All words in English related to family. Names of relatives in English with translation

It's great that we're all here today...

Relationships between relatives and friends are a completely different world, where there are only associations. You hear the word grandfather, son, daughter, granddaughter - and certain emotions immediately arise, but we will not say 100% that they are positive. Cases vary...

Today we will study words that can also be called one of the most frequently used in English language- a selection of Relationship En-Ru. Recall the list of dictionaries that can be classified as "the most frequently used":

Great-granddaughter, great-grandmother, matchmaker, matchmaker, stepdaughter, etc. in English with translation and transcription - this is a very useful list of "life", because you have no idea how common and popular these words seem in a family environment. If on initial stage learning a foreign language, we learn only the most basic, basic vocabulary (something like ""), then in order to move forward, we need to know more. Of course, there are also options when they study Russian as a foreign language, in this case you can simply close the Russian version and open English.

We will not dwell only on mother And "father". During my student life, we were often given various tests at the end of the first/second semester. And you know, I usually failed them, despite a fairly good level in grammar and spoken English. Only now you begin to understand what was the true reason for such disappointment - a weak vocabulary. As a rule, in such tests, there were buildings of the “understand and make the right choice” type, but many words were not entirely clear to me and, accordingly, it was difficult to find logic. All this I lead to the fact that you need to replenish your vocabulary and not stop only at what a tutor, school, institute gives us.

Only your own desire to know the language will allow you to move in the right direction.
The Relationship dictionary is designed for almost everyone. If you know a lot of words on a given topic, this is good, but you should also know others: descendant, godfather, matchmaker, etc.

List of relative names in English

ancestor- ancestor
aunt- aunt
brother r - brother
brother-in-law- brother-in-law, brother-in-law
cousin- cousin, cousin
daughter- daughter
daughter-in-law- daughter-in-law
family- family
father- father
father of one's godchild- godfather
father-in-law- father-in-law, father-in-law
foster-child- adoptee
god-daughter- goddaughter
godfather- Godfather
godmother- godmother
Godson- godson
grand-dad- grandfather
granddaughter- granddaughter
grandfather- grandfather
grandmother- grandmother
grandson- grandson
great-grandaughter- great granddaughter
great-grandmother- great-grandmother
great-grandson- great-grandson
husband- husband
matchmaker- matchmaker, matchmaker
mother- mother
mother of one's godchild- kuma
mother of the son-in-law- matchmaker
mother-in-law- mother-in-law, mother-in-law
nephew- nephew
niece- niece
offspring- descendant
parent- parent
relation- relative
sister- sister
sister-in-law- sister-in-law, sister-in-law
son- son
son-in-law- son-in-law
stepdaughter- stepdaughter
stepfather- stepfather
stepmother- stepmother
stepson- stepson
uncle- uncle
aunt- aunt

Words on the topic "Relationship" in English with transcription

cousinˈkʌzncousin, cousin
father of one's godchildˈfɑːðər ɒv wʌnz ˈgɒdʧaɪldgodfather
father-in-lawˈfɑːðərɪnlɔːfather-in-law, father-in-law
great-grandaughtergreat granddaughtergreat granddaughter
matchmakerˈmæʧˌmeɪkəmatchmaker, matchmaker
mother of one's godchildˈmʌðər ɒv wʌnz ˈgɒdʧaɪldgodfather
mother of the son-in-lawˈmʌðər ɒv ðə ˈsʌnɪnlɔːmatchmaker
mother-in-lawˈmʌðərɪnlɔːmother-in-law, mother-in-law
sister-in-lawˈsɪstərɪnlɔːsister-in-law, sister-in-law

For each of us, a family is the most precious thing that can be. Often, when we meet, we are asked to talk about how we live, about our family, about our parents. If you are learning English, then let this topic help you talk about your family. How can children tell about their family in English?

Also this theme will be useful for children. Because at the end of the school English course, the child must have a certain baggage of topics that he can talk about, build a dialogue, and tell. Family is one of them.

