Why can't a dog go to the toilet in a big way? Constipation in a dog: what to do, how to treat, causes of constipation, prevention

Many in vain underestimate such problems with the stool as diarrhea or constipation. These problems can bring not only inconvenience, but also great harm to the pet's body. The deplorable consequences include intestinal rupture, intoxication and even death. Therefore, it is not worth underestimating the moment when a dog has constipation. Knowledge is power, so if the owner knows what causes constipation, then he will be able to protect his pet from this problem in the future.

constipation symptoms

It is not difficult to guess that the main symptom is partial or complete retention of stool. Partial delay means that the pet is less likely to have a bowel movement. Normally, an adult defecates 1-3 times a day. With constipation, this amount is sharply reduced, and the duration of defecation is significantly increased. At the same time, the feces are dry.

Also, constipation can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  1. The belly of the pet became hard. When pressed, the dog groans, as the accumulation of gases causes discomfort and pain.
  2. The dog loses its appetite. Not infrequently, this problem leads to a complete rejection of food.
  3. Pet loses activity. He spends more and more time lying down, rarely gets up.
  4. In rare cases, the pet begins to become intoxicated. At the same time, a white coating with a terrible smell appears on the teeth, and the appearance of gag reflexes is also possible.

Causes of the disease

To a greater extent, one main reason for constipation is malnutrition. The reasons for its appearance may be:

  1. Frequent consumption of bones. Bones are very difficult to wet with water. That is, after ingestion and digestion, they become very dry. And in this case, constipation very often occurs in dogs, especially when the stomach is just full of this delicacy.
  2. Cellulose. It also harms the body. No, in general it is useful, and even many athletes cannot do without including it in their diet. But a small pet is vulnerable to the content of this element in the body. So that the dog does not have an excess of fiber, it is necessary to feed it not only with dry cereals, but also with soup, always monitor the presence of water in the bowl. It's pretty easy to do this at home.
  3. Overfeeding also causes this problem as a consequence. It is especially difficult for a pet to tolerate an excess of food if it is difficult for the body to digest.

But not always the cause of its occurrence is malnutrition. Sometimes, things get worse. The main focus of constipation may be some kind of disease (tumor in the intestine, diabetes, etc.).

Treatment of the problem at home

As a rule, a dog can have two types of constipation: in need of treatment and not in need of treatment.

In the first case, it is enough to simply exclude certain foods from the diet, add more soups, water, etc. But if everything is more complicated, then you can’t do without a medical solution.

At home, you can use soft and heavy products. Soft ones include:

  1. Vegetable oil. It helps to lubricate the passages of the faeces and thus facilitate the process of defecation. But such a remedy will not be effective in a severe case of constipation.
  2. A mixture of linseed and vegetable oils. Considered a great option (better than vegetable oil alone).
  3. Vaseline oil. It is also considered a mild remedy for constipation. It is best to give it to your pet through a syringe, several times a day. Naturally without a needle.

The dosages of oils are:

  1. Large breeds at least 2 tablespoons.
  2. Medium breed dogs - at least 1 tablespoon per day.
  3. Small - no more than 0.5 tablespoons per day.

If these remedies are ineffective, an enema is used. To carry it out, you need a rubber pear. For the procedure, ordinary water heated to a temperature of 30 degrees is suitable.

If possible, it is better to use the same vaseline oil instead of water.

The amount of liquid for an enema is as follows:

  1. For large breeds one glass (breeds over 45 kg of weight).
  2. For medium-sized half a glass of water (weight from 20 to 25 kilograms).
  3. Small breeds no more than 3 tablespoons.

This is how the answer to the question “What to do at home with the problem of constipation” looks like.

Important. If your dog's constipation persists, see a doctor immediately. Do not wait for results a week after the enema. Negligent attitude to such a simple problem (as it seems) can lead to death.

Medications for constipation

If traditional medicine is powerless, then drugs come to the rescue. It is not recommended to buy and give medicines to your pet on your own. Initially, it is advisable to visit a veterinary center where the doctor will prescribe exactly those remedies that will help the body and will not harm the baby.

