When will your time come? First kiss

When it comes to kissing, inexperience is more embarrassing than anything else. It's scary to do something wrong, to disappoint your partner, to become a laughing stock. However, these problems can be easily avoided by delving into the theory. Different people and they kiss differently, so it is advisable to prepare for everything. How to kiss for the first time skillfully, pleasantly, using different techniques?

General rules for kissing

No matter which kissing technique is chosen, there are a number of general recommendations which you will have to adhere to. Main principles:

  • hygiene. Whole body, but oral cavity especially. Kissing an onion fanatic, a nicotine exhaust pipe, or just a sloppy person? No thanks. Shower, deodorant, toothpaste with a brush, chewing gum or candy is a necessity. If there is also a light, pleasant aroma of perfume, great;
  • comfort zone. Kissing someone for the first time = violating their personal space. You cannot be harsh without first making sure that the couple is also ready for such a step. You will have to be patient and do everything gradually;
  • renunciation of selfishness. Two people kiss, so let two people also get pleasure. It is better not to forget about his or her needs, comfort and monitor the reaction, responding to changes in time;
  • tactile contact. He is extremely important. It is advisable to partially establish it even before the kiss - take the hand, under the elbow, hug. Then there will be much less awkwardness in action.

With this approach, get a chance for a second date, relationship, deep sympathy It will be easier. Elementary politeness and good manners play an equally important role.

"Gold standard"

This is the basic technique with which almost all types of kisses begin. For this reason, it is better to devote even more time and attention to her than to others. If you thoroughly study this method of kissing, you can assume that all the others have already been studied by at least 50%.

“Gold Standard” is wonderful suitable for the first kiss in life. It also fits perfectly into the concept of a couple's first kiss. That is, even if a guy/girl is already considered a virtuoso in this area, in a newly established relationship it is still better to start with just such a technique.

Approximate course of action:

  1. slowly approach your whole body or body (depending on the situation, the position of the couple) to your partner as far as possible;
  2. provide tactile contact - put your hands on the waist, shoulders, neck, face, stroke, hug;
  3. slowly, smoothly begin to reach for your lips, directing your gaze precisely at them (up close, “eye to eye” will look strange or funny);
  4. close your eyes just before the very first touch, when the breath of the couple will be felt as clearly as possible;
  5. open your mouth slightly, gently touch your partner’s lips, pressing them very lightly;
  6. try to carry out a series of weak “smacks” without strongly straining the oral muscles;
  7. lightly clasp your lover’s lips with yours;
  8. repeat everything in the same style, alternating the speed of actions, periodically changing points of contact (corners, middle, upper/lower lip).

This kiss ends in reverse order. The pace slows down, the force of pressure weakens, and the mouth closes. Then you can slowly open your eyes and pull away.

Such skill is suitable for sensitive, romantic, gentle people. They will probably want to kiss for the first time this way.

French kiss

The French style is more passionate in nature and is known to require the use of language. The movements carried out by this organ of the speech apparatus cannot be called systematized, but it is also better not to make them chaotic. Actions can be directed:

  • exclusively in the partner’s language;
  • only on the tongue and lips;
  • on the tongue, cheeks, teeth, palate - on everything you can get your hands on.

The danger of the latter type is that that during it you can easily forget yourself and cause discomfort to a guy or girl. That is why the first two methods are optimal for a debut in the “French” style. Subsequence:

  1. start with a simple kiss;
  2. gently, unobtrusively touch his/her lips with the tip of your tongue;
  3. if there is no protest, increase the pressure, but do not make it rude or dirty;
  4. insert the tip behind the lip line to the teeth;
  5. meet your partner’s tongue and “tickle”, “stroke” it with yours;
  6. continue in the same manner, making sure that your own tongue does not end up in the couple’s mouth more than half its length.

How to end the lesson? Better go back to simple technique, and then stop completely. It is important not to pull away abruptly.

passionate kiss

This is the most passionate type of all known. It is rarely used for the first time, but there are exceptions, so it is advisable to learn it. Procedure:

  1. start with simple techniques;
  2. Go to french style, but do not stick your tongue further than beyond the line of your partner’s teeth;
  3. gradually, but confidently, noticeably increase the pressure of the lips, head in general, tighten the muscles of the mouth more;
  4. start opening your mouth wider (not to the maximum), moving not only your lips, but also your chin and head (without an excessively strong amplitude);
  5. it is advisable (but not necessary) to stop using the tongue at this stage - this can be fraught with injury;
  6. try to completely envelop the couple’s lips with yours, sucking in air;
  7. add passion to the touch of your hands and body.

