Depression in pregnant women in the second trimester. Depression during pregnancy - reasons for what to do. How to deal with depression during pregnancy. Features of depression in different gestational periods

Depression in pregnancy is a mental disorder that occurs in most women during the period of childbearing and is characterized by severe anxiety, moral fatigue and depression for a long time. What are the methods of treatment and prevention of this disease, you can learn from this article.


This condition does not occur in all women who are in position. Often the cause of this disorder is the presence of a depressive illness even before the onset of pregnancy, as well as the abolition of the medication prescribed by the psychotherapist.

The onset of depression often occurs when pregnancy was not included in the plans of the expectant mother. Also, experts advise paying attention to the diagnosis of this condition in the next of kin, since a depressive disorder may be associated with a hereditary factor.

Other causes of depression include various financial problems, stressful situations, unsuccessful pregnancy at various times, severe course (toxicosis, complications).

And sometimes such a condition in a woman expecting a child can occur without any reason. But it should be noted that any stress and negative emotions can provoke this disorder in a pregnant woman.

Signs of depression

Experts identify several signs that characterize the above condition:

  • sleep disorder;
  • disinterest in the outside world;
  • causeless remorse;
  • loss of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • easy excitability;
  • inhibition of the reaction;
  • frequent migraines;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Often, most women in the situation have sharp mood swings from joy to apathy. However, a hallmark of a depressive state is prolonged exposure to negative emotions and thoughts, which can worsen significantly over time.

In some cases, it is quite difficult to self-diagnose depression in a woman who is expecting a child, since some signs may characterize the normal behavior of pregnant women or various physiological ailments, for example, thyroid disorders. Therefore, with any signs of depression, it is necessary, first of all, to contact a specialist to rule out other health problems.

Features of prenatal depression in different periods of pregnancy

Depression can have different causes and signs at each stage of expectation of a child. A woman comes to the realization that her life will change dramatically, and, as a result, the expectant mother may experience fear, tension and anxiety, which, with prolonged exposure to the psyche, can provoke depression.

At an early stage there is a restructuring of the body, and this period is characterized by changes in the behavior of a woman, such as irritability, excessive emotionality, depression. This behavior is typical for most expectant mothers. You should be wary when a pregnant woman begins to talk about the meaninglessness of her life, and she develops suicidal tendencies. Most often, in the first trimester, depression occurs against the background of moral unpreparedness for the birth of a child.

In the second trimester the development of a depressive state is facilitated by natural changes in the body of a woman, lack of sleep, as well as the lack of support from loved ones. Experts note that it is at this stage of the gestational period that the risk of prenatal depression is higher, since the physical and emotional state in the second trimester is more closely related.

In the third trimester due to physical and moral fatigue, negative thoughts may arise, a woman feels ugly, clumsy. Due to natural changes in the body, a pregnant woman has to almost completely change her lifestyle, which, in turn, is a factor in the occurrence of a depressive state.

What is the danger of prenatal depression?

Depression during pregnancy not only has an extremely bad effect on the well-being of a woman, but also negatively affects the development of the fetus, especially in the early stages.

Experts say that newborns whose mothers were in a depressed state in the first months of pregnancy may be born with insufficient weight and developmental delay, as well as have problems sleeping.

Also, if a woman experiences strong negative emotions for a long time, the risk of spontaneous pathological abortion increases, complications of the course of this period, as well as a significant deterioration in the well-being of the future mother.

How to treat depression in a pregnant woman?

To correct such a disorder, it is necessary to seek the help of a psychotherapist. Often, first of all, the specialist prescribes therapy sessions, in which he finds out the cause of the depressive state, and also, together with the patient, looks for ways to eliminate the negative factor. In some cases, joint therapy with the father of the unborn child is necessary, since it is this approach to treatment that gives faster and more positive results.

Drug treatment is prescribed only in the absence of a positive effect of treatment with psychotherapy, since most drugs have a negative effect of varying degrees on the development of the fetus. Often, tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Melipramine) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Cipramil) are used for therapy.

The need for the use of the above drugs, as well as the dosage, can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Therapy with the help of these medications, subject to all the recommendations of the doctor, does not provoke serious deviations in the development of the child. However, in some cases, the newborn may experience heart palpitations, disruption of the respiratory system, and digestive problems.

For the treatment of a depressive state in a woman during pregnancy, it is also possible to use electroconvulsive therapy. The essence of the method is the use of electrical discharges that block the effect of the stress hormone on the body. According to studies, this method of treatment does not adversely affect both the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

A lack of vitamins can lead to a depressive state in a woman, so a properly balanced diet and selected supplements will also help normalize the condition.

Folk recipes

Additionally, you can use various recipes from traditional medicine, but first you need to consult with specialists who will select the most effective and, most importantly, harmless remedies:

  1. Chinese Lemongrass. This remedy helps to improve mood and has sedative properties. For cooking, you need to take 10 g of dried berries of this plant and grind thoroughly. Next, they should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. It can be used instead of tea with the addition of honey or sugar.
  2. Passionflower. This tool has a slight sedative effect, it can be combined in combination with drugs. 1 teaspoon of the above plant must be poured with an incomplete glass of water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Then you should drink this infusion during the day.
  1. Carrot juice. Such a vegetable helps not only to reduce anxiety and despondency, but also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and improves the elasticity of the skin. During pregnancy, you need to drink a glass of fresh carrot every two days, add to food or eat 100 g of raw carrots as a snack.
  2. Aromatherapy. Carrying out such procedures will help to significantly improve the emotional state of a woman in position. The only contraindication to aromatherapy may be the presence of severe toxicosis, in which various odors of oils can worsen the condition of a pregnant woman.

For the above procedure, it is necessary to choose only natural oils. Tangerine (improves mood), petitgrain (relieves stress), Ylang-ylang (calms the nervous system), lavender (eliminates insomnia) are perfect.

You can use a special lamp to fill your home with the scent you like, or add a few drops to a spray bottle. Another way is to use scented pads, which are easy to make yourself or buy in specialty stores. They can be placed in a closet with clothes or arranged in a room.

  1. Massage. For a massage that not only improves mood, but also helps to get rid of fatigue and pain, you should use olive oil as a base, adding 1-2 drops of aromatic oil to it.
  2. Bath . To take a bath, the oil must be dissolved in a small amount of milk and only then added to the water.

Regularly performing such procedures helps to relieve stress and speed up the healing process.

How to treat and prevent depression on your own?

