Pimples on hands cream treatment. Pharmacy medicines for chicks on the hands. How to get rid of chicks

Why more often on the hands and what is the reason for the appearance of chicks?
— skin on outside hands are not thicker and not thinner than on the surface of the whole body, but sebaceous glands there is much less.
- This area of ​​​​the hands is more often exposed to contact with water, snow, chemicals when washing, washing dishes, and other works.
- A lack of certain vitamins also leads to frequent appearance chick.
Hormonal changes can also affect the condition of the skin.

Regardless of the cause, the appearance of symptoms of irritated skin in a “crack” must be taken seriously, otherwise weathered and inflamed skin can become an open gate for any infection, fungi and microbes. Treatment and prevention of chicks is aimed at:

  • Physical protection of the skin of the hands. Rough, rough, sometimes dark brown skin becomes due to exposure to water and air.
  • After contact with water: you washed your hands, threw snowballs, watered from a watering can, got caught in the rain, swam in the sea, you need to wipe your skin dry yourself, and not wait until the sun or wind dries it. Wear gloves when handling harsh chemicals. Use cream with hydrophilic property. In cold, windy weather, wear windproof mittens or gloves. Do not wash your hands with too cold or hot water.
  • Correction of nutrition is an important component for maintaining the protective function of the skin and its elasticity. The skin becomes dry with a lack of B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin A. Add dishes from legumes, dairy products, liver, eggs to your daily diet. Eat more green salad dressings vegetable oil.
  • Treatment of existing chicks is mandatory to avoid inflammation and infection of the skin. Use all possible home remedies for this.

How to get rid of chicks on your hands at home: 8 ways. Folk remedies for chicks

1. Vegetable oil

Any vegetable oil: elite olive, ordinary sunflower, cheap rapeseed oil, fragrant peach or healing sea buckthorn will help reduce redness, reduce inflammation of the skin of the hands on the first night. It is desirable to warm the oil in a water bath. After the evening toilet, grease your hands with vegetable oil, blotting the excess paper napkin and then gently massage in the remaining. Fulfill this procedure at least a week or until the chicks disappear. The procedure softens the skin and promotes the speedy healing of wounds.

2. Mashed potatoes

Boil the potatoes "in uniform", mash in mashed potatoes. Until the puree has cooled down, add sour cream, sunflower oil or egg yolk. We apply warm puree on hands and leave this mass for 20-30 minutes. Wash off potato mask soapy water, blot with a tissue and rub fat cream. Potatoes make the skin of the hands unusually soft, sour cream moisturizes and brightens the skin of the hands.

There are several more proven ways to improve the condition of the hands and get rid of chicks at home.

3. Baths with herbal infusions

To soothe the skin of the hands and feet will help wound-healing herbs brewed in a thermos: chamomile, calendula, plantain, tansy, St. John's wort. Make a strong infusion of 2-3 herbs and immerse the limbs for 15 minutes in a basin. Gently blot the skin with a towel, grease with butter or vegetable oil, blot again with a towel. This procedure will help get rid of itching, wounds and incipient inflammation.

4. Glycerin

Inexpensive but the right remedy get rid of chicks: elimination of cracks, redness, dryness and lethargy skin. Glycerin is often included in hand creams, but you can make your own creamy mixture. Take a clean, low jar: pour in 1 tablespoon of glycerin, squeeze out 5 capsules of vitamin E (if there are 5 drops in drops) or 5 Aevita capsules. Rub daily at bedtime until you are satisfied with the result or constantly.

5. Lotions with aloe juice, Kalanchoe

Use a natural healer as soon as the first signs of skin tightness appear or with rough growths. The juice of these plants will help in the presence of open bleeding wounds, sores, purulent foci. Squeeze the juice onto a bandage and wrap it overnight. In the presence of boils, add a little honey or propolis. Rinse off in the morning warm water, wipe again with juice and blot the remnants with a napkin.

6. Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is present in our skin. She additional component contained in most expensive creams and face and body masks. However, in pure form it is easy to buy it at a pharmacy (for example, "Blefarogel"). Hyaluronic acid literally revitalizes the skin, because it is part of many body fluids. It is easily absorbed, so you can apply at any time. Use it to treat and prevent chicks 1-2 times a day.

