17th day of the cycle symptoms. Very important information! Diagnosis of pregnancy: basal temperature

A few days after ovulation (from 5 to 10 days), subject to contact with a partner in a woman during this period, early signs of a pregnancy are already possible.

Of course, a pregnancy test will help you find out about pregnancy with a 100% guarantee, but it is better to do it if there is a delay, and this is usually not earlier than 28-30 days from the start of the last cycle, although conception itself is possible for 12 -16 cycle days.

Then, after another 7-10 days, the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine cavity, then the woman may already begin to feel any signs of pregnancy.


What should you pay attention to even before the delay in order to suspect that you are pregnant? So, there are 16 main factors that indicate a high probability that pregnancy has occurred in the current cycle.


Climbing up the stairs, weakness rolls over you, your breathing goes astray - this may be due to a lack of oxygen. The body begins to rebuild, supply oxygen to the nascent child, so periods of lack of breathing are possible. It should be noted that such periods are likely throughout the entire duration of pregnancy, and not just at the very beginning. Especially when the baby grows up and begins to put pressure on the mother's diaphragm.


One of the most common signs is that the breasts become heavier and more sensitive. There is a slight feeling of fullness and pressure. Halos may darken. A venous network is drawn on the chest, before it was not so noticeable.

However, some women experience the same sensations in their breasts without being pregnant, but only because of the influence of the hormone progesterone in the second half of the cycle. This hormone is responsible for preparing the female body for pregnancy. We can say that he gives a setting for pregnancy.


Are you suddenly tired faster than usual? In the morning it became difficult to get up, weakness in the body throughout the day - just the effect of pregnancy hormones. As a rule, this state of "chronic fatigue" passes by the end of the first trimester, simply disappearing, as if by magic.


Another sign that may appear long before the delay. Not all women suffer from early toxicosis, but the vast majority experience nausea, which significantly complicates their life in the first trimester.

As one of the early signs, nausea can appear immediately when the attachment of the fetal egg begins in the uterine cavity. The earliest when this can happen is 5-7 days after conception.


In the early stages, a woman may suddenly begin not to endure all night without going to the toilet. During pregnancy, the female body begins to process more fluid, and the load on the bladder increases.


Not obvious, but also a fairly common sign of a pregnancy. This is also a consequence of the work of hormones. If you have not been protected during the last 2 cycles, you should not take painkillers without the advice of a doctor, who must be informed of a possible pregnancy in order to avoid the negative effect of drugs on the baby's developing body.


Lower back, lower back a little sore? If you do not have such pain, then this may also be one of the signs of pregnancy.


This can be a sign of both pregnancy and approaching menstruation - it's hard to say for sure. But in half of the cases of pregnancies, the uterus seems to make itself felt, sometimes unusual sensations of tingling, heaviness, contractions and burning appear in it.


If you suddenly feel a change in your taste preferences, you suddenly begin to experience a wolfish appetite, or an aversion to food, or cravings for some foods - the higher the body reports that you are pregnant.


Just last week, you calmly fit into your jeans, and today you suddenly felt that you could not fasten them on your stomach? Pregnancy hormones can slow down your digestive system, causing you to experience flatulence, constipation, or diarrhea. Fluid retention can also give a feeling of heaviness, bloating in the abdomen.


Another sign that can either guarantee that there is a pregnancy, or talk about the imminent start of menstruation. Perhaps during pregnancy, these mood swings are more pronounced and have a slightly longer duration.


If suddenly you have ceased to endure the smells that you breathed calmly before, this is one of the signs of a possible pregnancy. Increased sensitivity to smells is also the work of hormones. Perhaps, during the entire pregnancy, you will not be able to tolerate some smells of perfume, food. Conversely, an inexplicable craving for the smells of household chemicals may appear.

Dizziness, Fainting

A decrease in the blood sugar level of a pregnant woman can cause short episodes of dizziness or even fainting. Make sure you eat and drink enough fluids throughout the day.


A week before the start of a new cycle, a woman may find a small amount of blood on her underwear, literally one or a few spots. This is not the arrival of menstruation ahead of time, most likely this is a sign of implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. A fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, literally drilling into it, while small blood vessels are destroyed, which causes mild bleeding.


