How to use silicone pads correctly. Types of overlays and their features. Breastfeeding pads: when to use

Breastfeeding is a close contact between mother and baby, which ideally does not need intermediaries and helpers. But sometimes problems arise, and then you have to use various accessories, for example, breastfeeding pads. At the same time, pediatricians and consultants on breastfeeding are almost unanimous in the opinion that nipple shields do more harm, although sometimes they really cannot be dispensed with.

Breastfeeding pads are silicone or other polymeric material used during breastfeeding to protect the nipple or to facilitate the process.

Indications for their use are:

  • cracks in the nipples, causing pain. Protective pads reduce stress on delicate skin and allow wounds to heal faster. Immediately after that, they should be abandoned;
  • feeding weakened children (premature, with disorders in the central nervous system, etc.), who do not take the breast well and suck milk poorly. Breast pads will help support breastfeeding, since mother's milk is even more important for such babies;
  • too sensitive skin of the nipples. This is observed during the first experience of breastfeeding, when painful sensations appear during feeding. Silicone products will help ease this period, although without them the skin will become less sensitive after a few weeks;
  • teething period. At this time, some children begin to bite their mother's breasts, a protective layer of silicone helps to achieve, if not correct, then alleviate the situation.

There are also special pads for collecting breast milk, which are used in case of insufficient or excessive production of it. In the first case, the collected milk is used to supplement the baby, and in the second - to relieve the breast when it is overflowing with milk.

It happens that women experience difficulties due to the shape of the nipple that is not very suitable for feeding - flat or inverted. It makes it harder for your baby to latch onto the breast normally. In such cases, it is sometimes recommended to use a nipple corrector.

However, changing the shape of the nipple with the help of pads or massages is not a prerequisite for successful feeding. As a result, the nipple shaper can cause more problems than it is good, so many breastfeeding consultants recommend trusting a “correctly attached baby”, since the correction of the nipple shape occurs by itself after a few feedings, the main thing is to choose the right position and make sure that the baby takes it correctly breast.

How to choose them

Basically, linings are distinguished by the material that is used in their manufacture. As a rule, it is rubber, latex or silicone. Rubber ones are practically no longer produced, as they were terribly uncomfortable - they were not firmly attached to the skin, milk was leaking, the nipple was not stimulated during feeding. Latex ones are also not very popular - they quickly deteriorate, moreover, they often cause allergies in mom or baby. And yet - they easily absorb odors from the environment, which does not contribute to comfortable feeding.

It is best to choose silicone pads for feeding, as they are the thinnest, and therefore better adhere to the skin and provide normal stimulation of the ducts, so that the breast is completely emptied and the baby receives enough milk.

It is very important to choose the right size. The easiest way to select them is by comparing several different products from different manufacturers. The tip of the nipple should not come into contact with the top of the lining, as it increases during feeding. If the pads squeeze the nipples, then the sizes are not chosen correctly.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of products. They must have certificates, and an unpleasant smell will tell you that it is better to refuse this packaging. It's most likely a fake. You should also choose linings with a large number of holes, then the baby will receive more milk. But the size of the holes should not be too large, otherwise the baby may choke.

When choosing a nipple corrector, you can rely on the same signs, although there is no special need for such devices. Correction of the shape of the nipples, if desired, can be carried out with a conventional massage, or with the help of. By sucking milk, he will give the nipples the desired shape after a few feedings.

How to use overlays

Just bought silicone breast pads need to be processed. Different manufacturers have different recommendations for sterilization - some products are washed with hot water and soap, some can be boiled, and some can simply be kept in boiling water for several minutes. It is impossible to use overlays without processing. At the same time, it is also impossible to sterilize them too often, since the silicone will not withstand such a load. It will be enough 1-2 times a week, and the rest of the time they are simply washed after each feeding, like a nipple or a bottle.

In order for feeding to go well, you need to learn in advance how to put them on correctly, as well as practice several times. It is likely that the first time “make friends” with them will not work, so you should not put off the first acquaintance until feeding itself - the baby will cry and ask for breasts, the mother will be nervous, it will be more difficult to put on the pad correctly.

Before putting on the pad, you need to lightly massage the nipple. Then the overlay is turned out, the bottom of the cap is pressed against the nipple and wrapped back. The material should fit snugly against the skin of the chest, but not squeeze it. If you believe the reviews, then a little wet silicone is attached much easier and more reliably, you can moisten it with water or a drop of milk. The cutout should be on top, as the baby's nose will be located there. The nipple should occupy most of the space of the cap, but not rest against its tip. In the process of feeding, the baby will pull the nipple into the lining and ensure its fastening.

Breastfeeding a baby through a pad requires some skill and habit. It is best to breastfeed through a breastplate in the same way as you normally would, with your breasts in a wide open mouth. It is important to ensure that the baby correctly clasps the chest with sponges - not only the nipple, but also the areola. Then it will stimulate the breast, and milk will be produced more actively.


Silicone nipple covers are a fairly popular product today. It is offered by many companies, and although their design is generally the same, and the differences are found only in small details, they can have a decisive impact on usability. Therefore, if the first purchased option did not fit or seemed inconvenient, then it is worth trying the pads from another manufacturer.


