Is it possible to get pregnant if you finish. Why does pregnancy occur? With sexual games in the bathroom, but without actual sex

Many modern young people prefer coitus interruptus (PPA) among the methods of protection. Is it really that effective? Is there a risk of pregnancy? There are a great many methods of protection, each has its own negative and positive sides, its own degree of effectiveness.

The effectiveness of coitus interruptus

In the case of interrupted intercourse, the efficiency is only 70%. Not much. If you seriously want to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, and not just postpone it for the near future, it is better to give preference to another method. The risk of pregnancy in this case remains.

Let's see why the possibility of getting pregnant is great, although it seems that everything is safe. There may be a small amount of sperm in the lubricant released during intercourse, and this cannot be ignored.

The disadvantages of the method

Many men think that they are in control of the situation and will definitely feel the approach of ejaculation. If you miss the moment, some of the sperm will enter the vagina, and one may be enough for fertilization. That is why a man has to listen to the sensations. To increase the effectiveness of coitus interruption, you can try vaginal spermicides. As a separate method, they are ineffective, but they neutralize those spermatozoa that can not enter the vagina without planning.

Often, after intercourse, sperm remains in the urethra of a man. And with repeated sexual intercourse, they enter the vagina. The consequences will not keep you waiting.

Keep in mind that the likelihood of getting pregnant with PPA directly depends on the physiology of a man, on a woman’s cycle and other factors.

As for a woman, the safest days are before menstruation and immediately after. In the middle of the cycle, it is advisable to resort to contraception. It is never possible to predict what will be the rate and number of sperm in a man. It also depends on a number of factors.

Another thing, if you accurately determine the days favorable for conception, and do not have sex in them or protect yourself. And on other days use PPA. There is a way to calculate such days in a woman's cycle, and its probability is 99%. The method is used when planning the sex of the unborn child, and it is described in detail in the video.

Without knowing the days of ovulation, interrupted intercourse as a method of contraception has low efficiency, and the ability to earn a number of sexual problems should alert. Most often, problems occur in men. First of all, psychological. Frequent use of the method can lead to trouble with ejaculation. A man begins to perceive her as something dangerous, threatening. Such thoughts lead to the formation of incorrect reflex connections, which ends badly for a man. There is a delay in ejaculation even when there is no such need. This can lead to prostate cancer. No one wants to risk their health.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the interrupted act can be used. But having determined the days of ovulation. If pregnancy does not attract you, then making love without ending is not worth it during a period favorable for conception. Don't take risks. There are various hormonal concepts that are much more convenient and safer to use.

Men of different ages are increasingly turning to urologists with one common question: they can’t conceive a child, what should my wife and I do? However, the solution to the problem begins rather unexpectedly. Together with the examination of the female reproductive system, the possible causes of male infertility should also be determined. And there are a lot of them.

Contrary to the outdated opinion that the woman is always to blame for the inability to conceive a child, modern statistics show almost half of the cases when the problem lies in the man. Therefore, if the spouse has unsuccessfully tried to get pregnant for 12 months, it is recommended not to waste time and consult a doctor for both partners.

Looking for answers

Causes of female and male infertility are physiologically different, but equally serious. So why can't a girl get pregnant even though she and her boyfriend don't have any health complaints? The causes of infertility in men are divided into two main types:

  • Secretory form - a violation of the production of spermatozoa, their insufficient number, morphological abnormalities of male germ cells.
  • The obstructive form is the difficulty or complete impossibility of moving sperm along the excretory pathways of a man.

Each of the forms includes a wide list of actual deviations in the state of health of a man.

Sources of childlessness

Male infertility can have the most unexpected causes. For example, severe stress, causing prolonged overstrain of the nervous system. Psychological disorders very quickly affect male fertility - from a decrease in sexual desire to a lack of orgasm and pathological disorders of spermatogenesis.