Departing from this option is the most difficult. Emotions ran high, actions became sweeping and poorly controlled. If you continue at this pace, then everything will obviously end in intimacy. If there are no such intentions, then it is better not to delay this type of kissing.

The completion is identical to the previous techniques, that is, it is performed in reverse order.


This species can be called one of the subspecies of French kiss. This technique is very common and popular, and therefore deserves special consideration. How to proceed:

  1. go to standard technology;
  2. start kissing in French;
  3. at first, touch only the tips of your tongues, teasing your mate;
  4. using your back as well, try to make a circular rotation of your tongue around your partner’s tongue;
  5. adjust the pace, find a comfortable rhythm, continue moving in a circle;
  6. occasionally change directions (clockwise and counterclockwise), alternate with other touches (standard, other French).

“Mill” can be used as a first attempt at a French kiss. The movements are more understandable, there is less improvisation in them, and therefore they will appeal to those who like everything to go according to plan.

“Fight of Mouths”

This “kiss” is quite playful, but at the same time passionate. It combines feelings, excitement, flirtation, and slight rivalry. How to perform it:

  1. kiss in a simple way;
  2. increase pressure on the lips, but not to the maximum;
  3. start constantly clasping your partner’s lips, as if fighting for the right to possess them;
  4. add sucking on the lips to the touches, but without pulling - this will cause pain;
  5. include light bites, make sure that they do not turn into aggressive bites;
  6. continue in the same spirit, alternately clasping the upper and lower lips.

It is better to practice this option in advance on your fingers or the same tomatoes, so that in the future you can control yourself and not hurt the girl/boyfriend. However, having mastered this technique, you can fully enjoy each other’s company and close contact.

Information about how to kiss for the first time can be really useful. Even if it is not completely remembered or is completely forgotten during the kiss, it still gives confidence before the event itself. Namely, self-confidence so delights, attracts others, makes kisses unforgettable and pleasant.

It is common for every person to collect and carefully store in their memory the warmest, happiest, most precious moments in life. It's like a photo album with an unlimited number of cells, which can be reviewed at any moment. Everyone has their own: individual and unique. But in each there is a special category of moments, before which people, remembering, feel a special awe even after many years. These are the first feelings, the first love and, of course, the first kiss.

Feeling the first feelings of love, young guys often feel great fear. The unknown scares them. After all, they don’t know whether their feelings will be mutual, what will follow, or how to behave correctly on a date or in any other romantic situation.

Fear of the first kiss ranks high on this list. This is explained by the fact that both girls and boys are very afraid to show their inexperience to each other. And therefore, feeling the approach of this simultaneously desired and terrible moment, they try to think through everything to the smallest detail in advance. Having chosen the ideal moment and place, having prepared a couple of techniques and possible phrases, seemingly fully prepared young people, unfortunately, often get lost at the most crucial moment. Everything prepared instantly flies out of your head and the situation begins to develop in a completely different way than we would like.

To prevent this, don’t try to plan everything in advance. Remember that when it comes to feelings, you need to trust your heart. It will tell you how to behave correctly. All you have to do is relax and enjoy.

Under no circumstances be afraid to show your inexperience when kissing - trust your partner’s lips and enjoy the process. Believe me, you will quickly understand what's what, and he won't even notice that this may be the first adult kiss in your life. And ease and naturalness will make the date as comfortable as possible for both, which means the likelihood of continuing the relationship will increase.

Technique and rules. Passionate first kiss

Now that the fear of the first kiss has disappeared, you can understand the basic rules of this wonderful process. The most important thing that should never be forgotten is fresh breath. Make it a rule to have mint gum or candy in your purse. This way you will always feel confident.

The kiss doesn't have to be French. If this is your first kiss, it's best to start with gentle touches with your lips. But when you realize that you want to continue, you can gradually connect the language. With your mouth open, gently touch your partner's lips with your tongue. Try to find his language. Movements should not be persistent. It’s also not a good idea to stick your tongue deep into your partner’s mouth. Your movements must be synchronized. Starting slowly, you can increase the speed during the kiss and vice versa. It all depends on your general feelings.

You should breathe through your nose while kissing. It is advisable to keep your eyes closed. Many young people worry about running into each other with their partner. To prevent this from happening, when you feel the contact, you should simply tilt your head slightly to the side or back. But even if you didn’t have time and a collision occurred, there’s nothing to worry about. Just smile at each other and continue kissing. Sometimes it can even help you de-escalate and relax.

