If the threat of miscarriage. Treatment for threatened miscarriage. Drugs for threatened miscarriage. Take folic acid daily

According to statistics, a miscarriage early term occurs in 20% of women. Moreover, most of them do not even have time to understand that something irreparable has happened. Spontaneous abortion, as doctors also call fetal rejection female body occurs up to 12 weeks after various reasons. The main thing that needs to be done in this case is not to miss the symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

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Causes of spontaneous abortion

What causes early miscarriages? Such a question should be of interest even before conception. But the information will be useful to those who have already experienced trouble, and to those who just saw two strips on the test. So, the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be as follows:

  • hormonal disruptions (higher risk in women with high testosterone);
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • constant ;
  • previous ;
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus caused by mutations at the gene level;
  • immunological abnormalities, the main one among which is;
  • , taking narcotic drugs, drinking energy drinks;
  • infectious diseases transmitted from a partner;
  • careless, rough sexual intercourse;
  • falls, injuries;
  • weight lifting;
  • mother's age of 35 years and older;
  • taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy.

To say exactly why a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of a particular couple can only be done by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Signs and symptoms of early fetal rejection

In any case, signs of a miscarriage in the early stages should alert the expectant mother. They also include aching pain lower abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is far from always clear whether regular menstruation has begun or whether there really is a threat of a breakdown. Especially if the woman herself does not know if she is pregnant. If the conception is planned, then the expectant mother should be alerted by strange in consistency or unusual periods. Usually they are brown, with an admixture of bloody spots.

Don't be afraid to see a doctor! In the event that this is indeed a pregnancy, on initial stage everything can be stopped and the pregnancy can be saved. Of course, at profuse bleeding there is no chance to save the fetus.

It is very important to know the indirect first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages in order to at least maintain your health. The following changes will indicate spontaneous abortion:

  • weight loss;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by spasms;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (, nausea);
  • the appearance of secretions of a strange shade.

The symptoms of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are similar to and with others, no less dangerous pathologies. Therefore, it is impossible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

There is an opinion that a couple may have a spontaneous abortion more than once during the entire planning period. This is partly true. Young people can change the situation on their own, simply by being examined and undergoing a course of treatment. Spontaneous early miscarriage, the symptoms of which in the first month are very similar to menstruation, often go unnoticed by a woman. If she already knew about her new position and was expecting a baby, then after cleaning it is recommended to go to rest, change the situation and gain strength. And after that, it will be possible to start planning the conception again and believe that this time everything will definitely be fine!

Spontaneous miscarriage at various stages of pregnancy ends in fetal death and is a complex obstetric and gynecological problem, usually accompanied by serious psychological consequences for a married couple.

In the concept " miscarriage", depending on the clinical manifestations and in accordance with the classification World Organization health care (WHO), includes such pathological conditions of pregnancy as the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, abortion in progress, not complete miscarriage, complete miscarriage and missed miscarriage.

Its frequency reaches 20% of the total number clinical pregnancies, some of which are not diagnosed in the early stages. Among women whose pregnancy was diagnosed based on the study of the level of human chorionic hormone before the next menstruation, the frequency of miscarriages increases to 30-60%. At what time is there a threat of miscarriage, and what are its causes?

Determination of the pathological condition and its causes

"Threatened miscarriage" is a clinical term that is used to refer to a condition that precedes a possible spontaneous abortion at various times during the first 21 weeks. The 2nd - 3rd and 6th - 8th weeks are considered critical in relation to the development of manifestations of the pathological condition.

Spontaneous miscarriage is defined by WHO as the expulsion from a woman's body of an embryo or an immature and non-viable fetus weighing 500 grams or less, which corresponds to (approximately) gestational age up to 22 weeks.

Depending on the timing, this pathological condition is distinguished as:

  1. Early if it occurs before 12 weeks (first trimester). At these times, 40-80% occurs. Moreover, up to 78% of spontaneous abortions, especially among women with an unknown cause of previous miscarriage, occur at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, when the embryo dies. The probability of this condition is significantly reduced (up to 2%) in the presence of heartbeats in the fetus, that is, for a period of 8 weeks. At 10 weeks and with a normal fetal heart rate, the spontaneous abortion rate is only 0.6%.
  2. Later - after 12 weeks, that is, in the second trimester, but before 22 weeks of gestation. The frequency of miscarriages is less compared to the first trimester, and its likelihood decreases significantly with increasing gestational age.