Breastfeeding pads from Avent are made of good silicone without extraneous tastes and odors, which successfully protects the nipples in case of cracks, “biting” of the baby during the cutting of teeth or other troubles during the breastfeeding process. The package includes two Avent nursing pads, which will be a good helper for mom.

It can also be used as a nipple shaper, Avent specializes in such products. The Avent nipple shaper will help correct the problem of malformed nipples and thus facilitate feeding.

The cost of nursing pads from Avent varies in different pharmacies and online stores in the range of 400-500 rubles. The price also depends on the size of the item.

- Babies did not breastfeed from birth, they were fed with expressed milk for a long time. I decided to try to establish a full-fledged breastfeeding after all and get rid of constant pumping and sterilization, I bought Avent pads. Found with difficulty - in pharmacies they are immediately taken apart. I tried it and was disappointed - they don’t stay on my chest at all! The husband held the edges, and I tried to feed. But still, nothing happened - the babies grabbed the silicone nipple, but the milk did not flow, since the areola did not get into the mouth.

I had to use caps from Avent for several days - when the skin on the nipple cracked. Feeding was much easier with them, the pain was almost not felt. At first they fell off, but in the process of feeding they stuck and held well. You need to hold them at first and smooth them well to the skin, and then give the baby a breast. In general, I am satisfied with them, although I would not like to use them all the time.


Pigeon nursing pads are made from high quality silicone by a Japanese manufacturer. The material adheres well to the skin, providing comfort when feeding. They are available in two sizes - M (11mm) and L (13mm), two pieces per pack. There are 4 holes on the tip of the silicone nipple, so the baby gets enough milk. Affordable price can be considered a special advantage. The pads are often used as a Pigeon nipple shaper to make feeding easier.

The average cost of a set ranges from 300-400 rubles, and also depends on the size of the lining itself - L-s are a little more expensive than M-s.

- The first child did not succeed in breastfeeding - he immediately refused my uncomfortable nipples. I have them large, but at the same time, when feeding, they fell inside. When the second baby was born, she did not hope for breastfeeding, but in the maternity hospital she immediately took the breast well and actively tried to suck. But the nipples remained uncomfortable. Therefore, they were fed with a mixture from a bottle with a Pigeon training nipple. At home I tried the silicone caps left over from the first child - Avent and Kanpol Baby, but again nothing came of it. Then I decided to try the pads of the same company as the nipple on the bottle - and a miracle happened! Now I can breastfeed my daughter Yu!


Chicco's silicone breast pads for breastfeeding are made from proven materials that do not have any foreign taste or smell. The pads are quite thin, which allows better stimulation of the ducts, and the baby can maintain a close relationship with his mother, as he can feel her warmth and smell. The correct shape allows the baby's nose and chin to cling to mother's skin. For ease of use, mothers are offered two size variations - small and large. The set includes two pads and a special storage box. The cost of a set is an average of 600 rubles.


- I bought Chikko pads on the recommendation of a doctor in the maternity hospital. The milk did not come right away and the daughter constantly hung on her chest, so she quickly cracked, and it was hellishly painful to feed! After the purchase, it immediately became easier. The main thing is to choose the right size and correctly attach them to the chest! I applied wet, so they stuck well and did not fall off. The nipples under them quickly healed. The only drawback of these overlays is the rather high price, but it is justified by the quality.


Feeding pads from the Swiss company Medela are available in three size variations - 16, 20 and 24 mm (according to the diameter of the nipple). Very thin and flexible, they provide the baby with the opportunity to hear mother's smell and feel the warmth of her skin. This is facilitated by the special shape of the overlays.

The package contains two Medela pads made of certified and safe material. This product can also be used as a nipple corrector, helping to improve breastfeeding in case of problematic nipples. The average cost is in the range of 500-700 rubles.

- Already in the maternity hospital, the nipples were terribly cracked, it was simply unbearably painful to feed! Doctors advised Medela overlays. My husband ran and searched for a long time, he could not believe that two pieces of silicone could cost so much. But then I gave up and brought it - it was just a holiday on my street! For the first time I began to enjoy feeding my baby! And so I made a big mistake! I continued to use these silicone circles after the cracks disappeared. Now my daughter is 1.5 years old, but she is categorically against eating breasts without the usual silicone ...

The world of childhood

Domestic brand product, but Chinese factory production. This fact should not scare you, as the caps have safety certificates. The most inexpensive pads (up to 200 rubles), but the service life of the World of Childhood is the shortest - only a month, like a standard nipple. Their function - to briefly protect the mother's breasts - these caps perform properly. Ideal for those who are not going to use these things for a long time. The cracks on the chest have healed - we switch to the usual GW, and send the caps to the trash.