When kissing, a guy most often keeps his hands on the girl’s waist. And the girl gently clasps her partner’s neck. But it is not necessary to be in one position throughout the kiss. You can gently touch your partner’s cheek with your hand or stroke his hair - this will diversify the sensations for both and leave an unforgettable impression of the kiss.

The experience of the first kiss most often occurs in adolescence: 13-16 years old. But you can’t predict this for sure! After all, feelings always come suddenly!

As mentioned above, you shouldn’t specifically wait for the perfect moment, but knowing about it will be very useful.

Many first (and not only) kisses take place in the cinema. While watching a romance film, it is very difficult to resist kissing. Moreover, when it is the last row of the cinema, a romantic mood cannot be avoided. Who knows, maybe that's why the tickets last rows always sold out.

And, of course, we can’t help but mention the school disco. During slow dance, especially if it's one of your favorite songs, the first kiss can happen out of the blue. But the sensations from this will only be more wonderful. In general, when a person dear to your heart is nearby, there can be an infinite number of suitable moments.

How does the first kiss happen and who should make the first move?

It is customary for girls to wait for the guy to take the first step towards them. But this is not entirely correct. After all, the character traits of all people are different. And if the guy comes across as very shy, then you can wait a very long time for the first kiss from him. Therefore, in some cases, girls should take the initiative themselves. It’s not even necessary to kiss him first, but you can show the guy exactly what you expect from him, as if to hint.

To do this, at the right moment, a girl can put her head on the guy’s shoulder, hug him by the neck goodbye, or gently kiss him near the lips (but not on the lips themselves). This will give the guy a signal to act and thereby give him confidence. This is how your first kiss can happen!

Instructions on how to kiss correctly: Video description of the first kiss

The magic of a kiss begins to excite a person from the moment he understands and identifies himself with a certain gender. Boys and girls in high school They begin to look at their peers with interest, not only playful, but also sexual. It is clear that no one raves about physical intimacy, but everyone fantasizes about the first kiss.

At the moment of the rapprochement of two lips, eyes, faces, pent-up emotions spill out, a still unknown bliss spreads throughout the body, tears are ready to appear in the corners of radiant eyes. Primitive instinct attracts bodies, foaming the blood in every cell with a hurricane of passion.

Memories made up of wonderful seconds of the pleasures of life will more than once return mature people to the languor of the first touch tender lips to other lips, no less thirsty for affection and warmth.

Two people, in love and exalted by their first feeling, dream of an unforgettable kiss, without constraint and confusion. So that the hearts that began their flight at the moment of acquaintance begin to beat the beat together, with one beat for two.

How will it go? The thoughts of girls and boys who do not know how to kiss revolve around one dilemma. Maybe I’ll ruin everything and lose the person I’ve managed to become a loved one forever? Doubts prevent you from plunging into romantic thoughts without worrying about making an irreparable mistake.

Such a responsible, even decisive step in growing up requires preparation. It is clear that once upon a time no one knew how to kiss. The torment of the unknown and uncertainty as a result makes you wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about the right thing to do. Let's think about what to consider and how to make the kiss truly enchanting.

The first kiss will be remembered for a lifetime

Fears and concerns before a kiss

Kisses surround us from birth. The consciousness of a person who grew up in a loving family atmosphere is prepared to express affection, friendly feelings or family ties touching lips and hugs. But the first kiss, so long-awaited and fabulous, is scary. Fears, which are well founded, make the girl nervous and force her to delay the moment of rapprochement further.

It would seem - what is insurmountable? He folded his lips into a bow and closed his eyes, shining with joy, with fluttering eyelids. But young girls It’s not at all easy to cross the threshold of modesty and show a lack of experience in kissing. You should start with the psychological settings in the young creature’s head.

Over millions of years of development, our genes contain behavioral programs in many cases. Including tenderness leading to the awakening of sexuality. Everyone has an idea of ​​​​the movements when pressing lips to the lips of a partner, thanks to on-screen characters who daily demonstrate this process on camera. But not everyone can dare to do the same thing live, without preparation.

To have a successful first kiss, you need to get rid of fears

How to get ready for your first kiss

Start of the bookmarking program correct behavior When kissing a guy, you should do a little training. Repeating the installation daily will make the situation itself habitual, the body itself will carry out the actions correctly along the laid path, without failure.