Anticonstipation agents include:

  1. Magnesium sulfate (magnesia). Very good laxative for pets. Works on the principle of "wetting" feces. It attracts fluid to the stool and makes it softer. A side effect of this drug is often increased salivation.
  2. Laxatone is a paste whose main purpose is to eliminate hair in the animal's body. But it also proved to be a good laxative. There are no side effects, but when compared with magnesia, the cost of Laxatone is 5-6 times higher.
  3. Duphalac. So magnesia softens the stool, making the process of defecation easier. Side effects include diarrhea or bloating. The price category is located between Laxatone and magnesia.

Do not be careless about this issue. Constipation can cause a lot of problems that, if tightened, it will be impossible to fight.


Constipation is an irregular, incomplete, painful bowel movement. The large intestine becomes clogged with hard, hardened feces. Old, obese and sedentary dogs suffer. Irrational nutrition, overfeeding, deficiency of plant fibers in the diet, lack of regular walking, lack of drinking, contribute to the compaction of fecal matter and constipation.

The causes of constipation in dogs are diseases - intestinal atony, oncological neoplasms, complications after surgery. Constipation can be provoked by side effects of medications, a stressful situation, neurological pathologies.


Delayed bowel movements in dogs are provoked by the following reasons:

  • Stern. To move the fecal masses, a certain intensity of peristaltic movements is necessary.
  • Infectious.
  • Medical.
  • Mechanical. Blockage of the digestive tract by bones. Formation of bezoars from swallowed wool and foreign objects.
  • Neurological. Disorders that cause paralysis, diseases of the intervertebral discs, spinal cord, rabies, toxicosis, congenital autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, enlargement of the large intestine.
  • Metabolic. Endocrine disorders disrupt the passage of feces through the large intestine.
  • Postoperative. Intestinal obstruction is considered a common postoperative complication. If symptoms of constipation are detected, a veterinary specialist should be contacted immediately. Delay leads to the need for repeated surgery.
  • Lymphadenopathy is the proliferation of lymph nodes in the large intestine.
  • Tumors of the rectum, polyps, diverticula.


Constipation in dogs is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • The urge to empty is accompanied by the absence of feces or a small amount of it.
  • Anxiety.
  • The abdomen is swollen, hard to the touch.
  • The consistency of feces is hard and dry.
  • Defecation does not occur daily. Normally, an adult dog heats up twice a day, a puppy - five.
  • After prolonged attempts, a small portion of liquid feces is excreted.
  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy, sad look.
  • Refusal to feed.
  • Congestion caused by a large volume of bones is accompanied by severe pain.
  • The dog whines when trying to empty the bowels.

The initial diagnosis is based on history and examination. More research is needed to determine the cause of constipation:

  • Standard blood test.
  • Urine research.
  • X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment at home

When the owner notices that the pet is not getting along with defecation, he should not yell at the dog, try to remove foreign objects from the anus, or give an enema. Sometimes drotavegil, baralgin, other antispasmodics and analgesics help. Setting an enema for a dog is acceptable in a clinic and under the supervision of a veterinarian. Often the problem is solved without contacting a specialist. It is important to remember that the absence of a bowel movement for two days is the reason for the immediate delivery of the pet to the veterinary clinic. Fecal masses stuck in the intestines begin to decompose with the release of toxins and threaten the life of the animal.

Attempts to solve the problem yourself are as follows:

  • Exclusion from the diet of muscle meat, rice, corn, cottage cheese, eggs, yesterday's homemade yogurt. Feeding your dog small portions of warm semi-liquid food:
  1. Thoroughly boiled buckwheat milk porridge.
  2. Stewed vegetables - cabbage, carrots, zucchini.
  3. Boiled sea fish.
  4. Fresh kefir.
  5. Raw beets.

The best solution to the problem is to switch to canned puppy food or easily digestible food for sick dogs.

Sometimes it helps to add linseed or vaseline oil to the feed in the amount of one tablespoon (tablespoon) per 20 kg of body weight. The agent is not absorbed, passes through the anus and contaminates the litter.

