What medicines can be taken by pregnant women with diarrhea. The main causes of diarrhea during pregnancy. Therapeutic diet food

Diarrhea during pregnancy (diarrhea) is not a disease, but characteristic symptom encountered in the event of various violations. The appearance of liquid frequent stools, nausea and vomiting during the period of bearing a baby may indicate that it is necessary to treat nerves or take antibiotics. Also, the appearance of diarrhea is a sign that a trip to the hospital is just around the corner.

diarrhea on early dates pregnancy occurs as a response of the body to the changes taking place in it, but, despite this, treatment this disease must be mandatory. Dehydration and leaching of valuable vitamins and minerals from the body can adversely affect the condition and development of the fetus. Diarrhea in early pregnancy can be treated with a large number liquids with salt and sugar and activated charcoal.

diarrhea on later dates pregnancy, starting at 28 and ending at 39 weeks, is a sign of either pathological process or start labor activity. If there is no nausea and vomiting, and there is no fever, then the woman will soon see her baby, as the body cleans itself before upcoming birth. If nausea and fever are present, then the cause of diarrhea should be sought, as this is a sign of poisoning or intestinal infection.

Causes of diarrhea:

  • Job disruption nervous system;
  • intestinal infections;
  • Eating stale food;
  • Prenatal state (natural cleansing of the body in the period of 39-40 weeks).

Why does diarrhea start during pregnancy?

The "hormonal changes" caused by progesterone usually cause constipation in women. The presence of diarrhea in this situation is inappropriate, if you do not take into account the beginning of pregnancy and the end (39-40 weeks). Often it is diarrhea that is one of the first signs of fertilization that has occurred. Also, just before the birth, liquid and frequent stool, which is a sign of the onset of labor.

If diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, or fever, then hospitalization is necessary, as the symptoms indicate an intestinal infection. This condition is dangerous for the fetus and mother, especially in the later stages of 38-39 weeks.

The most obvious causes of diarrhea are "bear sickness" (colon irritation), toxification (food poisoning), or intestinal infection.

"Bear Disease"

Diarrhea during pregnancy, which appeared at any time, regardless of the week of its course from 1 to 39, is provoked by the movement of the large intestine, which is regulated by the nervous system. In case of violation of the controlling processes, an increase in the number of urges and liquefaction occurs. stool. It is anxiety and stress that are the main symptom of this disease. A distinctive feature of diarrhea in bear disease is the absence of urges at night.

Nausea, vomiting, fever do not accompany this symptom therefore, if present, another cause should be sought. Treatment of "bear disease" should begin with the use of sedatives, which are safe during pregnancy.

Food poisoning

With food poisoning, the symptoms of the disease appear immediately. main feature poisoning is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Body temperature often rises and flatulence is characteristically increased. Intoxication is accompanied by chills, weakness, dizziness and headache. Sometimes there is a decrease blood pressure leading to fainting spells.

Food poisoning is very dangerous, as it leads to dehydration, which leads to a characteristic thickening of the blood. Due to this condition, varicose veins and thrombosis occur, and there may also be a threat of miscarriage. This condition is especially dangerous for a period of 36-39 weeks, since all the forces of a woman are spent on pregnancy, and her immune system is practically unable to cope with the load that has arisen.

Most often from food poisoning only the mother suffers, the child practically does not feel given state. Only dehydration brings serious threat for the baby, as it lowers blood circulation, which leads to a lack of nutrition through the placenta, as well as to the production of a hormone that provokes a miscarriage. Therefore, the treatment of food poisoning is primarily aimed at replenishing the expended fluid reserves in the body of the expectant mother.

Intestinal infection

The presence of diarrhea even with an intestinal infection for the fetus is practically not dangerous, since the causative agent of the disease affects only the intestines of a woman. The main problem that is significant in this situation is also dehydration and the fact that pregnant women should not take many medications. Treatment is carried out with "sparing" antibiotics, which do not have a serious effect on the development of the fetus.

The main symptom of an intestinal infection is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Loss of appetite and high fever also often accompany this disease. A pregnant woman should be treated immediately to prevent dehydration, which can cause fetal hypoxia.

What to do about diarrhea during pregnancy

If diarrhea during pregnancy (1 - 39 weeks) worries a woman, and she does not have serious reasons for calling an ambulance, or there is no possibility of going to a doctor, then she should follow some rules with which you can maintain pregnancy and not harm your health .

  1. Be sure to drink more fluids that contain sugar and salt. The best drinks in this period is non-carbonated mineral water, "sports drinks" or chicken broth. In order to determine whether the body has enough fluid, you should monitor the color of urine. The norm is a light yellow color and a transparent consistency.
  2. It is also necessary to adhere to a diet that provides for eating in small portions. You can eat noodles, rice, crackers and bananas. salty foods in this case are a good addition to the diet. Spicy or fatty foods, dried fruits and milk should not be consumed in any case. But starchy foods, baked or boiled carrots, lean meats and yogurt are recommended.
  3. IN without fail you need to take a medicine that has no contraindications during pregnancy and whose action is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. Self-medication should not be done, especially at elevated temperatures or the presence of spotting.