Stay in the room by yourself, sit in your favorite chair, relax your muscles and lose yourself in the fantasy of your date. Think about how you will touch the skin of your loved one, first stroke the unruly strands, then kiss them on the cheek. Gradually move on to gently touching your entire face with your lips, slowly moving towards your lips. The smell of the cologne your boyfriend uses will pop up in your brain and envelop you in silky aroma. Think about how the young man will respond to the affection, press his lips in the opposite gift of tenderness. This should continue until you feel a reality in which you make every touch correctly.

Continue these activities every day until the thought of the first kiss ceases to be scary, uncertainty and timidity are erased. The performance should be sensual, with complete immersion and release of emotions. Only then will every brain cell relax, there will be no stupor or fear, which can poison such an expected and significant moment in a relationship.

Frequent mental exercises will lead to the moment of a kiss not a fearful incompetent, but a confident and brave girl. Experiences and waves of confusion will remain a thing of the past. The seconds before the merging of lips will not become painful, but will be remembered in all their charm.

Preparing for a kiss never hurts

Important points in preparing for a kiss

Why does fear and chill arise in the heart before the most romantic event in life? This is not only doubt about the correctness of one’s actions, but also an inability to control one’s impulses and emotions. Many young people imagine touching their lips as causing them to become so emotional that they lose control. Therefore, they are afraid to relax too much, which cannot be done at all! Tension that constrains movement and does not allow you to get full pleasure can subsequently be deposited in memory and interfere with building relationships with the opposite sex. Such psychological locks lead people to consult highly specialized doctors.

Only complete relaxation at the moment of meeting trembling lips will guarantee that you will remember this second forever. Don’t fill your head with unnecessary thoughts, because your partner also feels the same anxiety as you.

The rules of not only the first kiss, but also of every subsequent relationship, imply giving completely to your partner, and not focusing on your emotions and desires. Try to feel what your loved one feels like. Show that his actions are pleasant to you. Don't think about the correctness of his kiss, otherwise the tension that has arisen in your body will be transferred to the guy, and the moment will be ruined. Surrender to the reflexes that will be reborn in your brain, transmitted by the genes of your ancestors.

Young people who have not previously experienced the pleasure of kissing each other cannot overcome the tension that does not give complete freedom actions. A certain obstacle, in the form of fear of wrong behavior, is firmly lodged in the young head. It is necessary to help emotions relieve the tension in the atmosphere, relax muscles and thoughts, and let go of desires on a romantic flight.

This problem will be solved right place, in which you should kiss for the first time. Usually couples retire to the far corners of the park, to a dark cinema hall with a romantic film. If this happens at home, then it is appropriate to turn on slow, quiet music and dim the overhead lights. In the dark it is easier for a person to feel confident and dare to do more. It is especially important to create an intimate atmosphere when the first kiss is new for both. The guy and the girl will subsequently learn to kiss from each other, which is even more exciting and enjoyable than the first inept touch of the lips.

While kissing, think about your partner

To kiss or not on the first day of dating?

Young people sometimes think about the advisability of a first kiss on the day they meet. Feelings and emerging sympathy awaken the desire to get as close as possible with the newcomer. But should we be in such a hurry? After all, the first is irrevocable, and the emotion of a kiss is even more so. There is no need to throw away the unique and significant aspects of a relationship. It is much more pleasant to give the first kiss when you are confident in future joint plans, and not to someone you meet. Such feelings that a person experiences at the moment of giving affection with his mouth should be valued and given exclusively to close people. Be sure that your partner thinks the same way and will not be offended by a refusal. Wait, this will not at all interfere with the pleasure of kissing for the first time, but on the contrary, it will increase the influx of feelings. Only complete confidence in feelings for a person should become the trigger that releases each other into hugs and kisses.

Rules for a successful kiss

Descriptions of first kisses lead to the conclusion that there is no need to talk much and prepare each other for locking lips. Conversations leading up to the kissing process will only ruin the matter. It is much more pleasant and sensual to do this spontaneously, without a half-hour discussion of the need or futility of the matter. The tension will come into force and overshadow the intoxicating moments that give genuine happiness. What can you experience by planning ahead and running through the options in your mind? Surprise is more suitable for the first kiss than a clear schedule of action.

The kissing process itself involves not only the lips, but the whole body. When kissing for the first time, you should not press too close to each other; hugs should be light, not implying sexual impulses or aggressive holding. Tenderness should be in the dominant place.

