Cutting pain in chest when feeding. Cracks in the nipples. Cracks and other nipple problems

Mother and child are close to each other from the first moments. Once in another world after the mother's tummy, the baby feels comfortable and safe when pressed against the mother's breast. Breastfeeding is natural and required process both for the newborn and for the mother. But sometimes it happens that the joy of this unity is violated pain in the mother's chest.

Exist different reasons Why do breasts hurt while breastfeeding? You should not endure pain without understanding where it comes from, as there is a risk of missing the beginning serious illnesses that can lead to disastrous consequences. In most cases, if you know the cause of the discomfort, you can quickly alleviate the condition and continue to feed the baby with pleasure.

During lactation, the breasts noticeably increase in size.

From the start of pregnancy to the end of lactation, a woman's breasts undergo constant changes. During the period of bearing a child, the mammary glands swell and thicken, at the end of pregnancy, colostrum can be released from the nipples - the breast is preparing for further feeding. During childbirth and in the first few days after them, a sharp surge of hormones occurs in the body - “oxytocin” and “prolactin”, which are responsible for the production of milk. As a result, the chest literally fills up, there is an unpleasant bursting and tingling. This is due to a strong influx of milk, because at first the child eats colostrum, which is released quite a bit. In the first days of this volume, the baby is enough to move away from the stress experienced during the birth process. But after 2-3 days, a much larger amount of nutrition is needed to saturate and grow.

Feeling of full breasts, sudden painful swelling, leakage of milk occur until lactation is established. This is how tides work. At this point, in addition to chest pain, there may be uncomfortable sensations in the nipples and lower abdomen. But nature is so arranged that in the mother's body milk is produced exactly as much as the baby needs. Therefore, on average, within three months, the process normalizes, and milk begins to come just in time for the feeding of the newborn.

In order to minimize discomfort during the formation of lactation, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

Eliminate situations in which it is not possible to attach the baby to the breast for a long time. Feeding should be at the request of the baby.

  • If circumstances do not allow for right time give the baby a breast, it is better to express milk until the feeling of heaviness and burning sensation is relieved.
  • It is important that the baby sucks fully, and does not fall asleep after a couple of minutes, leaving the breast full.
  • The baby and the young mother must accept comfortable posture.
  • In order for milk to be easily given to the baby, the mother needs to be relaxed and calm.

But if breastfeeding has already returned to normal, and the pain does not go away and intensifies, or appeared suddenly, then you should think about more serious reasons.


Localization of painful nodes in lactostasis

When the breast, not only during hot flashes, becomes hard, hot, when the glands are felt, painful knots are found, one breast is denser than the other, then we are talking about the stagnation of milk in the ducts, some breast lobules are not emptied during feeding. The pain in this case persists even after the application of the child.

The causes of lactostasis can be:

  • Long time interval between feedings. Children who eat artificial mixtures, fed according to the schedule with an interval of 3 hours. Babies on breastfeeding do not need to impose such a strict regimen, they must be breastfed on demand. The child knows better when he wants to eat or drink.
  • Limited time for one feeding. For the 15-20 minutes allocated by the mother, the baby may not have time to suck out all the milk. Having eaten, the baby will let go of the breast.
  • The child is accustomed to a pacifier or has already tried milk from a bottle. Drinking through a nipple is easier than sucking from the breast. As a result, the baby does not try and empty the breast completely.
  • During feeding, the posture does not change. Some lobules empty better, others remain full.
  • Incorrect delivery of the breast to the baby. Holding the chest between the middle and index fingers, a nursing woman pinches the ducts and contributes to the retention of milk in the upper lobes of the breast.
  • At night, mommy lies mostly on one side. If the baby sleeps with the parents, the mother is always turned to face him.
  • The milk has become too thick. From a large number fatty foods in a woman's diet increases the viscosity of her milk, which can cause stagnation.
  • Uncomfortable tight underwear for a nursing mother. Any physical clamping of the chest disrupts blood circulation, blocks the natural circulation of fluids in the glands.
  • Milk is produced in excess. If you overdo it in pumping after feeding, the body will perceive this as a signal of a lack of milk and will begin to produce it in a larger volume than the child needs.
  • Constant lack of sleep, fatigue, stress negatively affect the functioning of the mammary glands.
  • Sudden changes in temperature, breast injuries lead to the formation of milk stagnation.

