Beloved is fighting in Syria. Russians and Syrians: united by history and bound by marriage

Syria is a large country located in the Middle East. For many years there have been wars on its territory. Despite the fact that shells do not explode on the streets of the country, life here is largely subject to the laws of emergency (state of emergency). This is especially true of the police, which currently has expanded powers. This means that anyone in the country can be arrested, taken to the police station, and kept there for as long as they like. Fortunately, these things rarely happen.

The population of the country is very heterogeneous. Christians live here (Orthodox, as a rule) and Druze, and Muslim Arabs, who make up 80% of the total population of the country. The Armenian community in this country is also strong and numerous. Kurds represent national minorities. They live compactly in northern Syria.

The country is considered Muslim. But that was a misconception, because there are many other citizens living in the country, for example, about 400,000 Palestinian refugees, as well as Iraqi refugees. Of course, that traditions, customs, habits and way of life differ from the way of life of the indigenous citizens of the country.

If you are marrying a Syrian, then know that you have bought a lottery ticket. It will be drawn when the young wife crosses the threshold of her husband's house. It is very often difficult to predict what kind of family he will have (poor, rich), how demanding it will be to traditions, and so on. Knowing the ethnicity of the future spouse, you can draw at least some conclusion. Now let's talk about this.

Indigenous Syrians: what are they?

Life and income

As you understand, Syria is not a prosperous country. This means that the population of the state is made up of poor people who earn their food by the sweat of their brows. Prices for clothes, food and essentials are low, so life here is cheaper than in neighboring countries (Lebanon, Turkey and, of course, Israel).

A good Syrian salary is two hundred dollars. Excellent income is $500 or more. Prestigious specialties are professions such as engineer, military and doctor. The military has a special weight in Syrian society. People with this specialty are highly respected. This means that the salaries of the officers are not bad, of course, by local standards.

Those who bring their spouse from the Russian Federation or Ukraine, as a rule, are well-to-do, they have a diploma of a doctor, an engineer or officer's shoulder straps, which allows them to provide for their families well (by local standards).


In clothes, the local citizens are unassuming. This does not mean that they dress anyhow. The local light industry produces good clothes, which, by the way, are inexpensive.

As a rule, girls who have become spouses of local men are satisfied with their lives. For "ridiculous" money, by Russian standards, they can show quite high-quality clothes.

Very cheap products in the country. Own agriculture covers the needs of the citizens of the state by 100%.

On average, one local family spends about $120 a month on groceries. This is very small when compared to the cost of food with neighboring countries such as Turkey and Israel.

For lunch in a good restaurant, you will need to pay 15-20 dollars, and you can dine in an average establishment for five dollars.

In this country, a family car is an unprecedented luxury. If citizens have a car, then this indicates their prosperity, as well as belonging to high society.

Water, gas and electricity are cheap here. The reason for this is their own natural resources, they allow the country's authorities to keep prices low.

Education in schools is free. Education in secondary and primary schools is compulsory (the state declares).


Local citizens love to relax and, by the way, know how to do it. In the evenings, no one sits at home here. If finances allow, the Syrians dine in a restaurant. For those who prefer a cheaper holiday, there is a cafe where you can have a good time. Some people just walk the streets of the city.

It is not customary to go on vacation here, as the traditions of Muslims are not particularly conducive to a beach holiday. The local people prefer the forest, the national park. In addition, they go to visit relatives in other cities. It is customary to visit friends and relatives.

Holidays abroad are also not popular. It is likely that this is due to the lack of finances, as well as the position of the country in the world, because many developed countries do not favor a local passport.

Family relationships

Officially, the country's authorities support the institution of marriage and the family. As a rule, local citizens create strong families in which betrayal is a rarity. The number of divorces, as you know, is also low.

It is almost impossible in this country to divorce at the request of his wife. In this case, Islamic traditions play an important role, in which no initiative is expected from the side of the girl, as well as state policy regarding marriage and the family.

An even more difficult task is to take the children to the Russian Federation if the divorce did take place. All state institutions that you have to go through will raise various obstacles, and the ex-husband will make every effort to keep the child (or children) with him.

If you decide to leave your Syrian spouse permanently, it is better to do it quietly. For example, you are going home to visit relatives. If you manage to travel with the kids outside of Syria, then that's great. Getting a divorce in the Russian Federation without the presence of a spouse is a rather lengthy process, but really doable.