Almost half of the women with this pathology constitute a separate group in which it is not possible to establish the main or any reason at all. For the rest, as a rule, not one, but several causes are identified, exerting their influence sequentially or acting simultaneously. In most cases, the causes of threatened miscarriage are multifactorial.

The following factors are considered the most significant reasons:

  1. Genetic.
  2. Infection and inflammation of the internal genital organs.
  3. endocrine disorders.
  4. immune deficiency.
  5. Congenital and acquired pathology of the internal genital organs of an organic nature.

Genetic factors

They average 5% of all causes of spontaneous miscarriage. About 40-60% of miscarriages in the early stages (in the first trimester) are due to chromosomal abnormalities in the form of autosomal trisomy (most often), double trisomy, triplodia and tetraplodia, various forms mosaicism, translocation, etc.

Infection and inflammation of the internal genital organs

Miscarriage and, accordingly, its threat for periods up to 22 weeks, associated with inflammatory causes, are due to the specifics of penetration from the mother's blood through the placenta:

  • bacteria - mycobacteria, gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, treponema, listeria;
  • protozoa - plasmodium, toxoplasma;
  • viruses;
  • associations of microorganisms - bacterial-bacterial, viral-viral, bacterial-viral.

The most common type of disorder in pregnant women is the ratio various kinds vaginal microflora, or dysbiosis (in 10-20%), with subsequent development. Diagnosis of dysbiosis through vaginal smears allows you to navigate the need for further research to identify the presence of pathology. Microorganisms can cause an inflammatory process in the placenta (placentitis), accompanied by changes in histopathological nature. At the same time, the presence of microorganisms in the mother's body can proceed with the clinic. inflammatory processes or asymptomatic.

For a long time, dysbiosis was not considered a risk factor for a threat, but in Lately an imbalance in the microflora of the vaginal environment is considered one of the main causes intrauterine infection fetus and pregnancy complications. Relatively often sown such pathogenic agents, as group A streptococci and opportunistic anaerobic infection.

Disturbed microbiocenosis is always accompanied by a disorder of the local immune state of tissues, which is expressed in an increase in immunoglobulins “A” and a decrease in the content of immunoglobulins “G”. It is the disorder of the mechanisms of local immunity that significantly reduces the compensatory-protective ability of the body, which is ultimately the determining factor in the course and outcome of the disease in case of infection and violation of microbiocenosis.

In the first trimester, the contact and hematogenous (through the woman's blood) pathways of infection are predominant, and in the second trimester, ascending, when microorganisms spread from the lower genital organs. This leads to infection amniotic membranes(regardless of their integrity) and amniotic fluid, resulting in an increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins by the amniotic membrane, which contribute to uterine contractions.

The infection of the fetus occurs directly from the amniotic fluid or as a result of the spread of infectious pathogens to the fetus through the umbilical cord. In addition, many acute viral or bacterial diseases of a pregnant woman are accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication and high temperature body, which in turn can stimulate an increase uterine tone and even contractions of the uterus, leading to the threat and further termination of pregnancy.

Of particular danger is infection in the first trimester, when placental barrier not yet fully developed. The main source of inflammatory processes in the first trimester of pregnancy is the structural and / or functional inferiority of the cervix, as well as acute and chronic inflammation of the cervical canal (), which, as a rule, are accompanied by similar inflammation of the endometrium.

immune deficiency

It is the most common cause pregnancy loss (40 to 50%). The regulation of recognition of a foreign protein by a woman's body and the development of an immune response is carried out by a system of human tissue compatibility, or human leukocyte antigens of classes I and II. The immunological factor of miscarriage can be caused by impaired immunity both at the humoral level in the form of antiphospholipid syndrome, and at the cellular level in the form of the formation of antibodies in the woman's body as a response to the father's antigens in the embryo.

