding season in dogs will help stop the uncontrolled spread of hair around the house.

An effective hair removal tool is the furminator, which can remove most of the dead hair in just one session, although a session can last up to an hour or more, depending on the size of the animal and the thickness of the undercoat.

To remove the undercoat, you can use brushes, slickers, rubber gloves, and other tools designed for this purpose, but it is not recommended to cut pets. After shearing, the undercoat will grow even thicker.

To speed up shedding, washing the pet in warm water with protein shampoo or shampoo for shedding dogs is effective, then wrapping the pet in a warm blanket for 1-2 hours. It is important to monitor the condition of the animal during this time, otherwise there is a risk of overheating. This method allows you to speed up the shedding, which will take several days, but will be accompanied by profuse hair loss. However, washing the animal is often not recommended.

To reduce shedding in a dog, you need to properly feed your pet. A balanced diet is important, the basis of which should be meat, regardless of the type of feeding. The composition of dry food and the basis of a natural diet should be high-quality products rich in useful substances (vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants), which are necessary to maintain healthy coat and skin, the body as a whole. With natural feeding, it is useful to give the animal vitamins, but if the pet eats dry, high-quality food, there is no need for additional vitamins.

The animal should have free access to water, it is recommended to include moist foods in the diet, such as low-fat kefir, yogurt. Wet commercial food contains up to 78% moisture, and dry food is only 10%, so it is recommended to feed your pet not only dry, but also wet food.

To prevent the spread of hair around the house, dog owners put on lycra homemade suits for their pets. Lycra clothing is light, ventilated and comfortable.

Hair loss in a dog, accompanied by anxiety, is always an occasion to take a closer look at the health of a pet.

If the wool climbs strongly in spring and autumn, this is a mandatory change in the “wardrobe” for the season. This phenomenon is familiar to all owners of dogs, especially long-haired ones - molting in animals leads to the formation of matted areas of wool and the need for combing.

There are breeds that shed so actively that patches of clean skin form on the body of the animal, but then an even cover is restored. A thick, strong, silky coat signals good health.

Causes of hair loss

Concern should be caused by non-seasonal cases of hair loss, a change in the nature of the cover (the appearance of areas with a drier and stiffer, duller coat). An alarming factor should be a change in the behavior of the animal - it becomes more restless, eats less or refuses food altogether. Causes of hair loss in dogs can be hormonal or non-hormonal.

There is one effective tool that helps dog owners deal with falling hair - a combing glove. We advise, thanks to it you will save a lot of money on various expensive combs and accessories. It turns out that you are just petting the dog, but at the same time getting rid of old and excess hair.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal disorders cause symmetrical hair loss on the body of the animal, thinning of the hair, unreasonable weight gain and can be caused by the treatment of the animal (for example, in females that have undergone sterilization).

A hormonal imbalance manifests itself as an excess of cortisol, insufficiency of the thyroid hormone, and violations of the production of growth-regulating hormones.

Too much cortisol leads to a condition called Cushing's syndrome. The animal symmetrically loses its coat, begins to gain excess weight, a sagging belly appears. The need for more fluid than usual is formed, which leads to excessive urination. A similar condition occurs with the use of steroid substances with food or during treatment.

If the production of growth hormone is impaired, then the dog's hair climbs symmetrically on both sides of the body (this is mainly characteristic of males). Dogs suffer from this disorder during puberty, pathology is noted in representatives of the breed:

  • chow-chow;
  • dutch spitz;
  • poodle;
  • Airedale;
  • boxer.

Sterilized females may suffer from excess estrogen - this will be signaled by hair loss around the genitals and perineum. An additional symptom is a decrease in the growth and quality of the coat, (it becomes too delicate and soft).

Thyroid dysfunction (too low production of hormones) leads to a change in the behavior of the dog, which becomes inactive, less active, begins to gain weight. The coat becomes brittle and dry, there are areas of symmetrical focal alopecia, the pet does not itch. Places of defeat: tail, back and sides, hips, chest, neck of the animal.

Non-hormonal causes of loss

Shedding in dogs is a seasonal phenomenon, and the owners should not cause concern. There is an age change of coat, typical for puppies from three months to a year - this is determined by the breed, the nature of the dog's coat, and size. If during this period you use aggressive products for bathing and caring for it, you can cause excessive drying of the skin, thinning of the coat.