- Back in the maternity hospital, they advised me to put on linings so that cracks would not appear in the first days and I would not have to immediately turn off the GV. The price of the "World of Childhood" set made me happy. I see no reason to overpay, because I was not going to use artificial nipples for a long time. The cap sticks well to the breast, during feeding, the nipple is stretched, it trains. This is important for those who have an inverted nipple. The downside is that milk accumulates inside the cap. There are three holes in the cap, they are quite large, and my son sometimes choked. The cap is slippery, and the child tries to grab it harder. I pretty quickly abandoned the pads, otherwise this habit of squeezing the nipple with all my might would then have gone sideways to me.In general, I am satisfied with the product, it helped me to establish a normal GV.

When deciding to try breast pads, you need to remember that they usually have much more minuses than pluses. In that case, of course, if their use is not justified by serious reasons. But it’s not worth making them a habitual solution, as soon as the feeding process is getting better, it’s better to refuse “intermediaries” at the first opportunity, because then it will be much more difficult to accustom the baby to new sensations without silicone.

Many mothers experience difficulties in the first weeks. Sometimes this is associated with pain, and sometimes with the anatomical features of the breast, but, one way or another, it brings inconvenience to the mother. In order to facilitate the process of feeding, the modern market for products for mothers suggests using silicone nipple covers.

What are silicone nursing pads?

Nipple shields are a silicone or latex product that is a nozzle in the shape of the areola of the breast and female nipple with holes at the end. They are intended for breastfeeding a baby in the case when the mother experiences discomfort when breastfeeding or, in general, cannot feed the baby for physiological reasons.

Now there are two types of overlays - latex and silicone. Latex ones are softer, have a yellowish color, absorb odors and wear out very quickly. In addition, latex pads can cause allergic reactions in a child. Silicone overlays on the background of latex significantly benefit. They are wear-resistant, hypoallergenic and have an aesthetic appearance.

Special silicone breast pads have appeared with us relatively recently, but their predecessors made of metal, bone, rubber and rubber were known as early as the 16th century.

When are silicone pads used?

Initially, pads were intended for women with cracks, injuries, various nipple infections, as well as an anatomically incorrect nipple shape (flat or elongated).

After all, breastfeeding in the first weeks brings very painful sensations to many mothers, because the delicate skin of the nipples is rubbed from intense and constant sucking. In many women, the nipples become covered with cracks, through which sometimes an infection enters, inflammation occurs and feeding turns into real flour.

Some women naturally have a nipple shape that is not suitable for breastfeeding because it is difficult for a baby to properly latch on to a flat or sunken nipple. In such cases, many give up, refuse to breastfeed, or start using silicone nipples.

But today, more and more often, such overlays are offered to women in labor who are quite capable of coping with breastfeeding without the help of such "intermediaries", but for some reason they decided that it would be easier with overlays. Of course, in some ways they are right, because the mother's nipple at the very beginning of breastfeeding is still too tender and very sore, and breastfeeding pads make it possible not to injure the mother.

Cons of silicone pads

However, this success is short-lived. Still, pads for are intended only for emergency use, so you should not abuse them. If a woman continues to use pads even after the main problems with her breasts have been eliminated, then very soon she will begin to notice that the baby practically does not gain weight, and there is less and less milk.

The reason for these not very pleasant consequences is that the baby, sticking to the silicone pad, diligently works with the gums, but since breast stimulation occurs through silicone, the effect is small. Consequently, a hungry baby makes more effort, and drinks less milk than he needs. Tired but not satisfied, he falls asleep. And next time he will drink even less, because there will be very little milk in the breast, and the baby will again not be able to eat enough.

In addition, it will be very difficult to change from a breastfeeding pad to nipplefeeding and you will have to be patient. This is due to the fact that the baby develops its own "technology" of sucking, which differs from the correct capture of the breast. A child trained to squeeze "artificial" nipples diligently and quite strongly will treat mother's nipples in the same way. And if you consider that the child is growing up quickly, then the efforts will be very significant! Yes, and the baby will quite possibly spit out the breast, because he is used to the silicone nipple.

In order for feeding with nozzles to be comfortable, it is necessary to choose the right size of the pad, monitor its position during feeding and try to boil as little as possible, because the temperature effect makes the nozzle stiff and quickly disables it.

Using silicone nipple covers makes life a lot easier for many mothers, but it's usually not worth it because it shortens the duration of breastfeeding and makes the transition from the nipple to the breast difficult. They should only be used as a last resort. Do not create unnecessary problems for yourself - use what is given to you by nature and everything will be fine!

28 Mar 2012 423

Discussion: 3 comments

    I don't see anything wrong with patches. Just make sure you choose the right size. The pads helped me to stretch the nipple so that the baby was comfortable to eat. But the transition from overlays was scary, although everything turned out to be easy and simple. And the cracks healed much faster without use, because the child immediately took the breast correctly without them. Therefore, here everyone must decide for himself whether to use them or not.


    Cracks on the nipple have already appeared in the maternity hospital, the doctor recommended these nozzles. She asked me to buy my husband, took the cheapest ones, I didn’t like them at all. I saw others at a neighbor's, I went to buy it myself. In fact, a very cool thing, you just need to pick up good ones in a pharmacy.


    a very contentious issue in this regard. I had hellish cracks, even tears in the soft tissues of the breast, but the child flatly refused to take the breast with a silicone pad, I had to endure it.


