Feeding kittens. Natural food for cats

This article proposes to consider the general rules for feeding kittens. Newborn kittens, if they are left without a mother, must be fed strictly according to the regimen with a special milk replacer, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or prepared independently.

To do this, combine in a container 5 ml of low-fat cream, 3 ml of boiled water and 2 ml of glucose. Drink the baby with this mixture, 2 ml per meal.

An ordinary medical syringe without a needle is best suited for feeding such crumbs, although it is possible that more sophisticated devices may be required. At the same time, do not skip night feedings and maintain an interval of 2 hours. After feeding, you need to lightly massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis stomach, imitating the movements of a cat - mother, this will help the food to digest, and the kitten to recover. For convenience, it is recommended to use a piece of damp cotton wool or a bandage.

Starting from two weeks of age, you can leave only 1 night feeding, and during the day increase the interval between meals up to 3 hours. From the age of 25 days, kittens can be fed as usual, every 4 hours. If you decide to accustom the animal to natural food, and not to specialized feeds, feeding should begin with a soft, pasty diet.

Ideal for infant formula. With such a diet, you should maintain the pet's vitamin and mineral balance by monitoring the regular intake of phosphorus and calcium. To do this, grated cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, vegetables and meat should be gradually introduced into the diet.

Up to six months, kittens eat 4-6 times a day, depending on their temperament and activity level.

It is optimal to arrange a personal corner for your pet, where he will have constant access to water and food. Throughout the life of the animal, and especially in its childhood, it is useful to remember the proportionality of the portion of food to the kitten itself. Do not overfeed your pet, being overweight has never done anyone any good.

Fortunately, newborn kittens are extremely rare in our house. But monthly and three weeks - often. However, the question of how to feed a small pet does not become less acute from this. He is in the house, and this crumb wants to eat! 3-4 weeks - for kittens - this is not the best age. In theory, such crumbs are not torn off from a cat.

This is inhumane. But if you took a 3- or 4-week-old baby into the house, you need to feed him fully by organizing proper nutrition for him.

Feeding small kittens at the age of 1 month

A baby at this age still needs to be fed with a milk formula, as well as solid foods - cheese, cereals, cool yolk, cottage cheese, fish and meat - should be introduced into the pet's menu.

If from the very first months of a little kitten's life you introduce fruits and vegetables into his diet, it will be great and very, very important for him. Many cats have a favorable view of fruits and vegetables. Some eat apples and cucumbers, others are ready to sell their souls for a piece of watermelon, others are not indifferent to carrots, and the fourth cannot be torn off by the tail from persimmons, ripe melons or canned green peas. And the sooner you offer such products to your ward, the more likely it is that he will appreciate them.

Cats are conservative, they do not like to change their habits too much. Not taught in childhood - it will be much more difficult to teach in adulthood. Give vegetables to a small kitten both raw and grated. I didn’t appreciate it in pieces, grind it into a puree and add it to the main diet forcibly.

It can be a cucumber, an apple, carrots, various greens, even young nettles. It is more useful to feed raw vegetables, seasoning lightly with vegetable oil. Why do it? It has been proven that most vitamins are better absorbed with oil, in which they dissolve well.

When compiling a complete diet for a kitten, it must be remembered that cats are predators by nature. It is this fact that should determine the nutrition of a small kitten, which must certainly include meat products. Kittens lead an active lifestyle, grow quickly and have an excellent appetite. At this stage, it is advisable not to overfeed the pet, giving preference to the frequency of feeding, rather than increasing portions.

Feeding kittens natural food

For the convenience of novice owners of a fluffy miracle, below is an approximate list of products suitable for feeding kittens:

  • Dietary meat or minced meat (beef, lamb). The product can be served both raw and boiled;
  • Poultry (turkey, chicken), mainly loin parts;
  • Lean boiled fish (cod, hake) without spices;
  • Soups and meat broths;
  • Pasty cereals;
  • Fermented milk products intended for feeding babies (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cottage cheese, cream 10%);
  • Once every 4 days, it is permissible to give the baby an egg yolk. Boiled or raw, mixed with cottage cheese;
  • Occasionally, you can pamper the fluffy with delicacies. Kittens love grated cheese, boiled shrimp, chicken liver or hearts.