At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases, the immune system is suppressed so that the mother's body does not reject the fetus. As a result, a woman becomes more susceptible to various viruses, which, however, pass easily without affecting the child at all. Uncontrolledly taken antiviral and anti-cold drugs that a woman can take without knowing about her pregnancy can do much more serious damage.


The most serious symptom, apart from all others, is delay. Many of the early signs are controversial, and can be both symptoms of pregnancy and PMS. However, a delay in a healthy woman who has a regular sex life is already a serious reason to go to the pharmacy for a test.

Pregnancy calculator - calculate your gestational age and find out how your baby is developing now!


The reproductive system of the female body is designed in such a way that a woman can even determine what day of the cycle is today by her own secretions. How can you learn to "read" the selection by day of the cycle?

To begin with, the composition of vaginal discharge includes: mucus from the cervical canal, epithelial cells and microflora.
The menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days, conditionally it can be divided into 4 phases.

Menstruation(from the first to 5-7 days of the cycle)
Menstruation is a kind of general cleaning. A pious hostess throws old, dusty souvenirs out of her house in preparation for the reception of an important guest - a child.
The duration of menstruation is on average 3-7 days. During one menstruation, the volume of discharge varies in different women from 50 to 150 ml.
The first day of menstruation is accompanied by slight spotting.
From the second to the fourth days, the blood volume reaches its maximum. In this case, the discharge may contain lumps, clots and mucus - this is the corpus luteum and the remnants of discharge from the cervical canal.
On the fifth or seventh days, spotting gradually decreases to spotting, and completely stops.

Follicular phase (phase of egg maturation). The phase is considered from the end of menstruation to 13-14 days of the cycle.
The body actively produces a large amount of female hormones responsible for the production of mucus for about 1.5 weeks. Allocations in this phase are not abundant, somewhere around 1.5-2 ml per day. They can be both watery and thick, slimy, with small lumps (up to 2 mm). The color is white, yellowish or completely transparent.

Ovulation(approximately 14-15 days of the cycle).
During the period of ovulation, the level of estrogen rolls over, and the amount of secretions increases to 4 ml per day. So the female body shows its reproductive readiness. The discharge becomes slimy, stretching. In this case, the discharge may be similar to raw egg white. Although watery discharge is also considered the norm. The shade of discharge during this period is richer than on other days.

premenstrual phase. Luteal or, as it is otherwise called, the phase of the corpus luteum. It is considered from the end of ovulation, i.e. conditionally 16-28 days of the cycle.
On the 17-18th day of the cycle, androgens are taken to work. The reproductive system works at half strength. The volume of allocations becomes much less. A few days before the end of the cycle, another surge of hormones is observed, and the discharge increases in volume. But not for long. The cycle ends and everything starts anew.

Allocations in diseases:

  • Red or brown spotting, streaks or blood clots in secretions: hormonal imbalance, cervical erosion, endometrial hyperplasia, chronic endometritis, polyposis, endometriosis, intrauterine device, neoplasms, ectopic pregnancy, cervicitis.
  • Profuse greenish or yellowish discharge: adnexitis, cervical erosion, prolonged bacterial vaginosis, genital infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).
  • Abundant white discharge: bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis.
  • Foamy discharge: trichomoniasis, other sexual infections.
  • Curdled white discharge: candidiasis, or thrush.
  • Abnormal profusion of secretions characterized by erosion of the cervix.
  • Bad smell accompanies almost all secretions against the background of sexually transmitted infectious diseases, is also present in bacterial vaginosis, chronic endometritis.

The female reproductive system performs many functions every month in preparation for fertilization and the subsequent birth of a baby. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 21-36 days, ideally 28 days. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of bloody secretion (menstruation). Women experience various symptoms, such as pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, severe irritability, etc. So the body prepares for the maturation of a new egg.

The menstrual cycle is divided into phases, which invariably replace each other. In order for a woman to better understand what it is about, you need to analyze the phases of the menstrual cycle by day. The first phase is follicular and lasts approximately 14 days. The second - ovulatory, replaces the follicular for 14-15 days. The third - luteal, begins on the 15-17th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts about two weeks. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Main phases

The menstrual cycle begins after the endometrium is shed. Bloody secretion can be plentiful, scanty, smearing - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. When the old endometrium is shed, the body begins to prepare for the maturation of the egg.