Breast milk is the healthiest and most affordable food for a newborn. To the great disappointment, sometimes there are difficulties that are not related to the amount of milk. To maintain lactation and give the baby milk, mothers use many different tricks. Nipple covers are also used.

This product can only be used in certain situations. Since this can cause early termination of breastfeeding and other complications.


Nipple covers for feeding are special latex or silicone products. They are used to facilitate the process of breastfeeding.

Much to our dismay, the unjustified use of overlays often not only does not solve the problem, but also generates certain violations of this process.

What are overlays? Why are they needed?

Breast pads for breastfeeding are products made of non-natural material that exactly repeat the shape of the nipples and part of the breast. They are needed to protect the nipple and facilitate the sucking process. There are holes on the nipple pads for this purpose. From them, milk enters the mouth of the child.

These products should be used in the following situations:

  1. The unusual structure of the nipple of a woman. For example, it can be large or completely flat.
  2. There are questions with lactation at the stage of its occurrence. Already after childbirth, the mother may feel not very pleasant sensations. Because of this, it will be wrong to apply to the baby’s breast, which will cause a small amount of milk to come out.
  3. The birth of a premature or physically weak baby who cannot suck out milk.
  4. Abnormal structure of the baby's oral cavity. For example, a small length of the bridle.
  5. mothers, necessitating bottle-feeding. This happens with complicated childbirth, when a woman and a baby are not separated for a long time. Nipple shields are similar to a pacifier. However, the baby will have to make some efforts to get milk.
  6. Great sensitivity of the nipples in a woman, then even the touch of the child's tongue will cause discomfort.
  7. The appearance of cracks on the nipples due to incorrect application or violation of the rules of care. Once healed, nipple shields can be discarded.
  8. period of tooth growth. At this stage, the child can squeeze the nipple extremely strongly with the gums or bite it.

When a woman decides to use silicone pads on her nipples, she must go to a consultation with a gynecologist and control the process all the time so that there are no further problems.

Product types

Manufacturers of goods for children offer mothers a huge range of such items. Nipple covers, reviews of which are different, are made from a wide variety of materials. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's take a look at each item:

  1. Rubber. The pads are fixed at a distance of 25 mm from the breast to a special nipple made of glass or plastic. As a result, it becomes difficult to stimulate the nipples, milk can flow out. When using rubber pads, children cannot receive hind milk. For this reason, they are rarely used.
  2. Latex overlays. Made from rubber. The child feels the nipple in his mouth. But latex products have certain disadvantages: the soft material is very easy to damage, it collects and breeds bacteria. These Avent nipple covers become unusable very quickly. Also, if used improperly, they can cause infections in the female nipple and the child's body. Among other things, latex can cause allergies in certain children.
  3. Silicone pads. Made from the latest material, which is safe not only for the child, but also for the mother. Medical grade silicone is non-allergenic. Linings made of such material have a long period of use. Medical grade silicone is resistant to mechanical damage and bacterial colonization. Products from the presented material are extremely thin, provide the necessary stimulation, but at the same time reliably protect the female nipple from the baby's gums.


There is also a difference in the size of the nipple pads. They often have three options:

  1. S - when the diameter of the excited nipple is slightly less than 10 mm.
  2. M - when the nipple is about 1 cm.
  3. L - a woman has a very large nipple, more than 1 cm.

What can the use of overlays lead to?

There are certain consequences that the use of nipple shields leads to while breastfeeding:

  1. In the process of conducting research, scientists have identified the negative effect of overlays: it is noted that milk production is reduced by 50%. This is due to the fact that the pads can disrupt the "mother-child" contact at the psychological level. Because of this, the formation of oxytocin (the hormone of pleasure), which serves to relax the milk ducts and stimulates milk production, is disrupted.
  2. The thinnest silicone pads on the nipples with prolonged use will cause a violation of the sucking mechanism. The baby begins to suck a little faster and harder, because of this, the pauses will become longer. Such sucking is characteristic of the stage when lactation comes to naught. There is also a violation of the sucking technique: the child squeezes his jaws very tightly, sucks using the "vacuum" type.
  3. With the overlay, feeding takes a little longer. Milk will leak under it, and the child will stop eating. Also, in order to get the dose of milk necessary for complete saturation, when using nipple covers for feeding a child, it will be located at the mother’s breast a little more than it should be. Some babies get tired of the sucking process and will simply go to sleep half-starved, resulting in underweight.
  4. When sucking from the lining, the child often swallows air, which will cause very strong flatulence, colic or regurgitation.
  5. Not very comfortable to use at night or during a walk.
  6. Pads, if not properly sterilized, sometimes transmit infection to the nipple. Women who use pads for a long time are often prone to candidiasis of the mammary glands.
  7. With long-term use of overlays, addiction to them appears not only in the mother herself, but also in the child.

Top Manufacturers

Silicone overlays have become wildly popular with mothers who breastfeed their children, there are plenty to choose from. A large number of very popular manufacturers of goods for children offer this type of product. In general, the principle of the device and the functioning of the overlays is identical, it will differ only in details. However, they can play a decisive role in the comfort of use. For this reason, when the first option does not fit, you need to try the others.

