What to do on vacation: the best ideas. Useful activities - putting things in order after playing, washing doll clothes, cooking, etc. Children's Book Week at the Russian Children's Library

Hello, dear readers!

All parents can already be congratulated on the almost arrived Day of Knowledge - September 1st. That is, the happy time of the year for all schoolchildren - summer holidays, alas, is over.

The busy days with lessons are beginning, and it doesn’t seem like the time to write about entertainment, but there are still reasons to write an article.

There is an academic year ahead of us in which there will be holidays, holidays, and, unfortunately, sick leave, and simply the need for a break from school. After all, it’s not just about studying... 😉 Therefore, it’s time to think about what to do when children are bored at home and what to do with children at home.

I’ll start with some general good advice that I read in one of the psychological magazines, intended for “worried”, always busy mothers who are unable to distribute their time between work, household chores and activities with the child and because of this they constantly feel guilty.

As it was wisely said there, you shouldn’t think that good mothers constantly and incessantly play with their children. No. You must know:

If during the day you devote at least 15 to 30 minutes of your time to the child, but devote it fully, to nothing else but the child, without distractions, then this will be enough for the child to feel that his mother loves him.

Well, don’t forget to exchange a few phrases with the baby in the remaining time, talk about the mess in the room, and about the sweets eaten before dinner. Everything, as it should be for a real mother :)

After all, our task is not so much to entertain the child, but to show him how many different activities exist, how interesting it is to do them, and what, in my opinion, is very important, to teach the child to study independently some part of the time, and not languish from boredom or spend hours on the Internet.

This list is suitable for classes with children of primary and secondary school age, but for younger and older children it may well be suitable, although when compiling it I was guided by the question of what to do when children of 10 years old are bored at home, in particular a girl left alone at home, because my my daughter is just that age) So,

1. Board games

They were the main attraction of this summer. I had no idea how much the board game industry has come along lately.

During my next purchase of books in an online store, I accidentally noticed how beautiful and varied the games were offered. I approached the choice carefully, in which the online store “Igroved” helped me a lot, on whose website you can not only buy games, but also watch videos with detailed information on how to play them.

As a result, we bought the board game Carcassonne, which allows us to play together with our daughter and a larger group.

Among the variety of board games, you can choose a game that suits all your needs: the child’s age, his interests, the number of expected participants.

If you know that your family members will be happy to “buy new lands”, trade on stock exchanges, or compose the longest words in their spare time, then you can safely buy a game designed for a large number of participants. If only the mother “likes” to play them, then there are games for two participants, and some the child can play by himself.

Pros: Board games are fun.

You can “officially” enjoy a child’s game, I’m not even talking about the child.

Cons: The biggest disadvantage is that board games are expensive.

You can learn more about Carcassonne and other board games in the article.

2. Puzzles

On the one hand, this is also a board game, on the other hand, it is so unique that I would like to highlight it as a separate item.

Helping your child pick up pieces of the picture will have a good time, but if you are busy, your child will be able to do it on his own. Invite him to assemble at least part of the picture, being sure to admire the result.

It’s very good if you have puzzles of different difficulty levels at home: easy ones, which when put together a child will always feel like a superhero, and more difficult ones, as an option for “assembling” with the help of adults.

Advice from personal experience - do not buy puzzles with a large number of fragments, 300 or more, that depict animals. The beautiful mane of a lion and the fluffy fur of cute dogs will make you nervous in literally 10 minutes of selection. Even the endless blue sky is somehow easier to collect.

Pros: Few activities compare to assembling puzzles in terms of benefits for fine motor skills.

In addition, they develop perseverance and spatial imagination.

The child will be able to put together “easy” puzzles on his own.

Cons: During the next cleaning of the apartment, you have a chance to periodically “enjoy” the characteristic sound of puzzles tapping in the vacuum cleaner pipe))

3. Read books

There are two options: the child reads with pleasure; The child refuses to read.