In the absence of a positive effect, you should seek veterinary help.

The success of treating constipation at home depends on the patience and conscientiousness of the owner, who follows the instructions of the attending veterinarian. They are as follows:

  • Cancellation of medications that cause constipation.
  • Exclusion from the diet of food capable of swelling - bran, dry food.
  • The use of rectal suppositories and laxatives.
  • Staging a dog with an enema with boiled warm water (with the permission of a doctor).
  • Diet correction.

Particular attention is paid to the rational nutrition of dogs in the postoperative period. The initial diet consists of weak broths and liquid cereals. Dry food is soaked in water.

The sparing diet continues for more than a month. Boiled chicken heads of small bones must be discarded. Regardless of the method of nutrition, the dog must be provided with constant access to clean drinking water.

It happens that an animal, outwardly healthy and active, with a good appetite, cannot go to the toilet normally. This can happen once or it can happen many times. Constipation in a dog is not just an unfortunate misunderstanding, but an alarming sign indicating that not everything is in order with her health.

Constipation is a medical and veterinary term for slow, difficult, or chronically inadequate bowel movements. It is not difficult to determine that the dog has this particular pathology.

The physiology of dogs is such that a healthy adult animal should defecate at least once a day. But it is better if it does this 2 times a day - with each exit to the street. At the same time, the feces should be homogeneous, not dry, without foreign inclusions (not digested pieces of food, blood, foam), and also not have a musty or putrid odor.

If there is no bowel movement for more than 1 day, and the dog, when trying to go to the toilet, cannot do this for a long time, pushes, sits down several times, while it can squeal and look back at its back, then this most likely means that she has constipation .

When the animal still manages to part with the contents of the intestine, the feces look like dry dark lumps. If at the same time the bowel cleansing is incomplete, then the dog's health gradually worsens - she loses her appetite, lies almost all the time, refuses to contact people.


Constipation is the result of improper bowel function. Malfunctions in the functioning of this important part of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs can occur for various reasons, but the main culprits are improper feeding and lack of exercise.

Improper nutrition

As far as nutrition is concerned, veterinarians say that constipation in dogs can be caused by a monotonous unbalanced diet, consisting mainly of food of animal origin, but with a minimum content of cereals and vegetables (sources of fiber).

The same can happen if animals are constantly fed exclusively dry food. If at the same time they receive less water, constipation develops much faster. Intestinal obstruction can provoke thick or sharp bones that get stuck in the intestines of dogs and interfere with the normal movement of feces.

Overweight and lack of movement

Difficulties with emptying also occur in obese animals, which the owners overfeed because of excessive love.

More often than others, dogs suffer from constipation, which are rarely and for a short time walking. Being indoors, the animal is forced to endure. Such unnatural restraint leads to the accumulation of feces and overflow of the intestines.


Constipation in a dog also occurs due to diseases of the digestive system - the stomach, liver and pancreas, as well as as a result of neurological disorders, tumors, metabolic diseases and infections, blockage of the intestine with worms.

After operation

The delay in bowel emptying can be not only physiological, but also postoperative. The use of anesthesia in most cases leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility, so constipation after surgery under general anesthesia is a common occurrence. It can also be caused by drugs that have been used for a long time to treat diarrhea in a pet.

Owners should be aware that the likelihood of a dog having problems with defecation also depends on age - the older the animal, the more often it may suffer from constipation.


It is impossible to ignore this condition, if the necessary assistance is not provided to the animal in time, the consequences can be the most deplorable. Prolonged constipation can cause severe intoxication of the body and serious damage to internal organs, and in extreme cases, lead to intestinal obstruction, rupture, subsequent peritonitis and possible death of the pet.

How to treat a pet: ways to eliminate constipation

If the animal cannot go to the toilet for a long time and this causes him visible discomfort, the owner should provide him with immediate assistance. When the causes of constipation are not associated with any organ pathology, everything can be done at home. Otherwise, it is better to take the dog to the vet.