Overlays "Avent"

Avent nipple protectors are made of very soft silicone, which has neither taste nor smell. The dimensions of the specified device will be standard - 21 mm. The pads make it possible to protect injured nipples well, while continuing to feed the baby and stimulate milk production. The kit comes with a pair of pads. They are necessary during lactation, the refusal of the baby from the breast, with cracks in the chest and injuries after childbirth, as well as during teething. The pad will also be a good helper with the wrong shape of the nipple.


Swiss manufacturer's pads, made of silicone. They enable the baby to suck milk very easily and comfortably. The device has special cutouts. They make it possible to maintain olfactory as well as tactile contact with the mother during feeding. A thin layer of silicone and the absence of a certain taste help to avoid certain difficulties with the adoption of the specified device by the baby.

Canpol babies

Slips from silicone of the producer from Poland. Sold in universal size. The pads are made of good material, soft to the touch. Meet all European quality standards. The kit also comes with two pads and a container for easy storage. The manufacturer says that before the first use, the product should be sterilized by boiling it for a couple of minutes in clean water. Both small and medium sizes are available for purchase.


Manufacturers of the specified overlays - Japan. They are also made of silicone, fit well to the nipple and give excellent feeding. Sold in a set of several pieces in sizes M and L. The set also includes a container for comfortable and hygienic storage of the product. At the end of the protrusion under the nipple there are several holes, which enable the child to receive milk from the mother's breast. Separately, it is worth mentioning a very attractive price for products.

How to choose?

In stores for children, as a rule, there are several different similar products. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to find the right thing, which complicates the acquisition process.

You can define a couple of criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing a product:

  1. Material. Silicone products are the most optimal, as they are safe and have a long service life.
  2. Size. The product must meet all the parameters of the nipple. It is possible to determine the required size of the nipple pads only by experience. That is, the nipple must fit well into the product, and there should not be any pressing discomfort. There must be a small gap between the pad and the chest. Since during stimulation, the nipple changes and stretches a little forward. But at the same time, the lining should not slide off it.
  3. Quality. The overlay must have a flat and dense surface. Moreover, it should be odorless. The seller is obliged to have all the certificates that will speak of the complete safety of the manufactured and sold products.
  4. Number of holes. It takes into account both the age and the strength of the child, and the intensity of lactation. The more holes, the more milk the baby will take. However, if the baby is weak and there are many holes, then he may not have the strength to get the right amount of milk.

Breastfeeding pads are positioned as helpers for an inexperienced mother without negative sides. This leads to their distribution and uncontrolled use. The consequence of this is a violation of the natural process of breastfeeding, up to replacing it with an artificial one. Let's understand this issue better.

Basic concepts and types

Breastfeeding pads are special devices made of synthetic materials. Designed to be put on the nipple in case of problems during suckling by the baby. Depending on the components, there are 3 types:


These are the forefathers of modern overlays. At the moment, they are not used due to many shortcomings:

  • large wall thickness;
  • specific smell;
  • rapid wear;
  • allergic reactions;
  • "rigidity" of the material.



Silicone pads for nipples for feeding made of polymers of silicon and oxygen. Their widespread use depends on 5 reasons:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • softness of the frame;
  • lack of odors;
  • elasticity;
  • minimum wall thickness.

Most modern manufacturers produce silicone products. They repeat the shape of the nipple, have holes for the flow of milk and a notch from the side of the baby's nose.. Due to this design, the most approximate model of the natural maternal breast is created.

What do you need

Breastfeeding experts advise silicone breast pads for feeding to be taken as a medical device. The application has strong indications:

  1. From the mother's side:
  • non-healing nipple cracks or bites;
  • anatomical features - flat, retracted.
  1. From the side of the child:
  • short lower frenulum;
  • poor sucking reflex (in small children, with perinatal encephalopathy);
  • complete rejection of the breast without overlays;
  • period .

In other cases, their use is impractical.

Markova O.O., GW consultant, St. Petersburg

There is nothing more beautiful in motherhood than the opportunity to breastfeed your child. The task of consultants is to maintain and improve this process.

Protective devices are not a panacea, but an emergency. How to use breastfeeding pads and when your doctor or breastfeeding specialist tells you.

The silicone pad is much harder than the mother's breast, and in order to get milk, the baby will bite the breast, working not only with the tongue, but also with the jaw

Maternal factors arise due to incorrect technique of attaching the child, incomplete nipple capture!

Their effect is dictated by a decrease in the mechanical impact on the nipples. When the main problems are eliminated, the need to use breast pads for feeding disappears.

With the testimony of the baby, the situation is different. Mothers have to resort to the use of devices before surgery and the normalization of the child's condition.

Cases of using products during the entire breastfeeding (more than six months) have been registered, when no side effects were observed. This is due to good lactation and the suckling reflex of the baby.

Doctors and breastfeeding experts recommend resorting to protective products in extreme cases. The term of their use is reduced to a minimum!

Pros and cons of using

One of the joys of motherhood is painless breastfeeding. With large and long-term non-healing injuries of the nipples, this process brings negative emotions. Mom is in pain, which affects lactation.