Among the various mechanisms that normalize the immune response to early stages gestation, a significant role is given to progesterone. The latter activates the synthesis by lymphocytes, which normally contain progesterone receptors, the number of which increases depending on the timing of pregnancy, of a specific protein - the so-called progesterone-induced blocking factor. It affects both cellular and humoral mechanisms of immune responses, by changing the balance of cytokines, and in the early stages of the first trimester, it prevents spontaneous abortion.

endocrine disorders

Among all other causes of such a condition as the threat of miscarriage, they range from 17 to 23%. They are caused by the following functionally interrelated pathological conditions:

  1. Defective function corpus luteum, which is, in turn, the result of dysfunction of various levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems. One of the consequences of the inferior function of the corpus luteum is insufficient secretion of the hormone progesterone. Therefore, progesterone or progestogen dydrogesterone (Duphaston) additionally introduced into the body of a woman in case of a threatened miscarriage has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of the progesterone-inducing factor and, accordingly, leads to the preservation of pregnancy.
  2. Excessive secretion of androgens (), which is the cause of abortion in 20-40%. Hyperandrogenism can be ovarian, adrenal and mixed, but regardless of the form, it can lead to miscarriages in the early stages.
  3. dysfunction thyroid gland(hyper- and hypothyroidism, thyroiditis).
  4. Diabetes mellitus.

Most frequent complications endocrine pathology, especially against the background of an increased level of androgens, is not only a direct state of the threat of spontaneous. It is also possible to develop isthmic-cervical insufficiency of a functional nature, arterial hypertension and gestoses in the second trimester, low attachment placenta, which also cause a threatened miscarriage.

Congenital and acquired pathology of the internal genital organs of an organic nature

The first one includes birth defects development, predominantly, derivatives of the Mullerian ducts, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, abnormal divergence and branching uterine arteries. The frequency of the threat of spontaneous abortions with these defects is 30% higher compared with other pregnancies.

Acquired pathology - intrauterine synechia, or (the risk is up to 60-80%, depending on their severity and localization), fibroids and other tumor-like formations, endometriosis and adenomyosis, isthmic-cervical insufficiency (from 7 to 13%), acquired in as a result of rough and frequent intrauterine manipulations. With adhesions, the threat occurs mainly in the second trimester, with implantation in the area of ​​the intrauterine septum - in the first trimester.

Other (less significant) causes among all causes of threat and miscarriage average up to 10%. These include:

  • late age of a woman;
  • diseases of infectious and viral etiology, occurring with a body temperature above 37.7 °;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • sexual intercourse during pregnancy;
  • somatic pathology, especially endocrine glands;
  • some pathological conditions of the partner, including various disorders of spermatogenesis;
  • Rh-negative blood group;
  • adverse environmental factors;
  • vitamin B 9 deficiency (folic acid), which causes an abnormal fetal karyotype and especially increases the risk of pathology in the period from the 6th to the 12th week of pregnancy;
  • occupational hazards, toxins and intoxications, including nicotine and narcotic ones;
  • some medications(intraconazole, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and cytostatic drugs, antidepressants with a pronounced anti-anxiety effect), the use of radiation therapy methods.

To correctly assess some changes in the state of your body during pregnancy, especially in its early stages, and to understand how to behave in case of a threatened miscarriage, acquaintance with brief information about the main manifestations of this pathology helps.

Symptoms of a pathological condition

About 30-40% of pregnancies are terminated after implantation of a fertilized egg, and only about 10-15% of them are accompanied by relatively poor and non-intense (in terms of severity) clinical symptoms, characterized as "threatening spontaneous miscarriage". This condition is caused by an increase in the tone of the uterus and an increase in its contractile activity. Since at this stage the connection of the fetal egg with the uterus is still fully preserved, timely treatment often allows you to save the pregnancy.

