The frequency of feeding the child with breast milk. Proper feeding of newborns with breast milk and mixtures

Hello dear mothers! We turn to you. After all, basically, only mothers are engaged in feeding their miracle child. But, if dads and grandparents want to learn about the features of feeding the baby, no one will object.

Surely, already in the last months of pregnancy, you, mother, thought about how you would feed the baby. Will it be breast milk or formula?

And if you have given preference to breastfeeding, then you have already taken the first step towards natural feeding. You have tuned in to breastfeeding not only psychologically, but also physiologically.

Breast milk is nature's intended food for the baby. Breastfeeding is a process as natural as pregnancy and childbirth, a logical extension of the nine amazing months of waiting for your baby.

How often to feed a newborn?

In order not to miscalculate, follow the principle - feed the baby on demand and at will. Please note that this principle is only suitable for breastfeeding, as the mixture takes longer to digest. In the case of artificial feeding, a regimen is necessary.

Breastfeed your newborn as often as he wants and hold at the breast until he is full. Then you will produce exactly as much milk as your baby needs.

How many times to feed a newborn?

Newborn babies may require breasts up to 15 times a day. Some suck often and little by little (may ask to eat every hour). And only after several feedings do they eat and fall asleep. Listen to your child, he will establish a feeding-nutrition regimen that is convenient for him.

What needs to be prepared and how to tune in to feeding?

Breastfeeding should be fun for both you and your baby. Choose a quiet place in the house. Believe that even in a small apartment you can allocate a corner for yourself.

Put a chair with a back or an armchair there, or even better a rocking chair. Prepare a few small pillows (they used to be called "dumochki"), a footstool.

All these "simplicity" will help you deftly hold the baby at the chest and at the same time not strain your back and arms.

When feeding a child, do not hunch your back, otherwise, you will quickly get tired, and feeding will turn into an unpleasant burden for you, which you will want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Place a table next to the chair. During feeding, you will definitely want to drink, you can put a glass of water and a plate of crackers on the table.

Relax, so the milk will be easier for the baby to flow. You can imagine yourself as a cat. After all, she has a whole basket of kids and can you imagine, they all suck at the same time, but she does not strain at all. Blissfully squints and purrs softly.

How to properly feed a newborn?

Well, we have created an emotionally comfortable environment, we have adjusted ourselves, and now we can talk about how to feed a newborn

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • express some milk and wipe the nipple with it to remove germs;
  • take the baby and press it against you so that the nipple is directed to his mouth;
  • in order for the baby to capture the breast well, it is necessary to feed it correctly - your fingers should be located outside the areola. The index finger supports the chest from below, about 5-6 centimeters from the nipple, the ring and little fingers are pressed against the chest. The thumb is located a little closer to the nipple and lies freely on top of the chest;
  • at the moment when the baby opens its mouth wide, insert the nipple, when it touches the child's palate, the baby will begin to suck;
  • make sure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola, otherwise he will swallow air;
  • the baby's mouth is wide open, the nose and chin should touch the chest, the lower lip will be turned outward, and the cheeks will be puffed out, and you will hear how the baby swallows the milk. These are all signs that the matter has gone;
  • when the baby is full, he will release the nipple;
  • Squeeze out a little milk, gently lubricate the areola and nipple with it, and wait until it dries. Milk contains special substances that help heal cracks and prevent inflammation;
  • hold the baby in a “column” so that he burps air;
  • after feeding, lay the newborn on the side, put a rolled-up diaper under the back.

How much to feed a newborn?

The duration of feeding for each baby is different. Some babies feel full faster, while others spend more time at their mother's breasts. Some babies have enough milk from one breast, while others need to be applied to the second. The child should be at the mother's breast until it is satiated and releases the breast itself.

The duration of one feeding can vary from 10 to 40 minutes. However, if the baby falls asleep on the chest, you need to wake him up, as he must actively suck on his mother's breast and receive food.

The main task of a newborn is to get the most valuable and nutritious so-called. "back" milk, containing a large amount of fat and protein. So do not rush to take the breast from the baby, even if it seems to you that he is full.

Dear mothers, we think that you will not be disturbed by information about how to feed a newborn baby. Perhaps you have learned something new and useful for yourself. But strictly follow all the recommendations is not worth it.