With the first one, everything is clear, if you have a reader at home, then you will have time not only for homework, but also for your own hobbies; it is enough to periodically update the children's library.

Everything else is not so simple; methods for teaching a child to read exist, but you will have to work hard to achieve results. Well, being a parent is not only fun 😉

Pros: There’s probably no point in listing them. In short - useful, interesting, accessible (libraries now have almost everything).

Cons: If your child loves to read, you will have to take away books to force him to do his homework or go to the store.

If your child does not like to read, you will have to develop a strategy to attract him to reading. A good “starter” option would be books based on cartoons or “biographies” of your favorite toy characters. We had one of them.

4. Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon, lotto.

Unfortunately, I only know how to play checkers, and also lotto :)), but if you are a master of all other types of games, then that’s just wonderful.

Pros: Very, very useful and educational activity.

Cons: Since these are paired games, they are suitable for activities with a child only if you have a considerable period of time to play with him.

5. Games with cards, solitaire, tricks

About eleven years ago, children and games with cards were considered incompatible concepts, since such games were considered gambling. In principle, it still is, but nevertheless, now the passions have subsided, and against the backdrop of casinos and “one-armed bandits” cards look like innocent entertainment.

Moreover, in addition to the games themselves, there are solitaire games from which you can find out whether your wish will come true. And tricks that are always interesting.

Pros: Develops memory and attention.

Knowing a certain number of tricks, a child can “shine” in the company of his peers in his spare time.

Cons: The child must be taught all the tricks and games you know, and if you have forgotten them or did not know them, you will have to learn them yourself.

Cards have not had a very good reputation since Soviet times.

6. Developmental activities - coloring books, drawings, plasticine

A wonderful activity that does not require large investments.

As a child, I really loved to color, and my youngest daughter is good at sculpting from plasticine, and she manages to make her products very tiny. I wanted to show you my favorite “works of art”, but I hid them somewhere that I couldn’t find them, they’re small :)

Therefore, I had to steal their “breakfast” from the dolls’ table - scrambled eggs, a sandwich and a cake 😉 To show the “grand scale” of the crafts, I placed a small 11-centimeter solnitsa next to it.

Pros: Of course, develops creative abilities.

If you are busy, you can calmly continue going about your business, your participation will not be needed, all that is required of you is just to praise the end result.

Cons: You will have to teach your child to do everything carefully and clean up after himself after classes; if you can do this, there will be no problems with developmental activities. (At first, our entire floor was covered in multi-colored sticky blots of plasticine, which my husband had to pick out from his socks 😉).

7. Useful games

There are so many of them now! No, there were a lot of them before, but thanks to mom-and-pop inventors and the media that tell us about these inventions, their number has become simply unimaginable. This point deserves a separate article.

As an example, I’ll cite Galina Kuzmina’s blog “Fun Science”. This is where the inexhaustible imagination is))

Pros: Just a ton. And it’s interesting, and the development is, well, just comprehensive.

Cons: It’s lucky if you are a born organizer and experimenter; if not, you will have to learn this, which, admittedly, is not easy.

8. Handicrafts

A wonderful activity, especially if mom or dad are interested in it and can teach the child. And there are a lot of handicraft options: knitting, embroidery, beading, weaving from newspapers, wood carving, batik... and that’s just a small part.

Pros: These skills will always come in handy.

Cons: You will have to undergo a long and tedious instruction that needles should always be in the needle bar, knitting needles in covers, and threads and pieces of fabric in special bags and boxes. And after the needlework session, find all this in different corners and put it in place.

9. Games with pen and paper

These are games that are played most often during lessons, because this is the best time for sea battles and tic-tac-toe 😉 But playing them at home, you will also get a lot of fun, and the child will be well trained so that later, at school, beat your classmates.

Pros: They do not require any material investments.

Cons: I don’t even know what...

10. Stickers

Oddly enough, they can be highlighted as a separate item as a full-fledged activity.