The most significant signs of a threatened miscarriage are the patient's complaints with satisfactory general condition on the:

  1. The absence of the next menstruation, when the woman does not yet know or doubts the presence of pregnancy.
  2. Feeling of discomfort or / and mild feeling of heaviness, pain, aching, pulling or, extremely rarely, cramping in nature (with progression) in the lower abdomen (above the womb), sometimes radiating to the lumbar and sacral region. The intensity of pain does not depend on the position of the body, acts of urination or defecation. It does not decrease as a result of rest, but can gradually increase on its own, especially even with little physical exertion.
  3. Discharge from the genital tract. They are scanty (smearing), bloody or serous-bloody. Allocations with a threat of miscarriage (their presence or absence) have great importance in prognostic terms - abortion at the very early stages occurs in 12.5 -13.5% of women with bloody discharge and in 4.2-6% (that is, 2 times less often) - without such.

At gynecological examination the following signs are defined:

  • the presence of bloody discharge in the genital tract;
  • the cervix is ​​not changed, its external os is closed;
  • the size of the uterus corresponds to the timing of the delay in menstruation, that is, the timing of gestation;
  • the uterus reacts to examination by increasing its tone (it becomes denser).

Specific to this threatening condition laboratory research does not exist. Concentration chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG) in plasma normally in the first trimester ranges from 45,000 to 200,000 IU / l, and in the second trimester - from 70,000 to 100,000 IU / l. With the development of the considered pathological condition hCG indicators remain normal or slightly reduced.

More reliable is the karyopyknotic index (KPI), which is determined using a colpocytological examination of a smear taken in the region of the lateral walls of the vagina. It is a characteristic of the degree of saturation of a woman's body with estrogens. In the first trimester, the CPI should be no more than 10%, at 13-16 weeks, the CPI is 3-9%, and for more later dates- no more than 5%. In the event of a threat of termination of pregnancy, the KPI exceeds the specified norms.

Data ultrasound are also indirect and often not reliable enough. A threatening state is echographically characterized by such indirect signs, both locally, along the front or back wall, increased tone uterus (this may be a common reaction to manipulation), low position fetal egg, the appearance of constrictions and fuzzy deformed contours. According to the data, it is sometimes possible to reliably determine the threat of miscarriage in the second trimester by the presence of separate areas of placental abruption with the formation of retrochorial (behind the chorionic membrane) hematomas, by a change (not always) in the diameter of the isthmus, which normally should not be more than 5 mm.

Treatment for threatened miscarriage

The tactics of treatment depends on the duration of pregnancy, the severity and nature of pain syndrome, the presence or absence of secretions and their nature, KPI data, manual and echographic studies.

There is no consensus on the need for hospitalization of a woman. Some clinicians consider hospitalization necessary in any case of suspected threatening interruption pregnancy. Urgent Care with the threat of miscarriage, it is necessary for abundant and/or repeated, especially accompanied by symptoms of anemia, spotting.

With single spotting, indefinite or slight painful sensations, the absence of progesterone deficiency, negative results KPI and inconclusive echographic data are currently abroad and many specialists in Russia recommend outpatient treatment (even without special medications).

Is it possible to walk with the threat of a miscarriage and what regimen must be observed?

Bed rest is not required. The woman is given recommendations in terms of usefulness and balance diet food, normalization of bowel function and limitation of activity associated with the application of physical and psycho-emotional efforts - do not lift weights, significantly limit the duration of walking, refrain from sexual intercourse, avoid conflict situations. If pain in the lower abdomen and bloody issues stopped, you can gradually expand motor activity, but completely eliminate the lifting of even minor weights.

In other cases, treatment is carried out in the inpatient department of pathology of pregnant women. Appointed bed rest, "Magne B6", which has a slight sedative and relaxing effect on muscles, as well as reducing the level anxiety state and improve function digestive tract, sedatives of plant origin (in the first trimester) in the form of an extract of valerian root, motherwort and hawthorn tinctures and tranquilizers (in the second trimester).

In order to reduce the tone of smooth muscles and reduce uterine contractile activity inside, intramuscularly or intravenously, antispasmodics are used in solutions - No-shpa, Drotaverine, Baralgin, Papaverine. Sometimes at the same time intramuscularly apply a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, 10 ml every 12 hours.

Some beta-adrenomimetic drugs (tocolytics), for example, Partusisten (the active ingredient fenoterol), Ritodrin, Alupent, which are used at the 20th week of pregnancy and at its later stages, have an inhibitory effect on the contractile activity of the uterus.

