In what registry office should you get a divorce. When there is a statement from only one party. The process of terminating a marriage at the request of one party

Family code The Russian Federation secures for our citizens the right to terminate the marriage union and provides for the procedure for divorce proceedings through the registry office. There are two ways to end a marriage:

Termination of marriage through the registry office

Divorce through the registry office is the most popular and easiest option for dissolution of a marriage between a married couple. Already 30 days after both spouses left documents for divorce through the registry office, they become free.

Note! The divorce procedure in the registry office, of course, is simpler than in court. However, this can only be done if the husband and wife, who do not have common minor children (child), decide to divorce by mutual consent.

Divorce in the registry office is significantly different from the same procedure that is carried out through the judicial authority. What are the features of the procedure for terminating a marriage through the registry office?

  • First of all, state institutions are not interested in the reasons, as well as the motives of the spouses, do not require any evidence or facts, except in cases where the marriage is dissolved on the basis of a court decision.
  • The deadlines for the termination of the marriage cannot be changed. Therefore, divorce lasts as long as provided by law. If within the specified period of time, the parties withdraw the application and the need for divorce disappears, the termination of the marriage will not occur. These circumstances include: the return of a spouse who was declared dead or missing, the occurrence of a judicial error during the sentencing of conviction.

You can obtain a divorce certificate through the registry office at the same time under the following conditions:

  • mutual agreement married couple;
  • absence of minor children;
  • no property disputes.

According to its purpose, the registry office is obliged to draw up accomplished facts of a legal nature, and not to resolve disputes that have arisen. Thus, the desire of one of the spouses to terminate the marriage or the presence of property claims exclude the possibility of divorce through the registry office.

Note! An insurmountable obstacle to the termination of marriage in the registry office is the presence of children.

If there are children, the registry office has the right to divorce a married couple only if one of the spouses is missing, and also recognized as incapacitated, or is for a period of 3 years.

In which registry office can you get a divorce?

Spouses can file documents for divorce at one of the local registry offices: at the place of registration of one of the spouses, or at the one where they were registered marriage.

In which registry office to get a divorce? Here everything is decided by the comfort and accessibility of the institution for those who are getting divorced. The spouses can go and file for divorce together, or they can go separately, but the decision to end the marriage must be made by them in concert.

There are situations when one spouse fails to appear at the registry office to get a divorce. Here, the legislation makes it possible to fill out an application outside the registry office and transfer it with the help of another spouse, or. However, there is an important condition: the signature of the spouse who is missing must be confirmed by a notary. If the spouse is a convict, then it is approved by the head of the correctional institution.

How to get a divorce through the registry office

Submission of an application by mutual consent

  1. With mutual agreement, the married couple fills out an application for divorce, which states:

    • place of birth of the spouses;
    • Date of Birth;
    • citizenship;
    • nationality (as the applicants wish);
    • details of the document confirming the marriage;
    • surnames assigned by spouses upon termination of marriage;
    • details of documents that confirm the identity of both spouses;
    • applicants' signatures;
    • date of the application.

    The application is signed by both spouses. Or everyone draws up and signs their own application, but they must be identical.

    According to Art. 33, paragraph 3 of the Federal Law on Civil Status Acts provides for the filing of separate applications for the termination of marriage in the event that one of the spouses cannot appear in the registry office.

    When one of the spouses does not agree to a divorce

  2. In the event that one of the spouses is missing or is incapacitated, which is confirmed by a court decision, as well as if one of the spouses was given a period of more than 3 years, the applicant fills in the registry office.

    The statement states:

    • Full name, date of birth of the applicant;
    • Place of Birth;
    • Citizenship;
    • Nationality of the applicant (optional);
    • grounds for divorce;
    • Marriage record data;
    • Passport data that certifies the identity of the applicant;
    • Surname chosen by the spouse upon divorce;
    • The place of registration of the spouse's guardian or the managing property of the missing spouse or the location of the correctional institution where the spouse is serving his sentence;
    • Applicant's signature;
    • The date the application was made.
    • Contents of a divorce petition judgment about divorce.

Divorce certificate

Application Form No. 10 according to Art. 35 of the above federal law submitted to the registry office in the case when the decision to terminate the marriage has already been made on court session, it is only necessary to register it, and then receive a court decision to terminate the marriage. With this document, you need to apply to the registry office in order to obtain a certificate of divorce. The application is submitted by one or both spouses.

The full name of the spouses (or one of them) is written in the upper right corner, the name is also indicated here public institution where the divorce will be formalized (at the place of residence, registration of one of the spouses).

To fill out the form, you must provide without fail:

  • existence of a court decision
  • name of the judicial body,
  • the date of the decision.

