Remedy 3in1 clean skin will help with stretch marks. Which cream for stretch marks for pregnant women is better and more effective? best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy

Rapid growth, a sharp change in weight and pregnancy - their constant companions are striae (stretch marks), which for a long time were considered a common cosmetic defect. They did not fight with them, moreover, no one was interested in the mechanism of occurrence. Now, of course, things are different. With the development of the fashion and beauty industry, promoting a beautiful body and flawless skin, cosmetic companies rushed to offer their stretch mark remedy as the best in existence.

Striae - skin atrophy, expressed in the appearance of narrow wavy stripes of various widths. They have a color from red-violet (immediately after formation) to white (ten to twelve months after the appearance). Stretch marks appear in the form of atrophic scars.

As a result of hormonal changes, a tear forms when the skin is stretched. With the remaining epidermis, the reticular layer of the dermis, blood vessels, elastic and collagen fibers are destroyed. The skin in the places of localization of striae in its condition is close to the age of 50-60 years.

The relief of the skin at the site of the appearance of stretch marks sometimes does not change, but most often the scar is a “crack” up to 1 mm deep. In rare cases, it rises above the skin, but when pressed, it falls inward.

In athletes with a rapid build-up of muscle mass, they can appear on the inside of the arms and shoulders. In adolescents, during a period of intensive growth, when the skin "does not keep up" with the skeleton, striae appear on the back, hips and buttocks.

Within a year, stretch marks turn white, now it will be more difficult to get rid of them.

But most of all, pregnant women complain about stretch marks that appear on the stomach, chest, buttocks and hips. They, as a rule, do not cause physical discomfort, but they look unaesthetic. In some cases, their appearance is accompanied by severe itching, which can be removed or reduced using a remedy for stretch marks on the skin. Creams with menthol are especially effective - they moisturize, nourish and cool the skin for several hours.

The appearance of stretch marks for no apparent reason should be a serious concern. In these cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, including an endocrinologist.

Basic Stretch Mark Removal Methods

Stretch marks can and should be dealt with. The principle “the sooner the better” works here. The fact is that fresh striae have a bright red color. This is, in essence, a wound, and as in any wound, there is an active blood circulation in it. That is why, at the initial stage, stretch marks can be removed with minimal effort by combining the peeling procedure with some remedy for stretch marks on the body. When the scar becomes white, this means that the gap has been healed by connective tissue and it is now much more difficult to get rid of it.

In pregnant women, stretch marks occur most often on the abdomen, hips and chest.

The most affordable are cosmetics that are suitable for both prevention and control of stripes in the early stages of their formation. When choosing, you should not blindly believe in advertising, because every cosmetic company says that this particular remedy for stretch marks is the best. Pay attention to the reviews of those who used this or that cream. Keep in mind that discoloration over several months is a natural process, because over the course of a year, stretch marks usually turn from purple-red to white. This is a sign of their aging, but not of extinction. It is good if the remedy for stretch marks in its composition will have herbal, well-studied components. For example, horsetail, cuff or ivy.

It is impossible to completely remove stretch marks, in any case a very thin line remains, however, with the help of salon procedures, such as peeling, mesotherapy or body wraps, you can make them invisible. In some cases, it makes sense to consult a plastic surgeon. It will remove sagging skin along with stretch marks. True, a scar will remain at the site of the operation, even a small one - the scalpel always leaves a mark.

What tools really work

What is the first thing they resort to when the problem of stretch marks loomed on the horizon? Of course, to cosmetics. Its effectiveness is a moot point, but it is created, rather, for the purpose of prevention. The main task of all these creams and gels is to improve cell regeneration, increase the elasticity of the skin. They are able to visually reduce stretch marks, but cannot guarantee their disappearance. The remedy for stretch marks on the hips, abdomen or chest should be used for at least three months.

Olive oil is one of the simplest and most reliable remedies.

As for the composition of such cosmetics, then you need to pay close attention to it. Well, if it includes the following components

  • Vitamin A (retinol)

It stimulates the production of proteins that make the skin elastic and strong - elastin and collagen, and also accelerates the healing process. However, the use of cosmetics containing vitamin A during pregnancy and lactation must be agreed with the doctor, since its excess is extremely harmful both for the developing fetus and for the already born baby.

  • Vitamins E, C and glycolic acid

These three, according to research, are really effective in the fight against stretch marks. The components make the skin more elastic, smoother, as they stimulate the production of collagen.

  • Almond and cocoa butter

Laboratory studies confirm that these substances restore the hydrolipid balance of the skin, moisturize it, have wound healing properties and stimulate collagen production. Especially effective in combination with vitamin E, wheat extract and beeswax.

  • onion extract

This plant contains a very large amount of antioxidants with healing and anti-inflammatory properties - flavonoids. According to research from Duke University, after three months of use, stretch marks become less visible and thinner.

TOP 10 most popular cosmetics for stretch marks

So that you do not bother looking for a list of cosmetic products that help fight stretch marks, and are also an excellent preventive measure to prevent their appearance, here is a list of ten of the most popular products.

