On my younger sister's birthday. Birthday wishes for little sister. Happy birthday wishes to a younger sister from an older brother, sister. Poems for a younger sister

happy birthday congratulations
You, little sister,
And I wish you in life
A sea of ​​happiness and kindness.

Ocean of positive
For you to always be
To spread over you
An angel with two wings.

If you fall on the road
Don't be afraid, I will rise
And you, sister, offended,
Know that I won't let anyone.

I wish you happiness
Live in prosperity and love.
May luck fulfill
All desires are yours.

My little sister,
I congratulate you today.
How I nursed you as a child
I remember very often.

Now we've grown up with you
Everyone has their own path
But firmly bound by fate,
After all, we have so much in common.

I want to be very happy
Do not be offended, do not be sad,
Always sublime, beautiful.
Well, call me more often.

May your birthday, sister,
All your dreams will come true.
And the soul sings like a bird
After all, you will be the happiest!

I wish you happy moments
To live as merrily as possible
More vivid impressions
And only positive days!

How glad I am that you are in the world.
There is no closer to me than my sister!
You, dear, dear sister,
Once upon a time, I carefully wrapped in a diaper.

But what happened? You have become big.
With such an open, sincere soul,
With a kind heart that loves me...
You know, sister, I love you!

Be happy always, my dear.
Live, cutie, never knowing troubles.
May all your dreams always come true.
And remember, honey, you are a beauty queen!

Do you believe that the world is full of goodness,
And may it be so for you.
My own, younger sister,
Let no one judge your dreams.
They will all come true, trust me.
Dare - and success awaits in any aspiration!
Let there be no sorrow and loss.
Blooms in my soul! Happiness! Happy Birthday!

Easy gait, bright smile,
Kindness pleases the soul.
So sweet, elegant - the girl from the picture.
Little sister, how beautiful you are!
I want you to smile at the world
Stay young with your heart, like spring.
All your desires will be fulfilled.
Little sister, happy birthday!

Hello sister, my dear sister!
Here, happy birthday, I brought you a gift!
Come on, let's pour this song into glasses!
Your lips will be brighter than the presented roses!
Let good luck, love open doors,
Let the rays of the sun wake up in the morning!
Let everything turn out that you sincerely believe in,
May life be even brighter than a candle flame!

I want my beloved sister
Wish you happiness on your birthday
Stay good and beautiful
Don't be sad about anything in life.
Let failures pass by,
To make life great,
To become a little richer
To drink and eat only to your heart's content!

I wish this birthday
Unthinkable victories for you.
Success, laughter, entertainment
And many bright, glorious years.
Leave doubts and worries
Just look ahead boldly.
Whatever the road
Happiness lies ahead of her.
Don't forget to laugh more often
And take care of your beauty.
Let life be as sweet as possible
What a celebratory speech!

I congratulate you today
With the happiest holiday in the world!
And I want to mark it
At a wonderful and joyful feast.
May all dreams come true at once
Let there be big money.
Let your career go up
Horizons are getting wider!
I wish you beauty
And the love of the purest and brightest.
Well, also be smarter than others,
And kinder, more fun, more noticeable.

Happy birthday little sister
I wish you joy, good luck and love.
I nursed you with my mother from the cradle,
We are so friendly, we are so close.
I wish you good health, mood,
I wish you to always be the most beautiful of all.
Good friends, vivacity and inspiration,
In everything to accompany

Let your bright laughter continue
Sounds loud and loud!
You are the toughest of all! You are the best!
You are simply the best
You are my little sister!

Sister dear,
I love you so.
What's on your birthday, honey
I will pray to the sky
So that happiness is in your house
Glowing and growing
So that your heart is always warm,
In business, let it be okay
Lucky in everything always
And tears and troubles
Never will.

Younger sister, I hasten to congratulate you,
And I want to wish you success.
Today I want to celebrate your birthday
As loud as possible, better, more fun than everyone else.
Always be healthy, successful and loved,
In my studies, I wish patience and excellence.
Be also gentle, be irresistible,
Like a ghost of the highest beauty.