Better listen to your baby, or rather, learn to understand him in sign language, because only with the help of gestures and an invisible connection between you, he can tell you something. You will definitely succeed.

Photo and video: How to feed a newborn baby?

Feeding a newborn on demand is considered a new phenomenon. However, this method is older than clock feeding. Feeding on demand is the basis of breastfeeding, which is formed naturally and adapts to the rhythm of the baby. Many doctors and WHO recommend that breastfeeding women choose this approach and pay attention only to the needs of the baby. Let's look at each approach in more detail.

By regime

This method implies that the newborn is fed by the hour. The first month, the baby receives a breast every three hours and sucks for 30 minutes. As they grow older, the intervals between feedings increase, and the duration of attachments decreases. Feeding at night is not recommended, and the interval between applications during this period is 6 hours.

  • The child has a clear daily routine;
  • The baby does not need to be fed at night;
  • Mom knows exactly when to feed a newborn and when she will have free time;
  • No need for co-sleeping;
  • Some pediatricians believe that such feeding improves digestion and absorption of food due to the timely production of gastric juice.

Often the child has to be supplemented with milk mixtures, which will negatively affect the development of the baby. Such food can cause allergies in a newborn, and children switch to complementary foods as early as 3-4 months.

The dangerous consequences of this method are the extinction of lactation and an increased risk of developing breast diseases in a nursing mother. Please note that the production of breast milk is directly dependent on the application of the child. The fewer applications, the less milk is secreted. And as a result, milk accumulates in the glands, which often leads to pain in the chest, the appearance of seals and lactostasis.

Feeding by the clock does not at all guarantee a good night for the mother, since such a long break in the first two or three months causes severe hunger in the baby. As a result, the baby often wakes up and cries. But over time, the child gets used to such night breaks, and in the future he already sleeps peacefully. However, as practice shows, such children grow up more insecure and anxious.

The basics of feeding by regimen

  • Feed a certain number of times a day. Newborns up to three months are applied seven times every 3 hours. Babies aged 3-5 months are fed six times in 3.5 hours. From six months to a year, the number of feedings is reduced to five times with an interval of 4 hours;
  • The duration of feeding in the first month is 30 minutes, then - 15 minutes;
  • In one feeding, the baby is given only one breast, and in the next - the second;
  • At night, the interval between applications is 6 hours;
  • If milk remains in the breast after feeding, pumping is necessary.

On demand

With this approach, the baby is fed when he wants it. The duration and number of applications are not limited. The child is not force-fed, but is breastfed only when he wants to. But they don’t take it away until the baby is full and stops eating or falls asleep. As a rule, such feedings occur every 1.5-2.5 hours during the day and at least 3 times at night. Such a rhythm does not harm the baby at all and does not lead to spoiled child, as many believe.

The first two or three weeks, most of the time will have to be given to feeding the newborn. In the first month, the number of feedings can reach 18-20 times a day or more. But over time, the duration and the number of attachments gradually decrease themselves. By the age of three months, their own regime is being formed, which the baby has chosen and installed on his own.

This contributes to successful, harmonious and long-term breastfeeding, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. You can read about the benefits of breast milk for a baby.


  • The kid fully receives substances and elements for harmonious growth and development;
  • The newborn is less tormented by colic, gases and other stomach disorders;
  • The baby receives the required amount of food and does not need to be supplemented with milk mixtures;
  • The child does not need to be supplemented with water and there is no need to introduce early and premature complementary foods;
  • Frequent applications - good stimulation of lactation and prevention of various breast diseases in lactating women;
  • This method improves lactation, which avoids problems with a lack of milk for the newborn;
  • Natural and regular breastfeeding does not require pumping;
  • Frequent application completely satisfies the sucking reflex, soothes the child and allows you to do without a pacifier;
  • Such babies grow up healthier, more confident and calmer.

Minuses This method lies in the fact that before the first feeding, breast milk will be the only food for the baby, so the mother always needs to be ready for the feeding process. In addition, a woman will have to adapt to the rhythm of the baby, take the baby to bed and sleep together. A woman should be prepared for lack of sleep and fatigue. And the strong attachment of the baby will not allow the mother to be away for a long time and leave the child with someone else.