Some forms of diarrhea can be reduced with regular plain yogurt. Yogurt is the first remedy that affects the intestinal microflora and pushes pathogenic organisms out of the body, populating it with beneficial microorganisms. During pregnancy, this product does not cause any harm at any time, from the first days to 39-40 weeks.

Almost everyone has diarrhea during pregnancy, but despite this, most expectant mothers do not know what to do in this situation. The main thing is not to panic, but to calmly find out the causes of the disease, and if there is no high temperature, vomiting and nausea, then treatment can be carried out at home. But it is recommended to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist leading a pregnancy.

What is diarrhea, perhaps, each of us knows. And everyone has their own methods of dealing with liquid watery stool which happens several times a day. Recipes traditional medicine, pharmacy medicines- all methods of treatment are good, but subject to the absence of contraindications due to the state of human health. What to do if diarrhea occurs during pregnancy?

Severe diarrhea often makes itself felt painful cutting pains in the stomach and intestines, which are sometimes accompanied by fever. How to cope with the trouble for the expectant mother, if during the period when the baby lives under the heart, many medications are prohibited? Does diarrhea threaten the health of the woman and her baby? These and other aspects of the problem will be discussed in the article.

Absolutely healthy person diarrhea can occur up to 6 times a year. This is due to an unbalanced diet or pathogens. viral infections. In expectant mothers, the list of factors that can cause diarrhea is complemented by a significant transformation of the hormonal background. Diarrhea during pregnancy is classified according to the degree of intensity:

  1. Acute diarrhea is a disorder that develops as a result of the vital activity of various viruses in the body or banal poisoning. Continues 2 - 3 days.
  2. Non-passing diarrhea - a painful condition can last up to 10 - 14 days without improving the condition of the pregnant woman.
  3. Chronic diarrhea - diarrhea does not go away for more than a month, the reason for this is various serious diseases.

In addition, the factors due to which the measured course of pregnancy is disturbed by diarrhea may be diseases gastrointestinal tract, food, heavy for the body, unwanted effects medicines.

Also, remember that the body future mother during all 9 months of the special situation, it is undergoing a radical restructuring - external and internal. Pregnancy though significant event, but at the same time - a real test for a woman's immunity. The immune system is depleted due to the fact that most of the body's internal resources are now spent on the formation and maintenance of a new life in the womb. Never before has a woman's health been so vulnerable to various environmental influences.

By the way, diarrhea in a pregnant woman can be caused by factors that do not cause any association with the disorder in another person. For example, exercising for women in position can accelerate gastric motility and thereby cause diarrhea. Don't forget that radically in most cases, the nutrition of the expectant mother also changes - foods saturated with fiber and substances that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines regularly appear on the plate. Diarrhea during pregnancy in the later stages can even cause vitamins that the pregnant woman takes long time.

It is possible that the underlying cause of diarrhea during pregnancy may be an unstable emotional background women. Suspiciousness, anxiety and confusion are frequent companions of an "interesting" situation. This flurry of emotions can also affect fine motor skills intestines.

Diarrhea can be found in the list of symptoms of toxicosis both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages. In essence, toxicosis is the body's reaction to toxins and an excess of hormones, which is akin to poisoning, which usually causes diarrhea.

Diarrhea at 38 - 41 weeks of pregnancy, experts generally tend to consider it as self-training body for childbirth, and without 5 minutes, mommy has absolutely nothing to worry about!

Diarrhea and its clinical picture during pregnancy

An expectant mother with her sudden appearance of diarrhea can puzzle at any stage of pregnancy. Immediately, we note that to consider diarrhea as independent disease fundamentally wrong. This problem is always symptomatic and is a manifestation of a disease. This means that along with diarrhea, a pregnant woman may experience other symptoms that can significantly worsen her well-being. Among them:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Chills.
  3. Pain or discomfort in the stomach.
  4. Strong flatulence.
  5. Heat.
  6. Headaches and dizziness.
  7. Rapid fatigue and constant weakness.
  8. Poor health due to dehydration.

In addition, the expectant mother should know some of the nuances of diarrhea during pregnancy, noticing which, you should immediately inform your doctor about it:

  • clots of mucus and blood appeared in the feces;
  • in addition to diarrhea, a woman suffers from nausea, vomiting and high body temperature;
  • feces are painted in a dark, almost black, color, at the same time, the pregnant woman is overcome by severe dizziness. This condition is usually characteristic of stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

No matter how specific the symptoms of diarrhea in a pregnant woman are, in any case, this is a signal that the woman’s health is not all right, so you should definitely consult your doctor on this issue.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy: where the danger lies

loose stool during pregnancy in the first trimester is a great threat to the mother and her baby. If the disorder is caused by pathogenic viruses or bacteria that have entered the female body, it will undoubtedly affect the condition of the fetus, since microbes can also get to it through the placental barrier.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea has an indelible impact on a woman's health: it makes it impossible for her body to absorb vitamins, provokes the development of dehydration of the body with its further intoxication.