Infectious diseases

Once an infection enters the body, its effects are rarely limited to one organ or system. Mumps, for example, affects the salivary glands. But a viral disease in severe cases affects other organs of the endocrine system. The first thing that suffers in this case is the male gonads. Inflammation of the testicle develops, in which the germinal epithelium is damaged, sometimes leading to a complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate, which causes infertility in men. Gonococcal orchitis in an acute form disrupts spermatogenesis. In principle, any deviations in the work of the gonads inhibit sperm motility.

Infectious diseases in the body can lead to testicular inflammation, which can cause infertility.

Almost all sexually transmitted diseases have a negative impact on the reproductive system if therapy is not carried out on time. Many of them lead to a decrease in the number of spermatozoa, the appearance of abnormal, morphologically abnormal cells in the ejaculate, which is why an apparently healthy man cannot have children. Sexually transmitted diseases also often cause obstruction of the vas deferens.

Sperm production is significantly reduced in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. In addition, diseases of the prostate and urethra impair sperm motility, which is why a girl cannot become pregnant even with regular sexual activity.

Injuries and physiological disorders

Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord, a common cause of infertility in middle-aged and older men. This process is most often manifested by inflammation of the left renal vein as a result of a lack of oxygen or overheating of the scrotum. Existing varicose veins can cause a violation of the production of full-fledged sperm, up to the inability to conceive a child.

Dropsy of the testicle or inguinal hernia causes squeezing of the organ, impedes its nutrition and the normal movement of physiological fluids, and negatively affects the ability to fertilize.

The torsion of the vessels and vas deferens of one of the testicles causes not only difficulty with the advancement of the ejaculate. Seed production and its quality indicators are deteriorating. However, the pain syndrome and swelling of the organ caused by torsion will force you to consult a doctor for help.

A congenital abnormality in the form of testicular retardation, cryptorchidism, leads to male infertility. A testis that has not descended into the scrotum loses its ability to produce spermatozoa, moreover, the risk of an oncological process increases. Timely treatment in childhood is carried out surgically and gives a high chance of no complications in the future.

Varicocele can cause problems with sperm production, which can lead to infertility.

Physical trauma to the genitals can cause short-term or complete infertility in men. In the first case, it remains possible to restore damaged seminal ducts or testicles.

Sometimes a boy has hypogonadism leading to infertility. This is the insufficiency of the functions of the sex glands, accompanied by impaired synthesis of hormones. The disease manifests itself as follows:

  • The external and internal genital organs are underdeveloped.
  • There are no secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Protein and fat metabolism in the body is disturbed.
  • Obvious changes in the bone structure are observed.
  • The system of the heart and blood vessels is weak, prone to various diseases.
  • The child is distant or irritable and nervous.

Quite rarely, but the cause of male infertility can be retrograde ejaculation. As a result of this violation, seminal fluid enters the bladder. Such a deviation can accompany men with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, after bladder injuries or prostate surgery.

Impaired ejaculate excretion

It happens that the cause of male infertility is the absence of the vas deferens. Such a defect, which is congenital in nature, does not allow a man to conceive a child.

Sometimes the cause of male infertility can be a congenital defect of the vas deferens.

If there is a unilateral obstruction of the vas deferens, then few spermatozoa are produced. With a bilateral blockage, sperm is not produced at all. Most often, the cause of obliteration of the ducts is the transferred epididymitis. The inflammatory process disrupts the work of the seminal canal, and after recovery, it completely sticks together, blocking the passage of spermatozoa. It can also occur as a result of injuries, incorrect operations, and be a complication of diseases such as syphilis and tuberculosis.

Toxic effect

Chronic alcoholism is very often one of the main causes of male infertility. This category also includes drug addiction and habitual smoking. Any of these factors that caused the problem of conception can be eradicated and the body restored.

Men after chemotherapy or radiation suffer from impaired spermatogenesis, a decrease in the number of healthy sperm. The possibility of recovery depends on the specific drugs that were administered to the patient, on the doses and duration of exposure to this type of treatment. Workers in the chemical industry and other hazardous industries are more likely than others to face the problem of conception.

But a man receives no less harm from taking certain medications that adversely affect reproductive functions. A common anti-cold drug that can bring down the temperature and relieve body aches can significantly spoil the sperm morphology.