Fundamentals of on-demand feeding

  • Attach the baby on demand, do not wait for strong crying or tantrums. When the baby is hungry, he behaves restlessly and begins to move his lips;
  • The number and duration of feedings are not limited. Do not take the breast from the baby until he is full. When the child is full, he himself releases the nipple or falls asleep;
  • Use nipples and pacifiers that replace breasts as little as possible. Modern pediatricians recommend completely excluding such devices during natural breastfeeding. The pros and cons of using a pacifier;
  • Don't give your child water. Up to 6-7 months, the baby does not need it, since milk contains the necessary amount of water and fully satisfies the baby's needs for liquid. As an exception, with severe colic, it is sometimes possible to give a newborn dill water. And in extreme heat, wipe the child with wet wipes, bathe more often and take air baths;
  • With one feeding, both breasts are used. First, the child completely empties one breast, and only then receives the second. It is important that the baby receives both foremilk and hindmilk.
  • Sleep together at first. Co-sleeping with a baby will positively affect the mental development of the child. In addition, at night, mom will be able to quickly breastfeed.

Whether it is worth feeding a newborn on time or on demand, each nursing mother decides individually. Today, however, pediatricians insist on prolonged breastfeeding and attachment to the breast at the request of the child. This has a positive effect on the well-being of the mother and the development of the baby. Feeding on demand satisfies both the physiological and psychological needs of the newborn.

If a mother refuses to breastfeed a newborn when he asks or demands it, then she deprives him of health and tranquility, and herself of successful lactation, modern breastfeeding experts say. In principle, this alone says it all: it is necessary to feed a baby as often as he himself wishes.

However, not all pediatricians adhere to this point of view. In addition, there is a big difference in the mode of feeding newborns with breast milk and mixtures. In this regard, mothers have a lot of questions: how often, for how long, at what intervals should a newborn baby be fed.

How often to feed a newborn colostrum

Let's start from the very first moment of the baby's appearance. Ideally, immediately attach it to the mother's breast so that the baby receives the most valuable, nutritious, healing first milk - colostrum.

During the first 2-3 days (and in case of cesarean delivery, perhaps a little longer), the newborn will receive only colostrum. It is contained in the mother's breast in a meager amount, but there is no need to worry about this: the nutritional value of colostrum is so high that it allows the baby to wait until the true milk arrives without harm.

However, during this period, it is necessary to apply crumbs to the chest as often as possible. First, he will receive food (albeit a little bit). Secondly, the baby learns to suckle at the mother's breast, adapt to the shape of her nipples and develop a good habit of actively obtaining food. Thirdly, this will avoid congestion in the breast of the woman in labor. And fourthly: in response to demand (that is, active sucking), supply is born (that is, the production of milk in sufficient quantities).

Early active attachment of a newborn to the breast allows for successful lactation.

How often to breastfeed a newborn

Breastfeeding has many undeniable benefits. And, of course, it is necessary to make every effort to properly organize this process from the very beginning. But he has one small “flaw”: the child will “hang” on his chest quite often, thereby somewhat burdening his mother. In addition, many women find it difficult to determine the optimal frequency of application.

Meanwhile, there is nothing super complicated in this. You just need to decide for yourself: do you want to act solely in the interests of the crumbs, or do you want to make the process of feeding the baby convenient mainly for yourself?

In the first case, breastfeeding experts advise feeding the newborn on demand. This means ensuring that the child has free access to the breast anywhere and at any time and offers him the breast at the first call. The main rule of this feeding method is: “Look at the baby, not at the clock!”.

To determine when a baby needs a mother's breast, look for the following signs:

  • the baby begins to smack his lips;
  • the child turns his head around and opens his mouth;
  • the baby sucks a diaper or his fist.

Adherents of this newborn feeding regimen advise putting babies to the breast at the slightest worry, crying, whims (if the baby, of course, does not mind it). Moreover, it is desirable to learn to recognize the child's readiness for sucking before he bursts into tears: because it is already very difficult to attach a crying baby.