The beginning of the cycle is preparation for the fertilization of the egg and subsequent pregnancy. The whole cycle is divided into three main periods:

  1. The first phase of the menstrual cycle is follicular.
  2. The second phase of the menstrual cycle is ovulation.
  3. The third, final - luteal.

So, based on its name, each phase performs certain functions. During this period, hormones are actively produced, which are responsible for the onset and outcome of all processes. It all starts with the follicular phase of the monthly cycle, it is she who starts the formation and subsequent maturation of the egg

Below you can see a diagram of the female cycle by day.

Follicular phase

Phase 1 lasts an average of two weeks. The first 3-7 days of the folliculin phase are accompanied by the release of bloody secretions. On the seventh day of the cycle, menstruation stops, after which the endometrium is actively renewed. Simultaneously with the stage of proliferation, the follicle and the egg cell mature. During this period, estrogens and follicle-stimulating hormones are actively produced.

After a week, one follicle overtakes the rest, which is why they stop growing and developing. The leading vesicle grows the egg cell until it reaches 20-25 millimeters. After the end of the follicular phase of the cycle, the entire reproductive system prepares for possible fertilization. At the end of the proliferative phase, ovulation occurs.

At the same time, the level of estrogen rises greatly, which serves as a signal for the production of another hormone - luteinizing. It is he who prepares the body for ovulation. A high concentration of estrogen helps the endometrium to be saturated with useful substances and blood, so that during pregnancy the uterus can normally contain the egg, contributing to its growth and development. On this, the first phase of the cycle ends and the second menstrual phase begins. It is the shortest, as it lasts only 24-35 hours.

Having figured out what the follicular phase is, and which days of the cycle it affects, you can begin to consider the ovulatory phase.

ovulatory phase

After the egg has matured, the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins. During this period, the level of estrogen and luteinizing hormone is greatly increased, and follicle-stimulating hormone is reduced. Some girls calculate the beginning of ovulation according to the calendar, so as not to miss the release of the egg from the follicle and possible fertilization. This time is ideal for planning pregnancy. Many do not know how many days ovulation lasts. Phase 2 lasts no more than 36 hours, right now a woman can become pregnant.

During the ovulatory phase, the egg is ready for fertilization, is released from the follicle and begins to move into the fallopian tube. For two days she waits for a meeting with a spermatozoon, which can live for about 5 days. In the cavity of the follicle, where the egg came from, the corpus luteum is actively growing. As a result, progesterone is intensively produced, which is responsible for the successful attachment of the egg to the endometrium. Then it all depends on whether there was a conception or not. The luteal phase of the cycle develops according to two scenarios.

luteal phase

What is the luteal phase, how it proceeds and on what day of the cycle it begins - the main questions of women, which will be discussed in the article below. The phase begins as soon as the egg leaves the follicle, and the corpus luteum grows in its cavity, which provokes the production of progesterone. This hormone prepares the lining of the uterus for the attachment of an egg. The secretory phase lasts approximately 2 weeks. 7-12 days after conception, the body is actively preparing for the introduction of the embryo. If fertilization has occurred, chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced - a hormone necessary to support the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone.

It is possible to accurately determine the luteal phase only if a woman knows the length of her menstrual cycle. Conventionally, the cycle must be divided into 2 main phases, and between them there will be ovulation. Starting from the middle of the menstrual cycle to the end, the corpus luteum or luteal phase is activated. During this period, you can already find out about your pregnancy, since all tests react to chorionic gonadotropin - the so-called pregnancy hormone.

If fertilization does not happen, the corpus luteum and the egg die, and the uterine mucosa is destroyed. At the very end of this process, the endometrium is shed and comes out with bloody secretions. The completion of the cycle in women is characterized by a slowdown in metabolism, and 7 days before menstruation, the work of the sebaceous glands increases. Women may notice the appearance of acne, some of them suffer from PMS. A decrease in hormone levels leads to psychological disorders.

The girl becomes irritable, vulnerable, so at this moment she needs the support of others. The luteinizing phase can also proceed in a different way. If conception has occurred, lutein hormone is actively produced, which supports the egg until the placenta is formed. Together with progesterone, lutein hormone provides favorable fertilization, the necessary protection and nutrition of the fetal egg. At this moment, the woman feels great, as nausea, weakness and dizziness appear a little later.