At risk

Some factors that can lead to male infertility include:

  • Prolonged and frequent overheating of the scrotum - sauna, hot bath, elevated body temperature.
  • Constriction of the testicles with tight clothing.
  • Equestrian and cycling, as well as other activities where there is a high probability of frequent blows to the male genitalia.
  • Bad habits.
  • Low motor activity, hypodynamia.
  • Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Prolonged stress and depression.
  • Irregular sexual activity, promiscuity.

Extremely rarely, up to 10% of cases, a woman develops an allergy to her husband's sperm. This type of infertility is the least treatable. Changes in the hormonal background can provoke a violation of sperm formation and the full release of ejaculate during intercourse. If no specific abnormalities leading to the impossibility of conception can be found, a diagnosis of "idiopathic infertility" is made. However, most often the source of the problem can be determined through some tests and examinations. And patience and adherence to the doctor's recommendations in most cases give a positive outcome.

The beginning of a sexual life for girls is always an exciting and crucial moment. After all, they are not always ready to become mothers. That is why, quite often, young girls are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if the guy has not finished, i.e. ejaculation occurred outside the vagina. Let's try to understand this situation.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the partner has not finished?

It is worth saying that in sexology this phenomenon is called (PA). This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is quite actively used by young couples. The explanation for this fact is the simplicity, as well as the absence of the need to purchase additional ones. Indeed, quite often young people are simply embarrassed to buy condoms.

However, is this method of contraception so safe, is it possible to get pregnant without cumming inside? The answer is unequivocal, no. But, several facts must be taken into account.

Despite the fact that the lubricant that is released from the penis during intercourse does not contain germ cells, the likelihood of pregnancy after interrupted intercourse still exists. And here it all depends on the "professionalism" of the man.

Why is conception possible after PA?

Having figured out whether it is possible to get pregnant if the man has not finished, let's try to find out in which cases conception occurs after an interrupted act.

As a rule, within a year of using this method of contraception, a woman still becomes pregnant. And here the responsibility lies with the man. The thing is that not all males can possess themselves and remove the penis from the vagina in time, especially when reaching orgasm. That's why it turns out that during the next sexual intercourse, the partner removes the penis directly at the moment of ejaculation. In this case, a small amount of semen enters the vaginal cavity. It is worth saying that less than 1 ml of ejaculate, which contains millions of spermatozoa, is enough for fertilization.

Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant without cumming in a girl, doctors answer in the negative. However, we must not forget that the use of this method of protection implies the presence of a high level of self-control in a man, which comes with the experience of sexual activity.

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Questions and answers on: is it possible to get pregnant if a man

2009-12-14 18:57:06

Christina asks:

Tell me please, is it possible to get pregnant if a man and a woman did not finish at the same time?

Responsible Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Hello Christina! If sexual intercourse was not protected by a reliable contraceptive, the risk of pregnancy is very high. By the way, for the onset of pregnancy it is not at all necessary that the partners have an orgasm. Take care of your health!

2010-04-19 19:50:47

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon. I am pregnant for about 4-5 weeks, I have a question, is it possible to get pregnant if the partner interrupts sexual intercourse during ejaculation. I went to a consultation with a gynecologist, and she told me that it is quite possible to get pregnant this way, since the lubricant secreted by a man also contains a small concentration of spermatozoa. And one more question, I had my period (a week earlier), even though one day, then another 2 days they were smeared, the doctor told me that this is normal, that this happens, but on the Internet I did not find a single article that says that is normal. I would like to hear your opinion as a specialist?


Hello Victoria! Your doctor is absolutely right - pregnancy may well occur as a result of interrupted intercourse. Single changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle can be a variant of the norm and a consequence of the influence of external factors - stress, physical exertion, changing time and climatic zones, etc. Take care of your health!

2009-10-14 13:38:09

Snezhana asks:

Hello, is it possible to get pregnant if a woman and a man have the first positive blood type

2009-08-04 22:50:27

Natalia asks:

Hello! Is it possible to get pregnant from secretions (prostate juice), if I'm a virgin, but the member seemed to "rub" near the labia. And possibly near the vagina. And another question. How long does sperm live outside a man's body? Thanks a lot.