Diarrhea causes spontaneous spastic contractions of the uterus, which can equally threaten both miscarriage and abnormal fetal development. We list the main signs of dehydration (dehydration) of the body, knowing about which a pregnant woman will not lose precious time and immediately turn to a specialist for help:

  • constant strong thirst;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane in the mouth (tongue "sticks" to the palate);
  • dark urine;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness, "flies" before the eyes.

If diarrhea in early pregnancy occurred against the background of toxicosis, then there is every reason to believe that it will pass soon, you just need to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Diarrhea during pregnancy at 30 weeks

Diarrhea at this time does not always indicate the presence of a virus in the body. It is during this period that some pregnant women experience late toxicosis, among the symptoms of which are loose stools, general weakness, dizziness and nausea. The 30th week of bearing a baby is a turning point, and a woman must certainly inform the doctor about all changes in her condition.

Natural urges cause the uterus to contract significantly, which can cause premature birth. Main danger that babies do not survive at this time.

The threat also lies in dehydration of the body, if the stool during pregnancy at 30 weeks is liquid. On the basis of dehydration, a woman may develop thrombosis.

Diarrhea during late pregnancy: what you need to know

Diarrhea during the period from 35 to 40 weeks of pregnancy can be a harbinger of childbirth. Diarrhea at 35, 36 and 37 weeks of gestation is highly undesirable, since babies in most cases are born premature and very weak. How can a future mother protect herself? A woman needs to make the highest demands on the quality of the food she eats, and try to eat only at home, and not in public places ah, where the risk of "catching" any viral disease is much higher.

Sometimes the fetus itself can cause diarrhea or constipation - the baby is already large and squeezes internal organs, as a result, gastrointestinal motility worsens.

The problem of dehydration with diarrhea is also relevant in late pregnancy. The child is fully formed and he needs nutrients in very large quantities. The maternal organism in conditions of dehydration cannot meet the needs of the baby, and the fetus begins to starve.

Diarrhea during pregnancy at 38, 39, 40 weeks, which is accompanied by cramping pain, is a signal of incipient labor. Diarrhea in this case is not dangerous for the health of mother and baby - this is how the body is cleansed before the responsible mission of giving birth to a new life. However, if diarrhea is caused by severe poisoning of the body, lungs are prescribed. medications to prevent the penetration of toxins through the placenta to the baby.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

Trying to get rid of diarrhea during pregnancy by "prescribing" your own medications is extremely irresponsible and dangerous. You always need to think about the baby - will his mother's carelessness harm him?

In choosing a drug against diarrhea, the doctor focuses on the duration of pregnancy, prescribing the woman the best treatment option for her. Note that the vast majority of medications are prohibited up to the 30th week of bearing a baby, so it is better to entrust the solution of such a responsible issue to a specialist.

The exception is not too strong diarrhea, which is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the expectant mother needs to sit on light diet and drink a lot so that the digestive tract rests and recovers.

Therapeutic diet food

The diet excludes all "milk" and food with a pronounced taste - nothing salty, sour, fried and spicy! True, the ban is valid for only one day, because the baby should never be left hungry. Nutrients baby needs all the time!

On the second day, it is worth limiting yourself to oatmeal or rice boiled in water, without adding salt and sugar. Snacks are allowed in the form of unsweetened crackers or special dietary biscuits and strong tea. Most dairy products are still worth abstaining, but you can already treat yourself natural yogurt, which will bring to life the stomach and intestines. Useful lacto- and bifidobacteria of this product normalize the natural microflora of the affected gastrointestinal tract.

For the next 3-4 days, it is better to avoid dried fruits, milk, spicy and fried food. A pregnant woman should give preference in nutrition to various cereals. Recall that perfect food for the expectant mother has an average room temperature. Too hot or very cold dishes impair gastrointestinal motility, irritating the acidic gastric environment.

Teas brewed from chamomile flowers, mint leaves and lemon balm will help the expectant mother to maintain vigor and good mood during diet days.

Drug treatment

From 30 to 40 weeks of pregnancy question about drug treatment women are no longer so acute, and she can safely take some drugs prescribed by a doctor. For diarrhea in a pregnant woman, you can take the following medications:

  1. Smekta. The active ingredient in this drug, dioctahedral smectite, is a substance natural origin. Smecta during pregnancy acts in a complex way: it has a calming effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, covers the stomach and intestines with a thin but reliable protective layer, removes harmful microorganisms and their metabolic products (toxins) from the body, nullifies the aggressive effect of bile and hydrochloric acids. Smecta is prescribed to expectant mothers for acute and chronic diarrhea caused by intoxication of the body or a disease of viral etiology. In addition, the drug is a wonderful remedy for heartburn, with which many pregnant women are familiar firsthand. Smecta is taken as a single dose or as a course (3 times a day). You can eat after taking the medicine after 1.5 - 2 hours. The method of application is as follows: pour half a glass warm water and gradually pour the powder into it, stirring often to completely dissolve it.
  2. Activated carbon. This is a well-known and trustworthy tool. Activated charcoal is not prohibited during pregnancy - the agent does not penetrate the bloodstream and, accordingly, does not pass through the placenta to the fetus. The drug is a porous carbon sorbent that cleans digestive tract from harmful substances, adsorbing them like a sponge. Activated charcoal can be drunk with diarrhea, colic, increased flatulence and heartburn. However, the expectant mother must remember that these pills should not be taken for a long time, because sooner or later Activated carbon will begin to rid the body of useful trace elements and substances. For the same reason, vitamins should not be taken immediately after taking activated charcoal, otherwise the sorbent will neutralize their effect. Before use, it is better to grind the drug tablets into powder and dissolve in 0.5 cups of water. room temperature. In case of poisoning and diarrhea, activated charcoal is taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.
  3. Loperamide. This antidiarrheal drug weakens the tone of the intestine and reduces its motility, positively affects the tone of the anal sphincter. The initial dose for diarrhea is 4 mg (2 tablets), then reduced to 2 mg (1 tablet) after each loose stool. Maximum daily dose Loperamide should not exceed 16 mg. The doctor is obliged to warn the pregnant woman that it is impossible to take the medicine for more than 2 days, otherwise there is a risk of developing severe constipation. Pregnancy is also included in the list of contraindications to the use of the drug, therefore, the decision on the advisability of using Loperamide in a pregnant woman should be made exclusively by a specialist.
  4. Nifuroxazide. The medicine is a real salvation for severe diarrhea during pregnancy. Active ingredients The drug destroys most pathogenic microorganisms: Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Yersinia, Shigella, etc. Depending on the size of the dose, Nifuroxazide can have both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. In the first case, the drug suppresses the activity of pathogens, in the second case it destroys them. The medicine is not absorbed in the stomach, concentrating in the intestines. Only small doses of the drug penetrate into the blood, most of it is excreted in the feces. Among the indications for the use of Nifuroxazide, it is worth noting the treatment of diarrhea of ​​​​infectious origin and the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. The drug in tablet form is prescribed to pregnant women 2 tablets every 6 hours. The doctor prescribes the duration of treatment in individually. Nifuroxazide in the form of a suspension is taken in 1 tsp. 3 - 4 times a day. A specific effect of taking this drug is an increase in diarrhea for a short time.
  5. Sedative preparations based on motherwort, valerian, mint or passionflower are prescribed when diarrhea during pregnancy occurs as a response of the body to a nervous overstrain reaction.
  6. During the treatment of diarrhea, a pregnant woman can also drink a solution of the powdered drug Laktosol, which supports the body dehydrated against the background of diarrhea, restoring the water-salt balance in it. Moreover, in order to get rid of all signs of intoxication as quickly as possible, one should drink plenty of clean water.

Folk remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy

Natural raw materials in the treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women are welcome, but only after agreement with the doctor.

  1. An effective remedy for diarrhea is jelly, cooked from fresh or frozen lingonberries or cranberries. A handful of berries are washed under water, poured with a small amount of boiling water and kneaded with a crush. Then the solution is filtered through a sieve, a little potato starch is added there and boiled over low heat, stirring constantly. The finished drink can be flavored with a spoonful of honey for taste.
  2. The pomegranate peel is thoroughly washed, put in a jar of 0.5 liters, poured with boiling water and closed with a lid. Infuse the decoction for at least 2 hours, after which they drink several sips throughout the day.
  3. To calm down Bad mood, which inevitably arises against the background of such unpleasant problem, like diarrhea, you can make tea from mint and lemon balm. For this, 1 tbsp. l. leaves of each plant pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1.5 - 2 hours and drink instead of tea.

How to recover from diarrhea during pregnancy

The body of the expectant mother works for the benefit of two, which means that he needs help in this. In the first days after suffering diarrhea, a pregnant woman should rest more and plan her diet especially carefully. How impossible better fit a lean diet devoid of salt, seasonings with a pronounced taste, smoked, fatty and fried foods. Foods containing fiber should be taken in modest portions. It is good if such products are steamed or stewed.

Diarrhea during pregnancy. Video

Diarrhea occurs in all people different reasons and circumstances, it can be stress, nutrition, infections or somatic diseases.

As a rule, diarrhea resolves on its own within 1 or several days and is not dangerous.

If the problem occurs in a pregnant woman, then diarrhea may be dangerous symptom, which even leads to termination of pregnancy, so you need to know what can be done for pregnant women from diarrhea.

The main causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Diarrhea is frequent bowel movements, and feces contain a lot of water. In some cases, during pregnancy, there may be diarrhea completely water.

Accompanied by diarrhea, sharp urges, as well as the difficulty of controlling the process of defecation.

Such a course during pregnancy can be painless, but is often accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen, as well as nausea and other symptoms.