If a woman has a chest pain after feeding, there are seals, you need to immediately eliminate the resulting stagnation. To combat lactostasis, it is important to know the following rules:

  1. Don't stop breastfeeding. It is necessary to apply the baby more often, changing positions so that all lobes of the mammary gland are involved. The underarm pose is especially effective. The lobes to which the child's chin is directed are emptied first.
  2. Before feeding, it is helpful to take a warm, but not hot, shower and massage the breasts.
  3. It is necessary to consume liquid, but in moderation. Drinking warm tea often can increase hot flashes, and lack of drinking will make it difficult for milk to pass through the ducts due to increased viscosity.
  4. If the baby cannot empty the breast, the stagnant milk should be expressed. You can, on the contrary, first do pumping, and then give the baby a breast so that it underlip was directed to compaction.
  5. From folk methods apply compresses from natural cottage cheese, cabbage leaves and honey cakes. They help expand the ducts, relieve swelling and restore healthy lactation.

Just begun lactostasis is easy to remove more frequent feedings and compliance with the rules of attachment of the baby. But in the case when an increase in body temperature joins the symptoms, and this condition lasts more than 2 days, the help of a doctor is necessary.


If nothing is done with the stagnation of milk for a long time, it can turn into inflammation of the mammary gland, that is, mastitis. With this disease, the chest may turn red, the seals hurt strongly and constantly, the temperature is high, and it is chilly.

There are two types of mastitis: uninfected and infected. The first is a consequence of ignored lactostasis. The second happens when there is a focus of infection in the body, not necessarily in the chest area. Inflammation destroys the tissues of the gland, resulting in the formation of pus, which can be mixed with milk. Then breastfeeding should be temporarily interrupted. If the disease is started, breast deformity, sepsis, malignant formations worsening condition up to death.

On early stages the treatment of mastitis is practically the same as the treatment of lactostasis: the point is to establish breastfeeding. Regular complete emptying of the breast is important. If mastitis is caused by an infection, or inflammatory process severely damaged tissues, then antibiotics will be needed for recovery, and in special occasions- surgical intervention.

Redness on the chest, accompanied by pain, can be one of the signs of mastitis


Vasospasm can be another cause of chest pain during and between feedings. The disease is that there is a spasm blood vessels in the mammary gland. It can be provoked by any temperature changes, the use of products that have a vasoconstrictive effect. In this case, there is an acute burning throbbing pain, and the nipple brightens sharply. As a rule, vasospasm is a consequence of other disorders in the body: autoimmune diseases, infections.

To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to keep warm around the chest. It does not need to be heated, but immediately after feeding it should be covered so that there is no temperature contrast at the moment when the baby releases the nipple from the mouth. It is also necessary to limit the use of coffee, tea and other products that affect the blood vessels.

Pain in the nipples

Special nipple attachments that make feeding easier

Pain with GV can be not only in discomfort in the mammary glands, but also in injured nipples. In the first days after the maternity hospital, the skin of the nipples is not yet accustomed to feeding. Gradually, it will become a little coarser, and the discomfort will come to naught.

It happens that even after a couple of weeks, pain in the nipples makes it difficult to feed the baby. This happens under the following circumstances:

  • Not proper attachment baby to breast. Incorrect latch on the nipple and uncomfortable posture may cause mechanical damage nipples.
  • Excessive or insufficient breast care. Cracks formed in the first days should not be started. It is important to moisturize the nipples well with special healing ointments so that crusts and wounds do not form. At the same time, it is impossible to use brilliant green and other alcohol-containing solutions for disinfection, as they dry the skin. The breasts should be kept clean, but do not wash them with soap and water after each feeding, this will also lead to dryness.
  • Inability to accurately express milk. If necessary, it is better to use a special device, a breast pump. When expressing by hand, you do not need to squeeze milk from the breast or try to achieve a result by acting only on the nipple. It is important to treat the breast with care: stretch it before pumping, take a relaxing shower and drink a warm drink, blot the breast with a dry soft diaper, take a comfortable position and, acting on all lobes of the gland, start pumping with gentle movements from the base to the nipple. Helps in the process to think about the baby and imagine that he is suckling the breast.
  • Unsuccessful termination of feeding. If a young mother forcibly takes the breast from the child, pulling the nipple out of the closed mouth, cracks may form. Having eaten, the baby himself will let his mother go. In order to painlessly remove the nipple, you must first insert the little finger into the corner of the mouth and gently open the baby's gums.
  • Irritation from clothes and underwear. During breastfeeding, especially at the very beginning, it is better to use seamless underwear from soft tissues. To prevent infections, it is recommended to wear breast pads and change them regularly to maintain hygiene. Air baths are useful immediately after feeding.