National Features

The national features of the life and life of the local nation are fundamentally different from other peoples who live here. For example, if you find yourself in an Orthodox family, then most likely you will not have to change your habits or lifestyle much. Are you marrying an Armenian? Do not worry about your financial situation, as many citizens of this nation are engaged in the jewelry business here and live in a big way.

Syrian Druze live in rural areas of the state. Many of them are engaged in agriculture or serve in the army. The traditions of this people do not imply special rights for women in the family, and the laws regarding divorce are very strict. If we talk about children, then in cases of divorce, you will not be able to take the child from your Druze husband. It is believed among this people that if a person has lost an heir, then this is the highest shame for him. On this occasion, you will have to fight not only with the faithful, but with the whole clan.


If you are going to marry a Syrian, then remember some important things. The first thing you need to know is which community your future spouse belongs to. After all, it can make a huge difference.

You need to find out about the financial situation of the groom's family. The fact that your future spouse is studying abroad does not mean that your parents are wealthy. You can unobtrusively ask him if the family has a car where they will have to live young and so on. This is an important point, since life in the "anthill" will not bring any pleasure.

When you go to live with your spouse, do not cut off ties with your "native" country. Always renew your Russian passport and register your children. If a divorce happens, it will be easier for you to leave if all the documents are ready and properly executed.

In Syria, Russian women communicate a lot with each other. Such communication is an invaluable source of reliable information. Among the "Russian spouses" are traditional friendships and moral support. Very often girls help each other, help out in difficult situations. Therefore, do not hesitate to communicate with fellow countrymen, even if everything is fine.

Moscow- In one block in the shade of jasmine bushes in the Syrian port city of Latakia, Natalya lives three houses from Nina, two from Olga, opposite her house - Tatyana lives behind a narrow alley, and Elena, Faina and Nadezhda are within walking distance. All of them are from the former Soviet Union, all are married to Syrians. And if you look at the whole of Syria, the number of wives from Russia will increase to 20,000. This is the human legacy of the Cold War alliances that, starting in the 1960s, mixed the young elite of different countries in Soviet dormitories and classrooms.

This unusual diaspora provides an inside look at the multi-faceted relationship between the two countries, because of which the Kremlin does not want to part with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia has strategic interests in Syria, including $700 million a year arms contracts and a tiny Mediterranean port that houses the last Russian military base outside the post-Soviet space.

But there is also a human factor, launched half a century ago, when social ties were formed between young people who met in universities. Go to any Syrian ministry, to the headquarters of any company, and you will surely find people there who lived and studied in Russia in their early 20s. Many returned home with their wives and raised their children in Russian-speaking families.

“They are the wives of the elite, capable of exerting some influence. But it's a soft influence, says Nina Sergeeva, who until recently led an organization of immigrants from Russia in Latakia. “The elite of Syria, men, are very closely connected with Russia and are guided by it.”

The conflict in Syria is not amenable to a diplomatic solution, and meanwhile, about 30,000 Russian citizens live in this country, mostly women and children. This is an estimate from government sources. Moscow has faced this problem in the Middle East before, when the collapse of regimes collaborating with the USSR trapped Russian citizens. But on such a scale, Moscow has never seen anything like it. And in the era of social media, the troubles of Russian citizens can become a serious embarrassment for the Kremlin.

“Based on the recent experience of evacuation from Lebanon and Palestine, problems always arise - although there it was not about thousands, not about tens of thousands of people, but about several hundred,” says Elena Suponina, a Moscow-based political analyst who specializes in the Middle East. The task of evacuating Russians from Syria, she says, will be a hundred times more difficult.

The Russian population of Syria is the result of an experiment that began in 1963, when the socialist Ba'ath Party (Arab Socialist Renaissance Party) came to power. The Soviets educated the best students from Asia, Africa and Latin America, bringing them together with Soviet classmates in student groups and at “friendship evenings”.

The goal was to form a worldwide pro-Soviet intellectual elite, and weddings were the immediate result. Young women emigrated, becoming the wives of doctors, teachers, and civil servants. “The Soviet side said goodbye to them and abandoned them almost forever,” says historian Natalya Krylova, who has written many publications about Russians in Africa.

Syrian-Russian marriages were the most frequent - and not just for geopolitical reasons, husbands and wives say in interviews. Many Syrians have seriously changed during their life in Russia. They also tried to avoid paying bride price, a longstanding custom in the Middle East. To marry a Syrian woman, “you need an apartment, you need to pay money, you need to buy gold, and for a Russian woman you only need an engagement ring,” says Mahmoud al-Hamza, who met his wife Nadezhda in a Moscow park in 1971.

