The most important terms of pregnancy. Critical periods of pregnancy: why they are so dangerous and how to avoid them

What periods of pregnancy are the most dangerous, what they threaten and how to behave correctly in a given situation at a given time? Under these periods, doctors understand the weeks of gestation, when the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth is highest. There are such weeks common for all expectant mothers and individually for each.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy are 4, 8, 12 weeks, that is, part of the first trimester. These are the weeks when menstruation would have to begin if not for pregnancy. During these weeks, women most often experience chorionic detachment or gestational sac. This pathology appears pulling pains in the lower abdomen and (or) bleeding from the genital tract. Treatment consists in taking antispasmodics and progesterone preparations - Duphaston orally or Utrozhestan vaginally. It is important that the detachment does not become larger, and the embryo maintains a rhythmic heartbeat. Treatment of the threat of miscarriage is carried out in a hospital. What is dangerous to do in early pregnancy this case? Naturally, to have sex, in one way or another, provoke uterine hypertonicity. With placental abruption with bleeding, women are prescribed bed rest.

Dangerous periods pregnancies by weeks can be longer. So often bloody issues observed during the second trimester of pregnancy, if the chorion (placenta) overlaps internal os(cervix) or located very low.

To cure the presentation or low location of the placenta will not work. But there is hope that she, along with the uterus, will rise higher. The probability of such a favorable outcome is especially high if the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. But while it is low, a woman is recommended sexual rest. With physical activity, you also need to be careful. And in case of bleeding, immediately consult a doctor or immediately call an ambulance.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy in terms of late miscarriage is 16-22 weeks. In some women, during this period, the length of the cervix begins to sharply decrease, the internal os opens. This pathology is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency. It may be due to different reasons, both hormonal and mechanical, associated with damage to the cervix that was obtained before pregnancy, for example, as a result of the opening of the cervix during an abortion.

And especially often isthmic-cervical insufficiency is diagnosed in women bearing two or three fetuses. Apparently due to heavy load to the neck area. In twin pregnancy, dangerous periods are of particular importance to the doctor. Such future mothers usually do an ultrasound with a measurement of the length of the cervix more often. And if the cervix is ​​short and the gestation period is relatively short, stitches are put on it. And in other cases, a pessary ring is put on the cervix.

The so-called uterine hypertonicity, characterized not only by uterine calculus, but also by painful sensations, can lead to the opening of the cervix, and sometimes discharge amniotic fluid. Hypertonicity is diagnosed in different dates pregnancy, but more often at 16-20 weeks. And many doctors consider this period to be critical, since in the event of a birth, such a child cannot be saved. And the women in given period often end up in the hospital. There they are given droppers with magnesia, injections of "No-shpy" and "Papaverine". Although in fact, hypertonicity carries some risk only in the case of a short or softened cervix. And to relieve hypertension, there are various non-drug methods.

After eco, the dangerous periods of pregnancy are about the same. But moms-to-be don't have to wait these weeks with trepidation. You need to try to enjoy the pregnancy, not to look for non-existent problems in yourself and not to try on other people's situations. Then the hypertonicity will disturb less often. After all, all diseases are from nerves, as they say. And in relation to pregnant women, this statement is especially relevant.

Pregnancy is, without a doubt, the most important and reverent event in the life of every woman. However, how much joy it brings, so much excitement has to be experienced by the expectant mother before long-awaited baby will come to light. Worry not for your own life, but for proper development the child and his still fragile body haunts every woman during pregnancy. Sometimes these worries are unfounded, but often they are the result of very real reasons. Such dangerous weeks of pregnancy are especially felt by the mother's body.

Put my hand on my heart modern world- an imperfect place for the birth of a fragile organism from the point of view of ecology and ways of life of mankind. Systematic air pollution, ubiquitous bad habits, stress, poor nutrition and bouquets of diseases - all this affects the child in the womb. Being exposed to external factors, a pregnant woman can, without suspecting it, cause premature miscarriage or pregnancy complications. Over the years of clinical observations, obstetricians-gynecologists began to single out the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy for the life of the child and the health of the mother.