The main advantages of using protective devices in such cases are:

  1. reduction, complete elimination of discomfort or pain during feeding;
  2. maintaining the process of normal milk production.


There are numerous disadvantages that narrow the scope. These include:

Correct pads should fit snugly and not create discomfort during feeding
  1. due to incomplete emptying of the breast;
  2. the risk of developing mastitis and mastopathy due to a favorable environment in the overlay for the development of bacteria and fungi (if cleanliness conditions are not observed);
  3. improper sucking technique, since silicone provides additional rigidity to the breast, forcing the baby to exert more effort when feeding;
  4. decrease in lactation due to improper capture of the nipple, resulting in insufficient stimulation of it;
  5. inconvenience when feeding the baby at night and in public places;
  6. improper dressing leads to jumping off during sucking;
  7. increase in feeding time;
  8. the formation of secondary lactase deficiency (the baby "does not get" to the hind milk with enzymes for digestion);
  9. cessation of breastfeeding.

More cons than pros. This is due to the negative attitude of doctors and breastfeeding specialists towards them.

Sergeeva A.M., district pediatrician, Kazan

Recently, mothers have been widely using nipple protectors. With insufficient lactation, this leads to low weight gain in the baby.

Dressing technique

To avoid errors in the form of jumping off during sucking by the baby, you need to be able to properly use breastfeeding pads. To do this, perform 6 manipulations:

  1. Before initial use - sterilization by boiling or steam.
  2. Moistened silicone adheres more tightly to the skin.
  3. Stimulate the nipple with a breast pump, manual pumping or "pulling".
  4. Unscrew carefully.
  5. Attach to the nipple with the notch for the baby's nose up.
  6. Put on the product.

A properly worn device meets 3 requirements:

  • tight to the chest;
  • the nipple occupies 2/3 of the internal volume;
  • there is no pain in the mother.

Instructions on how to put on the nursing pads are included with the packaging. Read it carefully.

We offer you to watch a video on how to put on breast pads and care for them:

Breast pads for feeding, like nipples, bottles, must be sterile and clean before use. This is ensured by periodic boiling. It is necessary for the prevention of oral candidiasis in a baby, infection of the mother's nipples.

You can read more about and care products in this article.

How to choose

In today's market there are many devices of various price categories. At the same time, mothers are concerned about the question of how to choose silicone pads for feeding.

There are no single guidelines. You can choose what suits you by purchasing several options. Before buying, the home determines the size of the stimulated nipple, which will allow you to choose the size.

Breastfeeding pads have different prices. Experts advise choosing protective devices from trusted companies that use high-quality materials in the manufacture.

Some species are presented in the table.

Company manufacturer A country Advantages Flaws price, rub.
  • They have 3 sizes.
  • Made of fine silicone, elastic and wear-resistant.
  • There is a storage case included.
  • It has recesses for the baby's nose on 2 sides.
  • High price.
  • Easy to peel off.
From 550
  • They have several sizes.
  • The kit includes a plastic container.
  • 4 holes for the flow of milk to the baby.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Wear resistant.
  • Price.
  • One notch for baby's nose.
From 500
  • 3 sizes.
  • 4 holes for milk.
  • Thin lightweight silicone.
  • Has no smell, taste.
  • They have embossed rings similar to those on the nipple.
  • Price.
  • There is no storage container.
  • One notch for baby's nose.
From 600
  • There is a sizing grid.
  • Storage container.
  • 4 holes for the flow of milk.
  • Notch for baby's nose on 1 side.
  • They do not have a relief surface.
From 370
The world of childhoodRussia
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Inexpensive.
  • They do not have foreign smell.
  • 3 openings for milk intake.
  • There is no notch for the nose.
  • They have thick walls.
  • One size.
From 160

The first 3 breastfeeding pads, according to reviews, are more popular. This is due to their quality.

Komissarova T.E., obstetrician-gynecologist, Kolomna

In nulliparous women, cracks appear at the start of breastfeeding. For the most part, this is due to improper attachment of the child. Do not immediately run to the pharmacy.

You need to choose proven companies, for example, silicone pads for feeding Avent, Medela, Chicco. They will bring temporary relief, but the problem will remain. Learn the correct feeding technique and there will be no need to use overlays.

5 "golden" rules for weaning your baby from protective pads

Breastfeeding consultants unanimously insist that the use of various devices is inappropriate. However, many mothers acquire them as a temporary measure to alleviate their condition. How to refuse them if the baby does not want to breastfeed without a pad? Here are 5 simple tricks:

  1. A sleepy and hungry baby will always take the breast without a protective device.
  2. Frequent contact with the mother provides an increased need for her warmth and smell. Wherein offer breasts more often, which will increase the chances of rejection of protective caps.
  3. Reducing the area of ​​the silicone surface (cut off).
  4. Alternation during one breastfeeding with and without a breast pad.
  5. Patience, calmness, poise of the mother is an important factor in the normalization of the natural process. It is very difficult to choose sedatives for nursing, maybe the next one will help.

Doctors say that the shorter the period of use, the easier the baby takes the breast.