There are several tips that will help not only prevent, but also get rid of depression that has already begun:

  1. In some cases, the appearance of a depressive state is preceded by a lack of light. Women who are expecting a baby should walk more often in sunny weather, avoid dark streets at night, and also take care of good lighting in their home.
  2. Psychologists recommend limiting the presence of dark tones in clothing during pregnancy, since such a wardrobe leads to depression. If there is no desire to give up dark tones, you can simply add bright accessories. The same rule applies to the situation in the apartment - a few bright decorations in the room can significantly improve mood.
  3. If there are no contraindications, it is advisable to move a lot. You can sign up for special yoga courses for women in position, go on a short trip. Even just daily walks in the fresh air will help to cope with a depressive state.
  4. Psychologists recommend during pregnancy to set yourself up for positive thinking and enjoy your position. You can think over the design of the room for the unborn child, buy a few pieces of clothing or furniture.
  5. It is necessary to block negative thoughts, since they are the main factor in the development of depression. If you are overwhelmed by unpleasant thoughts or memories, you need to learn how to be distracted.
  6. As you know, delicious food helps to improve mood. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, you can eat more bananas, seafood, oatmeal. Chocolate also helps improve mood.
  7. It is necessary to limit the flow of negative information. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid frequent viewing of various films and TV shows with a difficult plot and an unhappy ending, as well as news, which often show releases that aggravate the poor mental state of the pregnant woman.
  8. The most important thing in the fight against depression is an optimistic view of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to try to find the positive in all the little things. In such an attitude, it is much easier to overcome the above condition.

Depression during pregnancy (video)

In this video, a psychotherapist talks about the main causes of depression during pregnancy, as well as methods for dealing with such a disorder.

With the right therapy, prenatal depression in women responds well to treatment and often does not cause relapses. However, the lack of timely assistance, as well as the support of loved ones in a depressed state, can lead to a complicated course of pregnancy, impaired fetal development, and severe suicidal tendencies.

The birth of a new life is a joyful event for every woman, but often pregnancy becomes a difficult emotional test for a future mother. During this period, a woman may experience uncertainty, anxiety and fear of childbirth. Experts explain this condition as a consequence of hormonal imbalance, which is considered the norm during pregnancy. Given that social problems can be added to physiological symptoms, depression during pregnancy can take a threatening form not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

Emotional depression and instability of the psychological background are most noticeable from the outside. Therefore, depression in early pregnancy or prenatal depression in pregnant women can be diagnosed by close relatives and gynecologists.

Cause of mental disorder

Pregnancy is a physiological process during which, in the absence of complications, the hormonal background of a woman changes, protecting the expectant mother and fetus from unwanted stress and negative phenomena. However, not all pregnancies are the same.

Women with an increased sense of responsibility even before the onset of childbirth begin to escalate the situation, filling their thoughts with unnecessary fears. Suspiciousness and excessive sensitivity can provoke the formation in the subconscious of self-doubt, the correctness of the decision made. A pathological condition identified in the first trimester can be projected for the entire period of gestation. Depression before childbirth is the most common mental disorder that brings a lot of trouble to the expectant mother.

Prenatal depression is a serious pathological mental disorder that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. The clinical picture of such a disease can be quite diverse. Some women simply feel a slight apathy for everything, others experience periodic panic attacks and unreasonable fear.

Depression in pregnant women occurs regardless of the age of the patient. Complex family relationships and difficult life situations greatly complicate the task of doctors, so when deciding what to do and how to cope with depression during pregnancy, an individual approach is required.

Which women are at risk

When analyzing the most common cases of depression during pregnancy and related life factors, certain groups of women can be identified that are most prone to such a disorder:

  • Hereditary predisposition of women to mental disorders. In such patients, the risk of depression during pregnancy in the first and third trimester is most likely.
  • Difficult family relationships, in particular with the father of the child. The emotional background of the expectant mother can be disturbed by the man's insufficient attention to the events taking place. As you know, coping with any difficulties is much easier.
  • Negative experience of a previous miscarriage, numerous miscarriages and induced births can also cause depression during pregnancy. The fear that events may repeat itself makes a woman nervous throughout the entire period of gestation.
  • Prenatal depression in pregnant women can be triggered by long-term treatment for infertility, as well as the presence of pathological diseases of the internal organs in the patient. Anxiety that diseases can interfere with the normal development of the baby gradually develops into a constant panic fear, which does not allow you to switch to positive emotions. In this state, a woman, instead of deciding how to help herself get rid of the negative, on the contrary, exacerbates the situation. As a result, depression before childbirth takes a severe form.
  • Changes in the structure of the brain that provoke emotional disturbances in all trimesters of pregnancy may be the result of bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol addiction, intoxication with harmful chemicals).

Symptoms of the disease

Pregnancy and depression are a fairly common phrase. Anxiety for the health of the child, the upcoming birth is accompanied by various clinical symptoms:

  • causeless irritation for any reason;
  • lack of emotional arousal;
  • feeling of self-doubt and low self-esteem;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • unwillingness to leave the premises;
  • heightened sense of hunger;
  • feeling of constant negativity;
  • refusal to attend a antenatal clinic.

Severe depression during pregnancy can bring a woman to suicidal thoughts. More often than not, however, these considerations remain unfulfilled.

Depression in the first trimester

A mental disorder that appears during early pregnancy is most often the result of a physiological restructuring of the body. New sensations, early toxicosis, various restrictions make the expectant mother experience a whole range of feelings.

The first trimester is the most difficult period. A woman is forced to give up some of her favorite activities and bad habits. Often a woman begins to reproach the father of the child for inattention to herself. All these events form a negative mood in the subconscious, despite the fact that the pregnancy passes without complications.

Mild psycho-emotional instability from a medical point of view is considered an indirect symptom of the conception that has occurred. Therefore, the main task of doctors is the correct diagnosis of the problem. It is rather difficult to predict what consequences may occur due to a depressive state, however violation of the emotional background can adversely affect the nervous system of the baby. A fetus born in a state of constant stress does not gain weight well.

Mental disorder second trimester

In the second trimester, a woman is fully aware of her situation. During this period, thoughts about cardinal changes in life begin to emerge in my head. The expectant mother begins to worry about the temporary cessation of work activities and look for new daily activities. Provided that the pregnant woman was able to independently plan her daily routine, find a suitable hobby and distract herself from negative thoughts, second trimester depression can go unnoticed.

However, getting rid of depression on your own is not always possible. The physiological symptoms of the second trimester cause a woman to experience daily negative emotions. A visible change in the figure, frequent urination, back pain, breast sensitivity cause constant discomfort, as a result of which the expectant mother begins to think about possible complications.

Depression in the third trimester

Depression during late pregnancy is considered the most likely occurrence. This time becomes the most difficult for the expectant mother. The woman begins to be overwhelmed by anxious thoughts about the approaching birth, she increasingly seeks solitude, becomes taciturn and secretive. Since it is quite difficult to deal with depression during pregnancy on your own, during this period a woman may need the help of a qualified psychologist.

Depression in the last weeks of pregnancy can take an acute form. The maximally enlarged belly prevents a pregnant woman from fully resting or relaxing. All thoughts of the expectant mother are directed to the approaching birth. Often, a negative attitude is aggravated by the fact that everyone around is constantly asking when the baby will finally be born.

Psychologists say that the stressful state transmitted to the baby through the placenta in the 3rd trimester can gain a foothold in his subconscious and further have a negative impact on the psyche of a growing child. Children who experience stress in the womb develop more slowly and lag far behind their peers.