In the first kiss, your lips should only be lightly pressed against your partner’s lips. No language involved. The head should be tilted slightly, moving the nose to the side. A few moments of enthusiastic touching lips to lips for the first time is enough. You should close your eyes, otherwise you might just laugh at the close contemplation of your accomplice’s face. Such a ridiculous laugh will destroy magical effect, will be constantly remembered and will settle unpleasantly in the soul of each of the couple.

How should a first kiss make you feel? It could be anything but disgust. You often hear the phrase “slobbering youth.” It is pronounced with disdain, showing hostility towards such people. Not everyone will like a wet kiss, although little depends on the girl. Typically, guys who are inexperienced or overexcited will salivate. If you are unpleasantly surprised by the saliva, then do not show it. Understand that your beauty and the excitement caused by touching and hugging played a role here.

The first kiss can cause a storm of emotions

Is it necessary to try to move your lips for the first time, to involve your tongue in a kiss? It is better to avoid such actions. A guy may be afraid of your experience, and a girl may recoil in surprise. After all, “adult” kisses, more sexual and frank, are designed to motivate the couple to continue the action. For the first time, you should not give such a color to the kiss. If you are very interested, you can ask your older comrades, but there is still no need to try at the very beginning of tenderness.

How to behave during a long first kiss? Usually, at the moment of touching the lips, the breath itself is held. But it is impossible to spend more than a minute without air. If the time of the kiss lengthens and it is impossible to stop it, you need to start breathing through your nose. But not too often. An excess of oxygen in the cells can cause dizziness, even nausea. Calm down, deep and measured breathing will help you wait until the process is over.

Which kiss will a guy take correctly? For the first time, show, even if you want too much to continue kissing, that enough is enough. To do this, move your lips while simultaneously moving the guy's hands away from your body. A shy girl is more valued among guys than an approachable and overly passionate girl.

How to move during a kiss for the first time so as not to ruin the moment? If your partner is experienced and has previously dealt with girls, then he himself will kiss you correctly. All that remains is to relax and enjoy the delightful seconds. There is no need to twitch or suddenly throw your arms over his shoulders or clasp his torso. Slowly wrap your arms around his shoulders, sit up, or let the guy push you slightly towards him. Let the man initiate the hugs, lifting and bending. This way the girl will not scare off the gentleman and will leave the impression of a timid and fragile princess.

How to purse your lips when you first touch a guy's lips? You should gather them a little in front, not strain, but also not relax too much. Lips that are too hard or lifeless are equally unpleasant to kiss. Try to relax and tense your lips alternately. Both will like these waves and will allow them to improve in the future in the science of kissing. No one just wants to cling to an indifferent mouth, but beware of getting carried away.

When a couple is about to merge in a kiss, such excitement rolls in that you can involuntarily hit your teeth against your partner’s teeth. Such cases are not isolated, there is no need to be afraid or embarrassed. Pretend that the situation is under control and that nothing terrible happened. Because that's how it is. Chalk up the awkwardness to mutual clumsiness, trying to avoid future clashes. Move away from the too strong hands of your loved one, this will reduce the pressure on your lips.

Important! If the kiss becomes a little wet, which happens in a fit of tenderness, do not grimace and demonstratively wipe your wet lips with a handkerchief. No one can protect themselves from unexpected punctures, especially in an atmosphere of intense desire. Turn away, quietly wipe your mouth with your hand, disguise the movement as correcting your makeup or hairstyle. You can’t show a guy disgust, he may be dissatisfied with himself. Protect the man you like from unpleasant moments, then he will begin to treat your feelings with thrift and tenderness.

Analysis of information about the first kiss

These simple axioms need to be learned when preparing for your first kiss. They will seem funny or unnecessary only to older uncles and aunts who can already do everything. And it is important for a teenager to get information in advance, think through actions, and not appear dear person clumsy and clueless.

Spoiled first kisses sometimes forever deprive people of the desire to give joy to each other in this way. They themselves cannot tell how it turned out that kissing became unpleasant. And the reason for this is the lack of information, indifference to one’s further sensual side of life.

You can live without kisses, but is it worth it? Consciously avoiding awe and elation is stupid. Through touching with their lips, people convey the warmth of their souls to their loved ones from birth. And the lovers they become happy couples, they simply do not have the right to deprive themselves of the indescribable pleasure of kissing.