Soviet girls had their own reasons for marrying Syrians: they didn't drink and were able to travel freely to the USSR thanks to the Ba'ath party's connections with the communists. A new wave of interethnic marriages began with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when young Russian women sought to escape economic chaos.

“Let the whole world hear this: Russian men, maybe not all, but more than half, they are gigolos,” says Roxana Dzhenid, who married businessman Vael in 2000. She lives with him in Moscow. Her husband also benefited, says Roxana, because he avoided the close family ties that he gets with the bride.

“If a quarrel starts, what will the Russian woman do? She will cry, says Roxanne. - At most, she will go to her friend and tell her that her husband is such and such. What will the Arab do? She will gather all her relatives. She can break into the house at night to the mother of her husband or his sister and start yelling.

Journalist Taha Abdul Wahed married a Russian and they now live in a suburb of Damascus. According to him, this phenomenon has become so noticeable in recent years that young people who have never been to Russia “began to quite seriously turn to us with a request to help them marry a Russian.”

Russian-Syrian families were drawn into a violent conflict 16 months ago, when the Assad regime began to forcefully suppress anti-government protests. Now the opposition has turned into an armed insurrectionary movement. Russia blames external forces for the bloodshed and stands firmly on the side of the authorities, continuing to supply weapons to Syria and blocking international efforts to remove Assad from power.

The Russian Orthodox Church has also sided with Assad's secular government, saying it protects religious minorities and acts as a bulwark against radical Islamism.

In February, when Russia blocked a UN Security Council resolution calling for Assad to leave, the top representative of the Orthodox Church in Syria complained to the Interfax news agency that his parish was falling apart as Russian families left Syria, the embassy closed the school, and "women out loud insulted in some parts of Damascus.”

A spokesman for the Russian consulate, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there were 9,000 Russians officially registered with the embassy, ​​although he believes there are more than 30,000 Russian citizens living in Syria. According to him, there are currently no plans to evacuate citizens, but if necessary, buses will be sent to different cities to transport the Russians to a safe place.

Such an operation may be complicated by the fact that many wives from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova also live in Syria, who will certainly turn to Moscow for help to help their citizens, reports Elena Suponina. According to her, she knows dozens of families who have quietly taken women and children to Russia in recent weeks. According to her, the authorities "are paying more and more attention to this."

“They can be criticized for some mistakes, but still, Moscow has long understood that this issue is very painful,” she says.

But the most acute aspect of the problem is that in the course of half a century of mixed marriages it has become very difficult to determine who is Russian here and who is not. This line has been erased.

Svetlana Zaitseva, who spoke to me on the phone from her home in the port city of Tartus, was 19 years old when she met her Syrian husband, who studied linguistics and lived in the same dormitory with her in the former Leningrad.

She and her friends had very little understanding of life in other countries, Zaitseva says. In the Soviet Union, it seemed that "all people in the world are our friends, brothers and comrades." Six months after we met, she says, “I realized that we love each other and cannot live without each other.”

“But from the height of my age, I must say that, of course, it is better to marry a compatriot,” she says.

She made her decision a long time ago, and now 62-year-old Zaitseva has three children and four grandchildren. She hopes that the conflict will end. But even if it escalates into a war, Svetlana still intends to stay in Syria until the very end.

“It can't be otherwise,” she says. We have become part of this country. We have children here who are citizens of Syria, we have grandchildren here. All of ours is here."

Victor Klimenko and Anna Kordunsky provided their material for the article.

When asked what is the main national feature of the Syrians, those who have visited this country at least once will answer: cheerfulness and goodwill. Even the last garbage collector here tries to be content with life. Sometimes it seems that a good mood is almost an end in itself for the Syrians. "Keyfak, mabsut?" (“How are you, satisfied?”) - he asks a friend at a meeting. Most Syrians subconsciously strive for spiritual comfort, no matter what the hardships. Perhaps this is where a certain carelessness of behavior comes from, a kind of unlucky egoism. You can, for example, see cars left so that they almost block the carriageway of a busy street, but the driver is closer to the store. At the same time, Syrians driving are much more likely to give way to a woman or just a passerby (even if he crosses the street where it is not supposed to) than in our cities. And other merchants, having learned that you do not have enough money when paying, will give the goods and so, saying that the money can wait, and you can bring it when it is convenient.