In case of revealing alarming symptoms, a pregnant woman needs to urgently seek help, since the calmer the expectant mother feels, the easier the birth of the baby will be. In addition, a woman will need a lot of strength in the postpartum period.

Disease prevention

In order for a depressive state not to overshadow the happiest and most exciting period of a woman's life, it is necessary to take preventive measures in a timely manner. First of all, a woman needs the support of close relatives. Having become pregnant, the expectant mother feels the need for constant communication. It is very important for her that the event that happened has a positive assessment.

In addition, for the prevention of depression, certain rules must be observed:

  • do not engage in excessive physical activity;
  • eat well;
  • often walk in the fresh air;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • communicate with women in position;
  • try to get only positive emotions;
  • take care of your appearance;
  • do your favorite activities;
  • visit a doctor in a timely manner.

It is worth noting that minor mood swings, temporary pessimism, moodiness are an absolutely normal state of a pregnant woman. Such emotional manifestations help the expectant mother relieve stress and tune in a positive way.

Waiting time for a baby is usually associated with feelings of joy and delight. Therefore, many women are completely discouraged when, contrary to expectations, they experience sadness and melancholy. Depression during pregnancy is quite common. Although she makes this difficult period in the life of a future mother even more difficult, we hasten to reassure you - you can successfully fight depression. There are many ways to help deal with this problem. You can choose the one that's right for you, or try a combination of all of these tips. Whatever you choose, it's best to get started right away.


Part 1

Changing the daily routine

    Plan and organize your day. Don't let depression interfere with your schedule. When this happens, you begin to avoid work and socializing, and it becomes increasingly difficult for you to get out of this vicious circle. Plan and organize your daily schedule. Try to fill your day with useful and productive activities and tasks that will inspire you. Staying active and energetic is the best way to deal with depression

    • Daily activities help too. Any person wants to feel calm and know what will happen in the future, and everyday activities help to achieve this feeling. Create rules for yourself that you can rely on and make sure these events happen, whether it's dinner with friends, yoga classes, cooking dinner or an evening bath. You will know what events will happen at a certain time, so the brain will feel calmer.
  1. Find time for things that bring you joy. As you make plans for a day full of activities, don't forget to set aside time for your favorite activities. This will increase your activity and cheer you up. Don't feel guilty about watching your favorite movie again. Now, more than ever, you deserve to take the time to be happy.

    • If you find yourself feeling guilty about a salon pedicure or an hour in the bathroom, remind yourself that being a mom is hard work around the clock. Then you will no longer have time for yourself. That is why you are now doing all these nice things for yourself while you have the opportunity.
  2. Include regular exercise in your day. Like bright lights, exercise and sex release two hormones - dopamine and endorphins - that make you feel happy. These hormones are responsible for such emotions as happiness, energy and an optimistic view of the future. That is why it is important that sports exercises are always in your life, and especially during pregnancy. Of course, you don't have to exhaust yourself with heavy workouts. Pilates, yoga and other similar activities are very good for pregnant women.

    • In addition to helping your body produce "happy hormones" and fight depression, exercise can help you stay fit. Very often, pregnant women experience depression because their body is changing and they no longer feel attractive. Exercising, even the simplest, helps you feel lean and strong, and it reduces feelings of depression.
    • However, before incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, discuss it with your doctor, who will recommend sports activities that are right for you.
  3. Rest is the most important thing for you now. Pregnancy is a very stressful period of life with a lot of excitement and anxiety. It makes you feel depressed, especially if you think you just have to shine with happiness, but in fact you don’t feel any of that. What two things do you think will help you deal with stress? Meditation and daytime sleep.

    • Meditation will help lower the levels of cortisol in your body, which will reduce your stress levels, help you sleep better, and feel much happier. If you do not have the opportunity to go to a cafe with your friends, spend your free time meditating. Fifteen minutes of meditation exercises are enough, and you will feel the difference.
    • Daytime naps, on the other hand, help you feel calmer and more energized. Most importantly, sleep no more than an hour so that daytime sleep does not disrupt your normal sleep pattern.
  4. Attend a psychological support group. Many women experience depression during pregnancy; this is a fairly common occurrence. Most of the women you know have either experienced the same feelings themselves or know someone who has had a similar problem. Of course, it is important that your friends and family support you, but at the same time, being in a psychological group with women who themselves have had similar experiences will let you know that you are not alone.

    • Ask friends, family, colleagues, and even your doctor about centers and organizations where you can get psychological help. The antenatal clinic may suggest that you participate in their special program, or suggest women's organizations that offer this type of assistance. If you are currently working with a psychotherapist, he can tell you where such groups are held. In addition, you can search for information on the Internet.

    Part 2

    Take control of your emotions
      • Depression during pregnancy is often due to relationship problems, worries about the future, and worries about the arrival of a long-awaited baby. In addition, it is a well-known fact that due to changes in hormone levels, pregnant women often take everything too personally. Of course, the support of loved ones is important for a person at any period of life, but it is especially necessary during pregnancy.
    1. Be honest about how you feel. It is very important to know that there are people you can rely on. However, it is even more important to be able to accept their help yourself. Very often, depression makes you feel lonely. Asking for help when you really need it will help you feel better.

      • Having a baby causes a lot of changes in your body, and sometimes you feel that no one can understand you, that you are scared and you are completely alone in this world. That is why the support of loving people is a key factor in helping you cope with depression. When you ask for the help you need, then a loved one will come to the rescue and the feeling of despair will leave you. The support of a mother, sister, cousin or friend can also be of invaluable help.
      • Even if you don’t feel much support from your loved ones right now, it’s still very important to explain to them that you need it. Keep in mind that people cannot read minds, so they need to be told what is happening to you and what help you need.
    2. Try to forgive and forget more often. Often, during depression, we cannot forgive ourselves or others for even minor mistakes. Sometimes we are cruel to ourselves and others for no reason. Try to accept things with an open heart. No one is perfect, and constantly thinking about unpleasant things will not benefit anyone. When you forget and forgive, it becomes easier for you.

      • Often pregnant women themselves believe that they are naughty and annoyed for no reason. They think that in the eyes of others they look like moody whiners, and suffer because they cannot cope with the action of hormones. We assure you, people around you are well aware of the causes of mood swings in pregnancy, so do not blame yourself. And others too!
    3. Try to understand which negative thoughts are the source of the problem. Deep negative thoughts (also known as automatic negative thoughts) often elude our understanding. This is critical because it is these thoughts that often cause depression. Try to identify what those thoughts are and learn how to change them into positive ones.