Years fly by, not knowing barriers,
And you grow up my sister
Was it recently very small,
And now the rose has blossomed
Happy birthday little sister
Try to be happy
Stay cute girl
Gentle, smart and beautiful,

Let love warm your heart
To make her unique
Leave the door open in your soul
To become someone's favorite!!!

You and I are like two birches
Grew up, slim girls, together,
Mom shed tears
You are the bride, I am the bride.

You and I are like two nesting dolls
You see, they gave birth to children,
Like two proud cats
They became independent.

We have one habit -
Compare with each other:
You and I are two sisters,
Happy birthday, my darling!

Sister younger, beloved, dear,
Such a beautiful and slender
I love you, congratulations,
And I wish you unconditional happiness!

Greatest successes and victories,
And live long, not knowing the troubles at all,
Love heartily, always be loved,
Carefully guarded by the Heavenly Father!

Bathe in joy, travel all the worlds,
And gratefully accept gifts,
Be kind, sweet, gentle and beautiful,
And every day desperately happy!

I'm sorry I don't see you often.
Forgive me for cursing at times.
I had to play an important role in my life -
Be a loving big sister.

I want to wish you soon
So that happiness grows with you,
May faithful, cheerful and kind friends
You will meet a lot in life.

On my birthday, I want to wish
I am to you, dear sister,
No need to be sad and discouraged
Live without knowing grief.

My little sister!
You are a little miracle!
Today is a whole day for you
I'll hold my ears!
I want you to grow slender like a birch,
I want to be joyful, smiling,
So that the boys are always shy from your charms,
Gifts to bring fairies more often!

I wish my little sister
So that in life everything is infinitely lucky!
So that you live in the future, not knowing about the problems,
She was just as beautiful in spite of everyone!
May your birthday be wonderful
Let it bring magic into your life
So that more often we hear your lovely laugh,
And so that the celebration is fully successful!

Happy Birthday Sister,
My dear angel!
I love you dear
And I'm proud of you.

Though you are younger, but what
We have a smart one.
Always be so cheerful
And beautiful as it is now.

You shine like a ray of sunshine,
You smile back.
Nobody, trust me, it's better
It just doesn't exist in this world.

My little sister,
I congratulate you today.
How I nursed you as a child
I remember very often.

Now we've grown up with you
Everyone has their own path
But firmly bound by fate,
After all, we have so much in common.

I want to be very happy
Do not be offended, do not be sad,
Always sublime, beautiful.
Well, call me more often.

little sister,
My darling,
Happy birthday today
I congratulate you.

Yesterday's baby
She grew up beautiful.
May you be lucky
Smiling for life.

I always sister
I'll be close, near
I will help and support
If need be.

Joy immeasurable
And I wish you well
To be happy
You, dear sister.

Dear my little sister!
May this bright day be your birthday
You will not be too lazy to open your eyes and
Accept all congratulations!
Of course, I only want the best for you.
Find your calling, find your destiny!
Let the radiant sun only illuminate the path,
After all, you, my sister, be happy in life!
Let our family thread hide from adversity,
May our faithful friendship lead you everywhere.
And know, my dear, you are always my ray!
Burn and believe that you have power in this world!

So mischievous, gentle, cheerful,
Such an adult, a little vulnerable.
My beloved sister, my dear,
My dear, the most beautiful!
You are the closest person in the world.
My most devoted and faithful friend.
May your joy be endless
And only happiness and love around!

Happy birthday wishes for little sister

My sweet little sister
I congratulate you
You are my sonorous bell,
I tell you love!
Be cheerful and happy
Never be sad
And, of course, beautiful
Get everything from life!
May love be with you
Hand on ore goes
And beckons, caresses with a look,
Never fall behind!
Will be at home, at work,
It's all right, it's okay
And worries and worries
Forget soon!

My dear sister!
Well, what would you like.
I wish you happiness and strength
So that you can find everything.
To walk with a proud gait,
So that your friend is a match for you.
Be as beautiful, cheerful,
And never dare to grieve!