Stretch mark cream should be applied after water procedures

  1. Cream Stretch Mark Control (Clarins). Improves skin elasticity, nourishes and soothes. Designed for skin care with the appearance of stretch marks or for their prevention. Price - 1800-2500 rubles.
  2. Firming anti-stretch mark gel-cream (Decleor). Evens out and nourishes the skin. Contains essential oils of rose, immortelle, lemon, temongrass, chamomile, myrrh, frankincense and grapefruit, extracts of the emperor cylindric, pumpkin, shiitake, macadamia and tamanu vegetable oils, as well as bioactive karite. Price - 1500-1800 rubles.
  3. Cream Intensive Anti-Stretch Marks Cream (COLLISTAR). Increases the resistance of elastic fibers. Contains four amino acids. Price - 1500-2000 rubles.
  4. Ampoule solution Phytolastil Anti-Stretch Marks Vials (Lierac). Normalizes the production of elastin and collagen. Reduces the width of stretch marks. Price - 1500-1800 rubles.
  5. Cream Complete Action Anti-Stretch Mark cream (Vichy). Silicon, hydroxyproline and vegetable oils have a corrective and preventive effect, moisturize, nourish the skin, restore its structure, increase elasticity. Price - 1200-1500 rubles.
  6. Crema controle Smagliature seno-corpo cream (Guam). It improves the synthesis of collagen and elastin, promotes the regeneration of connective tissue. Price - 1800-2000 rubles.
  7. Gel-cream Body Biovergetures (Biotherm). Makes the skin elastic, nourishes and moisturizes it, has a healing effect. Price - 1400-1800 rubles.
  8. Serum Slim Extreme 3D SPA (Eveline). An effective remedy for stretch marks, nourishes and moisturizes, has a cooling effect, which is especially good for eliminating skin itching that accompanies pregnancy and a period of intensive growth. It is better to combine with the use of a peeling gel. Price - 300-500 rubles.
  9. Retinol AntiStretch Marks Moisturizing Care (RoC) cream-gel. The formula is based on retinol and a complex of minerals that reduce stretch marks and smooth the skin. Price - 1600-2000 rubles.
  10. Anti-Stretch Cream (Janssen). The herbal component - darutosid - compensates for the lack of collagen, smoothes stretch marks, nourishes the skin. Price - 2300-2900 rudders.

Folk recipes for fighting striae

Thanks to the discovery of I.I. Mechnikov, we know that macrophages begin to absorb dead skin cells, activating its renewal. However, this process is possible only after the top layer of dead cells has been damaged. Of course, we are not talking about injuries, ordinary peeling is enough. After this procedure, macrophages absorb unnecessary cells and the applied cream along with them, at which point skin growth factors are released. Only with this sequence, the collagen contained in cosmetics will begin to act.

To carry out the peeling procedure, it is not necessary to purchase a lot of tubes, you can prepare a scrub at home and minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

It's important to know!

Even before using a folk remedy, no matter how harmless it may seem, you need to consult a doctor.

Peeling should be done twice a week, it helps to remove the stratum corneum

The most popular are recipes based on salt and ground coffee.

To prepare a scrub with salt, you need to mix:

  • a glass of salt (large stone, you can sea);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • ½ cup olive oil (can be almond).

It is applied twice a week during water procedures. It should be well rubbed into problem areas of the skin, while on the chest you need to do it carefully.

Coffee scrub has its own audience of fans, mainly from among those who idolize this drink. It is best to purchase grains, and pass them through a coffee grinder at home, coarse grinding is needed for the recipe.

You can use exclusively coffee scrub, or you can add some ingredient to it:

  • shower gel;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • essential oil;
  • cinnamon and honey;
  • cosmetic clay and honey.

As a result, the consistency should be a mass resembling sour cream.

Stretch marks are a problem for many women these days.

It should be noted that the psychological attitude is no less important than the effective cosmetic or folk remedies for stretch marks that you will use. It helps, in many cases, what you believe in. You need to understand what you are investing your energy and money in, to fight striae purposefully and consistently. In many cases, it is possible to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, and make those that have already appeared invisible with some effort. So do not even think about them if you are planning a pregnancy.

Stretch marks, or scientifically - striae - are superficial scars that spoil the appearance of the skin. The presence of stretch marks does not cause any physical discomfort. Very often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy due to changes in the figure and hormonal changes in the body. It is very difficult to eliminate stretch marks, so it is worth starting a preventive fight even before the appearance of stretch marks. It is not necessary to buy special cosmetic preparations for this, you can also use folk remedies for stretch marks.

Most often, styria are formed on the skin of the thighs, buttocks, chest and forearms, as well as on the abdomen. Stretch marks form during weight fluctuations or during pregnancy. When the figure changes, the skin stretches, and the tissues of the upper layer (epithelium) cannot quickly rebuild, and small gaps form in them. When these mini-injuries heal, skin cells are replaced by connective tissue cells, that is, in fact, stretch marks are superficial scars, scars.

The tendency to form stretch marks can be genetically transmitted, so if mom and grandmother have a lot of stretch marks on their bodies, the prevention of stretch marks should be treated with increased attention.

You need to understand that it will not work to completely remove stretch marks with folk remedies, as well as with cosmetic preparations. But procedures can make stretch marks less noticeable.

Homemade scrubs for stretch marks

Scrub is a tool for exfoliating the top layer of the skin. The use of a scrub allows you to even out the skin and make stretch marks less noticeable. You can prepare the compositions for the procedures at home.

Coffee scrub is a very effective means of preventing the formation and treatment of stretch marks. It is prepared on the basis of ground coffee, and additives to the base can be anything. To prepare the most effective remedies, you need to buy coffee beans and grind it in a coffee grinder, without trying to get a powder that resembles powder. We need a product not of the finest grinding. As additives to the base, you can use:

  • sour cream;
  • cinnamon;
  • natural apple cider vinegar;
  • liquid honey;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • cinnamon;
  • shower gels
  • variety of essential oils.

Supplements can be combined with each other or you can use the ingredients to your liking, focusing on skin reactions. All components of the scrub must be mixed.

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For those who do not like coffee, we can recommend using a sugar scrub. Preparing it is as easy as shelling pears, you need to mix a glass of sugar and salt each and add half a glass of oil to the mixture (you can take any vegetable oil, but olive or almond oil helps to cope with the problem best).