Each family ( family) usually consists of several people. Sometimes these are some distant relatives, godparents, etc. But now we will look at the most basic family members in English, parents and close relatives ( parents and relatives). So, let's figure out who's who in the family in English:

  • Grandfather (grandpa, granddad) - grandfather
  • Grandmother (grandma, granny) - grandmother
  • Father (daddy, dad) - father
  • Mother (mummy, mum, mom) - mom
  • Sister - sister
  • brother - brother
  • son - son
  • daughter - daughter
  • Uncle - uncle
  • Aunt - aunt
  • Cousin - cousin/cousin

It is important for children to be able to tell something about each member of the family. Who is who by profession, what are their hobbies, etc. In English, this can be done something like this:

  • My father is a builder. He builds houses. He is strong and clever. — My father is a builder. He builds houses. He is strong and smart
  • My mother is a teacher. She likes children and she likes to read books. - My mother is a teacher. She loves children and loves to read books
  • My granny doesn't work. She is retired. She tells very interesting fairy tales. - My grandmother does not work. She is a pensioner. She tells very interesting stories.
  • I have a sister. She is a university student. She likes sports. - I have a sister. She is a university student. She likes sports.

If we are talking about spouses (spouses), then here they are in English:

  • Husband - husband, husband
  • Wife - wife, spouse

Pay attention to examples of sentences with these words:

  • I love my husband, he is the best. I love my husband, he is the best
  • John's wife is very hard working. John's wife is very hardworking.

Also, we want to bring to your attention a small set of words that refers to more distant relatives. It will be interesting and useful not only for children, but for beginners learning English. So:

  • Father-in-law - father-in-law, father-in-law
  • Mother-in-law - mother-in-law, mother-in-law
  • daughter-in-law - daughter-in-law
  • Son-in-law - son-in-law
  • Stepfather - stepfather
  • Stepmother - stepmother
  • Stepbrother - stepbrother
  • godfather - godfather
  • godmother - godmother
  • godson - godson
  • goddaughter - goddaughter

Examples of sentences with these words and their translation into Russian:

  • My son got married; now I have a daughter-in-law. — My son got married, now I have a daughter-in-law
  • My father-in-law is a very wise man. — My father-in-law is a very wise man.
  • I am going to visit my godfather. “I'm going to visit my godfather.

Family members in English and examples of sentences with them

How to talk about family in English?

This is very important for children. This topic is often found in textbooks, in exams, in simple conversation. The words above, as well as a few more details, will help you tell about your family.

Describe each member of your family, tell us what he enjoys, where he works. Tell us about each of their hobbies. Briefly talk about family traditions and holidays, what you do when you get together. Do not forget to mention yourself, because you are also a member of your family.

So, you can tell about your family something like this:

My family is not big. We are four: my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a doctor, he treats people. He likes his work very much. Also he is fond of taking pictures.
My mother is an economist. She likes mathematics. When she has some free time, she cooks very tasty cakes. We always help her all around the house.
My brother is a university student. He is learning to be a doctor like our father. He is also a good sportsman, he plays tennis and football.
My name is Alex, I am a pupil. I also like sport and reading books.
I like when our family gets together. Then we discuss films and books, listen to the music. On weekends we visit our grandparents. In summer we go to the seaside or to the mountains.
I love my family very much. It is the best family in the world.

If you're having trouble translating, here it is:

My family is not big. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is a doctor, he treats people. He loves his job very much. He is also interested in photography.
My mother is an accountant. She loves math. When she has free time She cooks delicious cakes. We always help her around the house.
My brother is a university student. He is studying to be a doctor, like our dad. He is also a good sportsman, he plays tennis and football.
My name is Alex, I'm a student. I also love sports and reading books.
I love when our family gets together. Then we discuss films and books, listen to music. On weekends we visit grandparents. In summer we go to the sea or to the mountains.
I love my family very much. This is the best family in the world.

So or something like this you can talk about your family in English. I repeat that this topic is very important for the lexicon. Practice doing this with your child, using our text as a template.

We wish you good luck!

