Child development: third month of life. How to help a child develop properly at three months

In the third month of life, both the physical and neuropsychic development of the child is proceeding at a rapid pace: literally every day you notice something new: now he has already begun to turn his head, following his mother with his eyes, now he is trying to grab a toy hanging above his chest, and here, lying on his stomach , raised not only the head, but also the shoulders ...

Of course, new skills do not come by themselves, you need to continue to study with the baby. Since he can already be awake for 1.5-2 hours in a row, the duration of classes can be increased to 25-30 minutes. It is necessary to continue the "finger games": "The white-sided magpie cooked porridge", etc. These exercises not only stimulate hand movements, but also contribute to the development of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex. At healthy child games cause a lively emotional reaction - a smile, a long buzz, and by the end of the month - laughter.

Massage and gymnastics classes continue. By the end of the month, crossing and breeding the arms are added to the initial set of exercises, then turning on the side. If the baby is engaged in swimming, then these classes continue in the third month - usually after massage and gymnastics, every other day.

If the child has so far grown mainly in diapers, now it's time to change his clothes - he needs sliders for the time of wakefulness. At room temperature at winter time 21-22°C there is no need to wear woolen socks over the sliders, although they can be used while walking. Pampering, wrapping the baby leads to the fact that he sweats and easily catches a cold in drafts. At the above room temperature, you can put on a child during wakefulness short pants(cropped sliders, overalls), socks or stockings. Let him stay with bare knees, first 10-15 minutes, and then the entire period of wakefulness. This is one form of hardening.

The diet remains the same - six feedings every 3.5 hours with a six-hour night break, but some artificial children can already be transferred to 5 meals a day (after 4 hours) by the end of the month. The set of recommended milk mixtures also remains the same. In the third month of life, many children, especially those born in the cold seasons of the year, may develop initial signs vitamin D-deficient rickets (including in children who receive a prophylactic dose of vitamin D). Parents can pay attention to the increased excitability of the baby, sweating, frequent urination, baldness of the back of the head. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary: ​​you may have to increase the dose of vitamin D, change the drug, change the child's diet.

After 2 months, some children who have not previously had obvious signs disorders of the nervous system, but who underwent hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) in prenatal period or at birth, neurological disorders may occur: hyperexcitability, tearfulness, trembling of hands and chin when screaming, changes muscle tone- the child resists when trying to spread his legs or arms, with support under the armpits, he does not rely on the entire foot, but only on his fingers. If parents notice such features in their baby, it is urgent to contact a pediatric neurologist. In the third month of life - if the child has not been examined by these doctors before - all children also need to consult an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist.

Of course, increased excitability is not always a manifestation of perinatal damage to the nervous system. Often the reason for it is that in the third month of a child’s life, parents are already getting used to him, they begin to treat the baby more calmly, they can violate his regimen, invite guests, and remember the existence of a TV. Noisy conversations, loud modern "music" significantly excite the immature nervous system of the child, exhaust it. In the room where the child lives, there should not be a TV, and recordings of modern pop music with an accentuated rhythm cannot be turned on either. At the same time, it is necessary to continue to sing to the child, to listen to melodic soft music with him.

By the end of the 3rd month healthy child gains weight by about 800-900 grams, its growth increases by 2-2.5 cm.

The size of the circumferences of the head and chest also increases - the circumference chest gradually "catching up" with the circumference of the head, although there is still less of the latter.

Child development and care from birth to three years Valeria Vyacheslavovna Fadeeva

3rd month

Daily regime

On average, a child eats 6 times a day every 3.5 hours (if you are breastfeeding your baby on demand, then more is possible, depending on the wishes of the crumbs).

The periods of wakefulness after feeding are 1-2 hours. Sleep after waking - 1.5-2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 4 times. The baby is already beginning to navigate the time of day.

Some kids sleep through the night after the evening feeding without waking up.

Remember walking.

Sleep baby

By 3 months, intervals of wakefulness appear in the baby's daily routine. At this age, night sleep gradually becomes longer than daytime sleep. The child now sleeps several times a day for 1.5–2 hours.