Use the sugar scrub in the same way as the composition with coffee. The skin on the buttocks and thighs should be massaged more intensively than the area of ​​the chest and abdomen. You can use scrubs a couple of times a week.

homemade creams

Carrying out the treatment of stretch marks with folk remedies, you can not do without creams. They are recommended to be applied to the skin daily after a shower and after using scrubs.

Shilajit creams are well-known folk remedies for stretch marks. To prepare the product, you need to buy mummy tablets at the pharmacy. You need to take 2 grams of mummy (with a standard tablet weight of 200 mg, 10 tablets will be required), crush and dilute in a small amount of boiled cold water. Then mix the resulting solution with 100 grams of baby cream and stir. The resulting mass should be folded into a suitable container with a lid and kept in the refrigerator. Use every evening, rubbing into problem areas after a shower.

A cream with dandelion leaves and aloe juice helps well to make existing stretch marks on the skin less noticeable, and the remedy is also suitable for preventing their appearance. For cooking you will need:

  • fresh dandelion leaves - 100 grams;
  • aloe - 3 leaves (take the lower large leaves of the plant);
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • oatmeal - 2-3 tablespoons (to obtain flour, you need to grind Hercules flakes).

Aloe is wrapped in gauze or parchment and kept in the refrigerator for at least 72 hours. Then grind them together with dandelion leaves to a puree state (you can use a blender).

Mix the green mass with the oil, then gradually add the ground oatmeal until the mass acquires the consistency of a cream.

Preparing lotions for stretch marks

Before applying the healing cream, you can apply a homemade herbal lotion to the skin, because natural remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy are always better than ready-made formulations with preservatives and fragrances.

You can make a lotion from carrots and almond oil. Grind a large carrot on a fine grater (the root crop, of course, will need to be washed and peeled). Pour the crushed mass with a glass of cold boiled, and preferably distilled water, stir. Let stand for fifteen minutes and strain, carefully squeezing out the sediment.

Read also: Preparing sugar paste for depilation

Combine the infusion with a tablespoon of almond oil and shake well. Store the composition in refrigerators, shake well before use, use twice a day.

Horsetail is a plant that contains a lot of silicon, which promotes skin regeneration. Therefore, from the tincture of horsetail, you can prepare a lotion for the treatment of stretch marks. To prepare the remedy you need to take:

  • 50 grams of dry grass;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka or 250 ml of alcohol and the same amount of water;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

It is necessary to mix all the components in a glass container and infuse in a dark place for four weeks. The finished composition will need to be filtered and diluted with water by half. Apply twice a day daily.

Oils and their uses for stretch marks

Instead of creams for application to problem areas, mixtures of oils can be used. The most effective composition for improving the appearance of the skin is this:

  • 200 ml olive oil;
  • 4 full teaspoons of almond oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil;
  • 5 drops of fragrant essential oil.

Any aromatic oil can be used, rosemary, lavender, red orange are especially recommended.

All components are mixed and poured into a bottle made of dark glass (it is impossible to store the oil in the light). The product is applied to the skin after a shower, while simultaneously conducting a light massage of problem areas.

home wraps

At home, you can do such a salon procedure as wrapping. However, these procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy, so they are best done after childbirth. In addition, wrapping cannot be done when:

  • varicose disease;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
  • skin diseases;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency.

In addition, you must first make sure that the components used during the procedure do not cause an allergic reaction.

Wrapping rules:

  • prepare the composition for application to the skin;
  • take a warm shower, you can use a scrub;
  • blot the body with a towel and apply the prepared composition to the treated areas;
  • wrap the treated areas of the skin with cling film, winding it in a spiral. The layers of the film should be laid quite tightly, but not tightening the body, it is more convenient to wrap the body in the direction from the bottom up;
  • wrap yourself in a large towel or terry sheet;
  • lie down for 40 minutes;
  • remove the film and wash off the composition from the skin;
  • apply cream or oil to the skin.

Composition for wrapping with chamomile and milk helps to fight stretch marks. Dry chamomile flowers (200 grams) are ground into powder and poured with hot milk so that a creamy mass is obtained. After the composition has cooled slightly, apply to the skin.

Every woman runs the risk of getting acquainted with striae during pregnancy, hormonal failure, a sharp change in body weight. Sometimes these bright stripes on the body appear for no apparent reason. And then various cosmetics, salon procedures and even plastic surgery are used. Under the influence of distributors of expensive cosmetics, cosmetologists are increasingly undeservedly forgetting about folk remedies for stretch marks. But this is a real, time-tested way to regain your attractiveness without spending much money.

Agree, the appearance of striae is not the best way reflected in women's psychological comfort. But they do not pose any danger to life and health. Therefore, do not lose heart when you find these cicatricial skin changes on your stomach, thighs, buttocks or chest. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is microtrauma of individual fibers of the skin, which are associated with overstretching.

There are 3 types of striae:

  • tiny pale pink scars;
  • colorless threadlike stripes;
  • longitudinal scars of red-blue color.

If horizontal stretch marks are found on the body, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such skin defects are associated with serious endocrine disorders.

The risk of striae increases several times during:

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • excessive physical activity.

Stretch marks become paler over time and practically do not stand out against the background of healthy skin. But don't expect them to disappear on their own. Remember: striae can and should be fought on fresh tracks. Treatment methods depend on the preferences of the woman, the condition of her skin.

Get rid of stretch marks will allow a wide range of procedures that are carried out in beauty salons, aesthetic medicine clinics and even at home. The fight against this cosmetic defect with the help of folk remedies can be lengthy, but the result will surely please you.

The benefits of folk ways to deal with stretch marks

The main advantage of using folk remedies for stretch marks is accessibility. You can cook them yourself by buying the necessary ingredients at a pharmacy or specialized stores. You don't need a lot of money for this. In addition, some components can be grown in the country or in flower pots on your windowsill.

To prepare a home remedy for stretch marks, you do not need much time and special tools.