Sister, do you remember how in your childhood
Did you tell your mom that I'm an idiot?
You told her: “He hit me in the ass,
Creeping up, he hits with toys in a big way!
The years have flown by, and on your birthday
Forgive me for the offense, I humbly pray.
How nasty were you at the time
I love you so much today!

Happy Birthday Sister
My precious
Let everything be personal
You're fine.
You are the dearest to me
Even though you're a cousin
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
fulfillment of a dream,
There will be many more in life
Such wonderful days
There will be a smooth road
Feel free to follow her!

She looks like spring
On a light gust of wind,
She looks like dew
On the waves crashing into the cliff.

There is so much light and warmth in it,
In it mountain rivers seething with life,
In her sparkling eyes
The grains of the sun intertwined.

Love, fly, dance and sing
Be free, like the wind in the field,
Good luck and dream with you
And your path is both happy and bright.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
May it be the light of all days.
Let a smile play on your lips
And in the eyes of the light of fervent lights.
Let it spin you hard - hard,
Golden shower of happiness, kindness.
Let the flowers cover the road
On which you always walk.

My sister, dear soul,
Today is your birthday!
I heartily congratulate you
What a joy to be your sister.
I wish you a sweet, serene life,
So that your head is spinning from success,
I wish you happiness, the boundless ocean,
Full of love and joy!
I want to be always blooming
Beautiful, kind and simple.
May your life be wonderful
Magic fairy tale unearthly!

Big sister has a birthday
Please accept my congratulations.
Always loved you so much
It was always fun with you.
I want to wish you good luck
And find your happiness
Always stay cheerful
And more often, please, smile!

My beloved, beautiful sister,
I congratulate you on the holiday today,
After all, your birthday is the best!
I wish you great accomplishments in life.
And never forget your sister
That he loves you, appreciates, simply adores.
And let the whole angelic patrol keep you,
Protects from all problems, misfortunes, grief.
I wish you fabulously big love,
So that she rises forever in your heart.
May joy and success always be with you,
So that you never need anything.

my beloved sister
I wish you happiness
And always be beautiful
And let your friends
These surround
For you to trust
I wish you luck
And more kindness!

Happy birthday to little sister

You, dear sister,
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to sincerely wish
Live with a smile, do not lose heart.
Let the peaks conquer
And men admire
And all dreams will come true.
May you be the happiest of all!

Dear sister - gentle moth,
Joyful song, morning flower!
Spring breeze, a drop of dew,
Purity and tenderness of girlish beauty!
Soon you'll spread your wings and take off
In the boundless life you will proudly soar!
There are so many eternal, unearthly beauties in the world,
You will achieve glorious heights in life!

We've been with you for so many years
We went to the toilet together
And now, here's the deal!
You, sister, have grown up!
I wish you happiness
Bloom day by day
And beautiful guys for you
Everyone who looks like me!

Happy birthday, sister!
Peace, happiness and kindness!
Let your ringing laughter sound!
You are the best sister!
Be carefree and sweet
Gentle, loving, beautiful!
I admire you!
How lucky I am to have a sister!

I don't like the word "cousin" -
There is a magic word "sister".
You are beautiful and very beautiful
And in your eyes shine of silver.

My dear, happy birthday.
Never be sad or cry.
Let everything that I wanted come true
And fewer failures for you.

Let everything you want come true
And in the soul there will be forever spring.
Be happy and know that you are very
Road for all of us, for me.

I wish my little sister
So that in life everything is infinitely lucky!
So that you live in the future, not knowing about the problems,
She was just as beautiful in spite of everyone!

May your birthday be wonderful
Let it bring magic into your life
So that more often we hear your lovely laugh,
And so that the celebration is fully successful!

Happy birthday to little sister

With all my heart, sister!
I want female beauty!
Even grown up today,
For a whole year, huge - you!

Do you remember when we played together?
Sharing toys for two?
And now you've become big
The adult world is open for you!

