How to name a dog girl? Names for girls' dogs are rare and beautiful: small breed, large, mongrel, black, red, hunting. Unusual, beautiful nicknames for that terrier boy

Choosing a nickname for a toy terrier girl or boy is a difficult task, because it should not only please the owners, but also suit the baby. Everyone who buys a dog from a kennel knows that the first name is given to the puppy immediately after birth. According to the rules, the entire litter is named with one letter, and at the end a prefix is ​​added in the form of the name of the cattery. For example, a puppy might be named Elliot Sun Valley or Emmy Iz Chudo Terem. However, in the future, new owners can call the dog any name they like, and leave the official name only for certificates and letters.

How to choose a beautiful nickname for toy terrier boys?

Before you name the acquired toy terrier, you need to think carefully about your choice. Indeed, in the future, the nature of the pet and the characteristics of behavior will depend on it. There is nothing strange in this, because scientists have long established the effect of sound combinations on nervous system animals.

IN without fail You should pay attention to the number of sounds such as:

  • Deaf "P", "T", "K" - provoke anxious moods in dogs, which eventually transform into reactive behavior.
  • "P" is associated in a pet with a growl, which is a manifestation of aggression and dominance on the part of the owner.
  • Hissing "S", "Z", "sh", "Sch", "F" and in rare cases "F", "X", "C", "H" contribute to the growth anxiety states. Over time, these sounds provoke persistent arousal.
  • "L", "N", "M" and "V" have a relaxing and calming effect, turning the pet into a nonchalant state.
  • "D", "B" and "G" activate mental activity pet, but do not bring to excitement.
  • The combination of "F" and "D" stimulates the analytical thinking of the dog.

Each sound combination carries a hidden coded meaning that has a direct impact on the development and character of a small four-legged friend. No wonder they say that whatever you call a ship, so it will sail.

To date, the breeders of this miniature breed choose several main areas:

  • Popular foreign ones, for example, Charlie, Bobby, Jacques, Colin, Ricky, Gary, Bruno and others. This a good option, which will not be tied to the characteristics of the animal, and therefore whether harm will reflect the internal state and character.
  • Russian names that are at the peak of popularity today. The most commonly used include Eroshka, Elisha, Timosha, Bazhen, Vlas, Elizar. At the same time, one should choose a version that, over time, does not turn into a shortened parody, for example, Benjamin often becomes an ordinary Venya.
  • Surnames famous people, for example, Bonaparte, Jean-Jacques, Harry, Charlie, Confucius, Elvis and others.
  • Jokes are the most popular direction, allowing you to pick up a sonorous and eloquent nickname. A small dog is often called the Hulk, Conan or Ti-rex, hinting at miniature sizes and ironically over them. Or you can even come up with an interesting version associated with any significant event or the features of the dog: Cupcake, Ninja, Shaman, Rolex, Shustrik, Casper and this is not all variations.

Often, the color of the individual is displayed in the click, which is also neutral, right decision. The main thing is that the owner likes the chosen option, because for a pet it is just a set of sounds.

Nicknames with meaning for boys

If you want to invest in a name for a toy terrier special meaning, then it is recommended to opt for a sonorous version with a hidden semantic load. This will fully characterize the four-legged friend, emphasize strengths or interesting features.

Interesting and intriguing nicknames for toy terrier boys include:

  • Kiddy - cute baby;
  • Fanny - funny or funny;
  • Vermin - playful;
  • Yuki - snow;
  • Kokoro - heart;
  • Fight - cocky, dominant;
  • Haggai - holiday and kindness;
  • Archie - attachment to the owner and mobility;
  • Jool is a gem;
  • Noua - calmness;

Everyone chooses for himself the most suitable option, and for this purpose the names of the ancient gods are also often used: Zeus, Mars, Apollo, Bacchus, Zephyr, Morpheus and others. For a toy terrier boy, a name of cosmic origin is suitable, denoting individual stars and distant planets - Sirius, Toliman, Arcturus, Eridanus, Tres.

How to choose nicknames for toy terrier girls?

When choosing a nickname for female toy terriers, it is recommended to follow the same rules as for boys. In this case, the range of available variations is much wider, because many more beautiful names and surnames are associated with girls.

When choosing, you can focus on:

  • Favorite characters from books, cartoons, plays or movies, Do you love Lord of the Rings? Then Eowyn, Arwen, Merry are quite suitable for the female. Crazy about The Master and Margarita? Pet for sure will be Margot!
  • Myths and legends of various peoples, ranging from ancient ages and before today. Aphrodite, Venus, Aurora, Vesta, Zlata, Ida, Lelya, Muse, Nymph - this is not full list great options for petite beauty.
  • Hobby or favorite hobby, the dish is an eccentric, but not uncommon phenomenon. For example, Chekhov's dogs were called Brom and Hina, and Hepburn's favorite was Celebrity. Among current options quite suitable Bead, Button, Marshmallow, Doll, Caramel, Bean, Bullet, Thing.

You should always pay attention to how the chosen option is pronounced: discomfort or double feelings are not allowed. Another advantage will be the ease of memorization, which will be a plus for the pet.

Nicknames with meaning for girls

When choosing a nickname with a meaning for a beautiful baby, it is recommended to rely on her character and behavior.