Self-assistance to a dog consists primarily in administering an enema. It will allow you to quickly clear the intestines of feces, which will immediately have a positive effect on the well-being of the pet.

What medicines to give?

If constipation is accompanied by pain and spasms, the dog is given Baralgin or No-shpu. For the speedy emptying of the intestines, rectal suppositories are used, for example, Proctosedil or Anestezol, Bisacodyl.


The animal is transferred to a special diet. They give fermented milk products, pumpkin, bones, strong meat broths, eggs, sweets are excluded from the diet. Food is cooked in a semi-liquid consistency, fed in small portions. Vegetables help to quickly establish the process of defecation: cabbage, carrots, zucchini. Buckwheat porridge is very useful for dogs during this period. There are also special dry food for animals with targeted therapeutic action against constipation.

How to give an enema to a dog?

An enema is one of the affordable and effective ways to provide first aid to an animal with constipation. You can do it with the help of Esmarch's mug or syringes of different sizes. Before the procedure itself, it is advisable to administer No-shpu or Baralgin intramuscularly to the pet (at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight) in order to relax the intestines, anesthetize and prevent spasms.

The enema solution can be boiled or glycerin water, water with fish oil, vaseline oil. Their volume depends on the size and weight of the dog. For an animal weighing up to 20 kg, 200 ml is enough, 20-40 kg - 0.5 l, 50 kg - 1 l. The liquid should not be cold, but not hot either, its temperature should remain within 27–37 ° C.

It is best to do an enema to a dog together. The sequence of actions during the procedure is as follows:

  1. They put a muzzle on the dog and lay it on its side.
  2. The tip of the pear and the anus of the animal are lubricated with vegetable or vaseline oil.
  3. The tip is then carefully inserted into the rectum to a depth of 3-5 cm, holding the dog so that it does not move.
  4. When the tip is inserted, slowly press on the walls of the pear.
  5. The liquid should pass inside without difficulty, if there are any obstacles, check if the tip is clogged with feces. If it is clean, but the solution still does not flow, the procedure should be stopped and urgently contact the veterinarian.
  6. If the liquid passes normally, it is poured in all, after which the syringe tip is removed from the anus.
  7. They take the dog's tail, press it to the anus and hold it in this position for 5-7 minutes. All this time the animal should lie on the floor.
  8. After that, the pet is released.

If done correctly, the animal will usually defecate as soon as it gets up.

What to do with chronic constipation?

If the pet suffers from chronic constipation, and when examined by a veterinarian, no health problems have been identified, the causes of this condition may lie in an insufficient amount of liquid, malnutrition, lack of exercise. Therefore, the owner must constantly ensure that the animal has access to fresh water.

The daily menu should contain foods that are healthy for the dog, and not delicacies from the master's table, with which many owners feed their pets. A diet rich in meat and poor in fiber is the main cause of defecation problems in healthy animals. It must contain cereals and vegetables that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal motility of the dog.

And finally, the dog needs to be walked often and for a long time. At the same time, she should move, run, jump, and not sit near the owner. Moderate physical activity also contributes to the normalization of the process of digestion and excretion of feces. However, exhausting the animal is also not worth it.


To prevent such a nuisance from happening to the dog, you must:

  1. Diversify your pet's diet so that it is not monotonous.
  2. Exclude bones from it, especially bird bones.
  3. Add cereals, vegetables and greens, bran to the menu.
  4. From time to time, feed the animal a beef tripe, it contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes that will contribute to a more complete digestion of food.
  5. Give the animal water in the amount it needs.
  6. Every day, walk the dog in the morning and in the evening for at least 1 hour.
  7. Timely remove worms.

All these measures will help prevent constipation in a perfectly healthy animal. If it has already happened, hearty feeding and active movements are contraindicated for him.

Treatment at home

If the problems with bowel movements in a dog are just beginning, simple and accessible “medicines” will help to correct the situation. From food products, young kefir has a good effect, which is fed to animals without dosage. If they refuse it, which is rare, by the way, the "laxative" is given by mouth using a syringe without a needle or douche. Prunes are also added to food. From vegetable fats, linseed and castor, sunflower oil are also used.

Vaseline oil

In addition, with constipation, dogs are given a decoction of buckthorn and vaseline oil. It is not absorbed by the body, but it lubricates the intestinal walls well and softens the feces, which normalizes the stool. Vaseline oil is administered to animals rectally or through the mouth 2 times a day until the condition stabilizes.

Complete or partial stool retention is always an alarming sign that can lead to intestinal rupture, intoxication, serious damage to internal organs, and even death of a pet! Of course, not all cases are so scary. But the owner must definitely know what caused it, what to do in such a situation and how to avoid problems with defecation in the future.

To notice problems in time, notice how often your pet goes to the toilet. Puppies empty their intestines up to five times a day, because. they have a faster metabolism. Aging pets are less likely to poop, because. metabolism is slowed down - once every 2-3 days. Adult dogs empty once a day, giant breeds - once every two days. The stool should resemble a sausage, smooth and shiny, of the same consistency and evenly colored.

1. In order for the stool to move through the intestines, sufficient peristalsis is necessary (wave-like contractions that push the contents). The intestines can "stand up" for various reasons - diseases of the internal organs and neurological disorders, infections, obesity or malnutrition, low activity, diabetes. In such cases, signs of constipation in dogs are expressed by constipation - the pet often pushes for a long time, but the output volume is clearly less than usual, the feces come out in rounds or flakes, the pet whines.

Anesthesia almost always leads to a decrease in peristalsis due to the relaxing effect of the drug on the muscles. To avoid problems, veterinarians recommend a postoperative diet (light meals in small portions in the form of slimy cereals, soups) and mild laxatives. It is important to comply with all appointments, since constipation after surgery can cause suture separation and severe pain. Difficulties with defecation are possible due to the formation of adhesions during operations on the abdominal cavity.

Read also: Gingivitis in dogs - in detail about inflammation of the gums

2. For normal defecation, sufficient volume and a certain moisture content of the stool is necessary. If there is too much feces, they simply cannot pass through the intestines and will accumulate inside. The same happens if the feces are very dry. For example, after the bones occurs just for these reasons - dry bones literally clog the intestines.

To avoid problems, the pet needs to be properly fed and monitor the amount of fluid consumed. For low-drinking dogs, a semi-liquid menu is recommended. Dry food, contrary to popular belief, does not cause constipation in dogs. in a healthy stomach, the granules quickly turn into porridge. But with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dry food can cause constipation.

3. With obstruction (from "obstruction"), constipation in a dog shows quite severe symptoms - weakness, painful and hard stomach, thirst and poor appetite. The pet pushes hard, but there is no chair. Sometimes vomiting develops, mucous membranes turn pale. If the condition lasts longer than 3 days, intoxication increases (feces poison the body).

The cause of obstruction can be feces (prolonged constipation leads to drying up of the contents and the formation of stones), a foreign body (a toy, a bone), a tumor, a large number of worms. In such a situation, the treatment of constipation with improvised means threatens the life of a pet! Enemas, laxatives, and other drugs increase peristalsis and increase the volume of masses, but the intestinal lumen is closed - feces press on the intestinal walls, which leads to damage to the mucous membranes and, ultimately, to rupture.

First aid

When thinking about how to help a dog with constipation, owners often rely on laxatives from a human first aid kit. As mentioned above, in some cases this can seriously aggravate the problem, so any pills and potions - only after a visit to the veterinarian.

Read also: Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils in a dog

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, you can try to solve the problem yourself:

1. We exclude muscle meat, meat broths, rice and corn, cheese, eggs, yesterday's sour milk from the menu. We feed in small portions, the food is warm and semi-liquid (well-boiled buckwheat in milk or water, stewed vegetable stews from cabbage, carrots and zucchini). You can have some boiled sea fish, preferably white. We treat the dog with fresh kefir or yogurt (without additives, dyes), raw beets. If there is no allergy, you can give a couple of plums. You can temporarily switch to canned food for puppies or chronically ill dogs (easily digestible diet).

