Barskaya manor of the final elementary school. Graduation ball in the estate "Kuskovo". Security and medical support at the event

We invite you junior schoolchildren hold and mark your graduation in 4th grade in an unusual and interesting place in Moscow - estate Kuskovo. The interactive program and festive dinner will be remembered by children for a long time, and adults themselves will get a lot of pleasure from this event.
The park is a pearl in the European collection of palace and park culture and architecture, from the 18th century to the present day. The estate previously belonged to the family of Count Sheremetyev, was a country and entertainment residence of the family and was intended for receptions and celebrations, theatrical performances, festivities and magnificent celebrations.

For elementary school graduates The homestead offers several options interactive programs for graduation in elementary grades.
Option 1 (with lunch).
The duration of the program is (1 hour 30 minutes + 45 minutes lunch).
« Museum Oddities". The Kuskovo estate is full of secrets, oddities and mysteries. We can verify all this with the help of unusual guides. In memory of the excursion and the journey, its participants will receive souvenirs. (It takes place on any day of the museum, except Mon-Tue). After the program, the children and their parents will have a delicious lunch in a cafe on the estate.
Lunch menu: vegetable salad with butter, french fries with ketchup, chicken nuggets, apple strudel, fruit drink, still water. You can also bring your own birthday cake for lunch!
Option 2 « SUPER GRADUATE» with lunch.
Duration of the program - (1 hour + 45 min. lunch).
« Royal reception in honor of graduates". In the distant 19th century, after studying at school in noble families, children were usually sent on a trip abroad. On our interactive program and your children will be able to go on a "journey" to Europe. An exciting search will end with finding the "granite of science", and at the end of the program, the guys will receive memorable gifts and a real "royal reception" with a treat! We have prepared for you:
- an exciting adventure game;
- interesting tasks, the solution of which will require logic and the ability to work in a team;
- fun of the XVIII century and not only;
- a surprise for the first teacher;
- commemorative medals for each participant of the program
This day will be the most vivid memory of the end of elementary school! (takes place daily from May 13 to May 31, by sessions: 10-30; 12-00; 13-30; 15-00; 16-30; 18-00.
Lunch menu: fruit salad, pizza with ham (150 gr), chicken cutlet, french fries with ketchup, charlotte pie (100 gr), cranberry juice, still water.
The cost of the holiday program per person:

Holiday in the museum: option 1
up to 15 people
2200 2 hours 15 minutes
Holiday in the museum: option 2
up to 30 people
3300 1 hour 45 minutes
Transfer to the museum and back
from 950
from 800
from 7005 hours rental, including waiting time at the party
Transfer fee
from 2000 hour
per rental hour
birthday cake
from 1600 rub/kg (3-4 kg)
Launching balls
from 8000 rubles for 50 balls
Professional photo/video shooting
by agreement

For all booking inquiriescontact our managers.

Yes, chewing on the granite of science is not an easy task. It is this colorful aphorism that we use, wanting to emphasize how difficult the path to mastering the knowledge accumulated by mankind is. But do you know that the mythical "granite of science" actually exists, and it is hidden on the territory of the old estate "Kuskovo", which even many years after its construction is called nothing more than Moscow's Versailles? The one who finds this miracle stone will be easily given school wisdom, but according to the condition of the ancient spell, not everyone will be able to master it. Only after successfully passing the exams in elementary school for grade 4, the guys can try to find a magical talisman. We invite young graduates to an exciting quest game in Kuskovo!

Interesting? Certainly. Then go ahead - the fun quest begins! During the course, the students

  • They learn a lot of curious things about the estate itself, its secrets and mysteries, the history of construction and those offspring of a noble family that lived here.
  • They will answer a number of questions, approaching the cherished goal - a magic stone that can help children in mastering the subjects of a comprehensive school.
  • They will see the main sights of Kuskovo, make a “mini-journey” around Europe and get to a feast in their honor.

And they will also learn how to work in a team, take part in the fun that was popular in the 18th century, and go home with a great mood and commemorative medals. Agree, such a graduation is a holiday for all holidays!


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Who said that the Prom is a relic of the past, and modern children prefer noisy discos? Perhaps, having become high school students, today's kids will choose to dance with a fashionable DJ, but on this first Graduation they will be happy to attend a ball in a real palace, turn into gallant gentlemen and society ladies for a while, try on long dresses and strict suits, pick up fans and gloves.

Graduation in elementary school is a great occasion for a smart ball.

We invite children to a ball at the Durasov estate in Lublin.

  • At the beginning of the program, graduates and their parents will take a tour of the main halls of the palace.
  • Then the children will learn about ballroom etiquette and the history of children's balls in the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • Having studied the theory, "ladies and gentlemen" will move on to practice. At the "dance lesson" they will learn the basic "pas" of the mazurka, polka and polonaise.
  • And now it's time for the ball! Children have fun from the heart, and parents and teachers admire their pupils.
  • After the ball, the graduates will have a festive tea party.

Leaving the palace, every girl can feel like a Cinderella, and a boy like a Prince. And in a few years, dancing in a trendy club, they will surely remember the touching Graduation in elementary school.

Class teacher, school “Perspektiva”

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