For better growth and well-being with natural feeding, veterinarians strongly recommend giving small kittens vitamin supplements from specialized companies Farmavit, Doctor Zoo, Kitzim, which can be purchased at a pet store or pharmacy.

It is strictly forbidden to feed cats:

  1. Fatty meats;
  2. Smoked meats;
  3. The bones of a fish or a bird;
  4. Mix in sugar and spices. Salt is acceptable in small quantities.

Don't forget to wash your pet's bowls on time. All cats have a very sensitive sense of smell since childhood, so it is recommended to clean the dishes with running warm water, without the use of chemicals.

It is preferable to feed animals with warm food. Too cold or hot food can harm the kitten.

And what about soups? Can they? In nature, cats do remarkably well without soups. But once a week, you may well treat your baby to soup. Only this cat soup should be without salt and spices, and the meat in it is cut into small cubes. In other words, soup for cats is more like a meat broth.

And most importantly - nothing, nothing from your own table! Remember this rule for the rest of your life. No matter how the kitten “suffers”, no matter how sadly he looks at goulash with spicy sauce in your plate, it is strictly forbidden for him. And not because you are such a cruel owner, you regret the delicacy for the baby. But because the goulash from your plate and the sauce - for him - is poison. And your soups are also poison. After all, you put in them bouillon cubes, and spices, and salt, and many more different seasonings. Including the seemingly harmless bay leaf.

Your stomach will be fine with this. But the body of a kitten is not. What about mashed potatoes? Often cat owners feed this rubbish to their beast. No need. Potatoes in general are not needed in any form, not only for a small kitten, but also for adult cats. Occasionally, you can feed the cat a piece of boiled potatoes, but not mashed potatoes, especially if the mashed potatoes are from a bag!

Also, avoid giving small kittens sausage, any, even boiled, sweets, cakes and other sweets. They don't need any of that! No need! Decide once and for all: here is food for people, and here is food for a kitten. Most importantly, get the gist. Cats should, in fact, consume the same natural products as their owners. But dishes from these products are prepared according to other recipes.

Attitude towards prepared foods

Do you think that food from bags and boxes is good? Do you yourself consider chips and kirieshki to be food? Will you raise your child on such food? You can crunch on chips once or twice. But even fast food in the form of a bun with sausage would never occur to anyone to call it a complete meal. And all kinds of crackers - even more so. There are, of course, premium dry foods from the most expensive series. Among them are the 4 paws Club, Husse KATTUNGE, Pro Plan Kitten, Nero Gold Kitten Chicken, Gina Elite Kitten. Experts do not object to them. But this is not Whiskas or Kitekat, aggressively imposed on us by TV advertising. These are just the lowest quality ones.

It is necessary to introduce dry food into the diet of a small kitten gradually in small portions, because his digestive system is not yet perfect and is formed during the first weeks of life. Dry food can be pre-soaked.

Feeding kittens with ready-made mixtures

In the case when you decide to feed your baby with specialized mixtures, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It must be remembered that the basis of the kitten's diet should still be soft, canned food. Dry food can be used 1-2 times a day;
  • The use of additional additives with such a diet is not necessary, specialized animal feed already contains all the necessary vitamins;
  • During the demi-season, it is important to feed the kitten with fresh grass. Wheat or oat seeds for cats can be purchased at a pet store.

When feeding kittens with dry food and canned food, it is also important to carefully monitor portion sizes and not overfeed the animal.