The excessive desire of the owners to dress the pet in special clothes leads to disruption of the growth of the coat, matting and hair loss. The hair falls out especially in long-haired dogs.

When molting in adult animals, much attention must be paid to grooming, combing the cover and good nutrition. A characteristic process for females is molting after bringing puppies or during the mating period.


The cause of focal hair loss can be a strong nervous shock suffered by the animal (fear, loss of the owner, beating). This phenomenon is often observed by employees of dog shelters when pets that have lost their owner get to them - the hair on the back of the dog falls out badly. Stress can be determined by their behavior - animals actively lick themselves.

allergic reactions

Reactions to new foods, dietary supplements, or unusual treats can cause allergies. Symptoms of such a reaction in an animal will be:

  • watery eyes;
  • redness of mucous membranes;
  • sometimes - discharge from the ears;
  • the desire to constantly itch.

Places that are intensively combed by the dog are covered with a small rash, reminiscent of hives in humans. Scratching ulcers can appear on the animal's nose or around the eyes, under the armpits, or on the abdomen.

Allergies can also be caused by external factors:

  • change of shampoo for washing;
  • repair in the apartment;
  • new floor covering.

Sometimes, to find out why a dog's hair falls out, it is enough to analyze changes in family life. The state of hypersensitivity can be both permanent and seasonal. An allergic lesion requires a mandatory visit to the veterinarian to determine the cause and prescribe medications, avoid contact with the irritant.

Unbalanced diet

Dog food should meet its needs in different seasons and periods of life. Feeding dry food cannot meet all the needs of the animal during molting, after illness or during the period of gestation of puppies. The body of dogs, like the human body, requires an increased amount of vitamins and nutrients during the change of season.

Special feed additives are needed for dogs living in big cities and experiencing constant stress or constantly ill, spending little time on the street. Most often, feeding deficiencies are manifested in animals belonging to small breeds. By the appearance of the pet, you can determine which vitamin is lacking:

  • dry coat, skin with flaking scales indicates a lack of vitamin B;
  • Constantly oily, sloppy coat of a dull appearance occurs with a lack of vitamin A.

In order for the animal's body to have enough vitamins, calcium and other minerals so necessary for a healthy coat, we recommend including animal bones in the diet. Only deer antlers () can be more useful than bones, in which there are even more necessary substances, and also last longer.

Only a veterinarian can give a correct assessment of the condition of a dog by examining the animal and examining the results of blood tests. The recommendations will relate to the diet (inclusion of natural meat products, fats: poultry, pork, beef, vegetable oil).

You should not give vitamins to your dog on your own - their overdose can cause more harm to the body than a deficiency.

The lack of trace elements in the body (zinc) can cause active baldness of the dog - the limbs, joints and muzzle are rapidly losing their coat. The characteristic appearance of the skin is that it dries up and becomes covered with scales, sometimes cracks appear on the paws. The most sensitive breed to such a lesion is the Laika.

Insufficient hair care

A common reason for increased shedding can be the use of "human" shampoos and hair care products. This is wrong and may cause an additional allergic reaction.

That's right - use shampoos and care products created specifically for dogs.

Too frequent bathing can also hurt - for dogs with long hair, washing once a month is optimal, for representatives of short-haired breeds - once every three months. To maintain an aesthetic appearance, the coat must be combed with a special brush and comb. Dogs kept on the street are bathed exclusively in the warm season, in winter you can clean the coat with snow (dry) and a brush.


This disease has no established cause, it is believed that it causes a metabolic disorder. Most often seen in older obese dogs. The disorder is not contagious and is not transmitted to other animals or humans. The doctor can determine the exact cause of the disorder and treatment.


In large breed dogs, inflammation of the hair follicles or sebaceous glands can be observed. The likely cause is a decrease in the animal's immunity due to constant improper feeding and indigestion.


The disease causes damage by fungi, the infection is transferred. Symptoms: on the body of the animal appear round patches of bald skin, covered with crusts and skin scales. The diameter of the areas is up to 50 mm., They are of the correct round shape, the open areas of the skin are bright pink. Localization of the lesion - at the tail of the animal, from the bottom of the limbs, on the muzzle and ears.