To help your baby fall asleep, close the curtains in the room and gently rock the crib.

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SIXTH MONTH At the end of the sixth month of pregnancy, developing child fingers and toes are visible, eyelids separate and eyes open. His height is already about 33 cm, weight - 910 g (Fig. 13). His skin is shiny and contains some fat in the subcutaneous tissue. In case of premature

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EIGHTH MONTH At the end of the eighth month, the child can see and hear. Almost all systems of his body (except lungs) are well developed. The brain grows especially intensively during this period. At this stage of pregnancy, the length of the child's body is approximately 45 cm, weight - 2500 g. In the case of

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NINTH MONTH By the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby is fully developed. He weighs more than 3 kg, has a body length of about 50 cm, should lie head down and move less, since he no longer has enough space in the uterus (Fig. 16). If, according to the results of analyzes or

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Ninth month By this time the child takes correct position, turning his head to the exit of the birth canal. He adds about 5 cm of height and about 1 kg of weight. Now he takes up so much space in the uterus that he has almost nowhere to move and his activity is noticeable.

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Baby at 1 month Feeding. He eats six times a day, of which once or even twice at night. Feeding hours become more and more constant. Those that at night gradually move away towards morning. The amount of milk drunk is not constant. Movement. In sleep, the arms and legs are still bent. Sleeping on

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1st month The first examination of the newborn The child in the first hours of his independent living experiencing the greatest shock. After a 9-month stay in paradise - a warm, secluded, safe place - in the mother's belly, when he is born, he immediately finds himself in a completely different world.

From the author's book

3rd month Daily routine? On average, the child eats 6 times a day every 3.5 hours (if you are breastfeeding your baby on demand, then perhaps more, depending on the desires of the crumbs).? Waking periods after feeding are 1-2 hours . Sleep after waking - 1.5-2 hours. Happy

From the author's book

4th month Daily routine? On average, the child eats 6 times a day every 3.5 hours (if you breastfeed on demand, then more).? The periods of wakefulness after feeding are 1-2 hours.? Sleep after wakefulness lasts 1, 5–2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 4 times.? Remember about walks. Worries

From the author's book

5th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? Wake periods after feeding are 1.5–2 hours. The kid is growing up and daytime sleep becomes more sensitive. It doesn't mean that

From the author's book

6th month Daily routine? On average, the child eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? Wake periods after feeding are 1.5–2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 2 times.? Massage and gymnastics are best done during the second wakefulness period.

From the author's book

7th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? Wake periods after feeding are 1.5–2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 3 times.? Massage and gymnastics, as before, during the second wakefulness.

From the author's book

8th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? The periods of wakefulness after feeding are 1.5–2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 3 times. It is very important to observe the daily routine, as its violation can lead to discord.

From the author's book

9th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? Wake periods after feeding are 2–2.5 hours.? Sleep after wakefulness lasts 1.5–2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 2-3 times. If you put your baby to sleep late, do not be surprised that in the evening he

From the author's book

10th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? Wake periods after feeding are 2–2.5 hours. During the day, the child still sleeps 2-3 times.? Do gymnastics in the second period of wakefulness for about

From the author's book

11th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times a day every 4 hours.? Wake periods after feeding are 2–2.5 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 2 times (some children switch to one daytime sleep).?

From the author's book

12th month Daily routine? On average, the baby eats 5 times every 4 hours.? Waking periods after feeding are 2-2.5 hours.? Sleep after wakefulness lasts 1.5-2 hours. During the day, the child sleeps 2 times (some children switch to one daytime sleep).?

In the first year, the child develops very rapidly. New skills appear literally every day, and very often kids “give out” a whole range of innovations at once, making a real leap. Especially indicative in this regard is the third month of a baby's life.

The development of a child at 3 months is the result of everything that the baby has learned in the past. After the adaptation to the new conditions and way of existence is over, the child begins to actively study the world. His physical, mental, emotional and social development enters the active phase.