Breastfeeding pads are used strictly according to indications for a short time. This will help to avoid many problems, delivering the natural joys of motherhood.

How to choose breastfeeding pads? Who needs them? Do lactations benefit or harm? How to use them correctly? Features of breast pads for a nursing mother and instructions for their use.

Breast pads are forms of polymer material designed to protect the mother's nipple. They are worn over it before feeding and, thanks to several holes in the front, allow mother's milk to enter the baby's mouth.

Getting milk is as easy as getting from a bottle, the baby cannot. He still has to suck. That is why some lactation consultants allow the use of breast pads, choosing between artificial feeding and natural feeding, but with such an accessory.

Indications for use

After the appearance on the market, nursing pads were perceived as a universal and safe product. After several years of use by women in many countries of the world, observations of specialists, it turned out that they create more difficulties than they solve. Therefore, today there is a single recommendation for the use of these accessories - do not use, if possible.

But when there is no possibility, it is not worth perceiving them as a “necessary evil”. Use for medical reasons is acceptable in the following situations.

  • . With deep skin lesions, when feeding causes unbearable pain in the mother, it is possible to temporarily use pads in order to protect the injured areas. After wound healing, the accessory should be discarded as soon as possible.
  • Feeding children of certain groups. Children with central nervous system developmental disorders may also have problems with attachment to the breast. Such babies often suck weakly, push out their tongue or wrap it, and poorly hold the mammary gland in their mouths. The use of pads will allow you to maintain natural feeding, which is even more valuable for weakened crumbs than for healthy ones.
  • High sensitivity of the nipples.“Each woman has her own boundaries of pain,” comments breastfeeding consultant Oksana Mikhailechko. “This should be taken into account when recommending breastfeeding pads to the mother.” Reviews of experts on GV in this case differ. Some recommend to be patient and wait until the threshold of sensitivity decreases. This will definitely happen within a few weeks after the start of feeding, when the skin of the nipples becomes somewhat rough. Others are of the opinion that feeding in an overlay is better than or with a mixture from a cup or bottle. Therefore, if the mother has a too low threshold of sensitivity and cannot tolerate pain, the accessory will be the solution for her.

The recommendation for the use of pads for women with flat nipples is not justified. During feeding, the baby sucks not the nipple itself, but the entire lower part of the breast. Therefore, with a nipple of any form, breastfeeding is possible with the development of the application technique. An obstetrician or breastfeeding consultant can help with this.

Pros and cons of accessories

“Breast pads for feeding will help a weak or premature baby,” says Olga Sidorova, breastfeeding consultant. “But in reality, they are rarely needed.”

Breastfeeding expert Natalya Razakhatskaya agrees with her opinion: “The use of these accessories deals a serious blow to natural feeding. Those problems that currently exist in the mother-baby pair are simply pushed aside for later. And they will definitely arise again, but in a more pronounced form.


Products can be used when the mother has tried all the methods of proper attachment to the breast. For example, when the baby can’t grab the nipple in different positions, Olga Sidorova continues.

Among the advantages of accessories are the following:

  • mechanical protection of the nipple, reducing the impact on the skin;
  • the familiar “breast shape” if the baby has already been fed from a rubber nipple in the hospital;
  • psychological confidence of a woman who doubts the shape of the nipples, the ability to breastfeed.

The benefits of breastfeeding nipple shields are questioned by many breastfeeding consultants. Thus, IBCLC expert Natalya Razakhatskaya warns: “Do not look for easy ways if your nipples are injured or you have difficulty with attachment. Overlays do not solve these problems. Avoid them, work on eliminating the difficulties.”


The ambiguous attitude to the feeding accessory is caused by its many shortcomings.

  • Formation of incorrect sucking technique. The mother's breast is much softer than the silicone or latex that the devices are made from. To "extract" milk from them, the crumbs have to make more effort. Babies begin to bite their chest harder, work not only with their tongue, but also with their jaws. Some master their own technique of creating a vacuum, in fact, working similarly without the necessary stimulation of the mammary gland. After applying the pads, the baby transfers his skills to his mother's chest, as a result of which he injures her, often even more than before.
  • Getting used to the "rubber" chest. Babies who have been introduced to a rubber accessory earlier than with natural breasts, or who have received it for a long time, often do not want to return to full breastfeeding. Everything is unusual for them: the shape of the breast, and its rigidity, and the sensations in the mouth. Feeding causes crying crumbs, whims, the baby turns away from the nipple. It is difficult to retrain him, it requires patience, endurance and perseverance on the part of the mother.
  • Insufficient stimulation. Breastfeeding pads follow the shape of the nipple, but do not have areolas. In fact, the baby stimulates only the nipple zone, which does not allow the mammary gland to be fully released. According to Oksana Mikhailechko, consultant on breastfeeding, this leads to an increase in the duration of feeding, a decrease in milk consumption, and a decrease in its production. One of the most negative consequences of using an accessory for a crumb is a lack of weight due to insufficient nutrition. For mom - the formation of congestion, increased risk,.
  • mechanical difficulties. The polymer "cap" can come off during feedings, the baby chokes on it or swallows air, after which it burps. Mom's discomfort is caused by leakage of milk, difficulties with feeding at night, attachments outside the home.