With ongoing bloody discharge, many doctors still prescribe hemostatic drugs - Dicynon (sodium etamsylate), aminocaproic acid, tranexamic acid, etc. However, when considering pathological condition their use is not always justified, since the release of blood in this case is not associated with a violation of its coagulability.

In addition, in order to reduce the load medications on developing fetus and the body of a woman, physiotherapeutic methods are also used - electrical relaxation of the uterus through the use of a sinusoidal alternating current, endonasal galvanization, inductothermy of the renal zones, magnesium iontophoresis through a sinusoidal modulated current. In the case, the issue of installing an obstetric-gynecological pessary is sometimes decided, since there are no definitively reliable data on its effectiveness.

If there is an excess content of androgens in the blood (with diagnosed hyperandrogenism), short courses of glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone or Dexamethasone) are used, and in case of gestagenic insufficiency of the corpus luteum, Utrozhestan is prescribed intravaginally in capsules, active ingredient which is natural micronized progesterone. In the case of the presence of antibodies to progesterone, it is possible to use dydrogesterone (Dufaston), which is a synthetic analogue of the first. At the same time, the use of progesterone and dydrogesterone is permissible only in case of insufficient function of the luteal body. Routine use of these drugs is inappropriate.

An individual differentiated approach in the choice of tactics for the treatment of a threatened miscarriage in many cases helps to prevent an unfavorable outcome of this pathological condition.

Pregnancy is extremely difficult period in a woman's life. At this time, her body works in an enhanced mode, unique processes and phenomena occur in it.

But these wonders of nature, unfortunately, are overshadowed by increased vulnerability and the emergence of a host of health risks. Many negative factors can affect the course of pregnancy and cause its termination - miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. This is a very serious phenomenon, the causes and consequences of which every expectant mother should know.

What is a miscarriage

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy due to various factors. This term is used if the death of the fetus occurred before the 20th obstetric week; in cases where exact date unknown, guided by the weight of the fetus - up to reaching the mark of 400 g. A baby weighing 500 g with the current level of development of medicine has a good chance of life. If this sad event occurred after the 20th week, they speak of premature birth.

A miscarriage should not be confused with - this concept implies that the fetus is not expelled from the mother's body, but remains inside.

Such a development of events can have serious consequences for the mother, up to death due to the development of infection.

And, of course, a miscarriage is different from a medical one, which women have to do specifically in the early stages for one reason or another.

How and why miscarriage occurs

In a miscarriage, the fetus dies and is eventually expelled from the woman's genital tract. IN best case, all tissues and structures associated with the baby (placenta, amniotic sac, chorionic villi, all parts of his body) are rejected and removed. In the worst case, some of these formations remain in the genitals. Then the help of doctors is vital: they must clean out all the excess from the uterus, otherwise an infection can develop in the dead tissues, which will lead to sepsis and, ultimately, death.

Reasons for spontaneous interruption There are many pregnancies, and it is not always possible for the doctor to establish why it occurred in a particular case.

Most often, miscarriages occur in the presence of such factors:

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Miscarriage symptoms

Some manifestations of a miscarriage can be very noticeable for a pregnant woman, others are detected only with the help of special biochemical tests for hormones or ultrasound examinations.

Most spontaneous abortions generally remain a mystery if they occur at very early stages, when a woman does not yet know about pregnancy - then they can be confused with a slight physiological delay in menstruation, and bleeding during a miscarriage with heavy menstruation.

This usually happens when the fetus is not viable due to congenital lethal pathologies.

The most common symptoms of miscarriage are:

A woman should remember that the symptoms of a miscarriage do not always indicate a 100% probability of it.

Approximately half of the pregnant women who different terms there were threats of spontaneous abortion, accompanied by bleeding, are able to endure and give birth healthy baby. However, this is only possible if the released blood was not the result of damage to structures vital for the child and his own organs. Otherwise, if the doctor finds serious violations in the fetus, he will recommend a medical abortion to avoid more severe consequences, especially dangerous in later pregnancy.

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Consequences of a miscarriage

The consequences of spontaneous abortion can be both physiological and psychological.