2. From what you can give a dog for constipation, without fear of complications, you should choose one thing (either / or, and not shove everything in a row). It helps curdled milk, cabbage juice (can provoke flatulence), a weak decoction of buckthorn, an infusion of pumpkin seeds (a spoonful of seeds and half a glass of boiling water, 30 minutes in heat). You can grind flaxseed and mix with vegetable oil or buy flaxseed oil. Large dogs - a tablespoon 2r / day, small dogs - a teaspoon. Yogurt instead of breakfast.

3. In many cases, a Vaseline enema is excellent for a dog. For constipation, slightly warm oil is injected into the rectum slowly, without effort. If the oil does not go, you can not continue (perhaps there is an obstruction, in which case any pressure is dangerous). For hygiene reasons, the pet should be put in the bathroom or in a basin. The volumes are sparing (a glass for a very large dog, half a glass for a pet weighing 20 kg, a couple of spoons for a miniature toy). Without experience, we strongly recommend entrusting this procedure to a specialist.

All dogs, with rare exceptions, are gluttons. Grab a “delicious” smelling piece on a walk, a plastic bag with the remains of a sandwich, chew and swallow a ball - their favorite pastimes. If the dog is not controlled, he can absorb a lot of food, especially loves the bones. All this leads very quickly to serious problems with digestion. Violation of bowel movements is one of the most common troubles. And in many cases, it is the owners who are to blame. When the dog has constipation, what to do (first aid) You need to ask your veterinarian first. This will help the animal effectively and in a timely manner.

What is constipation

A healthy adult dog empties his intestines 2-3 times a day, puppies more often - up to 5-6 times. Normally, the feces are not crumbling, decorated, brown in color. For puppies due to the feeding of dairy products, the norm is a yellowish-brown color of the stool.

Constipation- a state when there is no bowel movement for a day or more. You can suspect something is wrong:

  • the dog pushes hard when trying to defecate;
  • the animal fails;
  • the dog whines (obvious soreness);
  • the released feces are very dry, hairballs are noticeable;
  • the shape of the feces is abnormal, there are few of them.

With constipation, the animal constantly wants to go to the toilet - often asks for a walk, trembles, whines, attempts to defecate do not end with success. The abdomen may be unnaturally hard - gas accumulates in it.

Why constipation develops

The dog eats what and how much they give her. The culprit for the development of constipation is often the owner.

The main causes of constipation:

  • Wrong diet- lack of vegetables, cereals and other products with a sufficient amount of ballast substances, fiber. If you feed the dog only meat, constipation is inevitable. A lot of sweets, pastries - another reason. The dog can be treated with candy, cookies, and not feed them.

  • Often, constipation develops in dogs recovering from infectious pathologies (especially true for enteritis). After lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, severe dehydration, dysbacteriosis due to antibiotics, peristalsis is noticeably disturbed. During the rehabilitation period, you should strictly follow the diet prescribed by the veterinarian and use special medications to restore the microflora.
  • Peristalsis may be disturbed after operations under general anesthesia - postoperative constipation. A diet is shown, taking drugs to restore normal bowel function - strictly follow everything that the surgeon has prescribed.

Why constipation is dangerous

Prolonged frequent constipation is very dangerous. If the dog is unable to clear the intestines, feces accumulate in it. The products of its decay poison the body - a powerful intoxication develops. The most harmful substances are formed - methane, skatol, mercaptan, and others. The liver, kidneys, heart work in extreme conditions - the dog becomes lethargic, eats poorly, moves little. Lack of bowel movements may be accompanied by vomiting, severe pain when trying to defecate, swollen hard abdomen, drowsiness - urgently seek help. These are symptoms of a life-threatening animal disease. When dog has constipation - what to do, how to render first aid?