Scabies and lice

Vlas-eaters (trichodectosis) can settle on the hips and tail of the animal. Usually, infection occurs exclusively from another dog, the pathogen can be brought into the premises on the owner's shoes. Causes severe itching and anxiety, the hair grows dull, strays into shreds, then bald spots begin to form at the site of scratching.

doberman syndrome

The disease was first identified as characteristic of the breed, but now a similar disease is observed in other dogs. Symptoms: ulcers with purulent contents begin to form over the entire surface of the animal's coat, this leads to massive hair loss. The condition is not treated, it is considered a genetic, hereditary lesion.

fungal infection

Dangerous for developing organisms of puppies is the defeat of yeast infections in areas of the body with high humidity. The hair on them falls out in shreds, the bald areas smell unpleasant and look greasy.


Worms infestation causes:

  • decrease, or vice versa, a sharp increase in appetite;
  • fading and hair loss;
  • weight loss and stunting (in puppies);
  • the animal becomes inactive;
  • worms are visible in the feces;
  • the skin becomes dry and irritated.

All symptoms disappear after the expulsion of worms from the body of animals.

With a strong molt, it happens that the wool scatters throughout the apartment, can be found in the most inaccessible cracks. This is all accompanied by a nasty smell of dog hair. If this bothers you, we recommend one of the most effective and safe animal odor eliminators.

Dog hair loss treatment

If the dog itches and hair falls out, becomes lethargic, it should be immediately taken to the veterinarian. You should not delay the visit - the sooner treatment begins, the better the result will be achieved.

A new food or treat should be introduced to the animal gradually, carefully observing the reaction. At the first signs of animal anxiety, it is necessary to exclude food from the diet. If an allergy has appeared to a household product, a care product, the contact of the animal with it should be excluded.

For feeding dogs, you should choose a proven quality food, combining it with meat products - this will ensure the absence of allergies.

During a visit to the veterinarian, the specialist will perform an external examination of the dog, prescribe a group of tests necessary for diagnosis:

  • analytical blood test;
  • sensitivity test;
  • skin samples from areas of baldness;
  • blood chemistry.

Based on laboratory data, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment:

When treating a pet, you should fully comply with the doctor's prescription, do not stop treatment after the symptoms disappear.

Vitamins for hair growth

To solve the problem of baldness, special vitamin supplements are used, which include components of plant and animal origin, honey, extracts from algae.

The best tools of this type for 2017 include:

  • Canina Petvital Derm Caps in the form of oil-based capsules and the inclusion of fish oil, fatty acids, provitamin A, zinc;
  • Hokamix Skin Shine oil-based, including extracts from nuts, a combination of fatty acids, has a general strengthening effect, indicated for unscheduled molting;
  • CANVIT BIOTIN with a large list of components, the largest share falls on vitamin H, niacin, methionine, is used in courses of 30 days.

All these drugs must be prescribed by the attending veterinarian, self-medication can significantly worsen the condition of the animal.

How to prevent future

In order for the dog's coat to be smooth and shiny, it is necessary not only to monitor its health, but also to take care of the coat, wash and comb it regularly. This applies not only to long-haired, but also to short-haired breeds.

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the dog's coat is renewed naturally. This process is directly related to the health of the animal, its immunity and well-being. If the coat shines in the sun, this is an excellent indicator, but if it is dull and not silky, then you need to pay more attention to the pet's body.

At the same time, a beautiful coat is responsible for the attractive appearance and grooming of the dog. Such a pet wants to be stroked as often as possible, which improves the mood of both parties and contributes to closer tactile contact.

What is the difference between spring and autumn molting?

In the autumn period of molting, the summer coat is replaced and a new one grows, thicker and warmer, with an undercoat to keep warm in winter. The duration of the autumn molt is longer than the spring one, although there is much less hair during this period. A pet can visually increase in volume, become soft and tender to the touch.

Spring molt in dogs begins after the end of frost. There is a shedding of warm undercoat and thick wool, the skin is being renewed by the summer period. The duration of molting in the spring is short-term, although for the owners it is much more difficult to tolerate. Abundant hair loss spoils the mood of the tenants of the apartment, polluting clothes, furniture and floors.

When does the first molt begin in dogs?

Puppies older than 6 months are physiologically ready to shed their hair. However, the first molt does not depend on the date of birth, but on seasonal conditions and the general health of the dog.

How long does dog shedding last?

