Unusual name for a hamster. Choosing a nickname for the Jungar Khoma

The hamster is a fairly common pet. It does not make unnecessary sounds, it is relatively easy to care for it, the dimensions are minimal, and the cost of food is also low. The first step in adopting a pet is to give it a name. Hamsters live long enough, which means that the nickname should not annoy your loved ones.

What names are given to female hamsters?

In fact, there are not many criteria. More and more depends on your imagination. Often the owners are repelled by the color of the animal. Red pets often become Tangerines, Rushes, Redheads, Goldies. For a gray baby, Dymka, Gray is suitable, for a black one, Blackie.

It is better to give a name to a pet based on its characteristics: character, behavior, preferences. Lovers of food can be dubbed Bounty, Cheek, Candy, Fork. If your little friend appears active and nimble, think about Rocket, Bagheera. Before deciding on a name for a pet, you must be sure that it belongs to a particular gender. If there is even a little uncertainty, then the name should be more neutral, for example, Citrus, Tsapka, Cent, Buggy, Evi, Delhi, Chris, Tutti.

Beautiful names for hamster girls are easier to pick up than for dogs, parrots, horses. These animals inherently do not have to follow any commands or learn to repeat their name. There are no special criteria. The main thing is that the nickname sounds good. It is not recommended to give long abstruse names. This will cause discomfort to the owners, and it will be problematic to teach the pet to respond to this kind of nickname.

Names for hamster girls of the Dzungarian and Syrian breed

The peculiarity lies in their minimalist dimensions. Usually these are aggressive, thrifty and nimble individuals. It's good if you refer to these indicators when searching for a nickname for an animal. Some experts believe that in this case food topics will be appropriate: Nut, Citrus, Nut, Iris. The choice of names for animals with a pedigree is usually chosen according to some rules, for example, the names of the entire litter must begin with a certain letter.

They have a golden color, the dimensions are medium. Like many individuals, they are not very active at night, but during the day they are sometimes impossible to stop. A distance of 6 km is the usual distance for a daily marathon. The names for Syrian hamster girls should be more gentle like Agra, Bira, Beauty, Twinkie, Oda, Hershey, Dora, Boni, Clara.

In any case, the name of the hamster can be neutral or bear the name of an adored actor, cartoon character: Bloom, Ava, Adele, Emma, ​​Rhonda, Silva, Rumba, Quickie, Lama, Yala, Hima. It is not necessary to become attached to the habits of an individual, especially when you consider that at first you do not know how a hamster will behave in your family. Turn on your fantasy!

One of the most popular pets on all continents are hamsters. Many owners of these cute creatures are faced with the question of how to name a hamster. I really want the name of the pet to sound interesting and unobtrusive.

How to choose a name for a pet

Hamsters are very cute creatures. Basically, these are tame rodents, which are very quickly mastered and gladly go into the hands of their owners. They bring special joy to children. Most often, names for a hamster are selected according to its appearance, behavior, depending on the color.

Many people think about how you can call a hamster interesting and unusual, because the standard nicknames - Homka, Masha, Dasha - are rather fed up. The scope for imagination is very large. To better understand what nickname to come up with, you can first get acquainted with the features of domestic varieties of rodents. Most often, hamsters of the following breeds are bred at home:

  • Dzungarian;
  • Syrian;
  • Robovsky;
  • Campbell.

The most common Syrian species. Their weight reaches 125 g, body length is 14 cm. These are solitary animals, so most often they are kept one at a time. The second name of the breed is the golden hamster. Their coat is soft, with a golden sheen, can be of a single or mixed color.

The second most popular is the Dzungarian hamster. In size, this species is half the size of the previous one, it belongs to the upland varieties. All representatives have a black stripe on the back. The coloring can be light gray, creamy red and bella with dark stripes. Robovsky's hamster is the smallest member of the family. Its dimensions will vary within 4-6 cm, weight is only 30 g. The coloring can be very diverse, it is contained mainly by whole families in high aquariums. Campbell's hamster outwardly resembles the Dzungarian, also belongs to the species of upland rodents. The coat color is black to white.

Names by exterior

Choosing a pet's nickname is an important process for the whole family, and first of all, the household should like it, because the animal itself does not matter what its name will be. Most popular nicknames usually associated with the coloring of animal fur. How to name a hamster girl: Tangerine, Snowflake, Night, Bagheera, Pearl, Panther, Sunny, Golden. Cherneyka. Chernushka.