1 Names of family members in English (voiced words, transcription)

Click on an English word to listen (or listen in the player)

other words:

parents- parents; children- children; grandparents- Grandfather and grandmother; grandchild(pl. grandchildren) - grandson, granddaughter (grandchildren); grandson- grandson; granddaughter- granddaughter; great-grandchildren (great-grandson, great granddaughter) - great-grandchildren (great-grandson, great-granddaughter)

twins- twins, twins; twin-brother- twin brother; twin-sister- twin sister; cousin- cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin

stepfather- stepfather; step mother- stepmother; step son- Foster-son; step-daughter- stepdaughter

wife- wife; husband- husband; widow- widow; widower- widower; father-in-law- father-in-law, father-in-law; mother-in-law- mother-in-law, mother-in-law; son-in-law- daughter's husband, son-in-law; daughter-in-law- son's wife, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law

2 Video with English vocabulary on the topic: family members


3 Features of the use of words denoting family members in English

1. Nouns mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandmother etc., denoting relatives, belong to the group of words that are used with the indefinite article to indicate kinship:

I have got a brother- I have a brother.
Has got an aunt- He has an aunt.

If the words mother, father refer to the speaker's relatives, they are usually used without the article and are written with capital letter:

mother is not in yet(My) mother has not come yet.
father is not up yet(My) father has not yet risen.

Other words in this group aunt, uncle, sister, cousin, brother), as a rule, are used with the following proper name or preceding possessive pronoun: Aunt Lucy, Uncle Bob.

2. When talking about someone's relatives, they use a possessive pronoun (even when using proper names): Is your uncle Bob coming?

3. Proper names in the plural, denoting members of the same family, are used with the definite article: the Petrovs (Petrovs), the Forsytes (Forsytes).


In English, there is no grammatical category for the gender of nouns. Nouns belong to one or another gender according to the semantic feature. Thus, many nouns denoting relatives indicate gender. For example, nouns father, brother, son, nephew, uncle, grandfather belong to the male gender. And nouns mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunt, grandmother belong to the feminine gender.
An external indicator of the gender of a noun in English is the use of personal (or possessive) pronouns when replacing a noun: he/ He ( his) - For male; she/ she ( her) - for the feminine gender; it/ he she it ( its) - for the middle gender.
The adjective, pronoun and article in English do not change their form when used with nouns denoting persons of different sexes: my little brother/my little brother And my little sister/my little sister


5 Songs about family in English


6 Family and its members in English idioms

member of a family- family member
to cloth/feed/support a family- clothe / feed / support a family
nuclear family- nuclear family (consisting only of parents and children)
extended family– extended family (including, in addition to parents and children, other close relatives)
lone-parent/one-parent/single-parent family- broken family
to start a family- have children
to raise a family- raising children
in the family way- in position, pregnant
family feed- family feud
family room– common room (in the apartment), living room
family circle- 1) home, family circle; 2) Amer. theater. gallery; balcony
family allowance- allowance for families with many children
family bible- family Bible (on the blank sheets of which the dates of birth, marriage and death are recorded)
family likeness- family resemblance
family name- surname; common name in the family
family estate- family estate
family man- family man; homebody

mother-craft- the ability to raise children
nursing mother- breastfeeding mother
welfare mother- Amer. single unemployed woman receiving child support
mother of all- razg. smth. unsurpassed, exceptional, e.g. mother of all bombs- "mother of all bombs"
every mother's son- all without exception, all to one
mother wit- natural intelligence, ingenuity
mother's dayannual holiday in honor of mothers

penny-father- miser, miser
Father of Waters- Amer. "father of the waters", Mississippi River
Father Thames- Mother Thames
the father and mother of- razg. something extremely large in scale, something reaching the extreme degree of manifestation
father figure- a person whom the child loves and respects like a father
natural father- father of an illegitimate child
Father's Day- an annual holiday in honor of the fathers (in the USA it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June)
Father Christmas- Father Frost
the Holy Father- the pope
the father of lies- bible. father of lies (of the devil)
to be gathered to one "s fathers- bible. to venerate one's fathers, to die
the father of faith/the faithful- bible. father in faith, father of all believers (about the Old Testament patriarch Abraham)

sob sister- Amer. writer of sentimental or sensational articles, stories
weak sister– member of the group in need of assistance; lagging behind
soul sister– sister by skin color, black sister
big/older sister- elder sister
kid/little/younger sister- younger sister
full sister- jur. full sister
out sister- a nun doing some work outside the monastery

