The young girl wanted Why are men attracted to young girls? Join different circles

No one will be surprised by a marriage in which the husband is 10, 15 or 20 years older than his wife. Psychologists identify several reasons why girls prefer not their peers, but adult mature men. Relationship experts point to the stability of such relationships, confidence in the strength of your partner's feelings, as well as his wisdom and life experience. The main motive of most girls is material wealth.

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Benefits of dating a mature man

Many young girls want older men, which explains their reluctance to have an affair with their peers. The fair sex is driven by different motives that guide them when choosing a life partner. Psychologists identify a number of advantages of such relationships:

  • An adult man is confident in his future, he occupies a strong position in society, and he has property. This allows him to start a family and provide his loved ones with a decent life. The girl does not have to wait several years to earn money for her own apartment or car, her beloved will provide her with these benefits. Every woman strives for a good life, so in no case should this be considered a sign of commercialism.
  • The status of a person plays an important role. A woman is flattered by communication with a man who is respected by others and occupies a high position in society. Next to him, she feels more confident, she has a desire to match his status.
  • Girls choose older guys because they are smart and have life experience. There is always something to talk about with them, so they are excellent interlocutors. As a rule, in the past, mature men had relationships from which they learned valuable experience for themselves. Therefore, they will not reproach their beloved for the slightest reason and will always patiently listen to her.
  • It is important for a girl to have a person next to her who knows for sure what he wants to achieve in life. Frivolous guys are not capable of long-term relationships, so communication with them rarely leads to the legitimization of relationships and the creation of a family.
  • Financial status is an important factor in a relationship. There are girls who are used to enjoying today and getting the most out of life. A wealthy man can afford to give his beloved an expensive gift, go on a trip abroad with her and help in organizing his own business.
  • Girls love adult men because they admire their beauty. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt the fidelity of a loved one. He will never start an affair on the side, because a young attractive girl is waiting for him at home.
  • Mature men are great lovers. They try to keep themselves in good physical shape and know how to please a woman in bed.

Why Girls Don't Like Kind Guys

Love between a man and a woman is an important component of a happy and harmonious relationship. But, as you know, every medal has two sides. Psychologists note that no matter how great the power of love is, communication between a girl and a mature man has its own nuances, the knowledge of which will help maintain the union.

Relationships are hard work. This is especially true of the union of people with a big difference in age.

The main thing that a girl should be aware of is that it is almost impossible to change her beloved. If a young man easily adapts to the interests of a girl and her desires, then the personality of an adult has already been formed. Therefore, we must accept it as it is.

Our grandmothers blushed at the word "blowjob", our mothers were proud if their first boyfriend was our dad, and we? Which…

Our grandmothers blushed at the word "blowjob", our mothers were proud if their first boyfriend was our dad, and we? What is the main principle of the girls of our generation? Modern girls from an early age begin to have sex, they are liberated in bed and are rarely ashamed of a large number of partners..

Female chastity has been reduced to the principle of three dates: on two dates you are touchy, and on the third you can already give heat! For objectivity, I called girlfriends, friends and acquaintances. Feminine sincerity conquered me: it turned out that 6 out of 10 girls prefer not to pull rubber, but to pull it on a guy already on the second date. I assure you, these are decent girls! It turns out that free love is a sign of our time? To verify this, I went to women's forums and conducted a survey among peers. The girls admitted that they were not attracted to long walks with guys under the starry sky without kisses and sex, and even boasted how subtly they seduced men if they suddenly started to get dumb and did not immediately invite them to watch a movie, drink wine or pet Roger's puppy.

These answers of familiar and unfamiliar girls led me to the question: “Why are modern girls in such a hurry to give to men? Is it promiscuity, the dictates of fashion, a way to overcome complexes, or a banal desire to love, mixed with the desire to find the very one, the only one, by a detailed study of the assortment of men?

I believe that the reasons for this haste are related to the life experience and goals of the girls, and each age has its own reasons.

Girls aged 15-23 are just beginning to explore the world of men, they are not yet in a hurry to get married and are not ready to nurse children, but they want to live to the fullest, travel, receive expensive gifts, enjoy shopping and a beautiful male body. A man in this period of a girl's life is more likely a sponsor of a fun and carefree party. It is during these years that girls experiment most in bed, but not at all because they want to work up before the wedding, like guys. Young girls, trying to tie a man to themselves, make the main bet on sex. It seems to them that mastery in sex gives them an advantage in the high competition for a worthy rich man. After all, whatever one may say, all girls want to marry a successful male! True, at this age, marriage is seen by girls as a romantic fairy tale, in which they are assigned the role of a princess.