7. Paraffin masks

An excellent caring and preventive procedure will make you forget about chicks. Arrange your hands salon care at home. Prepare a terry towel, medical or cosmetic paraffin. It is sold in pharmacies. Melt the paraffin in a water bath, add a few drops of vegetable oil or aloe juice. With a brush, apply a layer up to 7 mm on the hands. You can dip the bandage and wrap your hands alternately. Cover your hands tight terry towel. We leave the mask on the skin for about 15 minutes. After it, we lubricate our hands with cream. It is good to make such a mask at home in the evening or at night, 2 times a week. The skin of the hands becomes healthy, soft and velvety.

8. Cream and cotton gloves

Any available cream will help restore dehydrated and overdried hands. Their trouble is that the main component is water, so only wearing gloves at night or at least for 2-3 hours in the evening will help retain moisture, respectively, eliminate pimples.
Take care of your hands daily: use moisturizers, make masks and care procedures, wear gloves.
Be beautiful and healthy to the tips of your hands!

The skin of the hands is very vulnerable to the cold: sometimes it is enough to remove the mittens for only a minute, as the fingers immediately turn red. How to avoid pimples on the hands and protect the skin from painful phenomena in winter?

Why does the skin of the hands become inflamed in winter?

Frequent problem that occurs in the cold season - dryness and inflammation of the skin on the hands. This is due to the fact that it contains five times less moisture than, for example, in the skin of the face. It is worth considering that hands are much more likely to come into contact with detergents. Therefore, it is quite natural that the skin begins to dry out, crack and become inflamed. The so-called chicks on the hands especially often appear precisely in the cold and windy season.

Reasons for the appearance

Similar epidermal problems can occur in both small child as well as in an adult. The main causes of chicks on the hands are most often external factors. It can be ordinary household chores using household chemicals, and too long walks without gloves or mittens. Hypothermia and moisture provoke chapping and the formation of small, but very painful cracks in the skin.

Who is prone to chicks

People with dry skin most often suffer from such inflammatory manifestations on the hands. The very fact of dry skin can already indicate a lack of vitamins in the body or the appearance of hormonal disorders. Therefore, if you understand that the cause of painful inflammation is not at all due to forgotten gloves, and the treatment of chicks on your hands does not bring the expected result, then there is a reason to consult a doctor. It should also be understood that dermatitis, allergies or psoriasis can be hidden behind such phenomena.

Signs and symptoms

It is easy to determine that chicks appeared on the hands. Photos on this topic are presented in the article.

Of course, most of us at least once in our lives have experienced all the "charms" of such phenomena on ourselves.

In cold and windy weather, skin inflammation begins just a few minutes after being outside without gloves. What happens to the hands at this moment? They turn red, there is a feeling of some tightness, and tiny microcracks appear on the surface. In some cases, small watery blisters may appear. Coming home, the first thing we try to do is warm our hands in warm water. This is where the worst part begins. Water, when it enters the wound, causes an unpleasant tingling sensation. After water procedures itching and peeling begins. The skin dries, revealing cracks even more. Without proper care, infection is not excluded.

How to treat inflamed hands

It can be extremely difficult to resist the temptation to scratch an itchy hand, but this often leads to even more trauma to the inflamed skin. To get rid of unwanted symptoms, it is necessary to start treating chicks on your hands at the first sign of their appearance.

It is necessary to add dishes from oily fish, liver and eggs to the diet. A beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the hands has the use of cottage cheese and sour cream.

Industrial products and home cosmetics. What to choose?

The cosmetic industry offers a huge selection of all kinds of products to preserve the beauty and youth of the hands, eliminate dryness, redness and peeling. These products help protect the skin from negative impact various destructive factors, heal and rejuvenate the surface layers of the epidermis. Of course, they are very effective and help a lot in eliminating many problems associated with appearance hands Nevertheless, home methods are still popular and are widely used by many women.

The main plan for combating unwanted manifestations includes: a mandatory increase in fruit consumption in the daily menu, taking multivitamin complexes, a visit to an endocrinologist to rule out hormonal disorders and a visit to a dermatologist in order to determine skin pathologies.

After elimination unwanted causes, the treatment of chicks on the hands can be carried out by the most different methods. First, make a softening bath, then treat your hands with an antiseptic and apply any oily hand cream that includes chamomile or calendula. Well heals cracked skin panthenol.

A fat cream is generally indispensable for the prevention or treatment of chicks in the hands of a child or an adult. It is desirable to always have it on hand and apply it before walking or after washing your hands. Regular use it throughout the day will help keep the skin of the hands healthy and attractive.