Treatment at home has only one drawback. This method is effective for fighting only fresh, small in size and depth striae.

The main methods of dealing with stretch marks on the body with the help of folk remedies:

  • natural food;
  • aromatic and essential oils;
  • home scrubs;
  • mummy, etc.

Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, they help improve skin condition

In order to achieve a visible result, an integrated approach is required, a combination of several methods, as well as the regularity of the procedures. Do not forget about preventive measures. Remember the well-known medical postulate that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences and complications.

Do not try to get the result in a short time - it is impossible. Trust the experience of previous generations and time. Together they can work wonders.

Natural food is the main anti-streak secret of our grandmothers

A balanced diet can help prevent stretch marks. In order not to harm your skin, first of all, give up severe food restrictions. Remember - not only a sharp weight gain, but also rapid weight loss is dangerous for your appearance.

Youth and beauty will help prolong the most common foods from your daily diet. What substances should be present in them?

  • Vitamin C

This element is popularly called the “guardian angel” of the skin. It protects it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive external factors, stimulates the process of collagen production. L-ascorbic acid is rich in citrus fruits and berries, broccoli, bell peppers.

  • Vitamin A

Stimulates active renewal of skin cells. Retinol is found in animal products such as liver, egg yolks, as well as carrots, potatoes, cantaloupe, green leafy vegetables.

Your goal is healthy and glowing skin!

  • Vitamin E

The most powerful antioxidant, which is involved in the restoration of damaged skin cells, protects them from environmental influences and free radicals. Foods high in vitamin E can help prevent stretch marks: nuts, seeds, peanut or olive oil, avocados, oatmeal, and stewed tomatoes.

Gives the skin a healthy look, increases its elasticity and density. A lot of zinc is found in lean beef, beans and bananas.


Abuse of even the most useful products is a direct path to excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks!

Get rid of stretch marks with oils

For a spa treatment at home, you will need fatty massage oils. The following oils are considered basic remedies for stretch marks:

  • from wheat germ (moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regeneration processes, softens scar tissue);
  • jojoba (improves blood circulation, nourishes and actively moisturizes);
  • avocado (stimulates collagen production);
  • almonds (increases skin elasticity).

Essential oils are effective against stretch marks, but the main condition is the regular use of masks and creams with them.

To combat stretch marks, olive, peach, sesame and linseed oils are used. But sea buckthorn, despite all its usefulness, is not used to combat such a cosmetic defect as striae because of its strong drying effect.

Natural oils are used in combination with aromatic oils. The best essential oils are considered to be oils from lavender, mountain orange (neroli), geranium, rose, rosemary, patchouli, mint, cloves and mandarin.

The mixture of base and essential oils is a powerful natural product. It allows you to simultaneously moisturize the skin, increase elasticity and saturate it with vitamins.

There are many recipes for making aromatic products at home. We suggest you try some of them.

Recipes for prevention

  1. In 30 ml of peach oil, add 1 drop of orange and lavender oil, as well as 2 drops of neroli aroma oil.
  2. Mix olive oil (30 ml) with wheat germ oil (15 ml) and avocado (15 ml). Add 4 drops of essential oils of neroli, lavender and rosemary to the resulting mixture.
  3. To one tablespoon of almond oil, add 5 drops of mandarin oil.

Healing recipes

  1. 0.5 cup olive oil, a tablespoon of jojoba oil and 15 drops of rose oil.
  2. Mix equal proportions of coconut, olive and cocoa butter. Add a few drops of liquid vitamin E.
  3. You will need 100 ml of almond oil and aloe juice, vitamin E (10 drops) and vitamin A (5 drops).

Regular use of home-made aromatic balms allows you to fight even with chronic stretch marks.

It is important!
Oil-based products are gently applied to the skin after a shower. It is ideal to combine this procedure with a light massage.

Video story about home wraps against stretch marks

You can improve skin tone and get rid of stretch marks with the help of home scrubs. Sugar, sea salt and coffee grounds are most often used for their preparation.

  • coffee scrub

It can be prepared in one of two ways.

  1. Pour boiling water over 100 g of natural coffee. Cool, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and mix well.
  2. Drain the grounds left after making a coffee drink. Mix it with sour cream or any base oil.

The effectiveness of this scrub will be appreciated not only by coffee gourmets

  • Sweet salty scrub

To prepare this simple and effective remedy, you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar and a little vegetable oil.

Peeling at home is recommended 2-3 times a week before going to bed in combination with a contrast shower and massage. After the procedure, the skin needs additional hydration. For this purpose, ready-made cosmetics or natural oils are used.

Recipes for stretch marks with mummy

You can add mummy to the nourishing body cream. It will accelerate the recovery of the skin, increase the strength and elasticity of its fibers.

To do this, dissolve 2 tablets of mummy in a teaspoon of boiled water. Add it to a pre-prepared container with cream, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The product is stored in the refrigerator for 6 months. The average duration of treatment is 2 months. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Ready to fight stretch marks at home? Stock up on patience and confidence in your victory. You will succeed!

Every day, during all 9 months of his life in the mother's womb, the baby grows, and with it the woman's belly also increases.

Stretch marks are a problem for many women. It is especially acute for expectant mothers. Non-aesthetic scars can occur not only in the abdomen - the place of greatest stretching of the skin, but also on the chest, on the sides, on the hips. The modern market of cosmetics offers a lot of remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy. In addition, a woman can prepare drugs no less effective against pharmaceutical analogues on her own at home.

Stretch marks during pregnancy - unpleasant guests

Stretch marks - this uninvited guest, who at least once in his life, but visited almost every woman. The peculiarities of the position most often affect the skin of expectant mothers not in the best way. The increased tension of the dermis often leads to rupture of the latter. As a result, the body tries to replenish the missing skin by forming connective tissue, which leads to the appearance of scars - stretch marks.