I think sticker production is just massive. Firstly, you can find a sticker of any character from any cartoon on sale. During my daughter’s fascination with the Winx fairies, my eyes and head were simply dazzled by all these Flors, Muses and Techniques (the names of the fairies), made based on all 120 episodes.

Secondly, stickers can be very interesting in texture: they are added with sparkles, voids with balls, volume and many other different features.

To prevent your child from trying to “update” the furniture with the help of Spider-Man or Gummi Bears, buy him a general notebook in which he will glue his favorite characters.

Pros: The child, snoring from effort, will be busy for a long time.

Cons: There is a chance to find stickers that unobtrusively decorate your documents or household utensils :)).

11. Useful activities - putting things in order after playing, washing doll clothes, cooking, etc.

As children, girls love to wash doll clothes, sweep the floor and help their mother knead the dough, and boys are happy to spoil nails by hammering them, and sawing boards, and they will also enthusiastically help their mother make pies. The main thing here is to allow.

But I’ve never heard of any child who likes to clean up after playing :)

Pros: Excellent development of future skills.

Often children can really help you, the main thing is to assign a feasible task.

Cons: Well, you can imagine everything perfectly well... spilled water, scattered flour, everything is smeared and upside down, but you have to endure it... The efficiency factor is too high 😉

12. Watching TV. Computer games

All our efforts come down to ensuring that the child spends as little time as possible near the TV screen and computer monitor, but we cannot escape progress.

The only thing is that the child must be taught to skillfully use these benefits of civilization. Moreover, the child must be aware of popular films, cartoons and computer games, otherwise a situation similar to what happened with the son of Yulia Menshova, which I mentioned in the article “Children on the Internet. Harm and benefit."

In situations where mom is really busy, cartoons and computer games are a lifesaver. The main thing is to help the child make the right choice, but, among the huge number of options, this will not be difficult to do.

We have the Disney Channel connected at home, which almost always lives up to the expectations placed on it. But unfortunately, I can’t convince a child that old, but such beautiful and meaningful cartoon fairy tales are also very interesting...

Pros: Properly selected programs will help you learn a lot of new and useful things.

With a reasonable and measured choice of programs and games, the child gets a lot of pleasure.

Minuses: Basically one - how to get the child out of there.

I have listed our favorite pastime options, I hope they will help you at least a little when looking for an answer to the question of what to do when your children are bored at home, and maybe you will also tell me what else you can do to keep your children occupied at home :))

A child's vacation is a kind of test for parents. On the one hand, during active study it seems that there are a huge number of things that the child has no time to do now, but during the holidays it’s definitely worth it!

And when these very holidays arrive, it turns out that the child has nothing to do: he is bored, while away his leisure time between the TV and the computer, and the long-awaited week passes somehow unnoticed and without mood... What to do with a child during the holidays - the site will tell you.

Where should I take my child on vacation?

Vacations are the time when a child stops living in a strict “school-clubs-sections-lessons” routine, and you can go somewhere with him. But where, besides the traditional circus, zoo and puppet theater, can you go with your child on vacation?

  • Master classes for children. Search the Internet for information about similar events in your city - many studios and children's centers offer one-time master classes in a variety of areas. For example, creating toys, drawing, acting, public speaking, making jewelry, etc., for every taste and age! By the way, very often such MKs are family events - you can have a very interesting time with the whole family!
  • Exhibitions, museums. To make it interesting for your child, sign up in advance for an excursion with a guide - this opportunity is available in most museums and exhibition centers, and in some places there are special excursion programs for children.
  • Library. In addition to the opportunity to choose a book, all children's libraries hold various events for children, incl. and New Year's matinees, etc., and free of charge. Perhaps this is how the problem of how to occupy a child during the holidays with something intellectually useful will be solved.

What home activities should you offer your schoolchild during the holidays?

Perhaps the most common problem for parents is how to keep their child occupied during the holidays at home, without having to sit him in front of a computer monitor or TV screen? This is especially true if we are talking about a junior schoolchild who, bored, will probably begin to insistently demand parental attention, so that the parents can come up with something interesting for him to do.