Pimples on the hands: treatment at home. Folk methods

Traditional medicine recipes can be a good help. Try to cook medicinal composition from a mixture of 100 grams of vegetable (olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn or any other) oil and one bottle of retinol acetate (vitamin A). Such a tool must be rubbed into the skin of the hands at least 2-3 times a day. The positive effect will be in a day.

A good remedy would be a compress made from heated olive or peach oil. After applying these funds, hands should be wrapped cling film and insulate.

Herbal treatment

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs have long been used in home cosmetology. Thanks to them healing properties, after identifying the causes and treating chicks on the hands, the skin becomes soft, beautiful and well-groomed again. At proper conduct regenerating procedures with the addition of dried leaves and inflorescences of chamomile, sage, calendula, plantain, celandine, burdock and many other plants, inflamed areas, cracks, dryness and swelling will disappear.

However, one must be aware of the possible allergic reactions organism for the presence of certain plant products. Therefore, knowing that there is a tendency to such manifestations, it is better to completely refuse from taking herbal baths and use other means of traditional medicine.

Our ancestors knew how to get rid of chicks on their hands. They regularly rubbed aloe juice into inflamed skin. Indeed, if you do this several times a day, then very soon there will be no trace of dryness.

homemade masks

The use of masks made on the basis of fresh fruits, honey and lactic acid products are considered best means in home cosmetology. They help get rid of many skin defects, including removing chicks on the hands. A photo of this unpleasant phenomenon is presented above.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands always attract attention. So why not try to achieve the same results at home without spending a dime? After all, the ingredients needed for homemade masks are likely to be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

So, for example, to prepare a miraculous remedy for hands, needed by the skin in the cold season, you only need one teaspoon of honey, ¼ cup of warm water and 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream. Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency, apply to clean, pre-steamed hands and leave for 20 minutes. After you wash off the remnants of such a mask with warm water, you will immediately notice how the handles have changed.

An effective mask is made from one egg yolk and one tablespoon of olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil. The components are mixed and applied to clean skin hands To nutrients penetrated into the deep layers of the epidermis, you should put on cellophane or disposable gloves and warm your hands. After 20 minutes, the composition can be washed off. Some women add the pulp of half a banana to this mixture. It is believed that this particular fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin.

There are even more simple recipes, allowing you to effectively treat chicks on your hands. Alternatively, you can use brine sauerkraut often remaining in the bank. This juice is applied to clean hands and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse and smear your hands with a moisturizer. Kit useful substances, which is part of the cabbage brine, is often much richer than the composition of expensive creams famous manufacturers. After such a mask, the skin of the hands is "saturated" with the necessary nutrients and becomes elastic, soft and velvety.

A good effect is the use of warm mashed potatoes. Many note that this method of treatment helps to eliminate chicks on the hands no worse than the popular one in beauty salons paraffin therapy. To do this, warm potato mass is applied to pre-cleansed skin, warm hands and leave for 20 minutes. After such a procedure, it is advisable to apply any nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Baths for hands

Warm baths for hands allow you to clean and steam the skin. They are often used before manicure or use. cosmetics. As a basis for such hydroprocedures, warm water is usually used, to which sea salt is added, baking soda, oils and extracts of medicinal herbs or any other ingredients.

Meanwhile, you can prepare a bath with starch. In this case, potato powder is brewed with boiling water, like ordinary jelly. When the mixture cools down a little, hands are immersed in it for 15-20 minutes. This method not only helps to fight chicks, but also perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic.

Gives the same effect oatmeal infusion, for the preparation of which you need 2 tablespoons oatmeal, 1 liter of boiling water and a few drops of vegetable oil. Immerse your hands in the prepared jelly, and after 20 minutes rinse them, dry them and spread them with any fat cream.

To achieve the optimal cosmetic effect, you can use regular herbal baths. If you make a decoction of chamomile, calendula, succession, plantain and burdock, brewing one spoonful of each herb with one liter of boiling water, then inflammation and swelling will quickly pass. If you add a few drops of glycerin and a small piece to this composition baby soap the skin will become very soft and pleasant to the touch.