You can highlight the main "achievements" that a child demonstrates at 3 months:

  1. Due to the intensive development of subcutaneous adipose tissue, a 3-month-old baby "rounds out": his body becomes plump, cheeks and folds-dressings appear on the limbs.
  2. Physically, the baby acquires new skills. By 3 months, children master the coup from the back to the tummy, and lying on their stomach, they can rise for several minutes, leaning on their forearms.
  3. A semblance of a daily routine begins to emerge: the child begins to sleep and wake up at about the same hours, so it becomes easier for mom to plan her day. .
  4. The period begins when the baby tries everything “by the tooth”.

Well, now let's talk in more detail about the development of the child in all areas.

Height and weight

The physical development of the child is always very exciting for both parents and pediatricians. Monthly visits to the clinic are accompanied not only by a general examination, but also by measuring weight and height. In general, the indicator of the norm of height and weight is very conditional. For a child at 3 months old, you can roughly focus on the following numbers:

  • Weight 3-6 kg.
  • Height 54-64 cm.

Height and weight are affected different factors: weight and height at birth, type of nutrition, genetics. The tables used by most pediatricians were developed by Soviet specialists and compiled on the basis of data on children receiving artificial formula.

height and weight gain table (click to enlarge)

Currently, many mothers are set up exclusively for breastfeeding, so the parameters of the baby may differ from the tabular figures. For a pediatrician, this may be a reason to talk about underweight or excess body weight, but if you are breastfeeding, remember that gains on breastfeeding can be from 0.5 to 2 kg. It is simply impossible to overfeed a child with breast milk, it is possible to underfeed only if the feeding technique is violated (). For example, if the mother does not allow the baby to be at the breast as long as he requires, or often changes breasts.

Mothers of infants should be more calm about discrepancies in the height and weight of the child with certain numbers. If a child is active, eats, sleeps, explores the world around him, if he pees at least 12 times a day and poops 6-8 times, his hair and nails grow, then he is in perfect order.

Reflexes at three months

The behavior of the infant and the actions he performs are regulated with the help of reflexes and instincts. Most reflexes in newborns already fade by 3 months. So, for example, at this age, the presence of the following reflexes may indicate a neurological pathology:

  • search reflex (in response to stroking the corner of the lips, the child turns his head towards the stimulus and opens his mouth);
  • proboscis reflex (touch upper lip leads to the fact that the child stretches the lips in the form of a proboscis);
  • Babkin's reflex (when pressing a finger on the baby's palm, he opens his mouth and moves his head forward).

Some reflexes may still be preserved. For example, the Moro reflex, which is expressed in the fact that the child throws up his arms and spreads his fingers when he is laid on his back or his legs are raised above the surface. This ancient reflex is evolved to protect the child from falling.

But the sucking reflex and the crawling reflex at 3 months are still very pronounced, since they are directly involved in the survival and harmonious development of the child.

New skills

Two main skills that are formed by 3 months:

  • the ability to roll over from the back to the tummy;
  • the ability to raise the head and shoulders with support on the forearms.

In this matter, too, there are no strict rules. Some of the babies perform all these actions as early as three months, someone begins to make the first attempts only closer to 4-5 months. Each little man has his own rate of development, so if the baby is healthy and has no neurological problems, he will definitely learn to roll over and rise ().

By the way, the process of mastering new skills can be slightly accelerated. The following tips will help parents:

  1. to standard daily gymnastics add an exercise that stimulates coups. The kid lies on his back, his right leg needs to be raised, holding it by the lower leg, and led to the left, as if throwing it over the body. This moment in the rollovers is the most difficult for the child, because it is he who gives the whole body an impulse to make a movement. Later babes learn to push themselves off a horizontal surface.
  2. Conscientiously perform the entire set of exercises recommended by pediatricians. All new physical skills are based on a common good development baby's body and muscles.
  3. To contribute to the development of the second skill can be very in a simple way: Place your baby on your stomach regularly. And to make it interesting to lie in such a position, lay out bright toys in front of him. An excellent option for this age is a developmental rug. On it, the baby will not be bored either on the back or on the tummy. Many rugs have a small round mirror included. Looking at your reflection there, lying on your stomach, is a fascinating experience.