  • A gentle, airy and slightly romantic individual is Juliet, Assol, Jane, Fairy, Valerie, Yesenia, Maggie, Orchid.
  • Arrogance and independence are associated with Gerda ( fairy tale character, as well as the beauty from the tales of Scandinavia), Nike (victory), Flora (the goddess of flowering in Ancient Rome), Nemesis (goddess of justice), Seraphim (fiery angel), Minerva (deity of wisdom).
  • For lovers of adventure, fun and games, Alice (from Wonderland), Leia (princess thirsting for adventure from " star wars”), Wendy (the famous companion of Peter Pan), Ellie ( main character from The Wizard of Oz).
  • Refined manners and meekness will be personified in Michiko (child of beauty), Aiko (beloved), Haruki (radiant), Oki (open sea), Hana (flower).

It is not recommended to get too carried away with nicknames that are given "for fun", because they will have to be pronounced several times every day. A joke repeated twice is no longer so interesting and relevant. In addition, on a subconscious level, the owner will form a relaxed or frankly dismissive attitude towards the pet.

IN Lately it became fashionable for girls to give double nicknames, such as Santa Monica or Marie Louise. Before choosing this option, you should think carefully about the appropriateness. Will the mannered Santa Maria turn into an ordinary Masha or Masya in a few weeks?

How to give a name to a pet?

For full-fledged communication with a dog, it’s not enough just to come up with a nickname for him, you should also teach him to respond to it. At right approach training will not take a long period of time, and soon the baby will cheerfully respond to his nickname. Classes should begin immediately after the appearance of the puppy in the house, and this is somewhere in 2, 2.5 months. If necessary, a more adult animal will turn out to be accustomed to the call. This will take more time and effort, but the event is not hopeless.

In most cases, six main methods are used for accustoming, which have shown the best results:

  • Training during a walk, for which it is necessary to choose a quiet and peaceful place, to exclude the likelihood of irritants and distracting elements. It is not recommended to remove the leash, it is better to just loosen it as much as possible. After the dog moves a few meters away, the name is called out, and if there is no reaction, the leash is gently pulled back. After the dog approaches, give him a treat and repeat the nickname several times.
  • Training in game form- is one of the most effective options, as puppies are unusually mobile and love to play with their owners. The owner picks up the puppy's favorite toy and attracts his attention, at the same time naming the name. If the puppy runs up, then you should praise and give the toy for a few minutes.
  • Repetition during feeding also gives good result, especially if there is a goal to accustom a teenager or already an adult. Being close to the pet, you should take a bowl of food and affectionately, distinctly call. As soon as the pet comes up, put the plate down, praise and repeat the nickname a few more times. Practice shows that for the third time, the dog will run to the plate immediately after the call. If desired, hand-feeding is allowed instead of a bowl, thanks to which the pet will quickly learn to respond to its nickname in various places.
  • Petting training is a highly effective technique for puppies who thrive on their owner's attention and affection. The baby is taken in his arms and while enjoying the hugs, the nickname is constantly repeated.

The shorter and louder the nickname is, the faster the dog will remember it, which will positively affect communication and training. When conducting classes with puppies, one should always take into account their small age and fatigue. In this regard, classes should not be long and exhausting, it is better to divide them into several approaches.

Practice shows that four-legged friends should not be given common human names. The fact is that during walks, visits to exhibitions and crowded places, funny situations can arise that do not always end peacefully. Preference should be given to little-used, but sonorous options that fully characterize the behavior and psyche of a small defender.

You have a toy terrier puppy, but you do not know what to name the baby?

There is no need to hurry with the choice.

After all, professional breeders claim that the nicknames of animals affect their character and fate.

Especially carefully you should choose the names of dogs if they are waiting for participation in exhibitions.

In fact, it is not difficult to correctly name a boy or a girl. However, you should not forget about the observance of some rules:

First of all, there must be a correspondence between the nickname and the sex of the dog. Girls can't be called Barbos or Jackson.

There are situations when inexperienced dog owners, believing that they have become the owners of a boy and naming him accordingly, as a result discover that their pet is a girl.

Then Barbos becomes Barbie, and Tarzan becomes Tara or Zana.

They should be easy to pronounce. Better if they have 2-3 syllables. For the hearing of dogs, including toy terriers, the perception of only two syllables is acceptable.

Short nicknames are easier to pronounce, and besides, pets respond well to them.

You should not name your pet using nicknames from the last movie or series you watched.

It is not necessary to call that terrier the same as the name of the dog of the TV presenter or favorite singer.

It is better to come up with something original, your baby's name should be special, like her.

It is not necessary to call the boy or girl of the toy terrier with human names.

It is noted that for dogs this follows in bad Education. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the owner in public places does not always straighten up a naughty pet.

Moreover, the strict calling of the animal is important points in his upbringing, especially for puppies.

When choosing a nickname, do not forget about the breed. Girls names such as Elba or Anthea are suitable for large breeds.

When choosing a name even for a boy, one should not forget about harmony, and even more so for a girl.

It is not necessary to assign nicknames to animals on the basis of the principle that they are male or female.

When choosing names for toy terrier boys or girls, there are several factors that can be considered. historical features breed, with the place of its origin, etc.

If you are planning to participate in exhibitions with your toy terrier, the name for the pet should be memorable and bright.

The color of the baby will help determine his name, for example, a black girl can be Bagheera or Panther.

You can observe the puppy and his behavior. Maybe this will help you decide what to call it.

You can offer several options to choose from, most likely she will like one of them.