Prevention of cracks and inflammation on the hands

To forget about unpleasant phenomena on your hands forever, stick to the cold season simple rules:

  • On the street, hands should always be dry.
  • In winter, never forget to wear gloves.
  • Proper hand cosmetics will help preserve the beauty and health of the skin: it is better to use moisturizing creams in the morning, and nourishing ones at night.
  • When applying the cream, do not forget to massage the brushes, this will improve blood flow and enhance the effect. useful components.
  • For washing hands, instead of soap, it is better to use gels and foams containing chamomile extract, glycerin, vitamins A, E and C.

Take care of your pens!

In winter, our hands are at increased risk. Even short-term exposure to cold wind can make reddened skin inflamed, cover it with cracks and bumps. What are the reasons for such undesirable phenomena?

Causes of chicks in the hands of adults

It is believed that chicks on the hands often appear in children, but many people in adulthood able to face this problem. There are many reasons and explanations for its occurrence.

Causes of chicks in adults:

  • Chemical exposure. Doing chores with the use of household chemicals without gloves can cause damage to the delicate skin of the hands, aggravated by cold weather.
  • Lack of protection. Prolonged exposure to air without gloves in cold, especially humid weather, leads to chapping and damage to the skin.
  • Wet gloves. The extra moisture in the cold makes the hands especially vulnerable and speeds up the process of chick formation.
  • Dry skin. If the skin on the hands is dry, then it is better not to go outside without the use of special protective creams, this is fraught with the indicated negative consequences.
  • Chemical peels. IN winter time years, it is advisable to abandon chemical peels for hands that are too thinning of the dermis. It is better to use gentle natural remedies.
  • Disease symptoms. You need to know that under the guise of chicks, symptoms of allergies, all kinds of dermatitis, scabies, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases can often appear.
  • Wrong soap. Washing your hands often with soap makes them extra dry. In this case, it is rational to use softening fortified gels that carefully care for the skin.
  • insufficient care. With the onset of cold weather, our hands demand additional care. It is advisable to make special prophylactic baths, apply a greasy cream, use a massage that improves the absorption of the necessary components.
  • Hormonal disorders. The skin on the hands is especially sensitive due to taking hormonal drugs, in the presence of hormonal dysfunctions.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Unbalanced diets and lack of vitamins in the body also increase the risk of disease.
The moisture content in the skin of the hands is five times lower than in the integuments on the face. But the hands are almost a dozen times more likely than the face to be exposed to detergents. That is why in the cold season they are subject to such high risk negative impact natural factors.

Causes of chicks in the hands of children

Winter, despite its harsh nature, is often the favorite time of the year for children. The abundance of snow, outdoor games on fresh air, excitement and fun are nice bonuses that this harsh time gives them. But parents should be more careful funny Games did not adversely affect children's health.

Causes of chicks in children:

  1. Vitamin deficiency. Often a growing body is faced with a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, which can lead to the appearance of chicks.
  2. Unsuitable cleansers. Washing the hands of a child, especially in the cold season, is a responsible task. If the soap dries the skin too much, then the problem under consideration is likely to occur. It is undesirable, for example, to use a product with triclosan, which removes both harmful and beneficial bacteria, dries out the epidermis, and worsens protection from external negative influences.
  3. Improper hand washing. Both excessively hot and excessively cold water should not be used to wash a child's hands. You should use warm water, and also teach the baby to dry his hands thoroughly with a towel.
  4. Prolonged exposure to moisture. Excessive moisture of the hands, especially, for example, when playing snowballs in the cold in wet gloves, - common cause violations of the integrity of the skin.
  5. Hand exposure. Atmospheric phenomena such as rain, cold and wind can significantly harm children's hands that are not protected by mittens or gloves.
  6. Hormonal disbalance. It's quite rare, but quite real reason the occurrence of chicks in children, especially in adolescence.
Excessive redness, a feeling of tightness, intense itching, tingling and burning, microcracks, and in complex cases transparent blisters are called as obvious symptoms of the lesions in question on the skin.

It is important to remember that if the symptoms of pimples continue to develop in the child, even after two days of use baby cream you need to see a dermatologist. This should be done in order to prevent unwanted complications and possible serious skin diseases.

Features of the treatment of chicks on the hands

Signs of the analyzed problematic skin condition appear very clearly, it is difficult not to notice them. If there is a firm belief that it is the chicks that annoy, and not the symptoms of more serious ailments and disorders, you should immediately begin to treat them.

How to get rid of chicks on your hands with medicines

The condition in question is by no means harmless. Cracked skin is an easy route for infection. In the future, the appearance of real open wounds with a festering surface is possible. Need to use effective means to prevent such a thing from happening.