Many women choose their foods carefully during pregnancy and also adjust their menus to avoid diarrhea and other disorders.

Except physiological features A pregnant woman may have other causes of diarrhea:

  1. For up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea appears as a result of toxicosis. During this period, the pregnant woman has a violation of the digestive system, tastes change, women begin to get rid of the use of harmful products. Increased cravings for salty or sour foods are possible and the menu is complemented by a large amount of plant products. Such factors provoke a weakening of the stool, diarrhea appears. If diarrhea during pregnancy does not cause severe discomfort, additional symptoms do not appear, then treatment can be omitted, but simply adjusted to the diet.
  2. During pregnancy, a woman needs to get more nutrients and vitamins. Due to this, before the start of pregnancy, it is necessary to drink a course vitamin products. Such drugs have side effects in the form of nausea and diarrhea. If diarrhea appeared after a vitamin pill, then you should change the medication to others.
  3. Diarrhea during pregnancy often occurs as a result of hormonal changes. During late pregnancy, intensive production of prostaglandins begins, which allows the body to prepare for childbirth on its own. Thus, the intestines are completely cleared, due to diarrhea. Similar reason appears in the later stages, and in the early stages with pain and spasms, you need to be on the lookout, since a miscarriage or early birth is possible.
  4. With the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy, pressure on the digestive tract begins to increase. The uterus rapidly increases in size, begins to put pressure on various organs and diarrhea, pain, nausea, even various diseases. In this state, you should pay attention to the feces and its color. If there are diseases, then the mass will be white or yellow, with undigested foods or fat. If before pregnancy there were chronic diseases of the digestive system, then when carrying a child, they can become aggravated.
  5. Diarrhea during pregnancy can occur as a result of infection with pathogenic microbes. Diarrhea for such reasons becomes strong and difficult.

Pregnant women develop fever, abdominal pain, possibly vomiting, and dehydration. The condition is very dangerous, both for pregnant women and for the child, and requires medical attention.

Similar signs can be with toxic poisoning, as a result of the use of spoiled foods.

Many pregnant women often experience fear, stress and other emotional disorders during childbirth and childbearing. This can also result in diarrhea.

In any case, with diarrhea during pregnancy, it is recommended to immediately contact the doctor for advice and assistance.

diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea during pregnancy can be of varying severity and for various reasons. If the cause of diarrhea is malnutrition, then the symptoms pass quite quickly and do not cause pain.

At infection diarrhea occurs in an acute form, severe diarrhea appears lasting several days, in addition, additional symptoms appear, such as fever, dry mouth, vomiting.

If diarrhea in pregnant women occurs in a chronic form and lasts for 2-3 weeks, then the cause will be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other organs.

With diarrhea, women may experience various symptoms and you need to know which of them can harm the fetus and the woman herself:

  1. When severe pain possibly an abortion. Due to the strong activity of the intestines, there may be uterine contractions, resulting in exfoliation fertilized egg and the fetus dies. Depending on the duration of the pregnancy, for this reason, premature birth may begin. Pain and spasms with diarrhea in the 1st and 3rd trimesters are very dangerous.
  2. When infected with viruses or other infections, women also experience diarrhea. Bacteria begin to enter through the placental barrier to the fetus. If infection occurs, then in the early stages pathologies may appear in the fetus itself, and at later stages a delay in the development of the fetus begins, childbirth may be premature, in some cases the child dies.
  3. With diarrhea and temperature at the very beginning of pregnancy, the threat lies in the violation of the formation of organs and systems of the child.
  4. With severe diarrhea, which is complemented by vomiting, the woman begins to become dehydrated, useful material are not absorbed and quickly lost, due to this, the development and condition of the child in the womb may worsen. With a prolonged course of diarrhea, a constant lack of vitamins and nutrients begins, the child's growth and development slows down, which can lead to the appearance of congenital pathologies.
  5. Diarrhea, nausea, as well as general weakness in the body signals poisoning when there are a lot of toxins in the body. All this also threatens the fetus.

Pregnant women need ambulance if during diarrhea there is a temperature, vomiting, worsens general state, and fainting or dizziness begins.

IN similar condition prompt hospitalization is required. It is also necessary to hospitalize pregnant women with the appearance of blood clots in the feces, with a change in the color of the feces or the presence of mucus.

Alarming symptoms are signs of dehydration, which include the following symptoms:

  1. Dry mouth and thirst that cannot be quenched.
  2. Dryness of the mucous membrane, skin.
  3. Increased drowsiness and weakness in the body, tinnitus.
  4. The presence of dark circles under the eyes.
  5. Urine dark in color and very infrequent urge to urinate.

Treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women is a rather complicated process, since many medications cannot be used in this position, even in the early stages.

The very first thing the doctor should suggest is to correct the menu, as well as use safe folk remedies for diarrhea.

Women should understand that even folk remedies, herbal preparations and other prescriptions during pregnancy may harm the fetus or affect the bearing of the child.