Obviously, with this regimen, the baby will not always suck due to hunger. The mother's breast replaces him not only with food and drink, but also provides peace of mind, balance, comfort, a feeling of warmth and love. Therefore, it is very important that the mother also practices breastfeeding on demand with pleasure, getting maximum pleasure from communication and contact with the baby.

Modern research shows that this practice has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of both participants in breastfeeding, as well as directly on the process of formation of breast milk:

  • children grow and develop faster and more harmoniously, have better health and a stable nervous system, get sick less often and more easily;
  • mothers get in shape faster after childbirth and are less prone to postpartum complications, they receive additional contraceptive protection, they do not have problems with juices (if the baby grasps the nipple correctly);
  • a strong bond is established between mother and child, which has been maintained for many years;
  • breast milk with this method of feeding is produced in the required amount, with the right set of nutrients, has a high fat content.

You should not worry about the fact that the baby will overeat or receive less breast milk. It will be produced in response to demand: that is, the more often, more and more actively the newborn sucks, the more intensively milk production and lactation occur. Studies have confirmed the fact that the more the breast is emptied, the more milk will begin to reside in it. Thus, on-demand feeding allows the baby to regulate the production of breast milk according to his individual needs at the moment.

In this regard, if the breast regularly remains overfilled (which happens when feeding according to the regimen, when the child is not applied to the breast according to his physiological needs, but only in time), then the production of milk gradually slows down - and lactation is suppressed.

So, the amount of breast milk and the frequency of attachment of a newborn to the breast are exclusively individual indicators, for each mother-child pair they are different. If the baby sucks actively and for a long time, then for saturation he will “demand” the breast less often than the baby who sucks sluggishly, slowly and quickly releases his mother’s breast.

In addition, there are periods of active growth of newborns, in which babies need more food, and therefore they will be breastfed more often. This occurs approximately at 7-10 days of life, at 4-6 weeks, at 3 and at 6 months. It may seem to you that the child is not full, there is a great temptation to give him supplementary food in the form of milk formula. But in no case should you do this: within 2-3 days, the mother's body will fully adapt to the needs of the child and begin to produce the amount of milk necessary for him.

The frequency of applications is an unstable indicator, it can and should change. Periods of growth, the well-being of the child can affect his appetite and the number of attachments to the breast. But if you do not attach excessive importance to these fluctuations and simply offer the baby a breast when he asks, then the process will go naturally and naturally.

On average, modern pediatricians say, newborns are applied to their mother's breasts 8-12 times a day, but these are only indicative figures. It is quite normal if a baby fed on demand receives mother's milk and more than 20 times a day. The baby "has the right" to have a meal again already half an hour after eating: mother's milk is very quickly and actively absorbed by the child's body and cannot exert any burden on the children's gastrointestinal tract.

The most unpredictable are the first weeks of a baby's life, during which the optimal feeding regimen for him is only being formed. After 2-3 months, the child will develop an approximate schedule that is convenient for himself (and over time, the interval between feedings will increase slightly), and the mother will already know what to focus on. But the established interval can go astray from time to time: again, depending on the well-being of the crumbs, for example. That is, there are no clearly defined norms with which frequency it is necessary to feed a newborn baby with breast milk, and cannot exist.

If you are not ready for such intensive communication with the baby, then you can choose another way for yourself - free feeding. It is his pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky who considers the most optimal.

How often to feed a newborn: Komarovsky

The doctor confirms that strict schedule breastfeeding is a thing of the past with the Soviet Union. Feeding children according to the regimen is very convenient, but not very correct when it comes to the needs and interests of the baby himself. That is why this very schedule should be free, Mr. Komarovsky believes.

However, it still assumes some limitations. In particular, if the child actively or for a long time sucked the breast and voluntarily let it go, then you can offer him the breast again no earlier than two hours later: before this time, the baby cannot really get hungry, the pediatrician is convinced. Meanwhile, he does not deny that the baby may require a mother for another reason: he just wants to suck, he is bored, he is scared, cold, etc.

Komarovsky approves of feeding on demand (because in this case the child does not have to starve and suffer), but with a caveat: if the requirement is understood as hunger, and not other discomfort. If the baby's diaper is full, he is hot, or he is worried about prickly heat, for example, then in this case it is not necessary to feed him at all. And mom will have to learn to distinguish what the baby’s discontent is connected with: he is hungry or he is just uncomfortable.