The everyday language of the Syrian is replete with questions about health, mood, children, filled with wishes for all sorts of blessings. The introductory part of the conversation of local residents who see each other every day would remind the Englishman of the meeting of siblings after many years of separation.

The hospitality of the Syrians is well known. A guest here is always treated to at least tea, as well as zhurat (flower-herbal tea), coffee or other refreshing drinks. It is not customary to refuse treats, since refusal can offend the owner. Syrians love to visit and like to receive guests themselves.

The Syrian wedding is elegant and fun. In the Muslim environment, the celebration is celebrated separately in the house of the bride, where friends and relatives gather, and in the house of the groom, who gathers the male part of the guests. The fun is accompanied by songs, dances, a special choral recitative after the soloist, pronouncing laudatory and encouraging phrases. On this occasion, cars are beautifully decorated with flowers, and a noisy cavalcade, accompanied by horns, shouts and hoots, starts through the city. Only at the end of the fun, the bride is brought to the groom's house. It is noteworthy that fashionable modern rhythms have not supplanted the local youth's love for traditional music, to which they sing and dance with pleasure in moments of entertainment.

The well-being of Syrian society is based on the family. The whole life of a Syrian is permeated with family relations. Marriage is regarded as one of the most important things in a person's life. Therefore, in order to avoid hasty decisions, society has developed a whole complex of "protection against failure." Firstly, the decision to marry with passion is discussed by relatives of the future spouses. Secondly, a young man must support his desire to marry with a certain level of material wealth. The groom must think in advance about housing for the future family, present worthy gifts to the bride (primarily gold jewelry), convince the relatives of the future wife that he will have enough opportunities to support his family. As a rule, young people begin to seriously think about marriage after 30 years, while girls get married quite early, as soon as a suitable match is found. Young people, preparing for the wedding, are aware that marriage is not a test of character, but an event that determines their entire subsequent life. Divorce among Arabs is a much rarer and more painful phenomenon than among Europeans, although a Muslim divorce is organizationally formalized in a very simple way - the husband says “talaktik” three times (I divorced you).

About the supremacy of a spouse in an Arab family, sometimes his despotism, we have read and heard a lot. However, not everything is so "black and white", the Arab "domostroy" is a system aimed primarily at preserving the clearly delineated functions of the spouses: the husband is the earner and breadwinner, the wife is the keeper of the hearth. Most Syrian women actually feel great surrounded by a caring spouse and a bunch of children, and, on the contrary, look with caution at some aspects of European marriage culture.

Of course, in Syria, although rare, there is still polygamy, and girls from conservative families are forced to deny themselves many types of recreation and entertainment. Children raised in prosperous families are compensation to their mothers for their predominantly domestic lifestyle. This is probably why, when we go out for a walk in the evening Damascus, we don’t even have the thought that it could be dangerous. After all, the absence of street hooligans, extremely rare cases of theft are also the merit of a society in which a person every second feels his involvement in the family and clan all his life.

One of the biggest problems for many European countries has become, perhaps, the Syrian refugees. From the beginning of the war in Syria to this day, most of us hear and see more and more news about refugees almost every day. And it’s not even that these same refugees, getting into any of the European countries, behave brazenly, attack and rape women, rob and kill, commit terrorist attacks, or simply set up tent camps in parks and in general on any free square . In all this situation, it is surprising that among all this flow of refugees there are a lot of young, strong and energetic men aged 18 to 30 years.

It would seem that any man who is able to hold in his hands and fight for the sake of preserving his country must go into battle against the enemy who has entered his land and destroys everything in its path. But instead, a huge stream of these men abandons their homes and rushes to Europe, someone with their families, and someone completely alone, leaving their family to their fate in the blazing war of Syria. The fact that these perfectly healthy men are fleeing Syria in a hurry and in large numbers is only surprising and bewildering. And the point is not even whether they oppose the government of Syria, because you can fight against terrorists and not support the official government headed by Bashar al-Assad.

But, unfortunately, we are only seeing how cowardly from the battlefield, quite healthy "rats" flee to prosperous Europe. And at the same time, their brothers and even sisters, who have chosen the path of the defender of the Motherland, bravely fight against ISIS militants (banned in the Russian Federation), giving their lives for every meter of Syrian land, looking into the eyes of death with honor and dignity. Are those young people who, like monkeys in a cage, jumping onto multi-ton trucks on European highways, not ashamed of the fact that they left their homes, their homeland to be torn apart by militants in order to be in Europe and be the lowest grade of people for Europeans capable of only the most heinous deeds?