Before using any method of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

If the condition of the pregnant woman is very bad and there are fears that the pregnancy will be terminated, then it will be necessary to use pills without fail, even antibiotics.

Doctors can use drug treatment, regardless of the risk to the unborn child.

Diet for diarrhea

The diet should be followed by all pregnant women without exception, but if diarrhea appears, then the menu is used especially strictly. The basic principle of nutrition is to unload the digestive organs.

To do this, you need to eat small portions, often, and also exclude foods that have a laxative effect.

In this regard, strict nutritional requirements are observed only at the first time of the diet.

From the menu, you will need to exclude or reduce to a minimum the following products:

  1. Spicy, fried and smoked is removed from the diet altogether.
  2. Milk, fresh vegetables and fruits are forbidden to use with diarrhea.
  3. The consumption of sweets, pickles and acidic foods, as well as fatty foods, is reduced.

The first day of the diet is accompanied by increased water intake, which will adjust the water balance in the body. For this, not only water is used, but also strong tea (not sweet).

Ideally restores balance, and strengthens the stool decoction of rice.

To prepare it you need:

  1. Pour 0.5 l of water into a saucepan and add 1 tsp. rice.
  2. Put to boil for 40 minutes.
  3. After cooking, decant a drink that looks like jelly.
  4. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Such jelly has an enveloping effect, due to which it has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Don't let the walls get irritated.

On the second day, you need to use a variety of cereals that are cooked on the water. They should be slimy and rice and oatmeal are best. Salt and sugar are not added to cereals.

While vegetables and fruits are forbidden to eat, but if it appears desire, then you can use grated carrots and an apple without a peel, with the addition of 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

It is allowed to use light broths based on poultry or vegetables on the second day.

Be sure to take fermented milk products, which have bacteria that are beneficial for the digestive tract. Such products can restore bowel function and relieve diarrhea.

On the third day, you need to add vegetables to the menu, but not fresh, but boiled or stewed. The diet is supplemented with steamed cutlets, light soups.

All foods and dishes should be warm, because hot dishes and cold food can irritate the mucous membranes and walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

A similar diet must be used for 7 days during pregnancy. In addition, from 3-4 days you can add kissels, compotes from fruits, but not dried ones, to the menu. Well help during diarrhea, chamomile and mint teas.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

When diarrhea appears during pregnancy, what to do and what medications to take are asked by many women. In this case, no drugs are used.

Treatment should be carried out only under the guidance of doctors. As an exception, the use of adsorbents is allowed, for example:

  1. Enterosgel.
  2. Activated carbon.
  3. "Polyphelan".

Such funds can be used if vitamins or other drugs are not taken. When using other drugs, such as vitamins, sorbents are allowed to be taken only 2-3 hours after their use, since the latter reduce their effectiveness.

If diarrhea is severe, supplement severe vomiting, then saline solutions are used:

  1. "Tar".
  2. Trisol.
  3. "Rehydron".

Such funds will allow maintaining the water-salt balance of a woman during pregnancy at the proper level, and will also prevent dehydration.

Pregnant women are allowed to take other drugs only with the permission of the doctor. A similar rule applies to antispasmodics, for example, "No-shpa", various candles that can relieve pain.

It is forbidden to use valerian and motherwort if diarrhea occurs as a result of emotional stress.

Pregnant women after 30 weeks can be prescribed tablets against diarrhea, which are based on loperamide.

These include:

  1. "Imodium".
  2. "Diara".
  3. "Lopedium".
  4. "Entobene".

If you drink such pills, you can quickly stop diarrhea, as well as retain fluid and nutrients in the body. It is forbidden to drink drugs on their own if diarrhea is the result of harmful bacteria.

With an infectious infection of the intestine during pregnancy, only a few antibiotics can be used, their compatibility must be justified by a doctor.

These anti-microbial medications help to get rid of many known bacteria that cause diarrhea.

To restore beneficial bacteria in the intestines, after therapy, you may need to drink probiotics:

  1. Lineks.
  2. "Beefy-form".
  3. "Bactisubtil".

If the diarrhea is mild, then treatment can be carried out with the usual fermented milk products, on the packaging of which there is a mark "bio".

Folk remedies

With diarrhea in a pregnant woman in acute form folk methods treatments will be of little benefit, since their active substances are in low concentration in prescriptions to remove diarrhea.

It will be useful and effective to use folk remedies if diarrhea continues for a long time, but the cause is not infections.

With non-infectious diarrhea in a pregnant woman, various drinks, herbal teas and other means can be used to gently fix the stool and normalize the digestive tract.