Proper latch on the nipple

The main cause of cracked nipples and pain during feeding is that the baby does not grasp the breast correctly. There are cases in which the anatomical features of the child are to blame: a short frenulum or pathology of the upper palate. Such a nuisance is easily eliminated by the dentist surgically, so it is important to immediately contact a specialist, and not torturing yourself and the baby. More often, nipple latch problems are due to the inexperience of the mother. Breastfeeding consultants recommend:

  • First, touch the baby's lower lip with the nipple, when he opens his mouth, offer the breast.
  • Hold the baby's head so that he captures the nipple along with the areola. Help if needed own hand, pulling the skin with your thumb and forefinger, put the nipple in the baby's mouth, and then let go of the breast.
  • Take a position in which it is convenient to hold the child. It is important that the baby does not slip off the breast, so it is preferable to attach the baby from under the armpit.
  • When the breast is too full, you need to express milk a little before feeding so that it becomes softer, then it will be more convenient for the baby to take it.

If the baby correctly grasped the nipple, the entire areola will be in the mouth from below, only the edge will remain visible from above, and the baby's lips will be slightly turned outward.


Cracks in the nipples that are not healed in time often lead to infection. If, during feeding, the child refuses the breast and cries, the mother experiences shooting piercing sharp pains, on the nipples of a woman and in the mouth of the baby is noticeable white coating, it is possible to suspect a thrush. At the same time, cracks do not heal for a long time, the nipples become inflamed and swollen, and the chest hurts after feeding.

Thrush - fungal disease, which may occur due to a violation of the rules of hygiene, taking antibiotics or against the background of a decrease in immunity and hormonal changes after childbirth. The disease is dangerous because it can penetrate the ducts and provoke the development of infected mastitis.

Basically, for the treatment of a nursing woman, ointments are prescribed, and the baby is prescribed to treat the cheeks, gums and tongue with a special solution. But if the thrush caused a fever, the help of a doctor is urgently needed. Then breastfeeding may have to be suspended until recovery.

Faced with a problem such as pain when breastfeeding, it is important for a woman to pay attention to the symptoms in a timely manner and not allow them to develop unpleasant illnesses. It is necessary to learn how to properly apply the baby and carefully care for your breasts. In order to maintain lactation, it is more correct to consult a doctor in time than to continue to feed through pain. Both mother and baby should enjoy and benefit from breastfeeding, and this is possible only if both are healthy.

mother's milk - the best food for the baby. When breastfeeding, mother and child come together under the influence of joint emotional satisfaction. But sometimes this feeling of closeness is overshadowed by pain in the mammary glands. By immediately identifying and eliminating the cause of anxiety, you can avoid long-term treatment and interruption of feeding

Normal and pathological

After childbirth female breast especially sensitive. Flows of milk are accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands. Some heaviness, and sometimes tingling or tingling in them, are natural signals that it is time to feed the baby. Initially uncomfortable, they reduce their intensity after a few days. But in the first week, the tide happens even when feeding, disturbing the young mother.

At this time, a slight reddening of the nipples is acceptable. Their sensitive skin rubs with the gums of the child, responds with a slight burning sensation. It should disappear after a few feedings. If this does not happen, then in no case should the increasing pain be tolerated. It means the appearance of cracks that become the gateway for infection. A nursing mother needs to learn how to properly apply the baby, make sure that he completely captures both the nipple and the areola.

The described soreness in the mammary glands during feeding can be called natural and it is “treated” by regular feeding. After recovery menstrual cycle breast filling before menstruation returns. But there are other reasons why a breastfeeding woman has breast pain:

  • cracks in the nipples;
  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis;
  • thrush and other infections;
  • abrupt interruption of feeding.

In classes for expectant mothers and after childbirth nurses teach some relaxation techniques to help cope with the "hot flashes". They show how to hold the baby while feeding, wean him from the breast without damaging the skin of the nipple. Simultaneously illuminated anxiety symptoms while breastfeeding.

Improper attachment

The mammary gland, which the baby sucks, should be supported from below by the mother's hand. The child's chin necessarily touches the breast, and the nipple, together with the areola, is in the mouth. In another case, the mother experiences, and the damaged skin hurts after.

If proper attachment does not save, then the nursing mother should pay attention to the length of the frenulum in the child. short bridle stretches over time. But for general health, it may be safer to incise it. This operation is performed by a pediatric therapist or dentist.

To avoid inflammation of microcracks and abrasions on the nipples, the mother must take care of her own hygiene. For this:

  • after feeding, the remaining milk is expressed and the breast is washed;
  • nipples immediately lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or other healing drugs;
  • dry the skin in the open air;
  • avoid tight or uncomfortable bras;
  • use breast pads and change them in time.