Recipes for getting rid of chicks:

  • At initial signs chicks are recommended to lubricate the epidermis medical vaseline or baby cream. This is a reliable first aid for the problem at hand.
  • An effective method is considered in which the hands are first steamed in water, and then their affected areas are treated with chlorhexidine. When the skin is dry, a rich cream is applied to it.
  • It is also recommended to use D-Panthenol and Boro Plus ointments, Astroderm healing cream in the treatment of chicks.
  • Dermatologists advise for preventive purposes a mixture of the same parts of glycerin and ammonia. This composition is used to treat cleansed and steamed skin, which is disinfected and softened. In order to increase efficiency, three drops of vitamins A, B or E, two drops of grapefruit or lemon juice can be added to the composition.
  • For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it will be useful to drink a special age-appropriate vitamin complex. Such a tool should solve the problem of deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

The appearance of chicks is a signal for more stringent hygiene measures. It is they who are able to prevent the entry of pathogenic bacteria on damaged skin and the further development of the disease.

How to cure chicks on hands with vegetable oils

Vegetable oils - amazing gifts nature, thanks to which we have the opportunity to significantly improve our health. Along with medicines these natural remedies able to provide effective help in an uncompromising struggle with chicks.

Recipes from chicks with vegetable oils:

  1. Immerse hands for 15 minutes in a mixture of warm water (1 l) and olive oil(17 g). Then the skin is blotted, lubricated nourishing cream. Then put on cotton gloves. Until the chicks are eliminated, manipulations are carried out daily in the evening.
  2. Sunflower or olive oil (100 g) is combined with an oil solution of retinol (20 g). The composition is gently rubbed into problem areas three times a day. The epidermis is softened and fortified.
  3. Almond oil is extremely effective in coping with the problem under consideration. A few drops should be lubricated hands at night. After that, it is recommended to wear suitable cotton gloves.
  4. Burdock oil is famous for its miraculous properties. It eliminates dryness of the epidermis, fights peeling, nourishes the skin, removes microbes, and is an excellent source of vitamins. In the morning and evening, about five drops of oil should be poured onto the hands and then gently massaged into the skin.
  5. You can also apply slightly warmed olive oil with a cotton swab to problem areas. Then you should put on plastic gloves, and mittens on them. After half an hour, gloves and mittens are removed and a greasy cream is applied.
  6. A mixture of sunflower or olive oil (20 g) and milk (20 g) is very effective. Regularly lubricating your hands with it, you can quickly get rid of chicks, literally in three procedures.
  7. performance in the fight for beautiful hands sea ​​buckthorn oil differs. A few drops rubbed into problematic skin effectively relieve itching and irritation.
  8. Calendula oil has a wound-healing effect. Apply to hands nutrient mixture three drops of this oil and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then cotton gloves are put on for the whole night.
In the struggle for the beauty and health of hands, natural vegetable oils are our reliable help. Using simple and effective recipes, you can get rid of unpleasant problem. The main thing is not to run it and start treatment on time.

Treatment of chicks on hands at home with potatoes

Ordinary potatoes are a proven remedy for chicks. It is almost always in stock for every hostess. It is inexpensive and available at any time of the year. The main thing is to adhere to proven recipes when preparing medicinal potions.

Recipes from chicks with potatoes:

  • Mashed potatoes are prepared from boiled "in uniform" potatoes and milk with the addition of a few drops of burdock oil. A mask with this composition effectively fights chicks.
  • You can effectively use the broth left after boiling potatoes. Cut off a small piece fresh cucumber and wipe their hands. Then you need to rinse the brushes with warm potato broth.
  • Pound two potatoes, boiled in their skins and peeled. Pour 20 g of lemon or cucumber juice into the puree, mix thoroughly. The drug is applied to the brushes, then covering them with polyethylene, for 20 minutes. After the mixture is washed off and hands are lubricated with the appropriate cream.
  • Mashed potatoes (2 pieces), cooked “in uniform” and peeled, are mixed with 20 g of fat sour cream. Apply as in the previous recipe.
Affected hands are very susceptible to water, under the influence of which they begin to unbearably itch and turn red. It is important to prevent combing of cracks and the appearance of infected wounds. You need to deal with chicks immediately and consistently, because they can cause a lot of inconvenience.

Applying chick cream on hands

Pimples are not only a medical, but also an aesthetic problem. Weathered, rough, cracked, reddened hands do not paint either women or men. Timely and proper care effective cream to avoid potential embarrassment.