Then fill in the information of the spouses:

  1. Place of Birth;
  2. Date of Birth;
  3. Citizenship;
  4. Place of registration or residence;
  5. Passport data;
  6. Details of the act of marriage.

After the divorce process, any of the spouses can take his or her ex before the marriage is registered. The spouses sign the form number 10, also puts the date. In addition, a copy of the court decision must be attached to the application. If the form is submitted by one of the spouses, the signature of the 2nd is notarized.

Terms of divorce

What are the terms for divorce through the registry office? The divorce proceedings are carried out within one month after the receipt of the application. Regardless of other property disputes, the term for divorce in the registry office is exactly thirty days. This period is not subject to change.

Note! It should be noted that marriage through the registry office is terminated separately from the property disputes of the married couple and the division of common property, the specialists of the state institution do not consider such problems. These issues are resolved in a judicial proceeding or when considering marriage contract, which the spouses prepared before the wedding or during the marriage.

To dissolve a marriage means to officially end the relationship between two people. Today, it is not enough to live separately and stop communicating, it is necessary to conduct a legal divorce procedure through the registry office or in court. At the same time, there is a certain procedure for divorce through the registry office at the end of the process, which citizens receive the appropriate document.

Due to the relevance of the topic raised, this review will provide comprehensive information on such questions as: how to get a divorce through the registry office, what is needed for a divorce in the registry office, is it possible to get a divorce if there are children, what are the rules for divorce and how to write a divorce application.

Also, all readers have access to sample documents and standard forms that can be downloaded in a free format.

At the service of visitors to the portal - free consultations family law lawyers.

A popular question that many couples ask when deciding to terminate a relationship is “How to file a divorce through the registry office.” Note that even if only one side wishes, this will happen. The only thing is that such a process will be considered already in the judiciary. Therefore, from reluctance and all kinds of evasion, this will not affect the legal side in any way. For the main postulate of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is "Where the freedom of one person begins, the freedom of another ends."

However, Russian legislation provides for exceptional cases in which the opinion of the party will always be taken into account. In what cases is this possible:

  1. if the spouse bears a joint child;
  2. if the spouse is raising common child or children between 1 and 3 years of age.

However, at the same time, the spouse has the right to apply for divorce in court if the wife gives such consent. In practice, such situations rarely occur. It should be noted that even with a stillborn fetus or death after birth, the spouse will have to wait 12 months in order to file a lawsuit for a divorce without a trial.

A divorcee has the right to go to the registry office or send a claim to the court (civil or magistrate). It depends on the fact that there are joint minor children and whether it is necessary to divide the property. Important point- even with such a question, the spouses can reach an amicable agreement, fix it on paper with a notary and thereby initiate the divorce process through the registry office. To find out how to do this correctly, contact the portal specialists who will answer your questions for free.

How is the termination of marriage through the registry office?

This section lists the two most common cases when filing a divorce at the registry office in 2019.

There is consent of the other party

The procedure for divorce through the registry office is carried out in a simple and least painless way, not only for spouses, but also for loved ones. To do this, you should visit the registry office, as a rule, this is the branch where the marriage was registered. Take a sample from there that suits your case and fill it in correctly. In the absence of factors such as joint children and a conflict over the division of property, a divorce will be carried out at a branch of the registry office.

Similar actions will be taken if one party is unable to appear at the trial. Here, before visiting the registry office, you need to come to a notary and draw up a legally correct consent to divorce.

If the spouse or wife is in prison, then the application must be certified by the head of this institution.

In the past few years, the state portal of services for the population has been developed in the country. Also open everywhere multifunctional centers where you can file a divorce at the registry office in 2019 in Russia.

Application to the registry office from one side

It is also possible to file a divorce in the registry office without asking the faithful. However, such cases are clearly spelled out in the IC of Russia, namely:

  • When a court finds a spouse guilty and deprives him of his freedom to serve a prison sentence of 3 years or more. When submitting an application, a copy of the court decision on this issue should be attached.
  • The second half of the couple was declared legally incompetent by the judicial authority. The corresponding decision should be attached to the divorce documents through the registry office.
  • A situation in which one of the parties is missing. The evidence is a copy of the decision.

If your situation fits these conditions, then after reading this article you will no longer wonder "How to get a divorce without a trial." Read on to learn how to file for divorce and how to file it legally.

Correct wording for divorce

Divorce in the registry office upon reaching a mutual decision between the parties involves filing a divorce application with the registry office. At the same time, as noted above, when submitting an application, it is allowed to provide a second consent in the form of a notarized document.