The site “Beautiful and Successful” offers some options for interesting home activities that a child can do during the holidays with his parents or on his own:

  • Arts and crafts, handicrafts. Many children very spontaneously discover an interest in making something with their hands, and say “Oh, he doesn’t like it, I won’t even suggest it!” No need! To motivate creative ideas, you can simply bring your child several books with models of various crafts and materials for creativity - rest assured, when he gets all this in his hands, ideas will begin to be born and realized right away!
  • Drawing. There is no need to demand from the child that it be “good” and “beautiful” - give him a pack of drawing sheets, a set of pencils and paints, and just tell him that he can draw anything. Younger children especially love to organize art exhibitions at home - say that at the end of the holidays you will organize such an exhibition, for example, by attaching the drawings to a free wall.
  • Culinary experiences. This is a great joint activity that, if done correctly, both girls and boys enjoy! Find some interesting recipe with your child, different from your usual menu, and try cooking it together!
  • Home theater. This is an ancient entertainment that in pre-revolutionary times was loved by both children, youth, and adults - during the holidays, a funny play was chosen (and sometimes written together!), roles were distributed, costumes were invented, and the whole family turned into an acting troupe! And when everything is ready, you can invite guests and put on a performance! An option is for children and friends to stage the play on their own for parents.

Should my child study during the holidays?

The traditional school approach to this issue: yes, during the holidays you can keep your child busy with reading compulsory literature, pulling up their “tails”, and in general - they say, during a week or two of vacation, children completely forget everything they were taught in the quarter - so repetition and again repetition!

At the same time - a solution to the problem of what to do with a child during the holidays!

Now put yourself, an adult, in the place of a schoolchild - imagine that on a legal vacation you would be ordered to do what you already do at work! How would you react - would you find arguments in favor of a week of quiet time at home without “obligations”?..

So, maybe the child can also be allowed to relax and do only what he wants?

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The first days of June make you think, how to organize children's leisure time and what to do with a child during the summer holidays? Children who are looking for entertainment on their own, as a rule, do not find exactly what their parents would like. And to make the summer fun and at the same time useful, we have collected 21 an interesting idea on how a schoolchild can spend the summer holidays.