Dangerous periods of pregnancy by week

First trimester of pregnancy

  1. It is believed that the beginning is always the most difficult. Indeed, the first 12 weeks, while the mother's body is being rebuilt with might and main to the needs of a growing life, and the embryo is still very weak, the probability of miscarriage is several times higher than during the rest of the pregnancy.
  2. The formation of a new organism cannot go unnoticed by the mother's well-being. That is why in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman has to endure bouts of nausea, emotional instability, frequent urges to the toilet, as well as the blues.
  3. The very first dangerous week of pregnancy in the first trimester is the third week - the moment the embryo is introduced into the uterine wall with the help of a blastocyst. It was during this period nutrients, embedded in the egg, ends, and the process of searching for resources for further development begins.
  4. After successful attachment, the embryo begins to actively develop, forming a protective film around itself - the placenta, and with it the umbilical cord. It is the success of these processes that will subsequently become the key to further adequate nutrition and supply of oxygen to all organs of the developing organism.
  5. Dangerous and important processes during pregnancy are the periods of formation of the spine and heart muscle, which occurs as early as the 5th week. Therefore, already at the 6th week, the first signs of anomalies in the development of the embryo can often appear. It can be as provoked external factors heart disease, and underdevelopment brain and central nervous system.
  6. Cardinal hormonal changes in the mother's body often become the main reason for abortion in the first trimester. Decrease in estrogen levels and increase in the amount of male hormones in the body, temporary destabilization of work thyroid gland and increased levels of androgens - all of which lead to danger in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  7. In the first trimester, an immunocompromised mother and her offspring become the target of various infections. In conditions of such vulnerability, treatment with antibiotics and hormones during pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, is completely unacceptable.
  8. An important role in increasing the level of danger during this period is played by the intestinal microflora and the effect of X-ray radiation on the fetus.

What are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester? This is, without a doubt, 1 - 3 weeks, when the embryo must successfully go through the implantation process and not be rejected by the mother's body. Most women may not even be aware of the conception that has occurred if the embryo dies at the initial time.

Second trimester of pregnancy

  1. This period lasts from 12 to 24 weeks and is the time happy pregnancy. It is at this stage that the expectant mother is left backfire changes in the first trimester: toxicosis and nausea, apathy, outbursts of emotions and headaches. In the second trimester, a woman can freely walk and even engage in sports exercises.
  2. By the 16th week of pregnancy, the formation of the placenta is completely completed, and the child becomes protected. Now all nutrition passes through the placenta.
  3. But the second trimester is not completely cloudless. There is a danger of vaginal infections due to the ongoing hormonal changes, which are accompanied by specific secretions. It is during this period that you need to closely monitor hygiene and the slightest changes in the microflora of the vagina.
  4. Change in density, color and odor vaginal discharge may indicate pathogenic changes in the body:
  • thrush;
  • genital infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • flow of amniotic fluid.
  1. However, there are especially dangerous weeks in the second trimester of pregnancy. So, for example, at week 16, the baby's bone tissue begins to form, which can be extremely negatively affected by a cold infection in the mother's body.
  2. 19 and 20 weeks are important for the formation of eggs in female embryo, immediately followed by the formation of the uterus. These processes are extremely painful for a woman. Accompanied sharp pains in the lumbar region, affect digestive system and often lead to intestinal disorders. It is these weeks of pregnancy that become a dangerous period for the location of the placenta and the cause of the weakening of the cervix.

The second trimester should be under the sign of a close examination of a gynecologist. The slightest changes in the state of health and the reaction of the body should immediately lead the young mother to an examination and consultation. Properly observed pregnancy is the key to a timely response to structural changes and negative factors.

Third trimester of pregnancy

  1. The last trimester falls on the period from 25 to 39 weeks and is the final in the process of gestation. It seems that all the dangers and threats are already behind, what else can happen?
  2. In the third trimester, the load on the female body is significant. So future mommy having a hard time dealing with recent weeks- feels chronic fatigue, shortness of breath appears, the load on the spine and pelvic organs increases, and sleep worsens. In addition, the rapidly increasing weight of both the child and the mother leads to painful sensations in the joints.
  3. There is an active preparation for childbirth and the danger of this period of pregnancy lies only in the issue of their premature resolution. Especially dangerous during pregnancy in this case are the 28th and 32nd weeks. In these weeks, according to statistics, there is a high probability of hormonal surges, placental abruption, cervical insufficiency and re-toxicosis.
  4. During this period, provoke premature birth may also insufficiency of the cervix.

Summing up

  1. According to statistics, obstetricians-gynecologists note a certain pattern in the frequency of occurrence of dangerous weeks of pregnancy. It turns out that the most dangerous for the health of the mother and child during pregnancy are those days on which a woman should have had her period, if she were not pregnant. Therefore, according to statistics, dangerous weeks occur every 3-4 weeks of each trimester.
  2. After reading the article, women planning a pregnancy may think that carrying a child is an endless danger of losing him or her. improper development fetus. In fact, pregnancy is beautiful time when a woman gets to know her body and an unforgettable period of growth of a new life. The main rule for preventing dangers is regular visits to the doctor and strict adherence to all his instructions. The sooner future mom will be registered in women's consultation, the more correctly and safely her pregnancy will proceed. After all, only periods in which mother and child become most vulnerable to the influence of external factors are called dangerous weeks.