Try to often praise the baby for all his achievements, although there are usually no problems with this: moms and dads are sincerely happy when they see what can beloved child.

Another safety tip: after your baby has learned to roll over, don't leave him alone on high surfaces (on a couch or changing table). On such surfaces, the child can only be with an adult, otherwise he may fall and even get injured. If you need to leave the room, put the baby in a crib or deck chair.


Development of the psyche and emotional sphere (mental development in three months)

Mental and emotional development by 3 months is also gaining momentum. First of all, the sense organs and basic mental functions are developing very actively.

Moms take note!

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Vision has changed significantly. Now the child is able to follow the moving toy with his eyes, is able to peer into the object. This means that the baby develops object perception: he begins to perceive the object as a complex of properties, and the more senses he can perceive the object, the more information about the object of observation he will receive. That is why babies love so much not only to examine, but also to try to bite or lick everything that gets into the pen.


The child's hearing also develops and improves. At the age of 3 months, the baby already perfectly isolates different sounds from the general background, can accurately determine the source of the sound, and, of course, already knows his native voices very well. At his mother's voice, the baby turns his head in her direction and smiles.

Sensation and perception for a child at 3 months are the main mental processes through which the study of the surrounding world takes place. These two processes occur in all spheres of feeling: sight, hearing, smell, touch. Baby loves to touch different surfaces and objects, lick rattles, look at pictures and faces of people, enjoy different sounds.

Huge progress is observed in the emotional sphere. At 3 months, children begin to give their first conscious smiles, the most sincere and open. The main innovation of this age is the "revitalization complex" - a vivid emotional reaction that a child demonstrates when a close adult appears. The "revitalization complex" is manifested not only in smiles. The kid begins to actively walk, move his arms and legs, showing in every way how glad he is to see a loved one.

Nutrition and sleep

As we have already said, by three months the daily routine begins to take shape. This mode will change several times, but for mom there is already some certainty and the opportunity to plan her affairs. Basically, the baby, like a newborn child, spends time eating and sleeping, but periods of active wakefulness are already appearing. The main questions in this regard: how much does a three-month-old baby eat and how much sleep?

Sleep, as before, takes up most of the day. At this age, children sleep in total up to 17 hours. Usually, 9-10 hours of them fall at night, and the rest are distributed over 4 daytime sleeps.

A lot can be said about food, but we will focus on the main points.

If the baby's nutrition is a mixture from a bottle, then the regimen and volume of feeding is determined by the recommendations of the manufacturers adapted mixture. Children who are on breastfeeding, breastfeed on demand and stay at the breast for as long as they need it.

For mothers who are breastfeeding, it will be useful to know that 3 months is the time for a growth spurt and lactation crisis. This is a kind of turning point, which is very important to pass successfully.


The child is actively exploring the world, so attachment to the breast may be difficult. Many mothers say that the child begins to spin, look around, look at everything around, distracted from the chest. Some changes also occur in the mother’s body: by this time, lactation is getting better, and the woman stops feeling hot flashes.

Not knowing about such features, restless behavior the mother can interpret the baby at the breast and the absence of hot flashes as a lack of milk and start supplementary feeding with the mixture. Doing this is not worth it. At the very critical period, which lasts only a couple of days, it is better to focus on the child and constantly offer breasts, putting aside all household and personal affairs - this will help maintain lactation and successfully overcome a difficult moment.

Pediatricians of the old school and loving grandmothers not infrequently begin to insist on the introduction of complementary foods at 3 months of age. Usually we are talking about apple juice, and then puree. For children on breastfeeding These recommendations are no longer valid.


What to do with the baby - games with a child

In moments of active wakefulness, the baby is no longer interested in just lying in the crib. An inquisitive little one strives for this in order to see and hear something new and interesting. funny gamethe best activity with baby.

Games at this age are quite simple and short. It's great if the game is accompanied funny nursery rhyme or just a poem. The fact is that speech begins to develop at 3 months. The child makes the first sounds, which in the scientific language are called pre-speech vocalizations. These are lingering vowel sounds: woo, aaaa, uh-uh. For full development speech simply needs to hear the words and sounds. Folklore works are the best for babies, because they were specially composed by our ancestors and are always pronounced in a singsong voice.