      • If you catch yourself thinking, "There is nothing good in my life," stop for a moment. After that, say to yourself: “No, that’s not true! Although I am going through a difficult period now, there are still many pleasant and joyful events in my life.”
      • Try to avoid excessive demands and obligations. Do not demand too much from yourself, loved ones and the environment. This will make your life a little easier.
    4. Make a set of cards to help you deal with the problem. Make a set that consists of small cards with life-affirming statements written on them. Here are some helpful ideas:

      • You can make cards out of colored paper, cardboard, or whatever material you like. Cut the sheets into small cards and write on each one a positive and compelling statement that will help you deal with negative emotions. For example: "I have always been able to cope with troubles, I will cope with them this time!"
      • Signal cards can be laid out in different places of the apartment. Any time you get depressed or have bad thoughts, these cards will help you stop. They are very useful when you need to stop or reduce the flow of negative thoughts.
      • Make a schedule of the things you plan to do during the day. Write it on a sheet of A4 or make up from separate cards. Pin the schedule to a closet or somewhere else. During the day, mark the things that you have already done. This is very helpful in your fight against depression. Such a schedule clearly shows you how much progress you have made and gives you additional motivation for further actions.
    5. Don't forget to live in the present. If you live in memories, constantly re-experiencing unpleasant events that happened in the past, then it is difficult for you to focus on the events of today. Rejoice in all the good things that are now in your life, pay more attention to everything that makes you happy, live here and now. Soon you will bring new life to this world!

      • You don't have to think about the future. Constant worries about how everything will end, and what kind of mother you can become, will not lead to anything good. The fact that you are experiencing means that you care - and this is the first step. Try to focus on what you can improve now, which in turn will improve your future.

    Part 3

    Changing sleep patterns
    1. Change your sleep pattern, make a detailed schedule. One of the most common symptoms of depression is sleep disturbance - a person sleeps either too little or too much. Good sleep is one of the important factors in mental health, when sleep patterns are disturbed, it causes mood changes and often leads to depression. To avoid these negative effects, develop a sleep routine.

      • Start by determining how many hours of sleep you need - some people need to sleep longer than usual. However, if you are worried about depression during pregnancy, it is usually recommended to sleep at least 9 hours a night, and also to lie down to sleep twice a day (each daytime nap should be about an hour).
    2. Set a specific time for going to bed and getting up in the morning, and stick to that schedule. In order for your sleep schedule to be beneficial, you need to learn how to go to bed and wake up in the morning at a certain time. If you stick to your schedule, your body will get used to the fact that you go to bed at a certain time, and you will fall asleep faster.

      • Of course, this will require some effort from you. If you decide to go to bed at 10 p.m., you must adhere to this rule on weekends as well. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and sometimes you can go to bed later (or sleep longer in the morning), but in general, try to stick to your routine.
    3. Try to stick to your sleep schedule. Of course, it will be difficult at first, and you will probably lie in bed and toss and turn from side to side, trying to sleep. However, it will take a few days for your body to get used to the new schedule, and you will fall asleep almost as soon as your head hits the pillow.

      • Depression can also affect your sleep. It is very difficult in this case to determine what is the cause and what is the effect. In order to avoid this trap, sleep better and feel better, try to convince yourself that the idea of ​​a sleep routine is worth it and stick to it. A calm environment and a stable daily routine are your best helpers in the fight against depression.
    4. If you don't get enough sleep at night, sleep during the day. Proper sleep is very important if you are suffering from depression during pregnancy because sleep allows your brain to fully rest and recover. Since the brain is the organ that controls emotions, and therefore depression, depriving the brain of the amount of sleep it needs causes enormous harm to the body. If you've been tossing and turning all night, try to make up for the lack of sleep during the day.

      • If you decide to sleep during the day, then two hour breaks for sleep will be enough to make up for the lack of night sleep. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that daytime sleep does not prevent you from falling asleep on time in the evening, and the next morning you wake up at the usual time.

    Part 4

    Treating depression with psychotherapy
    1. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you change the way you think. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that has a positive effect on conditions such as depression. However, if we are talking about pregnancy, then such psychotherapy will benefit you, even if you do not suffer from depression. Therapy will help you better understand and accept your new condition and can prepare you for the arrival of a new joy in your life - a baby.

      • This psychological approach is based on the theory that our thoughts influence our actions, and thus negative thoughts lead to wrong actions.
      • However, this therapy does not just declare "Think positively!" It goes much deeper. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy explores your habitual thought patterns and allows you to develop an optimistic mindset.
      • Negative thoughts such as "Why does this always happen to me?" lead you to expect nothing but trouble from life and behave accordingly. The goal of CBT is to turn negative thoughts into positive and more realistic thoughts, such as: "Yes, it's a difficult situation right now, but instead of giving up, what can I do to feel happy?"
    2. Psychotherapy will help you prepare for the birth of your baby. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be very helpful in helping you prepare for the arrival of your baby. This event, no matter how joyful it may be, brings a lot of excitement and worries into a woman's life, and can in itself be a cause of depression. In this case, the therapist will help you learn to see what is behind your anxious thoughts, such as: "I'm afraid I won't be able to be a good mother," and transform them into healthier reasoning, such as: "Everyone can make mistakes, and I "I can probably be wrong about my baby too. But he will be fine because I will do everything in my power to be a good mother."

      • As we have already mentioned, depression during pregnancy is often caused by relationship problems or an inability to understand and accept a new state of affairs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is very helpful in this case because it allows you to understand the root causes of problems and helps you find a way to change things.
    3. Try light therapy. This is a relatively new way to fight depression, but it has been proven effective and is completely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This method is especially useful in winter or any other time when your condition does not allow you to spend a lot of time outdoors.

      • Light therapy usually refers to prolonged exposure to very bright light. Usually, special lamps are used for this (the usual lamp that we use at home is not enough) with a brightness of 10,000 lux, under which a person stays for 30-40 minutes.
      • This therapy is based on an amazing quality of the human body - when we are in very bright light, the body begins to produce hormones that cause a feeling of happiness and even euphoria.
    4. Alternatively, spend more time outdoors. If possible, you can choose the natural way - spend more time in the sun, and in general, in nature. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that people are adapted to live in daylight and are affected by the heat of the sun. For this reason, the human brain is designed to look for conditions in which the body is longer in the light. In order for a person to be in the sun more, the body has evolved so that we feel joy at the sight of sunlight. Constant fatigue and lack of energy

    5. Tearfulness
    6. Weak attachment to the unborn baby
    7. Lack of feeling of joy
    8. Irritability
    9. Thoughts of suicide
    10. Feelings of inadequacy
  5. Identify risk factors. There are factors that increase the risk of depression, and if you pay attention to them in time, you can avoid depression. These factors include:

    • Dysfunctional thinking and inability to cope with everyday stressors
    • Relationship problems in the family
    • Difficult and stressful life events
    • Physical, sexual or emotional abuse experienced in the past.
    • Miscarriages or stillbirths in the past.
    • Stress associated with childbirth.
    • Predisposition to depression or anxiety.
      • If these factors were present before pregnancy, then the pregnant woman is more likely to experience depression and need the help of a psychologist to cope with the problem.
  6. Know that you are not alone. Depression during pregnancy can be very severe and unbearable. Most women expect their entire pregnancy to be simply filled with happiness and delight, but, unfortunately, this happens very rarely. Remember that this is a challenging time for both your body and your mind, and the best way to deal with problems is to seek help and support if you feel overwhelmed by depressive thoughts.