Below is a list of what you can pregnant with diarrhea and how to take medication correctly:

  1. Starch water. For cooking, you need to use potato starch in a volume of 1 tsp, which is diluted in 150 ml of water at room temperature. You need to drink the remedy in one gulp.
  2. Tincture of blackberry leaves. Such a remedy is sold in pharmacies and from diarrhea you need to drink 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  3. Blueberry jelly. You can make a drink different methods, then drink it 250 ml before the main meals.
  4. Pomegranate tea. For cooking, put 1 tbsp in a cup. crushed pomegranate peel and add boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes and take throughout the day. This tea should always be made fresh, and it perfectly replaces regular teas.
  5. Mint tea. You can cook it according to the usual scheme: for 1 tsp. mint, 250 ml of boiling water is added and taken after 15 minutes of infusion. Such a tool will allow you to treat diarrhea during pregnancy, which is provoked by stress and emotional state.
  6. Leaf decoction walnut. Making such a tool is quite simple. It is necessary to put 1 tbsp in a saucepan. walnut leaves and pour 500 ml of water.

Turn on a small fire and boil for 20 minutes. After cooking, leave to brew for half an hour, then drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

If herbs are used during pregnancy, then you need to be extremely careful with them, because they can provoke allergies.

Understanding why diarrhea appears and knowing the methods of its relief, you can make your own medicines at home or use medications that the doctor allows, but the easiest way is to prevent the onset of disorders using preventive measures.


If the rules of nutrition were not observed before the onset of diarrhea, then when unpleasant symptom You definitely need to rethink your diet. During pregnancy, responsibility is already borne not only for their health, but also for the unborn child.

To do this, you need to treat all diseases in time, and also not to load the body with food, which can negatively affect the condition.

Despite the benefits of many products, they should also be included in the diet carefully.

A large amount of plant foods will not bring benefits, since such foods are high in fiber, which relaxes the intestines and causes diarrhea.

In order not to treat diarrhea, you will need to adhere to the prevention of infections and poisoning:

  1. Buy only high-quality and fresh food.
  2. Eat only fresh dishes, it is recommended to cook them for the whole day, and eat a new dish the next.
  3. Keep track of the expiration dates of products that are in the refrigerator and not only.
  4. All vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before consumption.
  5. Meat, fish, dairy and other types of products should be carefully processed using temperature.
  6. Fast foods and public places for eating during pregnancy should be avoided.
  7. Always wash your hands before eating.

Using such simple rules, infections, poisoning will not appear and will not cause diarrhea in a pregnant woman.

The functioning of the digestive system changes during pregnancy. The reasons for the changes are not only changes in the location of internal organs in abdominal cavity, but also another hormonal background, another state of the immune system. Most often during pregnancy there is constipation, but in some cases the body reacts unusually.

What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea is frequent and loose stools. Food moves through the intestines due to its peristalsis, that is, uniform contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls. If these contractions are not active enough, constipation occurs, and if accelerated, diarrhea occurs. Constipation is, for the most part, a pathology, and diarrhea is an adequate response of the body to intoxication. The fact is that the products that are in the intestines are gradually absorbed into the blood. If toxins are present in the intestines, it is better to stop the absorption, which means that it is necessary to rid the body of these products as soon as possible. With the accelerated movement of food through the intestines, the liquid does not have time to be absorbed, so the stool in this case will be liquid.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea occurs in all cases when it intensifies. And this reaction can be caused by various factors.

First of all, it's an infection. If the infectious agent is a virus, diarrhea is accompanied by a number of symptoms: nausea, elevated temperature, often - catarrhal phenomena in the nose and throat. But viral damage does not last long. All symptoms disappear, usually within a few days.

Bacterial diseases are usually more serious. Diarrhea in this case is accompanied high temperature and severe intoxication of the body. Such a disease will not go away, like a viral one, in a week. Specialized treatment is needed.

The bowel reaction to infection is understandable and natural. But sometimes the increase in peristalsis occurs as if by mistake. For example, diarrhea in early pregnancy often coincides with other manifestations of toxicosis.

Diarrhea can be a symptom of an infectious disease or a manifestation of the pregnancy itself. At early pregnancy diarrhea is more often a sign of trouble, while diarrhea at the very end of the term often portends an early birth.

Diarrhea in early pregnancy

In the first trimester, the uterus is still slightly enlarged, it does not change the position of the internal organs, so it seems that they should work as before. But in early pregnancy, diarrhea is due to changes in the immune system.

When a woman is in a position, the mother's body must accept a genetically completely different person and not reject him. Of course, mother and child are separated by the placenta, bladder, numerous barriers, but still the immune system women are somewhat oppressed so that there is no reaction to the fetus.

In this case, you need to act in the same way as always: replenishing the volume of fluid, home remedies to normalize peristalsis. Fever and intoxication should prompt medical attention.

Diarrhea is a symptom that needs attention, even if it does not happen often and does not reduce the quality of life. It is necessary to find out its cause and treat it.

Intestinal disorders, diarrhea and loose stools can cause health problems for the expectant mother. Some manifestations of such disorders should alert, and some can be dealt with at home.

Careful monitoring of well-being is a guarantee of maximum safety and comfort for a pregnant woman.