Happy birthday to little sister

My little sister
My dear, dear,
Know I love you!
How are you, how is life young?

Accept congratulations
You are from an older sister -
Live honestly, live happily
Enjoy and love!

Happy birthday wishes to your beloved little sister

How the whole rose is fragrant,
Bloom and you are my sister!
Do you remember how you played as a child?
They rocked dolls in their hands.

They ran barefoot through the puddles,
They raged in bed in the evening!
And who said that becoming an adult
Is it too late for us to have fun?

Happy birthday to your beloved little sister

My little sister
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you more joy
Good to you, warm!

Let the good guy meet
Good luck will be with him
Beautiful love will begin
And he will love you!

Funny birthday greetings for younger sister

My little sister
How quickly you grew up
Still restless..
Happy Birthday to You!

Warmth of all wishes
Take it from me soon
And with a beautiful starfall
Let dreams come true.

May love be mutual
And a couturier outfit
Foreign countries, dancing, euro,
And the latest Chevrolet.

Funny birthday greetings for little sister

You and I are like two birches
Grew up, slim girls, together,
Mom shed tears
You are the bride, I am the bride.

You and I are like two nesting dolls
You see, they gave birth to children,
Like two proud cats
They became independent.

We have one habit -
Compare with each other:
You and I are two sisters,
Happy birthday, my darling!

Happy birthday to the younger sister in prose

Dear sister, happy birthday!
Do you remember, in childhood, my mother read us fairy tales, in which goodness always triumphed, and good people received half the kingdom as a gift? Remember our childhood, and may a fabulous life come for you as soon as possible! May the net of your desires never bring you mud of the sea, may your plans come true as if by magic! I wish you to catch a goldfish, and maybe even a golden whale!

Touching birthday wishes for little sister

My beloved sister
Sweet and tender child!
Eyes of a good kitten, -
Be like that, loving life.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Take the best from life -
Happy birthday, congratulations -
Do not be sad and do not get sick!

Happy birthday wishes for little sister

You're still the same cutie
Charming little sister!
Beautiful and always beautiful!
Mind and look super-clear!

I want you to fall in love
And enjoy life!
Don't forget about studying
Luggage from knowledge is held in high esteem!

But for now, it's your birthday!
It's time to say congratulations!
Let my surprise bring joy!
So that the feeling of idleness remains!

Beautiful birthday greetings to the younger sister

You have grown up, dear sister,
You walk with a guy until the morning,
You often change the surroundings,
And manicure and makeup.
I wish you strength and inspiration
And congratulations on your birthday!
Let them carry you in their arms
Like a talisman, a victory flag!

Short birthday wishes for little sister

golden time...
sister girls,
There are two of us in the family.
I love you today
Congratulations on your birthday.
Happiness and health
I sincerely wish!

Happy birthday sms for little sister

Happy Birthday Sister!
You are my blood!
The closest person
I love you very much!
I wish you happiness
A sea of ​​joy, goodness!
To avoid bad weather,
May you always shine!

Happy birthday greetings to your own younger sister

The younger sister is dear!
My closest person!
Accept this birthday
Flowers - a huge bouquet!

I wish you great health,
Care of loved ones and love,
And so that now - among the feast
You shone with brilliance - the stars!

Happy birthday to little sister

Sister, you were born today!
And took away peace surprisingly!
Today you can take my dress
And mascara, let's celebrate your birthday!

Let's drive away the feud over the boys!
Let's find others better and richer!
To do this, we will go to the club with you
And until the morning fooling around there we will skip.

Health, cheerfulness, always bloom!
And send depression away.
We will gather all your guests in a cafe,
In order not to swear, who did not wash the dishes.

Happy birthday to my younger sister in verse

Happy birthday little sister
Happiness, peace, summer warmth!
For me you are forever a child,
May fate bring everything

Bigger, better, cleaner and brighter
Than ever to anyone.
Be, sister, you are more fun than everyone
Joyful, sweeter - just be!

sister for me
You will always be younger
I hope that over the years
You will not for me!