Natural seasonal molting occurs within 7-14 days. This is the time to take extra care of your pet. You will have to clean the house much more often than usual, as the ubiquitous wool will constantly appear. Thanks to careful combing or the services of a dog hairdresser, this period can be eased for both yourself and your four-legged friend.

Off-season molt

Please note that a dog living in an apartment may shed throughout the year. Her body is not tuned to natural cycles, so any change in the environment can provoke hair loss. In some females, shedding of wool begins during estrus or during childbirth.

Abundant pet hair loss over time is a serious reason to check the dog's health. The fact is that wool does not immediately signal internal diseases, since hair growth is slow. Any changes in the appearance of the dog are visible a month after the complications, which is why it is worth paying special attention to the shine of the coat during shedding in dogs. In its absence, you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

When should you contact the veterinarian?

Protracted shedding of a dog should be a concern if:

  • hair falls out in clumps
  • looks unkempt and dull
  • the structure and density of the cover changes,
  • hair growth slows down.

Why does a dog shed so much?

Long shedding in a dog can be associated with various factors. One common cause of canine hair loss is an allergic reaction to food, water, indoor or outdoor plants. Weakening of hair follicles can also happen due to stress caused by separation from the owner, a change of residence or surgery. Too frequent bathing can also provoke molting. Shampoo is able to wash out the protective fatty layer important for health. In this case, the hair follicles begin to weaken, and the hairs fall out.

In order for your pet to survive this period comfortably, follow the recommendations for care.

Brush your dog's coat daily with a specially selected brush, undercoat furminator or massage comb. Such manipulations are useful to the animal, because they help to remove dead hair and accelerate the growth of new ones; stimulate the upper layer of the epidermis, which improves blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the hair roots; improve the appearance of the pet, because the coat becomes smooth and silky. In addition, daily grooming will reduce the need to constantly vacuum and clean, and reduce the amount of hair in the house.

Use a special dog conditioner that improves the structure of the coat and nourishes the skin. The tool allows you to make the hairs flexible, they will not be confused during combing.

It is not recommended to bathe your dog often, but when it is really necessary, use a pet shampoo that contains protein and strengthens the coat. Use a cleanser to nourish the hair follicles no more than once a month.

Add cold-pressed oils, minerals and vitamins to your dog's usual diet. It is recommended to use special complex preparations that improve the quality of wool. If you are feeding your dog natural food, increase the amount of protein in your daily menu. Wool consists of keratin, and it is the protein components that are the building material of the hair, making it elastic. It is desirable to add complete protein in the form of low-fat meat, liver and chicken hearts. You can give your pet low-fat sea fish, while making sure that it does not come across bones. Favorably on the health of the dog will affect the use of natural fish oil. Also, the diet should be enriched with cereals and vegetables, and if the animal does not like them, you can add canned vegetables to the food.

Hair combing tools

To carefully comb out the falling hair and painlessly remove the resulting tangles, there are various devices:

  • comb made of hardened steel, the best option is nickel-plated. This tool is most often used for grooming the undercoat;
  • slicker. This brush is suitable for sensitive dogs that cannot tolerate a metal comb. She carefully and delicately combs out the accumulated hair;
  • The glove brush is used to comb out and collect dead hairs. It fits comfortably on the hand and effectively eliminates hair;
  • furminator - a modern tool that can replace all of the above devices. The Furminator is similar to a comb, but it has a steel blade with teeth and a comfortable rubber handle. Thanks to the slotted blade, the undercoat is easily removed from the coat without damaging the living hairs.

Important: Do not use the furminator if the skin of the animal has irritations, sores, wounds or similar damage. Also, the use of the device is not allowed if the dog has tangles. In this case, they must be carefully removed in advance so that the furminator does not hurt the animal.

Regular combing of the dog will not allow the hairs to settle on the furniture and floor. It is most convenient to deal with wool by placing a pet on a newspaper or cellophane. So it will turn out very quickly to remove the fallen hair.

Express molt

In professional pet salons, a special service is offered, it is called "Express Molt". Its essence is as follows: the masters carefully comb the dog with various tools, and then bathe it using special shampoos and masks to open pores and remove shedding hair. Further, during drying, the fallen hairs are blown with a powerful hair dryer, while combing and laying the wool cover.

The procedure is suitable for all types of dogs, except for bald ones, and can significantly reduce the amount of hair deposited in the apartment.