Brother Jonathan- joke. Yankees (nickname of the Americans)
soul brother- brother in spirit
sworn brothers- sworn brothers
brother of the brush- brother in brush (artist)
brother of the quill- fellow writer (writer)
brother in arms- brother in arms (one who, together with someone, participated in a war, battle)
craft-brother- craftsman
blood brother- blood brother
big/older brother- Older brother
kid/little/younger brother- younger brother
brother german- brother
brother-sister corporation- branches of the same company in relation to each other

only son- The only son
to marry off a son- marry son
natural son- bastard son
sons of soil- farmers, peasants
son of a gun- razg. guy, small; int. Damn it)!
the sons of men- bible. sons of men; the human race; humanity, people
prodigal son- bible. prodigal son

to marry off a daughter- to marry off a daughter
daughter nation- descendant people


7 Proverbs about family in English

Like father, like son.
What is the father, such is the son.

A tree is known by its fruit.
A tree is known by its fruits.

Many a good father has but a bad son.
Many good fathers have bad sons.

There is a black sheep in every family.
There is a black sheep in every family.

Blood is thicker than water.
Blood is thicker than water.

Charity begins at home.
Charity begins with your family. (Whoever thinks about relatives will not forget strangers either.)

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.
One father is better than a hundred teachers.

A miserly father makes a prodigal son.
A miserly father will raise his son with a wast.

Treat your family like friends and your friends like family.
Treat family like friends and friends like family.

Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.
Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.

Blood will tell.
The blood will have an effect.

Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Don't teach your grandma to eat eggs.


8 Games, songs, stories in English with words for family members (flash)

Origin of some English words denoting kinship

Originally English vocabulary makes up about 30% of the entire vocabulary of the English language, but it is she who reflects the most ancient concepts. It is customary to distinguish three groups of native English vocabulary. The first of them is made up of words that go back to the Indo-European layer. In turn, words of Indo-European origin form several fairly clear semantic groups. One such group is the group of kinship terms ( father, mother, brother, son, daughter). For example, the English kinship term father has correspondences in the Gothic language (fadar), in modern German (Vater), in Swedish (fader), as well as outside the Germanic group (Latin pater, Greek pater, Persian pedaer). The presence of these correspondences allows us to assume that the word goes back to the layer of vocabulary common to later branches of languages. Indeed, in Sanskrit we find the root pitr with the same meaning of the closest male lineage. The Indo-European origin of the word is also confirmed if we trace the regular phonological changes and sound parallels described by historians of various languages.
A similar example is the word daughter, which has correspondences not only in other Germanic languages ​​​​(D.A. dohtor, Gothic dauhtar, Icelandic dottir, Danish datter, Swiss dotter, German Tochter), but also outside the Germanic group (lit. dukte, Russian daughter, Greek thygater, Persian dokhtaer). The Sanskrit word to which all of the above goes back is duhitr.

Based on the materials of the book by VV Eliseeva "Lexicology of the English language".

On sociocultural differences between the words grandmother and the words grandmother

Russian word grandmother and English grandmother- in general, terms (terms of kinship) denoting the mother of the parents. However, what does the Russian grandmother have in common with the English grandmother? These are completely different images, they look different, dress differently, they have completely different functions in the family, different behavior, different lifestyles. Russian word grandmother- one of the not too numerous borrowings in English, denoting a headscarf, a scarf (" a head scarf tied under the chin, worn by Russian peasant women"[a headscarf tied under the chin, similar to what Russian peasant women wear]). A Russian grandmother, as a rule, is even more busy in her new status than before: she raises her grandchildren, runs the household, gives parents the opportunity to work, earn money. English speaking grandmother goes on a "deserved rest": travels, brightly dresses, tries to catch up in terms of entertainment, a pleasant pastime.

From the book by S. G. Ter-Minasova "Language and Intercultural Communication".

Dictionary definitions of the word family

"The American Heritage Dictionary" gives the following interpretation of the word family:
parents and their children(parents and their children);
a group of persons related by blood or marriage(a group of people bound by ties consanguinity or marriage);
the members of the household(people who lead a common household);
a group of things with common characteristics(a group of items with common characteristics);
biol. a group of related plants or animals ranking between a genus and an order(biol. a group of related plants or animals, occupying a place between the genus and the detachment).