Within the game, you can finger gymnastics, massage of the palms and feet, or invite the baby to touch with his pen different textures(pieces of cloth, cereals, etc.). Rattle games too great option for 3 months.

You can invite the child to consider large pictures in the book, be sure to pronounce and name all objects and details. The pictures themselves for this age should be very schematic and simple.

Communication with the child is important not only during the games. Conversations with the baby should accompany every contact with him, whether it's dressing for a walk or changing a diaper. Speech should be emotional and calm. For a child, this is not only a way of development, but also an indicator of mother's love and acceptance, and this is even more important than new information and skills.

What to do with a 3-month-old baby (video)

third month of life. Child development calendar and, finally, to get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

In this article:

A newborn who is already two months old is no longer a helpless creature. Now his body has become stronger, his face takes on a meaningful expression, and reactions to the world around him are changing. Rapid development will take place throughout the first year of life, and the difference between two and three months old is significant.

mental development

The third month of a newborn's life is marked by the fact that he begins to recognize his mother's voice, distinguish objects and hear smells. Because reactions small child are already making sense: he cries when he is ill and smiles, laughs when he is well, but if the baby does not like something, then he begins to scream loudly.

Now, communication with parents and grandparents is becoming two-way: the newborn answers the words of adults in his own words, but still with a hoot. The child begins to understand that he is most comfortable in the arms of relatives, therefore he may begin to demand this more and more often.

At three months, a newborn loves to listen to music, so it is recommended to hang it over the crib musical toy, which will spin so that the child can establish a relationship between what he hears and what he sees.

The nature of crying also changes and parents can now determine what is bothering their baby:

  • hungry crying begins with a loud sob and quickly develops into a loud cry;
  • if the child rubs his eyes and turns his head, while crying with capricious notes, then he just wants to sleep;
  • crying from pain begins abruptly, it is continuous and shrill;
  • if the child has increased intracranial pressure, then he may cry monotonously and regularly in the evenings, which should force the parents to see a doctor.

Physical development

Development in progress 3 month old baby physically abrupt. You can notice daily how his arms and legs are getting stronger. The baby is already independently turning over from the back to the side and is kept in this position. He also makes attempts to sit, but at the same time he needs to be held a little by the ass.

Now the child turns his head, following his mother with his eyes, makes attempts to grab the toy, and lying on his stomach, along with his head, raises his shoulders. If you hold the child by the armpits, then he is already able to lean on his legs, which he usually likes to do. But it is not advisable to use this technique as a permanent exercise, since the motor apparatus is far from ready for such loads.

At this age, a newborn plays with his hands, reaches for rattles, brings objects to his mouth and face, learns to clap his hands.

Basic games for a newborn baby at 3 months:

  1. "Roll call" with mom, that is, parents talk to the child and wait for an answer from him. Sweet words Mom pronounces slowly and clearly, so the little man listens to her speech. Words are pronounced smoothly, you can use nursery rhymes and songs for this. The mother's monologue lasts about a minute - one and a half, and then the baby should publish response words- sounds. At the same time, it is better to pronounce words with many drawn out vowels, so it will be easier for the newborn to understand them and try to repeat them.
  2. An exercise that develops grasping reflex and teaches to hold objects. As a toy, you need to use a bright noisy rattle that will slowly move around the child, then approaching him, then moving away so much that he wants to grab it. When this happens at least once, the baby is already happy and enhanced energy will try to do it again and again.
  3. A conversation with mom begins with saying another song or rhyme to him, and all the words and sounds are spoken very expressively, with different necessary intonations, prompting the child to repeat the movement of his lips after his mother. So he learns to coordinate the movement of the lips and make sounds.

Daily routine and walks

When the baby is 3 months old, he sleeps less and is more and more actively awake. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually add hardening with the help of air baths to gymnastics, massage and swimming in the bathroom.