The combination of letters and sounds that make up nicknames has a serious impact on them. Accordingly determines their behavior.

This should be taken into account if further training of that terrier is planned.

As an example:

  • Amanda- will be devoted and executive. However, she is distinguished by a touchy character, especially if her voice is raised.
  • Betty This is a kind and brave purebred dog.
  • Vesta- Well trained. True, it is easily offended by rough treatment.
  • Rita- Good for small dogs.
  • unit- a girl with a kind unobstinate character.

You can call your pet a funny or cute name. A name that emphasizes the size of your pet is also suitable. For example, Candy, Pretty Woman, Doll, Button or Mouse.

Ultimately, the final is a personal matter for each owner. Therefore, it is exactly the one that you like and will be the most suitable for your pet.


When choosing a nickname for your pet, do not forget that it should be simple and clear. In this video, a specialist cynologist will tell you how to do it right and, most importantly, how to teach you to respond to it.

Beautiful, original and common nicknames for dog girls.

You have been looking for a suitable breed of dog for a long time, read a lot of literature about the maintenance and upbringing of a girl dog, and finally brought a yapping puppy home. But what is the name of the baby? This is where the thinking, “trying on” begins. different options name for a four-legged family member.

By choosing a name, we choose a puppy's fate. What to look for when choosing a name? How to choose a nickname that will be easy to pronounce, so that it matches the character of the dog, appearance?

So that you do not spend a lot of time looking for a suitable nickname for a girl dog, we have collected the most popular names in this article.

How can you name a puppy of a big girl dog?

Buying big dog in the cattery, the owner is offered to name her with a certain letter, which is assigned to the litter number. But even if your choice is unlimited, choose a beautiful and sonorous name big dog- is not an easy task.

You will have to watch the puppy so that the chosen name makes sense. Diminutive nicknames will not work here: the name should emphasize the majesty appearance dogs.

There is an opinion among dog breeders that the name of the dog leaves a certain imprint on the character of the pet. It is important that the owner of the dog also likes the nickname.

Here are some options for status nicknames for a large dog:

  • Ada, Abigel, Aya, Avina, Assonita, Aurora
  • Alpha, Aphrodite, Athena, Alma
  • Babsi, Bella, Berta, Varda, Volga
  • Vara, Gloria, Hera, Gerda, Daisy
  • Jerry, Dina, Egoza, Yelik, Eva
  • Zherika, Zvana, Karina, Krona
  • Cleopatra, Curry, Kasia, Maggie
  • Rune, Camila, Kara, Kent, Chris
  • Christa, Kerida, Laima, Laida, Lamia
  • Lada, Malta, Nika, Rex, Sandy
  • Yusta, Chara

The dog needs a short nickname that the pet will easily remember, because you will often walk in crowded places, go to training, and maybe win championship titles, and pronouncing a long complicated nickname every time is quite tiring.

How beautiful to name a dog a German Shepherd girl?

It will be difficult for a puppy to remember a nickname if you call him “musik, masik or just a baby”

If you are looking for a nickname for girls german shepherd , then German-sounding nicknames are best suited:

  • Frida
  • Elsa
  • Heidi
  • Katrina
  • Steffi
  • Vistula
  • Greta
  • power
  • vaida
  • Dart
  • Diana
  • Daira
  • King
  • Ditta

In addition, you can give shepherd girl names such as:

  • Mary, Noora, Oda, Indie
  • Hilda, Mirta, Mary, Emma
  • Utah, Palm, Ritsa, Ronda
  • Bara, Judy, Kaira, Adele
  • Ira, Christa, Lana, Leah
  • Mira, Angie, Berta, Britta
  • Hera, Glory, Jessie, Venedika

Among foreign nicknames For shepherd popular are:

  • Agatha, Adele, Ivon, Aphra
  • Britta, Brittany, Walda
  • Viva, Wilma, Vien, Glory
  • Grace, Greta, Delia, Gemma, Yeffi
  • Jenny, Jessie, Jude, Judy
  • Indie, Carla, Kelsey, Cora, Christy
  • Xaviera, Katie, Lana, Paula, Angie

How beautiful to name a dog a girl like?

You bought like and now you are tormented by choosing a sonorous name?

Perhaps your beauty-like a nickname that is associated with frost, snow, the north will do, and will emphasize the harsh origin of the pet. Or maybe your dog has some individual traits that will reflect the nickname.

Inspiration is on this list.

  • Aurora, Agna, Aza, Aina
  • Aita, Aka, Alva, Alma
  • Aman, Ayuna, Baima, Squirrel
  • Storm, Vega, Blizzard, Dadi
  • Dara, Diva, Dulma, Haze
  • Enya, Suvan, Surma, Taiga
  • Tyra, Taha, Taya, Toka, Tessa
  • Eshka, Zana, Winter, Ichin
  • Kuney, Weasel, Lama, Moon
  • Maira, Maru, Maya, Blizzard
  • Nara, Nora, Noha, Rune
  • Sakari, Sleigh, Sata, Saya
  • Seville, Sibma, Sitka
  • Fairy tale, Soya, Chena, Chola
  • Khanda, Hara, Yugra, Yucca
  • Yuki, Yuta, Yushka

Names for chihuahua girls are beautiful

Small dogs, as a rule, are distinguished by naivety and cuteness, therefore, names for dogs small breeds have a diminutive suffix - Prissy, Alsha, Busya.