Girls 24-34 years old have already gained experience and have accumulated a desire to get married, which is becoming sharper and sharper. Closer to 30, girls become overgrown with anxiety that the peak of their beauty and demand ruthlessly tends to zero, you can’t linger, and since there is no time, therefore, spending it on coquetry and play is unproductive. The task becomes concrete: to immediately charm a man, caress and hook him on himself. This period is accompanied by the main question: when is he going to marry such a smart, beautiful and magical woman in bed?

By the way, here girls make a fatal mistake: their importunity confuses a man. A man is a gentle, timid and distrustful creature when he is led to marriage. A conservative man marries only when he understands that he is bad without this woman, and not when it is clear to him that he is well with this woman. It takes a lot of time to make a decision like that, and not “Fuck bang, look how cool I am! Run for the ring!" Such a determination of a girl scares a man even when he is mentally ready for marriage. But often a girl of 24-34 years old does not intend to wait. “Thank you,” she exclaims, “was already waiting! Wasting two more years of your precious youth on this?! Well, I do not!" And he sets off in search of a more accommodating man.

Women aged 35-45 yearn not so much for marriage as for the realization of their sexuality. Many men say: "A woman after 35 gives herself as if for the last time." Why female sexuality wakes up at this age - I don’t know: I’ll live to tell you). However, it is a woman of this age that you cannot put to bed with a running start. She

and he will fool a man’s head, and twist his nose, and fill his own price, which proves to us: the origins of women’s accessibility are far from the desire for sex.But what's the matter? Why, the younger the girl, the faster she jumps to the man in bed?The answer to this question I found in men. Most reported that rapid intimacy is common these days. Guys, rather, have doubts if a girl delays the moment of intimacy. Here are their explanations for this "strange" behavior: the girl is having her period, or she is growing her hair for hair removal, or undergoing treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.If sex does not shine, spoiled guys follow the principle: "I didn't give it and I don't need it, we'll find another."It turns out that by pleasing the guys, we girls collectively bring down our prices. at the brides market. Elderly men, though cynically, but honestly admit: "Oh, if in our time they gave us so easily, we would not get married at all."

Therefore, for a man, marriage is, first of all, regular sex. Men shamelessly take advantage of the high competition among girls, hence the craze for civil marriage. A man overfed by sex is in no hurry to take responsibility for his wife, children and family. Men benefit from freedom in love, they plant it in society.

We, women, this sexual revolution only humiliates and deprives the freedom of the individual. After all, the thesis “I didn’t give it and I don’t need it, we’ll find another” hangs like a sword of Damocles over every girl. And we, fools, try to give them, so as not to remain in proud, but sad loneliness! Men impose the rules of the game, women accept them, and society suffers: the institution of the family is dying.

Imagine a girl under 13 years old who plays like an adult, puts on a dress, puts on makeup to hide her youth under a mask of makeup. Imagine the smile on her face and her innocence. Imagine that instead of just playing with being an adult, a girl goes out and sells her body to men up to 12 times a day. This is what life looks like as a teenage prostitute, Bristy, who lives with her mother, a former prostitute, in Daulatdia, Bangladesh's largest brothel. Bristy is one of the most popular here, mainly due to her young age.

(Total 48 photos)

1. Young prostitute Bristy puts on make-up to appear more mature to clients. (© LISA WILTSE)

2. A client trades for an underage prostitute in the Daulatdia brothel, on the banks of the Padma River, Bangladesh. (© LISA WILTSE)

3. Prostitutes hide their faces from the photographer. (© LISA WILTSE)

4. A girl named Mushimi before leaving for evening work. (© LISA WILTSE)

5. Young Sonya waiting for clients. Sonya serves up to 12 clients a day. (© LISA WILTSE)

6. Customers and shopkeepers in an alley near a brothel. (© LISA WILTSE)

7. Prostitutes are waiting in the corner to dance for clients. (© LISA WILTSE)

8. Underage Sonya puts on makeup to look older. (© LISA WILTSE)

9. Underage prostitute Sumi in the largest brothel in Bangladesh Daulatdia. (© LISA WILTSE)

10. Children of prostitutes from the Daulatdia brothel in the classroom of a school sponsored by Save the Children in Faridpur. (© LISA WILTSE)

11. A prostitute in a small pharmacy is on a drip due to dehydration. (© LISA WILTSE)

12. Daily life on the Padma River near the Daulatdia brothel in Faridur, Bangladesh. Truckloads of rice, jute, sugarcane and fish from the west and southwest of the country stand here for two to three days to cross the river to the capital, Dhaka. (© LISA WILTSE)

13. The boy looks into the camera, past which the underage worker of the panel passes. (© LISA WILTSE)

14. Many of these prostitutes are not yet 15. (© LISA WILTSE)

15. A trucker sleeps in one of the guest houses in the lanes of the Daulatdia quarter. Truck drivers make up the bulk of the brothel's customers. (© LISA WILTSE)