Moments for a kiss on the lips

The time for first kisses was chosen by nature for a reason. Only in their youth do people, without fear of being hit by fate, surrender to their feelings and experience the true elemental power of love. It’s so easy at fourteen years old to admire a boy, not think about problems and give yourself over to thoughts about the guy entirely. In such a cycle, the heart skips a beat at the memory of a friend, not to mention a kiss with him.

A romantic date spent just the two of you will help you tune in to lyrical waves. It is impossible to imagine the atmosphere leading up to a kiss, especially the first one, than during such an evening. Tenderness will no longer have barriers, love will show all its power and strength without much involvement of the brain.

Often the first kiss ends an evening spent together or group communication, in which two people listen only to each other and strive to be alone. The guy offers to accompany the girl and wants to kiss her. And only she decides whether to respond to a kiss or not. If you do this only out of curiosity, then you will not experience any pleasant moment. You will only destroy the imaginary magic and deprive your consciousness of a real explosion of emotions. You need to leave the kisses for the very best, who will be able to appreciate the anticipation and experience double excitement - for himself and for you!

First kiss - what could be more exciting and tender? You feel it's time, but you don't know what or how. Naturally, pleasant excitement is intertwined with slight neurasthenia, because despite the fact that this is the “first”, you want your partner not to notice your lack of experience and to be in seventh heaven. So, how to kiss correctly, if this is your first kiss - we will tell you about it step by step.


Considering complete absence experience and great desire, you need to try to create the most favorable conditions in order to remember your first kiss forever.

  1. The first tip on how to kiss properly is to find a girl who is worth your kiss. Believe me, if you do it for the sake of the fact of the kiss, and not because of the feelings, the sensations will not be great, and the experience, to put it mildly, will not be positive. Kisses arise on their own, come out of nowhere when a spark flares up between you.
  2. Place – choose a relatively secluded place for the kiss. This should not be a completely deserted space, because then you will simply be embarrassed by the overwhelming intimacy, but a proper first kiss should not be practiced even in the central square during rush hour.
  3. Breathing – don’t forget about this little thing. If you don't smell very pleasant, the girl will quickly pull away and you, without understanding the reason, will think that you are a very bad kisser. Statistics show that bad breath and the smell of sweat reduce girls' desire to kiss.
  4. Contact - if the place is suitable, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned, and the girl is the right one, this is not a reason to attack her. Remember, everything should happen gradually, on its own. Try to catch the girl’s desire to kiss in her demeanor, coquetry, and looks.
First kiss - what is it like?

You can write endlessly about how to kiss correctly for the first time, with great success, because everyone has their own, individual impressions of the first kiss. But there are basic rules that should still be followed.

  1. The first kiss should not be “wet” or French. It will come to this, so extinguish your ardor. The first kiss is the first physical contact with a girl, it should be reverent and pure.
  2. For the first time, kiss without tongue, just with your lips.
  3. Apply parallel caresses with your hands - neck, face, hair, back, waist. All these parts of the body are at your disposal, but you should not go any further, otherwise you may scare away no less than you an excited girl.
  4. The lip kiss can be very versatile, although it is underrated. Light lip biting, sucking upper lip your girlfriend, licking her lips with her tongue. And if your girl has plump and large lips, cover them with might and main - do not concentrate on the center of the mouth, kiss the lips along the entire length with small point kisses.
  5. You're also allowed to kiss earlobes, necks, arms and cheeks - all of which are very popular with girls, and you can earn a reputation as an 'expert' on women right from the start.
  6. The first kiss and the first date go together. People's opinions are about evenly divided on whether kissing should be practiced on a first date. The best “classic” moment to do this is goodbye. However, if such a desire comes before you take her home, you should not restrain yourself.

Yes, and let’s not forget to mention the length of the kiss itself in our description of how to kiss correctly.

The kiss should not be too long (if we're talking about about the first kiss), but too short contact will not create desired effect. Here it is important to feel your partner - you yourself must feel the moment when the girl’s lips begin to smoothly close and it’s better to finish first so as not to delay and spoil the impression. Don’t be greedy, because after the first kiss, there will be many more opportunities to enjoy a long, French intercourse of souls.


First kiss - how to kiss correctly?

Who hasn’t been afraid of the first kiss at one time - how to kiss correctly? Moreover, this issue worries both boys and girls, although many believe that the guy should take the initiative in this process. But even if he doesn’t have experience, and the girl does, this is not a reason for the girl to give up the initiative. She may well make it clear with a long, unmoving gaze that now is the time when the first kiss would be appropriate. To make the first kiss memorable for a long time, it is important to create an appropriate romantic atmosphere. This may be preceded by a long romantic date, at the end of which you can risk your first kiss. The main thing is to avoid one of the most common mistakes - asking a girl for permission to kiss. If she doesn’t want him, the guy will be able to understand this from her previous behavior: constantly crossing her arms and legs during a conversation, deliberately keeping her distance, etc.