If, after a miscarriage, dead tissue remains in the uterus, curettage is necessary. Otherwise, there may be complications for reproductive function and a threat to life in general. A miscarriage is an abnormal end to a pregnancy; it breaks a complex chain of processes in the body. Therefore, after a spontaneous abortion, failures in the hormonal background are possible.

It is very difficult for most women to survive a miscarriage psychologically. This problem is especially acute for those who are faced with abortions several times in a row - with each miscarriage, hopes for a happy motherhood fade more and more.

Therefore, some women are recommended the help of a psychologist. In other cases, they need the support of a partner or another loved one. After a miscarriage, a woman needs time to restore her body. Rehabilitation will be faster if you carefully monitor your condition and consult a doctor if complications are suspected.

When, for one reason or another, the body rejects fertilized egg. Among the unfavorable factors are previous medical abortions, especially artificial termination of the first pregnancy, infectious diseases, unfavourable conditions in particular malnutrition, abuse, violations hormonal background and other physiological abnormalities, chemical and radiation pollution environment, but the most common cause of miscarriage is the genetic inferiority of the fetus. Although it is believed that physical activity, heavy lifting or strong feelings, in fact, they account for only a small percentage of such cases, and it is possible that they are associated with other existing risk factors. Some women try to have a miscarriage at home by lifting weights and jumping from a height, but this turns out to be completely ineffective - healthy natural remedies almost impossible, but the risk is still there. The vast majority of miscarriages occur in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy - about 99%.

Recognizing a miscarriage at home is quite difficult: it has a rather vague symptomatology. For example, spotting and lower back pain of varying severity are typical, sometimes for several weeks, but at the same time, these symptoms do not at all indicate that this is necessarily a miscarriage - more than half of pregnant women who subsequently gave birth on time, noted them at home, however, if they occur, it is still necessary to immediately consult with a specialist. In this case, it is better to play it safe and call " ambulance”, as you may need hospitalization or at least a thorough examination. In a hospital setting, it is much easier to stop unfavorable development situations, while preventing a miscarriage at home is almost impossible even with the help of specialists.

Also, symptoms that speak of are cramping pains both in the lower back and in the lower abdomen, frequent stools, discharge with thick inclusions, nausea, true contractions and the disappearance of signs of pregnancy. If any of these signs are detected, then the doctor in charge of the pregnancy diagnoses a “threatened miscarriage” and recommends that the pregnant woman lie down for preservation, because if a miscarriage suddenly starts at home, it will be extremely difficult to stop it, not only due to the absence special means and equipment, but also because even with an emergency call for medical assistance would still be a lot of time wasted.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to prevent miscarriage at home, since it occurs most often for reasons such as genetic abnormalities in the fetus or physiological problems in the mother, something can still be done to prevent it. Firstly, future mom should be in good physical form: with a moderately active lifestyle and sufficiently developed muscles, the likelihood of a normal one increases significantly. The weight of a woman both before pregnancy and during it should be within reasonable limits: its excess, as well as its deficiency, increase the risk of developing pregnancy pathologies. All kinds of stimulants, such as caffeine, significantly increase the risk of miscarriage, so it is important not only to stop drinking caffeinated drinks or at least sharply limit their amount, but also to carefully monitor the composition of medications taken, including vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, which also often include stimulating components. If previous pregnancies previously ended in miscarriage, most likely will have to give up sex, at least in the first trimester of pregnancy.

"Really sounds threatening. Especially if the pregnancy is desired and long-planned. The good news is that the diagnosis of "threatened miscarriage" is not necessarily spontaneous in the end. Moreover, doctors, after making such diagnoses, make every effort to save the pregnancy. And since “forewarned is forearmed”, then let's look at what the threat of miscarriage is, when and why it occurs, and what to do to correct the situation if the first alarm bells appear.

What is a threatened miscarriage?

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy that occurs before the twenty-second week. If a miscarriage occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks), it is called early. Termination of pregnancy, starting with, is called premature birth. As a rule, the fact that something is wrong with the body of a pregnant woman and it is likely that a miscarriage will occur is “reported” by certain signs. This is called threatened miscarriage.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage

The threat of spontaneous abortion is accompanied by certain symptoms. If you know about them, you can prevent the problem in time.