Chicken Cream Recipe:

  1. Glycerin - 1 tablespoon;
  2. Vitamin E - 5 capsules (or 5 drops);
  3. "Aevit" - 5 capsules.
The ingredients should be mixed in a small container. Rub the composition into the affected areas should be every day at night until receiving desired result. This remedy relieves the skin of small cracks, lethargy and dryness.

Folk remedies for chicks on hand

In eliminating the problem under consideration, it can provide effective assistance and ethnoscience. The centuries-old experience of our ancestors contains effective recipes drugs that help fight hand injuries, have wound healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory effects

Folk recipes for chicks:

  • Melt the interior goose fat. Gently apply it to damaged skin. Manipulations are carried out at night, then putting on cotton gloves.
  • Mix liquid honey (30 g), egg yolk and oat flour(10 g). The mixture is applied daily to the brushes for a quarter of an hour. This composition promotes the healing of cracks, relieves inflammation, fights skin aging.
  • With wounds from running chicks, a decoction of plantain is able to cope. Gruel from a fresh plant, regularly applied to the hands for 40 minutes, eliminates peeling, promotes healing of injuries.
  • Chamomile decoction has an antibacterial effect and a healing effect. You just need to treat the brushes with a cotton swab soaked in this proven tool.
  • Rub half a ripe banana into a gruel, mixing it with honey (10 g). The damaged skin is covered with the composition, then the hands are wrapped in polyethylene. After 20 minutes, everything is washed off, the brushes are smeared with a fat cream.
Often the cause of the disease is a lack of vitamins in the body. That is why in winter it is desirable to combine folk remedies with an increase in the consumption of fermented milk products, vegetables, and fruits. It is advisable to give preference in the diet to beef liver, butter, fresh herbs, wholemeal bread and other healthy products.

How to treat chicks on your hands - look at the video:

The appearance of chicks is a nuisance that can befall both children and adults. Redness, microcracks, itching, burning - all this unwanted symptoms incipient illness. There are many reasons for it, but timely treatment can prevent negative consequences.

Pimples on the hands is a problem that mainly occurs due to the contact of wet hands with cold air. It often occurs in children. The reason for this is a thinner fat layer than in an adult.

Sometimes adults themselves suffer from similar unpleasant symptoms. That is why the treatment of chicks on hand at home can be useful for people at any age, and it should be started immediately after identifying the problem.

Causes of the appearance of chicks on the hands

Chicks on the hands of adults may appear from a lack of vitamins in winter season, because of age-related changes, as well as due to violations hormonal background. In a child, this problem can be triggered by too long exposure to water on the hands. An example would be a snowball fight when the mittens are already wet, and in adults handwash and wet cleaning.
There is not only the effect of water, but also chemicals that dry out the skin. As a result, it begins to crack and blush. You can cure chicks on your hands with the help of special medical or folk remedies at home.