Be perky, be happy
More to be patient
Always live beautifully
Sister, happy birthday!

Happy birthday dear little sister
I hasten to congratulate you and say the words:
“You are the best in the world, be happy, please,
My dear sun, I love you!

My little sister, congratulations.
Happy birthday, my ray!
I wish you colorful happiness
And in your soul to live peace.

So that tenderness surrounds everywhere
And your wishes come true.
Warmth to warm the heart
And the fruits of love bloomed all around.

dearest little sister,
My doll you are small
I love and adore you
Congratulations on your birthday!

And I want to always be beautiful
Smart, beloved and happy,
To love the world for purity of the sky,
Beyond the seas of boundless beauty!

Be kind and give kindness
Live honestly and in abundance for a long time,
Enjoy the sun, smile
With a good heart, open up to people!

Sister, I congratulate you on your birthday.
Live always well and well.
I wish you warmth in my soul and joy.
Health, a lot of happiness in personal life.

Be always young, kind, smart, beautiful.
Know how to create comfort in your family.
Always store with great care
All the joys that will come into your life!

as your older sister
I want to wish you a happy birthday.
I wish to live, giving love,
No fuss, no regrets.

Be happy, in spite of the winds,
Strive to be in time everywhere.
Wish to know everything new
Find your place in life.

Cake and candles for you today
Compliments are also in your honor.
Let the weather not let you down now.
It's good that you exist, sister.

Because I love you unconditionally.
And as the youngest I wish from myself
Life is colorful and bright,
To appreciate all of you!

I changed diapers for my little sister,
She wiped her nose, led her by the handle,
I see now - I have grown up, and a lot,
And the age is not the same for sisterly thrashing.

Well, respect, and say good words,
Wishing you good luck, wishing you success
After all, a birthday celebration is necessary and important,
Let it become the main joy today!

You are much older than me anyway
By wisdom, words and beauty.
Sister, be even nicer and more beautiful
I know: every height in the world

You will have to submit immediately.
There are no fears or barriers for you.
Yes, lucky Prince Charming!
Anyone would be happy with such an award.

You can get everything, I know.
You'll open a thousand more doors.
I wish you happiness, strong as a stone,
Health, magic and warm days!

My dear, how glad I am
That I have a sister.
My family, my reward -
My faithful friend!

Today, honestly, congratulations
I would like to wish more.
And never, I promise
I won't offend you!

Let your life be like a fairy tale
Full of joyful affection,
Love, reciprocity, dreams -
All that you wish!

Happy birthday wishes for little sister

The day of the birth of a beloved younger sister is a good opportunity to show respect and love, arrange a real holiday and become a positive example for her in the future. Sisters can swear, put up, but they will always be the family that you need to cherish. The older brother cares, protects and protects the sister. On the birthday, of course, all disputes, hardships and insults are forgotten, and a good mood reigns throughout the holiday.
A brother or an older sister knows their younger sister from the cradle, so this is the most dear person. The pages of the site present a variety of birthday greetings to the younger sister in tender and long-awaited words, with sincere wishes on this date. Poems are offered with the wishes of pure love and eternal happiness, positive, health and faithful friends - you can choose the most suitable option. Touching notes are sure to cheer up the younger sister and make her eyes shine with joy.

I love you my dear
And on this day I wish you:
Smiles, happiness and kindness,
I want tenderness, warmth

I so want you
Had work and family
And the house was full of joy
And there was no fatigue.

Let your dreams come true
After all, everyone wants to be like you.
Just as kind and beautiful
And for relatives so beloved!

Angels descended from Paradise
When were you born, dear
After all, the beauty of your eyes
Even the skies were eclipsed.

Smile like sunshine
She makes us all so happy
And a heart full of love
Let everyone warm up.

You are a bright angel, unearthly
So kind and funny
Remind me of a child
My lovely sister!

Pisarskaya Irina for http: // site /

To a younger sister from a brother
Sister's birthday!
I, as the oldest brother,
Prepared congratulations
And I'm glad to congratulate you!