  1. Go to the sea. There is no need to talk about the benefits of the marine climate for children. The best option is if your vacation by the sea lasts from 2 weeks. This will enable the child’s body to adapt and truly become healthier. One of the options - .
  2. Sign up for the pool. If for some reason you won’t be able to see the sea this summer, sign your child up for the pool. For water sports, summer is the time.
  3. Do you have a house in the village with your grandmother to boot? Great! Regular trip to the village for the summer it turns into an adventure and even a test if it comes with the responsibility of helping grandma in the garden... But here the student will really give up the computer for a while, replacing sitting in front of the monitor with trips to the river or the forest.
  4. Ride bicycles or rollerblades. Choose a suitable route - and go ahead for new experiences! If you don’t have your own bike or roller skates, you can rent a bike or go to a roller skating rink.
  5. Read an interesting book. Or better yet, several.
  6. Go to summer children's camp. Among the best ideas on how to spend the summer, because everything is taken into account in the camp - development, learning, and leisure. Parents won't have to worry what to do with a schoolchild in the summer, since modern camp programs provide an integrated approach. It is always possible according to interests (language, sports, computer, etc.) or a thematic shift (scouting, history, etc.) that the child will like.
  7. Attend a cooking class. Who knows, perhaps after such a master class your child will discover new culinary talents, and a new chef will appear in your home?
  8. Learn a foreign language. A worthy idea for a student who wants to be successful. In the summer, you can enroll in foreign language courses or go to one of them. A change in a children's language camp is an immersion in a language environment, an opportunity to improve speaking skills.
  9. Rearrange or renovate the children's room. Let your childhood interior design idea come true. A joint project like renovation will surely bring you together.
  10. Sign up for a sports section, which you have long dreamed of.
  11. Go to an open-air festival. To make your summer vacation unforgettable, it's worth getting one in your city and making sure to visit at least one! Thematic festivals are a super idea, what to do with a teenager during the summer holidays.
  12. Have fun in an amusement park. What would a holiday be without the sounds of ecstatic children's cries and cotton candy? But remember that amusement parks are an entertainment format with mandatory adult supervision.
  13. Go shopping. Summer is here, which means it's time to update your wardrobe and buy accessories.
  14. Update your hairstyle. During the holidays, you can safely experiment, for example, change your image more radically - get a new haircut. To help .
  15. Arrange a summer photo shoot. Of course, you can contact a professional photographer who will help you make a high-quality photo shoot - family or personal. Or you can get a camera and give the children the opportunity to try taking pictures themselves, and then even create a photo album.
  16. “Pull up” school subjects. Teachers already give schoolchildren 10-14 years old a lot of tasks for the summer; you just need to monitor their completion and properly organize the time of summer study and entertainment. But for children 6, 7, 8 years old, it is worth specially choosing educational games and interesting tasks. For example, if a child has poor handwriting, then he needs to draw and sculpt more; does not read well - collect words from cards, etc.
  17. Ride horses. Horseback riding is more than just a way to relax from the bustle of the city. It's impossible not to fall in love with these graceful, proud animals.
  18. Go to a rope park. For lovers of active recreation, another idea is rope parks and climbing frames. Young climbers without experience should walk on a tightrope at least once - and this will become a real hobby!
  19. Have a picnic with friends. Choose a suitable place for a picnic in nature, bring a tasty snack and suitable games for the company to spend the day fun.
  20. Organize a concert or performance. If your child has no equal in singing, dancing or theatrical acting, why not prepare a concert performance? Organize a small theater group with his friends or a production where everyone can show off their talents.
  21. Go on an excursion to another city. Vacationing in another city is much more interesting than staying at home on vacation. And help organize summer children's leisure A mobile app will help you in unknown areas

Alina Budylskaya
What to do with your child during the holidays

It’s slushy outside, my mood is so-so, I want to sleep until lunch, bury myself in the TV and watch cartoons.

But the best rest is a change of activity, so don’t waste time and take vacation in your own hands.

A few good rules holidays:

In the first two or three days, which fall on the weekend, allow your child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, get stuck on your tablet, take a walk to the nearest cinema - that’s welcome. Autumn Vacations are for respite. A few days of seal rest will be just right.

Then you need to do your homework in order to forget about them, like a bad dream, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the homework is not done, but time is passing.

And only then closely have fun.

Where to go to holidays

Don't sit at home. If you can’t get away for a week and go on a trip, spend more time outdoors. When you get tired of collecting leaves and acorns for crafts, come up with something more exciting.

1. Look through all the posters in your city

Museums, exhibition centers and theaters are preparing special programs for the autumn holidays. In just 10 minutes spent looking at posters, you will create a program for everything holidays.

Allow your child to choose which events he wants to attend, so as not to drag him out of the house against his wishes.

2. Travel to another city

what to do on holidays: another city

Nice way to spend holidays, when everything in your hometown has already been examined. The main thing is not to choose an excursion from a travel agency, but to go on your own.

Choose one of the nearby cities, find the attractions you want to visit, book a hotel for a couple of days and go.

Explain to your child how to use city maps, how to navigate unfamiliar streets, how to politely ask for directions and find out where the bus is going. Such little things are even more interesting to study than new museums and exhibitions.

At the same time, you will show your children how to plan a trip, where and how to buy tickets, and what services to use to find a hotel. This will be useful for high school students, especially if they are going to study in another city.

3. Find the deepest puddle in the park

There is no use fighting bad weather, so use it. Fun for the younger ones schoolchildren: Take rubber boots, a stick, a marker and a ruler. Apply markings to the stick and go measure the depth of the surrounding puddles. Write down the results in a special notebook. In this case, each puddle must be sketched.