That is, in general, the method of free feeding according to Komarovsky is the same feeding on demand, but with an interval of at least two hours.

And most importantly, what Evgeny Olegovich emphasizes: whether you feed your baby on demand, or according to a free schedule, everyone should be satisfied in the end - both mother and baby. If you are burdened by the constant presence of a newborn at the breast, then it is better, nevertheless, to optimize this process and develop an acceptable regimen for yourself and the crumbs.

How often to formula feed a newborn

Things are different with the artificial ones. Despite the maximum possible proximity of adapted milk mixtures to breast milk, there is still a huge difference between them, and among other things it consists in the duration of digestion. Milk formula is incomparably "heavier" for a small stomach, and such food is digested much longer than mother's milk. That is why it is unacceptable to feed an artificial person when he or you want to. A certain feeding regimen at fixed intervals should be developed. Pediatricians say that the optimal intervals between feeding a newborn baby with mixtures are 3-4 hours (at night it can be longer - up to 6-7 hours).

There are approximate norms for how much a newborn child should eat at different ages: they should also be guided by. Improper organization of infant formula feeding can lead to a number of health problems.

How often to feed a newborn at night

A newborn baby spends almost all the time in a dream, waking up only to eat. The further, the more the baby's total sleep will be reduced in favor of an increase in the duration of wakefulness. But in the first months, the baby will eat almost the same in the daytime and at night.

What's more, breastfeeding experts emphasize that feeding your baby at night is especially important! It is at this time (in the period from 2 to 5 hours - the most intense) the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, is activated. And therefore, if mommy has problems with lactation, or the newborn does not gain weight, then among other recommendations there is this one: wake up the baby for night feeding if he wakes up the most important hours in terms of milk production. In other cases, if the baby is sleeping soundly and for a long time, it is not necessary to wake him up for feeding. By the way, as often as possible, breastfeeding at any time of the day is recommended for women with reduced milk production. Only in this way can its deficiency be eliminated.

So, summing up, we also want to note the following: each mother chooses for herself the most appropriate method of feeding a newborn for her. But no matter what, from the first days after childbirth, she should try to establish the process of breastfeeding, in which the baby will correctly capture the nipple. This will make his nutrition complete and maintain lactation for a long time.

Good luck to you!

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

There is no universal answer to the question of how many times to feed a baby. The number of feedings depends on the age of the child and his individual needs. Breastfeeding is the best choice for an infant, but if lactation problems arise, there is a wide range of adapted milk formulas that you will find in the Daughters-Sons online store.

How often should you breastfeed

The composition of mother's milk is ideal for a child. The longer a woman feeds a baby, the stronger his immunity will be. If a child is breastfed all year, he has practically no problems with digestion, he gets sick much less often, falls asleep calmly and does not suffer from food allergies. Mothers often ask the question, how much time to feed a baby? It is difficult to answer exactly, it depends on the needs of the baby, but WHO recommends breastfeeding up to 1.5-2 years.

Most moms would love to follow the advice of this respected organization, but unfortunately, many complain about lactation problems. Sometimes breast milk is sorely lacking already at 5-6 months. One of the reasons for the decrease in lactation is improper feeding.

What to look out for when breastfeeding:

  • choosing a comfortable posture (lying or sitting) so as not to get tired;
  • the position of the child (the baby's tummy should be in contact with the mother's body, the face is turned to the nipple);
  • baby's breathing (the baby's nose should not rest tightly against the chest);
  • latch on the nipple (no need to put the nipple in the baby's mouth, he must take it on his own);
  • feeding schedule (how to feed the baby, by the hour or on demand).

How long does it take to breastfeed

A few decades ago, medicine recommended sticking to a strict schedule; nowadays, pediatricians advise feeding the baby on demand. How many times you need to feed the baby, the mother decides, who carefully watches her baby. 3-4 weeks after birth, the baby will develop its own individual feeding schedule. In the first few months, the intervals between feedings can be from 2.5 to 6 hours. Should I feed my baby at night? Of course, feed. Young children often wake up demanding food. When they grow up, the frequency of night feedings decreases, and then completely stops.