Factors Affecting Cycle Shift

The phases of the female cycle are a complex process that is sometimes disrupted. Hormones are often the cause. It is they who ensure the conception and further birth of the baby. Violation of the amount of hormones leads to a disruption of the menstrual cycle. Doctors identify several main reasons:

  • Prolonged depression or stress;
  • Taking strong drugs or COCs - oral contraceptives with hormones;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Puberty of girls or menopause;
  • Bad habits;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Trauma or surgery on the reproductive organs.

All women are individual, so any provoking factors can affect the cycle. Some menstruate too long, other women suffer from PMS. In order for all phases to proceed harmoniously, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your intimate health.

The phases of the cycle in women are a regular and unchanging phenomenon. They successively replace each other, but the duration is always individual. Knowing all the nuances of your body, you can accurately calculate the favorable days for conception and predict the onset of PMS. For convenience, a special diary is kept, then any violations will be noticeable immediately.

The third week of the cycle is a unique period in a woman's life. This stage is very important for the further development of the fetus. At the moment of connection of male and female germ cells, the genetic code of the future baby is formed.

The third obstetric week of pregnancy is the period during which ovulation occurs and subsequent fertilization.

How does the process of conception and fetal formation take place, and what should the expectant mother pay attention to this week in order for the fertilization to be successful?

Third week of the cycle - will conception occur in this cycle?

Conception in the third week can occur if in this period a woman has.

But even this is not enough.

In order for a mature egg to be fertilized, it must meet with a male reproductive cell (sperm). If conception does not occur within 24 hours of ovulation, the egg will die. Then the next fertilization will be possible only in a month.

Since ovulation most often occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, most women conceive in the third week of the monthly cycle.

What happens in a woman's body from 15 to 21 days of the cycle with a cycle of 28 days and the onset of ovulation on day 14?

Immediately after the onset of ovulation, if conception has occurred, there is a sharp rise in progesterone levels. Its function is to prepare the body for the upcoming pregnancy.

The cervix narrows after ovulation and forms plug of slime which prevents the penetration of microbes.

If conception has occurred, basal body temperature within a week will be within 37 degrees.

What happens in the 3rd week of the cycle after fertilization?

If fertilization did not occur, the indicators will be slightly different:

Ovulation, fertilization, conception - the development of the baby by day after conception

The process of conception is the most amazing and mysterious. What happens inside a woman before a little life appears in her?

At the moment of rupture of the follicle, the egg is released and begins its "journey". That's what it is start of ovulation.

Approximately on the 15th day of the cycle, the mature egg is sent towards the fallopian tube. There she is about 24 hours waiting for the sperm.

When one of the sperm enters the egg, its surface instantly becomes denser. Due to this, other spermatozoa can no longer penetrate into it.

The first stage of embryonic development zygote. Its duration is 30 hours.

After this time, the zygote begins the process of crushing. How the first cell division goes will determine whether the embryo will be viable.

As a result of crushing of the fetal egg, blastomere cells are formed. At this time, the fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus. Movement occurs due to the contraction of the cilia lining the surface of the fallopian tubes. Hormones play a significant role in this process - they stimulate the reduction of cilia.

When the egg is in the uterus (about the fifth day), it forms blastocyst. Externally, the blastocyst looks like an oval ball consisting of 30 cells. On its surface, special villi are formed, the main purpose of which is to help the embryo attach to the uterus.

Having reached the uterus, the blastocyst remains in it for several days in a free state. In this period, the body perceives the fetal egg as a foreign body, and tries to reject it. But, with the help of hormones, the surface of the uterus gradually relaxes - and the process begins implantation.

A full pregnancy occurs after the blastocyst is attached to the wall of the uterus.

From the moment of conception to the implantation of the fetus in the uterus, on average, 6-7 days.

Chest and abdomen of a woman at the 3rd obstetric week of pregnancy before conception

Until the moment of conception, pain may be felt in the abdomen. As a rule, this occurs during ovulation, and is accompanied by small spotting.

In the third week, if conception has occurred, a woman may feel slight pain and heaviness in her chest.

What signs at week 3 may indicate that an egg has been fertilized?

No matter how much a woman would like to find out as soon as possible about the onset of pregnancy, there are no clear signs of conception at such an early stage.

The very first and surest sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation.. Until then, all symptoms can only presumably indicate conception.