If you take measurements every day for a week, you will get a finished project that will be useful at school. This will help you look at the slush from a different angle and spur interest in research.

4. Well, if it suddenly snows, of course you need to play snowballs, go down the hill and just lie around

While walking in the park, take advantage of what nature has provided and stand in a barricade or labyrinth. You'll do a great job at first to make an interesting path. Then the children will have a great time playing with it.

5. Ride a horse

We're not talking about a five-minute ride in the park, but about a full-fledged class at the equestrian club. Horseback riding is an active sport that will keep you warm in any weather. And getting to know horses will lift mood: the horses are warm, huge, each with a unique character.

6. Take part in a charity event

Volunteer with older schoolchildren with passion: Help organize a charity event, spend a day at an animal shelter, plant a tree, or help clean up a playground. Socially useful work ennobles and provides a lot of interesting experience.

What to do at home

When the rain and wind keep you outside, find classes in warmth and comfort. Some people like DIY projects and quiet classes, and someone doesn’t want to sit at the table and collect another craft from leaves and cones. For such people there are more interesting entertainments.

7. Organize a board game championship

what to do on holidays: Board games

Every night, get out a new board game to keep the whole family busy. Record the results in a table so that at the end holidays sum up the results and distribute prizes.

Aerobatics is to come up with your own board game, draw cards and write down the rules.

8. Start doing exercises

On autumn holidays Don't go too far out of your routine. After the first days of unbridled rest, you need to return to the working rhythm so as not to go to school completely overwhelmed.

But try waking up your child early holidays. It's time to introduce family exercises to some fun music into your daily routine.

9. Have a pajama party

At school, children communicate a lot with classmates, so holidays there may be a lack of teamwork, especially towards the end of the week. Invite your child to invite friends to a pajama party with watching cartoons (or movies, depending on the child’s age), funny and not entirely healthy snacks, and horror stories.

10. Get a pet

what to do on holidays: pet

If you wanted to have a pet, then autumn holidays is the time. The child will have a lot of free time, which he will spend on a new friend, and the animal will be able to adapt to your home within a week.

During holidays The child will learn the basic rules of caring for an animal and will be able to integrate communication with it into their schedule.

11. Have a dress-up marathon

This one requires a little more imagination than the rest. classes, but the result is more fun.

Think about what each new day will be dedicated to. For example, Monday - the sea, Tuesday - the sky, and so on. On Monday, wear vests or something striped, assign roles (who is the captain, who is the boatswain) and for the rest of the day, communicate as if you were on a sailing ship. During the day, have time to scrub the deck and load supplies into the hold (that is, go to the store and fill the refrigerator). At the same time, tell your child everything related to "sea" affairs: why watches are needed, why a compass is needed, how to navigate by the stars, and so on.

This marathon can be combined with any other entertainment. Choose exhibitions, cartoons and games on a given topic.

Make costumes from scrap materials. Dressing up helps you quickly immerse yourself in the topic. Don't forget to take photos in your outfits.

12. Prepare new sweets every day

Cookies, donuts, pies and everything that will help you get more warmth and energy on autumn evenings. At the same time, teach your child to cook.

13. Make a feeder

what to do on holidays: feeder

It will soon become very cold, but you will have time to make a bird feeder from what whatever: wood, tin can or plastic bottle. Perhaps it will be useful not only for birds

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “What to do with your child in the summer?” There are 3 whole summer months ahead, filled with warmth, sunshine, fragrant flowers, aromas of forests and meadows, ripe berries and fruits, and splashes.

Recess at school lasts only a few minutes, but this time is no less important part of the educational process than the lesson itself. During change.

Topic of the lesson: “How are they similar and how are they different?” Objectives: - Continue to teach children to name and recognize geometric shapes, compare, find.

Child monitoring card Observation card Name, surname, age of the child___ Date, day of the week.

