The likelihood of pregnancy after a miscarriage. Planning for pregnancy after preterm birth

In any female body there is a hormonal surge. Hormonal background changes too much and quickly, and this negatively affects the functioning of the ovaries, other organs and the whole body as a whole.

If you started profuse bleeding, you need a long .

If, after a miscarriage, you were scraped, you have a damaged mucous membrane. The likelihood that the injured endometrium will be able to accept and hold a new fetal egg is very small.

Can you get pregnant again after a miscarriage

It is possible and necessary to get pregnant after a miscarriage. The only question is when the time will come for a new pregnancy.

You can get pregnant in the first month after the interruption. The day you have a miscarriage is the first day of your next cycle. In two or three weeks there will be the next one, then again. But it's really not worth it.

Do not rush to make a new attempt in order to forget unpleasant situation. So that this time it ends with the birth healthy baby, will have to wait.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

A pregnancy that occurs a month after the miscarriage is likely to end abruptly again. After three months, the chances of having a baby are significantly increased. But ideally, the female body will need a year to fully recover.

During this year you will have time to go through everything necessary examinations. Doctors must find out the cause of the miscarriage, for this they will send the embryo for research. Perhaps he initially had deviations or pathologies and was not viable.

You will be checked for various infections and will be tested for sex hormones. If it turns out that the cause of the miscarriage was an untreated wound infection, you will be prescribed treatment, if it is an excess of hormones, then the doctors will work on your hormonal levels.

To conceive a child after a miscarriage, it is necessary not only to full examination but also give up bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine reduce the chance of getting pregnant, they make sperm and eggs weak.

Eat right, avoid stress and heavy physical exertion. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor, tell him about all the changes in your health.

How to approach the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, what tests you need to pass, when you can conceive and what difficulties may arise in the process of bearing - these are the questions that a woman who has lost a child before he was born faces. Spontaneous abortion is always accompanied by great stress for expectant parents. Some immediately after the first failure again actively attempt to conceive, while others fear the onset of pregnancy, as they are afraid that the situation will repeat itself. Which of them is right?

Why miscarriage occurs

It is worth saying right away: spontaneous abortion is not a reason to deny yourself the joy of motherhood. Many women manage to successfully endure pregnancy after a miscarriage and give birth to a healthy baby. However, before planning a conception again, you should understand why previous pregnancy ended fatally, and try to eliminate the causes of this outcome.

So, doctors associate the onset of a miscarriage with the following factors:

  • Natural selection. If the embryo develops with defects incompatible with life, female body expels it in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the so-called biochemical pregnancy takes place;
  • Venereal diseases. Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, herpetic infection- these and other STDs provoke strong inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, they become aggravated, lead to inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus, on which the fetal egg is attached, and melt its mucous membrane. Sexually transmitted diseases can result not only in spontaneous abortion, but also in difficulties with re-conception after a miscarriage;
  • Operations on the genital organs and abortions, which resulted in mechanical damage uterus, its deformities and adhesions. As a rule, a miscarriage occurs as a result of a weakening of the uterine cervix, which is not able to hold the embryo inside. Sometimes the bend of the uterus leads to an unsuccessful outcome;
  • Hormonal imbalance. The course of pregnancy is influenced by hormones produced by the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. Hormonal disorders can provoke a miscarriage at any gestation period;
  • chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, metabolism, and overweight or underweight. Women who are obese or anorexic are much less likely to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage

Gynecologists advise waiting at least 4-6 months before getting pregnant after a miscarriage again. In addition, spouses in such a situation are advised to weigh the pros and cons again. It often happens that a man, after a miscarriage that happened to his wife, is categorically against new attempts to have a baby, especially if the spontaneous abortion has been repeated more than once. He does not want the woman he loves to have to Once again go through the pain and suffering that accompanies the previous unsuccessful attempts not to mention the fact that the loss of a child is a serious psychological blow for a couple.

In any case, the body will need time to recover, and so that pregnancy after a miscarriage does not occur immediately, it is worth deciding for yourself the issue of protection. Talk to your doctor about which method is best for you. As a rule, doctors advocate barrier contraception and spermicides, but sometimes it may be appropriate to take hormonal drugs, which, in addition to the contraceptive effect, can eliminate endocrine problems.