The formidable and majestic nickname, which is called a small dog, causes some imbalance. Don't call your dog Brute like the heroine of the movie "Legally Blonde" did. In addition to laughter, your beauty will not cause other emotions in others, and you too.

Choose the best nickname for chihuahua from the following list:

  • Barbie, Buffy, Busya, Bead
  • Baby, Betsy, Beauty, Gabby
  • Glen, Grace, Darcy, Daphne
  • Dekla, Daisy, Dolly, Doni
  • Dora, Dory, Dorris, Dulcie
  • Pixie, Button, Chamomile
  • Ruby, Ruth, Sali, Sarah
  • Tina, Tracy, Cheri, Chita
  • Sheri, Eileen, Enis, Jena
  • Iza, Toffee, Irma, Kandy
  • Carla, Carmen, Knopa
  • Cony, Christy, Lana, Lisey
  • Lily, Lola, Laura, Luli
  • Lucia, Lucy, Magicians, Maila
  • Mimi, Molly, May, Mary
  • Nancy, Nessie, Trixie, Tusya
  • Floris, Hannah, Chloe, Chema
  • Suga, Abi

How beautiful to name a dog a Yorkshire terrier girl?

For the cutest creature yorkie- the English nickname will sound organically. And of course, the name of a Yorkie girl should be gentle and melodic.

When choosing a name, try to pronounce it several times next to the dog: the dog will react to the combination of sounds you like by wagging its tail or will listen carefully. So you can find out what to name your baby.

Here is the list suitable nicknames For york girls:

  • Almadel, Azra, Affanita, Anthony
  • Bofari, Bernita, Venisha, Vilena
  • Victoriana, Green, Guard, Deolanda
  • Daria, Jarrah, Donisha, Zvyara, Intella
  • Yesha, Isa, Krasma, Laira, Lavitsia
  • Lipsa, Merrian, Markhu, Milagro, Mystic
  • Milina, Mistimari, Monad, Numis, Elega
  • Novella, Ogna, Ralina, Rayen
  • Runda, Celia, Samphira, Sora
  • Stiza, Sisha, Tarita, Takhiara
  • Tanta, Tes, Thea, Flusa, Festi
  • Frans, Fortina, Cheyenne, Chéstiti

How beautiful is it to name a dog a mongrel girl?

If you are faced with a difficult choice of a nickname for a mongrel, then the following information is for you.

Do not think that choosing a name for a dog is a trifle. You can call a dog one of the common nicknames, but will it suit your pet? And after all to dog then all life to go with this name.

Here is a list of nicknames for mutt girls:

  • Adeline
  • Albina
  • Alice
  • Squirrel
  • Greta
  • Juliet
  • Naida

A mongrel puppy is an example of devotion and boundless love for the owner

The nickname for a dog can be borrowed from the world of fashion, cinema, literature. For example, such dog names for a mongrel they sound very original:

  • Isadora, Beata, Barbara
  • Vivien, Vekrushka, Ingrid
  • Liza, Marlene, Mazina, Mukhina
  • Marika, Oprah, Prada, Hayworth
  • Silva, Tootsie, Uma, Franca
  • Flora, Chanel, Cerutti, Shakira

A mongrel, like a thoroughbred dog, is suitable for a nickname from the world of cinema and literature

How beautiful to name a dog a Labrador girl?

Labrador fit short and a sonorous nickname in a foreign manner.

A dog name that sounds concise and does not require additional abbreviations is ideal.

We offer you to look at the nicknames presented here for labrador-girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara
  • Barracuda, Berta, Warsaw
  • Verona, Gabriella, Donna
  • Dinara, Egoza, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zarina, Irene
  • Christy, Carrie, Leonarda
  • Lorena, Marquise, Michelle
  • Monica, Oji, Pella, Frisky
  • Rune, Siren, Terra, Luck
  • Theon, Frank, Fantasy, Charisma
  • Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica

How beautiful to name a Stafford girl dog?

Muscular and stocky Stafoord is a reliable guard with a high threshold of irritability. This is a dog of contrasts: he is incredibly patient and balanced, but he can be energetic and daring. What name is suitable for one of the best defenders among dogs?

stafford puppy

Nicknames for Stafford girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara, Barracuda, Berta
  • Warsaw, Verona, Gabriella, Greta, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zara, Zarina, Irene, Christy, Carrie
  • Leonard, Lorena, Marquise, Oji, Pella
  • Frisky, Siren, Terra, Luck, Feon, Frank
  • Fantasy, Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Hellas, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica, Jasper, Donna, Dinara

How beautiful to name a dog a Spitz girl?

Spitz– the breed is popular thanks to playful nature small compact dogs that give their owners a lot of positive emotions. The following nicknames are suitable for a Spitz-girl:

  • Monica
  • Alura
  • Byra
  • Daniella
  • Dolly
  • Monta
  • Moraine
  • Mella

How beautiful to name a dog a girl of that terrier?

toy terriers among the entire dog fraternity, they are distinguished by activity, sociability and readiness to always be close to the owner. You need to choose a name for a cute dog that is kind, funny, because your miniature beauty will grow up like that. Here are examples of nicknames for a Toy Terrier girl:

  • Ariel, Amanda, Assol, Irene, Amelie
  • Barbie, Barbara
  • Vivian, Vanessa, Venus
  • Goofy, Geisha, Gerda
  • Jessie, Dixie
  • Jacqueline, Jasmine
  • Ilatti, Yoko
  • Kylie, Kira, Cassandra
  • Laura, Linda, Lady
  • Molly, Martha, Madonna
  • Nicole, Norma, Nellie
  • Omega, Ophelia
  • Paris, Fluffy
  • Rosie, Rochelle, Roksolana
  • Silva, Scarlet, Sandy, Samantha
  • Trixie, Tootsie
  • Felikin, Francesca
  • Heidi, Hannah
  • Cirilla, Cherry
  • Shanis, Cheyenne, Sheri
  • Evelyn, Estella
  • Yuma, Yula
  • Java, Janetta

How beautiful to name a dog a spaniel girl?