These simple procedures help heal existing skin damage. If there are no diseases mammary glands alternate at each feeding, after which they are cleaned and air baths are carried out.

Thrush in mother and child

Sharp in a nursing mother, burning and itching is one of important symptoms thrush. The activity of the fungus of the genus Candida can occur during feeding at any time. Arising in the mouth of a baby, colonies of harmful microorganisms spread to the mother's breast.

Whitish coating on reddened mucous membranes oral cavity, the general anxiety of the baby - the first warning signs fungal infection. Although it rarely affects the milk ducts, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. The therapist prescribes treatment for two at once.


For three months, the mother's body gets used to the needs of the newborn. During this period, breastfeeding is important regularity and frequency. At first, there may be less or more milk than the baby needs. Later, the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, which are responsible for the amount of nutrient fluid, normalizes. It is the latter that prevents the stagnation of milk in the mammary gland.

Oxytocin relaxes the milk ducts. baby crying, care and even thoughts about the baby increase its production. And excess anxiety interrupts the stable replenishment of the hormone. This is one of the causes of lactostasis, but others can be distinguished:

  • incomplete release of the breast from milk;
  • hypothermia, bruising or trauma to the breast;
  • cracked nipples;
  • dehydration;
  • occlusion of the milk ducts improper feeding or underwear;
  • refusal to feed while continuing lactation.

Feeding becomes painful, but after it, relief is felt. The mammary gland, in which stagnation has occurred, swells, seals are felt in it, the local temperature rises, and milk is splashed unevenly or does not come out at all. This condition requires an immediate response, as it can be complicated by mastitis.

Mastitis and its difference from lactostasis

If milk retention in the milk ducts is not eliminated in 1-2 days, then congestive mastitis develops, quickly turning into an infectious form. Mastitis is an inflammatory process provoked by the coagulation of milk in the milk ducts and alveoli. It also occurs without previous stagnation, if breast infected through cracks in the nipples.

The early symptoms of mastitis are very similar to the signs of lactostasis, but are more pronounced. Complete differentiation is carried out using laboratory tests. But usually enough characteristic differences.

  1. Palpation. With lactostasis, probing the seals does not increase the pain, and the accumulated milk has clear boundaries. With mastitis, the resulting infiltrate blurs the contours of the focus of inflammation, the chest hurts, swells and turns red.
  2. Isolation of milk. Simple congestion is relieved by feeding from the diseased gland. Very painful pumping with inflammation does not bring relief - this is one of the important differences. Possible purulent discharge.
  3. General state. Mastitis is characterized by constant fever body (37-38 ° C) or its sharp jump to high values.

Treatment of congestive mastitis is the same as for lactostasis. But if the disease has moved to the next stage, then they take a break in breastfeeding and carry out antibiotic therapy. To maintain lactation, continue to express milk.

Relief of pain during breastfeeding

In breastfeeding, the first months and the end of lactation are considered the most difficult. At this time, unpleasant complications are frequent. No special treatment is required to combat milk stasis, and pain is reduced in various ways.

  1. More often give the baby the affected breast and decant the remnants. Breaks in feeding should be no more than 3 hours.
  2. Before feeding, the breast is warmed with warm, but not hot water, or a warm heating pad is applied for 10 minutes. Heat dangerous.
  3. Continue easy training massage. Movements should be smooth, you can not press hard on tight places, so as not to pinch other ducts.
  4. Since the baby may not have enough strength to pull out the thickened milk, a small amount of milk is expressed with a breast pump before applying.
  5. Possible swelling is eliminated by applying cool cabbage leaves, arnica ointment or Troxevasin.
  6. If signs of inflammation appear or improvement does not occur after 2-3 days, you should consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

The entire period of lactation, a nursing mother should take care of her health and follow the rules of hygiene. To prevent the main causes of chest pain, comfortable underwear, sleeping on your side or back, regular feeding and pumping out leftovers can.

On the second or third day after the baby is born, you may experience sharp pain when feeding. The tender, unprepared skin of the nipples of the breast is so strongly subjected to the instinctive sucking of the child that the mother literally has “sparks from her eyes”. To avoid this trouble, it is recommended to prepare nipples during pregnancy. To do this, you need to harden the chest air baths and rubbing with a cube of frozen broth oak bark. It is also good to massage the nipples after a shower. terry towel and wear linen pads in your bra.