How to get rid of chicks on your hands

Vitamins. It is worth adding liquid vitamins A, B and E to vegetable oil in the calculation of a couple of drops per tablespoon. Finished mask apply on hands and do not rinse, because it is well absorbed by itself.
Almond oil. It is enough to put a few drops of this product on your hands before going to bed, lubricate them thoroughly and put on cotton mittens at night. After a few days, no unpleasant symptoms will remain. Mashed potatoes. To get a working mixture, you need to boil the potatoes "in uniform", make a puree out of it, in another hot mix add sour cream, 1 egg yolk or sunflower oil. We apply the same warm mixture on our hands and wait for about 30 minutes. The effect will also appear after a few days, but the skin will be beautiful and brightened.
Sea salt. One of the best options, thanks to which it will be possible to remove chicks on your hands at home as comfortably as possible. Salt without additives in proportions of 1 to 1 is mixed with castor oil (usually 1 tablespoon is enough) and diluted in warm water. In such a bath, hands should be at least 10 minutes.
Baths with herbal infusions. To improve the condition of the skin, it is better to brew wound healing herbs in a thermos, such as: calendula, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort and tansy. The most effective will be an infusion of at least 3 of the above herbs. It is worth putting a towel soaked in such a decoction on your hands. After the procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil and reapply the towel.
Burr oil. It should be used in the same way as almond, but there is no need to wear gloves on your hands. For one time, 4-7 drops are enough for the entire skin to be covered with it.
How to treat chicks on your hands Glycerin. Effective and inexpensive remedy from chicks on the hands. In addition, glycerin significantly improves general state skin, relieves redness and heals cracks, and also eliminates lethargy and dryness of the skin. This is an indispensable ingredient in many creams and ointments, but for treatment, you can make a cream for chicks on your hands right at home in the kitchen. To 1 tablespoon of glycerin, add 5 drops of liquid vitamin E and rub this mixture into your palms overnight. You can use this tool up to complete healing skin, and it is possible and constantly - except for the benefit, this procedure does not bring anything.
Lotions with Kalanchoe or Aloe juice. They will best help in the presence of tight skin, cracks and bleeding wounds. It is best to squeeze the juice onto cotton wool and wrap it around your hands with a bandage overnight. Repeat manipulations until the last manifestations of symptoms disappear.
Banana with honey. These two products already have it all essential vitamins and other beneficial substances for our skin. Therefore, from them you can make an impromptu ointment from chicks on your hands. Mix half a ripe banana and about 2 tablespoons of natural runny honey. The composition is applied to the affected skin, and the hands are then wrapped in polyethylene. After 15-30 minutes, everything is washed off, and a greasy cream is applied to the brushes.
If the chicks in the hands of a child appeared in warm time years, then an ordinary plantain will help to cope with them. Grind a few leaves into a gruel, apply it on your palms and wrap it with a bandage for half an hour. Plantain will cope even with difficult cases. You can also make a strong decoction for the bath from it.
Very often the reason aesthetic problem is a lack of vitamins. That is why it is desirable to use not only folk remedies for treating chicks on the hands, but also to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body. This can be done using proper nutrition or pharmacy vitamins. To eat right, it is better to use more often in your diet dairy products, fresh herbs, wholemeal bread, etc.

Unhealthy manifestations in the form of roughness, cracks, redness, on the skin of the hands and feet appear in children and adults due to hypothermia, dampness, uncleanliness. When the first signs of itching and painful response to hot and cold water- this is a sign that chicks appeared in the hands of a child: photos, causes, treatment at home.

Causes of chicks

Tender and susceptible to temperature changes. Children's hands in winter period difficult to protect from hypothermia and dampness. Kids love to play snowballs, build snowmen, so chicks appear much more often than adults. This is further complicated by the fact that children may not wash their hands with soap and dry before going for a walk. Not only cold and moisture cause chicks. There are other preconditions:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • lack of moisture.

Pimples in the hands of a child: photos, causes, treatment at home. Chicks appear not only on the hands. They affect areas of the skin on the elbows, knees, cheeks. Children are more prone to their appearance, which causes a lot of trouble. The task of parents is to notice and take measures to eliminate them in time, or to prevent the occurrence of dryness and wounds, accustoming the child to follow the basic hygiene rules himself.

The photo clearly shows what deep cracks formed on the skin of the hands

How to get rid of chicks than to treat

Procedures to eliminate skin problems on the hands are carried out in the evening, when walks or other activities outside the home are not planned. Treat chicks by applying like pharmaceutical preparations, and home remedies are no less effective.

  1. Potatoes are boiled and mashed. Add lemon juice. The prepared slurry is gently rubbed thin layer on the skin of the child's hands. Put on rubber gloves, wrap on top soft cloth for 10-15 minutes. After they are removed, washed off with warm water and treated with baby cream.
  2. Hands are smeared with almond or burdock oil before going to bed, lightly massaging them. After applying a few drops, put on cotton gloves, leave overnight, and in the morning wash off with warm water and baby soap and dry thoroughly.
  3. A mixture of milk, sunflower or olive oil eliminates pimples on the child's hands after 3-4 treatments.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil relieves irritation of any origin, eliminates itching and quickly heals deep cracks in the hands. Before applying it to children's hands, make sure that an allergic reaction does not follow.
  5. Chamomile infusion not only removes peeling and relieves itching, it is mild antibacterial agent, which easily heals wounds.

What is the danger of chicks in children

As a result of damage to the skin of the hands, cracks and wounds rapidly form on the surface. The child cannot control himself, and when itching bothers him, he involuntarily scratches the wounds. Microbes easily penetrate into them, and this causes serious illness skin, often infectious. They demand long-term treatment. Parents who have not coped with the destruction of chicks after a few days should immediately consult a doctor for help - only a specialist can determine the nature of the pathology.