Similar interpretations of the word family in "Collins Essential English Dictionary":
a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children(a group of persons who are related, especially parents and their children).
When people talk about their family, they can also mean (When people talk about their family, they can also mean):
their children(their children);
one line of their ancestors(ancestors in one line).
You can use family to describe (You can use the word family[in the meaning of "family, family, generic"] for description):
things that belong to a particular family(things belonging to a particular family);
things that are designed to be used or enjoyed by both parents and children(things that are made for use by parents and children).
A family of animals or plants is a group of related species(A family of animals or plants is a group of related species.)

"Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture" defines family(family) as:
one "s parents, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts etc.(parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, etc.);
a group of one or usually two adults and their children living in the same home(a group consisting of one or usually two adults and their children living together);
all those people descended from a common person (ancestor)(a group of persons having a common ancestor);
a group of related animals, plants, languages ​​etc(a group of related animals, plants, languages, etc.).

Coloring books, exercises and games with words for family members (in English)

Children's poems about the family in English

A family

Father Duck goes for a swim
And Mother Duck comes out with him,
And behind them clean and trim
Seven ducklings swim.

Seven little yellow balls:
"Quack, quack, quack," the mother calls.
What a pretty sight they make
Swimming on a sunny lake.

My Mother

I love my mother
She's kind and she's gay,
She reads me the books
And helps me to play.

Father, Mother, Sister, Brother

Here is my father
Here is my mother
Here is my Sister
Here is my Brother.

father, mother,
sister, brother
hand in hand
With one another.

Happy Family

I love my Mother, she loves me
We love Daddy, yes, sire.
He loves us and so you see
We are a happy family.

I love Sister, she loves me
We love Brother, yes, sire.
He loves us and so you see
We are a happy family.

When my sister goes away

When my sister goes away
Says she: "Little brother,
You must take my place today.
Take good care of Mother."

Grandma's Spectacles

These are Grandma's spectacles,
This is Grandma's hat.
This is the way she folds her hands
And lays them in her lap.

Mother May I Go Out to Swim

"Mother, may I go out to swim?"
"Yes, my darling daughter.
Fold your clothes up neat and trim,
But don't go near the water.

good night!

good night mother
good night, father,
Kiss your little son!
good night sister
good night, everyone.

Peter, Peter pumpkin eater
Had a wife but couldn't keep her;
Put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well.

Topic "My family" in English with translation and useful expressions will help you enrich your vocabulary on the topic. The text about the family (my family) is suitable for both students and high school students (9,10,11) grades.

My family is rather big. It consists of mother, father, little brother, grandparents, uncle, 3 aunts and 4 male cousins ​​and me. Even if my parents, my brother and I live separately, we often visit my grandparents and get together with the whole family on holidays.

My mother is 43 and she works in a restaurant. Her work takes a lot of time, but she is satisfied with it, anyway. My father is 45 and he is an entrepreneur. He has been working in the furniture industry for more than 20 years. My sibling is only 10 years old and he goes to school. He is good at maths and English.

My family is very united. We are on good terms and trust each other. We like hosting friends and they come to visit us very gladly. My mother and I usually cook something special. I am good at baking, that's why I like treating our guests with excuisite desserts and cakes.

My grandparents are calm and caring. My grandfather is an honored surgeon in the country. He is 70 but he still works a lot and operates almost every day. My grandmother used to be a teacher at school and also a professor of English. My grandparents play a significant role in my education and life.

My family is highly important to me. My parents and grandparents planted a love of learning to me. They taught me good manners, correct impression of what a family is, which qualities any person should have. To my mind, family plays one of the main roles in everyone's life. Family lays the groundwork for personality.


My family is quite large. It consists of mom, dad, younger brother, grandparents, 3 aunts, uncles and 4 cousins ​​and me. Even though my parents, my brother and I live separately, we often visit our grandparents and get together as a family for the holidays.

My mother is 43 and she works in a restaurant. The work takes her a lot of time, but she is still satisfied with it. My dad is 45 and he is an entrepreneur. He has been working in the furniture industry for over 20 years. My brother is only 10 and goes to school. He is doing well in math and English.

My family is very united. We are in good relations and trust each other. We like to host friends at home, and they willingly come to visit. Mom and I usually cook something special. I am a good baker, so I like to treat guests with delicious desserts and cakes.