A great place for action is a cinema hall showing a romantic film. You can first take the girl by the hand and wait for the right moment. But the most classic version– this is the moment of farewell. Especially if it's goodbye before a long trip.

Preparing for the first kiss

To make the first kiss pleasant for both, it is important to prepare for it. The lips must be relaxed and ready for a kiss. Preparing for the first kiss takes place in the following ways: Take care of pleasant breathing - at least chew some gum. Keep your lips wet while kissing. To do this, just open your mouth slightly.

Lips should be soft. Peel with sugar periodically.

It is also important to relax before a kiss, so as not to scare off the guy or girl with stiffness and nervous movements.

To look friendly, you need to:

Smile. Look into your eyes. Do not cover your face with your palms. Do not cross your legs or arms. Before the first kiss begins, try to establish visual and tactile contact with your partner.

First kiss technique

What the first kiss will be like depends on the degree of the relationship and the temperament of the partners. But if you want to know how to kiss properly, follow these rules: Don't be aggressive while kissing. In this case, only the lips should participate in the process. If this is your first kiss, do not use your tongue under any circumstances. It is enough for a young man to touch his partner’s lips, while tilting his head down and to the side. During the kiss, freeze for a few seconds. If appropriate, after a pause, you can lightly run the tip of your tongue over the girl’s lips. When the kiss is over, don’t lose contact, hug and whisper something pleasant in the girl’s ear. If a girl wants to take the initiative, she can do this: When saying goodbye, turn to face the guy and thank him for the evening. As if involuntarily take a step towards. Without opening your lips, closing your eyes, slowly and softly kiss the young man, without lingering on the lips. After this, the girl should leave. Often guys doubt whether to go for the first kiss, worrying about strong salivation. But they only need to swallow saliva immediately before the kiss. Although some girls like a wet kiss. Another problem is how long the first kiss should last. The optimal duration is a minute. You need to breathe through your nose. Also, don’t worry about where to put your eyes - during a kiss they will close themselves.

How to overcome the fear of the first kiss

Many people worry about kissing on the lips for the first time, because future relationships may depend on it. To stop being afraid, you need to tell yourself that there are no bad kisses. For the right attitude To keep your spirits up, you can watch romantic films. The main thing is not to worry about your lack of experience. This can be thought of as positive point. For example, what's the guy up to today I have never met a girl whom I would like to kiss, but here is such a meeting.

First kiss without tongue

For the first time, it is recommended to kiss without tongue. You just need to relax, take your partner by the hands or waist, close your eyes and touch his lips with your lips. Then you can grab one or the other partner’s lip with your lips. Don’t try to stretch your lips out like a tube, this will make them tense. Just try to be natural.

Kiss with tongue

French kiss done wet lips so that they slide. At first it goes like a normal kiss, but gradually the mouth opens. And when you understand that your partner has nothing against him, gently lick your partner’s lips with the tip of your tongue, and then gently walk over the teeth, palate and tongue.

Types of kisses

Even the ancient Indians described different kinds kisses. Among them are the following:

Shy - the girl practically does not move her lower lip.

Mill - the partner rotates the partner's tongue with his tongue. Kissing the teeth - the young man gradually tilts his partner’s head back more and more. Fighting of mouths - gently biting the partner's lips. Smooth - the young man envelops his partner’s lips, sucking them and trying to touch her tongue. Inato – smooth and tender kiss with just your lips. Which one to choose at first depends on your temperament and the degree of the relationship. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules: 1. Maintain oral hygiene and fresh breath.2. Always brush your tongue when brushing your teeth.3. Be friendly and show a sense of humor.4. If you're a guy, make sure you're clean-shaven before kissing.

Some tips:

It is advisable that the first kiss be with a person who is attractive and pleasant to you and has mutual sympathy. Remember that a kiss shows your feelings and is not an obligation. Do it only in a suitable environment, if you wish, and in no case under duress or for the sake of experience. You shouldn't drink for courage before a kiss. Firstly, it will be unpleasant for your partner. Secondly, alcohol will dull sensations and erase memories. If possible, it is still better for the guy to take the initiative.