Boy hamsters are often called Gray, Smoke, Fog in accordance with the coloring. White hamsters are called - Snowball, Snowdrop, Squirrel, Light, White. Yellow male rodents are called - Red, Orange, Ginger, Peach, Rudy, Apricot. Black, respectively, can be called - Black, Chernysh. Nicknames for domestic hamsters are often selected not only by color, but also by exterior, for example, Fluff, Cloud, Donut, Ponchitta.

All varieties of hamsters are very thrifty animals, so they constantly hide something. Animals always chew and actively move around their home. Depending on the preferences of rodents, they are called - Activist, Shmyg, Glutton, Turbo, Turbine, Lakomka.

Nicknames for the Dzungarian breed

Dzungaria are the most common among pets. They are kind. Most often they are kept alone or together with the female. They have an unusual appearance.

The paws of the animals are covered soft fur which makes them especially cute. Their colors can be very different. There are short-haired representatives and owners of a long thick hairline.

Male nicknames

The names for the hamsters of the boys of the jungars begin to be selected based on the characteristics of the behavior of the rodent. A fidgety, restless baby can be given a nickname: Top, Shustryak, Shpuntik, Zhivchik. For a calm melancholic individual, the following nicknames are suitable: Count, Filimon, Silent. If his habits are aristocratic, he is smart and not in a hurry to go into his hands, the name for the hamster boy can be as follows: Caesar, Professor Shmyg, Prince, King, Tsar, Socrates, Aristotle.

People like to call their pets by nicknames that characterize their occupation: Stapler, Whatman, Sprinter, Gray Secretary, Fighter, General Hamster, Gluck, IT specialist, Traveler. If you notice how the animal listens or begins to actively scurry around its house when the music is turned on, you can pick up such nicknames for Djungarian hamsters as Accord, Soloist, Guitarist, Bassist, Keyboardist, Dancer.

If you are wondering how to name a hamster boy in an unusual way, you can pick up English titles attractions such as Big Ben, Tower, Greenwich. Shard. Often Djungarian hamsters are called in Japanese style. Japan is immediately associated with anime characters, and there is a huge scope for searching. Nicknames for hamster boys of the Dzungarian breed can be chosen such as Naruto, Howl, Laputa, Totoro, Joaquin and many others.

The funniest and coolest names for a dzhungarik:

  • Snickers, Hryundel, Barash, Pendel;
  • Sosison, Tviksik, Shpiksik, Musik, Fixik;
  • Barash, Krysik, Spout, Oboldui;
  • Teddy bear, Cupcake, Shmeksik, Busik.

Female nicknames

Nicknames for hamsters of Dzungarian girls are selected depending on their appearance. They are very cute and gentle. Red hamsters are often called Squirrel, Red Beast, Ryzhinka, Ryzhulya. They are active and love to eat well, so the most common nicknames are: Bug, Fatty, Bee. Women's beautiful Russian names suit them: Maria, Dasha, Varya, Arina, Irka. Many owners want to choose names for hamster girls with an unusual sound, for example: Adelaide, Adeline, Anabel, Athena, Mirella, Mirabella, Zlata, Gabby, Juliet, Dakota, Bella, Bunny.

Anime-themed names for Djungarian hamster girls: Sailor Moon, Monokoke, Ponyo, Asaka. Nicknames for hamster girls can also be associated with the work of their owners: Secretary, Paperclip, Cook, Teacher, Hostess. Thinking about what name to give a hamster to a girl, the owners understand that it should sound cool, so they call their pets: Sausage, Pug, Kvasya, Klizmochka, Wife, Baby, Snake.

Nicknames for the Syrians

The names for the hamsters of the Syrian boys are selected by the same analogy as for the dzungaria. They are well-fed, and constantly sleep during the day. Such little ones are often called: Yashka, Timon, Zhorik-Obzhorik, Nafanya, Kuzma. The list of nicknames for the Syrian species of rodents can be expanded male names: Pashka, Fedka, Filimon, Philip, Olezhka, Antoshka, Artemka.

Beautiful names for hamster boys: Brad, Thomas, Jerry, Nick, Andy, Edward, Peter, Paul, Andrew, Vilyunus.