Be always, always happy
May good luck be on the way!
Be successful and beautiful
Reach your dreams!

Let everything work out, let it happen
Let the miracle happen!
Happiness will knock on the door
And love will come to you!

Let always only joy
Will be in your life!
Let you know the sweetness of life
Loving and loving!

Sister, on your beautiful birthday
Accept all wishes from the heart
For a dear friend, always be an inspiration,
Love, play, laugh luck.

May every day wonderful moments
For a hundred years, fate does not get tired of giving,
Smooth flow of money
And may you be lucky in all matters.

On your birthday, sister, I want to wish
In friendship, loyalty, happiness, good luck,
To meet with a tender rose every morning,
Easy to be like a sunbeam.

May you be lucky in the most difficult cases,
The heart is filled with bright joy,
Let love bypass all obstacles like a river,
All wishes will soon come true.

Congratulations from big sister
Sister today is your birthday
I heartily congratulate you!
In life we ​​are always with you
Nobody understands me like you.

You have always been my best friend,
We shared joy and sorrow with you.
Yes, sometimes there were quarrels between us,
And in those moments we both felt sorry!

But what am I all about sad, congratulations!!
I drink this glass for you to the bottom,
I wish you health and love!!
Your own older sister.

Congratulations to the younger sister from the brother
On this day long ago
I suddenly became a brother.
My sister was born
Here's what happened that day.
I loved you right away
You were small then.
But I was happy, dear,
What is my sister!
And on this birthday
I want to tell you,
For me you are without a doubt
Like a bright star!
You, dear sister,
Be happy and sweet
Let everything work out, dear,
As needed for you!
Let it be next to you
Only a faithful person
And let melancholy forget
The way to you for a whole century!
Congratulations dear
My younger sister.
I wish you everything
What do you want yourself.
Happy birthday dear
You are the best on earth.
Congratulations, congratulations!
Put your ears on quickly!

Happy birthday, dear sister!
It seems like yesterday there were diapers
I helped my mom change...
When did you grow up? Don't understand.

But one thing hasn't changed for sure -
Bright day and dark night
For me one star shines
The best sister in the world!

I wish you a lot
Happiness. To lead your path
Only to success and victories,
There was no place for only troubles.

May all your affairs succeed
Promise adversity to smile -
And always go forward
I know you can. Let crazy delight

Will never leave you.
As if in childhood, remember how then,
You loved mischief and pranks -
Please save the child

Far in the soul, at least for a brother.
Well, I'm always by your side
I will, and I will drive away insults -
I love my sister so much!

Sister, I want on your birthday
I wish you fall in love!
So that the heart is in trembling excitement
It could finally hit!

So that a brave knight on a horse
I would take you to the ends of the world!
Believe me, love is not scary,
There is no more beautiful love in the world!

And I, as the eldest "by rank",
I will take part in your destiny!
And so without hesitation
I will send you towards happiness!

May my little sister have a happy birthday!
Happiness, joy, fun shine her little eyes!
Let there be many different gifts, congratulations,
A lot of cool impressions and fantastic surprises!

I'll arrange a holiday for her, invite her girlfriends,
So that the native face joy illuminates right there!
And let all her desires suddenly come true instantly,
So that my sister will remember this holiday without fail!

I want to say thank you to the white bird,
who once flew
And gave me in a white diaper
Kindred soul - younger sister.

After all, my sister is just a miracle!
She shines like the sun in this world,
Always young, always in spring color
Smart, kind, beautiful.

Dear! Happy birthday congratulations!
May life be full of love and happiness
May your path be easy, without obstacles,
And God keeps you, protecting you.

I want to keep the radiance in the eyes,
And meet each dawn with a smile,
And let the goldfish today
Fulfill all cherished desires.

Sister, happy birthday, I congratulate you
And on your day, bright, festive, I want to wish
Go through life with joy, sadness, troubles without knowing,
Live in harmony, live and make happiness.