And most importantly, try to make the kiss not for yourself, but for your partner, taking care of his feelings. Only in this case will you be able to decide how to do the first kiss correctly and make your partner happy.


How does the first kiss happen?

It is common for every person to collect and carefully store in their memory the warmest, happiest, most precious moments in life. It's like a photo album with an unlimited number of cells, which can be reviewed at any moment. Everyone has their own: individual and unique. But in each there is a special category of moments, before which people, remembering, feel a special awe even after many years. These are the first feelings, the first love and, of course, the first kiss.

How to overcome your fear of kissing

Feeling the first feelings of love, young guys often feel great fear. The unknown scares them. After all, they don’t know whether their feelings will be mutual, what will follow, or how to behave correctly on a date or in any other romantic situation.

Fear of the first kiss ranks high on this list. This is explained by the fact that both girls and boys are very afraid to show their inexperience to each other. And therefore, feeling the approach of this simultaneously desired and terrible moment, they try to think through everything to the smallest detail in advance. Having chosen the ideal moment and place, having prepared a couple of techniques and possible phrases, seemingly fully prepared young people, unfortunately, often get lost at the most crucial moment. Everything prepared instantly flies out of your head and the situation begins to develop in a completely different way than we would like.

To prevent this, do not try to plan everything in advance. Remember that when it comes to feelings, you need to trust your heart. It will tell you how to behave correctly. All you have to do is relax and enjoy.

Under no circumstances be afraid to show your inexperience when kissing - trust your partner’s lips and enjoy the process. Believe me, you will quickly understand what's what, and he won't even notice that this may be the first adult kiss in your life. And ease and naturalness will make the date as comfortable as possible for both, which means the likelihood of continuing the relationship will increase.

Technique and rules. Passionate first kiss

Now that the fear of the first kiss has disappeared, you can understand the basic rules of this wonderful process. The most important thing that should never be forgotten is fresh breath. Make it a rule to have mint gum or candy in your purse. This way you will always feel confident.

The kiss doesn't have to be French. If this is your first kiss, it's best to start with gentle touches with your lips. But when you realize that you want to continue, you can gradually connect the language. With your mouth open, gently touch your partner's lips with your tongue. Try to find his language. Movements should not be persistent. It’s also not a good idea to stick your tongue deep into your partner’s mouth. Your movements must be synchronized. Starting slowly, you can increase the speed during the kiss and vice versa. It all depends on your general feelings.

You should breathe through your nose while kissing. It is advisable to keep your eyes closed. Many young people worry about running into each other with their partner. To prevent this from happening, when you feel the contact, you should simply tilt your head slightly to the side or back. But even if you didn’t have time and a collision occurred, there’s nothing to worry about. Just smile at each other and continue kissing. Sometimes it can even help you de-escalate and relax.

When kissing, a guy most often keeps his hands on the girl’s waist. And the girl gently clasps her partner’s neck. But it is not necessary to be in one position throughout the kiss. You can gently touch your partner’s cheek with your hand or stroke his hair - this will diversify the sensations for both and leave an unforgettable impression of the kiss.

At what age should you have your first kiss?

The experience of the first kiss most often occurs in adolescence: 13-16 years. But you can’t predict this for sure! After all, feelings always come suddenly!

As mentioned above, you shouldn’t specifically wait for the perfect moment, but knowing about it will be very useful.

Many first (and not only) kisses take place in the cinema. While watching a romance film, it is very difficult to resist kissing. Moreover, when it is the last row of the cinema, a romantic mood cannot be avoided. Who knows, maybe that’s why the last rows of tickets are always sold out.

And, of course, we can’t help but mention the school disco. While slow dancing, especially if it's one of your favorite songs, the first kiss can happen out of the blue. But the sensations from this will only be more wonderful. In general, when a person dear to your heart is nearby, there can be an infinite number of suitable moments.

How does the first kiss happen and who should make the first move?

It is customary for girls to wait for the guy to take the first step towards them. But this is not entirely correct. After all, the character traits of all people are different. And if the guy comes across as very shy, then you can wait a very long time for the first kiss from him. Therefore, in some cases, girls should take the initiative themselves. It’s not even necessary to kiss him first, but you can show the guy exactly what you expect from him, as if to hint.

To do this, at the right moment, a girl can put her head on the guy’s shoulder, hug him by the neck goodbye, or gently kiss him near the lips (but not on the lips themselves). This will give the guy a signal to act and thereby give him confidence. This is how your first kiss can happen!

Instructions on how to kiss correctly: Video description of the first kiss