Some might even think it's a good thing. After all, war also filters society, dividing it into those who are useful both for society and for the country, and for those who are unable to benefit either society or the country. Judging from this point of view, the Europeans even become a little sorry, because it is mainly those who are unable to do something for their country, and who are completely dangerous for European countries, who flee to their countries.

Of course, among all this flow of refugees there are a lot of women and children, the elderly and the disabled, and they really deserve to be protected and accepted, since this contingent of refugees is really in dire need of help. But it's still not about them.

The further course of events in Syria is rather vague. It is not known how this war will end, what stage it will go to in the future, whether Syria will be able to get rid of the militants or not, how long this war will last and what its results will be. Although we all observe that the Syrian army, with the help of Russia and Iran, is still moving forward, and over the past year the situation has more or less improved, it is impossible to say with certainty that this war will end with Assad's victory in the near future. Much remains to be done to cleanse Syria of this scum. And even if in the foreseeable future Syria is freed from the shackles of war, will these fugitive "rats" be ready to return to their historical homeland, and even if they decide to return, then with what conscience will they do it? After all, the construction and formation of post-war Syria, the restoration of everything destroyed will also be done not by the hands of deserters, but by the hands of those who fought to the last for their country.

Syria is a large country located on middle East. For many years there have been wars on its territory. Despite the fact that shells do not explode on the streets of the country, life here is largely subject to the laws of emergency (state of emergency). Especially it concerns police, which currently has extended powers. This means that anyone in the country can be arrested, taken to the police station, and kept there for as long as they like. Luckily, things like this happen. extremely rarely.

The population of the country is very heterogeneous. Christians live here (Orthodox, as a rule) and Druze, and Muslim Arabs, who make up 80% of general population countries. The Armenian community in this country is also strong and numerous. Kurds present national minorities. They live compactly in northern Syria.
A country counts Muslim. But this was an erroneous statement, because many other citizens live in the country, for example, about 400,000 Palestinian refugees, as well as Iraqi refugees. Of course, that traditions, customs, habits and way of life is different from lifestyle indigenous citizens of the country.

If you marry a Syrian, then know what you bought lottery ticket. It will be played when the young wife steps over threshold home of his faithful. It is very often difficult to predict what kind of family he will have (poor, rich), how demanding she will be. will to traditions and so on. Knowing the ethnicity of the future spouse, Can draw any conclusion. Now let's talk about this.

A woman's place is where she puts herself! In Syria or elsewhere. Of course, it is worth being flexible to the traditions of a foreign country, but not in personal relationships. If our guy said that he needed to finish his studies for seven years, and then he would take you to the village to his mother, you would hardly agree. The fact that he does not want to meet his mother is alarming. In addition, two brothers who see it all. Since you are talking about him with tenderness, you will not be able to stop your feelings now. Therefore, it is worth trying in a cunning way to take the initiative into your own hands. Arab women always “squeeze out” their husbands, and most often they really are a cunning “neck”. Time is on your side - 7 years. You can take a call from your mother when he is in the shower, become interested in Arabic, just do not put pressure on him. You yourself said that our women have many affairs with Arabs. And only in your hands, this novel will have a continuation. From personal first impressions - a gypsy camp, though in the baron's house ... Baroque furniture, for some reason laid unwashed on rugs
kids ... you are clamoring and an eternal holiday with night feasts, but without vodka. The friend was shocked, but she couldn’t eat enough food ... Deliberate hospitality. The country is beautiful and full of historical mysticism, foreigners are loved not only like Natasha ... There are jobs for our girls in offices or somewhere else with English.

Indigenous Syrians: what are they?

Life and income

As you understand, Syria is not prosperous country. This means that the population of the state is made up of poor people who earn their food by the sweat of their brows. Prices for clothes, food and basic necessities are low, so life here is cheaper than neighboring states ( Lebanon, Turkey and, of course, Israel).

A good Syrian salary is two hundred dollars. excellent$500 or more is considered income. Prestigious specialties are such professions like engineer, military and doctor. The military has a special weight in Syrian society. People with this speciality enjoy great respect. This means that the salaries of officers are not bad, of course, according to local standards.

Those who bring their spouse from the Russian Federation or Ukraine, as a rule, are well-to-do, have a diploma of a doctor, engineer or officer shoulder straps, which allows them Fine provide family(by local standards).