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    Differences between diarrhea and loose stools

    Loose stools are loose stools. Diarrhea (diarrhea) - frequent bowel movements that have sharp shape flow in conjunction with additional symptoms.You can distinguish one from the other by the following features:

    • with diarrhea, the act of defecation occurs more than three times a day;
    • the total volume of feces exceeds 200 ml;
    • with loose stools, feces do not change their color, in turn, with diarrhea, feces can be white, yellow, green and even black;
    • with diarrhea that has infectious causes, foam and / or mucus is often present in the feces;
    • unlike liquid stools, diarrhea causes a sharp and sour smell from stools.

    Symptoms of diarrhea that has infectious causes of appearance:

    • high body temperature;
    • the presence of mucus and / or foam, blood in the stool;
    • vomiting and/or nausea;
    • general increasing weakness.

    Causes of gastrointestinal disorders during pregnancy

    Disorders of the intestines are unpleasant and in some cases dangerous for any person, but during pregnancy the danger increases and becomes a real threat.

    The causes of diarrhea in the early stages can be:

    • Changes in diet, food intake - most women, after learning about pregnancy, try to eat healthy food, but if the diet changes too drastically before conception and after, there is a risk of diarrhea.
    • An unexpected reaction to foods - the restructuring of the body also changes the perception of certain foods by the stomach and intestines. So, food that did not previously cause discomfort during pregnancy can cause flatulence and / or diarrhea.
    • Hormonal changes - during childbearing in female body completely new hormones begin to be produced. The reaction to this may be diarrhea.
    • Stress, psychological problems - the instability of the psychological system in pregnant women can also serve as an impetus for indigestion.

    If loose stools occur suddenly and are accompanied by high fever, vomiting, various pains and mucus and / or foam, then you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor (depending on how you feel), since in this case an intestinal infection is not excluded.

    Onset of symptoms in early pregnancy

    In the first trimester, when the body is just beginning to actively rebuild due to pregnancy, nausea and loose stools often appear in the morning, the so-called toxicosis. It's quite normal reaction organism.

    The formation of the placenta begins, which significantly affects the work of many vital systems. The work of the gallbladder, pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Changes in carbohydrate and protein balance.

    If loose stools occur once in the morning, then this condition does not require treatment. With this phenomenon, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and weight.

    Diarrhea in the second trimester

    The diarrhea that occurs during this period can strike the mother's body, leading to immune failures. In the second stage of pregnancy, diarrhea can appear even after minor errors in diet and excessive physical activity.

    During the second trimester, the internal organs of the baby begin to develop. Diarrhea that appears on different weeks second trimester, may affect fetal development.

    Until the end of the second trimester, taking medications is strictly prohibited, therefore, carefully monitor the diet and be observed by a doctor.

    Loose stools in the last trimester

    Loose stools before childbirth is a phenomenon that warns of an imminent delivery within a day. If according to the terms for this date, childbirth is expected, you should immediately pack up and go to the hospital.

    If the deadline is set much later, it is worth taking measures to restore normal defecation.

    If diarrhea occurs, accompanied by symptoms of an infectious process - mucus, foam, fever - you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care. Colic in the abdomen can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and cause premature birth.

    Danger of diarrhea during pregnancy

    The danger of diarrhea during pregnancy lies in the risk of severe dehydration of the pregnant woman and the loss of various beneficial mineral salts that are washed out due to diarrhea. An imbalance in the water-salt balance can lead to a serious disruption of the vital systems of both the mother and the child. In especially difficult situations, prolonged and severe diarrhea leads to the development of malformations in the fetus, and in rare cases, to its intrauterine death.

    Danger intestinal infections during pregnancy is that infectious pathogens can have a negative effect on the fetus, penetrating the placenta. Severe diarrhea provokes active uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.

    Relief of symptoms in pregnancy

    It is very important that if diarrhea occurs, immediately consult a doctor who will determine the cause of its occurrence.

    Diarrhea, which arose against the background of unrest and stress, will help to stop tincture of motherwort or valerian. accept other sedatives Not recommended.

    The disorder on the background of poisoning with stale foods is treated with a balanced diet, similar to the diet for stomach ulcers.

    Diarrhea caused by infection requires antibiotic therapy. To what extent this is acceptable, the doctor decides.

    • If diarrhea is mild, then at home you can try to cope with it with the help of rice. Do not rinse the groats strongly, cook in such a way that the rice sticks together strongly, this activates the astringent properties of the porridge. Rice looks great harmful substances from the intestines and stops diarrhea.
    • The inclusion of blueberries in any form in the diet will help normalize digestion.
    • Kissels cooked on potato starch, and dried fruit compotes gently envelop the intestines, removing unpleasant symptoms.
    • A baked or boiled pear copes well with diarrhea. You can prepare a special medicinal decoction from its fruits. To do this, you need to finely chop the pear and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water, then cook for twenty minutes over low heat and insist for several hours. Drink half a glass on an empty stomach 4 times a day.
    • A decoction of viburnum fruits with honey will also help. Pour a glass of dried fruits with a liter of boiling water, bring the mixture to a boil, boil for ten minutes, strain and dilute three large spoons of honey in the resulting broth. One third of a glass to drink three times a day.