16. Handbag of one of the prostitutes. (© LISA WILTSE)

17. An underage prostitute in a dark alley of the largest brothel in the country. (© LISA WILTSE)

18. The client approaches the minor Sonya. (© LISA WILTSE)

19. The daughter of a prostitute is dressed up for a birthday party. Girls whose mothers are body dealers take over their jobs at the age of 12 or 13. (© LISA WILTSE)

20. Misumi with her boyfriend. In a brothel, "boyfriend" refers to the most regular client who has the right not to use a condom. (© LISA WILTSE)

21. A prostitute washes sacred paints from her body after she passed out from dehydration. (© LISA WILTSE)

22. Client and underage prostitute. (© LISA WILTSE)

23. Underage Jessna is resting in her room before the night shift. (© LISA WILTSE)

24. The owner of the store and a regular customer of the brothel. (© LISA WILTSE)

25. Girls born in a brothel play in the fields by a small lake behind the brothel. This place also serves as a cemetery for prostitutes. (© LISA WILTSE)

26. Birds on electric wires in the country's largest brothel on the banks of the Padma River. The alleyways of the brothel are a stuffy place filled with people and the temperature can rise to 50 degrees. (© LISA WILTSE)

28. Sonya is preparing for the evening shift. (© LISA WILTSE)

29. A night butterfly is waiting for a client in a dark alley. (© LISA WILTSE)

30. Brothel worker resting in her room before the night shift. (© LISA WILTSE)

31. Workers are repairing roads for trucks arriving by ferry from Dhaka. Truck drivers make up the bulk of the brothel's customers. (© LISA WILTSE)

32. A man is shaved at a brothel in Daulatdia. (© LISA WILTSE)

33. Underage prostitute Bristy in the alleys of the brothel quarter. (© LISA WILTSE)

34. Sonya puts on makeup to look older. Since young girls dominate the industry in Bangladesh, maintaining beauty and youth guarantees them jobs and earnings. (© LISA WILTSE)

35. Primary school for children of prostitutes in Faridpur. (© LISA WILTSE)

36. A girl after serving a client in her room in a brothel. (© LISA WILTSE)

37. Sonya prepares the room for the evening reception of clients. (© LISA WILTSE)

An adult man and a young innocent girl. Sounds obscene, doesn't it? For many, it's even offensive. And in any case - a little strange. The age difference is usually associated with various negative connotations. Talking about relationships that seem to have descended from the pages of Nabokov's Lolita is a social taboo; it is believed that in these relationships, the man is the predator, and the girl is the victim. However, girls themselves may want relationships with men older than themselves, and for good reason!

12. Maturity of a partner
Maturity is sexy. Many young guys do not even realize how even the thought of an accomplished, responsible and self-confident man turns on. This is expressed, of course, not only in external attributes: it is an internal state. A man who is self-confident and so does not need to constantly “feed” with confidence and energy. Maturity is manifested in various situations: in how a man behaves in everyday life, how he copes with difficult situations, what goals he sets for himself (even at a respectable age).

11. Something to brag about
Well, what girl can resist boasting that she is dating an older man? It is always perceived as an interesting topic for conversation. If you like to be the center of attention, tell your girlfriends that your new boyfriend is X years older than you - and enjoy the reaction. Of course, they will have a billion questions, and they will admire you for boldly stepping outside your comfort zone, which they themselves would not dare to do. Or maybe, on the contrary, they will look at you with contempt and say that they would never have fallen so low. In any case, the reaction will be; to be honest, many girls meet mature men only to shock others.

10. They are usually looking for a long-term relationship.
Older men value serious relationships. Maybe the point is that they are looking for reassurance that they will not be abandoned or betrayed (especially if they already had such an experience). A long-term relationship is far better than something uncertain, and mature, wise men know this better than anyone else. Yes, some young men do not want obligations at all and expect only entertainment and pleasure from relationships; Unfortunately, women have a different opinion on this matter, and it usually coincides with the opinions of older men. Sorry boys, nothing personal.

9. They are real gentlemen
Mature men know how to conquer a woman: they usually behave with women like true gentlemen. Not only do they not expect you to have sex on the first date - they really care for you, and at the same time they do not have time for those games that young guys love to play, either refusing obligations or expressing readiness for them. The "gentlemanly" aspect is one of the main reasons why girls prefer older men: women need someone who behaves decently without making any drama.

8. As long as they are with you, chivalry will not die.
When a man opens the door for a woman, pays for two in a restaurant, tells his couple how much he appreciates her, and just shows respect for her with every gesture, it conquers. Especially for boys: holding the door for a woman is not a gesture that pays for sex. It's just something that you do without even realizing it and showing your respect and admiration. Mature men know this. If you think that with a couple of chivalrous gestures you are buying yourself a hot dinner and a bed - think again.