It is still necessary to observe the regimen of a 3-month-old baby. Night sleep should take 8-10 hours, possibly with occasional waking up for food. At the same time, during the day, the baby can sleep several more times for 1.5 - 2 hours.

It is advisable to go out with him for this period Fresh air which is good for both baby and mother. In addition, walks should take at least 6 hours a day, in any weather, with the exception of heavy rain and hard frost.

The morning of the baby begins with washing, and if necessary, with cleansing the ears and nose. Required hygiene procedures during for after toilet. But, the main bathing is every evening, which brings a lot of pleasure and 3 month old baby, and his parents. In the bath, you can add a decoction of chamomile or string.


The main food of a newborn at the age of three months remains breast milk, but a variety of complementary foods should not be added. The baby should have at least 6 meals per day with an approximate break of 3.5 hours.

If mother's milk is not enough, then after consulting with a pediatrician, you can add baby formula, but it’s still better to try to increase lactation by all available means. Of course, infant formulas are produced in accordance with all state standards, but they are absorbed by the body longer and can cause allergic reactions.

Considering the development of a child of 3 months of life, it must be remembered that he has already grown up, learned to roll over and mastered the grasping reflex, therefore all the space surrounding him must be freed from various unnecessary to the child items.

Each toy will now be tasted, so everything that can get to little man in the hands, and then in the mouth, be sure to wash warm water with soap and rinse thoroughly.

A child at three months is already interested in the outside world and parents should help him in this. You also need to make sure that nervous system the baby was not overloaded, because whims and crying should not be a part of the child’s life, parents can always take their child in their arms, hold him close to him, shake him and calm him down.

Useful video about the development of a child at 3 months

A child is 3 months old: what changes await the baby by the age of three months?

Your baby continues to grow and develop confidently. You and him are already used to each other, and it is much easier than before for you to understand his signals and needs.

The first year of a baby's life is the period of the most intensive development. Such rates will never happen again in my life. But even during this period there are phases of faster and slower growth. And the third month is just the acceleration phase.

Three months of a baby's life is the very first milestone, and all moms are looking forward to achieving it. The child already consciously “communicates” with parents, recognizes strangers, knows how to laugh contagiously and even learns to be capricious! How many things your baby already knows!

What is the first thing to pay attention to? How to help the baby in his development? These and others important questions we have to consider.

And we will start with the main thing - how does a child develop in the third month of life?

In the third month of life, children on average gain 800-900 grams in weight, and grow by two to three centimeters. In general, in the first three months, babies grow on average 10 centimeters and weigh more than two kilograms.

According to average indicators, at three months the volume of the boy's head is about 41 centimeters, and the chest is 41.5 centimeters. In girls, both of these parameters are slightly smaller - about 40 centimeters.

Those undershirts and suits in which your baby “drowned” when discharged from the hospital become small for him. It's time for periods of wakefulness to wear baby sliders.

The musculoskeletal system of the child continues to strengthen every day. Will be gone by the end of this month increased tone muscles. The baby holds his head well, being in vertical position in the arms of loved ones. He can freely turn his head in all directions.

The arms, legs, torso and neck of the crumbs become more mobile. He can unclench his fingers, grab a toy, pull it towards him.

Particular attention from the baby during this period is awarded to his hands - so far this is the most interesting toy. He is ready to consider them for a long time, brings them to his face, follows their movements. The kid is happy to work with his fingers, clenching and unclenching his fists. Watching these movements, the baby understands that this is his pen and that he independently controls it.

On this moment one of the best for kids important tasks- coordination of hand movements. He pulls them into his mouth, tries to connect them together, tries to reach out to the toys he sees. If mom now gives him a rattle, the baby will immediately grab it tightly.

It is very useful to help the child in his "training". You can fix a mobile on the crib - a pendant with ringing moving figures, or put the baby on a special developing rug with arcs on which toys of different shapes and sizes hang. Capturing such miscellaneous items, the child will strengthen the small muscles of the fingers.

The most important posture for a baby is the tummy position. In this position, he learns to coordinate his movements and keep his balance.