It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how many times a day you need to feed the baby. The most effective method of breastfeeding is at the request of the child. The more the baby suckles, the more successful lactation will be and the painful stasis of milk in the breast, which leads to mastitis, will not appear.

How long should you breastfeed

Breastfeeding is not an exact science, there are no specific and uncompromising recommendations. A baby who was born a few days ago adapts to this world by sucking on the breast. No need to interfere with him, abruptly pull out the nipple when the child fell asleep. It is inhumane to limit the time spent at the mother's breast for children aged 1-2 months. Mom needs to think not about how long to feed the baby, but about where it is more comfortable for him to fall asleep. When breastfeeding, you should not talk on the phone, communicate with family, watch TV. Give these moments to your baby.

The composition of the milk received by the child in the first 5-10 minutes and later is slightly different. First, the baby sucks liquid low-calorie milk. Then, after about 5-15 minutes of active eating, fatty high-calorie milk enters the chest. It may take 10 to 20 minutes for babies to get to this nutritious product for the first two months of life. An active baby eats delicious full-fat milk in an average of 10 minutes. Weak children need more time.

The first month of life, the baby is accustomed and adapts. In the second month, a fuzzy feeding schedule is already being developed. Only after 3-4 months, the mother can tell how long one feeding takes. The baby is strong, eats with pleasure. Sometimes at this age it is necessary to supplement with a second breast, although one breast is usually given at one feeding.


The child has several periods, which are characterized by an active stage of growth. At this time, the baby's appetite increases significantly. Usually intensive growth can be traced in the interval from the 7th to the 10th day, from the 4th to the 6th week, and also for some time in the 12th week and in the 6th month. After the end of active growth, the child's appetite decreases.


Proper breastfeeding requires maximum attention from the mother to the child. Breastfeeding should not be according to a specific schedule, but at the request of the baby. This solution allows the baby to more easily adapt to life and survive the rupture of the umbilical cord. This method ensures a consistently high level of lactation.

It is impossible to clearly say how much to feed the baby. When the child is hungry, he becomes restless, sucks and licks his hands, makes smacking sounds. You need to give the breast so that the baby himself grabs the nipple. Feeding time averages 15-30 minutes. Depends on the age of the child and his individual characteristics.

Proper feeding of a newborn in the first days of life is as important an element of growth and development as mother's care and care for the baby. The ideal option is breastfeeding. If for various reasons it is not possible to breastfeed, high-quality milk formulas for newborns will help out.

It is important for a young mother to know how to organize the nutrition of a tiny man. Study the material: you will find answers to many questions related to the organization of nutrition for the smallest children. The most important thing is to ensure maximum comfort for mom and baby.

How to properly feed newborns

At the maternity hospital, staff will talk about the benefits of early breastfeeding, and provide conditions for close contact between mother and baby immediately after birth. Now the babies are in the same room with their mother, which allows them to feed the baby “on demand”.

If there is a shortage of milk, do not despair, try to establish natural feeding. Drink plenty of fluids, try to calm down, breastfeed your baby more often. Even a minimal amount of milk will benefit. Supplement the newborn with mixtures, control behavior, weight, and stool quality. In the absence of milk, switch to artificial mixtures.


The benefits of early breastfeeding have been proven by neonatologists and pediatricians, confirmed by satisfied mothers and well-fed, peacefully snoring babies. Close emotional contact is one of the benefits of breastfeeding.

Breast milk benefits:

  • crumbs (the child receives fully digestible food, develops well, gets sick less often);
  • mother (the uterus contracts more actively under the influence of sucking movements of the crumbs, the body recovers more quickly after childbirth).

First stage

In the first hours after childbirth, the mammary glands produce a valuable product - colostrum. The amount of useful substance is small, but the rich composition, high fat content satisfy the needs of the crumbs for food. An important detail - colostrum saturates the small organism with biologically active substances, strengthens the immune system.

In most maternity hospitals, early attachment to the breast is practiced. An exciting moment for mom and baby, falling into an unfamiliar world. The warmth of the breast, the smell of milk soothe the newborn, allow you to feel the protection. The more colostrum a child can get, the better for his immunity.