Types of stretch marks during pregnancy

What are stretch marks during and after pregnancy? "Under the blow" most often get the stomach, thighs, buttocks, chest. A woman can also find non-aesthetic scars in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forearms, on the sides. Depending on the intensity of damage, the manifestation of striae is as follows:

  • The appearance of small pale pink scars.
  • Formation of filiform white scars.
  • The appearance of deep furrows of red-blue color.

Their arrangement can be both longitudinal and transverse. Vivid examples of stretch marks during pregnancy are shown in the photo below.

Causes of stretch marks during pregnancy

The presence of what factors increases the risk of non-aesthetic scars during gestation?

  • Heredity. Yes, mother nature intervened in such a seemingly individual factor as skin elasticity. However, even if your mother and grandmothers have passed such a fate as stretch marks, it is still worth paying attention to additional moisturizing and softening of the skin.
  • Weight gain and an increase in the volume of body parts. During the bearing of the crumbs, not only the stomach grows. Hormonal changes lead to an increase in the breast of the expectant mother, sometimes not even by 1, but by 2-3 sizes. If weight gain occurs quickly or the number of extra kilos is large, the hips and buttocks “suffer”. All these changes lead to a strong stretching of the skin, and if it is not elastic enough or the tension is too high, tissue rupture occurs. In the presence of multiple pregnancy, these factors are further enhanced.
  • The fragility of the fibers of the dermis causes increased production of the hormone cortisone.
  • Weak abdominal muscles. Their hypotonicity leads to the inability to hold the growing uterus and there is a strong overstretching of the abdominal tissues.
  • Decreased natural elasticity of the dermis. Increased production of estrogen leads to a decrease in the production of amino acids, as a result - a decrease in the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Smoking exacerbates this factor even more, as a result of which oxygen starvation of the skin occurs.
  • Undernutrition is no less dangerous than overnutrition. The baby takes all the necessary elements from the mother, so in case of a lack of vitamins and minerals, the skin experiences an additional “hit”.

The presence of risk factors significantly increases the likelihood of stretch marks during pregnancy, regardless of what you do and what creams you use.

Folk recipes for stretch marks during pregnancy

Natural products will help support the skin during the period of serious tests of its strength. Their effect is mild, but quite effective. Any trouble is much better to prevent than to eliminate its consequences. This statement applies to stretch marks as well. Regular skin care will reduce the likelihood of stretch marks.

Oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

One of the most important assistants in maintaining the required level of skin elasticity are oils that nourish and tone the skin, making it softer.

  • Combine 200 ml of olive oil with almond oil (4 tsp) and wheat germ extract (2 tsp). Add up to 5 drops of the essential composition to the resulting composition. As an aromatic addition, you can use rosemary, lavender oil or aroma oil of mountain orange, patchouli.

  • To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy, you can use the following composition. Combine 2 drops of geranium oil, 3 drops of tangerine oil and a drop of lavender oil. Add essential supplements to 10 drops of wheat germ oil. Apply the composition of no more than 5-6 drops to problem areas, starting from the 4th month of waiting for the crumbs.

  • Combine a tablespoon of almond oil and 5 drops of tangerine oil.
  • In 30 ml of peach oil, add a drop of lavender and orange oil, as well as 5 drops of neroli.
  • Mix equal parts cocoa butter, olive oil, and coconut oil to make a pregnancy stretch mark remedy. Add 2-3 drops of vitamin E to the resulting mixture.
  • Prepare 100 ml of almond oil and aloe juice. Combine them and add 5 drops of vitamin A and 10 drops of vitamin E.

  • The use of exclusively essential compositions is also allowed, but only pointwise, since the effect of these oils is stronger than that of vegetable oils. You can use oil extracts of rosemary, cedar, rose, tangerine.
  • As independent remedies, you can use not only peach or olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, but also sesame or linseed oil.

For best results, oil formulations are best applied after showering or bathing. The massage movements that will be performed at the same time have an additional beneficial effect on the skin.

Lotions for stretch marks during pregnancy

An equally effective prophylactic is natural lotions.

  • Carrots and almond oil are the best helpers for stretch marks during pregnancy. Combine 1 peeled and chopped root vegetable with a glass of distilled water. After 15 min. strain the composition, squeezing out the sediment. Add to the resulting infusion with 1 tbsp. oil and shake well. Store the product in the refrigerator, apply to the skin twice a day.
  • The composition of comfrey is an excellent regenerating agent that will help the skin maintain and restore an attractive appearance. Prepare 1 tbsp. dry herbs (available at the pharmacy), fill it with a glass of distilled water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. The composition is ready. The juice of the fresh roots of the plant can be used to treat existing scars to heal and restore the skin.

Homemade cream for stretch marks during pregnancy

To prepare a saving cream, you will need fresh dandelion leaves (100 g), olive oil (or any vegetable oil - 80 ml), 3 medium or large aloe leaves, 2 tbsp. oatmeal (or crushed oatmeal). Aloe and dandelion leaves are combined and crushed. Pour in the oil. Next, whisking continuously, add the flour. The resulting creamy mass will help to cope with unsightly scars, as soon as they appear on your skin. Apply the product for 15-20 minutes a day on problem areas.

Aromatic baths against stretch marks during pregnancy

Before carrying out such procedures, a consultation with a gynecologist is required! Permissible water temperature - no more than 37 ° C, the duration of the procedure - up to 20 minutes.

  • Take a bath of water at a pleasant temperature. In 1 tablespoon of sea (or ordinary) salt, add a few drops of essential compounds - 3 drops of chamomile and tangerine oil. Pour the aromatic salt into the water.
  • Prepare 300 g of kelp (seaweed), a kilo of sea salt and 0.5 cups of olive oil. Place the algae in a separate container and pour boiling water over it. After 30 minutes, the resulting infusion, along with kelp (place them in a gauze bag), is sent to the bathroom. Separately mix salt and oil and also pour the composition into water. Instead of algae, you can use green tea and alternate these procedures.