Whichever method of feeding you choose the best for your ward, it is important to always follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not offer sweet food to the kitten, sugar is very harmful to his health;
  2. Do not allow him to drag food from the master's table, the digestive system of cats is very different from the human one, and some products from the master's table can seriously harm him;
  3. Carefully monitor the size of portions for the animal and the cleanliness of its dishes;
  4. Observe the kitten's drinking regimen.

Following the above recommendations, you can easily feed a kitten, having a healthy, grateful and cheerful friend. And your joint days will be filled with only positive emotions.
And the Behemoth cat, walking around the house with a pickled mushroom, pricked on a fork, was invented by the writer M. Bulgakov. Cats do not eat pickled mushrooms. It's bad for them. Yes, and muck tastes like a cat's mind.


The birth of kittens is always a long-awaited and exciting event for the owners. Watching squeaking fluffy lumps sucking mother's milk causes tenderness and joy. Kittens suckle milk for only 3-4 hours a day, and devote the rest of the time to sleep and play. However, do not forget that soon the owners will also bear the responsibility for feeding babies, because without harm to their own health, a cat feeds kittens for only 1.5-2 months.

photo: A cat can feed kittens up to 2 months

Properly selected and well-balanced nutrition at the beginning of a kitten's life lays the foundation for his future health. Depending on the age of the baby, he needs a different diet, which, in any case, should include only high-quality products.
When the kitten is 3-4 weeks old, you can start feeding the baby with other products. During this period, kittens are gradually weaned from their mother and are ready to try something other than mother's milk.

photo: Milk is the basis for the transition to normal feeding of a kitten in 1 - 3 months

In order to ensure that the transition to adult food does not affect the health of the pet and does not lead to unnecessary stress, complementary foods begin with soft or liquid foods rich in protein and vitamins. Children's meat and semi-meat purees are ideal for this. From 1.5 months, it is already possible to introduce more solid foods into the diet, for example, minced meat from raw lean meat with vegetables. From 2 months old, a kitten can be given meat cut into small pieces. At the initial stage, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream or kefir are added to almost all food, since it is easiest for kittens to switch from mother's milk to fermented milk products. Dairy products, which are so necessary for babies for full development, continue to be given until the kitten reaches 4 months of age.

photo: New foods in the diet of a kitten for 2-3 months should be introduced gradually

With natural feeding, in addition to dairy products, minced meat, fish, vegetables and cereals are added to the kitten's diet. All new foods should be introduced gradually and given separately from the rest of the food.

The most harmful for kittens are pork, fats, fresh meat, sugar, salt and smoked meats. Giving such products to babies is strictly not recommended.

photo: A carefully selected diet is the basis of your cat's health!

If further feeding is planned with ready-made industrial feeds, complementary foods are also started from the age of one month with the addition of several granules of dry food soaked in milk or specialized canned food for kittens from 1 to 3 months. The composition of ready-made feeds includes almost the same ingredients as in natural feeding. The proportion of content in the feed of a particular product depends on the class of the finished feed. The daily dose of feeding a kitten in accordance with its age and weight is indicated on the package. When feeding dry food, the kitten should always have unlimited access to fresh water.

By 2.5-3 months, the kitten is already completely switching to adult food. The difference remains only in the frequency of feeding and serving size.

photo: The transition of a kitten to adult food should be completed by the 3rd month of life

Balanced nutrition of a kitten in the first months of life is a fundamental factor in its harmonious development and good health. By following the tips above, you will be able to provide the right diet for your small pet.

This article contains basic information that relates to the compilation of a kitten's menu for a certain period of time, as well as general information on choosing the optimal diet.

Menu for a kitten for every day

Basic rules for feeding a kitten:
- Always a clean bowl.
- Feed the kitten up to 5-6 times a day and at night for up to six months, then up to 4 times a day.
- It is better to feed every time at the same time.
- Avoid snacking between meals.

Kittens are fed premium food specially formulated for small animals.

If a natural diet is chosen, it should include lean meat (at least 50 grams per day), offal (3 times a week), fish (1 time per week), egg yolk (2 times a week), vegetables ( daily), cereals (daily), vitamin complexes, water.

Sample kitten menu for every day:
1. Breakfast: egg, cream, vitamins, germinated cereals.
2. Second breakfast: cottage cheese with kefir and vitamins.
3. Lunch: chicken (50 gr.)
4. Snack: beef meat (30g), vegetable puree (30g).
5. Dinner: buckwheat porridge with meat (10g).

Menu of a cat with a diseased liver

If a cat has a diseased liver, the diet should be dietary. Fatty meat, cream, sour cream are excluded. The diet consists of cereals (hercules, buckwheat), rice water. They add minced chicken or lean beef.

If the animal does not vomit, give boiled potatoes and carrots.

You can transfer the animal to a special therapeutic food for cats with a diseased liver.

Menu of British kittens up to a year

From the age of three weeks, kittens need complementary foods. It is introduced gradually, starting with 30 gr. per 1 kg. Animal weight (per day 50g.)

When the kitten is one month old, cottage cheese is added to the diet. Starting from 2-3 months, the animal is transferred to a special food for kittens or canned meat for children.

From 4-5 months, the diet is gradually replaced by dry food. By the age of six months, kittens are fed 3 times a day, including lean meat. By one year, kittens are completely weaned from milk.

Natural nutrition for kittens menu for the week

Breakfast2 breakfastDinnerDinner
MondayCottage cheese, kefir, vitaminsOffal 40gr. with greensBuckwheat porridge with meat 10g.
TuesdayEgg, kefir, vitaminsChicken 40gr. with greensRice porridge with meat 10g.
WednesdayRyazhenka cheese, vitaminsOffal 40g with herbsSemolina porridge with meat 10g.
ThursdayCottage cheese, kefir, vitaminsChicken with greens 40gVegetable puree, chicken meat 30g.Oatmeal porridge with meat 10g.
FridayEgg, cream, vitaminsRabbit 40 gr. with greensVegetable puree, beef meat 30g.Buckwheat porridge with meat 10g.
SaturdayCottage cheese, kefir, vitaminsOffal 40gr. with greensVegetable puree, rabbit meat 30g.Oatmeal porridge with meat 10g.
SundayCottage cheese, cream vitaminsChicken 40g with greensVegetable puree, chicken meat 30g.Rice porridge with meat 10g.

Feeding Scottish kittens menu

The diet of a Scottish kitten consists of meat (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey), vegetables (up to 40% of the diet), cereals (15%), offal (liver), eggs, fish (1 time per week).

A feature of feeding this breed is to control the amount of calcium received.

When feeding dry food, they choose premium or holistic food, designed specifically for this breed of cat, then the owner will know for sure that his pet is receiving the right, balanced nutrition.

An approximate daily menu of Scottish kittens:
1. Breakfast: yolk, kefir, vitamins.
2. Second breakfast: chicken 40 gr., greens.
3. Lunch: beef 30g, vegetable puree
4. Snack: rice porridge with meat
5. Dinner: buckwheat porridge with meat.

Menu of a kitten of the Don Sphynx and Kuril Bobtail by months

When feeding the Don Sphynx and Kuril Bobtail with natural food, the following needs of the animal are taken into account: food should be warm, fresh, finely chopped. Complementary foods begin to be given, starting at 3 weeks of age.

Start feeding with 1 teaspoon per reception. It can be special cat food or baby food. At 4 weeks, canned food is added, it is possible for baby food. By 6 weeks, the feeding rate for 1 dose is 3-4 teaspoons, with five meals a day. The diet includes ground beef or chicken, canned meat, vegetable purees, offal.

Every day, a kitten can be given raw beef 30 grams, up to 3 months milk, then kefir, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, cereals (herculean semolina, rice).

Several times a week they give boiled chicken and fish, egg yolk, cereals, vegetable purees, greens.

Kittens up to 8-10 months, sometimes up to a year, can be fed with special kitten food, both dry and canned.

Maine Coon kitten diet

The diet of Maine Coon kittens from 1.5 months to a year does not differ, only the amount of food increases and the frequency of feeding decreases.

Kittens who are less than a month old need a lot of milk. It is purchased in special stores. You can feed goat milk, first diluting it with water, then whole. Feed the animal 6 times a day.

For kittens older than 1 month, milk porridge, meat and vegetables are introduced into the diet. Up to 4 months kittens are fed 5 times a day.

Animal 4-6 months, you need to feed four times a day. Proper nutrition must necessarily include chopped bird offal, vegetables, cottage cheese and whey.

From six months, the animal is transferred to ready-made feed or seafood, fermented milk products - kefir and fermented baked milk are added to the diet.
Any new product is introduced gradually, in small portions.

The growth period of a kitten is of particular importance. It is now that all the foundations are being laid with which he will spend the rest of his life. Usually, up to 8-10 weeks, babies spend with their mother, in their own nest, and only then they begin to leave it and disperse to their new owners. That is why, when we are invited to a breeder, kittens (2 months old) are waiting for us there. What to feed and how to care for are the first two questions that a new owner has. Today we will try to fully reveal the topics of feeding and vaccinating your baby.

Control of growth and development

Every loving owner should know how kittens develop (2 months). What to feed them, we will figure out a little later, but for now let's determine how to assess the normal growth rate and when to sound the alarm. It is very important to weigh your pet daily. Normal weight gain is 10-30 g per day. If your kitten has not recovered or lost weight in a week, you need to urgently go to the veterinarian. Depending on the breed, the weight of a kitten at 2 months may vary, but on average it should be approximately 600 g. From 4 months, it will be possible to switch to weekly weighing.

Features of feeding

If the first complementary foods were carried out mainly at the expense of baby food, now the time has come for the introduction of new feeds. So, you have kittens (2 months), how to feed them? Gradually add solid foods to your diet. It can be finely chopped meat, porridge, vegetables, mashed fish. It is very good if the food is natural. Having decided to transfer the baby to ready-made feeds, be sure to pay attention to the brand. Only super-premium food can be rated as suitable for a fragile child's body. At the same time, dry food is not suitable for such crumbs - only canned food can be used.

What not to feed a kitten

How to change your diet

(2 months) should be as natural as possible for his biological needs. In nature, a cat first feeds her children with milk, then begins to bring birds and rodents. This is exactly what should happen in captivity, only dietary changes are best made as smooth as possible. It will take a kitten about two weeks to get used to the "new products". At this age, the baby is actively developing and growing, and he should receive 120-150 g of food per day. You should give him 30-40 grams of meat per day. If the baby refuses to eat, then you should immediately show it to the veterinarian.


Like all babies, kittens eat little and often (2 months). What to feed them and how? You can not organize feeding as if you are dealing with an adult cat. The daily portion of food exposed in the morning is not a suitable option if we are dealing with a kitten. The baby should divide the daily intake of food into five times. The menu should be as diverse as possible. is built with an eye on the individual characteristics and size of your pet. The most important thing is that the bowl should always have clean water to drink. Kitten food should be fresh every time, at room temperature. During breaks, you can leave a small amount of food in the bowl, as the baby can approach the cup up to 20 times a day.

Kitten behavior after feeding

We have already mentioned how many times to feed a kitten (2 months). Only if you are very busy, you can immediately leave him food for the whole day, but it is advisable to give him fresh food every time (4-5 times a day). After eating, all babies need to rest, and your kitten is no exception. Therefore, do not play with him immediately after a meal, digestion of food at this age is a very important process, and excess activity can only harm.