Many young mothers get lost, panic, being at home with a newborn. There is a caring dad nearby, a familiar environment, but there is still excitement. If a woman listened to the recommendations of the maternity hospital staff, there would be less difficulties with breastfeeding.

Features of feeding newborns with breast milk:

  • the diet in the first week takes into account the interests of the newborn more. Mom will have to adapt to the needs of the baby;
  • it is useful to observe when the baby is really hungry, to note the interval between feedings that the child can withstand. The best option is 3 hours, but in the first week, babies often require milk with loud crying after 1.5–2 hours;
  • pediatricians advise: feed the baby “on demand”, when he eagerly searches for breasts with his mouth. Gradually, the child will get stronger, will be able to drink more valuable liquid at a time, will stay full longer. Active breastfeeding will increase lactation, the nutritional needs of the infant and the capabilities of the mother will gradually coincide;
  • after a couple of weeks, accustom the baby to the diet. If in the first days you fed your baby every one and a half to two hours during the day and after 3-4 hours at night, gradually switch to seven meals a day. The regimen improves the functioning of the tiny intestines, gives mom a rest.

Suitable postures

Choose the position that best suits you. Remember: each feeding in the first weeks of a newborn's life lasts a long time.

Keep in mind that you are unlikely to succeed in sitting for half an hour or more beautifully, bending over the baby (as nursing mothers pose for photos in magazines), especially after a difficult birth. If the mother is uncomfortable or hard to hold the baby, she is unlikely to have pleasant thoughts, tender feelings.

Try several poses, choose the optimal one, taking into account the condition of the chest, weight, age of the crumbs. As the baby grows, an uncomfortable position can become suitable and vice versa.

Basic postures for feeding newborns:

  • supine position. The baby leans on mommy with arms, legs, head. Woman's shoulders, head raised with a pillow. The pose is suitable for abundant milk flow;
  • lying on your side. This convenient option is chosen by many mothers, especially for evening and night feedings. Be sure to alternately lie on each side so that both breasts are emptied;
  • the classic sitting position for feeding. Mom holds the child in her arms. Pillows under the back, on the knees and under the elbow will help reduce hand fatigue, “reduce” the weight of the baby;
  • hanging posture. Recommended for poor outflow of milk. The newborn lies on his back, mommy feeds him from above, bending over the baby. Not very comfortable for the back, but effective for emptying the chest;
  • posture after caesarean section, when nursing twins. The woman is sitting, the baby lies so that the legs are behind the mother's back, the head peeks out from under the mother's hand. This pose removes the manifestations of lactostasis - stagnation of breast milk, accompanied by soreness, pronounced compaction of the lobules of the mammary gland.

Milk formulas for babies

Artificial feeding is a forced measure, but in the absence of breast milk, you will have to adapt. Properly organize the nutrition of the newborn, listen to the recommendations of pediatricians.

Features of feeding newborns with a mixture:

  • unlike breastfeeding, when the baby eats and falls asleep, the nutrient mixture has a certain dosage. It is important to know how much breast milk replacer to give to the "artificial" per day;
  • from the first days, feed the baby 7 times, an interval of 3 hours. Later, you can switch to six meals a day with an interval of 3.5 hours;
  • choose a quality mixture that provides satiety, maximum nutrients. Unfortunately, it will not work to feed the baby on demand: the mixture cannot be given “whenever you want”, it is important to maintain a certain interval;
  • occasionally it is allowed to shift the time of the next intake of a useful mixture, but not by much. Violation of the rules causes problems with the baby's stomach / intestines;
  • choose milk formulas for newborns from well-known manufacturers, without palm oil, sugar, maltodextrin. As a last resort, there should be a minimum amount of components that support a feeling of fullness;
  • if there is not enough breast milk, you have to constantly supplement the crumbs. First, offer the breast, then - baby food in a spoon. Avoid the bottle: it is easier to get milk from the nipple, after a while the baby will probably refuse the breast;
  • be sure to give the newborn - "artificial" boiled water. The volume of liquid depends on age;
  • artificial feeding will help you get healthy twins or triplets. Mom does not have enough milk for two / three children, you have to give a nutrient mixture. As babies grow, breast milk is replaced with formula milk.