There are dangerous weeks of pregnancy in every trimester. What exactly are possible risks for mother and child, and how to avoid them? Let's consider these questions.

Traditionally, those weeks in which, according to the calendar, menstruation was supposed to be, are considered risky, but they were “prevented” by pregnancy. Taking into account the average duration menstrual cycle in a woman (28 days), this is 4, 8, 12 weeks. That is, the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester begin on the first day of delayed menstruation and then repeat every 28 days.

But a woman needs to be very careful about her health, not only during these weeks, but throughout the entire period during which the organs and systems of the child are formed. And this is about the first 10-12 weeks. If an infectious disease is transferred during this period, take medicines, smoke, drink alcoholic drinks- all this can provoke malformations in the fetus. In addition, these are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy, since it is at this time that women most often have miscarriages and (or) the pregnancy stops developing. This may also be due to severe physical exercise, uterine fibroids (benign tumors), deforming its cavity, various pathologies endometrium.

After 12 weeks, there is usually a lull. Women are less likely to feel the tone of the uterus, toxicosis disappears and it seems that everything is fine. But from about the 16th week, another problem awaits - isthmic-cervical insufficiency ("weakness" of the cervix), which soon leads, if everything is left to chance, to premature discharge of water and childbirth. If the birth occurs before 24 weeks, there is practically no chance of saving the baby. These are the dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The last third of pregnancy threatens with other pathologies. Problems with the placenta come to the fore, which, usually in the case of an infectious process, may not perform its functions at the proper level. And this means that the child will literally starve. Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the third trimester - from 28 to 32. It is during this period of time that gestosis is often diagnosed in women (

Without exception, all expectant mothers should know that directly during pregnancy there are really strictly defined time periods during which the risks of terminating the current pregnancy may increase. These are the ones who modern medicine called the most dangerous weeks, since they can significantly increase the risk of miscarriage for those pregnant women who are initially in any of the risk groups. And that is why an urgent, and therefore timely appeal to the attending physician for pregnancy management is really extremely important to carry out precisely at the earliest stage of pregnancy. Next, we will take a closer look at those most incredibly dangerous periods and all the signs characteristic of them, when an interruption of the current pregnancy can actually occur.

First trimester of pregnancy

One of the first dangerous periods is considered to be the period that occurs approximately from 14 to 21 days of pregnancy. Moreover, very many women during this period of time may not even be aware of the onset of their “ interesting position", since in the first weeks, usually only attachment to the walls of the mucous membrane of the uterus of the ovum occurs. In the event that a woman initially had some inflammatory process endometrium, or there may be other pathological changes in the uterus - the introduction of the fetal egg simply does not occur. Besides, the real reason such early miscarriage such existing diseases as: ordinary or large postoperative scars directly on the walls of the uterus may well serve. As well as all chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in the development of the embryo itself, they are also able to actively prevent the introduction of the fetal egg into the walls of the uterus.

The second of the most dangerous periods of the first trimester is the period from 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is during this period that growth and further usually occur, but the main reason for the occurrence of miscarriages at this time is sharp hormonal disorders that simply prevent it normal growth and development accordingly.

Second trimester of pregnancy

Further, in the second trimester of the current pregnancy, the most dangerous of all periods is considered to be the period from 18 to 22 weeks of the current pregnancy, because it is at this time that a rather active and most important fast growth uterus in size.

During this period, the risk of developing such dangerous conditions as:

  • incorrect location of the placenta itself.
  • The risks of new infectious diseases.
  • A sharply weakened position of the cervix itself.

And, of course, all of these diseases may well lead to spontaneous miscarriage. And that is why, a timely appeal to doctors for the purpose of diagnosing at the slightest ailment in a pregnant woman is truly extremely important, and precisely in this dangerous period of pregnancy.

Third trimester of pregnancy

Usually, it is in the third trimester of the current pregnancy that the most dangerous of all weeks are the days between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. The main, and sometimes death in this case, the fetus are such most dangerous conditions How:

  • Strongest.
  • Premature aging and even placental abruption.
  • Acute insufficiency of the placenta.

At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account that children born during this period are usually considered premature and will require especially scrupulous and careful care from doctors and parents in the future.