What to feed (2 months)

Usually everyone considers milk to be a very useful product for kittens, but this is not so. However, you can give fat-free kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream. Cream is also perfect, they need to pamper the baby without fail, but they should be introduced into the diet in small quantities. For full growth and development, cereals are also necessary. Therefore, cook different cereals for your baby every day (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Meat can be mixed into the porridge so that the kitten begins to eat more willingly. It will also be very good to prepare a vegetable mixture with meat. To do this, boil the cauliflower, carrots and green beans until soft and mash. Fish should be given only in exceptional cases, not more than once a month. In addition, do not forget to buy special vitamin and mineral complexes for kittens. Now you know how to feed a Scottish kitten (2 months). Everyone can make the right diet for the baby. Even if you have never kept cats, you can easily cope with this. Let's find out now if the feeding of kittens of other breeds is different.

How does a British kitten (2 months old) eat?

Milk is an unsuitable food for all breeds of cats, without exception. But British babies eat milk porridge with great pleasure. Hercules, semolina or buckwheat will do. Any fermented milk products are very useful, it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sometimes a little sour cream. Cream (10%) two to three times a week will be very helpful. Once every two or three days, you can give an egg yolk.

Many experts advise feeding kittens boiled low-fat fish. Prepare soups for your pet, in which you can add finely chopped meat, grated cheese, liver, beef heart. Chicken meat, boiled and chopped, is also perfect. As you can see, there are no special differences, any breed of cat can be fed approximately according to the same scheme. But if there is intolerance to products by representatives of your particular breed, the breeder must warn about this. When feeding with natural food, vitamin supplements are given to kittens daily: Beofar, Kitzim, Farmovit, Doctor Zoo.

First vaccinations

Should kittens be vaccinated at 2 months or wait a little longer? This question often arises before the owners. On the one hand, while the child's body protects maternal immunity. On the other hand, it is weakening every day, which means that there is a big risk of catching a dangerous disease. Many experts advise to put the first complex vaccine a week after you took the baby home. This time is enough for him to survive the stress and endure the procedure more easily.

Regardless of breed, a kitten must receive a vaccine against a number of dangerous diseases. These are distemper and leukemia, infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia, viral rhinotracheitis. At the same time, it is still too heavy for a fragile organism, it will be placed when it reaches the age of 6-8 months, after a change of teeth.

Vaccination for kittens at 2 months old should only be given by a veterinarian. You may want to consider having a doctor make home visits so your baby is not overstressed, but it is not recommended to make your own choice of vaccine. After the vaccination is made, it is required to organize a three-week quarantine. During this period, you need to provide the baby with a home regimen and regularly monitor his condition. If the vaccine is tolerated normally, it is followed by a revaccination. This scheme allows you to provide protection against formidable diseases in 99% of cases. Separately, at the request of the owners, vaccination against chlamydia and ringworm is done. Further, vaccination should be carried out annually in order to renew the body's defenses.

What to remember

Before vaccination, you need to make sure that the pet is healthy. To do this, just watch him. He should be cheerful and active, have a good appetite. Body temperature should not exceed 38.5 degrees. Before vaccination, the kitten must be given antihelminthic drugs. After 10 days you can go to the doctor. After vaccination, the baby needs enhanced monitoring. Any deviation in behavior is a reason to immediately contact your doctor. It can be food refusal or lethargy, convulsions, vomiting, and more. Do not forget that the choice of a veterinarian is often decisive, so pay attention to the status of the clinic and the experience of the doctor. It is better if, having attached to one specialist, you will be observed by him for the rest of your life.

At the age of 3-4 months, the growth of kittens is activated and gaining momentum. There is a change of teeth, there is an intensive development and strengthening of the skeleton, muscle mass grows - significant changes occur in the body. Therefore, the question of how to feed a kitten at 3-4 months old is quite relevant. Indeed, for proper development, he will need to choose a balanced diet containing the necessary vitamins and minerals.