The disadvantages of nipple covers for breastfeeding are also manifested in the psychological insecurity of the mother. A woman is afraid of feeding without silicone forms, she is worried that the baby may refuse to breastfeed. This increases the period of their application and exacerbates the problem.

Rules for using overlays

When there is no way out, and silicone protective “caps” seem to be the only solution to the problem, it is necessary to decide which ones are best to use and how to do it correctly.


There are various types of pads available for sale. Unfortunately, there are no single recommendations for their choice. You will probably need to purchase a few accessories and try them on, try out the comfort of feeding in different models.

Focus on your feelings. Correct pads sit tight and do not create discomfort during feeding.

  • The size is close to the nipple. Your breast and its “substitute” should be as close as possible in shape and size. Matches are important in their height, base parameters. The latter should freely accommodate the nipple inside, and its tip should approach the tip of the lining, but not rest against it.
  • The nipple occupies maximum space inside after the start of feeding. When the baby makes several sucking movements, the nipple should take up at least two-thirds of the volume of the accessory. It is allowed that he rested on the holes at the tip of the product. In this case, the lining should neither press nor fall off. In the first case, it is small, in the second, it is large.
  • The base is adjacent to the areola. When the baby sucks, the correct pad becomes a "second skin", it sits tightly, like a glove.
  • Mom is experiencing a rush of milk. If this sensation occurs quickly enough, then breast stimulation is provided in the normal mode.

According to experts, the most comfortable accessories are the thinnest, they are practically not felt by a woman. The silicone pads for feeding have a minimum thickness. Reviews indicate a sufficient level of comfort for accessories "Avent", "Medela", "Baby Frank". Thicker and rougher in appearance ("World of Childhood", "Nak"), made of latex, will not be as comfortable.

Application technique

To learn how to properly put on an accessory, you need to practice. The technique of use is as follows:

  • lift the edges with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand;
  • put on the nipple, holding the edges;
  • press the edges against the skin.

Before use, you can moisten the silicone with warm water so that it fits snugly against the body. Feeding is carried out according to the standard technique:

  • put the breast only in a wide open mouth;
  • watch for a snug fit of the lower lip to the areola and the closest location of the chin to it;
  • finish feeding at the initiative of the child, wait until he releases the nipple.

To make sure that the baby is getting enough milk, it is important to control your own sensations and its weight. The absence of congestion indicates that the breast is fully emptied, and the baby eats as much as necessary. Do a wet diaper test: more than twelve urination per day of a one-month-old baby indicates nutritional adequacy.


Like a rubber nipple, the nipple should always be kept clean to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs. Frequent boiling of silicone and latex accessories is not recommended, as they harden the polymer.

  • Sterilize before first use. Boil a new pad after purchase.
  • Wash with soap and water. Rinse and dry product after each use.
  • Boil periodically. A single boil every other day for three minutes is enough.
  • Steam sterilize. If you have a steam sterilizer, you can refuse to boil. This treatment is gentle, so the silicone stays soft longer. Steam sterilization can be carried out daily for five minutes.

Your breasts are never dirty, but in the cavity of an artificial material moistened with sweet milk, pathogenic microorganisms can actively develop. Therefore, proper care of protective "caps" is extremely important.

Opt Out

According to lactation experts, the technique of avoiding breastfeeding pads is no less important point in the instructions for use than their choice. It is important to remember that the less you use an accessory, the easier it will be to discard.

  • Start feeding in the pad and quickly remove it in the process. A hungry baby may not notice the “substitution” and calmly continue to eat.
  • Offer an unprotected breast to a sleepy baby. The most convenient time for the return of full natural feeding is the period of night sleep and after waking up. When your baby is sleeping, he is much more likely to take your nipple.
  • Reduce the area of ​​silicone. Cut off a small piece of the silicone nipple every day, thereby increasing the contact area of ​​​​the baby with the body. Gradually abandon the polymer forms completely.

If the baby is too attached to the pads and refuses to breastfeed without them, be patient. It may take you a couple of weeks to return to normal feeding.

  • Spend more time with your baby. Carry it in your arms, sleep together. Constant contact with the mother and the availability of the breast at any time of the day or night will allow the baby to get used to it faster.
  • Remove all "imitators" of the breast. It is necessary to get rid of everything that the baby can suck: lining, nipple. Gradually, the need to implement the sucking reflex will prompt him to "return to the chest."
  • Supplement with expressed milk. If the baby cries under the breast and refuses to eat, feed him with your milk from a cup, pipette or spoon. Offer breast before and after feeding.

In most cases, the process of returning to normal feeding is much more difficult than the problems that silicone nipple protectors are designed to solve. Therefore, use them for a short time - only while the problem exists. It is ideal to use them for several days.

The question of how to use breastfeeding pads is often raised internationally. Experts of the international organization "La Leche League" urge to completely abandon them, as they create additional problems with feeding. Before resorting to them, it is necessary to take all possible measures to improve the application technique. And the time of use - to minimize.