Based on the foregoing, we will make a simple conclusion that timely registration of pregnancy and at the same time strict adherence to all key recommendations doctors will definitely be able to help you avoid all these extremely dangerous periods of pregnancy and become the happiest mother of the healthiest and strongest baby in the future!

Dangerous weeks of pregnancy- these are critical periods during which the fetus is most vulnerable to adverse external influences. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own dangerous weeks for the development of the fetus.

First critical period (3rd obstetric week of pregnancy)

This is the period from conception (ovulation) to implantation of the fetal egg in the endometrium of the uterus. Implantation of the ovum into the uterine wall occurs 6-7 days after ovulation.

Most women at this time are not even aware of their pregnancy, and visit the sauna, dip into the hole at Epiphany, undergo fluorography or x-rays.

Reception medical preparations prohibited during pregnancy, during this period is not able to provide negative impact on the fetus, because the fetal egg is in limbo, and there is still no connection with the mother's body. But the temperature is too high/low environment or radiation during examinations can lead to the death of the fetal egg. In this case, a woman, as a rule, does not even realize that a pregnancy has failed, because menstrual-like bleeding occurs on time or with a slight delay.

If a woman was in a solarium 1-2 weeks after conception (not knowing about her position), and the pregnancy continues to develop, then you should not worry, it means that the ultraviolet did not affect the fetus, otherwise the pregnancy would immediately terminate.

Among other things, the danger of this period is that the uterus may simply not be ready for pregnancy. When corpus luteum produces an insufficient amount of progesterone, the uterine mucosa does not go into the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg, resulting in a miscarriage without maintenance therapy. In this case, in order to maintain pregnancy, a woman is prescribed a progestogen drug (Utrozhestan or Duphaston) and / or hCG injections.

Second critical period (4-12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy)

This is the first 2 months after a missed period. During this period, the woman already knows that she is pregnant, because she has a delay in menstruation, and she probably did a pregnancy test from the first days, which showed the cherished two strips.

During this time, the danger lies in the fact that the fetus is laying all the organs and systems, the formation of the body, head and limbs.

Taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy can lead to:

non-developing pregnancy(anembryos) and/or spontaneous miscarriage;

– delay prenatal development and/or malformations.

The list of "harmful" medicines includes:

  • Aevit. This duo-drug contains a large dose of vitamin A. Taking Aevit for early dates pregnancy, can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, that is, prolonged use of this vitamin can lead to the development of malformations internal organs unborn child, most often the cardiovascular and nervous system.
    • Aspirin / Analgin (or acetylsalicylic acid). With the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to forget about this painkiller, and use instead, for example, paracetamol, which has neither toxic, nor teratogenic, nor mutagenic effects on the fetus.

In the first trimester, Aspirin can only be taken if indicated, for example, with high risk the onset of thrombosis, and only in microdoses.

Taking a full dose of acetylsalicylic acid for several days can cause a splitting of the upper palate in the fetus.

  • tetracycline antibiotics, a group of fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin) and aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Streptomycin), nitrofuran derivatives (Furagin), metronidazole, etc.
  • Spazmalgon. With spasms of smooth muscles of the internal organs, pregnant women are advised to take No-shpu (or drotaverine), which does not cause (unlike Spazmalgon) absolutely no negative effects on the fetus.

These are the drugs that are in the medicine cabinet of any woman. There will be nothing from taking one pill, but it is better not to risk the health of your baby, and exclude these drugs from the moment you plan pregnancy, because vitamin A, for example, can accumulate in the body.

Third critical period (18-24 obstetric weeks)

This is a period of increased growth of the internal organs of the fetus and the formation of many systems of its body. A threat to the life and health of the baby occurs when a pregnant woman develops acute forms infectious diseases, in particular, sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, herpes, toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis).

Adversely affects the fetus and prolonged retention in a pregnant woman high temperature body (38 ° C or more), as is the case with influenza. Therefore, when the body temperature rises to this critical level, take 500 mg of Paracetamol (these are 2 tablets of 250 mg). The temperature should drop within an hour.

If this does not happen, it is recommended to rub the body with a water-vinegar solution (mix 1 part vinegar with 2 parts warm water), dress warmly and lie under the covers. And after 4 hours from the last dose, re-drink 500 mg of Paracetamol.

This period is also characterized by the manifestation of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is fraught with spontaneous interruption pregnancy. To avoid this, a pregnant woman is prescribed Utrogestan vaginally, placed on the cervix gynecological pessary or stitches.