Stretch marks after childbirth

And, if, despite all efforts, it was not possible to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, an integrated approach will help to significantly reduce their manifestations. Of course, only laser resurfacing can completely remove already existing stretch marks and make the skin absolutely smooth. One of the effective and therefore popular means of improving the condition of the skin is a scrub. Its abrasive particles remove dead cells of the upper layer of the dermis and, as it were, polish the skin. As a result, the latter becomes not only more attractive in appearance, but also soft and smooth to the touch. You will not be able to completely get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy with the help of such a tool, but the condition of the dermis is guaranteed to improve. To prevent damage to the skin, various oils are added to the composition of the natural helper. Their functions also include softening the dermis, eliminating irritations. After the cleansing procedure, do not forget to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

  • Coffee scrub. An effective yet simple tool. The main ingredient is ground coffee. Grinding should be coarse, so you should buy whole grains, and then grind them manually or with a coffee grinder (but not into crumbs). The resulting grains must be mixed with one of the following components: baby cream, honey (alone or with the addition of cinnamon), shower gel, sour cream, essential or vegetable oils, cosmetic clay.

The choice depends on individual preference and tolerance. Then, with gentle massaging actions, apply the composition to the skin steamed after taking a bath or shower. After 15-20 minutes, the product can be washed off with warm water.

  • Sweet and salty scrub. To prepare the product, you will need a glass of sugar and salt (cooking) and half a glass of oil (preferably palm oil, but any other will do). Mix everything thoroughly and at the end of the shower carefully rub into the skin. After - rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing lotion to the dermis.

  • Cream with mummy. Take 2 g of mummy (10 tablets), crush them and pour in a little water. Combine the resulting mixture with 100 g of baby cream and mix thoroughly. Store the product in the refrigerator. Use daily.

Cosmetic products for stretch marks during pregnancy

Arriving at the pharmacy, the expectant mother is presented with a huge number of cosmetic products, the action of which is aimed at preventing the appearance of stretch marks. How not to get lost among such a variety, what means to pay attention to and how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

Mandatory components of an effective remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy

In order for the selected remedy to have the desired effect, its components must have a complex effect - to increase and maintain the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, moisturize it, and improve blood circulation in the skin. That is why it is important to carefully study the composition of the product. Among its components must be:

  • Collagen is a natural binding protein. It is its lack that leads to a decrease in skin elasticity, tissue ruptures and the appearance of ugly scars and scars. The component increases the elasticity of the fibers and promotes the formation of rupture-resistant bonds between them. Preference should be given to products with collagen of plant origin, especially effective is marine collagen.
  • Mineral elements (potassium, zinc, selenium, silicon, sodium) "take care" of maintaining a sufficient level of moisture in the cells, are responsible for the regeneration of the latter.
  • Hyaluronic acid. A well-known ingredient in many anti-aging products. In this case, his participation is also indispensable. Acid plays an important role in maintaining the optimal water balance of the dermis, resulting in improved skin elasticity. In addition, cosmetics may contain fruit acids, aloe vera extract.
  • Vitamin complex. This component is integral if we are talking about a really high-quality product. Vitamins nourish and moisturize the dermis, have an antioxidant effect, stimulate the synthesis of their own collagen in cells. Retinol (vitamin A) promotes active cell regeneration, epidermal renewal.
  • Natural oils and extracts provide additional nutrition and hydration to the dermis, increase its elasticity. The most effective are the following oils: wheat germ, grape seed, olive, shea and cocoa. The presence of seaweed extract, chamomile or green tea in the cosmetic product will further enhance the effect of the product.

Rules for the use of finished products for stretch marks during pregnancy

To achieve the maximum effect from the products used, you should not forget about a few rules:

  • Creams for stretch marks, and especially on the stomach, during pregnancy, you must begin to apply even before the appearance of unpleasant scars, preferably starting from the first weeks of happy expectation of the crumbs. So you can prepare the skin for subsequent loads.
  • Rubbing the cream should be done regularly, at least twice a day. The product is applied to cleansed integument, massaging movements.
  • Make sure your skin is adequately hydrated. If necessary, use additional cosmetic products.
  • Pay attention to the consistency of the composition - more liquid products (gel, milk, emulsion, liquid cream) are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin than a thick cream.

Pharmacy creams for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Good results as a prophylactic against stretch marks during pregnancy, according to reviews and based on an assessment of the composition of the product, have shown such creams:

  • Pregnacare. It has a pleasant texture and natural ingredients in the composition. Actively nourishes the skin.
  • Mom Comfort. Hypoallergenic agent, the action of which is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the skin, thanks to the extracts (green tea, green coffee, ficus) included in the composition.
  • 9 months. It differs not only in natural ingredients, but also in moderate cost.
  • Sanosan. Nourishes and protects the skin, prevents tissue rupture. Specially designed for expectant mothers, therefore it contains only natural ingredients.
  • Avent. The unique properties of the cream are provided by the oils included in its composition - papaya, Shea tree, seaweed.