Peculiarities of shedding in dogs with different coat types

Each breed of dog during the molting period requires an individual approach. As a rule, the length and characteristics of the coat affect which treatments are required. The main types of coats and the features of caring for them are discussed in detail below.


Owners of long-haired pets during molting should always have a brush on hand and great patience.

Poodles, English and American Cocker Spaniels need a full range of care activities,

When the animal begins to molt profusely - it itches, this becomes a real problem for the owner. Wool flies in the air, sticks to furniture, sticks to carpets, and during the whole process, it becomes very much. In this article, we will tell you about this process, which is difficult for a person, but necessary for a dog, why and when it happens. Or maybe it's a sign of illness?

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What is shedding in dogs?

The process of changing hairline is called shedding. What does shedding in dogs have to say to experienced owners? To many professional dog breeders, this process can tell what condition the animal is in. Looking at the fur coat, one can conclude whether the animal is sick or healthy and well cared for.

Shedding periods

Distinguish between the planned period of molting and unscheduled. The planned period includes autumn and spring - twice a year. On each of them, we will now dwell in more detail.

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spring molt

In the spring, the first planned change of hairline begins. At this time, the animal prepares for the upcoming summer heat and changes from a very dense winter coat to a lighter one. Depending on the characteristics of a particular animal, the process can take about two weeks.

During the shedding of old wool, the pet constantly itches and leaves large clubs of wool throughout the home. Help the animal get rid of excess hair, comb your dog with a special brush that can be bought at any store. Your pet will be very grateful to you, besides, there will not be much wool on furniture and clothes.

Autumn molt

Usually, the second time in a year when an animal changes its fur occurs in the fall. Unlike the spring molt, in autumn, the pet, on the contrary, warms up for the upcoming cold weather. The dog grows denser and downed fur, the fur coat becomes very dense to protect the animal from the cold and frost of the upcoming winter. In order for the fur coat to be very dense after molting and shine in the sun, it needs proper care during the molting process.

  1. Combing the hair with a special brush.
  2. Visits to the dog groomer (if necessary).
  3. A visit to the vet (if you feel something is wrong).

Shedding out of season

Due to the combination of some factors and reasons, it also happens that the four-legged animal continues to shed its old fur after the planned molting season, throughout the year. This can be due to several reasons, which we will discuss below.

Causes of off-season molting

Usually, a change of coat is expected before a significant warming or cooling two times during the year. If the animal lives in a very warm house, next to heating devices, the process of flowing from spring to autumn molting may occur. Due to the fact that the conditions in the house differ from the natural habitat, including temperature, molting can last all year round. In addition, the animal may shed during periods of beriberi, estrus, or other hormonal disruptions.

It also happens that some serious illness is hiding behind an unscheduled molt. With out-of-season hair loss, many diseases can be associated, which can only begin to manifest themselves in the body of the animal, or do not give any visible symptoms at all. First of all, wool reacts to a failure in the body.

If the animal is constantly itching, but he does not have fleas, then pay attention to the fur coat. By the condition of the coat, you can understand whether your pet is sick or not. Still, what to do if the dog sheds heavily and you have concern for her health?

How to solve the problem with out-of-season molting

If your pet continues to shed heavily, then you should make sure that this is not a normal seasonal shedding. Seasonal shedding is not accompanied by skin irritations, the animal itches, but this happens without pain, there are no bald patches, and the fur does not feel rough.

If you do not observe manifestations of the disease, but the pet sheds, then you can do the following:

  1. Do not place your pet's bed too close to heaters.
    Ventilate the room. The intake of fresh air helps to lower the temperature and increase the intake of fresh air.
  2. Walk your dog regularly. Regardless of the weather and season, the dog must walk and experience emotions every day.
  3. Regular physical activity. This will help your pet stay in a good mood, thereby moving away from depressive habits. That's why it's important to play with the animal.

If, nevertheless, your fears that the pet has health problems have not passed, then in no case do not self-medicate. You are not a professional doctor and can only make things worse. The best solution to the problem that has arisen is to contact an experienced veterinarian. He examines the animal, takes all the necessary tests and prescribes the right treatment. In this case, the pet will again shine with its beautiful fur coat, and you will be calm.

Video "Shedding in dogs"

This short video will briefly talk about molting and how it goes.