Consultation for parents. What can you do while walking in winter? Consultation for parents. What can you do while walking in winter? I suggest playing the following games "Sculptors" One of the most.

School holidays are not only a time for children to relax, but also a kind of test for parents, especially if it is not possible to send their child to camp, to the dacha or to grandma. If circumstances are such that the child will spend the holidays at home, it is important to take care of his leisure time so that his holidays are not spent on the computer or watching TV. Here are some ideas for keeping your child occupied at home during the holidays.

  1. Active sports. Roller skates, scooters, bicycles, skateboards, badminton and other sports equipment are your faithful helpers. If your child is old enough, show him areas where he can spend time on his own. Remind safety and traffic rules, agree on a time when the child will call you and let you know that everything is okay. With younger children, active recreation can be moved to the evenings or weekends.
  2. Camping. Of course, it is difficult for working parents to get out into the fresh air with their children every day, but on weekends it is quite possible to organize a walk in the forest or a picnic by a pond. If there is a river or lake near your home, go there in the evening. The water that has warmed up during the day and the absence of scorching rays of the sun are excellent conditions for relaxation.
  3. Hiking. Weekend in nature - what could be better for family time? Such outings have an indelible impression on children, because where else can you sit by the fire, try food cooked over the fire, or go fishing?
  4. Circles and sections. Many teen and children's clubs and creative centers offer interesting programs during the summer holidays. These can be exciting activities, excursions, events, competitions, by participating in which your child will learn a lot of new things, meet peers and have an interesting time.
  5. School summer camp. This option is perfect for working parents. If you don't know who to leave your child with, sign him up for a school camp at your school or a nearby school. They take the organization of children's leisure activities very seriously, which means your child will not have time for boredom.
  6. Master classes. In big cities, such events are presented for every taste. Enroll your child in an individual or group master class, or go with the whole family. Making toys, sand paintings, cooking - you can always find something to do that suits your age and interests.
  7. Exhibitions, museums. During school holidays, many museums and exhibitions organize excursion programs specifically for children, and many exhibitions can only be seen in the summer.
  8. Reading. Reading can be a very exciting activity, especially if it goes beyond the school curriculum. Enroll your child in the nearest library, so he can feel independent and have the opportunity to choose any books to his taste.
  9. Creation. Today in any city you can find a specialized store of goods for creativity. Go there with your child, let him choose what he would like to do. A thing made with your own hands will become a source of pride for a child, and perhaps a new hobby will become an activity for life.
  10. Help for parents. It is important for a child to feel important. When leaving for work, leave him a few instructions: wipe the dust, wash the dishes or the floor, go to the store, etc. In the evening, be sure to praise him for the work done, and even better if you come up with a reward system, not necessarily monetary.
  11. Cooking together. When, if not during the holidays, should you teach your child to cook, even the simplest dishes. Involve him in preparing dinner for the whole family or show him how to make breakfast. Such skills make children more independent and will certainly be useful in the future.
  12. Home theater. Write a script with your child and put on a performance for the whole family. You can involve your child’s friends in this entertainment, and if there are not enough people, a puppet theater or shadow theater would be an excellent option. Preparing for the performance will take a lot of time, but it is worth it.
  13. Board games. Today you can find a huge number of board games, ranging from puzzles that a child can assemble on his own, to games for the whole family. This pastime helps to establish contact with the child, so you should not neglect it.
  14. Interesting reports. A computer can be used not only for playing games or communicating with friends, but also to broaden your horizons. When leaving for work, give your child the task of writing a report about some attraction or phenomenon, and in the evening, be sure to arrange a “scientific meeting.” This way you will teach the student to search for and organize information, which will be very useful for him in his studies.
  15. Addressing knowledge gaps. Perhaps this topic is most relevant for parents who want their child to study well. However, you should not put too much pressure on the student, because after all, the holidays are meant for relaxation, not for studying. One or two lessons a week will be enough for him to refresh his knowledge and prepare for the new school year.