Depending on individual susceptibility and price restrictions (it would be erroneous to say that all means are cheap and affordable), a woman selects her individual product and decides how to smear stretch marks during pregnancy.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy

As preventive measures, in addition to the direct treatment of the skin with various means, there may be:

  • Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors against the occurrence of stretch marks. The diet of the expectant mother must contain vitamin A (liver, carrots, potatoes, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables), vitamin C (citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers, berries), vitamin E (seeds, nuts, peanut and butter, oatmeal cereal, avocado), zinc (beef, beans, bananas).
  • Physical exercise. In the absence of contraindications, the expectant mother should not forget about moderate physical activity (swimming, yoga, exercise). Exercise will help keep your muscles toned and keep your skin firm and toned.
  • Cold and hot shower. If the doctor approves such procedures, you can carefully proceed to such douches. The improvement of blood circulation, which will certainly occur in this case, will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Wearing a bandage also reduces the load on the skin. Do not neglect it, even if there is no medical indication for such an “accessory”.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy does not guarantee that scars will not appear. However, an integrated approach to such a non-aesthetic problem as striae significantly reduces the risk of the latter.

Every woman who has given birth is interested in the question of how to get rid of stretch marks. Those who regularly play sports, especially bodybuilding, also often face the problem of stretch marks on the skin of the thighs and abdomen. And the problem is especially relevant for men and women who are prone to a sharp set and weight loss.

However, everyone who wants to return the skin to its original appearance is faced with false promises and expensive useless drugs that do not give any result at all. In fact? Are there any drugs that work and restore a smooth surface of the skin? Or is there no way out, there is deceit and quackery all around, and nothing but surgery will help? It is worth dealing with this issue in more detail before ordering another miracle cream.

Know the enemy in the face - what are stretch marks?

Anyone who understands the essence of their problem will not fall for the bait of cunning advertisers and unscrupulous sellers of fakes. called deep or superficial tears in the upper or middle layer of the epidermis, which appear under the action of a sharp stretch
skin. How striae are formed:

  1. At the first stage, the skin is stretched, this causes an unpleasant and obsessive itching. Skin cells do not have time to divide at the rate at which body weight gain occurs.
  2. Within 7-20 days, noticeable pale pink stripes appear in the place that itches. - these are the areas in which the cells of the epidermis divide at the highest possible speed. At the same time, the cells of the dermis (deeper layer of the skin) do not have time to divide, a sinking scar appears.
  3. At their core, stretch marks are classic atrophic scars, and behave in exactly the same way. Over time, the pale pink color darkens, and then fades again and becomes white.

Many people would never have such skin imperfections if they knew how to avoid breaks. Who is at risk for stretch marks, and what is the peculiarity of stretch marks in these people:

  1. Those who are planning a pregnancy. More than 80% of women receive when carrying a child, and more than 95% on the stomach. At the same time, skin problems on the chest begin already in the first trimester, and on the stomach - closer to the beginning of the 3rd trimester.
  2. Those with a family history of men or women affected by stretch marks. Genetics have proven that the skin's tendency to tear and atrophy is inherited. 75% of people with stretch marks have relatives in the family with a similar problem. With a hereditary predisposition, atrophic scars affect the abdomen, buttocks and front of the thighs, appear in the area of ​​​​the forearms. With severe obesity, even stretch marks on the cheeks and décolleté are possible. In most cases, the breast suffers, especially with impaired collagen synthesis.
  3. Athletes who tend to gain muscle mass. There are sports, such as boxing or bodybuilding, where you simply need to gain weight in order to successfully train and compete. And if weight gain occurs faster than skin cells have time to divide, stretch marks are likely to appear. It is possible to avoid such a result if, at the same time as enhanced nutrition, prevention is carried out and care is taken to take care of the skin. According to experts, 30-50% of bodybuilders have stretch marks, most often they appear against the background of sports nutrition. Stretch marks are localized in the area of ​​​​the most active muscle growth, namely: on the forearms, on the calves and on the buttocks. The abdomen or chest is rarely affected.
  4. , just like in adults, stretch marks occur with obesity caused by malnutrition, diseases of the endocrine system, or malfunctions in metabolism.

Interesting! It is widely believed among the people that it is easier for children to return the normal appearance of the skin, but dermatologists assure that there is no difference.

Atrophic scars, acquired in childhood, become more even in tone with the surrounding skin with age and become less noticeable, but do not always go away on their own.

Separating truth from lies is an effective treatment

The fashion for ideal skin in terms of color and relief appeared a long time ago, and more than one generation of scientists has been working on preparations for stretch marks. What preventive measures help to stop the formation of gaps at the very beginning and:

  1. Bandage. For those who are carrying a child, it is necessary to wear a support bandage starting from the 2nd trimester. According to rough estimates, this design can reduce the likelihood of striae by 50-70%. With a hereditary tendency or when carrying twins, a bandage is required without fail.
  2. Supportive bra. After surgery to increase the mammary glands or during pregnancy, it is imperative to protect the skin from ruptures. For this, more than 15 different models of specialized underwear have been created. Bras are comfortable and low elasticity. The chest is fixed in the cup, and the load falls not on your own muscles or skin, but on the supporting straps of the bra. With breast augmentation, the attending physician individually selects such underwear, and during pregnancy, any comfortable bra with rigid straps and closed cups will do. You need to start wearing special underwear at the end of the first trimester, when the mammary glands begin to grow actively, and there is a high probability.
  3. For athletes, the only prevention and treatment at the initial stage of the formation of stretch marks is diet. With the help of creams or ointments, you can significantly improve the skin and help speedy regeneration, but long-term results cannot be achieved without proper nutrition.

A diet that will protect the skin is different from any other weight loss diet. Properly organized nutrition is the easiest and guaranteed effective way to protect yourself from stretch marks. However, there are subtleties in its application.

Advice! For children, the diet is compiled in the same way as for adults. But with pathologies of the adrenal glands, with obesity or diabetes, you need to consult a pediatric endocrinologist.

Does the stretch mark diet work?

If a person wants to choose nutrition as a prevention of atrophic skin changes, then you need to pay attention to 3 points:

  1. A diet rich in collagen may not help if the affected person has an adrenal disorder.
  2. Getting rid of stretch marks is impossible as long as a person takes anabolic steroids. Therefore, some athletes, even with the help of competent prevention, cannot avoid stretch marks.
  3. There are drugs that enhance the benefits of the diet, such as oral contraceptives for women. Those who protect themselves in this way have the highest chances of protecting themselves from stretch marks.