My grandparents are calm and caring. My grandfather is an honored surgeon of the country. He is 70 years old, but he still works hard and has surgeries almost every day. My grandmother used to be a school teacher and an English teacher at the university. grandma and grandpa play important role in my education and my life.

My family is very important to me. My parents and grandparents instilled in me a love of knowledge. They taught me good manners, the right idea of ​​what a family is, what qualities any person should have. In my opinion, the family plays one of the main roles in everyone's life. The family lays the foundation of the individual.

Useful expressions and words:

To get together - get together, meet

Entrepreneur - Entrepreneur

Sibling - brother/sister

United - friendly, close-knit

To be on good terms - to be on good terms

To host - receive guests

Honored - respected, venerable, well-deserved

to plant a love of - instill love for

Are you preparing for the OGE or the USE?

  • OGE simulator And
  • USE simulator

will help you! Good luck!

In the article you will find all the main words on the topic "Family" in English with translation and examples of use. We will explain who is related to whom and how to sort out family relationships.

The family is one of the central themes for all who study foreign language. Issues of family relations play an important role in life, which means that they find the appropriate meaning in the language. When a person talks about himself, he refers to his marital status. Often in fiction The characters are revealed through relationships with relatives. The family acts as one of the key moments in the life of society, so it is necessary to know the vocabulary of this topic.

Our loved ones in English

The very word "family" in English sounds like family, and relative - relative (respectively, in the plural - relatives, relatives).

The main relationship is with parents:

  • mother - mother
  • father - father

You can combine mother and father in the word parents (parents). In the singular - parent. In colloquial language, it is often not the words mother and father that are used, but their shortened versions. So, mom is addressed using the words ma / mummy / mamma, and dad is called dad / daddy / papa.

Mummy was worried because she didn't know when daddy was coming home Mom was worried because she didn't know when dad would come home.

To look at the parent-child relationship from a different angle, we need words:

  • son - son
  • daughter - daughter

Instead of the words son or daughter, we can meet the more general child (child), which can be used in relation to both a boy and a girl. The word child also refers not only to the theme of the family, but also indicates the age itself, denotes a child in a general sense. Its opposite is adult (adult). The plural of child is not formed according to the standard rule, but has the form of an exception - children (children). As a more colloquial synonym for child / children, the word kid (child) is used, which has the standard plural form kids (children).

He has four children – two sons and two daughters- He has four children: two sons and two daughters

The child may not be the only one in the family. Relationships between children

  • brother - brother
  • sister - sister

When there are several children in the family, they use the words younger / youngest (youngest / youngest) and elder / eldest (oldest / oldest). For example, my eldest daughter is my eldest daughter.

For twins, the word twins (twins) is used. If we want to clarify the gender of the child, we add the words brother or sister, for example: twin brother (twin brother).

But the family is not limited to parents and children. Relationships with grandparents are transmitted in English through the indicator grand-. For example, grandfather (grandfather). This model of word formation is also used in relation to grandchildren: granddaughter (granddaughter).

My grandmother was an incredible woman- My grandmother was an amazing woman.

We also often turn to grandparents in an affectionate form. So, a grandson would rather call his grandmother grandma or grandmamma, and his grandfather - grandpa / grandad / granddad.

One more great- indicator can be added to word formation with the indicator grand-: great-grandmother (great-grandmother), great-grandfather (great-grandfather). As in the case of grandchildren, the relationship between great-grandchild and great-granddaughter is expressed by the same model: great-grandson (great-grandson), great-granddaughter (great-granddaughter).

All her 13 great-grandchildren have gathered for Christmas- All 13 of her great-grandchildren got together for Christmas

The indicators grand- and great-grand- can be attached to words that unite people of the same relationship: parents (parents) / children (children). For example, grandchildren (grandchildren) or great-grandparents (great-grandparents).

Slightly more distant relatives in English sound like this:

  • uncle - uncle
  • aunt - aunt

The other side of this relationship:

  • niece - niece
  • nephew - nephew

As can be seen from the examples, relatives in English often already have an indication of the gender of the person in the title. However, there are words that can refer to people of different sexes, like already mentioned child. Other examples are the word cousin (cousin / sister), which does not differ by gender, or the word sibling (sibling brother / sister). Both terms are also used in the plural: siblings (brothers and sisters), cousins ​​(cousins). To describe this relationship in Russian, we need to resort to a compositional construction.