An English-language name is suitable for a girl spaniel of the British-American group, and a nickname from languages ​​\u200b\u200bcommon in Russia will harmoniously sound for a Russian spaniel.

True friend for life - spaniel

Focus on the color, temperament of your dog.
We offer you a selection of suitable nicknames for spaniel girls:

Quince, Ara, Alice, Aika, Alva, Assa;
Berta, Bean, Barbie, Bissa;
Vesta, Vitana, Viliya, Wax;
Ghana, Gerda, Guria, Gella;
Darcy, Dessa, Donna;
Ekki, Jeanne, Jenny;
Zula, Zira;
Irma, Illa, Ethan;
Clara, Corey, Karla, Claire;
Lyme, Lori, Linda, Lisa;
Maya, Mina, Moxxi, Misty;
Neiti, Nikta, Nori, Nisa;
Oprah, Ora;

Pint, Paiva, Paula, Patti;
Rona, Roxy, Rinta, Rimmy;
Stacey, Sona, Sulla, Santa;
Tracy, Tilla, Tilda, Temmie;
Ursula, Uma;
Phryne, Frida;
Chloe, Helga;
Cintra, Cessa;
Choli, Chippy;
Shaya, Shanny;
Ellie, Eris, Emma, ​​Ethel;
Jutta, Yusta, Yucca, Yuli;
Yana, Yasta.

How beautiful to call a hunting dog a girl?

Hunting dog brings special content to the hunting process. Hunting with a dog is more exciting and beautiful. If you have acquired a hunting dog, then your plans are to become not only a friend of a four-legged beauty, but also a partner.

During the hunt, the result can only be achieved in a well-coordinated tandem. The nickname for a dog, which in the near future will help you in hunting, is a responsible and serious matter, because the dog will have to easily distinguish his name from other teams.

Nicknames for cops:

  • puddy
  • Dembi
  • Diana
  • Norm

For Pointers and Setters:

  • Nellie
  • Paddy
  • Lasta
  • Stainlish
  • Gilda
  • Blanca
  • Gypsy
  • Magda
  • Pride
  • divar
  • Ferri
  • Delta
  • Jerry

How beautiful to name a beagle dog girl?

  • Boyka, Budishka, Venus, Voltorka
  • Bagpipes, Vopishka, Vorozheyka, Hyde
  • Jackdaw, Talker, Rumbler, Guslyarka
  • Savage, Doborka, Dombra, Dudka, Vest
  • Zhurka, Fun, Zavyalka, Bully, Zadorka
  • Ignition, Singing, Invention, Star, Snake
  • Dawn, Zurna, Kenarka, Comet, Krasishka
  • Cuckoo, Kutishka, Letka, Lute, Malyuta
  • Milka, Song, Crybaby, Pobedka, Rushed
  • Pomchishka, Rhyme, Pass, Prolaza
  • Pipe, Fairy tale, Violin, Nightingale
  • Magpie, Spevka, Arrow, Sudarka, Taratorka
  • Anxiety, Flute, Laughter, Zytra
  • Chadra, Charka, Shumishka, Shumka, Yula, Yulia

Of the nicknames that appeared later, the following can be distinguished: A baby pug will win your heart in a few minutes

The key is to make it easy for you to pronounce your dog's name. Therefore, choose a nickname consisting of two syllables and with voiced consonants. Please note that short-legged beauties are unusually playful, smart, and hooligan.

List of nicknames for pug girls:

  • Brina, Bianca, Becky
  • Gabriella (Gabri, Gaby), Gladys
  • Jussy, Dominika, Della
  • Jazlin, Geneva, Giselle
  • Kema, Kita, Cleo, Christie
  • Lyon, Lola, Madeleine, Maila, Margo
  • Marielle, Mafia, Maya, Milana, Misty
  • Michelle, Mary, Nikki, Princess
  • Rochelle, Samantha, Samphira, Sophie
  • Sandy, Suzanne, Tasha, Tess
  • Fiesta, Philippa, Fifi
  • Floris, Francine, Javier
  • Heidi, Chase, Chelsea, Evita
  • Elizabeth, Elsie, Emmy, Annie
  • Ashley, Gabri, Goldie, Gracie
  • Guera, Zuzu, Ilene, Issa
  • Calibri, Karma, Kayla
  • Kiki, Clarita, Leona, Liana, Lily
  • Lulu, Marissa, Marlin, Marceau
  • Mercy, Mini, Miranda, Missy
  • Neyla, Nova, Nunis, Pixie
  • Pilar, Pisklya, Pitina
  • Paris, Sandria, Cecile, Cindy
  • Solana, Tamalia, Tequila
  • Tiffany, Tia, Trixie, Tierra
  • Heidi, Juana, Chelsea, Chiquita, Chile
  • Chita, Eli, Esmeralda, Ashley, Viva
  • Vivienne, Hermione, Gretta

How beautiful to name a dog a Pekingese girl?

imperial dog Pekingese a worthy and noble nickname will do, which will emphasize the regal posture, independence, self-confidence. You can call a dog a name in the Chinese manner

The Toy Terrier is a breed of miniature dogs that is rapidly gaining popularity. Have you also succumbed to temptation and acquired a funny baby? Then he urgently needs a name and we will help you with this!