If, lying on the back, the child cannot see something well, he is already able to consciously roll over on his side. This skill is another significant achievement three month old baby. At the same time, you can notice that more often it turns to one side. Experts associate this phenomenon with its intrauterine position. Over time, this priority will disappear, but it still does not hurt to teach the baby to roll over on an unusual barrel, luring him with bright singing toys.

Lying on the tummy, the baby can slightly rise on the handles.

The baby has already “found” its arms and legs, and is actively playing with them. But mom and dad can help him get to know the rest of the body. Show your baby the eyes, nose and mouth, first on your face, and then on his - just touch the same parts of his face.

If you support the baby by the armpits, he will bend the legs and rest them against the support. The child will really like this position - after all, the review is much larger from here! If you put a ball in front of his legs, the baby will kick it with pleasure. However, doctors do not yet recommend putting the baby on legs - his spine is not yet ready for such loads.

The daily routine is still dominated by sleep, but now the periods of wakefulness are increasing - the baby “walks” about 9 hours a day. All this time he is active and shows interest in everything that happens around him. If the baby notices something new, he focuses his eyes on it, studies and smiles broadly.

The child is able to actively respond to relatives, smiles a lot, communicates with the help of cooing, knows how to communicate his mood with the help of rich facial expressions.

At this time, the baby can already sleep longer at night, or even sleep all night without waking up.

The child is very receptive to different sounds, both loud and quiet. Hearing an unfamiliar sound, he still freezes until the source of the sound is found. But, as soon as the source is found, the baby begins to move actively again.

The peanut is able to distinguish music from people's conversation. Now it is useful for him to tell not only nursery rhymes, but also poetic tales.

Visual impressions become even more important for the crumbs. He enjoys looking at everything around him.

Due to the fact that the baby has become much more mobile, you should be very careful not to leave him unattended and make sure that he does not fall.

Since the age of three months is a turning point in the development of the baby, it is necessary to go through all the specialists with him, check the reflexes and pass the necessary tests.

During this period, the active development of the psyche of the baby begins.

If before the main way of communication between the crumbs and others was crying, now it fades into the background, giving way to a smile - universal remedy connections. But mom already knows that her baby has a whole arsenal of different smiles that he uses depending on the situation.

Right now, parents will hear the first real laugh of the crumbs. He also learns to act up, mostly out of boredom, and whine about it. In addition, the baby is ready to show his character, to insist on his own, using a cry for this. But you can’t deceive your mother with this - she already knows exactly how the baby cries in conditions of severe discomfort, and can distinguish such crying from “fake”.

But the joy of a child is expressed not only by a smile. He has fun with his whole body, waving his arms and legs, grimacing funny faces and makes funny sounds.

The baby needs communication more and more. He finds his mother with a look, turns to her voice, reacts to her words, and waits for an answer to "his". The kid joyfully hums, using already the syllables “aha”, “aha”, “boo”. When he communicates, the whole body takes part in the conversation, the arms and legs actively gesticulate.

It is very important now to stimulate this first speech of the child: talk to him, pronounce his name, walk with him, comment on your actions, while not forgetting to give him time to respond. All this will entail the harmonious development of communication skills.

The baby is happy to imitate your facial expressions. If a stranger bends over him, he will freeze and begin to examine him carefully. In response to the smile of a stranger, the baby will smile uncertainly.

Now the child actively learns the world, learning to interact with it. He understands the purpose of some items and notices their disappearance.

TO inborn reflexes added conditioned reflexes and conscious skills. For example, if you put the baby in the usual position for feeding, he will begin to smack his lips.

In many babies, after two months, the morning or evening phases of wakefulness begin to predominate. This is how "larks" appear - those who are more active in the morning, and "owls" - showing increased activity in the evening hours. Most likely, this leading type of nervous activity that has now appeared will also pass into adulthood.

The kid can walk and alone with himself. But still he really needs the attention of mom and dad. For this, he is ready to use the whole set of means: a smile, crying, screaming, cooing, whimpering, etc. You should not ignore him, because what could be more pleasant for a mother than communicating with her baby?