The names for Syrian hamster girls are represented by female foreign and Russian names: Varvara Ivanovna, Beb, Jane, Nen, Andrea, Elsa, Malvina, Arina, Claudia Agaponovna. Gentle beauties can be given a name: Princess, The Snow Queen, Countess, Baby, Goldilocks.

Nicknames for Robovsky and Campbell breeds

What is the name of a little hamster? These two varieties are considered the smallest representatives, they are very nimble and intelligent. Boys are often called: Alfred, Quick, Shustrik, Kid, Robust. An excellent name would be Roy, Grimchik, Runner, Artos, Porthos, Khrustik, Musik, Mouse.

For girls, I want to choose a beautiful sonorous name. The female of the Robovsky or Campbell breed can be called Baby, Thin, Thumbelina, Baby, Moshka, Bee, Hardworking. Of the foreign names, the most popular are: Mini, Thelma, Sarah, Sandra, Mary. cool names for hamster girls of these two breeds: Mademoiselle, Little Potato, Masyukha, Marfochka, Sausage, Seroglazka.

Hamster names are often made up using the first letter of the parent's name. For example, the male was called Alberto, and the female was Carmelita. They had offspring - 2 boys and 2 girls. So we select names starting with the letter A and the letter K. Accordingly, male representatives can be called Alex, Artemy, Andropov, Afonya, female representatives - Carolina, Katerina, Carmella, Christina, Caramel, Baby, Kirsten.

Final part

Before you name a hamster, you need to consult with all family members, so that later there will be no resentment and misunderstanding. Do not bother yourself too much, think day and night over the name of the pet. Most best ideas come quickly. If there are several pets, you should give them names that are radically different from each other. Look carefully at the rodents, observe their behavior. This will be the starting point.

Recall together various cartoons and fairy tales. In them, mice and hamsters very often act as heroes. If there are children in the family, they can very quickly come up with an interesting nickname, because their thinking is very different from that of an adult. All names for rodents are classified by:

For jungarik beautiful name may become the name of a beloved grandmother who does not have the opportunity to visit often, for example: Sveta, Lena, Olya. People very often associate feelings and emotions with a certain name, character traits, which they are trying to endow with their pet. For many pet owners, it is very important that a good mood is associated with the name.

Decided to buy a hamster as pet? He will definitely become a great friend for you and your child, bringing a lot to the life of the family. happy moments. One of the most difficult decisions when acquiring this rodent almost always becomes the choice of name. In order to figure out how to name a boy hamster, you can take into account its breed, color, character and other features.

Choose the right nickname

When choosing a name for a hamster, there are practically no restrictions.

The choice of a nickname for a hamster depends on who will be its owner.. If you purchased this pet for yourself, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with the most unusual name. For example, Cookie, Donut, Acrobat and any others.

If you choose a pet for a child (especially if it is very small), it would be more logical to stop at an easy, uncomplicated and short nickname that the baby will quickly remember and learn to pronounce correctly. For example, Bulka, Motya, Button and others. You can also leave the choice to the child himself: perhaps he has a favorite cartoon character, whose name he wants to name the rodent.

Pay attention to your pet's behavior. Maybe he likes to sleep? Then great solution will call the baby Sonya, Lazy or Sandman.

In the case when the hamster, on the contrary, behaves very actively, is curious, constantly runs around the cage or in the wheel, come up with an appropriate nickname for him: Arrow, Stormtrooper, Shmyga or Shustrik.

Is he constantly eating something on both cheeks and actively gaining weight? Let him become Gourmand, Zhorik, Korzhik or Nyamka.

Has fluffy fur? Then you can call him Fluffy, Fluffy, Tufted or Hairy.

Or maybe you noticed special character traits? If it seems that the hamster has cunning eyes, he can become a Fox, a Cunning, a Sly or a Cunning. If, on the contrary, the pet is kind and peaceful, suitable nicknames there will be Milash, Dobryak, Weasel.

Depending on the size of the pet, you can call it Giant, Baby, Baby, Fluffy, Fat Man or Puffy.

Surely you (or your child) are fond of reading books or watching movies, then you can name your pet after one of your favorite characters: Sherlock, Arrow, Batman, Tyson or Jordan.