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How to name a dog?

The toy terrier is a real baby among all the dog brethren. Therefore, of course, he is drawn to give a name that is sweet, kind and playful. Although, perhaps, overdoing it with cuteness is not always appropriate. After all over-concern and the patronage that miniature dogs are often surrounded by, coupled with an overly funny name, can turn your pet into a spoiled and capricious creature. But Toy Terriers themselves are active, sociable and ready to follow their master everywhere!

In addition, Toy Terriers are divided into Russian and English types. Therefore, the name can be chosen, focusing on the national attribute. Gosha, Misha, Edik, Terenty, Elisha against Michael, William, Tommy, Alex or Henry. Both of these variations sound good and are suitable for kids.

Many owners of miniature dogs really want to emphasize the uniqueness of their dog. Catalogs of nicknames, names of idols and stars do not suit them. They "create" a nickname on their own, using capital letters names of family members, or just making up nice-sounding unusual name. You can follow this path too!

In addition, if your baby is purebred and you plan to participate in exhibitions or breed Toychikov, then your boy or girl needs a bright, sonorous, memorable name. Toy Terriers are known with such memorable names as the True Aristocrat and the Source of Intelligence!

By color

The standard provides for the following colors of Toy Terriers: brown, blue-gray, red with brown or black nose. There are some other colors, such as black. If you can call Black, Blackie, Zorro, Imp. The girl can be called Panther or Bagheera.

The blue-gray baby can be called Diamond, Blizzard, Marshmallow, Steel, Silver, Smokey. For a red dog, the following nicknames are advised: Ginger, Pepper, Fire, Amber, Midas. The following names are suitable for a brown coat: Mars, Porter, Chocolate, Brownie, Snickers. One breeder named her light brown Toychik Die Hard, for the similarity of his coat color to the color of a nutshell.

To size

Almost all Toy Terriers are real babies. Therefore, of course, their names are most often aimed at emphasizing this diminutiveness.

Baby, Minik, Kid, Microbe, Micron, Smiley are good names for Toy Terrier boys. A little girl can be called Baby, Weasel, Baby, Doll, Mouse, Button. With such a name, someone very small and touching immediately appears.

Some owners go from the opposite and call Toychikov "big" names - the Beast, Tyson, Wolfhound, Thug, Big Man. And then we advise you to look interesting video about Toy Terrier Ipkins, maybe you will like this name!


Among the Toy Terriers you can meet a record number of Lyalya, Mus and Bus.

And the glamorous lady fussing over her has already become a byword. Also often there are Toychiki boys with beautiful and important names - Duke, Prince, Antonio, Vivaldi, Marquis, Viscount. The behavior of such kids, as a rule, is very important.


We can say that almost all the names for Toy Terriers are funny, like these dogs themselves. The boy Toy with a light brown fur coat and the name Apricot Jam will look very cute. And the bearer of a dark coat can be called Eggplant. The nicknames Bambik, Bonaparte, Klondike, Cupcake, Kilobyte, Malets also sound funny. And the dog girl can be called like this: Pretty Woman, Nurse, Infiniti, Zemfira.

List of names

Nicknames for Toy Terriers for every taste can be found in the table below.

LetterBoy's nicknameNickname of the girl
AAlexandrine, Antonio, ApolloAriel, Amanda, Assol, Irene, Amelie
BBurt, Bobby, BrandonBarbie, Barbara
INVitka, WillyVivian, Vanessa, Venus
GGavroche, Harold, GilmerGoofy, Geisha, Gerda
DJimmy, Duncan, DustinJessie, Dixie
ANDJora, Jean-PaulJacqueline, Jasmine
WZitoZlata, Zara
I, YIglesias, EmperorIlatti, Yoko
TOCarlos, Kelvin, KenKylie, Kira, Cassandra
LLloyd, Lucas, LeonardoLaura, Linda, Lady
MMaurice, MarquisMolly, Martha, Madonna
HNorman, NigelNicole, Norma, Nellie
ABOUTAustin, Orlando, OscarOmega, Ophelia
PPetrusha, Pike, PaulParis, Fluffy
RRaymond, Romeo, RioRosie, Rochelle, Roksolana
WITHStewart, Stevie, SnoopySilva, Scarlet, Sandy, Samantha
TTim, Taylor, TerikTrixie, Tootsie
AtWilliam, UmbertoWhitney
FPhilip, FredFelikin, Francesca
XHarley, JuanHeidi, Hannah
HCharles, ChesterCherry
W, WsherlockShanis, Cheyenne, Sheri
EAshton, Elvis, EltonEvelyn, Estella
YUYukonYuma, Yula
IYardleyJava, Janetta

Video "Breed Toy Terrier"

Learn more about miniature breed You can watch the video below, along the way coming up with a nickname for your pet!