Many mothers are interested in knowing what the baby will be able to do in the third month of life? In summary, it can be argued that:

  • in the prone position, he can pull himself up on his elbows and hold his shoulders and head for about 10 seconds;
  • can roll over from back to side;
  • in the arms of mom and dad pulls up the body, holds the head;
  • grabs a toy with handles and pulls it into her mouth;
  • if you support it under the armpits, it rests with its legs on a solid support;
  • using pens, studies his face, eyes, mouth;
  • knows how to laugh for real;
  • smiles a lot;
  • crying less than before
  • able to recognize family members;
  • knows how to be capricious, whimper when something is “not his way”;
  • distinguishes speech, music and other sounds;
  • tries in every possible way to attract the attention of relatives;
  • “talks” with an adult, actively hums;
  • shows preferences - he may like one toy more than others;
  • reacts to sound by turning its head in search of its source;
  • starts showing memory when waiting for some action;
  • knows how to squeal with delight;
  • can connect handles.

Every day there are more and more opportunities for the development of crumbs. So, if you want to help him, use these simple tips:

1. Walk a lot with your child, in any weather. He really needs fresh air. Naturally, if the temperature outside is lower than -10, the walk should be replaced with an open window, while the baby should be warmly dressed.

Little by little, accustom the baby to the sun. After all, the sun's rays help strengthen the body, increase immunity. Be sure to ensure that there are no drafts and no direct sun rays on the baby.

2. Harden the child. Rubdowns can be used air baths, complexes of gymnastics and massage, which will help you choose in the clinic. It is advisable to combine all this with nursery rhymes and songs.

3. Introduce your child to the outside world. During the walk, when he is awake, tell him everything that is happening around. When you do something at home, explain it to the baby. Introduce him to different fabrics and invoices.

4. Buy a playpen for your baby. Being active in it is very useful for the crumbs, because there he can move freely without risk to himself. Playing in the arena with beautiful bright toys, the child will always be in a good mood.

5. Communicate actively with your child. Talk to him. Make faces together, teach your child a variety of facial expressions, puff out your cheeks, smack your lips, stick out your tongue. This is not just a fun pastime, but also a workout of the nasolabial muscles that are so important for the formation of speech.

6. Play with your child. Hang some easy-to-grab toys near him that he can reach. Such training not only strengthens the small muscles of the fingers and adds tactile sensations, but will also help in the future when writing. In addition, hand movements associated with speech areas brain, help the development of speech. Put toys in the right, then in the left palm of the baby different shapes and invoices, take them and offer again. Let him touch, grab, hold. The main thing is that he likes it.

7. Do some music therapy. Pick up a collection of classics, sounds of nature for him. Information about the benefits of certain compositions can always be found on the Internet. But just don't overdo it! Watch your baby's emotions, and if he doesn't like it, don't force him.

And, of course, don't forget the lullabies. Scientists have proven that they have a very beneficial effect on the development of crumbs.

8. Stimulate the development of baby's vision. Hang pictures and drawings on the walls, remembering to change them periodically. Name the depicted objects, explain their purpose, voice the drawn animals. Let this be a fun game for you and your baby.

9. Play peek-a-boo - cover your face with your hands, as if hiding, and then open it, saying "cuckoo". You will see, the kid will love this game very much.

10. Dance, spin, swing in different sides along with the little one.

11. Do not leave the baby unattended. Remove everything dangerous from the reach - chemicals, sharp, breakable, toxic objects, plants, small parts.

12. Keep toys and surroundings clean. Remember - now he is studying everything through his mouth, so dirty things should not get there. Wash toys in soapy water.

Now your beloved baby's "mental" - psyche and "bodily" - motor skills are closely connected and intertwined. Emotions stimulate movement, and, conversely, muscle activity helps the development of the psyche. Playing with a child, constantly communicating with him, you will not only improve him physical state but also contribute to its development mental sphere. And, of course, a constant and generous display of love for your baby is better than all other factors to cope with his task. harmonious development. However, you already know this very well, don't you?

Love your baby, grow up healthy and happy!
Anna Kutyavina for site site