It is important to understand that nutrition will help in prevention and get rid of fresh stretch marks, but will not save you from old atrophic lines on the body. According to prescription, they are divided into 2 categories:

  • fresh - up to six months from the moment of appearance;
  • old - more than six months.

Contrary to the assurances of many unscrupulous nutritionists, not a single, even the most useful, diet helps with chronic stretch marks. Only the installation of silicone fillers or will remove such defects. However, a well-designed diet normalizes body weight and leads to weight loss. Skin tension is reduced and new stretch marks stop forming. This is the undoubted benefit of the diet from striae. What are the principles for catering?

  1. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, this volume does not include coffee, soup, tea, juices and other drinks. Eliminate completely soda, except for medicinal mineral water. There are myths that losing weight on low-calorie diets negates the likelihood of stretch marks. In fact, the dehydration that occurs with such a diet leads to premature aging of the skin and to a decrease in its elasticity. Losing weight does not increase the risk of stretch marks if a person drinks every time they feel the need.
  2. Eat daily meat, especially red, beef and pork.
  3. Make vegetable salads every day, do not neglect boiled and stewed vegetables. The inclusion of vegetable dishes is not only good for the skin, but also helps in weight loss.
  4. Buy and take daily fish oil capsules. Vitamin E is a cheap and very beneficial substance for the skin.
  5. Supplement your diet with vitamin A or foods high in this substance. There are carrots, fish and greens.
  6. Be sure to drink ascorbic acid, eat citrus fruits and vegetables with vitamin C. This substance is indispensable in the synthesis of collagen. Ascorbic acid contributes to the normalization of metabolism, supports oxidative reactions and fat burning, helps to lose weight.
  7. Get enough zinc. This trace element is included in many complexes of vitamins and minerals, including a number of products for sports nutrition. In its pure form, zinc can be found in oysters, in ordinary food gelatin, in beef and lamb. Gelatin actively helps the regeneration of connective tissue and is very useful for the prevention and rapid healing of stretch marks.

Diet helps, provided that the person supplements it with skin care products. Local application of healing compositions and reduces the likelihood of stretch marks by 30-45%, even under the condition of a hereditary tendency.

Attention! No need to buy expensive creams or body lotions. Even cheap medicines and cosmetics can be effective.

It is better to spend money on quality food than to sponsor another fake.

What creams can you trust?

Effective formulations for stretch marks necessarily include either elastin or collagen. In addition, they may contain moisturizing or stimulating microcirculation components. It is desirable that the composition includes vitamin C, vitamin A or B, vitamin E. The following cosmetics have a good and proven reputation:

  1. Mom Comfort. This is a fairly cheap tool, it costs about 300-450 rubles. The tubes are enough for several months, because you only have to lubricate the area of ​​​​the body on which there is an itch. The main substance is hyaluronic acid, which triggers skin regeneration processes and prevents atrophy.
  2. Pregnacare. Despite the fact that the cream is positioned as specialized for pregnant women, both athletes and obese children can use it. The price for a tube starts from 500 rubles, but the effect comes very quickly. The composition includes medicinal plants with vitamin C, healing panthenol and liquid vitamin E.
  3. . According to reviews, this is one of the effective, but at the same time affordable creams. The average cost is 360 rubles. The main component is elastin, in addition, soothing extracts of medicinal plants are included in the composition. The composition relieves itching and improves skin elasticity.

Every day you need to lubricate problem areas of the skin and carry out a simple massage. With pinching or kneading movements, you can increase blood flow and help skin regeneration.

Advice! For massage, you can prepare a soft scrub that stimulates microcirculation.

Stretch mark scrubs

The undoubted benefit of folk and homemade recipes is that they are as cheap as possible. Why buy a lotion for 2500 rubles, if you can buy regular baby body oil, add ground coffee to it and get a skin-friendly drug? , 3 trendy recipes:

  1. Oil base + abrasive + moisturizer. As an oil base, you can take coconut or sunflower oil, many people buy baby body oil. The base must be poured into any container, add ground coffee and a little moisturizer (Vaseline is also suitable). Mix everything, rub the resulting slurry into problem areas. This recipe is really the fastest.
  2. Egg + lemon + fatty base. As a basis, you can take any fat cream or even Vaseline. Separate the protein from the egg, mix it with the cream, squeeze out a whole lemon. The composition should be gently applied to the skin where it itches. If desired, aloe juice is included in the recipe.
  3. Ice + honey + aspirin. Temperature changes train the capillaries, so after a hot shower it is useful to wipe itchy stripes with an ice cube. Honey is included in the recipe to nourish the skin, but if you have allergies or poor tolerance, this component can be replaced with a moisturizer. After the skin has been rubbed with ice, it should be lubricated with cream or honey with the addition of crushed Aspirin.

The compositions should not be left on the skin for a long time, they must be washed off for 10-15 minutes. In terms of money, such prevention is very cheap, and the effect of it will be noticeable within 2-3 weeks.

Advice! A contrast shower increases the benefits of home cosmetics for stretch marks.

For those who are desperate

How to get rid of old stretch marks or stubborn stretch marks? If defects have arisen for a long time or creams do not help from them, you can resort to radical methods. Just like any other atrophic scar, stretch marks can be removed by grinding. For athletes, models and those who need perfect skin, this method is preferred.

With age, stretch marks in any case turn pale and become close in tone to normal skin. With the help of a maintenance diet, cosmetics and massage with a scrub, you can make stretch marks invisible as quickly as possible. And if within 1-2 years the skin has not returned to its usual appearance, then it is worth trying polishing.

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