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The Toy Terrier is one of the most popular breeds small indoor dogs. Despite their miniature size, the animals are distinguished by an independent and courageous character and prefer to play the role of a friend and protector, rather than a couch pet. When deciding how to name a toy terrier, you should pay attention to its appearance, size, habits and behavior.

A puppy appeared in the house ... What is the name of the toy terrier?

The ancestors of modern toy terriers have been known for a long time - miniature dogs were popular back in medieval Europe. These independent and courageous animals with the heart of a real terrier were used to hunt rats, which were not uncommon in castles and wealthy houses. Gradually, small elegant dogs received the status of pets. It is believed that modern breeds come from England, where the breed standards were developed. The name hints at the features of the dog's appearance - it really resembles beautiful toy, but at the same time retains all the features of the character of real terriers: fearlessness, recklessness, increased activity and friendliness.

Over time, mini-terriers have gained popularity in other countries. In Russia, based on English dogs A separate breed was bred, called the Russian Toy Terrier. Periodically, the breed came into fashion, in the wake of popularity, another variety was bred - the mini toy terrier. Today, miniature dogs are divided into 3 types:

  • mini;
  • super mini;
  • dwarf.

The division is unofficial; in any case, “toy terrier” will be written in the animal’s passport. Even breeders can't always predict before. However, it has been observed that children of dwarf parents usually turn out to be the same.

There is a short-haired and long-haired version of the toy terrier. The general conformation is similar, only the length and texture of the coat differs. In smooth-haired dogs, it is hard, glossy, close to the body. Long-haired have not too thick, but long pile, abundantly covering the ears, sides, back.

Shorthaired and longhaired toy terriers

When choosing a name, you need to take into account the features of the physique. Toy Terriers have a very delicate constitution, they have thin long legs, a lean torso, beautifully curved Long neck with a proud head. The muzzle is narrow, the eyes are large, slightly protruding. The large, alert ears are set high and give the dog a slightly wary expression.

Dogs with this appearance are often given nicknames that emphasize their diminutiveness. This is especially true for dogs of the super-mini and dwarf categories. The names baby, Minnie, Mousey ("mouse"), Papillon or Butterfly ("butterfly") are suitable for them. Some owners try to demonstrate originality and choose a nickname in contrast, calling the tiny dog ​​Brute, Barmaley, Cyclops or Volcano. True, this approach has a justification - mini-terriers are extremely active, noisy, have a very loud voice and love to bark.

Choosing a nickname for thoroughbred toy terriers

Thoroughbred terriers get a name based on the name of the kennel or the nicknames of the parents. The first option is more common in animals of foreign selection. The name of the cattery is indicated only in documents, in ordinary life too long chain of words is not used. But when choosing, it is worth making harmonious combinations - it is possible that the dog will participate in the exhibition or get into the breeding program. For example, German, Austrian, Czech names are suitable for terriers from the Stauberg und Lide kennel: Patrick, Uwe, Jezzy, Ilsa, Walter, Klaus, Marika. You should not pick up too long nicknames, they will look cumbersome and in any case will be shortened. Naturally, names like Baton, Trezor or Lapushka will not work in this case.

In purebred dogs of Russian selection, it is customary to choose a nickname for the letter with which the father's name begins, and the second begins with the first letter of the mother's name. The second name or “surname” is invented by the owners of the mother of the puppies, and the first must be given by the new owners. For example, the names of Vlasta, Mitten, Vatrushka, Vesta, Viola, Vasilisa, Vassa are suitable for the daughters of Wodehouse. A male puppy can be called Valdai, Viking, Vassisual, Veres or Wooster. Sometimes in the nickname there should be a mention of the name of other ancestors in masculine or female line- this is important for especially valuable dogs that have winners and champions of the breed in their pedigree. For example, Alice Magre and Leopold's puppies can get the names Leontina Almag, Leopard Almag, Leorika Almag. If such a nickname seems too cumbersome, you can come up with a nickname yourself, and when writing in documents, add the desired syllable to it, which will be used in an official setting. Leo Ginger or Leo Flora are quite normal options that will be entered first on the puppy card, and then on the pedigree.

Important. When choosing a name for a thoroughbred bitch, you need to take into account that you will have to invent the second nickname for her future puppies.

In addition to origin, other features are also important. Among the main ones:

  • dog size;
  • coat length;
  • color.

The nickname will help to emphasize the characteristics of the character of the terrier: activity, irascibility, independence, desire to dominate. However, there are exceptions - the toy terrier can be shy, quiet and affectionate. In any case, puppies need a firm hand and education. Toy Terriers are different high intelligence and the ability to learn, they perfectly capture the mood of the owner and try to match it.

Selection of a nickname based on color

When choosing a name, it is important to pay attention to the length and color of the coat. The most popular colors are black and tan, chocolate and red. Blue, purple and pure white dogs are much less common. Some breeders deliberately breed just such terriers, others believe that dogs with original colors are distinguished by reduced immunity and live less.

The classic version is black and tan dogs. The color is characterized by a glossy black color of wool on the head, back, outer part of the paws. Reddish tan marks are located in certain places: muzzle, chest, lower and inside paws, near the ears, temples, tail. The shape of the spots may vary slightly, this is especially noticeable in the markings on the chest and muzzle.

Pure black is less common. According to the standard, the dog must be absolutely solid, without a red or red tint. The same color have claws and nose.