Relationships with siblings remain important in old age Relationships with siblings remain important into old age

marital relationship

Separately, you can consider the terms related to marriage:

  • husband - husband
  • wife - wife
  • couple - couple

A common word for husband / wife, which calls itself marital relationship, without specifying gender, is a spouse (spouse / spouse).

The invitation includes their spouses- Invitation includes their spouses

To describe getting married, the following words are used:

  • bridegroom / groom - groom
  • bride - bride
  • wedding - wedding, marriage
  • marriage - marriage, marriage
  • married - married / married

English does not distinguish between the verbs to marry / get married depending on the gender of the person: marry (to marry) in relation to both a man and a woman. The synonymous form get married is also used. And in the meaning of “to be married / married” - be married.

I "m a happily married man, but I" ve had to compromise- I am a man who is happily married, but I made compromises

The wedding is preceded by engagement - engagement (to be engaged - to be engaged / engaged). A honeymoon in English is called honeymoon.

After marriage, a person has new relatives. In Russian, it may not be so easy to deal with the relevant terms. Whereas the English language describes the family after marriage and all new family relationships according to a single scheme. An indicator -in-law is added to the terms of kinship, that is, relations not by blood, but bound by law. For example, mother-in-law or mother-in-law is mother-in-law. English brother-in-law in Russian may correspond to the words brother-in-law / brother-in-law / brother-in-law.

James wanted to give his job to his son-in-law James wanted to hand over the job to his son-in-law

Marriages can break up. “Divorce” in English will be divorce, the verb “divorce” has the same form - to divorce. If you need to indicate a relationship that you were in before, you can use the prefix ex- meaning "former":

  • ex-wife - ex-wife
  • ex-husband - ex-husband

A family in which the spouses no longer live together, but have not officially divorced, is called separated in English (literally: “separated”).

Terms referring to the death of one of the spouses, as in Russian, are different for a man and a woman:

  • widow - widow
  • widower - widower

But there is also a definition that applies regardless of gender: widowed - widowed.

He had been a widower for many years- He remained a widower for many years

When talking about a person who has not married, they use the word single. It can be translated as either "unmarried" or "unmarried" depending on who is being described. But for a man who does not want to start a family, there is also a special word bachelor (bachelor). As in Russian, it has a connotation of a principled position.

Birth and upbringing of a child

Vocabulary refers to the birth of a child:

  • to expect a baby / be pregnant - expect a baby, be pregnant
  • to give birth to - give birth

When we talk about raising a child, we use the verbs raise / bring up (to educate).

The vocabulary that describes christenings also belongs to the theme of the family: for example, the verb baptize (to baptize). To describe the relationship between people, word formation is used with the indicator god-: godmother (godmother) or godchild (godson / goddaughter).

Another step- indicator refers to situations where the blood parent is only one of the spouses: stepfather (stepfather) or stepdaughter (stepdaughter). According to this model, the word sibling is not attached: if we want to generalize, then we use the coordinating construction: stepbrothers and stepsisters (stepbrothers and sisters).

She has no conflict with her stepson- She has no conflicts with her stepson

To describe the situation when a child is raised by one parent, the term single-parent family (incomplete family) is used. And a child left without parents is denoted in English by the word orphan (orphan).

Now let's see how the English language describes the foster family. In such situations, we use the verb adopt - adopt / adopt, and the definition looks like adopted (adoptive), for example: adopted son (adoptive son).

As a synonym for adopted child, the expression foster child ( adopted child). The verb foster means "to educate, raise". Other expressions are also used with this verb, for example, foster parents (foster parents), foster family (foster family).

His foster father was a lawyer– His adoptive father was a lawyer

All interweaving of family relationships form a genealogical tree - family tree or, in other words, bloodline (pedigree). In this scale of understanding of the family, it is necessary to mention the words ancestor (ancestor) and descendant (descendant).

I want to visit the homeland of our ancestors- I want to visit the homeland of our ancestors