At this age, the little fluffy begins to take an active interest in his surroundings and has fun playing with all possible objects. Of course, the baby needs a lot of strength and energy for such activities. The changes taking place in the body and rapid growth also require huge resources. Where can you get them? The answer is obvious - the kitten can get the necessary substances to support life with food. From what direction in the feeding system you choose, its further development and health of the body will depend.

When feeding a kitten at the age of 3-4 months, you need to consider a number of important points:

  • the smaller and more active the kitten, the greater the frequency of feeding should be;
  • an undernourished pet will develop more slowly and get sick more often, a constantly overeating pet will suffer from obesity and other diseases;
  • decide in advance on the choice of food for your pet: natural food or ready-made food for kittens;
  • introduce new foods gradually, without offering everything at once and alternating feeding with different foods (the kitten gradually gets used to a certain diet);
  • you can’t put the entire daily portion in a bowl: the baby has not yet learned to control his appetite and can overeat, and after a while the hungry body will have nothing to support its growth and playful state;
  • watch the temperature of the food served to him: the food should be warm;
  • do not forget to add minerals and vitamins to food;
  • the kitten should have a separate bowl for warm drinking water (the drink should be changed frequently so that it does not stagnate, and the bowl should be thoroughly washed from oxidation; the pet should have unlimited access to water).

Mode and rate of feeding

The total weight of portions eaten per day should be approximately 0.2 kg per 1 kg of weight (at a standard weight, 0.4 kg of food per day is enough for kittens, i.e. 0.1 kg of food should be eaten by a pet at one meal) . A three-month-old kitten can get by with 180 grams, and a four-month-old kitten may not have enough even two hundred (with a weight of 3 kg - 0.6 kg per day). Appetite and ability to digest the amount of food offered will depend on many factors: the exact age, breed, activity, weight, health status of the pet.

For every day, experts advise making a varied diet and setting a schedule for feeding pets. Three-month-old kittens are recommended to be fed 5-6 times a day, and four-month-old kittens, if there are no problems, can be transferred to 4-times feeding.


Having chosen a certain method of nutrition, do not deviate from it, otherwise it will threaten unpredictable consequences for the baby's fragile body. It is forbidden to combine two ways of feeding - the use of natural food and ready-made cat food.

Veterinarians explain this by saying that:

  • the wards will have problems with digestion, leading to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • an overdose of vitamins in an animal can lead to hypervitaminosis.

natural nutrition

After the change of milk teeth in the diet of a growing 3-4 month old kitten, solid food rich in protein must be present. Dairy products are recommended to diversify as much as possible. Also, veterinarians advise adding vegetables rich in various vitamins to food. Meat components should be included in the pet's diet in overwhelming quantities, and cereals and vegetables can make up less than half of the daily portion of food. You can not completely deny the kitten the use of meat: the taurine contained in it is very important for the health of the heart and eyes.

It must be remembered that natural nutrition does not mean feeding the animal products from your table.

In the diet of a kitten for 3-4 months, veterinarians advise including the following natural products:

  • without fail, the kitten must consume boiled lean meat - primarily beef, as well as chicken fillet or turkey meat in small chopped pieces or in the form of minced meat (if there is a confirmed absence of worms from the age of three months, it is also allowed to give raw frozen meat, checked for quality);
  • skimmed milk and fermented milk products without additives - kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, necessary to strengthen teeth and bones (initially, it is better to start with the use of a ready-made liquid product, for example, Agusha brand curd, which has proven itself well);
  • various vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage - chopped (best raw grated, but if the kitten refuses to use them in their pure form, you can mix vegetable mixtures into a porridge or boil cereals in vegetable broth);
  • raw or boiled and chopped egg yolk;
  • lean fish without bones (preferably sea, because a river pet can easily become infected with worms);
  • cereal dishes - cereals on water, milk, vegetable and meat broth (best of all, the cat's body perceives semolina and rice);
  • special, useful for cats, weed (you can grow it yourself on the windowsill, or buy germinated sprouts of oats or wheat at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy);
  • vegetable oil in a small amount to improve digestion.