Black and tan and red are the most common colors of toy terriers.

sable color is a variation of black. However, in this case, the hairs of the coat are not monochromatic, but two-colored, black with dark red. In certain lighting, wool casts beautiful copper tint, with age, the puppy may lighten slightly.

Chocolate. A lighter version, intermediate between sable and brown. White spots and blurry light areas are not allowed.

Red or fawn. Very beautiful, rich shade, giving the miniature fragile terrier a special charm. Tans are slightly pronounced, the nose is chocolate-colored, the eyes are lighter than in black and black and tan dogs.

Pale yellow. Very light red, may be warm or cold sand shade. A solid or tan color with smooth tints of colors is possible.

In a separate category are different shades gray color . Wool with a cold undertone is called blue, with a warm undertone - lilac. The rarest variant is Isabella, a very light lilac with beautiful transitions.

White toy terriers are quite rare. The dog looks unusual and attracts many lovers. However, such animals do not go into breeding breeding and do not participate in exhibitions. The coat can be pure white or have a light fawn, grayish, creamy tint.

Table 1. Choice of nickname depending on color.

ColorNicknames for boysNicknames for girls

Classic, Mocha, Domino, Harlequin, Devil, Charlie, Arabesque.Carly, Princess, Tiona, Charlotte, Babette.

Fire, Ryzhik, Aurelio.Cinnamon, Rose, Scarlett, Ora, Zlata, Mirabelle.

Blue and purple

Azur, Adonis, Western.Viola, Claudia, Flora, Bonnie Blue, Lily, Lilith, Liana, Lorelei, Diana, Fleur, Fiona, Lady Di.

Opal, Onyx, Creme Brulee, Cumin.Candy, Vanilla, Pistachio, Candy, Clarissa, Claire, Cream Soda, Powder, Crystal, Sunny, Blondie.

Negus, Coal, Moor, Mr. Black, Hyde, Noir, Gloom, Moire, Algeria.Milady, Bagheera, Bastet, Nora, Nochka, Mavra, Oprah.

Refined, White Fang, Tusk, Snow, Snowman ("snowman"), Hoarfrost, Frost, Frost, Pierrot.Sugar ("sugar"), Snowquin (" The Snow Queen”), Nezh (“snow”), Swan (“swan”), Odette, Marquise, Narcissus, Desdemona.

Interesting. unusual blue and purple shades difficult to keep in subsequent litters, but they may well arise in a generation.

The best nicknames for toy terrier boys

Toy Terriers are courageous and resolute, their miniature size does not prevent them from being known as excellent defenders, watchmen and hunters. Therefore, it is quite natural to choose the name Viking, Warrior, Ratmir, Batu, Genghis Khan, Zeus, Thunderbolt, Tarzan, Conquistador, Zuav, Stoik for a brave kid. The names of famous historical figures, politicians, scientists, artists are also suitable: Churchill, Courvoisier, Robespierre, Matisse, Picasso, Jules Verne, Lancelot, Rostand, Samson, Raphael, Nelson.

Suitable option - regular proper names, both Russian and foreign. The toy terrier may be suitable for full or diminutive variants: Sema, Benya, Arthur (Artie), Benjamin (Benji), Ken, Orlando, Shmulik, Percival (Percy), Pluto, Raul.

How to name a terrier girl: elegant and funny options

Names for a toy terrier girl should be cute, harmonious, easy to pronounce. Like other dogs, mini terriers like nicknames with a predominance of the letter "r", hissing and whistling, but you should not choose too thunderous names. In addition, these options are usually associated with large dogs, elegant miniature toy terrier they won't fit.

The beauty of the pet is emphasized by the names of Grace (Gracey), Charmin, Charlene, Bonita, Linda, Lindsay, Pretty Woman, Bella, Belle, Grace, Weasel, Thalia, Aphrodite, Freya, Pani Model.

Some dogs are suitable for funny and touching names that hint at the miniature size of the pet: Baby, Baby, Miss, Milan, Lilibet, Millicent, Barbie, Mouse. You can play on contrasts and call a slender and graceful dog with an “edible” name: Bun, Muffin, Donut, Bun.

Toy Terrier girls are refined and graceful - the name should emphasize these qualities.

Names with meaning: what to choose

When choosing a name, it is not necessary to choose the first word you like. The nickname can emphasize the habits of a particular pet, its interests or cute pranks. For example, a puppy who likes to play with a ball can be called Bolly (Bolly), Ball, Play or Forward. Interesting idea- give your pet the name of a famous football player: Pele, Maradona, Griezmann, Ronaldo or Messi.

A puppy who likes to take a nap will suit the name Sonya or Snowdream. A pet that loves to bark or howl can get the nickname Pavarotti or Caruso. Emphasize special treatment the names of the owner can be Trezor ("treasure"), Ador ("adored"), Lovely ("beloved"). It is worth considering that many English or French nicknames are suitable for both boys and girls. When choosing a name, it is worth considering not only the meaning, but also the sound. For example, words like Star, Perdita or Vanina will surely appeal to foreigners, but will make Russian-speaking owners laugh.

Before choosing a nickname, you should learn more about the features of the breed.

Choosing a name for a toy terrier - an exciting activity for the whole family. Help at work fashion magazines favorite movies and books. The pet should also like the nickname - if he does not react in any way to the proposed word, it is better to look for another option.

Video - Russian Toy Terrier