Divorce in 2019 through the registry office should take place on the basis of an application in a form that fits the situation:

Samples of each form can be downloaded on the portal free of charge.

The application must include a mandatory clause about:

  • contact details of the parties;
  • the number of the registration certificate of the marriage union;
  • Where did the registration take place?
  • the fact of the absence of a joint child;
  • nationality is indicated at will;
  • in case of divorce, fill in the column “Last name after”.

After the application is written, it is necessary to take the details of the selected body and pay the state fee in the amount of 650 rubles. for each or 350 rubles. in cases provided for as exceptional. The submitted document is certified by a receipt of the payment made without fail. Otherwise, it may be denied acceptance.

In case of divorce through the registry office in which the spouse died, this certificate must be attached. The application for divorce in the registry office does not indicate the reason, which is a significant psychological plus, unlike the courtroom.

Additional Information

For a divorce without a trial, you should consider such nuances as:

  1. Failure to appear at the department for an unexcused reason entails the applicant's right to receive a positive decision at the first meeting with the department staff. Valid reasons include if the terminator cannot be present for the reason: severe course illness, stay in long business trip at a remote distance, a call to army service. A possible way out of this situation is to provide written permission.
  2. If there was conflict situation, with regards to the division of jointly acquired property, a divorce can also be formalized in the registry office. It goes like this: first, the marriage is dissolved in the registry office, and then initiated litigation by division of property. Detailed information ask the lawyers of the portal.
  3. Divorce in the registry office is allowed only if it was registered on the territory of Russia. In all other cases, the application will be rejected.

It is noteworthy that backtracking after the completion of the process is not allowed by law, i.e. if the decision was mutual and both parties are capable.

Duration of the divorce process

How a divorce occurs and how to apply for a divorce to the registry office - the reader already knows. Now it is necessary to touch upon the moment of the period at which the correct divorce proceedings.

So, starting from the date of filing the application, the parties are given one calendar month in order to weigh everything. After all, quite often a husband and wife go to the registry office while staying in stressful condition after the strife. That is why such a period is given to withdraw the application. If this happens, then the divorce procedure states that the entire process will be canceled, but the state fee will not be returned. Therefore, if you do not pick up applications within this period, then upon its expiration, the procedure will automatically end.

On the appointed date, the spouses come to the registry office for divorce. This is done in order to obtain a document certifying a divorce. Employees of the body make an entry in the act, put stamps in passports, and from that moment on, the social condition of people changes. It is noteworthy that the appearance of one of the spouses is enough for a certificate to be obtained, and the marriage was officially recognized as dissolved. The second spouse, who has dissolved the marriage, can visit the department at a convenient time for him. This one has no effect on the situation.

The period of the divorce case may be changed if both spouses express their desire to do so. Increase the time for consideration, required in cases where the appeal goes to court due to a change in the decision of one of the parties. Submission in progress statement of claim, the main requirement of which is the cessation marital relations. In this case, the process will be delayed in time, because. each situation is considered on an individual basis.

Important information: The divorce process takes place in accordance with the rules of the Russian Investigative Committee, namely Art. No. 19 and Chapter No. 4 of the Federal Law “On acts of civil status. They contain full information on the conditions of divorce in the registry office, incl. requirements for applications, the procedure for its submission and, accordingly, the procedure itself.

Terminate family union possible administratively. The law provides for cases when you can get a divorce without a trial. The administrative procedure involves the registry office.

Conditions for divorce through the registry office

There are several grounds for a simplified divorce. These include:

A. Mutual consent of spouses+ they must not have common children under the age of 18.

Exception: one of the spouses evades divorce and has no objections (for example, does not want to file joint statement termination of the family union).

B. Application from one of the spouses(regardless of the presence of common children who are under 18) + the other spouse must be:

  • is legally incompetent by a court decision (in accordance with Article 29 Civil Code RF);
  • is missing (according to Article 44 of the Civil Code);
  • sentenced for committing a crime to imprisonment for more than 3 years (under criminal law).

Often there are questions about the fate of adopted children or children born from another marriage or outside the family union. IN this case children from another marriage or unadopted children born out of wedlock are not considered an obstacle to the dissolution of the marriage union. Divorce cannot be considered in a simplified manner only if the children were adopted by both spouses, who are equated to relatives (common children) under family law.

Important! If there are disputes between spouses regarding:

  • children.

That these disputes are considered, regardless of the dissolution of marriage in the registry office.

The procedure for terminating a marriage in the bodies of registration of acts of civil status

  1. First of all, you must file for the dissolution of the marriage union in an administrative manner. It is submitted at the place of residence of both or one spouse;
  2. Pay, attach other necessary documents;
  3. Official;
  4. Get .