  • Your doctor can recommend a good psychologist who practices cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • If you are experiencing a bout of depression, try to let your loved ones know as soon as possible that you need their presence around. Tell us what you think now and how you feel. Sometimes, to feel better, it is enough to have a person nearby who will listen to a story about what is bothering you.

Awareness of upcoming motherhood in most cases brings joy, but sometimes the waiting period for a baby can be a real test for the female psyche. According to medical data, depression during pregnancy occurs in especially sensitive, stress-resistant natures, who, even before conception, had a tendency to despondency.

The instability of the emotional background can lead to addiction to alcohol and psychotropic substances. The state of depression is very harmful for the expectant mother, therefore, it requires an immediate appeal to a specialist.

ICD-10 code

F33 Recurrent depressive disorder

Causes of depression during pregnancy

Nature has created all the conditions for a successful pregnancy, but the human brain has predetermined a lot of problems and obstacles. The frantic rhythm of everyday life has made its own "corrections" in the physiological process of gestation in the form of social norms and principles, the status of a woman and moral aspects. Despite the strongest external pressure, a pregnant woman in a new role for herself becomes a hostage, first of all, of her own experiences. How else? After the birth of a baby, you can forget about your former life, a person will be born who is completely dependent on you. Cardinal changes require moral readiness, tolerance, and the ability to adapt to a new role from a young mother.

There are a lot of factors that influence mental disorder. The support and help from the spouse and family members will be important here. The main causes of depression during pregnancy are:

  • conception was unplanned and entails colossal changes for which a woman is not ready;
  • household and housing problems;
  • lack of material base (for example, the expectant mother does not have a permanent job);
  • negative attitude of relatives and husband to the “adding to the family”;
  • debilitating toxicosis;
  • circumstances of a physiological and psychosocial nature;
  • experiences associated with the loss of a loved one, work, etc.;
  • lack of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine;
  • endogenous factors (internal changes in the body);
  • long-term use of drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, etc.);
  • drug overdose;
  • hormonal changes;
  • failures in the past when trying to have children (miscarriage, abortion, miscarriage, etc.);
  • increased fatigue and weakness.

Depression can be inherited, be provoked by emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Each depression during pregnancy is individual, but, despite this, it can be treated. Doctors explain the spread of the negative phenomenon among pregnant women by the close connection between the neuroendocrine system and the emotional background, which is especially pronounced under the influence of hormonal changes.

Symptoms of depression during pregnancy

Signals of depression during the bearing of a baby are anxiety about the physical condition and the upcoming birth. Mood swings and excessive tearfulness lead to sleep disturbance, the inability to wake up in the morning. As a result, there are serious problems with the well-being of the expectant mother.

The following symptoms of depression during pregnancy are distinguished:

  • irritability;
  • fatigue, a feeling of constant fatigue;
  • increased feeling of hunger or lack of appetite;
  • chronic sadness;
  • lack of joy and pleasure in life;
  • not wanting to communicate with anyone;
  • fear of going outside (agoraphobia);
  • low self-esteem;
  • feelings of guilt and lack of self-confidence;
  • apathy;
  • not passing drowsiness;
  • suspiciousness and anxiety for any reason;
  • heightened sensitivity and tearfulness.

Some women in position are constantly in a bad mood, others acutely feel their helplessness and uselessness, sometimes bringing themselves to thoughts of suicide.

If it is not possible to spend every day in awareness of the uniqueness of the moment, getting joy and pleasure, if depression during pregnancy comes to the fore, you should consult a psychologist.

Depression in early pregnancy

Psychologists refer to the first trimester as the “denial period.” A new life has already been born, and a woman forgets about it all the time, of course, if there are no toxicosis and other problems. For example, the mother-to-be is seriously discussing a hike in the mountains with friends or considering plans for a business trip that coincides with the 36th week of gestation. And this is absolutely normal, because the belly and the first movements of the baby are not yet.

The beginning of gestation is probably the most difficult period for every woman. The body is rebuilt and gets used to “work in a new way”, all body systems undergo changes, including the nervous one. Stress, fears for any reason (childbirth, baby's health, financial stability, etc.) - all this surrounds the expectant mother. Often, depression at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with family troubles, the inability to do things you love (for example, attend sports classes for medical contraindications), and the rejection of familiar things (for example, smoking).

However, frequent mood swings and hypersensitivity should not be confused with depression. Many women notice the instability of the emotional background after conception. Oddly enough, such behavior is considered in medicine as one of the indirect signs of pregnancy. The reason for these changes are hormonal changes. Mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue are physiological norms. But the problems of a protracted (two or more weeks) nature with a pessimistic attitude, thoughts that everything is terrible and will be even worse, talk about death and constant anxiety indicate true depression.

No doctor can predict what consequences depression causes during pregnancy and the onset of gestation. Researchers from Canada have found that children born in conditions of psycho-emotional instability, after birth, may have a small weight, slow development and sleep disturbances. The expectant mother needs to see a specialist in case of persistent anxiety.

Depression in early pregnancy

In the second trimester of gestation, a woman realizes that she is pregnant, and then thoughts appear that with the birth of a child, her own life will fly somersault. Psychologists called this stage "the search for the lost object." The object is understood as favorite work, a certain rhythm and habitual way of life, friends and colleagues, entertainment, etc. The most interesting thing is that just during this period, many women "find themselves new." Someone goes to language courses, others discover the talent of singing, drawing. In general, according to psychologists, this is the most fertile and active period in the life of a future mother. But pregnant women who are predisposed to pessimistic thoughts, who have a history of depression, have to go through real emotional storms.

According to medical data, depression during pregnancy is much more common than in the postpartum period. Both phenomena are in no way connected with each other, that is, the presence of prenatal depression does not at all mean its appearance after the birth of the baby.

Pain in the back, weight gain, engorgement of the mammary glands, frequent urge to urinate and other features of the body cause negative thoughts in the process of gestation. The more difficult the pregnancy is physically, the more difficult it is psychologically for a woman.

Depression in early pregnancy is a combination of several negative factors. Hormones that prepare the body for gestation play an important role in changing mood. Appeared insomnia does not leave a chance for a good rest. Financial, social problems, misunderstandings in the family can become a kind of catalyst for the unstable psyche of the expectant mother. If we add the anxiety of the pregnant woman herself to all of the above, then the level of stress will go off scale.

A woman who has learned about the life that is emerging inside her should protect herself from negative information from the outside. You need to carefully choose films and programs to watch, it’s not bad to get carried away with knitting or embroidery. Create a cozy, positive and calm atmosphere around you, where there will be no place for despondency and worries. Remember that stressful situations and negative thoughts are bad for your baby and can even lead to a miscarriage.