Responsible Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Hello! Virginity, unfortunately, is not an obstacle to pregnancy. Spermatozoa in the environment do not live long, it depends on the specific conditions, but they have little chance of surviving more than an hour. But in a favorable environment, they are able to survive longer, so they can be expelled from the penis with a lubricant that you seem to call prostate juice. If, one way or another, the sperm gets on the genitals, there is a chance of pregnancy. Be especially vigilant if your partner is ejaculating. All the best!

2015-09-05 21:06:16

Xenia asks:

I met a man, met for about a month (August 2015). Kissed several times, it didn’t come to intimacy. Then he admitted that about six months ago he left the hospital, where he spent two years with an open form of tuberculosis. For me it was a shock! He began to make excuses that at the moment it was not dangerous, since there was a long and effective treatment. He himself offered to bring a certificate from the clinic stating that he was healthy. The doctor’s conclusion states “that the patient does not excrete MBT from 02.2015. In addition, the doctor assured him, and he assured me that he does not pose a danger even with intimacy. After everything she heard, she stopped the relationship, fearing for herself and her disabled son. He insists on the continuation of the relationship, referring to the certificate and recommendations of the doctor, but I have fear and distrust, and most importantly, I can’t overcome the psychological barrier even if he is healthy.In this regard, there are a lot of questions.Is there a threat to me, because I Is it possible to undergo some kind of examination in order to "sleep well". Are there FORMER tuberculosis patients or is this a diagnosis for the rest of your life. And even if you allow the resumption of relations, is it possible to get pregnant from this person without a threat to yourself and the unborn baby. On at the moment, after the illness, he lives in another apartment, although there are things in it that he used before the illness.Perhaps there are still questions that need to be addressed.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! If your friend does not isolate mycobacterium tuberculosis, he is not dangerous. Tuberculosis is curable, like other infectious diseases, and the term "tuberculosis" is better not to use, especially in relation to loved ones. Your actions are the annual fluorography of the lungs. Before planning a pregnancy, both of you need to undergo an examination, you need a florography, and your partner needs a chest x-ray. Things that a man used during an illness should be thrown away or thoroughly disinfected. Take care of your health!

2012-06-28 10:40:43

Xenia asks:

Good afternoon.
Please help. The doctor diagnosed HPV. She said the virus is incurable. I have found those types of virus that are among the high probability of getting cervical cancer. But, she reassured me that I should be treated, improve cytology. To neutralize, let's say, a virus. And then you can live in peace, give birth, most importantly, control the situation. I, like many, flew home headlong and read so much that my hair stood on end. The question is, if HPV is more often sexually transmitted, my version is incurable, then what kind of sex can I think of ??? After all, I am a permanent carrier. Am I a threat to men? Protect yourself? So how do I get pregnant?

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Xenia.
This is all nonsense about the incurability of HPV. HPV - in most cases, a self-eliminating infection, i.e. within 6-18 months in most people the virus disappears on its own. Treatment is necessary only in case of complicated HPV infection (papillomas, condylomas, dysplasia, erosion) or long-term HPV infection.
That. all you need for now is a dynamic observation, and after 6-12-18 months, just retake the tests to find out if you are a source of HPV or not, and of course control PAP smears.
Yes, at the moment you are a source of HPV for partners and, the use of condoms partially protects against HPV. However, as a rule, men who are carriers of HPV do not have clinical manifestations and do not know about its existence.
In principle, the presence of HPV infection is not a reason not to get pregnant, but of course it is better to wait a bit with pregnancy until HPV goes away.
Be healthy!