What can't be fed?

It is recommended to completely exclude from the diet of a three-month-old kitten:

  • fatty foods that will only harm the stomach and liver (in particular, pork - meat, lard, fat);
  • meat with bones (a kitten can choke on hollow bones, scratch the walls of the stomach);
  • whole cow's milk;
  • salty and spiced food (often, in an effort to make food more attractive, breeders rely on their own taste and make it completely unsuitable and dangerous for a small fragile organism);
  • spicy and canned food (sausages, canned food from your table);
  • fried food (may clog the intestines with toxins);
  • tomatoes and eggplants;
  • corn and cereals from it;
  • any sweets, especially chocolate (their eating leads to a weakening of the immune system, causes dental diseases and hair loss).

It is better to limit the use of certain products to a minimum, these are:

  • oatmeal and bean cereals;
  • River fish;
  • potatoes in any form (cats are almost unable to digest starch).

During the period of illness, some foods are also excluded from the diet: with diarrhea - sour-milk, with constipation - solid food containing starch in the required amount of carbohydrates. In addition, the "cat lover" needs to be very careful and keep vitamins and medicines intended for people out of the kitten's access zone, otherwise, having tried them, he can get serious poisoning.

How often and in what quantity per week you can give your pet basic foods - each owner decides individually, but the main recommendations are as follows:

Depending on the exact age, weight and activity of the pet, these proportions can be reduced or increased by 5-15%.

Ready feed

The opinions of veterinarians regarding which food to prefer - natural or ready-made specialized do not coincide. The main advantage of ready-made food is that there is no need to introduce special complementary foods, as with natural nutrition, since it already contains fortified supplements. But there is also a significant drawback - the addition of flavorings and preservatives that can harm the health of babies.

If you decide to feed your pet ready-made food, you need to remember the rules:

  • do not mix dry and wet food together;
  • stick to a particular brand of feed and change it only when absolutely necessary.

When choosing ready-made meals, you need to carefully study the products of manufacturers. Clarify whether, using their food, it is possible to combine dry and wet canned food, in what quantity to give them. According to the recommendations of veterinarians, from the age of four months, a kitten can be poured at once the entire daily portion at a time: he already knows how to control the amount eaten. It is better to pour wet canned food in sauce and jelly in the amount necessary for a single meal. In the case of a possible combination, the daily diet of a pet, according to the recommendations of experts, should consist of 3 quarters of dry food and 1 quarter of canned food.

Therefore, it is better not to save on the health of your favorite fluffies. Such brands as Royal Canin, Acana, Purina, Nutro Choice have long established themselves on the Russian market. Among them there are both dry and wet canned foods that can be combined.

Without harming the health of the baby, you can use food such as:


One of the best proven super-premium food series. It is a complete balanced diet and is the best hypoallergenic food. The food is produced in its own juice. Contains only whole and fresh ingredients. In the optimal amount, it contains meat ingredients, vegetables, fruits, algae, fresh eggs, polyunsaturated fats, proteins and proteins.

Royal Canin

Dry food of this company is the best replacement for natural nutrition, as it contains the substances necessary to maintain the life and activity of the kitten. Especially popular is the "medical" line of the brand. The composition of the veterinary feed of this company is perfectly balanced and takes into account the characteristics of a particular disease. Suitable for kittens aged 4-12 months.

Features of caring for kittens

In general, kittens at 3-4 months old should be kept in the same way as before. An important difference is that since, starting from 3 months, they eat meat and fish, they can be susceptible to infection with worms and various infections. Therefore, owners need to adhere to the vaccination schedule and deworm their pets on time.

With any diet - eating "natural" or feeding with industrial feed - you need to monitor the constant access of your pet to clean drinking water. After eating, give the animal time to relax and rest, and then play with it to maintain physical activity and health.