Possible signs of early pregnancy include:

  • Temperature increase.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Apathy.
  • Changes in tastes.
  • Sensitivity of the chest.

Some women, who are particularly sensitive, can determine the onset of pregnancy from the first days.

How twins are conceived, triplets are signs of multiple pregnancy at 3 weeks

For the conception of twins to occur, the body must form two eggs. This can be facilitated by the abolition of oral contraceptives, irregular sex life, heredity.

Also, the conception of twins can occur as a result division of the egg. In this case, the children born will be considered identical.

Early signs of multiple pregnancy include:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Irritability.
  • Excessively bright coloring of the stripes on the dough

The older the woman, the more likely she is to become pregnant with twins.

Days after ovulation when planning a pregnancy: what should be done to make the pregnancy happen?

The body of a woman is unpredictable. Even if all the signs indicate that ovulation has already occurred, the chance to get pregnant has not yet been missed.

Do not forget that, due to some circumstances, the date of ovulation could shift to a later date. This happens quite often. This means pregnancy is still possible.

In order for conception to take place, you need to conduct active sex life. Moreover, postures during intercourse should be chosen such that contribute to a deeper penetration of the penis into the vagina.

It is very useful to lie down for 10 minutes after sex with your legs up.

sperm quality also plays an important role. Long abstinence does not have the best effect on sperm activity.

Therefore, in order to increase the likelihood of conception, sex should be regular - but not very frequent.

Why can't pregnancy occur?

Is it possible to play active sports at 3 weeks pregnant?

During the period when conception is at the initial stage, a woman needs to beware of sudden movements and too active physical exercises.

All sports with an increased risk of falls and injuries are contraindicated:

  • Fast run.
  • Basketball.
  • Skis.
  • Bike.

Until the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, the body should be at rest.

A good alternative to active sports is swimming and yoga for pregnant women.

Popular questions about the 3rd week of pregnancy - the specialist answers

3 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic period - what is the difference?

  • Embryonic term starts from the moment of conception. That is, from the moment of fertilization of the egg.
  • obstetric term, regardless of the date of ovulation and conception, begins on the first day of the monthly cycle.

How to determine that ovulation was?

If you carefully listen to your body, by some factors you can determine whether there was ovulation:

  1. Increased amount of transparent, viscous secretions.
  2. A sharp rise in basal temperature.
  3. Minor pain in the abdomen.

For a more accurate determination, you can use an ovulation test. This test measures the level of luteinizing hormone LH in the urine, which rises during ovulation.

How to determine whether the fertilization of the egg and conception took place?

At the very beginning of conception, when the egg is in the zygote stage and is not yet attached to the walls of the uterus, there are no reliable symptoms of fertilization.

Perhaps during this period the woman will feel a slight abdominal pain and notice spotting spotting. But the exact signs will be visible only after the delay of menstruation.

What will the test at the 3rd week of pregnancy show - how does hCG grow from the moment of conception?

The hCG hormone begins to increase after the egg attaches to the uterus (7 days after fertilization). Until then, its level will not allow the test to fix the conception.

But if you conduct a laboratory blood test, it will more accurately show the increasing level of the hormone.

Can I try to detect pregnancy with an ovulation test?

Despite the fact that the ovulation test has nothing to do with conception, in some cases it can show two lines at the very beginning of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the hormones involved in ovulation and conception have a similar structure.

With such a test, pregnancy can be detected - but this result may be false.

How to prevent pregnancy at 3 weeks - dangerous days of the cycle

To avoid pregnancy, you need to know the approximate date of ovulation. 4-5 days before its onset - and a few days after - you need to refrain from sexual intercourse.

Also, do not forget about protective equipment.

What does a woman's belly look like in the 3rd week of the cycle?

The abdomen in the third week looks the same as in the rest of the days. It will begin to change its shape only at 5-6 weeks after conception.

3 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

Three weeks after the implantation of the egg, doctors conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterus to determine the condition of the endometrium and the location of the fetal egg.

Are SARS, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

If the disease could not be avoided, do not panic, since, in most cases, SARS and influenza occur without any consequences for the fetus.

All that is required of the expectant mother is not to let the disease take its course, and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Does sex in the 3rd week of the cycle always lead to pregnancy?

Sex during this time period can only lead to pregnancy if ovulation occurs that week.