Depression at the end of pregnancy

In psychology, the third trimester has a clear name - depression. Here, panic often appears in the most balanced natures. Women picture themselves a colorful future with pans, diapers and pots. Loneliness, despondency and hopelessness settle in the soul from time to time. Some pregnant women during this period are angry at husbands whose lives do not collapse, at mothers-in-law who climb with their advice. The most important thing is to allow yourself to sometimes be in a bad mood and treat yourself “like that” with respect.

The last months of gestation are characterized by: a large belly and the difficulties associated with it in movement, the maximum load on the spine and ligaments, a feeling of helplessness, uselessness and dependence on others. Some women believe that they are no longer interesting to their spouses, and this, in turn, is fraught with increased tearfulness, irritation and resentment.

Depression at the end of pregnancy can be caused by fear of the upcoming birth, physical and mental fatigue, external factors. To exacerbate a depressive mood, being overweight and losing, in the opinion of a woman, her former sexual attractiveness can. Dissatisfaction with oneself, anger is reflected in the closest people who "do not understand and do not support anything."

Pregnant women in the later stages sometimes behave strangely: they seek to retire, taking long walks in nature, or they go headlong into sewing and preparing a dowry. In fact, it is very important to listen to yourself, your body, and then depression during pregnancy will not bother you. Spend precious time before the birth of the baby on yourself, after the baby is born, you will no longer have such luxury.

Depression in the last weeks of pregnancy

Often, depression during pregnancy is detected in the last weeks of gestation. The abdomen reaches its maximum size, which interferes with proper rest, fatigue also reaches its climax and the woman longs for a speedy resolution from pregnancy. Often, irritation is spurred on by questions from the outside: about who is expected, when to give birth, etc.

Scientists say that depression in the last weeks of pregnancy does not cause much harm to the expectant mother, but it negatively affects the subsequent life of the child. The stress felt by the baby in the process of intrauterine development forms a certain attitude and the ability to cope with difficult situations on their own after birth. There is evidence that such children are more difficult to adapt to difficulties, do not know how to cope with life's troubles, develop worse and lag behind their peers.

On the eve of labor, women should remember that childbirth and the period of adaptation proceed the easier and faster, the calmer, more balanced, physically and mentally prepared the expectant mother is. Therefore, do not waste your strength and energy by negatively emotionalizing, but do something that really brings you pleasure, because the long-awaited meeting is not long to wait.

depression at 9 months pregnant

Pregnancy is not a continuous euphoria and a sense of celebration, stretching for nine months, but also a time in which new, often unpleasant thoughts and emotions arise. Psychologists recommend going on maternity leave in a timely manner, and not working before the start of contractions. Of course, the habitual way of life helps a woman delay the realization of grandiose life changes. Favorite work, colleagues, a sense of need and significance only temporarily protect against depression during pregnancy. All the chores after the birth of the baby will still fall on your shoulders, it would be better to mentally prepare yourself in advance, avoiding the snowball effect.

Depression at 9 months of pregnancy can develop into a tantrum if it is not dealt with during it. The nervousness is aggravated due to a heavy stomach, one's own clumsiness, it becomes impossible to sleep (suffocation torments) and eat (heartburn appears). Any trifle causes anxiety in the expectant mother, and disturbing thoughts about childbirth, her health and the baby overwhelm her head. Of course, it is difficult to be ready for all the changes during this period. You need to know that it's okay to worry. Almost every pregnant woman in the ninth month notes how slowly and painfully time drags on. Special courses for pregnant women, walks, photo shoots and more help to cope with the expectation.

Depression after a missed pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is a tragedy that affects the physical and mental state of a woman. After conception, the body launched the necessary physiological mechanisms to prepare a woman for bearing and giving birth to a baby. Due to various circumstances, the development of the embryo stops, and it is removed surgically, which leads to a “program failure”. The loss of a child turns into a real disaster, in which the woman blames herself. Gloomy thoughts, pain, misunderstanding, anger, despair and detachment drive one crazy, can lead to suicide attempts.

Depression after a missed pregnancy in a woman requires mandatory attention from loved ones, and sometimes psychological help. First, stop blaming yourself. You are not able to influence the development of the baby in the womb. Second, don't hold back your emotions. If tears come, cry. Thirdly, you need time to recover mentally, energetically and physically. On average, rehabilitation takes from 3 to 12 months. Fourthly, go through additional examinations. This will increase your confidence in a favorable outcome in the future.

Depression during pregnancy, ending with the fading of the fetus, is characterized by a loss of interest in life, when a woman is no longer happy, and pain and longing intensify every day. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to a psychologist. The specialist will prescribe a relaxing program, hypnosis, recommend courses of yoga therapy or acupuncture.

Diagnosis of depression during pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy is diagnosed based on symptoms. To confirm the diagnosis, two main conditions are necessary:

  • pessimistic moods or a depressed state last for a whole day for at least two weeks almost every day;
  • lack of interest or pleasure in daily activities of similar duration.

Additional conditions are:

  • sleep disorders;
  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • energy depletion or chronic fatigue;
  • a state of psychomotor agitation or lethargy;
  • excessive feelings of guilt or self-worthlessness;
  • reduced level of concentration, inability to make decisions, the ability to comprehend what is happening around;
  • suicidal tendencies, thoughts of death.

Diagnosis of depression during pregnancy includes various tests, surveys and instrumental methods. During the initial consultation, the psychologist determines the nature of depression (moderate/severe form) using rating scales - Hamilton, Beck, Hospital Anxiety Scale. A complete examination involves a blood test to identify genetic markers of predisposition to depression and specific triggers that provoke the launch of a pathological mechanism. Scientists are confident that genetic screening will allow to determine the disease in the early stages in pregnant women.

Treatment of depression during pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy requires a mandatory referral to a psychologist or psychotherapist, who determines the complexity of the disease and prescribes the necessary therapy. The mild and moderate stages are amenable to treatment with hypnosis or an individual/group psychosocial approach, i.e. elaboration of fears, doubts under the guidance of a competent specialist. Psychotherapy is divided into cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal, during which pregnant women get rid of emotional disorders without the use of medication by mastering the skills of rational-positive thinking.

Among the newest methods is the treatment of depression during pregnancy with bright morning light with the parallel intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. A number of studies provide data on the efficacy and safety of such therapy. There are even special devices for light therapy that mimic sunlight.

With regard to the use of pharmacological drugs in the treatment of mental disorders in expectant mothers, antidepressants are prescribed in the following cases:

  • the woman suffered from severe depression before conception and after the onset of pregnancy, the picture worsened;
  • the disease proceeds with frequent relapses;
  • it is difficult to achieve stable remission;
  • depression is asymptomatic.