7. You don't have to wait until he "grows" to your level.
It is a known fact that boys mature much, much later than girls. Therefore, it is difficult to blame a girl for not wanting to wait for her boyfriend to get out of adolescence. It's hard to take seriously a guy who acts more like your son than like an equal partner. A mature man has already left this phase and does not want to return there. Equality of minds is also an important part of relationships. So, if you have to choose between a guy who only cares about skateboarding and partying, and a partner who has matured in all respects ... the choice is obvious.

6. You feel secure
To be with a man older than yourself means to feel "like behind a stone wall." Yes, yes, this is the same notorious search in men for the image of a father. An older man protects and supports you; with him you can afford to be a fragile woman. No one says you shouldn't feel this way with a partner your age, but with a mature man, these feelings are amplified. After all, every woman wants a man to love, protect and respect her.

5. They are determined and held in life
For a woman, one of the benefits of being in a relationship with an older man is that she can judge how successful he has been in life. Some girls simply do not have the patience to be with someone who does not have serious goals and objectives in life. It's sad when a man's ambitions are zero, and his work is such that he can't even provide for himself, let alone a partner. With a man who knows what he wants from life, you don't have to wonder "what if...". Such relationships are devoid of a number of stresses and give you many opportunities to simply enjoy each other's company.

4. They are experienced in sex.
The fact that a man lived to his age does not always mean that he really has extensive sexual experience. However, experience and wisdom usually come with age, and mature men may know things that young men are not even aware of. Sex is not always the foundation of a relationship, but it's still nice to have someone next to you who knows what he's doing in bed. Mature men are not afraid to talk about what they want and what their partner wants.

3. Relationships taste like forbidden fruit.
There is something wrong, taboo and... so fascinating! When you are barely twenty years old, and a mature man finds you attractive, it is flattering and turns on. In addition, such an experienced boyfriend, so different from the yellow-mouthed youths, is not a sin to brag about. Perhaps you will meet secretly, because you simply won’t know how to explain this relationship to others. It's a pity.

2. Sometimes you just fall in love.
In fact, you can fall in love with anyone, and age is not a determining factor here. Love, as they say, is submissive to all ages, and the feelings of a 19-year-old girl for a 40-year-old man can be as strong as the feelings of another 19-year-old girl for a 19-year-old guy. Relationships are relationships; love is love. There's nothing to be done here.

1. They are men
The terrible truth is that a woman needs a MAN first of all. And the attributes of a real man are everything that is listed in this list. We are not saying, of course, that young men are not men, but there is a difference in how mature they are from the point of view of women, compared to older and more experienced men. There are, of course, happy exceptions among young men, but it is known that exceptions only confirm the rule.

The reason successful older men choose to date younger women is because they CAN do it. Women are not attracted to youth, they are attracted to confidence and power.

Therefore, when a beautiful woman in her 20s and 30s meets a man in his 50s who has the whole world in his palm, he is sexy and attractive to her. His age becomes as irrelevant to her as the color of her eyes or hair.

And for such men it doesn’t matter whether a young girl loves him or just wants to improve her financial situation. The main thing is that they are sitting opposite a beautiful, intelligent and lively woman. And she, in turn, will not complain about her ex, moaning about how tired she is, because she spent the whole day doing housework with three screaming children, and then she had to cook dinner and take the dog to the vet.

No. This woman wants to have a good time and then come home and have wild and passionate sex on the kitchen table or on the bathroom floor. Because she is young. And before some of you talk about a strong sex drive after 40, think about this: her 25-year-old youthful spirit comes with a 25-year-old youthful body.

Therefore, in comparison with you, she will win. This is true? No. But burying your head in the sand and insisting that "real men" don't want young women, but want a companion equal to them, is at least naive and, at worst, can harm your personal life. When a man is successful and rich, he needs a young energetic woman whom he can enjoy in bed and in society in general.

And one more thing: no matter how old a man is, he still wants to have sex with a young woman.

What about beautiful, mature, average 40-year-old women, young at heart (even with three children, a dog and a cat), who are looking for their beloved? Are they doomed to a life of loneliness? Not necessary. They need to develop a strategy like this:

1. Find a matchmaker who accepts women as clients

It will work for you to get the best results in the least amount of time.

2.Join different circles

No matter what your hobby is, you can find an interest group and meet people (read "men") who share your passion.

3. Get out of the house

Whether it's dinner with friends or a quiet evening at the local pub, don't sit at home! You will not meet anyone sitting in your favorite chair and complaining about the absence of gentlemen.