Planning for pregnancy after a miscarriage

So that the next pregnancy does not turn into a tragedy, both spouses must undergo a full examination before re-conceiving. As a rule, it includes:

  • A woman's blood test for hormones, and urine for ketosteroids. In particular, the gynecologist is interested in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood of the expectant mother. However, the problem can be suspected outward signs: with an increased content, there is excessive hair on the legs and arms, the presence of antennae above upper lip And dark hair lower abdomen;
  • Job analysis thyroid gland and adrenal glands of a woman. An important milestone in planning pregnancy after a miscarriage is the elimination of organ dysfunction endocrine system;
  • Examination of a couple for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. The study allows you to identify anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs, see growing neoplasms, and also assess the state of the endometrium.

Of course, if spontaneous abortion was the result of existing diseases, a prerequisite for successful conception there will be a full recovery. But if doctors have not found problems, it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle.

  1. Forget bad habits. In order for the next pregnancy after a miscarriage to end safely, both parents will have to give up smoking and alcohol;
  2. Minimum medication. Limit your medication as much as possible. If you use any of them constantly, consult your doctor about this. Perhaps drugs can be dispensed with or replaced with dietary supplements;
  3. Complete nutrition. If you have a thin figure, eat more foods rich in protein and healthy fats (olives, avocados, valuable fish, flax seeds). If there are problems with overweight not related to hormonal disorders Include as many vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible.
  4. Take folic acid and vitamin E. These substances will help the body prepare for childbearing, they are also necessary for correct formation fetus in early pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a wonderful state, especially if it was planned and expected. What kind of mental and physical trauma a woman experiences when her body gets rid of the fetus and a spontaneous abortion occurs. She immediately begins to wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage, whether the incident will happen again and what to do so that the subsequent pregnancy can be endured.

early and late miscarriages

To understand how the body is recovering after a miscarriage and how long it takes to get pregnant, you need to clarify how it happens this process. A miscarriage is considered a disruption of the fetus up to 400 grams for up to 22 weeks, since children born after this time with a weight of 500 g modern medicine already saved.

Distinguish between early and late miscarriages. Early happens before 12 weeks. Sometimes on short term he is even imperceptible to a woman. Just after a short delay, she observes profuse bleeding, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. It is often possible for a blood clot to come out. When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage early term the doctor will tell you after the examination and finding out the reason that caused the rejection of the fetus. Although in this case it is very difficult to install it.

Recovery period

Late miscarriages occur from 12 to 22 weeks. The procedure is not complete without curettage. It will take some time to restore the uterine mucosa. Doctors prescribe a period of 3 months to the question, how long after early miscarriage you can get pregnant. And after medical intervention, they vary greatly, based on the complexity of the situation: from 6 to 12 months.

Why does a breakdown occur?

Fetal rejection can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • Genetic disorders in the fetus. In one of the chromosomes there is a deviation caused by the influence of ecology, viruses, etc. In fact, natural selection is observed. The body gets rid of the unviable fetus itself. In this case, after a miscarriage, when it will be possible to become pregnant, the doctor will say, examining both parents in detail and finding the cause of the pathology.
  • Hormonal imbalance, when the natural balance of sex hormones gets off. Perhaps there is a lack of progesterone, or vice versa, an overabundance of the male hormone, which does not allow the embryo to develop normally, and it dies. How quickly you can get pregnant after a miscarriage, will show a blood test for hormones. Treatment is prescribed and time is expected to recover normal value progesterone.
  • Untreated infections before pregnancy lead to infection of the fetus, and an increase in temperature and a decrease in immunity weaken the body. In this case, the uterus cannot hold the embryo. Then is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage after 6 months, the results of the treatment of the infection will show.
  • Rh conflict occurs when the mother is negative, the father is positive, and the child has inherited the father's Rh. The organism in this case perceives the fetal egg as a foreign body and expel it. But even in such a difficult situation, after the first miscarriage, you can get pregnant by strengthening your immune system and making a new attempt.
  • Injuries in the form of an unsuccessful fall or heavy lifting.
  • Prolonged stress, anxiety, strong psychological stress.
  • Postponed abortions.

How long can you get pregnant after a miscarriage

The problem of how long it takes to get pregnant after a miscarriage worries a woman for whom the dream of becoming a mother has not come true. She wants to get the next conception as soon as possible. But the opinion of experts is unanimous. In order for the gestation process to take place without unpleasant moments, at least 3-6 months must pass. In six months, the hormonal balance is guaranteed to improve, which has gone astray due to an unexpected interruption, and the body will be ready for a new fertilization.

Pregnancy immediately after miscarriage

Some impatient girl thinks that she can get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, not listening to the advice of doctors, because she really wants to become a mother as soon as possible. But desire alone is not enough. After bleeding, the blood formula has not yet recovered, the endometrium is very thin and the attachment of the embryo to it is questionable. Haste in this matter can lead to another breakdown.

Pregnancy one month after miscarriage

Of course, you can get pregnant even a month after a miscarriage, because every girl reacts to negative processes in herself in different ways. The ovary begins to work from the first day after the abortion, believing that a new cycle has begun. The egg may be ready for fertilization already in the first cyclic period or in the next. But it’s better to wait the prescribed 6 months to do without severe consequences.

The less time passes from spontaneous abortion before next conception the higher the risk of recurrence. Therefore, doctors advise our ladies not to torture themselves with questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant a month after a miscarriage, but to be patient, undergo the necessary examinations and start planning the next conception when your gynecologist is satisfied with the state of the reproductive system and hormonal levels.

Recovery after a miscarriage

And during this time, take care of strengthening your body:

  • try to remain calm in all situations;
  • adjust your weight if necessary;
  • avoid taking any medication;
  • give up bad habits;
  • take folic acid and vitamin E;
  • choose fortified foods for the diet.

So, we have clarified whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage. In this difficult situation, you need to go through the recovery procedure, incl. psychological and listen to the advice of a doctor in order to future pregnancy ended with the happy birth of a new family member.

Is it possible to get pregnant two months after a miscarriage (video)

Pregnancy does not always end happily. By virtue of various reasons spontaneous interruption, called a miscarriage, may occur. Its probability is especially high in the first month. At any other time, this possibility should not be ruled out, and extreme caution is required.

Unfortunately, statistics say that 10-20% of gestations end in miscarriages. This is very difficult for a woman and, of course, many questions arise - how soon the pregnancy after a miscarriage will come again, and in general how everything will be in the future. Let's try to figure it out.

Miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks. At a later date, this process is called premature birth, when doctors do everything possible to save the life of a baby who has left the mother's womb earlier than expected. Before 22 weeks, resuscitation is considered inappropriate.

Types of miscarriage are divided according to the reasons for its occurrence. TO possible reasons such a phenomenon can be attributed to:

  1. A miscarriage can provoke an excessive concentration of androgen (male hormone) in the blood of a pregnant woman. An excess of androgen may indicate a large number of hair on the body of a woman, especially on the legs, stomach and face. Upon learning of such a problem, before planning for next pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is important for a woman to examine the blood for hormones. If, according to the results of the analyzes, everything points to hormonal imbalance, then Dexamethasone therapy is performed to correct male hormones. According to medical indications, such treatment can continue during pregnancy.
  2. Infectious diseases in pregnant women. To exclude the possibility of interruption for this reason, both future parents should undergo a joint examination at the planning stage of conception.
  3. Tumor neoplasms, for example, cervical fibroids. It creates an obstacle to the normal fixation of the egg in the uterine cavity, thereby becoming the cause of an early miscarriage.
  4. Pathology of the cervix can provoke a miscarriage on later dates. The uterus itself and the fetus put pressure on the cervix, which can cause it to open prematurely. The cause of cervical weakness is either genetic predisposition, or her injury during previous births or abortions. If such a situation happened, then the doctor should put a special suture on the cervix, which will be removed almost before the very birth. In especially severe cases, a woman, in order to maintain a pregnancy, will have to observe bed rest after such a suture.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system (diseases of the thyroid gland or diabetes) can lead to negative consequences. That is why expectant mothers are strongly advised to carry out comprehensive examination before pregnancy, to know about all the problems in the body. It is also very important during pregnancy to be observed by an endocrinologist.
  6. Immunological incompatibility of spouses. In such a situation, the mother's body simply rejects the father's cells in the bud. This may require a course of immunological therapy.
  7. redundant physical exercise on the female body, lifting weights or injury. If this happened, then the next pregnancy immediately after the miscarriage should occur and proceed with the complete exclusion of these factors.

If none of these reasons is confirmed, it is more likely that the interruption was caused by some genetic abnormalities at the fetus. That is, a kind of natural selection took place, in which there was a natural removal of a non-viable embryo.

In such cases, pregnancy after an early miscarriage is possible only after consulting a geneticist and performing chromosomal tests to detect abnormalities. It is also necessary to conduct a study of the rejected embryo to determine its pathologies.

Attention! If you are unable to conceive after a miscarriage, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Examination after a miscarriage

If a miscarriage occurs - do not despair and panic. You just need to be more careful when planning your next pregnancy. To do this, you will need to undergo a serious examination and determine the existing problems in the body. It should be remembered at the same time that a huge number of such problems lend themselves to successful medical correction. For these purposes, the following examinations are carried out:

  • detection infectious diseases at mother;
  • a blood test after a miscarriage to plan the next pregnancy;
  • on sex hormones, to establish their possible imbalance in the body;
  • ultrasound examination of female organs reproductive system. Any deviation can cause the interruption of labor, whether it is bending of the uterus, bad condition endometrium or uterine septa;
  • urine test for ketosteroids - carried out for the same purpose as a blood test;
  • determination of the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Dangerous complications after a miscarriage

As a rule, interruption is always accompanied by a strong loss of blood. It is very important that the uterine cavity is freed from gestational sac, and from the membranes of the embryo. To prevent residual effects in the uterus, vacuum aspiration is done, during which the uterine cavity is scraped. This procedure may lead to undesirable consequences:

  1. profuse bleeding;
  2. infection in the uterine cavity;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. remnants of the fetal egg may still remain in the uterus.

Due to any complications menstrual cycle can not for a long time improve, and this is what affects the ability to get pregnant. In order for everything to return to normal, the body must recover. It may be necessary to resort to the help of special restorative therapy. If ovulation after an early miscarriage does not occur within a year, then the help of specialists will be required.

How soon after a miscarriage can you plan a pregnancy

The timing of pregnancy ranges from 3-12 months. It depends directly on the circumstances of the miscarriage. If there were no complications, then it will come much faster. Sometimes, in the absence of any health problems, conception can occur even in the next cycle. You need to know how to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage.

How to properly prepare the body for pregnancy after a miscarriage

Since the ovaries begin their functioning immediately after the abrupt interruption of childbirth, it is possible to become pregnant after one month.

It should be remembered that the recommended time for the next pregnancy is six months, since it is worth preparing for pregnancy after such a load on the body. After all, the less time passes, the higher the risk that everything will happen again. What is important here is not haste, but the realization that the body needs time for normal recovery.

The subsequent conception must be approached thoroughly, having passed all the necessary examinations and carefully planning everything. Pregnancy a month after a miscarriage is too little to properly prepare.

Basic preparation measures:

  • calm down after a shock and bring your psycho back to normal emotional condition;
  • if necessary, remove excess weight;
  • cancel appointment medicines and rest from them;
  • eradicate bad habits;
  • take a course folic acid and vitamin E;
  • balance your diet.

Pregnancy 3 months after miscarriage

Conception at such times after spontaneous abortion, of course, no longer poses such a threat as in the previous case. The body has already received some respite and, if there were no complications, it will be able to successfully endure the upcoming pregnancy 3 months after the miscarriage and give birth healthy child.

Here huge role plays the emotional state of a woman - it is important to set yourself up for best result and get rid of fears of pregnancy.

The course of a new pregnancy

A woman who has experienced such a situation at least once automatically falls into the risk group with a high probability of developing complications in the process of gestation. This is especially affected by the period of time that has passed since the interruption of labor.

It often happens that the terms of termination of pregnancy coincide. In the case of the first suspicions, a woman urgently needs to see a doctor. When half the term has passed, the risk will decrease slightly. However, there are also factors that complicate the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. A very important among them is the lack of oxygen for the child due to phytoplacental insufficiency.

Also, women who have experienced miscarriages before can give birth to a child prematurely using caesarean section. It is very difficult to make any predictions in this case. However, thanks to qualified medical support most pregnancies after one or even several miscarriages end in the safe birth of a healthy baby.