Of course, it is better to get rid of the signs of depression long before conception, since all modern psychotropic drugs tend to penetrate the placental barrier into the amniotic fluid. The leading drugs in the fight against prenatal depression are serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors - venlafaxine, sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, citalopram. The risk of taking drugs is associated with the possibility of developing heart disease, umbilical hernia and craniosynostosis in a child, so these substances are prescribed in situations where the benefit to the mother is undeniably higher than the risk to the fetus. In mothers who took antidepressants during gestation, babies are born with problems such as: diarrhea, decreased activity of stomach function, trembling, increased heart rate, respiratory failure, etc.

The dosage of drugs is selected individually and can be:

  • "Sertraline" - a single daily intake of 50 to 200 mg. The course is 2-3 weeks;
  • "venlafaxine" - the minimum dose of 75 mg twice a day. If the therapeutic effect is not achieved in a few weeks, then the amount of the substance increases to 150-375 mg per day;
  • "paroxetine" - depending on the severity of the disease, it is recommended to take from 10 to 60 mg per day. The duration of treatment varies from 2 to 3 weeks with a possible increase in the initial dosage;
  • "fluoxetine" - initially 20 mg per day (maximum dose - 80 mg) for 3-4 weeks;
  • "Citalopram" - from 10 to 60 mg per day. The course of treatment reaches 6 months.

Pharmacological drugs for depression during pregnancy have an impressive list of side effects, including:

  • violation of the digestive function (constipation, flatulence, nausea, hepatitis, etc.);
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system (hallucinations, drowsiness, panic attacks, convulsions, etc.);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • respiratory problems (runny nose, shortness of breath, cough, etc.);
  • violation of cardiovascular activity (for example, tachycardia, pressure surges);
  • frequent urination.

Special instructions for the use of pharmacological agents apply to patients with liver failure, heart and kidney disease. A doctor prescribes the drug and controls its effect, taking into account the possibility of suicidal attempts, the likelihood of which may increase with medication. The increase and decrease in dosage is carried out smoothly, and also purely in agreement with the attending doctor.

Treatment of depression during severe pregnancy at any time is possible by electroconvulsive therapy. The method is based on the suppression of stress hormones by inducing seizures. As an alternative to drug exposure, acupuncture is also used, which is characterized by a minimum of side effects. Work on acupuncture points to combat mental disorder takes 4 to 8 weeks.

Good results are obtained by treating depression during pregnancy with exercise. The intensity of the training depends on the severity of the disease and the individual prescriptions of the gynecologist. Moreover, the maximum effect is observed when visiting the gym, and not an independent study of the complex at home. A woman can choose the most suitable type of physical activity for herself, among the recommended ones are yoga, swimming, aerobics, Pilates.

It turns out that depression during pregnancy is treated with herbal antidepressants. The most popular and effective remedy in the treatment of mild or moderate disorders is St. John's wort. The plant does not harm if the woman does not have individual intolerance. The intake of herbal raw materials should be agreed with the gynecologist and psychotherapist. Expectant mothers should be careful, as St. John's wort is not compatible with pharmacological antidepressants, cyclosporines and other drugs. The question of choosing a high-quality and environmentally friendly product remains open, so buy St. John's wort from trusted herbalists or in phytopharmacies. The recommended dosage is 300 mg of infusion up to three times a day. To prepare the broth, you need a glass of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, which can withstand half an hour in a water bath.

Prevention of depression during pregnancy

The state of pregnancy requires, first of all, emotional support from relatives and a loving spouse. Experts have proven that depression during pregnancy develops in those women who are often criticized in the family and face a wall of misunderstanding. It is important for the expectant mother that her fears and experiences are listened to by the closest people who will help to feel positive emotions and return the joy of life.

Prevention of depression during pregnancy consists of:

  • good rest;
  • healthy sleep;
  • proper, rational nutrition, enriched with vitamins and vegetable fiber;
  • exciting, useful activities that bring maximum happiness and satisfaction to the expectant mother;
  • daily walks;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • obligatory care of one's appearance;
  • the ability to focus on positive thoughts and the formation of one's harmonious reality, the ability to quickly switch to an optimistic mood;
  • the need to go on maternity leave in time;
  • communication with like-minded people (for example, attending childbirth preparation courses);
  • timely access to a psychologist / psychotherapist.

Fatty polyunsaturated acids: docosahexaenoic (DHA / DHA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA / EPA) and Omega-3, which are found in fatty fish, help prevent depression. Moreover, DHA is of plant origin, and EPA is of animal origin. In addition to reducing stress, acids have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular activity, preventing a number of heart diseases.

It is important for expectant mothers to realize that depression during pregnancy is a common problem. It is important to accept your depressed state, give up feelings of guilt and, if necessary, seek specialized help in a timely manner.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time, but sometimes it is overshadowed by mental problems. The most common of these is depression. They affect about 10% of pregnant women.

Turning to this topic, we consider it necessary to pay attention to the fact that depression during pregnancy is not just mood swings caused by hormonal changes, it is a serious disease. Despondency literally absorbs the whole personality of the future mother. Nothing pleases her, even the imminent appearance of a child causes only fear and anxiety. A pregnant woman becomes a hostage to her inner experiences.

The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that depression during pregnancy can subsequently affect the mental well-being of the unborn baby. That is why it is impossible to ignore this problem in any case.

Depression in pregnancy can lead to irreparable health problems. Do not forget that birth is ahead. The nervous system, exhausted by the disease, may not be able to withstand such stress. In order to avoid undesirable consequences and enjoy the joy of motherhood, it is necessary to contact either a gynecologist or a psychotherapist at the first signs of depression.

Pregnancy depression can manifest itself in different ways. Some women cry all the time, some cannot sleep, some are afraid of the future, driving themselves to suicide attempts with their fears. However, there are a number of signs, by the presence of which one can judge the presence of depression. Among them:

  • Increased irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Inability to focus
  • Feeling of hunger or lack of appetite
  • Constant feeling of tiredness
  • Despondency
  • Fear of going out
  • suspiciousness
  • Sleepiness that doesn't go away
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feelings of hopelessness and joylessness
  • Guilt
  • Lack of desire to communicate with anyone
  • Diffidence
  • Tearfulness
  • Sleep disturbances (inability to sleep, nightmares).

What are the causes of depression in pregnancy

For quite a long time it was believed that during pregnancy there is a production of hormones that prevent the development of depression. This conclusion was made by doctors as a result of observations of expectant mothers. Most of them were emotionally uplifted. However, over time, many experts began to note that the stress and physical activity that accompanies pregnancy make women more prone to depression.

Aggravate the situation of additional worldly difficulties. So, one of the most common causes of depression is a problematic relationship with the future father of the child. Single women and women who live in conflict with their partner are much more likely to develop depression. They do not know what to do in the current, very difficult, situation.

In addition, depression during pregnancy can be triggered by a number of the following factors:

  • Daily accompanying stresses (trouble at work, moving, quarrel, divorce) can cause a nervous breakdown and, as a result, depression.
  • Low salary. During the period of expectation of the baby, this factor becomes more significant. What to do if the money is already barely enough? If earlier a low income did not please much, now it causes great anxiety, because now you have to take care of the child.
  • Psychophysical problems. They include toxicosis. Morning sickness and poor physical health do not add optimism. And if the pregnancy is also unexpected, then these problems do not bring much joy, becoming the causes of the development of depression.
  • Negative experience of a previous pregnancy. According to the results of research by medical psychologists, a previous pregnancy and depression that accompanies the next "interesting position" are closely related.

Depression in pregnant women can be triggered by unsuccessful gestation in the past or infertility. In the event that the birth of a child was preceded by trials (it was not possible to get pregnant for a long time, I had to go through a lot of painful medical procedures, listen to a huge number of sympathetic comments, there were miscarriages, etc.), then the expectation of the baby will be accompanied by disturbing thoughts.

In some families, pregnancy provokes a disrespectful attitude towards the expectant mother from the so-called close people. Ridicule, aggression, rudeness on the part of the husband, mother-in-law or other relatives who see pregnancy as a threat to personal status or well-being become the cause of an emotional state disorder. Such situations happen quite rarely, however, they cause the most serious damage to the psyche of the expectant mother and baby.

In addition, pregnancy depression can be triggered by bad memories in women who have experienced emotional, sexual, or physical abuse in the past. The changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother may remind you of a long-forgotten misfortune. That is why, if a woman has been or is being subjected to any kind of violence in the past, she should tell her doctor about it.

  • Personal experience of depression in the past and the presence of relatives suffering from depression are the reason for attributing to the risk group. Such an anamnesis can provoke not only prenatal depression, but also postpartum.
  • An unplanned conception can be a major stressor that can cause depression.
  • The development of the disease can be affected by a lack of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and prolonged use of sedative drugs.

This list can be continued almost indefinitely. Any stressor that unbalances the expectant mother can cause a mental disorder.

First trimester

In psychology, the first trimester is known as the “denial period.” A new life already exists, but the expectant mother does not yet think about her situation and does not take it into account when planning activities. This, of course, is possible only in the absence of toxicosis. A striking example of such a situation can be planning a business trip in a fairly distant future, at 36 weeks of gestation. This is a fairly common and normal situation, the mother still does not feel the baby, he does not push, there is no stomach.

However, this is the most difficult time. The woman's body begins to rebuild and get used to "work in a new way." All systems of the body, including the nervous system, undergo changes. All sorts of fears and stresses (material well-being, childbirth, social status, child's health, possible job loss) surround the expectant mother. She still does not know what she will do in the near future, what awaits her.

Depression in pregnant women at this time can be caused by the loss of the opportunity to do what they love (skydiving) or the abandonment of habits that have become part of life (smoking).

In the first trimester, mood swings and irritability can be quite normal. So at the first changes in the emotional background, you should not label yourself as a depressed patient. In addition, such manifestations, oddly enough, in medicine act as the first indirect signs of pregnancy. It is worth paying attention to changes in the emotional background when they take on a role of a protracted nature, there are conversations about death, and statements about the meaninglessness of existence are often heard.

Depression in pregnant women at this time can have various consequences for both the health of the mother and the health of the baby. Scientists from Canada have found that the children of women who have experienced depression in the first trimester may experience sleep disturbances, be underweight, and lag behind in intellectual development.

Second trimester

At this stage of gestation, the woman begins to realize her position. She thinks about what she will do with the advent of the child, as her personal life will definitely fly somersault. For this reason, psychologists have called this stage "the search for the lost object." This object is understood as the usual way of life, favorite work, entertainment, friends, etc. Strange as it may seem, it is at this time that women discover their new opportunities and interests that were not previously noticed. Someone starts to draw, someone goes to learn the languages ​​of other peoples. According to all the same psychologists, this is the most fertile time in the life of a pregnant woman.

At the same time, especially sensitive natures of the melancholic type, who have a history of depression, experience real emotional storms during this period.

The development of depression in the second trimester is facilitated by a combination of several factors: hormonal changes, insomnia, misunderstanding of loved ones, financial problems.

During this time, depression and pregnancy are most associated. Weight gain, lower back pain, frequent urge to urinate, breast engorgement cause negative thoughts. There is a clear connection between the physical and her psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother.

third trimester

The third trimester in psychology is called depression. During this period, even the most balanced natures begin to lose control over themselves. In the thoughts of pregnant women, in addition to their will, “rainbow” pictures with pots, pots and diapers appear. From time to time, notes of despondency, loneliness, hopelessness sound in their soul. Increasingly, there is dissatisfaction with the husband, who is not forced to change his lifestyle, the mother-in-law, who constantly climbs with her teachings.

Depression and late pregnancy are common. The changes that have occurred with the body reinforce the feeling of one's own helplessness: the unimaginable size of the stomach, which prevents normal movement. Many ladies think that they have lost their former sexual attractiveness and are uninteresting to their husband, which causes increased resentment and tearfulness. Physical and psychological fatigue aggravate the negative emotional state.

The behavior of pregnant women before childbirth sometimes seems strange. Women tend to retire, walk alone for a long time in the fresh air, immerse themselves in the preparation of a dowry for the baby, etc. However, these behaviors have nothing to do with depression.

How to deal with illness on your own

  1. Do not try to redo everything before the baby arrives: equip the nursery, make repairs in the apartment, prepare reports at work for six months in advance, etc. The first item on the list of the most important things should be personal well-being and well-being. Pregnancy is a great time to pamper yourself, you won’t have to later (diapers, undershirts, teeth and other joys of infancy).
  2. You need to recharge daily. Moderate physical activity will allow you to feel "muscular joy" and emotional satisfaction.
  3. Learn to deal with your bad mood, find something to do. Do what you love, for which there was not enough time before: embroider, draw, read. Try something new, like join a pool.
  4. Communicate more often with family and friends. If you don't know what to do with your bad mood and anxious thoughts, talk openly with them about your problems.
  5. If fatigue overcomes and you literally fall off your feet, try to rest more, do not take all the work on yourself. Ask your husband to give you a light back and foot massage.
  6. Pay attention to your nutrition. It should not be too high in calories. Try to eat healthy, including dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Avoid flour and sweet products.
  7. In order not to "jam" yourself and your husband with far-fetched problems, try to look at the situation from the outside and do not rush to make hasty conclusions.
  8. Take more time outdoors.
  9. Do not try to fight depression on your own with medication. Never take antidepressants. This also applies to the drugs that you drank before pregnancy.
  10. Protect yourself from unwanted information. Refuse to watch programs with a negative character, films with scenes of cruelty.
  11. Create a cozy corner for yourself at home, in which there is no place for worries and despondency.
  12. Learn to respect yourself. Try to realize the beauty of your situation.

There is nothing new in the tips listed above, but we all tend to forget about common truths. If the state of anxiety does not let go, there is only one negative in your thoughts, and you do not know what to do about it, then you need to seek help from a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy. It is not worth delaying the appeal, because the well-being of the mother directly affects the health of the child.