2007-12-26 02:27:42

Maria asks:

Hello. I'm only 21. Papillomavirus was found to be a higher carcinogen. risk def. type (16...70), scraping. I want to get pregnant in the future. Nothing was found in the sexual partner, he has already been treated. Is it possible to have sex without protection? At the same time, can I infect a partner, if it is believed that a man becomes infected by household means. The doctor said that after treatment with "pills" the papillomavirus will go into an inactive state, and insists on laser treatment. Need a laser? Or you can still do without it. Thank you in advance

Responsible Markov Igor Semenovich:

Good afternoon In your body, as well as in mine, there are a lot of different viruses, most of which are potentially oncogenic. The immune system controls their activity and prevents them from manifesting. HPV will remain in your body forever. But you are not alone, the majority of adults are carriers of the virus along with you. The virus is in the body in a latent state and is activated only in the event of a decrease in the level of the body's immune defense against its own virus. When activated, condylomas and papillomas appear, if you do not have them, you do not need to treat them! There are no drugs in the world that would completely remove these viruses. Therefore, the meaning of the ongoing antiviral treatment is to eliminate the clinical manifestations of this infection.
If there are no clinical manifestations, you cannot be a source of infection for your partner. Therefore, sex is possible and even unprotected sex. Science and practice do not know cases of the negative impact of the virus during its carriage on the ability to become pregnant and bear a healthy child. So get pregnant for health! Be sure to check for TORCH infections that can affect pregnancy and the fetus. Do not be ill!

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Health columnists spoke with OB/GYN, reproduction specialist Dr. Mary Jane Minkin of Yale Medical School. Here's what she says: "Unfortunately, there are so many myths about conception, so it's important to know and understand how and why you can get pregnant without having sex." (What is meant by "not having sex"? Active petting, anal sex, non-penetrative sexual play, such as dry humping - imitation of sexual intercourse in clothes).

First you need to consider that a lot of sperm live in semen. Really a lot - up to 20 million in one milliliter of ejaculate. On average, for one orgasm, a man spews out of himself 3.5 milliliters of semen.

Accepting this fact is essential to not taking sperm lightly, Minkin says. Even 10-15 million spermatozoa per milliliter of fluid is a lot. “That is, a tiny drop of semen that has entered the vagina can lead to pregnancy,” the doctor warns us.

You also need to keep in mind that the so-called Cooper fluid (pre-ejaculate, a clear liquid secreted by a man during sexual arousal) may well contain spermatozoa - this is evidenced by the results of relevant studies. That is, it cannot be said that pre-seeding is so safe for those who do not plan to become pregnant in the near future.

And one more thing: spermatozoa are designed to move up the vaginal canal towards the egg. So if the sperm did not get inside the woman, but was close to the outer opening of the vagina, the spermatozoa can “swim” to the entrance and penetrate where nature tells them to. A large amount of natural lubricant released from a woman during what she was doing there with a man can speed them up and help get into the vagina.

How long spermatozoa can live outside the male body is not precisely established. But scientists say it's only a matter of minutes, depending on the surface they land on. So, the liquid spilled onto the cold floor in the bathroom will die pretty quickly, but the ejaculate, which turned out to be on something warm, moist and comfortable, for example, the stomach, buttocks, pubis or crotch of a woman, will provide spermatozoa with a tolerable life for a couple of years. three minutes. Do not forget also that inside the body of a partner, spermatozoa can live up to five days.

Now let's talk about specific situations. For example, sperm got on the clothes and / or underwear of a woman and ended up in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the vagina. “Most likely, the spermatozoa will not pass, even if the woman's panties are filled with sperm - the spermatozoa are unlikely to have enough strength to overcome the tissue barrier. Especially if there are several layers of fabric,” Minkin explained.

If semen gets on fingers or toys that enter a woman's inside immediately after ejaculation, sperm will enter the vagina and begin to move towards the uterus, so the chances of getting pregnant from a dildo are not at all illusory. The same applies to anal sex - if the sperm ended up in the rectum, it will not stay there for a long time and will start to flow out, get on the vulva, and there - hello!

But the obstetrician-gynecologist is in a hurry to reassure everyone: it is quite possible to get pregnant as a result of sexual games, but this does not mean that you need to plunge into paranoia and deny yourself all sorts of pleasures. In order to calmly enjoy all kinds of sexual activity, it is enough to choose the best method of protection.