How much should a child eat

How much should a newborn eat per feeding? When breastfeeding, the child himself feels when the ventricle is full. The baby stops sucking at the breast, calmly falls asleep.

To feed the "artificial" mother must pour a certain amount of the mixture into the bottle so that the newborn does not remain hungry. Pediatricians have developed a formula for calculating the volume of baby food for each day.

The calculations are simple:

  • the newborn weighs less than 3200 grams. Multiply the number of days lived by 70. For example, on the third day, the baby should receive 3 x 70 \u003d 210 g of milk mixture;
  • The newborn weighs over 3200 grams. The calculation is similar, only multiply the number of days by 80. For example, on the third day a large child should receive a large portion - 3 x 80 = 240 g of baby food.

Note! Calculations are suitable for the smallest. From the 10th day of life, the norms are different. A detailed calculation of the amount of formula for feeding babies - "artificial" you will find in the article, which describes the selection rules, features of the use of popular infant formula from 0 to 6 months.

Meal table by the hour

It is easier for young mothers to navigate if they have a clear idea of ​​​​the diet of the crumbs. For the first month, the newborn will sleep most of the time (up to 18 hours a day), the rest of the day will be awake.

Remember: when the baby does not sleep, half the time he sucks his mother's breast or receives infant formula instead of breast milk. Pay attention to the table of feeding newborns. It lists feeding times for normal weight babies.

  • if the newborn spits up after feeding, a simple trick will help: carry the fed baby in a column for 10-15 minutes;
  • the neck of the newborn is still very weak, how to act so as not to damage the bones, not to stretch the muscles? Put the head on your shoulder, hold the baby upright, gently press it to you, supporting the back and buttocks. This position will ensure the release of excess air, reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation;
  • after eating, you can not disturb the baby, it is undesirable to put it in the crib. Active games, tickling, braking are prohibited. Change the newborn also after 10-15 minutes, when the air has left the ventricle;
  • if the newborn hiccups after feeding, he may have overeaten or is cold. Stroke the tummy, warm the baby, let the excess air out (hold it in a column). If the volume and pressure of breast milk is too large, feed the baby intermittently so that the previous portion has time to get into the tiny stomach.

How to maintain the emotional and physical health of a nursing mother

Helpful Hints:

  • upon returning home after the maternity hospital, a woman should also get at least a little sleep, devote time to other family members and herself, otherwise psychological problems, a crisis in relations with her husband cannot be avoided;
  • constant fatigue accumulates, mommy gets irritated for any reason, gets nervous. The result is a decrease in milk production, an eternally hungry, crying baby, again nerves and new worries. The circle closes. That is why it is important to take care not only of the baby, but also to maintain the health, psychological balance of a woman who has undergone natural childbirth or a caesarean section;
  • The realization that with the birth of a baby a successful business woman has turned into a “milk machine” depresses many young mothers. The closest people should help here. Praise, pride for the person who gave a son (daughter) / grandson (granddaughter) must be expressed in warm words. A woman feels much more confident if she feels supported;
  • An important point is helping to care for the baby. It’s good if the husband, grandmothers and a young mother share household chores. A woman needs to rest, often feed a newborn, recuperate. In the first two or three weeks, the lack of real help negatively affects the physical and psychological state of the nursing mother;
  • unfortunately, it often happens that a husband stays late at work (not to mention how difficult it is to “knock out” a vacation after the birth of a baby), and grandmothers, due to various circumstances, cannot help with household chores. It is important to preserve breast milk, not to fall off your feet from fatigue;
  • what to do? You will have to ask for help from good friends, relatives, neighbors. Surely, someone will agree to help you: go for groceries, buy diapers, or wipe the dust at home. Involve people you trust, don't refuse help. Even half an hour of rest for a young mother will be useful;
  • cook simple meals, buy a slow cooker that minimizes labor costs for cooking. The device does not require constant monitoring, which is important in case of fatigue, frequent feedings, in a state when mommy thinks only about the baby and sleep.

Now you know how to start breastfeeding, how to give special formulas. Pay maximum attention to the crumbs, remember about your health and the existence of other family members. The right diet will provide maximum comfort for the baby and adults.

More helpful breastfeeding tips in the following video: