Raise immunity in a child with folk remedies. Rules for the formation of immunity. Correction of immunity, proper nutrition

Greetings dear parents!

Quite an interesting and relevant topic for many parents whose children often get sick. And if there is more than one child in the family, then often the infection goes in circles.

Usually, children get sick less until they start going to kindergarten. Here, it would seem, mom will finally find free hands and do what she had planned for a long time.

An, no, the child, as luck would have it, starts to get sick all the time. Many children visit kindergartens who are at the stage of the incubation period of the disease, or who have not yet become ill, but are already carriers of the virus, or who have not been fully treated, are also a source of the disease.

The task of parents is to strengthen the child's immunity as much as possible in order to be resistant to various kinds of bacteria and viruses, and even if your baby gets sick, he will endure the disease more easily and without complications and will recover faster.

How to increase the immunity of a child during the cold season and simply strengthen it at home? Read on.

Causes of common diseases

Of course, brothers and sisters, as well as pregnant women and the elderly, fall into the risk zone. But still, the body of a small child, whose immune system is not yet fully formed and is not able to defend against the onslaught of an open source of bacteria with constant contact.

In the period from three to seven years, children are especially often sick. And the likelihood of earning chronic diseases of the respiratory tract or ENT organs increases, which is most often common.

How to strengthen children's immunity?

Try to follow these simple guidelines as much as possible:

Recipes for maintaining immunity at home

Of course, folk remedies should be used as a preventive measure. When the child is already sick, you will not be able to cure him with them. But the funds have been tested over the years, more than one generation of children grew up on them.

Currently, our pharmacies are literally littered with all sorts of dietary supplements, tinctures, and syrups to strengthen the immune system. But they all have a chemical basis, which is extremely undesirable for a child's body.

Remember that the recipes listed below may have a bitter taste, and you are going to give your child water, it is possible to refuse admission here, because: “Mom, it is bitter!”

  1. Rosehip drink . I throw 10 rose hips per liter of cold water, let it boil, pour sugar to taste, not very sweet. It boiled, I cover it with a towel and let it brew for several hours, cook well in the evening, so that it brews at night. We enjoy drinking with the whole family.
  2. Tea from currant leaves, leaves and strawberries . Currant leaves should be young or just starting to turn yellow. Pour a few leaves and berries with boiling water and let it brew. This tea is rich in vitamin C.
  3. vitamin brew (just kidding): take cranberries, wash and chop with a blender, add a handful of peeled walnuts to it. 1 green apple washed and cut into small cubes, if you easily eat apples with peel, then you can leave them. Add apples to the cranberry mass, pour 0.5 cups of water and add 1 cup of sugar. We cook our potion over low heat until it boils, do not forget to stir often. Let it boil for 1-2 minutes and remove from the stove and pour into a jar. We take our cherished mixture of 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.
  4. Cherry compote. Rich in vitamin C and trace elements. I take a handful of berries, frozen, pour cold water and bring to a boil. When it boils - sugar to taste. Let it boil for 1-2 minutes and you're done. It is also recommended to insist.

As I learn new recipes to support immunity at home, I will definitely add here. For now, that's all!

See you soon!

Write in the comments what you know about health recipes for children.

Parents have no reason for special concern if the child is ill with ARVI several times a year without serious consequences. Such a frequency is considered acceptable, since a developing organism, confronting a new virus, develops immunity to it.

If your child, no matter how old he is, is constantly ill with a variety of infectious and catarrhal diseases, from one painful state to another, without having time to get stronger and recover, then you need to take serious measures.

Know how to avoid colds.

From this article, you will learn how to quickly boost immunity for a one-year-old child and older, how to boost immunity for teenagers 12-13 years old or more at home, and also get a lot of other useful information.

How to improve the immunity of a frequently ill child?

If your baby is constantly sick, try to follow simple rules, which will help a 3-4 year old child recover faster after an illness:

  1. The baby should sleep well - his night's sleep should be at least 8 hours. Do not forget about daytime rest - at this age, the child should also sleep at least an hour during the day.
  2. Go for walks more often. The best place for a promenade would be a park, forest, or a trip to a lake or river, where you can breathe fresh air and run barefoot on the grass in the warm season.
  3. Make sure that the food is balanced and includes the necessary complex of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Bring as much positive emotion into your little one's life as possible.
  5. To restore the body, you can use folk remedies. Vitamins and drugs aimed at strengthening the immune system are best taken in consultation with the pediatrician.
  6. Do gymnastics and simple physical exercises with your child.

The resumption of the immune system after pneumonia

Fortunately, such a diagnosis is not often made in young patients. With timely access to a doctor, as well as compliance with all prescriptions, such a disease can be quickly overcome.

After recovery, the question arises of how to increase the immunity of both the baby and the teenager 14-15 years old after pneumonia.

The most important requirement is to try to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, spend less time watching TV and sitting at the computer.

Organize proper nutrition child by minimizing the consumption of unhealthy foods such as chips and coca-cola.

It is imperative to pay attention to hardening. Such a procedure should be started very carefully, only after complete relief of the symptoms of the disease. Start hardening gradually with rubbing with a damp towel, walking barefoot on grass or sand. When the child's body gets used to it, you can begin to douse yourself, using warm water first, gradually lowering the degrees.

If possible, take your teenager to the sea or to the mountains where he can breathe clean sea or mountain air.

Can be cooked at home herbal decoctions aimed at boosting immunity. Please be patient: it may take 3-4 months for the full rehabilitation and restoration of the child's health.

Stimulation of immunity after antibiotics

In order to increase the immunity of children 7 - 8 years old and other ages after taking antibiotics, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures:

  1. Plentiful drink- The liquid will remove accumulated toxins in the body. As drinks, you can offer weak tea, all kinds of compotes and juices, decoctions from medicinal plants, ordinary water without gases. It is better not to use carbonated drinks for these purposes, as they will not bring any benefit to a fragile body.
  2. Normalization of intestinal microflora- The child needs to consume sour-milk products daily. It can be kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese - they are rich in useful lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. If the child refuses to use such products, then you can use special preparations containing these substances. The main thing is that you can use these drugs after consultation with your doctor.
  3. Taking immunomodulators and other homeopathic remedies aimed at stimulating the immune system, it is better to carry out under the supervision of specialists.

Try to keep your child less in contact with sick people until his immunity is fully strengthened to avoid the risk of re-infection.

How can you quickly boost immunity?

As soon as the baby is born, parents try to protect him from infectious diseases and ask themselves: how to boost baby immunity y. It is not necessary to carry out various experiments on a fragile organism - the most important thing is not to overdo it and do no harm.

  1. Try to breastfeed your baby, since breast milk contains not only useful and nutritious substances for the development of the baby, but also antibodies that help prevent the disease. Through mother's milk, babies receive her immunity, which protects them from infections.
  2. Carry out hardening- It improves the functioning of the immune system. Start with air baths, gradually proceeding to water procedures. Try to wrap the child less, because babies get sick not from hypothermia, but from overheating.
  3. Make sure the toys your baby plays with are clean.. This is especially true of those that he pulls into his mouth. Wash plastic toys more often, it is better to refrain from playing with soft toys, as they are a place for dust accumulation.
  4. Don't experiment with food. Complementary foods are best introduced after 6 months. Introduce new foods gradually at intervals of 3 to 4 days, as soon as the baby gets used to the previously introduced foods. Monitor the reaction of the body and the absence of allergic reactions. From 8 - 9 months, gradually introduce fermented milk products - they create a beneficial microflora in the intestines and prevent the development of infectious diseases.
  5. In case of illness, be sure to consult a doctor- Medications should be given only in consultation with the doctor. During colds, give your baby plenty of fluids so that toxins leave the body faster without causing serious damage.
  6. Don't give up vaccinations. Serious diseases are better to prevent than to try to cure and overcome the consequences of their occurrence.

Remember, it will be easier for your baby to stay healthy if other family members are not sick as well. Therefore, take care not only of the baby's immune system, but also of your own.

Let's take a closer look at the main means to increase immunity in children of different ages.

Vitamins and products that increase the child's immunity

In order for your child’s immunity to guard his health, you need to consume a number of vitamins every day. The basis of a balanced diet is food filled with vitamins, microelements, macronutrients and other useful components.

Take care of your baby's health by including vitamins in his diet that increase immunity in children. Their main list, as well as the useful elements contained in the products, are presented in the table:

Substances Impact on the child's body Products
Vitamin A Protects the baby's body from infectious diseases Found in liver, eggs, milk, carrots and pumpkin
Vitamin B2 Takes part in metabolic processes, filling the cells with oxygen, reduces the risk of toxic effects on the body It is present in large quantities in fish, meat, egg whites, cereals.
Vitamin B5 Actively acts in the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which will be required for the production of amino acids important for life Found in peas, cauliflower and yeast
Vitamin B6 Helps produce antibodies to fight infectious diseases High in fish, chicken, whole grains
Vitamin B12 Involved in the production of red blood cells Present in poultry meat, milk, fish, eggs
Vitamin C Helps to improve the protective properties of the body, thereby increasing immunity Citrus fruits, green vegetables and berries are rich in this vitamin.
Vitamin D Stimulates the immune system, occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation A small proportion of this vitamin is present in butter, egg yolk
Vitamin E Protects against destruction of immune cells Found in nuts, cereals, sunflower seeds
Selenium Its activity is aimed at maintaining the functioning of the immune system. It is present in large volumes in seafood, meat, cereals.
Zinc It has a beneficial effect on the performance of the immune system, activates the restoration of the skin Present in red meat
Iron Increases the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood, fills the cells with oxygen Beets, beans, blueberries, apples, sea buckthorn are rich in such a microelement
Magnesium Actively involved in biochemical reactions Found in beans and nuts
Calcium Stimulates the activity of enzymes, under its influence, bone tissue develops better Present in milk, yoghurt products, cottage cheese
Omega-3 fatty acids Activate the functioning of the brain and nervous system, improve resistance to infections and various ailments Contained in marine fish and cod liver, as well as in linseed oil
Prebiotic Protects the intestinal microflora, filling it with beneficial bacteria and enzymes It is present in significant amounts in dairy products.

There are situations when the child's body is severely weakened and cannot get the optimal proportion of vitamins and nutrients from food.

Means, including vitamins that increase immunity in children, are most often taken once a day in the morning or after meals, since at this time the body is most active, so useful elements will be better absorbed.

The most popular vitamin complexes include:

  1. Pikovit. Various versions are available according to the age of the child. It is made in the form of tablets to be chewed and swallowed, and as a syrup. In its structure there are 9 vitamins and minerals that normalize the processes of biochemistry in the body. This drug is prescribed:
    • when observing increased fatigue in children of school age;
    • high physical and mental overload;
    • poor appetite;
    • lack of proper nutrition;
    • after illness;
    • to stimulate the immune system to resist infectious and colds;
    • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
    • in general therapy with other drugs.
  2. Kinder Biovital. Available in the form of a gel and chewable bears. It can be taken by children from 1 to 13 years old. The structure of such a remedy includes vitamins, macroelements and microelements. This complex of vitamins prevents the formation of beriberi, normalizes the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, activates the immune system, and allows you to recover faster from various ailments.
    Appointed in case of:
    • preventive and therapeutic purposes to increase the insufficient proportion of vitamins in the body;
    • high need for vitamin complexes;
    • activation of the immune system;
    • during the rapid growth of children and adolescents;
    • lack of a balanced diet.
  3. Vitrum Kids. It contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals, macroelements and microelements. Can be used by children aged 2 to 5 years. Most often it is prescribed if the child has a need for:
    • macroelements and microelements;
    • improving the activity of the immune system;
    • preventing the development of beriberi;
    • with a lack of nutrients due to poor nutrition;
    • activation of attention and memory;
    • coping with high school workloads.
  4. Imuno Kids "Plus" from the manufacturer Multi tabs. The structure contains not only vitamins, but also a probiotic. Its use activates the protective properties of the body, normalizing the state of the immune system, protects the child's digestive system, enriches the body with useful components.
    It is recommended to take it if:
    • it is necessary to take preventive actions to avoid infection with ARVI during epidemics;
    • you need to overcome vitamin deficiency;
    • the immune system should be strengthened while taking antibiotics;
    • it is necessary to stimulate the adaptive properties of the child's body.
  5. Alphabet. It has 13 minerals, 9 vitamins and prebiotics to improve the immune system and normalize the intestinal microflora. Such a complex should be taken:
    • during the active growth of the child;
    • to improve immunity;
    • after prolonged use of antibiotics;
    • in the absence of a balanced diet;
    • to eliminate hypovitaminosis.

Please note that such vitamins must be given strictly following the instructions, as well as observing the reactions of the child's body. In the event of an allergic reaction, stop taking the remedy and seek medical advice. If after taking this drug, the child's stool is disturbed, then the drug taken is not suitable for him and his intake should be stopped.

Herbs for children that increase immunity

The use of medicinal plants to stimulate the performance of the immune system contributes to the fact that children's body becomes more resistant to colds.

Consider the most commonly used herbs that increase immunity for children:

  1. echinacea differs in antiviral, antibacterial characteristics and possesses accumulative properties. The use of this plant for a long period of time, helps to reduce the number of colds. Echinacea is taken as a tincture or decoction.
    To prepare a decoction, you will need 2 tablespoons of this plant (leaves, twigs, flowers are used), which must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. To improve the taste, add a little honey or lemon juice. It is necessary to use this remedy for 1 tablespoon an hour after the main meal.
  2. Rosehip berries make the child's body more resistant to infectious diseases, enhancing the protective properties and normalizing metabolism. The healing properties of this plant are explained by a large proportion of vitamin C, which is contained in rose hips. It activates the process of producing interferon. Berries need to be crushed a little and poured with boiling water. After insisting, you can drink it like tea.
  3. Licorice naked characterized by the ability to relieve pain, protect against colds, as well as tone the body.
    To prepare a decoction from the root of this plant, you need 1 teaspoon of this plant and a glass of boiling water. Drain the broth for about 20 minutes, and then leave for an hour to infuse. After this time, strain, add boiling water to make a glass of this drink.
    This remedy must be given with caution, checking the absence of an allergic reaction in the child. Start with 10 drops, gradually increasing to 1/3 tablespoon. It should be consumed 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Along with these plants, also used in herbal medicine and other herbs that boost immunity for children, For example:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Linden;
  • mint;
  • thyme.

In pharmacies, you can also find ready-made fees. containing several plants.

If your child is taking other medications, such as vitamins or immune boosting medications, check with your doctor before using herbal medicines. The fact is that not all drugs and herbs can interact with each other for the benefit of the body, so their combination should be carefully selected.

Medical preparations

In severe conditions, when the child's body cannot cope with frequent colds or infectious diseases, the doctor may recommend taking special medications to improve the functioning of the immune system.

Please note that it is necessary to take all medications strictly in agreement with the pediatrician and under his supervision, according to the instructions, without violating the dosage.

There are several types of immunostimulating agents:

  1. Based on plant extracts:
    • immunal - contains echinacea, used for prevention;
    • Eleutherococcus extract;
    • tincture of ginseng.
  2. Having a bacterial origin. The structure of these drugs includes enzymes of bacteria that cause infectious diseases, such as pneumococcus or staphylococcus aureus. They have a strong immunostimulating effect. These drugs include:
    • ribomunil;
    • broncho-munal;
    • licopid;
    • imudon.
  3. with nucleic acids. These drugs are characterized by immunomodulatory, restorative and wound healing characteristics. These include Derinat.
  4. Drugs containing interferon have the greatest positive effect on the primary stages of the disease. They belong to:
    • viferon;
    • fluferon;
    • anaferon;
    • amiksin.
  5. Thymus preparations are used to seriously stimulate the immune system. Can only be prescribed by a doctor. They belong to:
    • thymalin;
    • vilozen;
    • thystimulin.

How to raise immunity folk remedies?

Traditional medicine is rich in many recipes that help stimulate the immune system.

  1. cook apricot and raisin compote. To make the compote really useful, you should not add sugar there. If the child refuses to drink an unsweetened drink, you can add a spoonful of honey. A similar drink can be prepared not only in summer, but also in winter, using frozen or dried apricots. You will need:
    • 1 kilogram apricot;
    • 2 tablespoons of raisins;
    • 5 liters of water.
  2. Make sure your child eats clove of garlic. Even if he eats it not every day, but 1 time in 2-3 days, this will significantly strengthen his immunity.
  3. Prepare Lemon Tea. Such a drink will be not only tasty, but also useful, as it contains ascorbic acid and essential oils contained in the lemon peel.
  4. Radish and carrot juice a child of any age will like it if you add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon juice to it. It is worth adding juice from these vegetables in equal proportions.
  5. pollen also able to strengthen the immune system. It should be taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day (morning and evening). With such a product, you should be extremely careful - it is allowed to use it only if the child does not have allergic reactions to bee products.
  6. Aloe and honey syrup has a high content of nutrients. But be prepared for the fact that his taste is not very pleasant, so the child may refuse to take it. Squeeze juice from lemons, add honey and aloe juice. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Use 1 teaspoon 1 time per day. To make syrup you will need:
    • 250 grams of honey;
    • 150 milliliters of aloe juice;
    • 5 - 6 pieces of lemons.
  7. A decoction of rowan has excellent healing properties. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of dried rowan berries and 200 milliliters of water. Pour the fruits with water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth should stand for at least 3 - 4 hours, so that it is well infused, it is better to leave it all night. In the same way, you can brew decoctions of wild rose, hawthorn and cranberries. Adolescents aged 12 years and older can drink this infusion of 50 - 100 milliliters 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  8. Part fruits of viburnum includes not only useful vitamins, for example, A, C, P and group B, but also antioxidants. The presence of natural red dyes allows you to cope with infectious diseases, not only with SARS, but also with herpetic viruses. 20 viburnum berries must be ground through a meat grinder or in a blender, add 1 spoonful of honey and a glass of warm water. It is better to drink such a drink before going to bed, since viburnum not only has a positive effect on the immune system, but also normalizes sleep, calming the nervous system.

Use these recipes, and you can quickly increase the immunity of kids and teenagers 16-17 years old with folk remedies without resorting to chemicals.

Now you know what you need to do to quickly get your child's immune system working and avoid frequent illnesses.

Every child is born with natural immunity, which from the first days of a baby's life fights against all kinds of microorganisms and viruses. When a child begins to get acquainted with society - kindergarten, school, he has to contact more often with foreign bacteria. With colds complicated by tonsillitis or bronchitis, immunity gives a “weakness” and needs additional support. Improving children's immunity is not an easy task, and traditional medicine will help to cope with it.

Causes of weak children's immunity

Many parents, not wanting to feed their child with all kinds of immunostimulants, dietary supplements and other chemicals according to doctors' prescriptions, are wondering how to increase the child's immunity with folk remedies. The stability of immunity largely depends on elementary norms, following which, you can keep the state of the immune system under control.

What can cause a decline in children's immunity:

  • unfavorable living conditions for the child (frequent change of residence, unsettled life, etc.);
  • oppressive atmosphere in the family, children's team, the constant presence of the child in a conflict environment;
  • monotonous and unbalanced diet with low nutritional value;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • weak innate immunity.

Constantly faced with a source of weakened immunity, the baby runs the risk of acquiring a “bouquet” of diseases by adulthood, all kinds of disorders in the organs and systems of his body.

On a note! The influence of a pathogenic factor for a long time can even lead to the initial development of immunodeficiency, which poses a danger not only to health, but also directly to children's lives.

Boost your immunity with healthy lifestyle

The first step in strengthening children's immunity is the formation of a healthy lifestyle. What is the phrase “In a healthy body - a healthy mind!”, And after all, it correctly reflects the essence of maintaining the whole organism in good shape. Strengthening children's immunity with the help of simple life rules is not at all difficult. Another thing is that these rules require systematic and regular observance. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve the most important result - so that the child does not get sick.


The room in which the child sleeps and spends most of the time should be regularly ventilated. This does not mean that the window should be kept constantly open all year round, it is enough to ventilate the room 1-2 times a day for 10 minutes. The ventilated room will be filled with oxygen and moist air, comfortable for breathing and necessary for the health, vitality and mental activity of the child.

Frequent walks and movement

If the child does not attend preschool, or is forced to spend time at home due to illness, do not lock him in four walls. The more the child moves, the better his lungs open; muscle activity makes the child dexterous, dynamic. Useful any kind of gymnastics after waking up and light gymnastics before bedtime.

Complete nutrition

Organizing the right diet for a child is not difficult if you approach this issue with an understanding of the matter. Proper nutrition should include the daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and cereals. A balanced menu helps to take into account the necessary daily dose of all vitamins and minerals. But if there is no time to compile it, it will be enough that the child will eat porridge for breakfast, an apple and a carrot for a snack in the afternoon, and rice with a piece of chicken for dinner.

walking barefoot

Practice walking barefoot with your child. Stimulation of each part of the foot not only prevents the occurrence of orthopedic problems, but also strengthens the nervous system, improves the functioning of innate immunity. Teach your child from an early age to touch the surfaces with bare feet. Walking on pebbles, running on the grass in the country, dipping your feet in the sea sand - walking barefoot brings a hardening effect and has a positive effect on children's health.

Deep and long sleep

It is no secret that sleep is another “tool” for maintaining immunity and the body in a state of health. The child should get enough sleep to the maximum, and 8 hours for a preschooler is absolutely not enough. If the family has an early rise, then the child should be put to bed no later than 21 hours.

Effective folk recipes for immunity

When the number of a child's illnesses exceeds 10 or more times a year, it's time to be wary - not everything is in order with the immune system, and start taking action. At first, you can try folk remedies to increase immunity in children. They are absolutely harmless and have no contraindications, and the effectiveness of such folk methods has been tested for more than a dozen years.

  • For children 2-3 years old, it is useful to give a tonic mixture of dried fruits, honey and nuts. To do this, grind walnuts, dried apricots, prunes, pine nuts in equal parts, mix with honey and give as a dessert a teaspoon after the main meal. Such a simple remedy will replace a whole complex of synthetic vitamins.
  • One of the effective ways to improve the health of children 4-5 years old during seasonal colds is to take a decoction (for children from 12 years old - tinctures) of echinacea for immunity. Echinacea is a field plant that has a positive effect on the immune system, stimulating its work and thereby preventing the occurrence of infections of various etiologies. Echinacea herb can be purchased at a pharmacy and given to a child at the first sign of a cold: 1 tsp. brew the dry component with boiling water and give a warm broth instead of tea.
  • If the child is about 6-7 years old, and he is not allergic to citrus fruits, then ground lemon with honey is suitable for him as a means of strengthening the immune system. A “killer” dose of vitamin C in this bright fruit, combined with natural bee honey, can effectively support and restore immunity during seasonal colds. A couple of lemons need to be thoroughly washed and, together with the peel, scroll through a meat grinder. Mix crushed lemon gruel with liquid linden honey in equal amounts. Transfer the product to a glass container. Add to child's tea instead of sugar, or hot water to taste.
  • Another of the most useful plants from traditional medicine for strengthening immunity is Eleutherococcus. The tincture of this healing herb can be taken no earlier than the child is 12 years old. But even babies can prepare a decoction from dry raw materials. It is very convenient to use Eleutherococcus in filter sachets, one sachet per single brew. Take this remedy after meals twice a day.

    Few people know, but some immunity-strengthening agents grow on our windowsill. Aloe is a common flower that can be found in every second home. Its juice has a bactericidal effect, and its action is comparable to antiviral ointments, such as oxolinic. Before going out in a public place, put 1 drop of freshly squeezed aloe juice into the nostril of your child. You can apply this folk advice even in babies as young as a year and a half.

Important! In extreme situations, when the child's immunity can no longer cope with common colds and the disease immediately flows into the respiratory tract, it is necessary to consult an immunologist. Remember that a child's health is one thing, and it is better at the initial stage to make every effort to form healthy immunity than to look for ways to restore it later.

External factors constantly test the child's immune system for strength. If it is weak, then the baby is constantly sick, feels unwell and this condition is called immunodeficiency. This situation requires correction and this can be done in several ways. One of them is the means for immunity to children, which will be discussed in detail below.

How to boost your child's immunity

Until the age of 6 months, the child's body receives all the necessary antibodies along with mother's milk, but then its defense mechanism is forced to cope on its own with all external stimuli. In order for the immune system to resist colds, viruses, it is necessary to be vaccinated and perform general strengthening procedures. In some situations, immunomodulators may be required, but before giving drugs for immunity to children, methods should be used to raise the body's defenses without the use of medications:

  1. Proper nutrition. Most of the vitamins that the body needs to boost immunity come from food. Refuse semi-finished products, fast food, fruits, vegetables (onions, garlic, cabbage), sour-milk products, legumes should be in the diet every day.
  2. Eliminate the sources of possible chronic diseases: carious teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis. The immune system is constantly under attack from these pathologies.
  3. Try to create a positive mood for your child, stress and anxiety negatively affect the immunity of children.
  4. Hardening is very helpful in boosting children's immunity. Procedures should begin in the summer. Make sure that he goes to bed on time and does not sit up at the computer or TV.
  5. The child must play sports. Regular physical activity will strengthen all the systems of his body, maximize protection from external aggressive environmental factors, and reduce the incidence of infectious diseases.
  6. Some parents are too zealous with the protection of the baby. The immune system will not work if it has nothing to fight against, so you should not be afraid to let your children go outside, to kindergarten or school.

Immunostimulating drugs for children

By definition, this group of medicines refers to immunomodulators. These drugs for raising immunity in children can increase the activity of the child's defense system in order to more effectively fight diseases. There is a wide range of drugs that are used depending on the cause of the baby's illness. The question that worries many parents is whether it is worth taking pills for children at all? This should be decided by the attending physician, who assesses the degree of immunodeficiency. For the same reason, a pediatrician should prescribe the drug and dosage, the treatment regimen.

How to choose a remedy for raising immunity for children

Caring parents are always trying to find the safest way to boost their child's immune system. In some cases, it will be enough to increase the amount of fruit in the diet, more frequent walks in the fresh air. Preparations for raising immunity in children are really needed if:

  1. Immunodeficiency was diagnosed by a specialist.
  2. All possible reasons for the decrease in immunity were excluded, and an increase in protective functions is not observed.
  3. Additional conditions for raising immunity were met (balanced nutrition, hardening, vitamin complexes, homemade folk recipes), but there was no positive effect.
  4. Age is suitable for the use of an immunocorrector.

Only a doctor can choose the right medicine for raising immunity, based on the results of the diagnosis. He will determine the treatment regimen, dosage, based on the age of the child, the degree of immunodeficiency. The type of immunopreparation must necessarily correspond to the disease, for example, with ARVI, herbal medicines or interferon preparations are needed. The latter will only help against a respiratory viral infection, while the former can be used as a prophylaxis.

vegetable origin

This type of medicine is produced on the basis of plants that have immunostimulating, adaptogenic properties. Preparations to increase immunity for children of this group are represented by such well-known medicines:

  • Immunal;
  • Lemongrass Chinese;
  • ginseng preparations;
  • Echination purple.

These medicines are a good antiviral agent for children. They are given for the treatment of the disease itself or for preventive purposes. It will be effective to take the medicine in autumn and winter, when epidemics of colds occur. You can give Immunal a drink before sending the child to kindergarten. The course of prophylactic administration should not exceed two months.

bacterial origin

This group of drugs, according to the principle of action, is similar to vaccination: the medication contains fragments of various pathogens (pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae), which cannot harm the child's body, but make them produce antibodies. Among the drugs for raising immunity in children, the following are popular:

  • Imudon;
  • Likopid;
  • IRS 19;
  • Broncho-munal;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Broncho-vascom.

The action of these funds is aimed at maintaining local, general immunity, it is recommended to use them in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, chronic ENT diseases (sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis). It has been proven during research that the bacterial group of immunopreparations increase the effectiveness of vaccinations. For this reason, a doctor may recommend taking these medications to a person at the time of vaccination.

with nucleic acid

Physicians closely studied this substance, in 1892 scientific literature appeared, which indicated that nucleic acid is able to strengthen the protective functions of the body. It was used to treat anthrax, systemic lupus, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. Now the medication is used to prevent viral, bacterial infections, immunodeficiency. It is forbidden to use in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the substance, during pregnancy and lactation. Popular medicines in this group:

  • Kavesan;
  • Ridostin;
  • Derinat.

immune interferon

The active active substance has the ability to block, inhibit the development of viral infections. Interferon is often used to strengthen the immune system in children who have SARS. If you start taking an immunomodulator of this group on time, for example, Viferon, there is a chance to significantly reduce the duration of the disease period, the likelihood of complications. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to take a group of interferons in the first hours of the manifestation of the disease. To increase immune protection, you can use the following medicines:

  1. Viferon. May be given as an ointment but is more commonly used as a rectal suppository.
  2. Arbidol. Produced in the form of tablets of 100, 50 mg. Can be assigned to children from 2 years.
  3. Grippferon. An effective antiviral agent that can help cope with inflammation, microbes. It acts as a stimulator for the production of its own interferon.
  4. Anaferon. A good remedy that can be prescribed to babies from 1 month.

Thymus immunostimulatory drugs

For the first time, the drugs of this group were used by the researcher Alice Sandberg. Thymus gland extracts (thymus) have a positive effect on the entire human body. They can help in the fight against serious diseases, boost immunity. Thymus itself is responsible for the functioning of the immune system, so its extract stimulates the work of protective mechanisms, helps to restore them.

To create a medication, the thymus gland of calves is used. The treatment regimen is usually designed for 3-5 weeks. If there is no improvement, then a second course is prescribed. These drugs are prescribed for children if active immunotherapy is needed. They must be prescribed by a doctor. Popular medicines include:

  • Vilozen;
  • Taktivin;
  • Timalin.

Biogenic agents

All sorts of nasal drops, syrups, injections and tablets cause them concern. Biogenic agents that increase immunity in children are agents of natural origin. The necessary substances are isolated from the cells of plants and animals that are resistant to negative environmental manifestations. Such preparations are also called homeopathic.

When ingested by a child, these substances act as a stimulant to strengthen the immune system. The natural origin of drugs does not exclude the need to consult a doctor before taking them. Popular drugs in this group include:

  • FiBS;
  • Kalanchoe juice;
  • Aloe.

Synthetic stimulants

This group of funds was created artificially so that a person can get the elements that his body lacks. These drugs include all known vitamins. Complex options are able to provide the child with all the necessary substances for the full functioning of the immune system. As a rule, a person receives them with food, but in winter and early spring, many people have a vitamin deficiency, so it is recommended to take them as a preventive measure. You can buy inexpensive multivitamin complexes at any pharmacy.

The price of drugs to raise immunity in children

Immunity drugs are sold without a prescription, but before purchasing them, you should definitely go to a pediatrician for a consultation so that he prescribes the best medication for your child. The cost of medicines will be lower if they are ordered from an online pharmacy. The estimated price for popular medicines is as follows:

  • Kalanchoe juice, 20 ml - price from 65 rubles;
  • Taktivin - price from 770 rubles;
  • Timalin - price from 270 rubles;
  • Viferon, candles 10 pcs. - price from 250 rubles;
  • Grippferon, drops 10 ml - price from 260 rubles;
  • Arbidol tablets 50 mg 20 pcs. – price from 280 rubles.


One child gets sick once a year, and the other practically does not get out of the doctors. Moreover, both live in the same conditions, in the same climate, attend the same kindergarten. It's all about immunity, which is stronger in some children, while others are weaker. In this article, we will talk about how to raise the immunity of frequently ill children with folk remedies, as well as how to support immunity in a child, which is more rare.

What is immunity

The defense mechanism recognizes an alien "guest" (it can be a virus, bacterium, toxins, etc.) and activates "special forces" - immunocompetent cells for special purposes, whose task is to block and destroy the stranger - such a reaction is called an immune response.

Sometimes an autoimmune reaction occurs in the body, when the immune system destroys the cells of its own body, but not healthy ones, but those that have undergone a mutation, for example, tumor cells.

The immune system is much “smarter” than it seems, it is well versed in the concepts of “friend or foe”, and also has a long-term “memory”, because after the first contact with a new virus for itself, it “remembers” it, and the next time it quickly identifies and takes immediate action.

This ability can be clearly demonstrated on the familiar chickenpox. The virus that causes it practically does not mutate, so after a person has had chickenpox, his immunity knows the causative agent of the disease well, and stops any attempts to cause the disease again. A person gets chickenpox, as a rule, only once in a lifetime. But influenza and SARS are caused by viruses and their strains, which are constantly changing, so we get sick with these ailments much more often.

Each of us has two immunities: one is innate, the other is acquired. The innate acts only in a generalized way, understanding foreign agents as one undesirable factor. He cannot “remember” new viruses and bacteria for himself. Acquired - more active immunity. He "learns" and "trains" all his life, starting from the first days after the birth of a child.

In children after birth, the maximum burden falls on innate protection. And gradually, with each new disease, with each adverse factor from the environment, initially weak and imperfect acquired immunity is formed.

Several important organs and systems are involved in immune defense. Red bone marrow creates stem cells and is responsible for lymphocytes. He is actively helped by the thymus (thymus gland), which differentiates lymphocytes. A considerable load also falls on the lymph nodes, which are located very “thoughtfully” - along the course of the lymph vessels. The largest organ of the immune system is the spleen.


The mechanisms and factors of immune protection are different. Non-specific factors perceive and resist any kind of pathogenic organisms. Specific ones are especially effective only against some specific pathogens. It is these factors that form the ability of immunity to remember enemies "in the face."

In addition, factors can be fixed and non-permanent. Constantly under the protection of nonspecific immunity are the skin and mucous membranes, microflora, inflammation processes, body temperature and basic metabolism. Non-permanent factors come into force after the “violator” enters the body - inflammation appears, the production of interferon protein is activated, immunity cells are activated - phagocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, etc.

How to calculate that the immune system is weak

In young children, as we found out, the acquired immunity (which is very important in diseases) is very weak, and is still being formed. The younger the peanut, the weaker its defense. If the doctor says that your child's immunity is weakened, this means that the deficiency of protective functions is below certain age norms.

The doctor comes to this conclusion after studying the patient's card. If the frequency of diseases, mainly colds, in a child exceeds 5-6 times a year, we can talk about weakened immunity.

Parents can also notice this condition on their own, because the external manifestations of immunodeficiency are quite bright: the child has disturbed sleep, he often complains of fatigue, headaches, he has poor appetite, depressed mood, and increased moodiness. Quite a characteristic sign - weak hair, nails, dry and problematic skin. Children with reduced immunity may develop dark circles under the eyes, in addition, they are more likely than other children to have a tendency to allergies.

Modern medicine offers a special study of the immune status. To do this, they make an immunogram - a comprehensive diagnosis that will allow you to establish the composition of the blood, the presence of antibodies to certain diseases, immunoglobulins in it, specialists will analyze the cellular components of the immune system. The doctor will receive all this data from a special blood test of the patient. The cost of an immunogram on average in Russia is from 350 rubles.

Immunodeficiency can be different. The easiest form is when the child is weakened after an illness. It is temporary, and the baby's condition will recover quite quickly. The most severe pathology is HIV infection, when the child's immune system needs constant drug support.

The reasons that cause immune weakness are different:

  • Congenital pathologies of organs involved in the defense mechanism.
  • Congenital malformations of the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as HIV infection that the child received in utero from the mother or independently (through blood transfusion or untreated medical instruments).
  • Past infection, especially if it has not been properly treated.
  • The state of hypoxia that the baby experienced during the mother's pregnancy.
  • Premature birth. Premature babies are more susceptible to infection.
  • Unfavorable ecological situation, living in a region with a high radiation background.
  • Prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antiviral agents - immunostimulants and immunomodulators.
  • A great journey, during which the child changed the time zone and climate.
  • Strong stress.
  • High physical activity.

In the next video, the well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all about children's immunity and give useful tips on how to strengthen the child's immunity.

Folk remedies

Children with weakened immune systems need to be given more vitamins, everyone knows that. Moreover, it is better if these are seasonal vitamins, fresh, and not in the form of tablets and capsules. In summer, fresh blackcurrants, raspberries, cherries and apples are useful for general strengthening. In the winter season, you can give your child compotes, teas and decoctions of frozen berries, dried fruits and medicinal herbs.

Alcohol infusions are best avoided, they are contraindicated in childhood. It is best to prepare the funds yourself, at home. If you do not have the skills to collect and harvest useful herbs, then you can always buy inexpensive ones at any pharmacy.

Of particular value for increasing immunity in a child are the following products and traditional medicine.

Honey and propolis

Bee products should not be given to children with allergies in the acute stage and a tendency to allergic reactions in general. It is not advisable to give honey to children under three years of age. To boost immunity, you can add honey to any tea that you prepare for your child, milk and almost any decoction and herbal infusion.

Propolis is best purchased at a pharmacy in the form of an aqueous solution. Children are given a few drops, depending on age, 2-4 times a day.


Echinacea preparations should not be given to children under one year old, the rest of the children are allowed to take this medicinal plant orally in dosages that correspond to their age. With pharmaceutical preparations with echinacea, everything is more or less clear, since all dosages are indicated in the instructions for use. A lot of questions are caused by home preparation of funds and their dosing regimen.

To prepare homemade tincture, you need to take 50 gr. chopped herbs and 100 ml of boiled water. Mix everything and hold in a steam bath for about a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain with cheesecloth or strainer. To give a tincture to a child, you need one-fourth of a glass in a cool form.

For a more pleasant taste, dry leaves of blackcurrant, raspberry, strawberry and lemon balm can be added to the tincture. Phytoenzymes, which are found in abundance in echinacea, have a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of immunocompetent phagocyte cells. This is due to its effect on the immune system.

Aloe juice

An affordable houseplant is rich in vitamins and other substances that stimulate the immune system gently, without unnecessary pressure. To get juice, you need to cut off the most fleshy and juicy leaves, put them in the refrigerator and hold them at a low temperature for a couple of days. Then finely chop the leaves, fold them into a “bundle” of gauze and squeeze out the juice. You can add a little water to it and store it in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. After a while, the product will lose its therapeutic effect.

Aloe juice for children can be mixed into tea or compote, and also given in its pure form 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Rose hip

Berries and leaves are widely used in alternative medicine. For a child with a weakened immune system, you can cook compote with rose hips, you can make an infusion, but a decoction is most popular among parents. To prepare it, you will need five tablespoons of berries (can be dried), a liter of boiled water. The berries are poured into boiling water and kept on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then the decoction is poured into a thermos, closed with a lid and infused for 10-12 hours. Children give a decoction warm 4 times a day for a quarter cup.


Ginger root will help the child cope with the disease when the disease is in full swing, and will also strengthen the immune system if it is weakened after the illness. Finely chopped root is added to tea in small quantities, you can also make a decoction from it and give it to your child in a tablespoon twice a day. Ginger jelly is very effective in immunodeficiency states. To prepare it, you will need a root weighing about 250 grams, one lemon and a teaspoon of gelatin.

The root needs to be washed and peeled, the lemon is also freed from the peel and seeds. Both ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, gelatin and sugar are added to taste (or honey). Jelly is put in the refrigerator, and after hardening, it is given as a dessert 3 times a day, a teaspoon after meals.


This berry is rich in vitamins and acids, which is why cranberry juice is so popular for colds. To raise the immunity of a child, it is better to prepare a delicious dessert from cranberries, which the child will regard as a delicacy, and not as an unpleasant and obligatory medicine. For this recipe, you will need 200 grams of cranberries and 400 grams of apple slices. Everything needs to be mixed and poured with syrup made from 200 grams of honey and half a liter of water. On low heat, the resulting mass must be held for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, the delicacy is cooled, poured into a jar and stored in the refrigerator. The child is given three times a day for a teaspoon.


By the strength of its effect on the body, garlic can be compared with ginger. Only drinks and infusions from it are not very tasty, and children rarely like them. You should not stuff your child with a decoction of garlic without unnecessary need, it is enough if you add it fresh to salads and other dishes that are included in the child's diet.

Chamomile and linden

These medicinal plants can be bought at a pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions. To prepare a homemade decoction, you will need 10 grams of raw materials per 300 ml of water. You can give children decoctions of linden and chamomile a tablespoon three times a day. Children from 3 years old can be given combined herbal remedies in which several plants will be mixed. A combination of chamomile with lemon balm and St. John's wort, as well as chamomile with sage and violet flowers is very useful for strengthening immune defenses.

Leading the Right Lifestyle

Normalization of lifestyle is half of a successful campaign to increase immunity in a child. The nutrition of the child should be complete, balanced, saturated with vitamins, microelements. The child should walk, every day, in any weather, at any time of the year. Walking in the fresh air saturates the blood with oxygen. A baby with a weakened immune system should rest more, make sure that the baby’s sleep is sufficient, if necessary, after consulting a doctor, use mild sedatives to normalize the child’s sleep and mood.

A fashionable trend in medicine today - psychosomatics - claims that all diseases are from nerves. I don’t know how everyone is, but immunity problems are very closely related to the psychological state, and therefore limit stress, let every day for your little one be filled with something positive, kind, limit computer games and TV viewing.

If your doctor has told you that your baby has a weak immune system, it's time to think about strengthening procedures, such as hardening. They should be systematic and constant, become an integral part of life, then there will be a lasting and noticeable effect - the child will start to get sick less and less often.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky names the behavior of the child's parents as the main reason for the decrease in children's immunity. Excessively caring mothers and fathers create almost sterile living conditions for their beloved baby: they try to protect them from drafts, close the windows, do not allow the cat to be stroked on the street, feed them with hypoallergenic and pasteurized food, which has gone through several degrees of purification. Immunity cannot be formed strong and healthy if it does not have contact with pathogens. Only with such “communication” and confrontation is the defense tempered.

Thus, parents who are concerned about increasing the immunity of a child need to think carefully about their own approach to education and their own lifestyle.

As for immunodeficiency, Komarovsky considers it criminal to make such a diagnosis for every second baby in the country. In fact, in clinics they talk about weak immunity if the child is more than 6 or more times a year. Yevgeny Komarovsky assures that this is an erroneous approach, because doctors consider all infections - both viral and bacterial.

According to Evgeny Olegovich, frequent flu or SARS cannot be considered a sign of a lack of protection. We can talk about pathology if the child just as often suffers from bacterial infections, he has otitis media more than 8 times a year, and pneumonia more than twice a year. Fortunately, he emphasizes, such children are not so common - one case in 30 thousand babies).

Yevgeny Komarovsky categorically warns parents against the use of medicines, in the name of which there are the words "immunostimulator" or "immunomodulator". Their effectiveness in clinical conditions has not been proven, but there is a certain relationship between taking such drugs and immune "laziness", when your own defense mechanism gets used to the fact that everything is decided and done for him by a pill, and simply ceases to cope with its duties, starts to "lazy".

To increase the immune abilities of the child's body, according to Komarovsky, it is possible only by qualitatively changing the lifestyle of the whole family, and first of all - the child himself. Without this important condition, no folk remedies and "miraculous" medicines (if they are still invented!) Can make a child stronger, more resistant to disease, stronger and healthier.

  • From birth, in the house where the child lives, there should be a “correct” microclimate: air temperature - about 19 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%. And only so.
  • Temper the baby from the very beginning of his life, walk, ventilate the children's room, do not wrap the baby.
  • Do not give folk remedies that contain allergenic components to boost immunity. If you are unsure whether there will be a reaction, give an initial dose that is 3-5 times less than the prescribed one. If no negative manifestations appear within a day, the remedy can be given.

The video release of the famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva about children's immunity can be viewed below.