So, you can recognize the threat of spontaneous abortion by the following signs:

  1. Vaginal discharge ranging from light pink, scarlet to dark brown. These secretions can be scanty - just a few drops, or plentiful - like during menstruation. As a rule, with a threat or incipient spontaneous abortion, at first the discharge is insignificant, but over time it becomes more and more intense. Sometimes the discharge is very scarce, but does not stop for several days.
  2. Violent cramps in the lower abdomen. Pain during a threat is identical to that experienced by women with very painful periods. But in some cases, spotting may not be accompanied by pain.

What can cause a threatened miscarriage?

Reasons that lead to spontaneous abortion, and at first only to the threat of such, quite a lot. Below is a list of the most common reasons that contribute to the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women.

  1. Hormonal. If a woman’s body produces insufficient amounts of certain hormones that are “responsible” for successful development pregnancy, there is a threat of its interruption. In particular, this applies to progesterone or estrogen. If it is determined in time that there is not enough progesterone in the woman’s body, for example, you can save the pregnancy by prescribing medications containing this hormone. But too a large number of hormones are not good either. After all elevated level androgens (the so-called male hormones) also causes a threat of miscarriage.
  2. genetic. Due to the so-called genetic “breakdowns”, the fetus, in most cases, develops incorrectly. Often it is not viable and dies in the early stages of pregnancy. According to statistics, approximately 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason.
  3. infectious. If any infection, including those that are sexually transmitted (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, and so on), then the chances of a threatened miscarriage are enormous.
  4. Immunological. These causes arise as a result of the immune incompatibility of a woman and a man, as well as with a Rh conflict. In the second case, it means that the child inherits positive rh father, and the Rh-negative organism of the woman tries to reject the cells of the embryo that are alien to him.
  5. Physiological. These include various defects or anatomical features of the structure of the uterus and cervix, that is, the female reproductive system. This may be, for example, the wrong structure of the uterus or its insufficiency.
  6. Medicinal. There are a number of drugs that are strictly forbidden to be taken by pregnant women, as they can cause a threat of spontaneous abortion.
  7. Age. Doctors say that women over 30 automatically fall into the risk group, because after this age the body functions with certain “failures”.
  8. "Harmful". This includes habits such as smoking and drugs.
  9. Physical and mental. Heavy physical labor, severe emotional stress, overwork - the right move on the way to the diagnosis of “threatened miscarriage”.

By the way, abortions and miscarriages that occurred in the past can be noted in a separate line. This is also often the cause of the threat.

The first steps in case of a threatened miscarriage

The first thing to do for a pregnant woman who notices the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage is to lie down and pick up the phone. You need to lie down in such a way that your legs are in an elevated state. The phone is needed in order to inform the doctor about the incident and, if possible, call him to the house. As a rule, after consulting a doctor, a woman, with the help of relatives, should go to the hospital, where she will receive medical care. If the bleeding is severe, you need to call an ambulance, whose employees are required to provide first aid on the spot, and then take the pregnant woman to the gynecological department of the hospital. It is very important that while a woman is waiting for a doctor, try to calm down. If you can’t do it yourself, you can drink a few drops of valerian or motherwort tincture. Sometimes a doctor on the phone, after listening to a woman, may ask to drink one or two no-shpa tablets. You should not worry about this, because no-shpa for pregnant women is an approved drug, it perfectly relieves spasms and tone of the uterus.

In most cases, with a strong threat of miscarriage, when real unambiguous symptoms are already manifesting, the pregnant woman is placed “for preservation”. Treatment in the inpatient department of the hospital will take place depending on what exactly caused this condition. In order to determine this, a special examination and analysis is carried out.

Every pregnant woman should know about preventive measures in order to protect herself and prevent the threat of miscarriage. It must be remembered that cured chronic and acute diseases, rational good nutrition, rejection bad habits avoidance of stress and strong physical activity- a guarantee that the threat of miscarriage through the fault of a woman certainly will not come. As for other, more complex reasons, then Mother Nature will decide. The task of the woman is to minimize the risk and do everything possible so that a healthy and strong baby is born.

Especially for Olga Rizak