Or maybe you are crazy about your own profession? Programmers, for example, often call animals Glitch, Screen, Spoiler, Pixel or Zoom. Actors often stop at such nicknames as Artist, Author, Director, Frame or Action. Girls like to call animals fashionable brand names: Gucci, Dior, Butik, Bantik or Prade.

Hamsters are quite smart: they are able to remember their name, the faces of their owner's relatives and can perform some simple tricks.

List of unusual names for jungars

Dzungaria are very tiny, so the names for them should be appropriate.

Hamsters of this breed are often called the names of the characters of various cartoons. Nicknames such as Chip, Dale, Jin, Pikachu, Naruto are quite common.

Usually, dzungars are very small in size, and therefore they receive the corresponding names: Lilliput, Gnome, Krokha, Knopa, Baby Doll. Or the owners show imagination and sarcastically call these animals Leopards, Giants, Bulldozers, Giraffes and so on.

Nicknames for various foods and treats are also common: Marsik, Snickers, Twix, Milkiway, Chips or Toast.

Often the names are selected from suitable lists on the Internet, then it will be enough for the owner to choose the first letter for the name, for example:

  • Alik, Angel, August, Antokha;
  • Belyash, Bons, Biker, Bandit, Bosch;
  • Veniamin, Vaska, Thief, Vors, Veles;
  • Mountain, German, Garik, Gunya, Grog;
  • Juice, Drake, Dosya, Dino, Derek;
  • Hedgehog, Epifan;
  • Jacques, Jean, Zhora, Zhusya;
  • Zorro, Zippa, Umbrella.

What is the best name for a Syrian hamster

Syrian hamsters deserve more “lush” names for their physique

Syrian hamsters are quite large and well-fed in physique, so you can reflect this feature nicknamed (Donut, Pie, Fat Man, Fat).

Also, many pets are highly mobile, you can take advantage of this feature and give names such as Parachute, Tourist, Traveler, Fugitive. If your beast likes to conquer tall pieces of furniture, call him a Rock Climber or Climber.

If you love more unusual names, pay attention to options such as Caesar, Homer, Julius, Tsar. Well, if you want to pick up a simple nickname for a human motive, then Yarik, Timka, Filya or Senya will do.

In addition, you can pick up sonorous majestic nicknames, for example: Apollo, Horace, Daniel, Julien or Lawrence.

A good choice would also be a nickname consonant with the name famous person: Nobel, Winston, Plato or Chopin. Surely relatives and friends will appreciate such an original solution.

Almost all domestic golden hamsters are descendants of a single female who gave birth to 12 hamsters in 1930.

Cool names by color

Coal or Chernysh?

When choosing a name, you can pay attention to the color of the pet. Depending on the color, you can pick up many original names:

  • White color- Marshmallow, Snowball, Pearl, Kefirchik or simply Belysh.
  • Ginger- Peach, Apricot, Ginger, Medok, Luchik, Fox, Citrus or Golden.
  • Grey- Smoke, Ash, Gray or Serets.
  • Black or dark- Coal, Chernysh or Night.

If you don't like any of the suggested options, look for color names in other languages. You might like White, Black, Ginger, Orange, Gray or Dark.

How to make your hamster remember his name

In order to tame a hamster, you need to make a lot of effort.

To teach a hamster to respond to his own nickname, you need to spend a lot of time and effort:

  • To begin with, make sure that the hamster is well acquainted with your smell and voice, and recognizes you as his own owner. Be sure to wash your hands well (preferably with non-perfumed soap) before you are going to interact with your pet. Many animals are afraid of strong and unusual smells, so you should always smell about the same. In addition, hygiene will additionally protect your pet from germs and infection with various diseases.
  • Take a few seeds that your pet loves (or any other familiar treat) and put them in your palm.
  • Now bring your palm in front of the place where in this moment the animal is located. Slowly shake your hand up and down so that the smell of the treat reaches the pet faster - then he will understand that you have prepared something tasty for him. Be careful, many hamsters perceive sudden movements as a threat, they may start to run around the cage or bite, so your actions should be smooth and unhurried. If you notice that your actions have frightened the hamster, immediately stop them.
  • If everything is in order, the hamster will pay attention to you and come closer. Then let him take the treat from your hand.
  • Repeat the same steps a few more times, only now clench your hand into a fist so that the pet does not see what is in it.
  • If the pet continues to approach and take a treat, then repeat the same steps 2-3 times, but with an empty hand. Half of the work is done, now the hamster has learned to pay attention to you and respond to the call.
  • Now take the treat in your hand, move it slowly and make sure the hamster notices you and starts to approach. Slowly and clearly pronounce the chosen nickname several times so that the pet can hear and understand your words.
  • Repeat the steps described above, only now each time move your hand further away from the pet, continuing to call him by name.
  • After several days of such training, you will be able to call your pet even without a treat in your hand. When it comes up, you can give it a little push or pet it. Just do not forget that you cannot completely stop giving your pet treats, otherwise it will stop responding to your actions. Do this periodically, but not every time.

What to do if the animal does not respond to the name

If the hamster does not respond to the nickname, then most likely you are doing something wrong.

There may be several reasons why a hamster does not obey you:

  • You are being aggressive towards him.
  • He has poor eyesight and does not perceive you as a master.
  • He does not like the treat with which you call him.
  • He doesn't like your smell.
  • You have several hamsters and they can't figure out which one you want to call.

To solve this problem, try to change own behavior. Hamsters are quite smart animals, it is not difficult to teach them to respond to the call. Therefore, if you are unable to do this, most likely the problem is not in the pet.

Choosing a nickname for a tiny pet is usually not difficult. You can just rely on your imagination or choose a name according to the habits of the animal. Just remember that they should not be too long and with a lot of sounds. If you call a hamster Fedor Illarionovich, he is unlikely to accept such a nickname and will rather think that you are just talking to him.

The nickname should not be long. It is known that the name of the boat determines the further navigation, and the name of the animal reflects the character and fate, small funny hamsters in this case are no exception.

When deciding how to name a pet, you can first consider its color, size, because it is the first thing that catches your eye. If you carefully observe the animal, then perhaps a feature of character or behavior will form the basis of the nickname.

If an animal white color, then it suits:

  • Snowball;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Isolde;
  • Waity.

The gray girl is called:

  • Agatha;
  • Agusha;
  • Haze;
  • Gracie;

Multi-colored females are associated with the words:

  • iris;
  • Cherry;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Night;
  • Nigella;
  • Blackie.

If we are talking about the size of the animal, then especially small female hamsters deserve the nicknames:

  • Gadget;
  • crumb;
  • button;
  • Malya;
  • Thumbelina;
  • Goosebump.

The name should be sonorous and clear. Medium-sized individuals can be called:

  • Caramel;
  • Toffee;
  • Kirieshka.

Especially large and plump female hamsters deserve the following nicknames, which fully reflect their impressive size:

  • Cheesecake;
  • Cloud;
  • donut;
  • Bulka.

From the many long names given to the animal based on appearance, a more convenient short nickname may well form. For example, Bulka - Bulya, Kirieshka - Kira, Murashka - Mura.

If you bought a female hamster, watch the animal for a few days.

Perhaps the behavior of your rodent will differ in special features and the name of the animal should reflect this:

  • Kopusha - the animal constantly digs something and turns it over in the cage;
  • Glutton - the female regularly eats something;
  • Dormouse - a rodent is able to sleep 20 hours a day;
  • Biter - the animal has an unpleasant evil character;
  • Bully - the female loves to arrange brawls.
  • Kulema - likes to twist everything;
  • Torpedo is a very fast and impetuous girl.

The breed of the animal can also determine its name. For girls - nicknames are suitable, consonant with Muslim names and names, for example:

  • Dana or Danka;
  • Leah or Liika;
  • Mayan;
  • Aziz;
  • Zara;
  • Mira;
  • Noora;
  • Rayana;
  • Khan;
  • Shirin;
  • Sayre;
  • Khanuma.

Females of the Dzungarian breed can be called nicknames, consonant with the names and names of the ancient Dzungaria:

  • Jura;
  • Janga;
  • Oira;
  • Taisha;
  • Navcha;
  • Erdene;
  • Aima.

What sounds do domestic hamsters react to?

Like wild relatives domestic rodents react to sharp, loud and unusual sounds. Sharp sounding name they can be intimidating too.

It is better to come up with a soft and pleasant-sounding, not very long nickname.

Choosing, you can call them in turn and look at the reaction of the animal:

Name the female better themes the name she responded to or expressed interest in.

Most Popular Names

If the owner and his family members do not have the task of choosing an unusual and original nickname for the pet, they call the rodent, regardless of gender, simply Homa or Homka. In addition, among the most common hamster names you can find:

  • Frosya;
  • Sima;
  • Sarah;
  • Tyapa;
  • Chita;
  • FIFA;
  • Thekla;
  • Chapa;
  • Shusha.

Beautiful and unusual nicknames

Even a simple pet has the right to a beautiful name. The female hamster is called:
Call your pet by name often.

  • Nicole;
  • Bridget;
  • Adeline;
  • beauty;
  • Sheila;
  • Scarlet;
  • Olivia;
  • Pistachio.

When choosing a nickname, consider the younger members of the family, otherwise even the most beautiful word the inept diction of the baby distorts.

cute names

Cute and pleasant-sounding nicknames include:

  • vanilla;
  • Freckle;
  • Vitaminka;
  • Peas;
  • Blackberry;
  • Klepa;
  • Mariska;
  • Leela;
  • Lyalya;

How to call it short and cool?

Given that everyone has a different sense of humor, perhaps for most funny nicknames the following will appear:

How to teach a hamster a name

The process of accustoming the animal to the name consists of two main stages - repetition and reinforcement.

Pamper your baby. if he responded to the name. Once the name is chosen, it is called when communicating with the rodent as often as possible. They do this:

  • being in the same room as the animal's cage;
  • during cleaning and hygiene procedures;
  • in the process of feeding.

In addition, they take the pet in their arms, stroke it, calling it by name. The more often this is done, the faster it will begin to respond.

Between feedings, they approach the cage with the animal, call it. As soon as he shows interest and pays attention to you, he is given a piece of goodies. This technique is repeated several times a day. Within 4-5 days, the female hamster will start paying attention to you as soon as you call her. by name.

When choosing a name for a hamster girl, the owner is free to give one that he likes. Rely on the case. All households write nicknames on small pieces of paper. They put them in a hat and draw lots, which will determine the name of the pet.

In contact with

If a long-awaited fluffy pet has appeared in your house, then, of course, the question will arise of how to name it. Think about how it got into your house: it could be a gift given to you, or maybe you bought it yourself. If this is the second option, then surely when choosing such an animal, you paid attention to certain characteristics, appearance, color. These nuances will help you understand what name you can give yours. With the purchase of a rodent, in the kit you also purchased a house for him, in which he will live almost all the time. Observe the animal, its habits, appetite, activity and behavior in general.

Popular names for hamster boys

The most common names are: Bagel, Fluffy, Hera, Doddy, Lakomka, Zephyr, Samson, Masyanya. You can make your choice based on the color of the hamster's coat. White can be called Snowball, Sundae, White, or Albus. Names will go well with black color: Black, Chernysh, Mr. Knight. Owners of red coats can get nicknames: Ryzhik, Rudik, Fox, Chalk, Ginger, Apricot, Peach, Mandarin.

By their nature and physique, hamsters are well-fed and can be safely called: Donut, Belyash, Fat Man, Cupcake, Chips.

If you are a lover of jokes, you can christen your pet with a name that is completely opposite to its essence. So for a hamster boy, you can choose a name: Balthazar, Rex, Ripper, Hunter, Caesar, Lord.

If experiments and jokes are not your forte, then you can consider options: Yasha, Timka, Fima, Zhora, Buttercup, Nafanya. Fans of extravagant nicknames will like the following options: Doris, Roger, Daniel, Clinton, Manson, Watson, Churchill.

Also beautiful names for hamsters, boys can also be chosen among human ones: Borka, Senka, Kesha, Igor, Fedor, Filya, Pasha, Sava. If your hamster loves to sleep, then call him Splyushka, Sandman, Gawker, Sloth.

Since the animal primarily belongs to you and you are its owner, it may be worth paying attention to your personal preferences and naming the hamster based on your favorite occupation. Sports fans can name a pet Tyson, Lewis, Zidane, Pele, Maradona, Francesco, Mario, Gerard, Terry, Cole, Messi, Ronaldo, Beckham, Zidane, Raul, Totti, Ribery, Muller. Movie fans will suit: Rambo, Zoro, Joker, Robin, Brandon. Music lovers may consider options: Eminem, Elton, Bruno, Enrique, Jackson.