First aid for a dog with constipation

Normal defecation is not observed for 1-2 days, there are no other symptoms, feces come out a little bit, the dog feels good - try to alleviate the pet's condition:

  • Vaseline helps a lot. Give the dog 2-3 times a day, the dosage is individual, depending on body weight (from 5 to 50 ml per day) - consult a specialist. Lubricates the intestinal mucosa, softens the feces. Vaseline oil is not absorbed in the intestines - it does not have any effect on the body.
  • You can give your dog yogurt - it often helps to normalize the stool.
  • Chopped prunes are effective. You can use its infusion - the fruits are poured with boiling water and insisted for 2-3 hours. Add to a bowl of water.

Remarkably "works" enema - the intestines are cleared very quickly. But you need to be careful:

  • There is absolute certainty that constipation from overeating or poor nutrition - an enema can and should be done. It is best to use an infusion of chamomile for this - it effectively relieves inflammation. You can read more about this very useful plant in the article "".
  • The dog is enema with a warm solution (20-25 degrees), you can add a few drops of vaseline oil. The pear is inserted into the anus carefully, without effort. The solution flows out immediately - the procedure is immediately stopped. This is often an indicator of intestinal obstruction.
  • The causes of constipation are unknown - it is best to consult a veterinarian. With intestinal obstruction, coprostasis, an enema will only harm.

What not to do with constipation:

  • It is forbidden to give the dog "human" laxatives such as Gutalax, Dufalac, Senade and the like. Medicines are used exclusively as directed by a veterinarian.
  • Castor oil is strongly discouraged. In dogs, it can cause severe pain.
  • Sunflower, olive, corn oil is prohibited - they are actively digested in the stomach, absorbed by the intestines. Hardened feces are not reached. And an excess of oils will have a bad effect on the work of an already loaded liver.

The dog cannot poop for more than two days - urgently contact the clinic. When dog constipated what to do how to render first aid, the expert will tell. This condition can be a symptom of the most dangerous pathologies - intestinal obstruction, coprostasis. Don't hesitate to consult.

Intestinal obstruction

Constipation is the main symptom of this most dangerous pathology. It occurs quite often, and in dogs of different ages, breeds. The main reason is the ingestion of foreign objects by the dog. These can be chewed pieces of rubber balls, “delicious” plastic bags, used feminine pads, diapers, and the like. Intestinal obstruction can develop due to benign / malignant neoplasms of the intestine.

Intestinal obstruction can be:

  • The top one is the most dangerous. Food does not pass through the esophagus, stomach.
  • The inferior obstruction is located in the small/large intestine. It will be easier to deal with the problem.

Intestinal obstruction can be suspected:

  • Pain in the abdomen of varying intensity - strong (the dog does not find a place for himself), weak (discomfort in the dog only when touching the problem area).
  • Constipation is a complete or partial delay in defecation and gas discharge.
  • Nausea, vomiting are typical for upper obstruction.

If you suspect that the dog has eaten something inedible, the above symptoms are present - immediately take the animal to the clinic.


The name of the pathology in Greek means - stopping the feces in the intestines, with the impossibility of its exit. The stool accumulates in the lower parts of the colon. Symptoms are similar to the usual constipation of moderate / severe severity. With complete blockage, when feces are not excreted at all, there is:

  • severe swelling of the lower abdomen;
  • severe pain when trying to defecate - the animal does not whine, but squeals;
  • appetite is completely absent;
  • on palpation, seals are clearly felt;
  • intoxication - vomiting, general weakness, neurological seizures (in advanced cases).

The main causes of the disease:

  • Blockage of the lower colon with the remains of boiled bones.
  • Malignant, benign tumors of the colon.
  • Launched helminthic invasions - the dog suffers not only from the decomposition products of unexposed feces, but also from the toxins released by the worms. This is an extremely severe form of pathology.

When dog constipated what to do how to render first aid- always depends on the causes of this condition. Only a veterinarian can identify them. With frequently repeated delays in defecation, a complete examination should be performed.

Prevention of constipation

Feed your dog properly - meat should be combined with a sufficient amount of fiber (vegetables, unrefined ground grains). To accustom the animal to such a menu should be from puppyhood.