My friend dated a Syrian for 3 years, they loved each other very much, then his studies ended and he had to go home. She had to decide, and she did, in my opinion, a very smart thing - she went there for a month, taking her sister and her husband with her. Although she said that there was no bright negativity on the part of his family, they seemed to accept it normally, but she realized that she definitely would not be able to live there.
She didn't marry him.
They still love each other, he does not want to marry another, she is also alone.
He wants to live in her country, and for now he is trying to earn money so that he can move. The family is strongly opposed to his move. I don’t know how it will end, but she said that the only option for them is to live in her or in a third country, but not in Syria.
I hope your cousin is doing well. If it is not finally decided to go there, it is better to try to stay with him in her country.


In clothes, local citizens unassuming. This does not mean that they dress anyhow. The local light industry produces good clothes, which, by the way, costs inexpensive.

As a rule, girls which became spouses of local men, satisfied with life. For "ridiculous" money, by Russian standards, they can show a fairly high-quality clothes.

Very cheap in the country products. Own agriculture covers the needs of the citizens of the state by 100%.

On average, one local family spends about $120 a month on groceries. This is very small when compared to the cost of food with neighboring countries such as Turkey and Israel.
For lunch in a good restaurant you need to will pay 15-20 dollars, and you can dine in an average establishment for five dollars.

In this country, a family car is unprecedented luxury. If citizens have a car, then this indicates their prosperity, as well as belonging to high society.

Water, gas and electricity here cheap. The reason for this own natural resources, they allow the country's authorities to keep prices low.

Education in schools is free. Education in middle and primary schools is mandatory (the state declares).


Local citizens love to relax and, By the way are able to do it. In the evenings, no one sits at home here. If finances allow, the Syrians dine in a restaurant. For those who prefer a cheaper holiday, there is a cafe where you can have a good time. Some people just walk the streets of the city.
It is not customary to go on vacation here, as the traditions of Muslims are not particularly conducive to a beach holiday. The people here prefer the forest, national park. Except In addition, they go to visit relatives in other cities. It is customary to visit friends and relatives.

Holidays abroad are also not popular. Probably, What is this connected with the lack of finances, as well as with the position of the country in the world, because local The passport is not favored by many developed countries.

Family relationships

The official authorities of the country support institution of marriage and family. How rule, local citizens create strong families in which treason are great rarity. The number of divorces, as you know, is also low.

It is almost impossible in this country to divorce at the request of his wife. In this matter, Islamic traditions play an important role, in which supposed initiatives on the part of the girl, as well as state policy regarding marriage and the family.

An even more difficult task take children in the Russian Federation, if the divorce is still took place. All state institutions that you have to go through will raise various obstacles, and the ex-husband will make every effort to keep the child (or children) with him.

If you decide to leave Syrian wife finally better do it's quiet. For example, you are going home to visit relatives. If you manage to travel with the kids outside of Syria, then that's great. Get a divorce in the Russian Federation without presence spouse- the process is quite lengthy, but really doable.

National Features

The national features of the life and life of the local nation are radically different from other peoples who live here. For example, if you find yourself in an Orthodox family, then most likely you will not have to change your habits or lifestyle much. You come out marry an Armenian? Do not worry about your financial situation, as many citizens of this nation are engaged in the jewelry business and live wide leg.

In rural areas states Syrian Druze live. Many of them are engaged in agriculture or serve in the army. The traditions of this people do not imply special rights. women family, and divorce laws are very strict. If we talk about children, then in cases of divorce, you will not be able to take the child from your Druze husband. This people is considered What if a person has lost an heir, then this is the highest shame for him. On this occasion, you will have to fight not only with the faithful, but with the whole clan.


If you are going to marry Syrian then remember some important things. The first thing you need to know is which community your future spouse belongs to. After all, it can make a huge difference.

You need to find out about the financial situation of the groom's family. The fact that your future spouse is studying abroad does not mean that your parents are wealthy. You can unobtrusively ask him if the family has a car where they will have to live young and so on. This is an important point, because life in the "anthill" will not bring any pleasure.

When you go to live with your spouse, do not cut off ties with your "native" country. Always renew your Russian passport and register your children. If a divorce happens, it will be easier for you to leave, If All documents are ready and properly formatted.

There are a lot of Russian women in Syria communicate together. Such communication is an invaluable source of reliable information. Among the "Russian spouses" are traditional friendships and moral support. Very often girls help each other friend help out in difficult situations. That's why do not hesitate to communicate with fellow countrymen, even if everything is fine.