One of common causes pain in the nipples during feeding - improper breast capture by the child. The baby should capture the nipple as deeply as possible, always entirely along with the areola. At the same time, his lips are turned out, his tongue is turned up and when sucking is visible in the corner of his mouth. The child must be pressed tightly to the chest and make sure that he does not suck in air. Weaning the baby from the chest also needs to be done correctly: in no case should you delay it! It is necessary to press on the chest or put your finger in the corner of the child's mouth so that air enters, and only then remove the nipple.

If, nevertheless, the pain does not go away, it remains only to endure. Gritting my teeth. You will have to wait 1- until the nipples get hardened and get used to their new role. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene in order to avoid another trouble - cracks. For the first few weeks, be sure to lubricate the nipples with Bepanthen after each feeding, a softening healing ointment that does not require rinsing. It is enough to wash the breast once a day, at night. Before feeding, you can also squeeze out a few drops of milk and moisten the nipple. Sometimes, if the cracks do appear, you can be saved silicone pads on the nipples.


Another trouble awaiting you is lactostasis. This is a formation in the milk lobule. A lump forms in the chest. Body temperature rises sharply to 39 degrees. Lactostasis is dangerous because it can develop into mastitis - a neglected lactostasis with infection and a purulent seal that is surgically removed.

To avoid this, after each feeding it is necessary to feel the breast. If a seal is found, apply the child to the sore chest in different positions so that his chin is with different sides from the nipple. Then try to express the remnants of the seals, kneading the chest in a circular motion from the periphery to the center. To make it easier to do this, you can put a hot towel on your chest - this will expand the ducts and make it easier to remove milk clots.


Another cause of pain in the nipples can be thrush, a disease caused by Candida fungi. Often, thrush flows in parallel in the mouth of a child and in mommy on the nipples. At the same time, the nipples become bright pink, bake, and are painful during feeding. The child has a white coating on the tongue, palate and internal mucous membranes. Thrush - common and insidious disease, which can lead to the refusal of the baby from the breast. For the appointment of treatment, be sure to consult a pediatrician and a gynecologist.

Many young mothers face, especially those who gave birth for the first time.

Breast pump to help you

Painful sensations in the chest begin to appear almost after childbirth, starting from the second day of being in. This is due to a rush of milk and swelling of the breast, and. IN similar situation help reduce pain, in addition to feeding,. If your breasts are very swollen and sore, and the touch of a masseur or nurse causes even more pain, use a breast pump, and choose one that fits well on your chest.

Preparing breasts in advance

In addition to discomfort in the breast itself, young mothers have pain in the nipples. In most cases, this is caused by cracks and abrasions. That is why even before childbirth is necessary. To this end, doctors recommend putting coarse canvas pads in the bra in order to “harden” the delicate skin a little.

Proper attachment is one of the solutions to the problem

If pain in the nipples is observed during feeding, then most likely you do not know. Usually in schools, future parents question proper feeding quite a lot of time is allotted, but since not everyone attended this same school, they may not know certain rules. If you are worried discomfort When the baby suckles the breast, try first of all to change the position. In this case, the “from under the arm” position will help well, when the baby’s legs are behind, and he himself is actually at his mother’s side.

Special healing ointments will help to reduce, the most famous of which is bepanten.

In the process of feeding, the baby himself can also deliver pain to the mother, improperly grasping the nipple. And the problem here is not so much in attachment, but in improper sucking. This is observed in those children who, during the period of "non-feeding", sleep or walk with a pacifier in their mouth. Getting used to an artificial nipple affects the process of proper breast sucking, the technique is somewhat violated: after all, the nipple, whatever one may say, is still harder than the breast and the baby makes an effort to suck.

Cleanliness is the key to good health

If you are a breastfeeding mother, remember that important rule should become . When it is observed, problems, including pain during feeding, can be minimized. First of all, choose proper bra. It should not constrain the chest and press, especially in the nipple area.

At first, after the onset, women experience leakage of milk, which is due to an undeveloped feeding system. Therefore, for some time it is necessary to use disposable breast pads. But do not abuse them - change as you get wet and be sure to rinse your chest. Don't get carried away detergents- they can dry out the nipple, which will lead to cracks. If they appear, do not use brilliant green and alcohol-containing lotions. They will not help, but they can aggravate the situation without problems.

In no case should the nipple be pulled out of the baby's mouth during feeding. Either wait until he eats, or if he sleeps sweetly with boobs in his mouth, slightly cover his nostrils, then the baby will let go of the breast.

It is also worth noting that they can be caused by diseases such as and. In this case, it is necessary to consult a mammologist and undergo appropriate treatment. In no case should they be launched, because in addition to the inability to feed the child with invaluable mother's milk, the same thrush can harm the health of the crumbs.