The moment of termination of marriage upon its dissolution in the registry office

From the date of making a special entry (state registration of termination of the family union) in the register of acts of civil status.

Important! Former husband and wife cannot enter into a new marriage until such time as they receive a certificate confirming the divorce.


1. If one former spouse has already received a certificate of termination of marriage, do I also need to go to the registry office and get this document?
Answer: yes, by law a certificate of termination is issued to both former spouses.

2. At the moment I do not have a passport, can I get a divorce with a temporary identity card?
Answer: in this case, you can terminate the family union, since the temporary identity card completely replaces the passport.

3. At the time of the divorce, I lived in one city, now I have moved to another city. Can I get a certificate in the city where I currently live?
Answer: in accordance with the law, you can apply for a certificate to the registry office at the place of residence.

4. I would like to resolve the issue of divorce as soon as possible, in connection with a business trip and work. Is it possible to get a divorce on the day of filing an application or reduce the period when terminating a marriage?
Answer: alas, but no, the period of one month cannot be reduced. This period is specifically provided by law so that the spouses can reconcile.

5. My husband has been sentenced to more than three years. If I apply, will he know that I want a divorce?
Answer: yes, he will be notified by the registry office about this.

Gap marital relations in our country occurs in 1/5 of the couples who have issued this civil act. Unlike registrations. family marriages in the registry office, their termination can be carried out both through this body and with the help of the court. Divorce through the registry office is carried out at the place of residence and assumes the presence of three conditions:

  • Mutual consent and mutual decision of husband and wife to terminate the marriage bond.
  • Divorcing spouses do not have common children who have not reached the age of majority.
  • Mandatory presence of the couple at the divorce proceedings.

An exceptional case of divorce through the registry office, which is subject to special rules, is the fact that one of the spouses is incompetent or sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than 3 years.

Conditions and terms of divorce

Divorce is a very serious step in the life of each of the parties. In young couples, such a decision is made instantly under the influence of irritation or a surge negative emotions. Therefore, the established deadlines for divorce through the registry office are quite justified and reasonable. After filing the application, the spouses will have a month in reserve, after which a hearing is scheduled. This provision is provided for by law for two reasons:

  • give the spouses the opportunity to rethink and reconsider their relationship (very often the result of this is reconciliation and withdrawal of the application);
  • carry out the process in compliance with all legal procedures that require time to prepare.

The minimum divorce period (30 days) is possible if the spouses do not have controversial points. Mutual property claims often turn out to be a stumbling block. In this case, the divorce procedure through the registry office will not do without a visit to the courtroom, which will automatically postpone the date of divorce by a month or even longer. Sometimes for a solution difficult questions, When we are talking on property acquired through joint efforts, a three-year period is established limitation period. After analyzing all your conditions and circumstances, the lawyers of our consultation will be able to give you advice on how to reduce these terms to the minimum possible size.

Required documents and cost of services

An important factor affecting the duration of the case is the promptness with which all mandatory documents for divorce through the registry office. Only the department in which the marriage was registered has the right to accept them from you. In addition to the submitted application, the following documents must be attached:

  • originals and photocopies of passports of both spouses;
  • original marriage certificate;
  • document confirming the payment of state duty for divorce.

How much the registry office service costs is determined by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. For 2014, it remains at the level of 400 rubles. from anyone who gets divorced. However, this price, as the employees of the relevant department assume, can grow significantly and amount to 30 thousand rubles. But for now, the rules remain the same. Therefore, after acceptance by the registry office employees required package documents and standard procedure upon termination of marriage, you will be given a certificate confirming the legality of this civil act.

11/10/2018 - Yuri Beloborodkin

The marriage was registered in Kherson, and I'm moving to Dneper, can I file for divorce

09/04/2018 - Ivan Marenko

Hello. I'm going to end my marriage. but my husband is against it. I understand that in this case it is necessary to act through the court. but the fact is that I didn’t change my last name. And now I don’t want to change accordingly. how to be? and more, if he still agrees to a divorce, and we go to the registry office. Then I can not change my passport?

07/26/2018 - Georgy Vostrov

I filed for a divorce before a certain date but I need to leave on the same day but early in the morning can I come to the registry office the day before to get a divorce certificate and a stamp

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06/14/2018 - Olesya Stepanova

I have a current question, I want to divorce my husband tomorrow who is in prison if I file for divorce, will I have an original marriage certificate while the divorce deadline is coming out, I just need to submit documents for registration child allowance not his child and there you need an original that it is better to file for divorce and then file for children or is it better to first file for children then file for divorce how to be in this situation

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05/04/2018 - Denis Bezrodny

I want to divorce my wife lived for 7 years no children

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03/17/2018 - Andrey Helikonsky

Good evening, my husband has a mistress and he is filing for divorce. due to health reasons i can't sue if i can get paperwork to help complete the divorce process through my daughter. She is 22: 9:00 - 11:00

01/03/2018 - Alena Gerasimova

I have a question here is such a question, my husband and I divorced, only I have a certificate. We want to register a marriage again, can we use one certificate or not?

12/18/2017 - Sergei Levashkevich

can the presence of a son of a disabled person of the second non-working group affect the division of property of spouses? Son age 43

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11/20/2017 - Evgenia Koroleva

hello, if I urgently need to leave for another country, and the date of my divorce is in 3 weeks, is it possible to speed up the process somehow?

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11/10/2017 - Bogdan Ochkasov

Is it possible to fall for a divorce, for example, I am in one city, and he is in another, so that I don’t come to him?

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10/13/2017 - Diana Ryabova

Is it possible to get a divorce quickly and through the registry office. no property and children? : 9:00 - 11:00

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09/10/2017 - Maria Melnikova

The topic of my question is: Family law (Division of property, divorce, alimony) Today at 13:00 - 14:00

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09/10/2017 - Irina Timofeeva

Hello, my mother got married in 2004 and quickly separated but did not officially divorce. We don’t know what happened to him. Please tell me how you can get a divorce without his participation.

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08/27/2017 - Olesya Belyaeva

Hello! I have to give birth in three weeks, I want to divorce my husband when is it better to do this, before childbirth or after?

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08/21/2017 - Grigory Shangin

Hello! Can we apply for a divorce at the registry office of another city other than the city of registration?

08/19/2017 - Denis Kokhnov

How to get a divorce at 60, the law does not accept an application

08/05/2017 - Anton Gurnov

Tell me, my husband and I have not lived for more than two years, it takes a long time to get divorced through the court, but he is against it through the registry office. I have a wedding planned in the near future, how to speed up the divorce if I do it through the court? : 9:00 - 11:00

07/26/2017 - Alina Kuznetsova

divorce is possible if you have lived for months, there are no joint children, will there be a share?

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07/21/2017 - Petr Oshmarov

My husband and I are citizens of Russia, but we have permanent residence (propiska) in Ukraine. Now we live in Russia in different cities, he is registered at the place of residence, I am without. In which of the registry offices should we apply for a divorce?

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07/19/2017 - Artur Yastrebtsov

The next question is we signed on July 6, my husband is in prison. total no children how to speed up the divorce process

07/14/2017 - Evdokia Golubeva

If my wife is a citizen of Ukraine and went home forever, how can I get a divorce if there is no photocopy of my passport?

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07/14/2017 - Sergey Smyslov

Good afternoon, is it possible to get a divorce and divorce papers Saturday

06/04/2017 - Timur Pobritukhin

hello, how can we get a divorce quickly, we don’t have children, nothing is common acquired in the near future, I can’t wait a month

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05/31/2017 - Mikhail Godovshchikov

Good evening, is it possible to get a divorce urgently on the same day, nor have I been living with my husband for 4 years

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05/16/2017 - Raisa Mironova

My relative's wife lives in Kazakhstan. There is no joint life for more than 15 years. Children 30-40 years old. no property claims. marriage registered in Russia. Russian citizen. How to get divorced?

05/10/2017 - Elizaveta Osipova

There is no section. The children are adults, but I don’t want a divorce, how to avoid it, are there a couple of reasons for this? Or at least delay the divorce until September? Thank you

05/10/2017 - Leonid Shatilov

Good afternoon. Please tell me, can I apply for divorce without my husband?

05/09/2017 - Eduard Naberezhny

Hello, during a divorce, copies of the passports of both spouses are required, but can I apply to the registry office in unilaterally?

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05/05/2017 - Karina Vorobieva

getting divorced because of subsidies for an apartment children adults how long to wait for a divorce

04/27/2017 - Yuri Malyukhov

husband wants a divorce for no apparent reason. I am against what is the divorce procedure

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03/22/2017 - Alexey Basistov

Hello! Is it possible to get a divorce. if I did not change my passport after marriage registration?

03/20/2017 - Anton Savinsky


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03/17/2017 - Egor Dobryakov

Hello! I'm Elena on. I am getting a divorce through the registry office. The children are adults. The husband is the owner. In what cases can he evict me from my home?

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03/14/2017 - Evgenia Kulikova

Can I get a divorce if one child is 19, the other is 17, without division of property?

03/01/2017 - Grigory Khalaleev

Hello! Can I file for divorce from myself without my husband, since we have not lived together for a long time. I have no children with him. How quickly can I divorce him?

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02/19/2017 - Lyudmila Ponomareva

Hello! My name is, . Tell me, for 18 years of life, we acquired property, which was partially paid for by his mother. What can I count on.

01/13/2017 - Claudia Frolova

the sum of divorce enters me

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12/29/2016 - Daniil Slashchilin

where to apply for a divorce, if the spouses have a single place of residence and are registered in different cities Time when to call back: 17:00 - 19:00

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12/25/2016 - Artur Malyatin

I'm interested in the date that will be on the divorce certificate. Will it be the date of filing the application on December 23 or the date when you need to come for it on January 25 ??? Time to call back: 9:00 - 11:00

12/16/2016 - Raisa kovaleva

The husband insists on a divorce, they lived for 35 years, I am against it. The children are adults, what are the chances of saving the family? If not, how long will it take for a divorce without my consent

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11/09/2016 - Irina Krylova

the wife filed for divorce and she left with her lover, it’s not known where the phones were turned off, it’s impossible to contact, and we were given a period of reconciliation, what should I do

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10/18/2016 - Natalia Solovaeva

My husband and I have been married for 25 years joint property no, there are no young children, how long can you get a divorce through the registry office?

09/28/2016 - Petr Novikov

Hello. After a divorce, can I get an official document earlier than a month later?

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09/05/2016 - Vyacheslav Verizhnikov

hello, tell me if I can get a divorce through the registry office with my wife we ​​have not lived together for more than 2 years, she is already pregnant from another, I just need to urgently

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07/28/2016 - Inna Morozova

Tell me what should I do? I really want a divorce .. and my husband refuses to go to the registry office if I file for divorce, will they divorce us?

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07/14/2016 - Maria Lebedeva

how does a divorce work if the whereabouts of one of the spouses is unknown?

05/25/2016 - Victor Lapkin

i want to divorce my husband i have three minor children can i get a divorce within two weeks because i want to marry another man??

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05/13/2016 - Evdokia Mikhailova

Hello. I want to get a divorce, we have a child exactly 1 year old. The land is owned by my husband, the car is on credit. I'm currently on maternity leave. What can I expect in a divorce. Everything was taken in marriage.

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05/05/2016 - Timur Manin

Good afternoon My husband and I decided to file for divorce, but he is on a long business trip, can I file documents for both of us with his consent?

04/10/2016 - Timur Dorofanin

Hello. I don’t live with my husband 10. I didn’t communicate. I have an actual husband. The registry office said that they can divorce either when two spouses appear, if not, then only through the court. We have no joint property and children. Did the registry office refuse me the right?

03/28/2016 - Lyudmila Kulikova

GOOD AFTERNOON. When receiving divorce papers at the registry office, do ex-spouses need to be present together?

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03/20/2016 - Irina Matveeva

Good morning! Can I apply without the presence of my spouse?

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03/19/2016 - Lyubov Efimova

son and wife filed for divorce at the registry office no children common property no fee paid can he get a divorce without it

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03/06/2016 - Victoria Sergeeva

can they divorce through the registry office without the consent of the husband, there are no common children?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/04/2016 - Vladimir Revokatov

where can I get a divorce we don’t live together for more than 20 years our daughter is 31 years old I don’t know his place of residence

02/23/2016 - Daniil Felyakin

hello! I want to file for divorce, do I need to go to the registry office or go to court?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/01/2016 - Nikolai Voloshkin

I am from the Stavropol Territory, my parents want to get a divorce, they have not lived together since 2009, two adult children, how to do it

02/01/2016 - Alla Ponomareva

My husband and I have been married for 35 years and have grown children. How quickly can a marriage be dissolved by mutual consent?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/21/2016 - Artem Tikhoy

Hello, my husband and I have not lived together for 3 years, but we are not yet divorced. I am going to file for divorce. Will the divorce last 30 days or will they divorce immediately?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/19/2016 - Valentin Yustitsky

I want to divorce my husband because I don’t want to live with him but he doesn’t want to give a marriage certificate how can I get a divorce and quickly

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/16/2016 - Eduard Mozzhevitinov

Good evening. I had the following situation: I married a girl from a dysfunctional family (not knowing this at that time), I am a military man, after the wedding I went on a business trip a week later, I returned to find out that she was with another. Decided to divorce her. And here problems arose: she disappeared, there is no contact

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/13/2016 - Elena Gromova

How much does it cost to file documents for divorce through the registry office there are no common children

12/20/2015 - Bogdan Kurilev

what documents are needed for a divorce? And how fast can you do it?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/27/2015 - Anna Smirnova

Hello. 4 months have passed since the registration of the marriage. Is it possible to get a divorce? Will the marriage be considered fictitious?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/15/2015 - Ksenia Yakovaleva

Hello, please tell me what documents you need to collect for divorce if there is one minor child

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/09/2015 - Svetlana Konovalova

We have 4 summer child and a mortgage in which the husband is the main borrower and I am the co-borrower. The apartment is in equal shares. Is it possible to transfer the mortgage to me during a divorce and how will we be divorced, through the court or at the registry office?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/08/2015 - Ksenia Belyaeva

Hello, I wrote about 5 minutes ago. My form takes a long time to load, can you consult online or display the form again? I have a 4-year-old child and a mortgage with my husband, in which he is the main borrower. Can I transfer the mortgage only to myself during a divorce? and how we will be divorced in the normal mode or only through

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/05/2015 - Diana Shcherbakova

Hello, what are the changes in 2015 with a divorce? We lived 35 years. They say that this service has risen in price.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/05/2015 - Larisa Panina

Hello! My name is. Tell me, please, such a moment .... if we filed for divorce, mutual desire, then a month is given. as far as I know, one of the spouses is given a form with which this one spouse must already appear in this month and the divorce will be carried out, and if this

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/04/2015 - Eduard Sidnyaev

My husband filed an application for divorce with the registry office three days ago, changed his mind, can he pick him up and what is needed for this?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/04/2015 - Leonid Golokolenko

If without mutual, minor children, property and other claims, age 60, - a month through the registry office?

10/18/2015 - Vasily Slonimsky

filed an application for divorce, paid the state duty. The day of termination is November 12, but the husband intends to leave for another city on November 10, will the divorce remain in force and will a certificate of divorce be issued if I come for the document on the appointed day alone, and my husband, at a new place of residence

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/13/2015 - Mikhail Verochkin

Good afternoon We lived with my husband for 10 years. There are no children together. I want to get a divorce without going to court.

09.10.2015 - Anatoly Oluferov

divorce through the registry office? If there are no children and property claims?

02.10.2015 - Nikolai Lupov

we do not run common households, we have been living in different parts of Russia for years, our common children are adults, there is no common property, the spouse is against divorce. Question - can I apply for a divorce at my place of residence, without leaving the place of registration of marriage?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/30/2015 - Nikita Mamashev

Good afternoon My husband and I got married two years ago. I was supposed to change my passport by changing my last name, but I didn’t. Now we want to get divorced. Will they accept an application on an old passport, I want to leave my maiden name.

09/30/2015 - Andrey Polin

Tomorrow I’m going to the registry office with my husband to get a divorce, will they divorce us right away tomorrow, if both agree, we already live in other families, there are no children, no complaints, nothing to share!?)

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/21/2015 - Timur Kipriyanov

The date of the divorce is set for October 2, is it possible to get a divorce earlier due date since I'm leaving and there is no guarantee that ex-husband will come to the registry office?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/15/2015 - Vladislav Reshetnyak

dissolution of marriage with an elastic who lives in Russia.

09/09/2015 - Eduard Mezhakov

Hello! My husband and I are married in another city, I live in the city where my husband is registered. Can I apply for a divorce at the local registry office?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/07/2015 - Gennady Shatsky

Hello, we want to get a divorce, my wife is Ukrainian, we got married in Ukraine. What complications can there be, now we are in Russia, she has a residence permit. Thank you.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/05/2015 - Kristina Konovalova

the apartment was in a social lease, then it was privatized for a daughter and mother during a divorce, do I have a part of the apartment?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/19/2015 - Evgenia Makarova

Very nice, my name is Anna. Please tell me for a divorce, I can apply for a divorce at any registry office in my city or where I signed? And will I be the one to file for divorce and pay the state fee for myself?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/16/2015 - Grigory Granov

Good afternoon. I have a power supply ... When separated, it is necessary in the registry office to obyazhkovo indicate the reason why it is separated ???

07/13/2015 - Zhanna Stepanova

Good afternoon I want to get a divorce through the registry office. How much does the registry office service cost? and where can i get the req?

07/11/2015 - Georgy Tikhonyuk

I want to divorce my husband! What documents do you need and what is the cost?

06/19/2015 - Lidia Ryabova

Hello! tell me what is the difference between divorce through the registry office or the court? Thank you

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/14/2015 - Yakov Nadezhin

Hello. I want to file for divorce. The marriage was concluded in 2006, but we have a minor son born in 2003. Received a certificate of paternity. Can we be divorced at the registry office or do we need to apply to the court?

How sad, although natural, that in a few years life together in marriage, people begin to realize that they are not suitable for each other, and, consequently, all the obligations given by them in the civil registry offices (ZAGS) are a farce. Over 18% of young couples already after two or three years of marriage, they want to get a divorce, without thinking about the consequences of divorce not only for them, but also for joint children, if any. The divorce process is a simple matter, but such questions as: “in which registry office can you get a divorce?”, “How does the divorce take place in the registry office and the court?”, “How to quickly and competently get a divorce without causing pain and taking into account the conditions of the second half?” and many others are sure to make you think.

Where to apply?

Before the divorce procedure is launched, and both of them have a desire to divorce, the spouses need to sit down and talk. The procedure for divorce will depend only on you, and mutual consent to divorce and the ability to compromise is the key to your joint success. To file a divorce, and accordingly, you can apply:

  • to court;
  • in the registry office

If the marriage was civil, then there will be no divorce in the registry office or court, but the situation will be different with the division of property - you will have to prove your rights through the court.

Apply through the registry office

Divorce through the registry office - enough simple procedure which will only require your time. You need to file a divorce at the registry office when:

  • you do not have minor children (find out);
  • there is property not exceeding the value of 50,000 rubles.

Recall that minor child, according to the law of the Russian Federation, is considered as a person who has reached the age of 18 summer age, and emancipated, that is, having confirmed its viability and independence up to the age specified by law.

If during a divorce at the registry office it turns out that there are adopted children in the family, then the case will automatically be considered through litigation. Only when the minor child is not a common one, but a son or daughter from a previous union, the civil registry offices will definitely not refuse you and accept an application for divorce (if the state fee is paid).

You can get divorced:

  • when there is a statement from both parties;
  • when there is a statement from one side.

When there is a statement from both spouses

So, the most comfortable procedure is a divorce through the registry office, as well as mutual consent and writing statements, if there is:

  1. passports;
  2. paid stamp duty.

If one of the family members cannot appear, then a notarized application must be submitted. The marriage is dissolved at the location of either spouse (at your discretion), and the presence of one of the family members when the divorce proceedings are in progress is mandatory.

When there is a statement from only one party

Divorce in the registry office also takes place when one of the spouses wishes it, and the second is considered:

  • incompetent;
  • is convicted for three (as well as more than years) and is serving a sentence;
  • missing, meaning his whereabouts are unknown.

A divorce can only be filed by a family member to whom the above conditions do not apply. In this case, even with a minor child in your arms, you will be divorced in the registry office within three weeks, having previously notified any guardian of the incapacitated half, or the spouse who is in places of deprivation of liberty. Here are the documents required in this case, in addition to the application you wrote:

  1. passport;
  2. marriage certificate;
  3. state duty (receipt of payment);
  4. a court decision declaring one of the spouses incompetent, missing, or a sentence of imprisonment for a term of three or more years.

Registration of the place of residence of the guardian or the address of the institution in which the convicted person is serving his sentence must be indicated when applying to the registry office.

Apply through the court

The Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 21) also provides for a divorce through the court, which is more troublesome than a divorce in the registry office, since you will not only have to get a divorce, but also take into account all the rules regarding the division of property, payment of alimony, and so on. Here are the rules for dissolution of marriage in the judicial authorities:

  1. writing a claim;
  2. there are minor children;
  3. consent to divorce unilaterally;
  4. when someone evades divorce through the registry office.

Within a three-day period, after the appeal, the materials are transferred to the registry office, and a month later - a meeting in the judiciary. Most often, the process of dissolution of family ties occurs, both in connection with the inability to have children, and with alcoholism, and with physical violence, and with separate residence, etc. The specific reasons for the divorce that caused the divorce proceedings are not clarified in court.

Termination procedure by mutual agreement

In the judiciary, a quick divorce is possible only with the mutual consent of the parties, or when someone avoids this event in the civil registry offices. Just as quickly, a marriage is dissolved if the spouses have concluded an agreement between themselves, in which they stipulated the procedure for dividing property, settled the issue with the child (with whom he will remain) and alimony, and determined the amount of payments for the maintenance of the other spouse.

Termination in case of disagreement with the divorce

Also, the judicial authorities consider the divorce process if there is no agreement between the parties or one of the couple does not want a divorce. In this case, the reasons and all materials regarding the dissolution of the marriage will be considered in order, if necessary, to satisfy the divorce claim, or to give time (up to three months) to resolve the conflict. If, even after deliberation, discord in the family continues, and the plaintiff insists, the marriage is annulled. The final registration of a divorce takes place in the registry office.

Which option you choose depends only on you, but remember that if you want to do everything quickly, make a compromise, otherwise the divorce process will drag on for years.

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